The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1896, Image 1

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    I \ tiV 1
& . mlJHc ) ; 00R ; : fyttbmit. . . . . . I
, , , . , .
MS ; H
K nh JV. Motion for a Review of a Somewhat Fa-
B % mous Land Case Denied.
Aft 'ft ' ' Valentine atStratton Self ride and
Ew-'j ? Heartley Another Lie Nall-
| * if'v4 ed Freedom Is Beaten
M&Z& ' m .Again Etc. , Etc.
K ( Ift Xast Saturday ateni6oh and evening ,
KJ . Mrs. M. E. Barger held her fall opening
H } of millinery , and her establishment was
B Ijp I Visited by man3 * lady callers of the city
H7uk / "during " the event , which was auspicious
BlY W5 ? an ( * satisfactory , to both callers and pro-
V sx prietress. The display of trimmed hats
WMmk i was nuuierous attractive and stylish , and
BfJSvl. "elicited many exclamations of surprise
| fcw and pleasure from those present.
Myj vV "The display of millinery and novelties
HM'Tip ] -whs unusually large ; of feathers , ribbons ,
wj. flowers , etc. , there was a large and pretty
lu jL > i It variety.
Kn YAf * * ' In the dressmaking -department were
H ( > & . shown a number -of evidences of the
Bji lastefulnessandskillofMrs.Rittenhouse \ ,
HUn % who is in charge of that department.
Kfft ) $ ' Altogether the display was highly cred-
ifev la itable-and attractive.
Bv $ a • Mrs * Bar8er presented her callers with
Wm f'O ' souvenri ano- artificial rose buttonhole
RfO 'It ' "bouquet , upon which were stamped the
Ky .A "iikenesses of the principal national can-
Bf&i .didates.
DE'f fA. Wlotlon for Review Refused.
H5 $ , 'Secretary Francis , Saturday last , ren-
K | dered a number of land decisions , his
I1m\ | iirst since assuming office. The cause
Rr/l / ! " \ ine nte States against Thomas
III * W ' Cooper , William J. Gillen and Kit Car-
Eflt ! * son at e company , from the McCook
RtfJ. ' ) m "district of.Nebraska , was finally disposed
* LJCy > _ of by the secretary's refusing to entertain
Tmffijk - motion filed by the defendants for a
HKrm"K \ treview of the departmental decision re-
gjb Jl ifusing to reinstate the McGillen home-
lpJi\- ' tead entry. It was held that the cattle
K ks | company was not an innocent purchaser
ll W& > -within the meaning of the act of March
K sit 3J8 91' -
Hr VAttracted Much Attention.
WpJjlJ I pR McKenna recently bought the
Wf * M Joe McKeever dwelling in West McCook ,
JkVT together with two lots , for $200. The
HpvfcfeDfeniJding was on Wednesday afternoon ,
! $ [ ? * * moved over onto South Monmouth
[ bE * rl street. J. S. McBrayer did the moving ,
i J I ? Jusing Joseph Snyder's traction engine
ffllK i& & For motive power , which attracted con-
3 | f V siderable attention by the ease with
HP m * ' which it julled the heavy load on trucks.
jfMlllftl , . , Valentine atStratton.
l * , 'Supt. Valentine of the McCook public
BnE 3chools addressed a large audience in the
tM opera hall at Stratton , last Saturday af-
B \\V \ teruoon , in his most convincing lau-
\ j\ $ ' uage. The glee club- composed of
iflWvA ' -Messrs..S. Magee , Roy Smith , Ray
| 5 $ & ' | T McCarl aud Bert Beyrer and the McKin-
Kit \\k \ ley martial band accompanied him and
SSh ' hj dded a large element of enthusiasm to
tli the QCcasion. The baud appeared to ad-
t q new uniforms.
) Selfridge Heartley.
( ) At the home of the bride's parents ,
ilr. and Mrs. Nettleton , near Sedalia ,
Colo. , Miss Alice M. Heartley to Mr.
William O. Seliridge of Sterling , Rice
• county , Kansas , Rev. J. H. Beitel offici-
I \ = ating. The best wishes of her many
Monument friends will follow the bride
as she goes with her husband to their
liome in Kansas where Mr. Selfridge has
"v -a fine farm. Monument ( Colo. ) Messen-
Another Lie Nailed.
V7e violate no confidence in pronounc
ing as absolutely false the rumor that
Jasper S. Phillips of the Indianola Re-
Bjfllgij * x > orter carries his lunch with him andy
| ysleeps under , the blue vault when he
WJUfc | f comes to McCook , to avoid buying any-
UKSJ > V Ihing in or of McCook. Jasper puts up
Bf i \ \ with Mine Host O'Leary like the real ,
Bfl8yroyal nabob he is.
g k , A Big Populist Blowout.
H jB I % Tue Tribuns understands that the
B "flMB I Populists are arranging for a big blowout
HUBIfr n our cty > Saturday , the occasion of J.
RBBv R.Sutherland's speech. There is to be
HHB a torchlight procession with brass bands ,
B B \ martial bands , cavalry and footmen gal-
PSfHrcore , and embracing delegations from all
over the county. They expect to eclipse
Kfjjlfai a Previ ° us efforts.
BB"JSjft = = r'
BM JjW Freedom Loses Again.
Quite an interesting ball game was
BBr wrEf that played on the local grounds , last
bBa ) Friday afternoon , between the McCook -
bB ? K\ and Freedom clubs. At one time the
BB ifyslK Freedom hoys seemed to have a fair show
Bk Wk to succee j Dut the opportunity was lost ,
BB * and McCook won the Same by a score of
> v
M IbVV t017 *
= = = = = =
BY7s&L \ JCcConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
K3 BBTflTflTflTflTfli
A Big Torchlight Procession Preceded the
Instruction In Finance.
McCook indulged in another success
ful Republican demonstration , last Fri
day evening. There was a big torchlight
procession , headed by the McKitiley
martial band in their new uniforms of
duck pants , red coats a. Jl blue capswith
enthusiasm to match. After Indulging
in some marching the column separated
and the speaker of the evening , F. P.
Qlmstead of Hastings , was escorted be
tween the lines to the opera house , where
the school of finance was held. It is re
garded by lllaiiy that Mr. Olmstead's
school was one of the most convincing
arguments of the campaign. The figures
and arguments of the gentleman carried
force with them and were received with
earnestness and enthusiasm. It was one
of the successful rallys of the fall.
Caldwell of Lincoln Speaks.
J. L. Caldwell of Xincoln addressed a
good sized audience in the opera house ,
Saturday afternoon last. Mr. Caldwell
is a speaker of force and discussed the
issues of the campaign from the Repub
lican point of view with most satisfactory
clearness and skill , and his efforts were
well received.
aiiss Mary Watson left on Tuesday
morning for Hastings.
Frank Carruth spent # most of the
week visiting the family in Denver.
C. Armstrong was an eastbound pas
senger on business , Saturday evening.
Miss Lotta Stover has been ill for
past few weeks and confined to the house.
County Attorney Fui/rz of Beaver
City was a business visitor here , Tuesday.
Ed. N. Aixen , Republican nominee
for slate senator , was a city visitor , Sat
* Mrs. Yerick of Trenton was the
guest of W. W. McMillen's family over
W. S. Morgan returned , Monday
night , from a short visit on Omaha on
Fred Boehner , chairman Senatorial
central committee , was up from Arapa
hoe , Sunday.
Mrs. L. R. Hiieman went down to
eastern Nebraska , Saturday night , on a
visit to relatives.
Miss Claire Bonnet arrived home ,
Tuesday evening on 5 , from her long
visit in Wisconsin.
Mrs. McCari , went up to Denver ,
Monday night , to spend a few days
during the great festival.
Mrs. J. F. Kenyon went up to Den
ver , Monday night , to witness the great
carnival of Mountain and Plain.
Miss Maude Burgess has been assist
ing in the postoffice during the absence
of the postmaster and wife , this week.
M. V. EASTERDAY of Tecumseh ar
rived in the city , Monday night , and has
been visiting his son , H. H. Easterday.
Mrs. Harry Tyler , Dollie and John
Archibald took in the festival at Denver ,
this weekf going up on 5 , Monday night.
J. B. MESERVE , Populist nominee for
state treasurer , left for eastern Nebraska ,
Monday night , in the work of his can
Mrs. JI. G. Borneman and Miss Car
rie Frazier also took in the carnival at
Denver , this week , going up on No. 3 ,
Monday night.
Mesdames V. H. Soixiday and Ed.
Beyrer were pilgrims to Denver , Tuesday
night , to witness the closing splendor of
the great festival.
Register A. S. Campbeix and father
went up to Colorado , Saturday night , to
spend a few days seeing the sights of
Denver and the mountains.
Postmaster and Mrs. C.H. Meeker
were passengers for eastern Nebraska ,
Saturday evening on 4. They will visit
relatives in Lincoln and Greenwood.
Couny Treasurer and Mrs. J. B.
MESERVE attended the Hitchcock county
fair at Culbertson , Saturday , the treas
urer making a short political address in
the afternoon.
S. D. AND J. M. KilpaTrick were up
from Beatrice , close of last week , looking (
after their cattle interests up on the
Frenchman and Stinking Water , return
ing home on Saturday night.
Miss Ida J. Hollister , who has been
visiting friends in the city for the past
two weeks , departed on No. 5 , Monday
night , < for Cheyenne , Wyoming. She
will take in the carnival of Mountain and
Plains in Denver on the way.
An Afternoon Meeting at Bartley for Mon
day , October 19th.
Our Present and Next Congress
man Enjoyable Program A
Lively Runaway Pop
ulist Spoeches.
Congressman Atldrews will address the
people of Red Willow county at Bartley ,
Monday , October 19O1 , at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon. The occasion will be
made one of the most enthusiastic rallys
of the campaign in eastern Red Willow
county. The eloquent congressman will
be greeted by a large crowd , and every
arrangement will be perfected for an
auspicious meeting
The congressman will speak , in Free
dom , Frontier county , on the evening of
October 19th and at Curtis on the 20th.
And a ain at Wilhonville , Frontier coun
ty , on the 22d. Meetings at McCook
• and Indianola will be announced later.
Enjoyable Program.
After the business meeting of the Ep-
worth League , Tuesday evening , the fol
lowing program was rendered in the M.
E. church. The hearing was not as large
as the program merited :
Song League
lustrumental Solo May Stangeland
Reading Blanche Starr
Vocal Solo / . . Bert Beyrer
Paper L. E. Cann
Reading Edna Dixon
Duet Blanche and Ida McCarl
Selection Mrs. A. P. Welles
Vocal Solo Knud Stangeland
Paper E.L. Rohlf
Solo Mrs. Frank Brown
A Lively Runaway.
One of Drayman Osborn's tedms in
dulged in a lively runaway , Tuesday af
ternoon. Down Main avenue they came
at a terrific speed , turning west at Dodge ,
south at Manchester , east at Dennison ,
and south again at Melvin , and were
finally stopped on the Oberlin road south
of the river bridge , little the worse for
wear. There were a few narrow escapes ,
but no casualities. Floyd Berry was
driving James McAdams' horse out east
on Dennison street and had to do some
quick moving to keep out of the way of
the runaways.
Has Been Postponed.
The fourth annual convention of the
Nebraska State Irrigation association
has been postponed to November 19 , 20 ,
21 , 22 , when it will meet in Lexington ,
Nebraska. Arrangements are being
made to have a large success of the meet
ing , which will seek'to suggest the best
methods of developing the arid and semiarid -
arid portions of Nebraska. Special rail
road rates and best of local accommoda
Populist Speeches.
The Populists have two speeches billed
for next Saturday. Ed. L. Adams of
Minden at 2 o'clock p. m. , and J. R.
Sutherland at 8 o'clock p. m. Both in
the opera house. Sutherland will also
speak in the afternoon at 1 o'clock in
Danbury. The Danbury band and a
large delegation from that section are ex
pected to accompany him here for the
evening meeting.
„ f Keir Anderson.
Sunday last , County Judge Smith
united in marriage Grant A. Keir of Den
ver and Matie J. Anderson of our city ,
at the residence of Mrs. Sadie Bates.
They left for Denver on the evening
train , where he is in business and where
they will make their home.
An Incipient Blaze.
An incipient blaze at the Cottage
Grove resort of ill-fame was controlled
by the bucket brigade , last Friday even
ing , without calling upon the fire de
partment. "We understand that the fire
was on the outside of the building , and
incendiaryism is suggested.
To Do Special Work.
The Oddfellows of our city are arrang
ing to do some special work , next Friday
evening , and expect several delegations
from other lodges up the valley to be
present. Work will be done in all the
degrees , and a big time is expected.
Two Initiations.
There were two initiations of members ,
Monday evening , at the regular session
of McCook lodge No. 1 , Star of Jupiter.
The business session was followed by the
usual interesting entertainment *
S. M. Cochran carry in stock the Ger
man , Riverside , Antique and Royal Oak
heating stoves nothing better in the
market. The prices are right.
Boyd makes an offer on all sizes of
horses and mules that are fat.
Matters of Interest Gleaned From the
Several County Offices.
county court.
License to wed was issued , last Satur
day , to Grant A. Keir of Denver and
Mattie J , Anderson ofthiscity. [ Married
by the County Judge on Sunday morn- ,
License to marry was on Tuesday of
this week issued to Daniel J. Jennings
and Lyda M. Rawson , both of Bartley.
[ They were married on Wednesday at
Indianola by the County Judge. ]
Isaac N. Skinner and Nellie J. Whit-
aCre , both of Hitchcock county , were
authorized to commit matrimony , Wed
nesday , and on the evening of that day ,
the Couiftf Judge consummated their
bliss at his residence.
William Clarke and Sons of Illinois
have brought suit on account in the
county court against P. A. Wells , and a
garnishee summons has been issued in
the case.
county clerk.
Farm mortgages filed during Septem
ber , $2,116.50 ; released , $11,858.50. City
mortgages released , $1,47500. Chattel
mortgages filed , $5,083 31 ; released , $3-
435 31. •
See VV. O. Norval for nursery stock.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
Rev. J. VV. Hickey , Pastor.
Baptist Regular services in McCon-
nell's hall. Bible school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. B. Y.
P. U. meeting at 7 p. m. A cordial invi
tation to all. G. P. Fuson , Pastor.
Episcopal Preaching in the morning
at 11 o'clock. Subject , "Two Stumbling
Stones" . In the evening at 7:30. Subject ,
"The Failure of the Pharisee" . All are
cordially invited.R. .
R. A. Russell , Rector ,
Congregational Preaching atn a.
inland 8p.m Morning theme , .Ways
and Where They Lead" . SundajCschool
at ' o'io'clock. . Junior Endeavor at 3. En-
de avbr Societyat 7 ; topic , "God or Mam-
moii ' . Mr. Lawson , leader. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
All are cordially invited.
Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Christian Sunday school every Sun
day afternoon at three o'clock in the
German Congregational church. We
have no pastor at present , but the Disci
ples will continue to break bread , each
Lord's day after Sunday school. En
deavor society on Tuesday evening of
each week at 8 o'clock. You are cor
dially invited to attend these services.
By Order of Committee.
Fred Thompson is visiting in the
city , this week.
Mir xGRACE Torbert was a passen
ger for Denver , Sunday night.
W. C. Bullard , came up from Oma
ha , Tuesday night , on business.
Mrs. W. S. Morlan is entertaining a
cousin with her family , this week.
C. L. DeGroff of Nebraska City was
in the city , 3resterday , on business.
P. A. WELLS came up from Hastings ,
Tuesday evening , on district court busi
J. C. Harlan of the Cambridge Ka
leidoscope was a city visitor , Tuesday
Ray Hall , electrician for the electric
light company , has been quite under the
• E. L. Rohlf left on Thursday for
Omaha to attend lectures at a medical
college in that city.
OSCAR CALLIHAN of the Bank of Ben-
kelman was a business visitor , Tuesday
evening , between trains.
Ed. N. ALLEN , our next state senator ,
was with us briefly , Tuesday evening.
Alto A.J. McPeake of Imperial.
J. D. STranahan , formerly with H.P.
Sutton , but late of Telluride , Colorado ,
arrived in the city , first of the week. He
expects to resume his old position first of
the week.
REV. R. A. RUSSELL , the new rector
of the Episcopal church here , arrived in
the city , yesterday morning , and will
hold services on next Sunday as per an
nouncement to be found in the usual
Revs. Badcon and Bell returned
home , Tuesday night , from Ogalalla ,
where they have been attending the
West Nebraska conference of the Metho
dist church. Both gentlemen have been
returned to their charges here. George
B. Mayfieldto Bartley , E. J. Vivian to
Box Elder , J. W. Harris to Danbury and
Lebanon , W.J. Crago to Indianola , C.A.
Hale remains as presiding elder of the
Orleans district. I. W. Dwire , formerly
of our city , is assigned to Franklin , and
A. G. Forman goes to Beaver City again.
jl- t--
- . . . . - - -
Republican Enthusiasm Will Reach It In
Indianola , This Evening ,
There Will be a Monster Torchlight
Procession With Brass and
/ Martial Bands and Other
Republican enthusiasm will reach the
high water mark in Red Willow county ,
tonight , in the demonstration to be marie
in Indianola. A special train will be
run from this city , carrying the McKinley -
ley and Hobart club , the Railway Men's
Sound Money club and others. There
will be a stupendous torchlight process
ion with large marching clubs from the
towns of McCook , Bartley. ebanon ,
Indianola , Danbury. Arapahoe and Cam
bridge. A number of brass and martial
bands will participate in the parade and
for numbers and enthusiasm the event is
expected to eclipse anything in the pol
itical line ever attempted in Southwest
ern Nebraska.
The Populists will also indulge in a
rally at the same place aud time with J.
R. Sutherland , their nominee for con
gressman , as their chief attraction.
So there will be nodurth of politics in
Indianola tonight.
A Musicals.
The following is the program for the
musicale to be given in the Methodist
church , Wednesday evening , October
14th , under auspices of the Epworth
part First.
Piano Solo Miss Hattie Yarger
Bass Solo Knud Stangeland
Flute and Piano. . .Roy Smith , Hattie Yarger
Song . . . . Three Little Girls
Recitation . . Magglfr Garrard
Song.l. . . ' , By Three Little Boys
Piano Solo. . . . . Miss Edna Dixon
* "
" PART' '
Brass .Quartette. , . . : * ? ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ? „ . " . -
yocardueTMisses Ida ancirBlanchc McCarl
Piano Solo 'M iss Maude Cordeal
Clarionet and Piano
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Snyder
Vocal Solo Miss Hannah Stangeland
Male Quartette
Messrs. Magee , Beyrer , Smitb.McCarl
Recitation Miss Ethel Barnett
Piano Solo Miss Lillian Troth
General admission 15c. Children 10c.
A is solici-
generous patronage earnestly - <
ted. The programme will be entertain
ing and meritorious.
Delighted Their Customers.
The millinery opening by Misses Sto
ver and Stanfield , last Saturday , was at
tended by a large number of the ladies
of the city. Their display of the latest
and most fashionable things in their line ,
was rich and complete and delighf
Notwithstanding the hard times , S.M.
Cochran & Co. are keeping a complete
line of general hardware. See them be
fore buying.
No lantern class this evening.
There are 106 pupils enrolled in the
high school.
Miss Lilliam Troth is assisting Mrs.
Cordeal in the primary department.
MartitfThorgrimson of the nth grade
has been absent from school the past
week , owing to sickness.
Some of our school teachers , ladies as
well as gentlemen , are fast becoming ex
pert tennis players.
The school register shows an enroll
ment of 603 pupils in the schools here ,
against 545 enrolled October 1st of last
year , being a gain of about 60.
Miss Alice Dye , who has been teaching
the 7th and 8th grades , has retired from
the teacher corps. Mr. Hopt will have
the grades assisted by Mr. Magee and
the superintendent.
The wasps still continue to exist in
large numbers in different rooms. They
are so numerous in the laboratory that
it is extremely hazardous for anyone to
take aseat and remain for any length of
The schools here have been closed , to
day , to give the pupils a chance to attend
the county fair at Indianola. A large
number availed themselves of the oppor
tunity and left for the scene of action
early this morning.
The pupils of the public schools were
much disappointed at not hearing and
seeing Governor Holcomb on Thursday.
By some mis-arrangement the Governor
stopped off at Indianola on Wednesday
night , and did not arrive in cur city till
last evening. The disappointment was
not confined to teachers and pupils , as
quite a few visitors hoped to have the
same pleasure.
Addressed a Large Audience In the Opera H
House , Last Evening1 . H
A large audience greeted Governor H
Silas A. Holcomb in the Menard opera H
house , last evening , the people of the H
city aud viciuity irrespective of pojitics H
attending the meeting and listening to |
his speech. H
He spoke on the issues of the day from H
the conservative Populistic point of view H
briefly , unci devoted some time to a discussion - |
cussion of state affairs. H
It is but fair to state that the governor H
made 110 unpleasant impression in this |
city , if he made no converts to his cause |
and ticket. The Slate has few reasons j H
to be ashamed of Governor Holcomb , if |
it does not agree with his vagaries of |
politics. H
Epworth League Rally. |
The Epworth Leagues of McCook , |
Box Elder and Cclbertson indulged in a |
rally in this place , last Sunday afternoon |
and evening. The afternoon session was |
presided over by E. L Rohlf and the H
evening meeting by L. E. Cann. .Both j H
occasions drew good audiences aud gratifying - |
ifying spiritual results are claimed for |
them. The afternoon session was aeon- l l
secration meeting , while the thought of H
the evening was "The Friends of Christ" . H
iirltftJ1 --alWviit1-tyt1 iJVfrtr-nftf-- ! yffur T tj H
McConuell's Balsam cures coughs. |
All roads have led to Denver , this H
Quinsy is quite prevalent in * the city H
now. |
County commissioners will meet again , H
November 14th. H
Joseph Menard is re-roofing his opera H
house again , this week. H
Buffalo Bill will showat Hastings , next |
Tuesday , October 13th. H
Remember the election day dinner by H
the cemetery committee. |
A Republican club of 40 members has H
been organized in Cedar Bluffs. H
It is proposed to organize two martial M
bands , one of adults , the other of chil- | H
dren. M
Correspondents will please be more fl
regular and have communications in by |
Thursday morning. M
Bring your horse in , Friday , October M
16th , and cash them. Boyd buys as high H
as three carloads a day. H
An original pension ( special , September - M
ber 23) ) has been issued to Robert S. Gore H
of Lebanon , this county. H
The Eastern Star will meet at S o'clock H
during the winter season , commencing H
next Wednesday evening. H
A. B. Boyd , the Horse and Mule buyer , 1' H
will be in McCook on Friday , October * |
16th , at Clark & Bowen's barn. H
The Southwestern Nebraska Teachers' H
Association will meet in McCook sometime - H
time in November , the latter part of the H
month. H
The Tribune wants correspondence M
from every precinct and town in Red B
Willow county. Terms readily given on fl
request. M
The ladies had everything their own M
way on Saturday it was the opening M
day for the millinery establishments of M
the city. M
The Chicago Festival Orchestra that M
recently passed through here forDenver , M
wound up in Lincoln , a few days since , M
"broke" . H
Notwithstanding the hard times , S.M. H
Cochran & Co. are' keeping a complete H
line of general hardware. See them before - H
fore buying. H
The usual monthly board of education 9
meeting was held on Monday evening , H
and a lot of bills were allowed and other
routine business transacted.
The area wall about the Citizens bank I
building is being repaired , this week.
from the damage caused by the last I
heavy rain some weeks since.
S. M. Cochran carry in stock the German - I
man , Riverside , Antique and Royal Oak I
heating stoves nothing better in the I
market. The prices are right. 1
Fifteen (15) ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , con
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel
The ladies of the Dorcas society of the !
Congregational church will have their
entertainment , "The Carnival of Days" , . j
November 12th and 13th. The ladies
are working very energetically to make
this affair a success , and hope the public
will reserve a liberal patronage for them.