H Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. I lYvfiJ Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE fit jfttCok friB ? By F. M. K1MMELL $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Congress will be in session < Monday next. The Burlington has subscribi $30,000 to the Omaha expositi < enterprise. Both the Palisade Times ai the Trenton Sentinel have joim the silent majority. . William D. McHugh of Om ha has formally taken his positic on the United States bench Omaha. Illinois business men will a * the next legislature for a two-ce : passenger rate on " all railroads : that state. Annin announces that Yoi Uncle Tobe Castor's recent pi grimage to Washington was pur ly pacific , and the silver Demi crats in office all feel better. An effort is being made to s cure a foot ball game at Omah Christmas time , between the But stars and one of the four leadiu elevens of the east , Princeto ; Pennsylvania , Harvard or Yal Truly culture is moving westwan The railroads are preparing i interrogate the postmaster geueri inquiring as to what the railroac can carry as "railroad business' which has been a mooted questio for some time. The railroads war to know definately where they ar at on that question. The Burlington has signified it intention of building a depot i Omaha , and will not wait for othe roads to join in the enterprise though it will be for the use c such other roads as may desire t join in the enterprise. They wil start to build at once in the vicin ity of Tenth and Mason streets. The decision of the Unitei States supreme court in the Elm wood elevator case comes as a mil < surprise. It will be rememberec that the Missouri Pacific railroai company declined to allow the erec tion of an elevator on laud belong ing to that corporation , notwith standing an order from the stat < board of transportation. It appear ed that in this case the Farmers alliance of Elmwood had sough and was refused , the privilege oj erecting a grain elevator at the town of Elmwood , and that npor this refusal the board of transportation - tation issued an order requirino the company to grant the privilege. The Nebraska supreme courtwhen appealed to , rendered a decision adverse to the company , " which took out a writ of error to the United States supreme court. Justice Gray , in the course of his opinion , said the case involved no question of ratesbut that carefully analyzed , it appeared as a case in which a voluntary association of persons sought to secure for themselves certain privileges from the railroad company and to compel the * dona tion of land for elevator pupoBes. He dwelt upon the fact that the alliance was not a corporation , bnt was a voluntary association of in dividuals. Under these circum stances , he said , the court was unanimously of the opinion that the proceeding wa3 an attempt to take private property for private use , without due process of law and in violation of the Fourteenth amendment to the constitution. NORTH COLEMAN. The extremely cold wealr. found many unprepared in vario ways. ways.M. M. L. Brown's feed mill w running on full time , on Frid * the 20th. There were thunder and ligl ning , snow and rain , on the uig of the 25th. On the 25th , Fred Boorz , I. . Stryker , Robert Johnson , Thorn and James Byau , assisted Ji Saunders in plastering his ne dwelling. Thanksgiving was blizzardy ai many hearts were disappointed consequence. The snow wou scarcely be one inch in depth if covered the ground evenly. We had not received The Tri dne when we sent in our last item else we should have heeded tl editor's request to send items on from our own neighborhood. Mrs. I. B. Stryker was duly su prised on Monday evening , by number of friends arriving at hi home , in honor of her birthda They brought well filled basket The evening passed off very plea antly in social conversation , a seeming to have a generous supp ] of that commodity. The repa was ample and justice was dor the same. The wee small hou : were approaching ere the gues were homeward bound. Knipple must close out Entii Stock of QUEENSWARE betbi January 1st. Everything got regardless of cost. You can bu i Set of Dishes or any part of jet or au individual piece at you } wn price. DANBURY. P. J. Bastian's addition will see be completed. Mrs. J. W. Ruby is on the sic ist , this week. Ten degrees below zero , laE veek. Ice 8 inches thick. Good times are returning : agair Hogs were 3 cents , this week. Prof. Pate was visiting his homi it Alma , last Thursday and Friday Harlev Woods went to Derive vith two cars of hogs , last week Frank Nichols just finishe ( hreshing 500 bushels of alfalfr eed for J. E. Dolph. O. B. Woods & Co. are putting ip ice , thiB week. We will havt ; oed sody water next summer. Miss Flora Sewell returnee ome , last Wednesday , from Or- jans where she has been takinar s ourse in music. Stewart Boyd left , Wednesday , jr the eastern part of this state , [ e has been working the past yeai yv C. P. Underwood. TYRONE. Diphtheria is raging in the orth part of this precinct. Florence Moore's school had a acation , Thursday , for Thanks- ivirig. John Flury lost five horses and [ arry McCoy one , recently , from ) me strange disease. Robert Goreley's 4-year-old aughter died , Monday , and was aried in Tyrone cemetery. One of the professors from Or- an's college will lecture at Ty- > ne one week from next Sunday , ; 11 o'clock in the morning. ne Minute Cough Cure , cures. That Is wh t it was made lor. t GERVER. O. L. was down to see the \ dow , this week. Look out J New Year ! Samuel Ellis received three bi rels of apples from his son a daughter in Iowa. Bert Goodenberger has been c sent from school for the past we on account of a severe sore thro but is now able to be at school. Christmas is coming ! Andth are prepariug for it at Please Prairie. They met at J. Dodge's last Friday night to pre tice singing. But where was 1 singing ? Misses Addie Relph , Dora Ell : Bessie Goodenberger , Nellie A brecht aud May Thompson , ai Messrs. Samuel Ellis and Jam Goodenberger made a short vh at Mr. Berndt's , last Sunday , ( business and pleasure bent. The Ladies Aid society met Mrs. N. J. Johnson's , last Wei nesday , to quilt their quilt. Mi Samuel Ellis had the neuralg and was unable to attend. Tl ladies will sell their quilt and gi1 an oyster supper , next Thursda Dec. 3d , at Pleasant Prairie scho house. All are cordially invitt to attend. The price is no Consideration wi Knipple. Queensware goesatBELO COST until January 1st , to close o stock. Unequaled opportunity- bi a Holiday gift for small money. ASH CREEK. I. E. Neel and wife spei Thanksgiving with W. P. Bun and wife. Joe Carter and wife and littl son Fay spent Thanksgiving wit I. H. Warfield and wife. Mr. Harsh of School creek we ) ver , looking at the Thomas placi ast week , with a view of pnrchas ng it. Hev. Morris aud wife left , las veek , for Marshall Co. , Kaiis vhere they will make their horn vith a son. Mrs. A. L. Miller of King City lo.arrived , Sunday and willspen he winter with her parents W. I 3urns and wife. Our school had a very nic Chanksgiving program preparei .ucl rendered it last Weduesda ; fternoon. George Leach am Jcott Doan of McCook and Jacoi lappersett of Indianola were visi Dl'S. Until January 1st , Knipple will sel ou anything and everything : in Queens are line at UNHEARD-OF PRICES. Ai nsurpassahle opportunity to buy a Set o ishes , sort up broken sets , or get an od < r fancy piece for a song. PROSPECT PARK. Bev. J. M. Bell preached at this lace , Sunday. Andrew Anderson took a load oi tt hogs to McCook , Saturday. Bev. J. E. Tirrill aud wife vis ed at B. M. Wade's. Monday. B. M. Wade and wife had busi- 3S8 at the county capitalTuesday. Chas. Boatman drove over to raer , Kansas , Monday , in search [ corn. L. A. Stephens marketed some ae porkers at McCook , fore part : the week. On last Friday morning at sun- se the mercury registered 8 ° be- w zero at this place. Miss Cora Barnes entertained a imber of her young friends , last riday night a week. J. E. Logue mourns the loss of s fine scotch collie dog , which is .killed a short time ago. Chas. Boatman and wife and iifford Dunham and MattieShears ent Sunday evening at E. G. unham's. lb cure all old sores , to heal an indolent er , or to speedily cure piles you need sim- • apply DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve accord- to directions. Its magic-like action will prise you. A. McMillen , Druggist. - - NORTH DIVIDE. A. W. Campbell was d Dein visitor the early part of lasc wee Stock is in good order now ; , a parently better than usual at tl time of year. We miss the poetic effusio and the breezy items from Pleasa Hill. "Just local items , please" . Beece Harrison , who has be working in Chicago for some yen past , will be at home during tl holidays. Mrs. Wm. Bider accompanii her husband to Cheyenne , ai Dorsey Sheppard will occupy tl Rider place daring the winter. The literary at the Spauldii school house is one of the attra tions of that locality , the socie' holding forth every Friday nigli Corn gathering is about ovi with and there seems to be litt else to do at present but skate ai : be merry. It's great sport , and good way to renew one's youth. A small crowd indulged in tl first skating of the season on Belle pond , Saturday night. The i ( was in prime condition , the weatlu just right , and the people agre < able. The usual Thanksgiving service were held at the church , yesterda morning. Bev. Vivian was lie fcened to by a large and apprecif tive audience , despite the nupleaj mt weather. N. W. Clover of Omaha circi iated among friends onhisjourne ; o Denver , Thursday of last weel The folks at Bartley were nc slighted and were given a lot c ' Wallie's" yarns of the metropolis The Epworth League at Bo Elder > s progressing nicely whic ' s due largely to the efforts and cc ) peration of the older members o he society. An entertainment , t vhich a muall admission will b tharged for the benefit of th League , is forthcoming. We now have a fairly well con bridge at the big canyon lear this place , which will be mad [ uite passable with a few days o frade work. For some reason thii oad has been more or less neglect d , as other and far less traveler oads have much larger bridge ! ud culverts more numerous. A leap )7ear party , that promise ! 3 be a very clever aud unique af air , is being arranged to take lace during the closing days oj lie year. The young ladies , whe ave the ' 'doings" in charge , are nusually reticent , but the writei as mustered courage enough tc lake this announcement in ad- ance , aud the full particulars will e given after the ball. "Excuse me" , observed the man in specta- es , "but I am asurgeon , and that is not where e liver is" . "Never you mind where his liver ' , retorted the other. "If it was in his big toe his left ear DeWitt's Little Early Risers Duld reach it and shake it for him. On that u can bet your gig-lamps" . A. McMillen , ruggist. Ifanted An Idea 53 $ otect your ideas ; they may brine ; you wealth , rite JOHN WKDOEKBUBJJ fc CO. . Patent Atto : y , Washington , D. C.for their ai.800 prfce offer a list ot two hundred inventions wanted. F. D. Bukgess , 2 Plumber and j Steam Fitter \ I McCOOK , NEBR. e > -STOCK OF- ? < = : \ IiJ9nLeadSe\ver 7 Pipe , Brass Goods , 2 Pumps and Boiler Trimmings. Agent for HallidayWau- | pun , Eclipse Wind J Mills. In Meeker 9 building , basement ? \ m i 1 Christmas Presents | ' * * fJ i MeMILLEN , @ § P c > 3-/MS THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN- $ & \gl * . | H 1 Celluloid § ' Leather Goods , | 1 1 Venetian # Bohemian Ware , i 1 j | 3 A LARGE LINE OFF3 . , B ! § | ff B Hj DOLLS , TOYS , ALBUMS , | | M | | BOOKS AND BOOKLETS. M j J We can please you in Quality and Price , p | ! . ' , . i H B A. McMILLEN , Druggist , McCOOK. S . V . H iiiiiiiiii ill imrrmrmtiTmrmimTiin hmt For a short time on ly we will allow a dis coun t of 2 5 pei" cent oi all purchases of wal paper. paper.McCONNELIi McCONNELIi & C < Mr. C. M. Dixon , a well known merchant Pleasant Hulge , Fulton Co. , Pa. has a litl girl who is frequently threatened with ciou hut when the first symptoms appear , his wi gives her Chamherlain's Cough Remedy , whit always affords her prompt relief. The 25 ai 50 cent sizes for sale by L.V. . McConnell Co , Druggists. t3jgT\Buy your writing paper * The Tribune office. All kinds i stock and prices very reasonabh Soothing , and not irritating , strengthenin and not weakening , small but effective sue are the qualities of DeWitt's Little Ear Risers , the famous little pills. A. McMille Druggist. We are just in receipts of a ne1 supply of tablets and box paper memorandums , etc. RED WILLOW. Little Koza Myers has com home to stay aud go to school. There was a jolly dinner ant skating party at J. F. Helm ' s Thanksgiving day. There are whispered invitation baing sent for a genuine surpris party at Elias Canaga's , Frida ; 3vening. The surprise is on Mis [ da. The Methodist people have de sided on an oyster supper for tin .right of Christmas. The oyster * ivill be genuine fresh oysters , no ; he usual cove , and a good time ii mticipated. Lost Reward. An English pHg dog. Is about si : ? ears old. Has a leather harnessarouuc leek and shoulders. Finder please re urn to No. 512 Melvin street and receive eward. Dr. Z. L. Kay. Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's swelry store. Residence , room 21 , 'ommercial hotel. Notwithstanding the hard times , S.M. lochran & Co. are keeping a complete iue of general hardware. See them be- are buying. The length of life may be increased by less- ning its dangers. The majority of people die om lung troubles. These may be averted y promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. . . McMillen , Druggist. SHERIFFS SALE. Ity virtue of an order of sale issued from the istrict court of Red Willow county. Nebraska , ider a decree , in an action wherein C. P. & . 15. Dewey are plaintiffs and Chester Dow : ai. are defendants , to me directed and deliv- ed , I shall expose to public sale , and sell to le highest bidder for cash , at the door of the ty hall in the city of McCook , Red Willow mnty , Nebraska , on Monday , December 14 , ' 96. at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the fol- wing described real estate , to-wit : The mtheast quarter of the southwest quarter.and mthwest quarter of southeast quarter of sec- Dn thirty-two , in township number three > rth of range number twenty-seven west of e 6th P. M. J. R. Neei. , Sheriff , ated November 12th , 1S96. W. S. Morlan , Attorney. SHERIFFS SALE. Jiy virtue of an order of sale issued from the strict court of Red Willow county.Nebraska , ider a decree , in an action wherein The Mc- aok Co-Operative Building and Savings asso- stion is plaintiff and William II. Davis et al. e defendants , to me directed and delivered , mall expose to public sale and sell to the ghest bidder for cash , at the door of the city .11. in the city of McCook , Red willow coun- r Nebraska , on Monday , December 21,1S96 , the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following scribed real estate , to-wit : Lot six in block o , First addition to McCook , Red willow unty , Nebraska. Dated November 10,1S06. J. R. Neel , Sheriff , vv. b. Morlan , Attorney. Nov.20-51. The old way of delivering messages by post- ys compared with the modern telephone , istrates the old tedious methods of "break- j" colds compared with their almost instan- leous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. A. : Millen , Druggist. eWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take. , nil n Try that 15 cent box tri M paper at The Tkibune A H office. Worth 25 cts. f | Also cheaper grades. 1 1 'j M = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = f SHERIFF'S SALE. ' ' H Ity virtue of an order of sate issued from the | district court of Red Willow county.Nebraska , HH under a decree , in an action wherein Guy H Lilly , as administrator de bonis nnn with the H will annexed , of the estate of Thomas Loner- H gan , deceased , is plaintiff , and John 11. Dwyer , H et al. , are defendants , to me directed and de- | livcred , I shall expose to public sale , and sell H to the highest bidder for cash , at the door of H the city hall , in the city of McCook , Red Willow - H low county , Nebraska , on Monday , December | 14th , 1896 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the | following described real estate , to-wit : Lot M number one in block number twenty-six , First M Addition to the City of McCook , Red Willow H county , Nebraska. J. R. Nkel , Sheriff. | Dated November I2th , 1896. 1 W. S. Morlan , Attorney. J | H SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the a | district court of Red Willow countyNebraska , * H under a decree , in an action wherein The Mc- H Cook Co-Operative Building and Savings Association - H sociation is plaintiff , and Ollie M. Waterman , H et al. , are defendants , to me directed and delivered - H livered , I shall expose to public sale , and sell H to the highest bidder for cash , at the door of H the city hall , in the city of McCook , Red Willow - H low county , Nebraska , on Monday , December J M 14th , 1896 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the J | following described real estate , to-wit : Lot M number five in block nine in Second Addition M to the city of McCook , Red Willow county , M Nebraska. J. R. Nkei. , Sheriff. \ % H Dated November 12th , 1896. Y'l l W. S. Morlan , Attorney. - H H SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the / < | district court of Red Willow county.Nebraska , / H under a decree , in an action wherein Guy Lil- T H ly , as administrator de bonis non , with the will 1 li M annexed , of the estate of Thomas Lonergan , \ ' H deceased , is plaintiff , and John Quan etal. are " V s H tlefendants , to me directed and delivered , I * H 5hall expose topublicsale.andsell to the high H : st bidder for cash , at the door of the city H liall m the city of McCook , Red Willow coun- H .y , Nebraska , on Monday , December 14 , 1806 , • I H U the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following H iesenbect real estate , to-wit : Lot eleven in H r * . .H. 1 , ? ? ' Flrst addition to South McCook , H M Red Willow county , Nebraska. < Dated , November 12th , 1896. - H , JR - NeeiSheriff. . M U.S. Morlan , Attorney. Nov.rj-sts. v _ H * H SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of'an order of sale issued from the | hstnet court of Red Willow county.Nebraska , < H " } a . decree in an action wherein Diedrich k M Ailers is plaintiff , and Mary J. Pennington , | : t al. , are defendants , to me directed and de- J M lvered , I shall expose to public sale , and sell H o the highest bidder for cash , at the door of H he city hall , in the city of McCook , Red Wil- H ow county , Nebraska , on Monday , December H 4jn , 1896 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the H ollowing described real estate , to-wit : The j M lorthwest quarter of section number twenty- . H line , township number one , north of ranee H lumber twenty-six , west of the 6th P. M. H - . , , . , J. R. Neei , Sheriff. M XT H Jated November 12th , 1896. W. S. Morlan , Attorney. | . SHERIFFS SALE. | _ Uy _ virtue of an order of sale issued from tht H istrict court of Red Willow county , Nebras- M a , under a decree , m an action wherein The H IcCook Co-Operative Building and Savings ' H ssociation is plaintiff and Annie S. Stiles et M I. are defendants , to me directed and deliv H red , I shall expose to public sale , and sell to H le highest bidder for cash , at the door of the H ity hall in the city of McCook , Red Willow V H ounty Nebraska on Monday , December 14 , ' 'J H 596 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the fol- ' H iwing described real estate , to-wit : Lots one H nd two m block twenty-eight in Second addi 1 H . lVu c . u - v of McCook , Red Willow _ - M Dunty , Nebraska. Dated November 12,1896 M , , J- RNeel , Sheriff. H W. S. Morlan , Attorney. H / U M , luteiy P.Ure Pefectly harmless , and in- uiably reliable are the qualities of One Min- * tf H : e Cough Cure. It never fails in colds.croup " H id lung troubles. Children like it because it " H pleasant to take and it helps them. A. Mc - ' H ulen , Druggist. H DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve | H Cures Piles , Scalds. Burns. * H T H = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = That Oougl ) j la liable to become serious % H unless it is promptly stopped. ± * | I M Try a bottle \ McConnelPs \ M Balsam. " 9 ONLY 25 CENTS. % |