The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 23, 1896, Image 8

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I WW.WWW \ \ j vZ x. * t yMvl \ \ ? A $ > wK\iiifi ' ' Mo / V
K H r-vEST with a big B. Blackwell's Genuine Bnll L
H | r\ Durham Is in a class by itself. You will find one H H
Hj H * - ' coupon insldo each two ounce bag , and two cou- L
H H pens inside each four ounce bag ; of _ H H k
I I Genuine Durham I
H fl BuyabagofUilscolebratedtobaccoandroadthocoupon mV F
H H wnicbgivcsallstofvaluablepresenteandhowtogettberxb V H H
R 8 | BANK-4 ] ' S
Q Authorized Capital , $100,000. jS
; ' | . HI Capital and Surplus , $60,000 JS
If 8fi 6 / ! ? - HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. QQ
88 F' LAWS0N > Cashier. F. A. PENHELL , Ass't Cash. fQ
1 ] gi A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. S
'if I . .ioSNJffc , WW Wfa > / iftr Sir JVW ! > .r y - ' f fa % yTlVrfinr - n affe T Mf rf&r tjlk ? fa nWc iflt A l tj
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II $ V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. | jf
H v f
K # . OF McCOOK , NEB. %
H #
If 4 *
IB # Paid Up Capital , S50,000. Surplus , Si0,000 ii
III # ' $
IS m * &
Hi $ - = = = = DIRECTORS = = = rIB - | |
IB 4& &
fl 11 FRANKUN > N- HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , Sfi
II 1 ? / / . 7" . CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , C. H. WILLARD. \
IIS # #
M 1 | ? sgirgiccfC : > | fB'igic3gjcqp. | : > jc ixj i X } p3fC p3 a jqpi j i ' 3 BiigciQct (
( I SI frel ( Kr , ! Brewing "onipany I
In § § / ( Cabinet Bottled Beek. 38 §
II A High Qrade ager Beer ,
II uM Purest in the Market. gjg
II - W
I B 0ffice l00T Jackson StOmahn , Neb. ggg
I If
II Plumber and Steam Fitter.
I B < Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pnmps and Boiler Trim'
I 9 ain ? & Asrent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill.
B f T37T'73m3iW5 nFT'3f n l * 'l ! * FamoMKcncay cures qmcKiy , permanently uu
M I 13'J J Kla31kl3 f7il.B 13 I nervous diseases. Weak Memory , Lu a of liraln I'oircr ,
„ m UuiJL3Ua XflUJ Uli > lUjUJ Headache , Wakefulness , l > o t Vllullty , Nightly Kml3-
M Tt5TT > y * > F "tf" dreasis , lmpotency . and wastinc diseases . caused by .
m rMXJ M J JB tyauthfulerroraarexcesses.Contalnsnooplutea. Isanervetoalc
H I M'tifi K'&WiWi' fim .1rt 1 and blood builder. Slnkesthepaleandpunyptrouenndplump.
. . .
B I jJS * yit / r iJJff iili lEa5llycnrrledlnvestpocket.eiporbox ; forS5. Byniall.pre-
. . , . '
.BK * * PgJpnld. gttftawrittfnffunrtmtrgormonrt re/Knriid
' IflK • MB • 5U Jr 1 * < >
S | UKMaVvMatvi v jpcltnedlcal book , . scaled plain wrapper , with . testimonials ar.d ,
BKftjpPMJg ilWtr'iTWWMVJg Blflnanrlal atanrilng. AoehnrneforamsiiXtatimis. Jietuareof imlta-
. . . . . , . , .
SB mui. joudai. auui. imi. ( iores.Saldb7onrsscatsoradiIre iiKBTBS COCO.iSu3aieIemi > l Cbluso. (
ForsaleinMcCooIcNcb..byIi. W. ileDONNELI , & CO. . Druggists.
I Mscri for fbe MriM frine
B"ffi ' . J . .1 - . . . . . . . . . m L rr r j i
. . , . , . . .
- - i im -3 .t.i i - 1 - * y
Ben Johnson is home again.
A family is now occupying the Will Rider
Charley Mundy took in the bhj show at
North Platte. "
Our Thankgivinc turkey , this year , will be
a common fat duck.
Fall wheat and rye are both looming up in
fine bliape. But moisture is needed.
Colonel Roy Kimball predicts rain and cold
weather for the closing days of this month.
Corn is being taken care of and the fields
put in shape for the turning in of stock.
A number of the young people had a pleas
ant time at Carrie Kimball's , last Thursday
Mahlon Campbell is after the assessor's job
and seems to have a good chance of carrying
the big book.
A few of the Leaguers from Box Elder con
ducted services at the Red Willow school
house , Sunday evening'
James Brady has an unusually fine lot of
porkers , about 35 or 40 in number , that are
being fattened for market.
The speaking by William Valentine at the
Box Elder school house , this evening , will
doubtless be largely attended.
' The past few weeks have been very quiet ,
nothing much in the way of gayeties and not
even a hop during all this splendid weather.
A nice little intended surprise party was
neatly side-tracked when the one to be thus
afflicted surprised the writer and others by
Thus far political speakers have shunned
this locality , which may be some excuse for
our ignorance and lack of interest in the pres
ent campaign.
These cool evenings suggestskates and ska-
ing time and many are looking forward with
keen anticipation to this delightfully invigor
ating sport.
It is not too early to be thinking about get
ting the poultry house ready for winter. Pap
ering on the inside is one way of keeping it
warm at small expense.
nJack Cashen's wheel has played out to such
an extent that he has abandoned it entirely
and is going to and from school on horseback-
It's a bit humiliating and not so rapid by i > ev-
eral knots but a much safer way.
Fred Kinghorn , who has been in Illinois for
the past two or three years , returned home a
few days ago , as fat and frisky as ever. Dur
ing his absence Fred was employed by a tele
phone company with headquarters Galesburg.
II. B. Anderson , who has been living on the
Chrysler place for several years , is preparing
to move to Kansas , where a son has been lo
cated for the past year or so. They will drive
overland. The Andersons have been wel
and favorably known in this locality , and w e
express a general sentiment in wishing for
their future welfare and happiness.
Last Friday evening two American
eagles went through this station bound
for Lincoln. They are a present from
Rocky Mountain admirers , and will be
kept by Austin Humphrey at the Lincoln
hotel until Bryan gets home from swing
ing around the political circlewhen they
will be presented him as a consolation.
C. W. Barnes attended the meeting of
the grand lodge I. O. O. F. , at Lin coir ,
this week.
T. B. Campbell was down to' Indianola ,
yesterday , on business.
The South Omaha Drovers Journal ,
With Daily , Tri-Weekly , Semi-Weekly
and Weekly editions , is the leading live
stock newspaper and market reporter of
the West. It is the best market paper
for stock raisers , farmers , fine stock
breeders and grain dealers. In addition
to its complete , accurate and impartial
report of the South Omaha live stock
market , it contains the very latest and
correct market reports by telegraph ,
from all the principal stock markets of
the country , together with all the impor
tant telegraphic and general news. Daily ,
$4.00 ; Tri-Weekly , $2.50 ; Semi-Weekly ,
$2.00 , and Weekly , $1.50 per year. For
free sample copy , address The Drovers
Journal Company , Denna Allbery , Treas
urer and Manager , Union Stock Yards ,
South Omaha , Nebraska.
Comfort to California.
Every Thursday morning , a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake Cit3" , San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route.
It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan ,
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
soap , etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter
ter accompany it through to the Pacific
coast. While neither as expensively fin
ished nor as fine to look at as a palace
sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in.
Second class tickets are honored and the
price of a berth , wide enough and big
enough for two , is only $5.00.
For a folder giving full particulars ,
call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket
office , or write to J. Fran cis , Gen'IPass'r
Agent. Burlington Route. Omaha. Nehr.
I That Cough \
9 4 :
p Is liable to become : > eriou > m 1
4 unless it is promptly stopped. & '
5 Try a bottle of - J 1
McConneirs \ i
m 5 1
\ Balsam.
f ONLY 25 CENTS. f ]
KlCfc < Baaimii iniii rii.i , IJ.iH tiinrinMritw frT w * -Hig
BMWMWWIII > | ilUiilllillllllMinilffiiiii | nmi .1 . . -t-tt-
An Attempt to Palm Off Old Forgeries snd
f-ahcs Oa German Voters.
The Democratic statu central commit
tee of Nebraska has just put in circula
tion , at 80 lute a day in the campaign
that it was hoped the fraud would es
cape detection , a pamphlet printed in
the German language which reprints all
of the exploded forgeries and • ukes of
the campaign. Utterances of Lincoln ,
Grant , Garfield , Blaine , McKiuley , and
others , are garbled so as to misstate
their position. Then the old Financial
News forgery is trotted out again to do
service in a now dress , and the Bismarck
letter which was printed by the silver
press under a forged translation , is put
out as new and original and genuine.
Although the pamphlet is issued by the
Democratic state central committee , the
evidence exists that the expense of
printing was borne by Guy Barton of
Omaha , a life-long Republican until
this year , and manager of the Omaha
smelters , owned by the Omaha and
Grant Smelting company , with smelters
at Denver and Omaha. Mr. Barton's
interest in the matter , and his unusual
generosity , are explained by a conversa
tion had with him by a close friend
since the campaign opened. He was
asked if he had "gone crazy" on the sil
ver question. He replied that his com
pany owned nearly one million ounces
of silver ; that if the price of bullion ad
vanced under free coinage , the rise in
value would be clear profit ; that if it did
not advance , the company conld pay its
employes in dollars costing but fifty-two
cents ; and that , figured from this stand
point , he would be "in it" either way.
Vhe Democratic state central commit
tee aud "Silver Baron" Barton may be
good teachers for the Nebraska voters ,
with their fakes and forgeries and stale
chestnuts , and they may be able to fool
a few of our German citizens , but the
great mass of them are too intelligent to
be caught in such manner.
\ \ * ' / / '
Nebraska has never had a more care
ful , prudent or conscientious secretary
of state than J. A. Piper , the present
incumbent of that office and candidate
for re-election. He is well equipped ,
both by education and experience , for
the position , and the best proof of his
ability and good character is shown in
the fact that ho was nominated for
county clerk of Harlan county four
times unanimously , and generally
elected. He has given the state an
economical administration. A part of
his economies was the saving to the
state in the publication of the constitu
tional amendments to be voted on at
the approaching election. Under the
law he could have printed the amend
ments so they would have cost about
$80,000 , this sum to be distributed
among Republican newspapers , but he
was prudent and careful in this as in
other matters , the result being that the
publication will cost the state about
one-half of that amount. Under his
pruning knife the incidental expenses
of the Jast legislature were about $9,000
less than they would have been by fol
lowing old precedents. As keeper of
the "great seal" and the records of the
state Mr. Piper has in every way proven
himself worthy of a great public trust.
A Farmer's Political Speech.
Some Lancaster county farmers were
recently discussing the money question
and endeavoring to get at the cause of
low prices of farm products. Captain
Baird , himself an old farmer , listened
for a long time and then joined in , as fol
lows : "Boys , let's see if we can't get
at the facts right here among ourselves ,
without calling in any evidence from
outside of Lancaster county. Let's
don't take anybody's word for anything
that we don't know by our own observa
tion. All of you remember that during
the three years of drouth , covered
wagons were moving out of the state ,
and some of the men who owned land
began to be afraid that there wouldn't
be renters enough. Renters around
here thought there would plenty of
farms to rent and so they didn't hustle
for the leases. How did it turn out ? " |
It was remarked that laud was scarcer
than ever aud that some farmers in the
neighborhood hadn't been able to find a
foot of land to reut for this season.
" what is the " '
"Now cause ? asked the
captain. "Here we have all seen such \
a competition for land as we never saw '
before , and farming we all know isn't ;
profitable. Why ? Since the election
in 1892 hundreds of men in Lincoln
have been thrown out of work. They
were busy before in building houses ,
making public improvements , working
in factories and on the railroads. All
it once they find there is no more work
to do. They needn't go to other towns ,
for the same thing is true everywhere.
They have to live , and so they have
been flaxing around and renting farms
ant from under you renters out here.
Horses are cheap , and they have fitted
themselves out for farming , and here
they are , competing with you for land
ind selling grain instead of buying , as
they did when they were at work in i
town. "
A hum of approval followed this tell- ,
: ng point. One of the farmers Baid :
• I have heard a lot of speeches about
diver and everything , but nobody ever
nade the case so clear as Captain
Baird. " Others agreed with him that J
nrhat the country needs is the opening r
) the mills and not the mints.
-v i" " - - . , , - T- . . . - - - . - x i .i . . . .
' HiidnMHiifc * " ' 1 r"1' * lw *
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* " TT TIi .i..r ' . ' ' iifi "Y ir ' i hi " ' . ! [ mmhmwmw *
Mountain Glen , Ark. Our children were
suffering with croup when we received a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It afforded
almost instant relief. F. A. Thornton. This
celebrated remedy is for sale by L. W. Mc-
Conncll & Co. , Druggists.
To Subscribers of The Tribune.
Readers of The Tribune will please
remember that cash is an essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop fail
> ures and hard times , and ns n consequence
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriptions. ' We are now com
pelled to request all \vho can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re
quest. The Publisher.
A few weeks ago the editor was taken with
a very severe cold that caused him to he in a
most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly
a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as
dnngerous he took immediate steps to bring
about a speedy cure. From the advertisement
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the
many good recommendations included there
in , we concluded to make a first trial of the
medicine. To say that it was satisfactory in
its results , is putting it very mildly , indeed. It
acted like magic and the result was a speedy
and permanent cure. We have no hesitancy
in recommending this excellent Cough Reme
dy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in
any form. The Banner of Liberty , Liberty-
town. Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes lor
sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
The Best of Hay.
L. A. Colter has commenced baling
hay , and is now prepared to fill au order
for a ton or for 500 tons for that matter.
And he is putting on the home market
as fine a quality of hay as has ever been
brought to town. Give him your order.
Those who believe chronic diarrhoea to be
incurable should read what Mr. P.E. Grisham ,
of Gaars Mills , La. , has to say on the subject ,
viz : "I have been a sufferer from chronic diar
rhoea ever since the war and have tiied all
kinds of medicine for it. At last I found a
remedy that effected a cure and that was
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy" . This medicine can always be de
pended upon for colic , cholera morbus , dysen
tery and diarrhoea. It is pleasant to take and
never fails to effect a cure. 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. ,
5fTractice in all the courts. Collections.
Notary Public. Upstairs m the Spearman
building , McCook , Nebraska.
McCook , Neuraska.
2S * Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office-
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
6 Bellamy , assistants.
. t..MRS. E. E. UTTER. . > Z
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo
"Studio Rear of C. L. DeGroff & Co.
W. V. CAGE ,
McCook , Nebraska.
"Office hours 9 to II a. m. , 2 to 5 and
7 to 9 p. m. Rooms Over the First National
bank. Night calls answered at the office.
J. A. CUNN ,
McCook , Nebraska.
"Office Over C. A. Leach's je welry store.
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten
tion given to all calls.
Real EstateCollections , Insurance
McCook. Nebraska.
T"Notary Public. East Dennison street.
-f tht- . . . .
sunny side dairy.
V >
We respectfully solicit your business ,
and guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
and prompt , courteous service.
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning.
1d ? \ am stili doing carpet laying , carpet
leaning lawn cutting and similar work. See ,
) r write me before giving such work. My
: harges are very reasonable. Leave orders at i
Prikune office. JULIUS KUNERT. \
Mrs. Anna Gage , wife of Ex- !
Deputy U , S. Marshal ,
Columbus , Kan. , says :
OQBj ' * I was delivered
OM L of TWINS in
JP flH L less than 20 min-
lL _ R utes ani with
1 scarcely any pain
( W > Tffl a er using only
l * . C tvo bottles ° f
$ ! & > FRIEND"
EySent by Express or Mtll , on receiptor price.
ll.OO per bottle. IJoofc "TO MOTHKBS"
lalled tree.
_ _ - 'IS. 1 . . • - " * • i .
Read the best couni m
ty newspaper that's , | m
The McCook Tribunef |
every time. Ai\ | J |
A pain in Ihe chest is nature's warning that f
pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a piece of T Lfe |
flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and / \m
bind over the scat of pain , and another on the ' jm
back between the shoulders , and prompt relief f m
will follow. Sold by L.V. . McConnell be Co. , f *
Druggists. * Jfl
Do Not Stop Tobacco ! fl
How to Cure Yourself While ; JW
Using It. „ 11
Tintolucco habit grows on a man until hi- * g M
nervous hvstcm is berioiisly affected , impairing ' Sfl
hi.ilth. . comfort ami happiness. To quit atiddenlj t } |
is too .severe a shock to the system , as tobacco to
an inveterate user becomes a stimulant that his. > H
system continually craves. "Ricco-Curo" Is a .H
scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its forms , jM
carefully compounded after the formula of an cm- | H
inent llerlin who has used it in Ills private {
practice since 1S71 , without a failure. It is purely <
vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You jH
can use all the tobacco you want while taking & 1M
"ISacco-Curo. " It will notify you when to stop. ? H
We give a written guarantee to cure permanently !
any cast- , with three boxes , or refund the money jfffl
with 10 per cent , interest. "Ilacco-Curo" Is not : i JIB
substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures without §
the aid of Will power anil with no inconveniencerlfl
It leaves the system a * pure ami free from nicotine Jfl
as tiie day you took your first chew or smoke. l |
Cured by Bucco-Curo nnd Gained ' | H
Thirty Pounds , ' 1 !
Krom hundreds of testimonials , the originals ol & . 1H
which are on file and opi-n to Inspection , the fol- \ ? > JI
lowing is presented : / , HI
Clayton , Nevada Co. , Ark.Jan. aS * i f | H
Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. . Ii Crosse. Wis. - * j-
Gentlemen : Kor forty years 1 used tobacco In uL. ft Ml
its forms. For twenty-five years of that time I / * sH
was a great sufferer from general debility and heart JI H
disease. I'or fifteen years I tried to quit , but ; 4lH
couldn't. I took various remedies , among others , \ -TjjlM
"No-To-Iiac , " "The- Indian Tobacco Antidote , " * * 1WIH
"Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. , but none of " * " 1
them did me the least bit of good. Finally however - \ % H
ever , I purchased a box of your "Ricco'Curo" and ' | l
it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms. 111
and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and sSl
am relieved of all the numerous aches and pains of /3cM
body and mind. I could write a quire of paper up / jy H
on my changed feelings and condition. -If H
Yours respectfully , 1 * . II. Makuurv , / II
l'astor C. I * . Church , Clayton , Ark. f L \
Sold by alldruggistsati.ooperbov ; three boxes , / ffl
( thirty days treatment ) $2.50 , with written guaran 1B
tee , of sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for 21
booklet and proofs. Kureka Chemical it Mfg. Co. , | lIt
I-t Crosse , Wis. , and Boston , Mass. 'jl
An education at Harvard. Yale , or any other A , H
* college or institution of learning in the United J * H
5 States , or in the New England Conservatory of \ f % B
J Music , can be secured by any young man or 3 H
woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars 5 fl
J quickly. JAMES lIIAI.I. . , t fl
• 36 Hroomfield Street , Hoston , MaSo. % fl
Wanted-An Idea SSI I
Protect your Ideas : they may bring you wealth. fl
Write JOHN "WEDDEBBURN & CO. . Patent Attor- fl
noys. Washington. D. C. for their 91.800 prlzo offer '
and list of two hundred Indentions wanted. *
\ I Farmer's Sons \ M
< C r\ ' We will employ you .it S-V > per | > II
1 0J I month. Write quickly.
< . v. / I'dtlTAN' PUItMSIII.NT. Co. , I" II
r 56 Hroomfield Street , Jj |
i ISoston , Mass. i *
J. S. McBKAYER , jl
McCook Transfer Line. II
JSfT'Only furniture van in the * " 1
city. Also have a first class house
moving outfit. Leave orders for I
bus calls at Commercial hotel or xfl
at office opposite the depot. * *
Giiase Go. Land and Live Stock Gi. < |
% \ mJmWKt . lAl.V iL * AWtl kw W V
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder %
fl 3p BrW f' . , mSml"tv-ail < l Beat \
MB flY | * Stinkinir w tnr and the
SHI83g5 , AJ Frenchman crooks , in , . j
HSSV'&ff ' Chape county. Nebraska. S. *
wtt JfcJI Brand as cut on sideof rf r
tAd ffiMto JJ pomeanimalp.on hip and f
W SBb * 6ides of some , or any- i
whereon thpanimal. \ ,
R. A. COLE , / / i
y • • }
Sas Just received a. new stock of OLOTH *
md TRIMMINGS. If you trant a good fit-
ling ult made at the vary lowest prlce tot
rood work , call on him. Shop first door west
) f Barnetfs Lumber Office , oa Dennises
The modern stand-
g ard Family Medi-
w cine : Cures the ;
common every-day * ir
J ills of humanity. * \
* J
I PA flfl
SBB * * *
' .
' *