B'r H ti8mrf t'lfc ' * e hignest claim for qfoer T , . - B * H mm4 5bHM tobaccos is "Just as M Jf ' Kl K l B yC (7j ( ) B S00 as Durham. " B gl A ) MhB Hj 'fw > ia/mE Every old smoker Klj : Mf F jS W7 knows there is none just B b rSirL I ( BULL DURHAM ) I i Smoking Tobacco i M . „ T # , P . You will find one coupon inside . SMSfcL 91 * Bl lf it . each two ounce bag , ana two couiP * * wfcKr 1 ' , I § - . -v : ; f KIRS'r l i ' , j | | < NATIQNAL - | | 1 ' 1 H $ Authorized Capital , $100,000. II 1 1 H $ Capital and Surplus , $60,000 | l HI -25 < ? 0. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. . $5 Hi < g j * ? . F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. gg HI it A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. | | ! , , I f t ' i > Jgg y yc ' BFJayc | y ' F iiy'JM1 > O VcagatPr : 'W-ifc" 3W ijgy H I i * | f V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. $ Hi " * ' • II I 4 # HI . . $ - THE - • # I ! CITIZENS'BANKS H * # # H - # • - # H • # OF MeCOOK , NEB. # H # # H ' * ifr * , * Paid Dp Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $10,000 f H # H # - = DIRECTORS = = Sr- | | H ! 1 | / . FRANKLIN , N. S. HARW00D , A. C. EBERT , J | H 'If B. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , ' C. H. WJLLARD. JS H -h H I | i Fred Krug Brewing Company B I ! Cabinet Bottled Beer. I M A Hfeh de ILager Beer , tijm I i s Purest in the Market. g I PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY , m I * • Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , Neb. f § ( ! I F. D. BURGESS , I Plumber and Steam Fitter. I , , MAIN AVENTJB , MeCOOK , NEB. I ; Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trinr j -ainfra Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and "Waupun Wind , Mill. If in mrawrrTJrTCTTBrmW This Famoni Kemcdy cures quickly , permanentir ait I . { 8 3'1 , l ! & 33kT | = V lj.1 I 19 I nervous diseases. Weak Memoir. IiOss of . Brain Power , { f 111 * ,1 PJT3lfi milMjinil Headache. Wakefulness , JLost Vitality. Nightly Emis- JafEES ES SS BV Kzton'Qfll dreams , lmpolency . and wastlnK diseases , caused by fMT3Cj F y M lB V wutA/ut error * or excesses. Contalnsno opiates la a nerve tonic . tf V K tfla'MV&a land blood bnHder. Makesthepaleandpunystroneandplmnp. . . 1 MatS/WjJlW JW lKasllycarrledlnvestpoeket. lperbox Tor S. - / * * li ; Bymalljpre- . \fiO \ * SnJm • * Wtjl N J pald.ivith o wrtttn * guarantee or money rt/tinfied. Write us.Trce PI sfJRL ] HL. HI > vM L flB Medical book , sealed . plain wrapper , with . testimonials and . M EKQ&I HHs Su HS&sSJiStananctalstandlnf . . . ; No , charge for consultation . , * Beware of , imita. . W iaoai mTdI sikliAi. suUAi. ttonj. BoUb/i > Br e > t or ddT iKBTK8KEDCO.H . . Kl leXeiBpleChleBeo. M For8aloinMcCook.Neb..byIi.W.McPONKEIJt&C0..1 > rngglst3. SBtarilie for Tbe ICooi Tnliie 1 ' 9 J3t7 Any Items under this heading will be irtadly rpcelvcdfrom those in the service by the publisher. Brakeman Barry went eastou Monday. Supt. Campbell made a business trip to Denver. Tuesday night. Samuel Rogers and family went up to Longtuont , Tuesday night. A new time card will go into effect on the Denver-Lyons branch , Sunday. Traveling Engineer Dixon made a trip up to Cheyenne , Wednesday of this wee"k. Mrs. H. L ; Donavan went up to Colorado - rado , Monday night , on a visit to rela tives. Dr. E. Hv Waters of the Burlington Voluntary Relief went east on No. 4 , Monday , on a tvyo weeks' vacation. R. B. Archibald and H. G. Borneman went down to Lincoln , Monday evening , to attend the master mechanic's conven- tion. ' Chief Dispatcher Forbes went in to Omaha , Sunday morning , to hear the Hon. Burke Cochran's famous speech , Monday. Operator Culbertson of Benkelman has J. E. Robinson's place , while Joe is working W. . B. Mills' trick during the latter's absence on his wedding trip. COURT HOUSE NEWS ITEMS. Matters of Interest Gleaned From the Sev- era ! County Offices. DISTRICT COURT. The following cases have been filed in - district court since last Thursday : W. S. Pitch vs W. F. Stone. To recover - , cover possession of real estate. Benjamin F. Tate vs. Edwin Ervin. Civil suit on account. ' First National Bank of McCook vs. J. : A. Wilcox. Equity. George B.Berry vs. Ransom S. Gordon. Equity. COUNTY COURT , License to marry was issued to Willard B. Mills and Percie -Brewer. . Chance to Enter Civil Service. The United States civil service com mission has a requisition for a certificate to fill a vacancy in the position of fire man at $720 per annum in the United States court house and post office build ing at Lincoln , Neb. , and an examina tion will be held at the postoffice build ing at Omaha , Neb. , commencing at 9 a. m. , October 7 , to which applicants from Lincoln , Neb. , will be admitted to secure a list of eligibles for this and other positions in the custodian's force in this city. Applications will be accepted for the position of watchman , elevator con ductor , janitor , engineer , fireman , skilled laborer , or any other position in the cus todian's force. At the same time appli cations will be accepted for any of the mechanical trades , to establish registers from which vacancies in the service may be filled in other parts of this state or even in other parts of the country. Persons who desire to take any nf these examinations should write to the civil service commission at Washington , D.C. , for application blanks and information in regard to the examinations. No per son can be examined who has net pre viously filed an application and re ceived an admission card. Mrs. Rhodie Noah of this place was taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got no relief. She then sent to mete to see if I had anything that would help her. I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the first dose relieved her. Another of our neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent him the same remedy. Only four doses of it were required to cure him. He says he owes his recovery to this won derful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley , Sid ney , Mich. For sale by McConne 'll & Co. , Druggists. To California in a TourfstlSIeeper. The Burlington Route personally con ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe ditious. They leave Omaha every Thurs day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and , also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the near est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's remedies had failed , then we tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , which gave very speedy relief. We regard it as the best medicine ever put on the market for bowel complaints. Mrs. E. G. Gregory , Frederickstown , Mo. This certainly is the best medicine ever put on the mar ket for dysentery , summer complaint , colic and cholera infantum in children. It never fails to give prompt relief when used in reasonable time and the plain , printed directions are followed. Many mothers have expressed their sincere gratitude for the cures it has effected. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. t w W- , . . .Om . , . , / -a Commissioners' Proceedings , Board of County Commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , J. M. Thomas , Jas. Carmichael and Stephen Belles , Commis sioners , Harlow W. Keyes , County Attorney , and R. A. Green , County clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion the following bills were allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on county general fund , levy of 1S96 , in payment thereof' as follows : Barnett Lumber Co. , coal 5 3 25. W. V. Gage , medical attendance 10 00 L. J. Spickelmier , medical attendance. 10 00 I. M. Smith , legal proe'd case of Major Hess 2 70 McCallum & Short , mdse 800 State Journal Co. , supplies 59 65 C.H.Meeker , rent 5000 A. McMillen , mdse 12 50 J. B. Meservc , co. treas. , cash advane'd 3 58 . J. C. Oakley , care of poor ( assigned to Belles ) 20 00 R. II. Thomas , labor , moving records. 13 50 Ed Jordan , car fare advanced 2 32 W. C. Bui lard & Co. , coal for paupers. 1 75 Frank Neel , jailer , 42 00 ' J ; R. Neel. board and washing.prison'r 15 00 J. B. Meserve , expense 26 65 W. O. Bond , fees. State vs. Ellis 25 43 J. Menard , mdse , paupers 54 40 Jas. Carmichr.el , service as com 13 50 And on county road fund , levy 1896 , as fol lows , to-wit : C. A. Gentry , blacksmithing 2 90 Mike Coyle. chain carrier 1 50 And on county bridge fund , levy 1896 , as follows , towit : Joseph Junker , bridge work 1400 Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 18 98 A. Kuhlman , spikes , posts and plow handles 170 Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 73 37 W. C. Bullard & Co. , lumber 4 5 36 Ed Warren , bridge work 2 00 Predmore Bros. , bridge material 8 50 Geo. Younger , bridge work 13 50 Frank Cashen , bridge work 250 Stephen Belles , bridge work. . ' 34 35 John Sheppard , bridge work 2 00 C. W. Peters , bridge work 13 12 W. C. Bullard and Co. , lumber 103 72 Leisure Bros. , hdwe and spikes 50 Annual settlement of the folldwingoverseer of highways examined and approved and on motion clerk directed to issue certificate in payment thereof as follows , to-wit : A.D.West , overseer road district No. 37 , certificate No. 26 , for S27.00. On motion ounty treasurer was directed to transfer $100.00 from bridge fund , and $100.00 from road fund to county general fund of 1896. It appearing from the petition of J. W. Cor ner , Win. Lewis , et al , and upon due investi gation the board find that the public good de mands it , upon motion the following road is established and opened : Commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 27 , township 4 , range 30 , extending thence west-upon the section line to the south west corner of section 30.said town , and range and terminating thereat. Clerk directed to notify overseer of highways to open the same , also to notify land owners along line of said road to file claims for damages on or before Nov. 21,1896 , caused to said land by the loca tion of said road. Pursuant to law in such cases made and provided the board proceeded to select the names of 60 electors to act as jurors at Octo ber , 1896 , term of District Court. Whereupon the Clerk of the District Court was furnished with the list , which is as follows , towit : Alliance precinct Maurice Reddy , Samuel Blackfan. Beaver precinct A.P. Bodwell , J. B.Dolph , W. A. Minniear , C. P. Underwood. Bondville precinct J. A. Carter , W. P. Burns. Box Elder precinct Mahlon Campbell.Bert Reeves. Coleman precinct William Coleman. Daubury precinct E. B. Lister , J. A. Mc- Guire. Driftwood precinct Frank Everist. East Valley precinct Samuel Young , Joe Stephens , A. L. Enyeart , A. J. Lohr. Fritsch precinct Walter Kintsel , W.A. Mc- Cool. Gerver precinct N. J. Johnston. Grant precinct T. A. Rowland. Indianola precinct Henry Crabtree , James Iletherington , R. H. Thomas , E. S. Hill , Wm. McCallum , S. E. Hager. Lebanon precinct Nelson West , E. P. Day , Platte Kinne , J. B. Cumming. Missouri Ridge precinct Martin Nutt , Ed. Ervin. ' North Valley precinct C. A. Bede , G. W. Arbogast. Perry precinct Ed Flitcraft , John Real. Red Willow precinct T. K. Quigley , John Broomfield. Tyrone precinct L. J , Shippee , W. C. Mc- Taggart. Valley Grange precinct A. D. Johnston , Geo. Reed. Willow Grove precinct C. B. Gray , John Sheppard , G. W. Starr , James Woodworth , M. B. Hogan , Henry Walker , Joe Spotts , Joe Swath , John Coleman , M. A.Spaulding , Chas. Sentz , Charles Lehn , Ed Wilcox , O. M.Knip- ple , A. C. Ebert , W. F. Lawson. On motion Board adjourned to meet Octo ber 6th , 1896. Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk. INTERESTS YOU. Offer of Cheap Reading Matter You Can't Afford to Miss. During this great campaign people want newspapers and want them while they are fresh and newsy. The SemiWeekly - Weekly State Journal , Lincoln , Neh. , supplies the demand , as it will be mailed from now until January 1 , 1S97 , for only 25 cents , or from now until January 1 , 1S98 , for one dollar. The 25 cent prop osition takes you all through the campaign - { paign , gives you the election returns , ' and through the balance of this year. A dollar for the great twice-a week paper from now until January i , 189S , is the biggest offer ever made to readers. All . . through the campaign , all through the l Nebraska legislature , the congresses and the inauguration of the new president. . Never since the war has so many inci- j dents 1 of vital interest to the masses been i crowded < into sixteen months , as there will be during this period. The SemiWeekly - $ Weekly Journal is almost as good as a l daily. Send your order direct or give it. I to your postmaster. | Job Printing The most artis tic work at the .lowest figures. The Tribune , McCook. Write for nriceB. A trial onler will set tle the business. THE HEW WEEKLY _ - ' ROGKy MOUNTAIN l&Q WS { I DENVER , COLO. . Tins Best iVFEFfLY Publishes 1 S1.00 Per Year la /nnce. LEADS the Silver forces o ! America. LEADS in Mining and Mining Stock Eeports. LEAnS In Special Departments. LEADS in developing Colorado's wai erfai resources. LEADS in Newslness , Brightness , Compre hensiveness. LEADS in Commissions to Agents. ( Write for Terms. ) The Great Silver Daily The News publishes the representative paper ( daily and Sunday ) west of St Loui9 ; cartoon with every issue. 03c a month $1.00 fbt a months in advance. For sample copy of any Issue , address , The KEWS PRINTIKG CO. . Denver , Colorado. Engraving and Embossing. If you take pleasure in good station ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasona ble in price. We also do engraving of cards and embossing of letter paper. See samples and get prices. Dr. Z. L. Kay. Office , rooms 4 ami 5 over Leach's jewelry store. Residence , room 21 , Commercial hotel. Chamberlaiiils Cough Remedy cures colds , croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant , safe and reliable. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Knipple is selling everything in the queensware line at cost and less than cost. Buy one of those Heating Stoves or Ranges at LaTourette's at wholesale price. Steel Cut Nails 2 cents per pound at LaTourette's. Tablets and Box Papers sit McCon- nell's Drug Store. One Quart Tin Frt-il Cans 33 cents per dozen at LaTourette's. Steel Stovepipe T4e. per joint at La Tourette's Hanging lamps at from S2.75 up at Knipple's. Coal Hods 24c at LaTourette's. Toilet Soaps at McConnell's. THE WEEKLY BEE 12 PAGES EVERY WEEK. Makes a special campaign rate of 15 Cents to Nov. 15th . .OI „ 20 Cents to Dec. 31st > nls > cribc now for the lending' Sound Money Paper OK THE WEST. THE J3EE PUBLISHING CO. OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HORSE WSTEES. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con | dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Ponders They , tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss j of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents , per package. For sale by druggists. Jt Scientific Amcrlciui I Ml ml .JRADE' MARKS , m ! > M DESIGN PATENTS , h2S T COPYRIGHTS , etc. For Information and free Handbook -wrlto to MUNN & CO. . S61 Bboadway. New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us 13 brought before the public by a notice given freeof charge In the MnxtUk nmkm ' I arrrest circulation of any scientific racer In thn world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelllKent man should bo without it. Weekly , 3 no a year ; S1.50 six months. Address , JIDNN & CO rSRUsnERS , 3U1 Broadway , New York City. ' * " " " " " " " * * " " " " " " " > i O "MOTHERS' i 14 FRIEND" ; VTShortens labor , lessens pain , - " * • diminishes danger to life of both mother and child and leaves her in condi tion more favorable to speedy recovery. "Stronger after than before confinement" says a prominent midwife. Is the best remedy FOR RISING BREAST Known and worth the price for that alone. Endorsed and recommended by midwives and all ladies who have used it Beware of substitutes and imitations. Makes Child-Birth Easy. Sent by Express or mail on receipt of price , $1.00 per bottle. Bool : "TO MOTHERS" mailed free , containing voluntary testimonials. BBADFIELD BEGULATOR CO. , ATLHTTi , Qt , SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. | Read the best.eouii- / j ty newspapei' that's j The McCook Tribunew * { Tj ever.v time. \'if Do Not Stop Tobacco ! $ & How to Cure Yourself While jl j Using It. j j j The tobacco habit prows on a man until IiU I ' J nervous system Is seriously affected , iinpalrlnr J i C health , comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly S I | g is too severe a shock to the system , as tobacco t SIM inveterate user becomes a stimulant that hit * . 9 I m system continually craves. "H.tcco-Curo" is a * / jjj scientific cure for the tobacco habit , In all its forms , / v carefully compounded after the formula of ; in eminent - > K inent Ucrlin physician who lias used it in his private f k . m practice since 187 , without a failure. It Is pup ) • M vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. \ / > m can use all the tobacco you want while taking a W "Bacco-Curo. " It will notify you when to stop. n We give a written guarantee to cure permanently j M any case , with three boxes , or refund the money tf V with in per cent , interest. "Uacco-Curo" is not a J ft substitute , but a scientific cure , thnt cures without the aid of will power and with no inconvenience. sM It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine J as the day you took your first chew or smoke. ' MI Cured by Bncco-Curo and Gained ' Thirty Pounds. SB From hundreds of testimonials , the originals of M which are on file and open to inspection , the fol- JK lowing is presented : | j | Clayton , Nevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. sS. . fX Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , I-a Crosse , Wis. . - < . ifl Gentlemen : Kor forty years I used tobacco in all - y * ) • & its forms. For twenty-five years of that time I ' f % was a great sufferer f rbm general debility and heart ' 1,3 disease. Kor fifteen years I tried to quit , but ' J ,3 couldn't. I took various remedies , : unong others. 'ism "No-To-Uac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , " i * jjf "Double Chloride of Gold. " etc. , etc. . but none of / ftl them did me the least hit of good. Finally how- * f i M ever , I purchiised a box of your "Bacco-Curo" anrf } J if it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms. f I ) | f and I have increased thirty pounds' in weight and * - r 3 ? am relieved of all the numerous aches and pains of -y * fcjijf body and mind. I could write a quire of paper upon - * ; , & § E on my changed feelings'and condition. t ? l Yours respectfully , III. . Makiiuky , ? ] B Pastor C. 1' . Church , Clayton , Ark. ff | Sold by all druggists at $ f.oo per box ; three boxes , fjl ( thirty days treatment ) St.So , with written guaran- Jt\ , ' ! m tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for < - * > 31 booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical t Mfg. Co. , } -S ij La Crosse , Wis. , and Boston , Mass. ' Vi ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . ' J United States Land Office , McCook , Nebr. , Aug. -th ) , lS/5. Notice is hereby given that Jonathan f Schrawyer \ x filed -notice of intention to makr p } ' final proof betore Register or Receiver at his ofilc * \ in McCook , Nebr. , on Wednesday the i-jth day of j ; October , 1S96 , on timber culture application No. i • ioS .i , for the southeast quarter of section No. seven , 1 in Township No. one north Range No. thirty west 1 sixth Principal Meridian. He names as witnesses : l Wilson II. Ilartman , Cora B. Ilartman. of McCook. § Nebr. , and Austin Dutcher , James McLaughlin , of f ? Vailton , Neb. . A. S. Camimiei.l , Reiristcr. \ J FllEE EDUCATION. | „ An education at Harvard , Yale , or any other 5 college or institution of learning in theVnited States , or in the New England Conservatory of J j Music , am be secured by any young man or 5 woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars S ; quickly. JAMES D. BALL , } 35 Broomfield Street , Boston , Mass. J Wanted-fln Idea SSI Protect your Ideas : they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURJI & CO. . Patpnt Attor neys , Washington , D. C.for tfc3lr $1,800 prize offer and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. ! l Farmer's Sons \ „ | C Q r-r . We will employ you at $50 per , ' ' ? % % < & KvJ month. Write quickly. ! C U Pukit.wt Publishing Co. , 5 j ( < 56 Broomfield Street. ' ' , , : J Boston , Mass. ] > ' ' J. S. McBRAYER , . i * PROPRIETOR OK THE J McCook Transfer Line. * BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPBESS. 3grJOnly furniture van in the city. ( Also have a first class house * moving ] outfit. Leave orders for * Z t J bus ' calls at Commercial hotel or at i office opposite the depot. Cdase Co. Land and Jve Stock Go , fM Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder 02s I jM ? P.O. address Imperial / * V a Q ? | 7 7Stinking Water and the I HkSMI Frenchman creeks , in I v jPwr ] Chase county. Nebraska. I , w ' ' HI Brand as cut onsideof " ; & liSjLSliDr.WfcljRl.nrmu H'liiiniiii ' nil lilp mill , - " * * 8fcaSjB9 sides of some , or any- j I whereon thf animal. • R. A. COLE , \ \ LEADING ' * Tj MERCHANT TAILOE OF WIcCOOK , Has just received a new stock of CLOTHS nd TRIMMINGS. If you -want a good fit ting suit made at tbe very lowest prices for v good work , call on him. Shop fir t door weii jt of Harnett's Lumber Office , oa D nal o , itroet. 3 R-I-P-A-N-S u. u.m 2 The modern stand- g ard Family Medi- w cine : Cures the r common every-day • v 4 J ills of humanity. \ T MARK B l r * l vi