I . J Blackwell's Genuine I I l ) BULL DURHAM j ; fej Yon will And one conpon Inside each 2 ounce bag and two coupons Inside each-4 ounce bag. g B . • v Buy bag , read the coupon and sco how to get your ahre of # 150,000 In presents. g I 2 IJFIRST I I I FWnational - I I § U-bankT ] Jj B | l Authorized Capital , $100,000. f j H | 1 Capitaland Surplus , $60,000 I * B | SS ff 0. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. SS B | f | W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. jj Hj tt A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director , it , ! . - - - 5jg ) jr jjgrTgrsgc agp-a yogjC-ygr * jjiiiy * : yc j < jp jgc-jjp ; ajjej jr igrs f tqc j -Bjjonnjycjisirijjs } § g. ) f ' f $ V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. | J , I I CITIZENS BANK | $ \ ° ' OF McCOOK , NEB. § iff ' # | # # I * * i v J # Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $10,000 § j y - s ? - # # = = = - DIRECTORS - = = r- IE 1 ? / . FRANKLIN , N. S. HARW00D , A. C. EBERT , | | B > IP / / . ' 7" . CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , C. H. WILLARD. If i f I H Fred Krug Brewing Gompany M I P Cabinet Bottled Beer. f | | | I A High Grade Lager Beer , | | j | I § Purest in the Market. gg I 9 PATRONIZE HOME . INDUSTRY , ft I 0ffice 100T Jncksoa St Omaha , Neb. SggS ' : F. D. BURGESS , r I Plumber and Steam Fitter. i. MAIN AVKNTJE , McCOOK , NEB. v Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Tria * I h einffs. A ent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupnn Wind Mill. * > _ _ _ _ _ _ w- _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . Mi 11 y .T-lrT-TTT-asrT " rTlTF - ' U FsmoH.Kemeoycues qnlcKIjpermanentlynti " I | 3A _ Jk ! _ * f 3lkr4 lM W I . Inorvoas dlBuuBes. , . Weulc , llemorv. Ijoss of , Brain Power , l * % lTn - | w il SH----.T-- Headache Wake.nlness J-o t Vitality Nightly Emls- V3S _ ---lEv - ! | Blons7evU dreams , lmpotency . and \rastlnR diseases . caused by - - - - - - - rmTi \ _ _ B Tr ll \ voutfc/ul rror * or 3fe . s .Contalnsno opiates. Isanervetontc . ' I l tl _ rtffl-f < Mw _ _ 1 and blood'ballder. Blakesthepaleandpunystrongandplnrnp. _ . . . \ { WjtotTlWZiStW JW > ! • | EaMlycniTledlnveBtpocet.81perboxeforS5. Bytnall re. * . tMEbrum T RI1 ad&\v\'withav7TitUnQU < iTanUcoTmantvrcvin < Ua. Writensfree & _ HL < c _ K < w Bk.- _ EjLHi iedleal book , . sealed plain • wrapper , • with . testimonials and iBmiizmMSi3D B i S M\fnaaic\altKn0\ng. XTo charge Tor eonndtatlons. Beware of imito ForsaJo In McCk > o.Neb..by J-w W. McDONNElCO. . . Drngglsta. I . Siitaniie 1 Tim McCook f nine . . . A Hi" LLLLL-LLi---Ll--lt--- • , * * - - - ' - ' * r- - . . - - - - - . - - . . - . „ - - - - - - - - - ' ' r i ir hi | r [ p.- r Jj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 To the Farmers of * S. W. Nebraska. It has become the custom of the far mers of the successful Agricultural states to hold 'Farmers * Conventions" , where in and stock-rais those engaged farming - ing assemble and discuss and exchange ideas as to the kind of crops best adapted to their locality , and the best methods of cultivation ; and those who have at tended such conventions agree that great benefits result from the recitals of the experience of those present. We believe that great good will result from such a meeting of farmers at this time , aiid hereby issue a call for a "Far mers' Convention" to be held at Me- Cook , Nebraska , Thursday and Friday , Sep.ember.17th and 18th , 1896 , for the purpose of discussing any and all ques tions relating to farming , dairying , and stock-raising in this section of the coun try. try.A A good camping ground with abund auce of water will be at your disposal and we urge all farmers to attend this meet ing. Come the evening before and bring your camping outfit and let us have a pleasant and profitable time. If you are in doubt as to the good re- > . suits , come for recreation aud you will go home well satisfied , k There will be an open air concert , k Thursday evening , by the McCook K. ) P. Band , one of the best in the state , and ) which is now filling an engagement at l the State Fair. P Bring samples of products adapted to ' this climate , marked with dates of plant- f ing and maturing. W. J. Evans , J. C. Ashtou , Marion \ Plummer , William Weygint , John Real , ) R. II Thomas , Robert E. George , J. W. I Daniels , John Ross , S. G. Goheen , Frank fr Stillman.W. T. Hen ton , George Ralsten , fr S. S. Graham , John Deveny , C. W. Mallory - * lory , C. C. Richards. D. J. McKillip , B. * Forbes , M. H. Cole , Stephen Belles , J. \ F. Helm , William Relph , Joseph Dudek , t G. W. Wyrick , Lyman Jenning , R. C. ) Catlett , J. V. Carnahan , Matt. Droll , P. } J. Hickman. J Nothing in it. - I It will be welcome , news to the pub- i lisher and the public to learn that the system of giving prizes in the shape of chromes , pamphlets , books and what is / known in newspaper circles as guessing contests and coupon fakes is on the de cline. Journals have been making frantic - tic but useless endeavors to push circula- tion by these means for years past. Such schemes fall short of their object. The reader soon tires of the novelty and the extra solicitation becomes objectionable , not only because it wastes space in his p per , but because as a rule he is asked to paj' for something that he can well do without or don't want at all. The prize scheme goes to an excess , and where a picture card or lithograph was at one time acceptable , a book , buggy or build ing lot soon fails to attract attentionand the publisher eventually finds that he cannot keep up with the demands which he has helped to encourage. The dailies of Chicago compared notes recently , and found that , as a result of a year of these methodstheir circulations , both absolutely and relatively to each other , were in about the same condition as before , and they were $500,000 out of pocket. It is to be hoped that the en terprise and ingenuity which has been wasted in a rivalry which has not even been appreciated by the reader will be turned into the legitimate business of making better newspapers. This will pay , in the end , better than the quasi gift enterprise. INTERESTS YOU. Offer of Cheap Reading : Matter You Can't Afford to Miss. During this great campaign people want newspapers and want them while they are fresh and newsy. The SemiWeekly - Weekly State Journal , Lincoln , Neb. , supplies the demand , as it will be mailed from now until January 1 , 1897 , for only 25 cents , or from now until Januajy 1 , 1S98 , for one dollar. The 25 cent prop osition takes you all through the cam paign , gives you the .election returns , and through the balance of this year. A dollar for the great twice-a week paper from now until January 1 , 1898 , is the biggest offer ever made to readers. All through the campaign , all through the Nebraska legislature , the congresses and the inauguration of the new president. Never since the war has so many inci dents of vital iuterest to the masses been crowded into sixteen months , as there 1 will be during this period. The SemiWeekly - Weekly Journal is almost as good as a ; daily. Send your order direct or give it 1 to your postmaster. Keep Your Alleys Clean. In view of the few cases of typhoid fever in the city , I want to again urge ' upon the people the absolute necessity of keeping their premises and surround ings clean. Alleys must be kept clean , ' and deviations from the ordinance regu- ] latiug this matter will be dealt with se- ! verely. Ed. Jordan , Marshal. ' Fifteen (15) ( cents will buy a box of ' ' nice writing paper at this office , con taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel opes. 1 The Tribune wants correspondence from" every precinct and town in Red Willow county. Terms readily given on c request. ( nar " 7 inn iiim - T • ' * ' * - • J- J f rTT" - * ' iiih * i > i - ip 1 mi 1. - ! . . 1 1.J UT..3 , .t.r. . jctrr - COMMUNICATED. Anaconda , Montana , Sept. 4 , 1896. Friends and Citizens of McCook : Ow ing to the many requests that were made of me pen my departure from McCook to Write concerning the con ditions which prevail in Western Mon tana and my inability to correspond with each one personally I have with the kind permission of Editor Kimmell taken this means of informing you. After a long and pleasant journey of over 1400 miles by way of such beautiful places as Denver , Colorado Springs , Pikes Peak , Pueblo , Canon City , Royal Gorge , Salida , Leadville , Mt. Holy Cross , Castle Gate , Grand Junction , Salt Lake City , Ogden , Pocatello - catello and Silver Bow I arrived in Anaconda , Saturday afternoon , Aug. 22d. Before relating any facts concern ing Anaconda I wish to relate a few incidents of the journey. It is need less to say the scenery over this route is the finest the world has produced , and were I to describe it I would have an endless task. Among the many things which im pressed me most was the amount of business and travel that seemed to exist in the western states , yet thi-j' tell me that business is very dull and base all their hopes for the future on the victory of ' 'Free Silver" , which in their estimation will be the crowning success of the western states. The chief sources of income from these states are mining interests , with a little agriculture , railroading and grazing combined. During my sojourn in Denver I met many old friends and former ac quaintances who have been residents of McCook at one time , and while in Salt Lake-City I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. L. B. Stiles , who is now in the employ of an Accident Insur ance Co. , and he told me that our old friend Mr. Geo. Johnston , former pro prietor of the Commercial hotel of McCook , is in charge of the "Walker House" of that cit3r , and is doing very well. well.The The ' 'Mormon City * ' is a beautiful place to live in , not as a business cen ter , but as a place to enjoy a comfort able and pleasant life. I visited the temple and tabernacle and was very much surprised at the grandeur and magnitude of it. A person would have to see it in order to comprehend its magnificenc . Leaving our jour ney with the expectation that you all may experience it at some time in 3'our lives I will now tell you what I know about Anaconda , Montana. This city with a population of over 12,000 is located in a valle } ' between two ranges of the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of over5,000 feet from sea-level. We have an excellent climate , and our water supply is brought direct from the mountains and is furnished to the consumers at a very low rate. The city possesses electric lights , street-cars , good schools , churches of all denominations , a free library do nated by the wife of millionare nearst , two railroads penetrate the the town , and a nice park with mineral - eral springs affords amusement for the weary laborers on Sundays. All the picnics in this part of the state are held in Anaconda Park. The chief sources of empk > 3'ment in this section of the country are mining , smelting , railroading , lumbering , grazing and the corresponding branches of trade ; and business which are held and controlled - ] trolled by "labor unions" , thus affording - ing uniform wages. Business here in comparison with that of McCook is very good ; there are not less than five thousand workmen - - men tributary to this town , which of j course has a tendency to keep busi1 1 ness good in commercial branches. ' Many people labor under the impression - pression that this is nothing more than a mining camp , but this is a mistake , for nearly all the mining is done at Butte , thirty miles awa3r , and all the refining and smelting of the ore is done in Anaconda. Wages are high , common laborers receiving not less than $2.50 per da3' , clerks and deliver * men $75 a month and up , mechanics from $3 per da3r up , office men and railroaders get high salaries and all other branches of labor are paid in proportion Provisions such as meats , milk and groceries are very high , while shoes , dry goods and clothing are cheaper than McCook prices. Rents very high an\l many buildings in the course of . erection. Fuel is high , coal $7 to $15 " per ton , wood $5 per loadequal to four ricks of stove wood. I would not ad vise any one to come out here this fall , owing to the approach of winter and the possibility of getting a job while the cost of moving would be ver3' high , but from the present outlook - look I think there will be a great . many opportunities offered in the \ spring , especially to 3Toung men starting out in liie. , Wishing 3ou all a prosperous 3-ear \ and all that follows , I remain Yours most respectful - . ] William H. Mahoney. J Box 12f . Anaconda , Montana. < Knipple is selling everything in the < queensware line at cost and less than \ cost. t S3WT - - * MEjSSW > - S s-w a -a - _ , „ < . Engraving : and Embossing. If you take pleasure in good station ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasona ble in price. We also do engraving of cards and embossing of letter paper. See samples and get prices. Dr. Z. L. Kay. Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's jewelry store. Residence , room 21 , Commercial hotel. Cultivate your corn late with a Five- Tooth Hoe Drill. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep them for sale at a very reasonable figure. Buy one of those Heating Stoves or Ranges at LaTourette's at wholesale price. Quart Tin Cans at 45c. a dozen at S. M. Cochran & Co 's One Quart Tin Fruit Cans 33 cents per dozen at LaTourette's. Only 2j4 cents a pound for cut nails at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. Steel Stovepipe 14c. per joint at La Tourette's. ' Hanging lamps at from S2.75 up at Knipple's. Coal Hods 24c at LaTourette's Toilet Soaps at McConuell's. THE WEEKLY BEE 12 PAGES EVERY WEEK. Makes ; i sprci.il campaign rate of 15 Cents to Nov. 15th . .OK. . 20 Cents to Dec. 31st Snbbcribc now for the leading Sound Money Paper OF THE WEST. THE J3EE PUBLISHING CO. OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Mrs. Rhodie Noah of this place was taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in She took half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got no relief. She then sent to mete to see if I had anything that would help her. I sent her a bottleof Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the first dose relieved her. Another of onr neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent him the same remedy. Only four doses of it were required to cure him. He says he owes his recovery to tin s won derful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley , Sid ney , Mich. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds , croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant , safe and reliable. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's remedies had failed , then we tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , which gave very speed , } ' relief. We regard it as the best medicine ever put on the market for bowel complaints Mrs. E. G. Gregory , Frederickstown , Mo. This certainly is the best medicine ever put on the mar ket for dysentery , summer complaint , colic 1 and cholera infantum in children. It never fails to give prompt relief when used ' in reasonable time and the plain , printed directions are followed. Many mothers : have expressed their sincere gratitude for the cures it has effected. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. ; Chamberlain's Eye and Skin. Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Eheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , ChronicSore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per "box. TO HORsFoWNEHS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try lr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up , the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destrojr worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 2-3 cents per package. For sale by druegists I Scientific American M S . TRADE MARKS , mk * DESICH PATENTS , fc i * = COPYRIGHTS , etc. For Information and free Handbook write to SIUNN & CO. , 361 Bhoadwat. New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the § > .amitik | wmn ' largest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man should lie without It. Weekly. g. i.OO a year ; SI.50 six months. Address , MONN & CO. . iTJBtjsnEiis , 361 Broadu ay , New York City. ' . - i , SS SUFFER UNTOLD MISERIES. 2 ? ; Ibradfield's I I FE/ ALE | I REGULATOR , | | ACTS AS A SPECIFIC | S > Bj Arousing to Healthy Action all hsr Organs. > > & It causes health to bloom , and < < > S joy to reign throughout the frame. > > | . . . It Never Fails to Regulate . . . | > 5 . " iIy,7'renaskeenundertreatmentof ' ! ead- > > < C Ing physicians three years , without beneUt.SS SS Anpr sng three bottles of BKADFIELD'S < < ? ? FKMALE KEGOXATOK she can do her own < < / / cooking , milking and washing. " ? ? > > N.S.BltYAN.HendersonAla. > > > > BEADFIEID KEGOLATOR CO. , Atlanta , Oa. * > < < Sold bydruggistsatlLOOper bottle. < < -v Read the best coimh ; I y I ty newspaper that sf ' f * I The McCook Trib 4miifJ I every time. y "Cp I Do Not Stop Tobacco * j r I How to Cure Yourself While f ' I * I The tobacco h.ililt jjrows on a man until lUV | S , H nervous system is seriously affected , tinp.ilrlnr i ft s m health , comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly / ' M m is too ncvere a shock to the system , as tobacco U , I fB I an inveterate user becomes a stimulant th.it hi * * IB sjstem continually craves. "Dacco-Curo Is 1 " * scientific cure for tlie tobacco habit , in nil Its fonr1 * m MM carefully compounded after the formula of an ti Inent Berlin physician who has used It in his privat' IK H practice since 1S7J , without a failure. It Is purel jSiH vegetable ami guaranteed perfectly harmless. Yet B | can use all the tobacco you want white takin S l "Bacco-Curo. " It will notify you when to st JS I "We give a written guarantee to cure permanent ! . Jl l any case , with three boxes , or refund the monr IH I with 10 per cent , interest. "Bacco-Curo" Is not { jM I substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures wlthou % X | the aid of will power and with no Inconvenieno&iH It leaves the system as pure and free from nlcotln Ms l as the day you took your first chew or smoke. * g M Cured by Bacco-Curo and Gained t Wi m\ Thirty Pounds. if l From hundreds of testimonials , the originals of ( M l which are on file and open to inspection , the fol , | | MM lowing is presented : JC * ' * ! H Clayton , Nevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. 2S. • " f ] Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , 1m Crosse , Wis.- * > ImM Gentlemen : Ko r forty years I used tobacco in nN „ 'ISsmMW its forms. For of that time " twenty-five years V ' \ ' 'i H wasa great sufferer from general debility and hearti l H disease. For fifteen years I tried to quit , buUl bfa \ & m\ \ couldn't. I took various remedies , among othersjj ,3cm < J I "No-To-Bac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidotef M v | | H "Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. , but none o < rr < - TxJ I them did me the least bit of good. Finally how- ' ' K" mm\ \ ever , I purchased si box ofour "Bacco-Curo" and t ) t-MT H it has entirely cured me of the habit In all Its forms , * . "lliHi and I have increased thirty pounds In weight and li /a H am relieved oi all the numerous aches and pains of _ f * H body and mind. I could write a quire of paper UP * h % $ H on inv changed feelings and condition. 'VSJ * , } &j& ' limmU\ \ Yours respectfully , IMI. MakiiUKY , V * f ) , f kmm Pastor C. P. Church , Clayton , Ark. $ * it M Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per box ; three boxes , \ * § H ( thirty days trMtment ) $ .50 , with written guaran- j % mT tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. AV rite fo > ' 'jjS B booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical it Mfg. Co. ' 3 B La Crosse , Wis. , and Boston , Mass. / ' ( tfj H ? * ' % M NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. M United States Land Office , McCook , Nebr. , Aug 1 H 4th , 1S95. Notice is hereby given thatJonath.it i H Schrawyer h < * filed notice of intention to make { H final proof bei jre Register or Receiver at his office J H in McCook , Nebr. , on Wednesday the 14th day of A H October , 1S96 , on timber culture application No. i H oSl , for the southeast quarter of section No. seven , , ' H in Township No. one north Range No. thirty west ' | sixth Principal Meridian. He names as witnesses > | Wilson II. Ilartman , Com B. Hartman.of McCool'j ' H Nebr. , and Austin Dutcher , James McLaughlin , u j H Vailton , Neb. . H A. S. Campiieli. , ReiristerVS -r H I FREE EDUCATION.f ( An education at Harvard , Yale , or any other J AW * college or Institution of learning in the "United v Mm States , or in the New England Conservatory of j AW * Alusic , cm be secured by any young man or U 5 woman who is in earnest ! Write for particulars J * * mW. \ quickly. JAMES V. BALL , J > M 36 Broomfield Street , Boston , Mass. J Mm Wanted-An Idea SSS' I Protect your Ideas ; they may bring you wealth. : mwl Write JOHN WEDDERBORN ft CO. . Patent Attor- . M neya , Washington , D. C , for their 1.800 prlzo offer % MU and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. ' i H M P w Y I Farmer's Sons ' . ; H S C p-rv We will employ you at $50 per J ; ' * : | ll 5 J ) " \\J month. Write quickly. " " * C * J I'UKITAN I'UllLIbltING Co. , J J c 56 Broomfield Street , i ! J Boston , Mass \ \ \ U M J. S. McBKAYEK , , r M PROPRIETOR OF THE 4K * mm\ McCook Transfer Linelr J BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. H S Only furniture van in the fv 3B city. ( Also have a first class housa \ ' HI moving outfit. Leave orders for * ' Lm bus ] calls at Commercial hotel or * H at office opposite the depot. ' 1 G-iase Go. Land and Live Stock 61. fl 1 H-Jbfe . . tXrUjB Of M r ' ' 1 Horses brauded on left hip or leftshouldar H s MMp P. O. addrosrf Imperial U M H Cbase county , and lieat 1 BUBBafiYf Sti3 ' king Water and the H mW KSmrJ d Frenchman creeks , iu mW2 M/mFBrjEmWSsl Chase county. Nebraska. H - JrLJBI Brand as cutonsldeoC . 1 j SSt tt tAm someanimais.on hip and Jr. mm ammmmmm * sides of some , or anyft whereon thpanimal. C * B R. A. COLE , r5H LEADING r jdW MESGHANT TAILOR " OF McCOOK , H Has Just received a. new stock of CLOTHS Wd md TRIMMINGS. If you want a good flfrjf" H ting suit made at the very lowest prlcei toy j ? W jood work , call on him. Shop first door weit % J H of Barnett's Lumber Office , ox Denalsoa - * | itreet. H , , r I p R-I-P-A-N-S | u. mWM w H 2 The modern stand- H g ard Family Medi- H w cine : Cures the H common every-day i H 5 ills of humanity. % < JH