I | BLACKWELLS I . WJ1MT * I BR PLiil7-V id NO OTHER. I BrN irh SEE ? II 1 DURHAMi NV"irJBfik Jt _ : I I Yon trill ( IbiI one coapon / -ssmw s Jill jyrfK H Inside each two onnce bag , = = = T\rr * Ws.a C . , J l nvV = = HI ' aad two cOHpon * Inside each / / j5 lfl ! Wlllll ! l I H ibnr onnee hag ot Black- ' . / /Zj l _ SXl J/ " \y\ \ \ r I I well's Durham. Buy a bag . . - Sj jW 11E 3 J.njr" ' I of this celebrated tobacco ip ] _ g jMgE | j H I and read the coupon which M gM &gf s t\ > * g - - - = = = | gives * H.t of valuable presHjiffS ' S W t J cnta and how to get them. iP'PJ'F ' W\fV if J " ' I 1 f lRSTT ] 1 I xi _ ' . . . M H ll2V < X. > 0 WmS I 0. ] Authorized Capital , $100,000. 0 II Ifl Capital and Surplus , $60,000 i | I IS GE0' HOCKNELL , President. B. Nl. FREES , V. Pres. \g \ I Sifl iV F * LAWS0N' c < * shier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass 't Cash. jVj i 4. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. [ § = § ( gg _ _ _ r _ j | § f I ! tt V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. $ I 1 CITIZENS BANK I H < $ OF MeCOOK , NEB. # # # # Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , S10,000 11 H # # # = = = = = = DIRECTORS = = = = - - ! ! H # W H 1 * / . FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , If M W H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , C. H. WiLLARD. 1j : I p Fred Krug Brewing Company ; | I W&i Cabinet Bottled Beek. I : , S - I Wa A Hi h Crrade Lager Beer , | | | I Purest in the Market. g. I PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY , m I 3 Office 1007 Jnckson Si. , Omaha , Neb. gg"g I F. D. BURGESS , I Plumber and Steam Fitter. I MAIN AVENUE , McOOOK , NEB. H Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim- H . ainjrs. Ajrent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. B nil'WfrgnTgWTrWTWWWTHi , FamousJtSexicay euros qmemy , pcrmanenuy m . 1 | 3,1 Ll33i&r4 13fjl 13 Inurvous dlseu&cs. Weuk Mumurr , Xio.ss of liruln toucr H JiMillTiT'lf tl llMiiHtl Headache. Wakefulness , Lost Tltulity , Kinialr KujIs H TW < B S S Sw B Baluri 7ovll dreams , impotency and wasting diseases . caascd bj . 1 MTSlj F * iM tB t voutA/utem T3or xc w .ContalusnoopIotcs.l8anervctontc H 1 ff'K 9'fiV'ifil H f and blood builder. Jlake3thopaeanapuriytronBaiiapunp . . . H I CucJV * JlP JW tJlEasllTcrirriedlnvestpocket. . lperboxeXorS5. . Brmall.pro , H 1 jftyvaitMl TJiLl jNl gd lpaia.'withawrlUenfrutTanUeormoneyrefunded. % Vrltousrrct ' , kML HL. iaBE > k. a lL dKlmedIcal boob , sealed plain wrapper , -with . testimonials one . K lif > TlJlaaTw * " 'T7P . > CTI . B n . lul t nullnr Xo , charge fnrcnnsnltatioTis. ' . , Beware of , imlir. - " j MkCULC akiur. nwi. ftor .Soldlijotirortnt oradJrea51 IS'ESC DCO.aa aaicXenpcCiilcifi Forsalo lnMoCook.Neb..by li. W.McDONNEIIj & CO. . Dragclsta. [ Subscribe for Tfie ttot friie . . . , FLp. r " - „ - j f - * # 5t * * 1- j STATE RMDS TALK. Correcting More of Governor HoN comb's Misrepresentations. GIVE CREDIT WHERE DUE , The Governor 1'Iiij-k Xlttlu Part In tint Transaction of IStntlnt-Ks An Unjust Kl lH ( on Stiperlntendent Corbott - < ioiiimil Churchill aud AlutituI IiiHurntico. 1 • Lincoln , Neb. , Oct. 24. At the be ginning of the last week of the cam paign the atniospheie of the state capi tal Jias a decided tinge of republican confidence in the outcome , and no re publican c- > ! > necteil with the manage ment oi hoanva s lias any leason to change In. , estimate of a liberal re publican majority for the entire ticket. Populists are basing some hopes on the- trip which their candidate will make through the central part of the state November 2 , but there is every reason to believe that republican sentiment ip so perfectly crystallized that it cannot be shaken atauy point by Mr. Bryan's flying four. There are indications that the mana gers of the deniocratic-popnlistic cam paign have little hope of carrying the Btate for Brvan , and are preparing to hedge and make a strong bid for sup port for Holcomb during the last week of the campaign. Already reports have been received from a number of coun ties stating that the popocrats and dein- opops are offering to give McKiuley votes in exchange for Holcomb votes , and while it ie not probable that many republicans are disposed to make the exenange , it is nevertheless not amiss to caution them against such trades. The slate is good for a major ity for the entire ticket , national and state , and it will be wise for every re publican to vote his ticket straight in stead Ox considering trading propesd- tions. i So far as Governor Holcomb is con cerned , he has been running a campaign strictly for himself for a couylo of mouths past , and has had campaigners out working in his personal interest. His leading card has been a misrepre sentation of republican state officials and a glorification of himself. His rep resentations in legard to state educa tional funds have been referred to in a previous letter , wherein it was shown that- the credit of the management aud investment of the permanent school fund has been entirely duo to the re publican officials who comprise the board , and of which the governor is merely the presiding officer. So there is nothing in that. That Two Hundred Thousand Doll.irs. Governor Holcomb and some of his speakers have been veiy industrious in telling the voters of the state how he has saved two hundred thousand dollars by his careful and economical adminis tration of affairs. In the first place there has been no such saving. The appropriations of the last legislature were pared down so that no such saving could bo effected , the business of the various departments aud state institu tions already being on an economical basis when Holcomb came into office. He does not , in fact , have the disposi tion of any state futids except those ap propriated for the maintenance of his own office. He has the appoiutmonb of heads of most of the state institutions , but he has little to say as to how the funds for these institutions shall be expended. Supplies for the state and all of the state institutions are purchased by the board of purchase and supplies , on competitive bids , and contracts are awarded to the lowest bid der. The conduct of the various insti tutions is entirely in the hands of the board of public lands and buildings. It will be found upon the closest investi gation that the interests of the state have been carefully consulted by these boards , and so far as Governor Hol- comb's voice and vote have gone , he has been equally considerate. There is no in timation to the contrary. But when the governor takes to himself the credit for an impossible saving , and re flects upon his brother officials in the same connection , it is as well that the facts should be stated and generally un derstood. A Campaign of Misrepresentation. During the past few weeks of the campaign there is a still stronger ten dency of the populist press and speak ers to break over the barriers of truth and make unfair attack upon some of the republican candidates. To the credit of republicans it can be said that they have not made this sort of a cam paign , and have not even shown a disposition to retaliate , believing that the truth will be found out before election day and that justice will pre vail at the outcome. State Superintendent Corbett is one of the officials who has been subjected to attacks which have no foundation in truth , reason or justice. If the charges made against him by a few personal enemies ever required any refutation , it has been given posi tively and publicly long ago over the signatures of men and women of the highest standing in the state. Among these are the former superintendent or the Omaha public schools ; Chancellor Canfield , formerly of the Nebraska state university , and Hon. C. H. Merrill rill of the board of regents of the state university. These have all shown most positively that Mr. Corbett's course has been above all reasonable censure , while his administration of his impor tant office has called forth the highest praise from every intelligent source. The people of Nebraska , who appreciate him for the gentleman that he is and for the splendid work that he has given to the office of state superintend ent of public instruction , will do him justice at the polls and the majority that he will have will be a rebuke to t 4 * • lander and a complete vindication of his course as a man and as an official. Attorney General Churchill is an * other official who has been attacked by willful misrepresentations. This attack is led by the officers of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance company , which was refused a certificate to do bnsiness by the state anditor upon the opinion of the attorney general. The company brought suit in the supreme court , by mandamus , to compel the auditor to is sue a certificate , but the writ was re fused by the court. This is the extent of . ' , , " Geu.Churchill'8hostility" to the mu tual insurance law. He is not in position to help or hinder these corporations , be ing a mere interpreter of the law , sworn to uphold it , aud in no Fense its ex ecutor. His general course has been one of friendliness to mutual insurance , and he has not at any time played into the hands of the old-Hue companies. As sertions to the contrary are utterly aud absolutely false , made with the inten tion to deceive , aud for the purposeof wreaking personal revenges upon a faithful and competent official. took Out For Elevcnth-Honr Koorbacks. It ought not to bo necessary to cau tion voters against the "eleventh-hour roorback. " But it will be remembered that th6 campaign just closing will bo noted for the fakes aud forgeries that have been put. out by the democratic managers aud newspaper press , to bo reprinted and reiterated aud circulated long after their true character had beou exposed. Hence it is not too much to expect that some new canard will be sprung during the last few days before election. Naturally this would be the last card of the desperate managers of a desperate campaign. The fight is already won for the re publican state aud national ticket. It only remains for republicans to be vigi lant aud keep up an.aggressive canvass until the close of election day , to make the victory ono that will be memorable for generations to como. THAT BALLOT CONTROVERSY. Secretary of Statn Piper's Decision * Are Mistalntnl Ily the Supreme Court. The facts in regard to the controversy between the two wings of the demo cratic parr.y in Nebraska have been gen erally understood , and it is due to Sec retary of Stare Piper that the public should bo correctly informed. It started in 18')4 ' ) when the "gold bug" democrats bolted thd convention that nominated Holcomb , the bolters nominating a state ticket with P. D. Sturdevaut for gov ernor. Secretary Piper refused to put the names upon the ballot except by petition. A petition with five hundred ' name s was secured and the names were placed upon the official ballot as"demo- 2rat3 by petition. " This ticket in the slection of. 1894 polled more than oue per cent of the vote of the state. This gave the bolting wing of the democracy standing as a party. In 1803 the "gold bug" democrats nominated T. J. Mahouey for supreme judge. When his certificate of nomina tion was filed three days remained in which to file a protest against putting his name on the official ballot. After | five days had elapsed a protest was filed. Secretary Pipar was thou estopped by law from considering the protest , but desiring to be fair he agreed to stipulate a test case to the supreme court , whioh decided that Mahouey could appear on the ballot as a democrat. As a matter of fact he had polled two votes to every one polled by the "silver" democrat for the same olhee. This year the same "gold bug" organ ization nominated a state ticket. The "silver" democrats protested. Secretary Piper decided that the "gold bugs" had the right to appear on the ballot as demo crats. The "silver" democrats appealed to the supreme court , which not only sustained Secretary Piper in this one particular , but also as to every other decision. So it will be seen that those who attempted to make political capital against the secretary of state started out too early. Indeed , it is a great feather in the cap of Secretary Piper , whose care ful and law-abiding methods have been of great value to the state in mauy in stances. CORBETT IS COMMENDED. Opposition Newspapers Denounce the Methods of His Detractors. If any candidate on the republican state ticket is elected , that one will be State Superintendent Corbett , and it will be largely because the people de spise contemptible campaign methods , especially when employed against an efficient public officer. A contemporary lately described a certain court decision in Gage county as reversing an important ruling of the state superintendent on a point of I school law. On investigation we find that the ruling in question was sus tained instead of reversed , and in no case has a single decision of that officer been overruled by the courts during the present administration. We fiud that Mr. Corbett is very pop ular among teachers and school officers aud they speak of his work as strong and progressive. We believe the fool ish charges against him have been trumped up by a little clique of per sonal enemies , and we regret that any of the people's party papers should make the political blunder of giving them publicity. Thousands of populists who believe in fair politics will rebuke such methods with their votes. The people's party i3 making a strong but fair fight for principle , and will not be betrayed into indecent attacks by a desire to gain spoils of office. Waverly Watchman ( populist ) . Henry R. Corbett's majority for state superintendent will be a rebuke to those who think Nebraska voters can be fooled by spiteful slanders. He deserves re-election upon his excellent adminis tration , which has been one of the most successful and progressive that office has ever known. Nebraska State Dem ocrat ( democratic. ) CROUP QUICKLY CURED. Mountain Glen , Ark. Our children were suffering with croup when we received a bottle | of Chamberlain'sjCou h Remedy. It afforded almost instant relief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by L.V. . McConnell - Connell & Co. , Druggists. Comfort to California. Every Thursday morning , a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City , Sun Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan , has spring seats and backs and is pro vided with curtains , bedding , towels , soap , etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter ter accompany it through to the Pacific coast. While neither as expensively fin ished nor as fine to look at as a palace sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in. Second class tickets are. honored unci the price of a berth , wide enough and big enough for two , is only $5.00. For a folder giving full particulars , call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket office , or write to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r Agent , Burlington Route. Omaha , Nebr. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included there in , we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactory in it > . results , is putting it very mildly , indeed. It acted , like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesitancy in recommending this excellent Cough Reme dy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty , Liberty- town , Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes tor sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable should read what Mr. P.E. Grisham , of Gaars Mills , La. , has to say on the subject , viz : "I have been a sufferer from chronic diar rhoea ever since the war and have tiied all kinds of medicine for it. At last I found a remedy that effected a cure and that was Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy" . This medicine can always be de pended upon for colic , cholera morbus , dysen tery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and never fails to effect a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. FARINGTON POWER , LAWYER. pyfTractice in all the courts. Collections. Notary Public. Upstairs in the Spearman building , McCook , Nebraska. JOHN E. KELLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Eff Agent ol Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST. © All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith 6 Bellamy , assistants. ! -jlMRS. E. E. UTTER.j MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano. Organ. Guitar and Banjo VOICE TKAININC A SPECIALTY. EB Studio Rear of C. L. DeGroff & Co. W. V. GAGE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCook , Nkiikaska. JS Office hours 9 to II a. m. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms Over the First National bank. Night calls answered at the office. ' J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOiN j McCook , Nebraska. 1 "Office Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten tion given to all calls. ELMER ROWELL , Real Estate , Col lections , Insurance McCook. Nebraska. ST"Notary Public. East Dennison street. ANDREW CARSON , Proprietor < > f the . . . . A . SUNNY SIDE DAIRY ! v We respectfully solicit your business , . ind guarantee pure milk , full measure , i md prompt , courteous service. ; Julius Kunert , Carpet Laying , Carpet Cleaning. Z Tl am still doing carpet laying , carpet : leaning lawn cutting and similar work. See ' > r write me before giving such work. My < rharges are very reasonable. Leave orders at \ Tribune office. 1ULIUS KUNERT. ; [ ) H IfiflTE WOMEN UfcoblUffl Lt I Should Use FEMALE REGULATOR IT IS A SUPERB TONIG and exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening- her system by driving through the proper chan nel all impurities. Health and strength are guaranteed to result irom Its use. My wife was bedridden tor eighteen months , ifter using BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGTJ- LiATOR tor two months. Is getting welL J. M. JOHNSON , Malvern , Ark. JBADFTELD BEGULiTOR CO. , ATLANTA , GA. Sold by all Druggists at SI.00 per bottle. I T l-teacl the best coun- j ty newspaper that's The McCook Tribune \ ever .y time. , A pain in fhe chest is nature's warning that , - pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a piece of tlaunel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm aud bind over the seat of pain , and another on the back between the shoulders , and pronipt relief ' will follow. SoldhyL.W. McConnell & Co. , , Druggists. I Do Not Stop Tobacco ! i How to Cure Yourself While J Using It. 1 The tobacco Imliit throws on a man until his M nervous system is hcriously affected. Imji.ilrinj ; VJH health , comfort and happliuss. To quit suddenly J is too t > everc a shock to the system , as tobacco to m an inveterate u.ser becomes , a stimulant that his M system continually craves. "Il.icco-Curo" Is a M scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in till its formsU carefully compounded after the formula of an em Iiient llerliu phvslcran who has used it In his private 9 practice since iK . > , without : ! failure. It Is purely I vegetable am ! guaranteed perfectly harmless. You fl can use nil the tobacco you want while taking S "Ilacco-Curo. " It will notify you when to stop. M We give a written guarantee to * cure permanently ' M any case , with three boxes , or refund the money H with in per cent , interest. "Itacco-Curo" is not a H substitute , hut a scientific cure , that cures without H the aid of will power and with no Inconvenience. I It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine m as the day j ou took jour first chew or suiokr. I Cured by Bnceo-Curo niitl Gained M Thirty Pounds. From hundreds of testimonials , the originals ol Jl which are < m file and open to inspection , " the fol M lowing is presented : J t Clayton. Xevaila Co. , Ark.Jan. sS. T Kureka Chemical A : Mfg. C < . , I i Crosse , Wis.- S Gentlemen : I"or forty years I used tobacco in al. ' i its forms. For twenty-five years of that time I m was a great sufferer from general debility and heart 4 disease. Knr fifteen years I tried to ipiit , but 'Jl couldn't , t took various remedies , among otheri , H "No-To-Ric , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , " "Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. . but none of f k them did me the least hit of good. Finally however - H ever , I purchased a box of your "Il.icco Curo" ai.d it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms. k ; tnd 1 have increased thirty pounds In weight and M ; im relieved il all the numerous aches and pains of H body and mind. I could write a quire of paper up ( H nn my changed feelings aud condition. H Yours respectfully , I' . II. MAnnuaV , M Taster C. P. Church. Clayton , Ark. ' M " Sold by alldruggistsati.ooperbox : three boxes , ( thirty days tnalment ) $ . ' .50 , with written guaran k tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Kureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , m l.t Crosse , Wis. , aud Hostou , Mass. t FKEE EDUCATION. \ M < m An education at Harvard , Yale , or any other > H \ college or institution of learning in the United * H \ States , or in the Xew Kngl.tud Conservatory of J | H Music , can be secured by any young man or 3 * H woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars C H • quickly. JAMKS I ) . 15AI.L , J M y > IJroomfield Street , Iloston , Mass. > H ! • * * • , * • • v a * tf w tfn 44 tfV4 * , "fl Wanted-An Idea | Protect your Ideas : they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEltUUUN ft CO. . Patent Attor- neva , Washington , D. C. tor their 1.8UO prize offer B ind list of two hundred lurentions wanted. M \ Farmer's Sons : 1 ' . C m We will employ j on at $50 per / 9 y SU mouth. Write quickly. < | m J PUHITAJf PUIIMbHIMi CO. . J' Jt 56 ilroomfield Street. W' , ' ISoston , Mass. \ ' J. S. McBRAYEJR , PROPRIETOR OK THE : \ McCook Transfer Line , j s BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. " \ ( • ggT'Ouly furniture van in the sity. Also have a first class house noving outfit. Leave orders for > us calls at Commercial hotel or it office opposite the depot. ftase Co. Land and Jve Stock Go. iiorses branded on loft hip or left shouldur M ; MMfp P.O. add res.i Imperial MM Tp _ _ Chase county , itnil Heat H V fl HHS jt ri < . Nebraska. ItaijrtWW M fiGA Frenchman creeks , in UM 9w/f9mmtS& [ Chape county. Nebraska. mm Ttt $5f Hrand ascutonsldeof H A mg gmmms FnmeanimHls.on hip and H * QkBPvBEZX > * fc sides of some , or any JH 'hereon th < * animal. M R. A. COLE , rl LEADING ' M ffiEECHANT TAILOR I OF MeCOOK , M las Just received a new stock of CLOTHfc M nd TRIMMINGS. If you want a good 4v H ng suit made at the very lowest prices for H od work , call on htm. Shop first door west A M t Barnett'i Lumber OIHce. oa DonnUos m M MS : - = = " /-S S R-I-P-A-N-S L\ mm\ \ The modern standH w ard Family Medi1 w cine : Cures the jU [ P common every-day H q ills of humanity. _ M