flHKlH H < 111 Smf tl M hehigh tclaimforotIier Piv ----JI IB wB/Fy 1M tobaccos is "Just Sl fffiM I I Wflfo Jkjjljm Every old smoker WE JJIM W II * L\W \ LtC y news there is none just $ foSzg njiEL IJ [ BULL DURHAM ) 11 IIS V Smoking Tobacco t J H m I ' ' eZf ZS . You w511 find one couP ° n inside HS l H WK I Si vl . eachtw oouacebagandtwpcouJ0P&m m & 0p H vftk ( pens inside each four ounce Hi ' J mv > \ Mfm 10 k H ilgMS > 1 6 A baSofBlackwell's Durham. MOT m H Hi flljVcjk * M1l\\\\\ \ \ \ Crated tobacco and read the w | ( \ eHm H If P fLagsS i mj m coupon which gives a listMjfeV JPgM n ! VI * V of valuable presents and how | R r PV In ' " I FIRS/r jj I ' If F NATIONAL * j | II 1 ? ? ' ' ' | B A N KTj ' \ g HI ; | | Authorized Capital , $100,000 : Hi V | Capital * and Surplus , $60,000 jl H | 5S G 0. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. it 11 H W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. H | i ; | S A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director , it HI | J3 _ _ _ _ _ . . . H X j5LiflEir-rfH "rfV"1t rfEr-rfBr-aiffimflir ilW - ijtir tr i-Bi if. j3Tnffiir -a V ijtr --JV-.flfcr-pTW . itWrr- % r-.tV--nffitr igjgl H @y gr : iill'JjiP- ; T * IF TiF ? aF gg' 3l"atfc : : : > 5tttgCi ] ; gjgf-'Hip : y-y giCTigfB.iggc a y • xfgeagcyfgcxjgt Igig ? I S # I j ! V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. | | I - # # II ! CITIZENS BANK ! if * # 4 # I # > ; ' ' OF MeCOOK , NEB. I | I - # f * ' ' ' # H • • j , < • ii I < # Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , Si0,000 # f HI If = | | - DIRECTORS i = sr- 1 i | V. FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , % I I ' H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , C. H. WILLARD. If I if w 1 • # # I I ; Fred Krug Brewing Company 8 I i Cabinet Bottled Beek. I ifli Grade Lager Beer , | | j | I • Purest in the Market. ffg I PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. 'm , m m m H ' Office 1007 Jackson St. , Oniaha , Neb. S. 2 H F. D. BURGESS , I Plumber and Steam Fitter. I IAEN AVKNUE , MeCOOK , NEB. Bl " Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trior HH i aincs. Apent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. l H 1 1 * 1V | J'/i 1J J VJk ll nrVl n nrflThls FamonaBeneay cures quicsiy , permanently ml B 1 I 83 J | j Kl33ti4 | I7 < 1.V 13 I nervous dl&euses. , Weuk , Memory , jLoss of , Brain Power , ' lM U M3Ci 2JUSUMJMiMlULjbJi Headache Wakefulness l > at VluUIty KiyUtly Eml3- P P H V E3tI9 \ M ons , ovll dreams , impotence . and TrasttnK diseases . caused by till # ( M iZj ffrja IB j youthful errors or excesses. . Contains no opiates. Isanervetontc . flH I WTrS gyfiPj CT8tri . landbloodlinllder. JlakeathepaloanJpnnystToneandplucp. . . P PH 1 I , EycJJ < JiF JJC J | | EaslIycarriedinTcatpocket.81perboi6forS5. . Bymatl.prc- . P P B ; j 'ifljl • * # S J • * • > UlaJpaW. witfc a written twranteecrfnonev , xn Wrtto'us.rrce ffll w ri * TnMT TIllW" ifsfi Wl * " ' 1" " " * * x > ° fci . sealed plain wrapper with . testimonials and . P P H KA 9PI . HkMHHwn9u . . . V financial . standintr. Abcfcnri7rtreons , ltat < . on , iewnr omlfn. , . P P PJf uai. iuu ( BUVti. jouiuii. ( tons.SoMb/onr ctBtloraddrcuaXBTBS EOCO.IIasoaIeXeispeCUcaso. . . B ForsaloinMcCook.Neb..b7li. W.McDONNEXJCi & CO. . Drugelsta. I Subscribe for ft Mitt Trilne isii H HH p p pB. , ' rl _ „ , , , „ , . . _ .ID . 1 1 ! 11- 1 * 1 < " * -7-y" t ! ' , -wt - * - _ r COLEMAN. H. B. Wales has plenty of melons. P. S. Wilcox of McCook was in this town. William Coleman .cut his alfalfa , last week. Harry Wales h . auled out some coal , Thursday. Uncle Billy cut his millet ; he had nineteen loads. Mike Coyle was cutting hay in the canyons , la&week. M. H. Cole was helping Wm. Sharp strip cane , Thursday. W. H. Epperly had business in the county seat , Thursday. M. H. Cole and family drove to Mc- Cook , Sunday afternoon. Alva Osborn of the Willow was at J. W. Corners' , Monday. W. A. Stewart of Perry is drawing cane to the factory this week. Wm. Coleman took some wheat to mill , Thursday , and changed for Hour. A. prentice and wife took dinner with William Sharp and wife , Sunday. • J. W. Corner got some plums , wild grapes and elderberries , last Fiiday. Did any one see Clark Boatman driving through this town , Wednes day ? Alice Cole came out from McCook , Saturday , and made a short visit with the famity. Lou , Dell and Ella Coruthers < rot ten bushels of plums on their trip north of the Willow. We learn that J. Kelley had several of his horses bitten by a rattlesnake , Mondays Result not known at this writing. A large rattlesnake was killed , Wednesday , in J. Kelley's pasture , where four of his horses were bitten , Mondays The horses will get well. September 2nd , thirty seven years ago , the corn crop of Iowa was ruined by frost. Thirty-four years ago corn and cane were ruined bv frost in Iowa. John Taylor of Avoca , Iowa , came in , last night , and is looking over his 800 acre ranch on the Driftwood. .He thinks of running 100 head of cattle on it. The following farmers from this town , went to McCook , Thursday night , to hear Mr. T. L. Mathers speak : M. H. Cole , J W. Corner , H. B. Wales , W. Sharp , R. Johns , A. Prentice , Matt Droll , Wm. Coleman and G. McLain. When H.Simmerman was seen jump ing up and trying to crack his feet together three times before he struck the ground it was thought he had gone crazy. But when it was known that he had a brand splinter new baby at his home , that settled it. Don't know what we would try to do over such an event at our house , but presume we'd try to stand on our head on top of the the windmill , or climb the lightning rod , or pull up the well and push the hole up through the atmosphere , or lie down and cry. 0 where are my squashes , tho' I didn't plant many , There's enough on the vines to bring many a penny. The big bugs were there for to feast all the day , But I was there early and drove them away. 1 had a patch of snap beans , the rows were short I say. But I had enough for home use and gave a lot away. They didn't wither and dry up nor didn't blow away. For some are hanging full and plump upon the vines today. I planted some peas , my darling to please , And hoed them , some said , beyond reason : But fat , plump and pearly , some late and some early , We feasted on peas through ttye season. I sowed many kinds of the raddish , Just like any other beginner , The early round reds were for breakfast , The white , and long scarlet for din ner. For breakfast , for dinner , for supper We ate them , we gave them away , And more than the haif are now standing , And scatt'ring their seeds every day. I sowed a bed of lettuce of the pre mium prize-head kind , And the leaves were crisp and tender , as you scarce ly ever find , And the heads were large and juicy , and they made the best of feed , But we couldn 't eat the half of them , so let them go to seed. My pumpkin patch is emerald green , 'Twill please the eyes to look upon it , For yellow beauties there are seen , Bigger'n any Quaker bonnet. It fills the heart with blissful joy , Upon my patch to feast the eyes , And think , like any other boy , What grand feasts I'll have to cheer me this long dreary winter When these fine rich yellow beauties are corked up into pumpkin pies. My navy soup bean is an elegant green , And the bushes are loaded with pods , And when they are thresh ed and boiled till , they're mashed , They'll make a dish fit for 'ye gods' . And at close of the winter * I'll not be a sprinter , For they'll round up this slab-sided frame , And make it as t . - - F&- , ' , - - fi = JSKSES = WI S S2JL.HWIWI' ' * . _ - -m r " " " ' ' " " ' - ' ' - = * * ! * S- 2 * plump as a fat wether's' rump , So no one will think it the same. it I have cabbagej beets and turnip , That the sun has failed to burn up , And the roasting ears are juicyplump and sweet ; And the chickens hatched out early , But my darling is not surly , For they're healthy , plump and plenty large to eat. How dear to my heart is the parcel of ground , That I planted to melons so lucious and sweet , For melons lie thickly , some long and some round , And little do I but just lie there and eat The White Russian melon , the cantaleup melon , the Cuban-queen melon so lucious aud sweet. " For a month past or more we've had all we could eat , And I took some to town , some Avere made into butter , But many are left that's so jucy and sweet That daily I eat till I scarcely can stutterThe White Russian melon , the cantaleup melon , the Cuban-queen melon , so lucious and sweet. If North Coleman will call she will find this no gobble , For with melon I'll fill her so full she can't wobble. INTERESTS YOTJ. 'Offer ' of Cheap Reading Matter You Can't Afford to Miss. During this great campaign people want newspapers and want them while they are fresh and newsy. The SemiWeekly - Weekly State Journal , Lincoln , Neb. , supplies the demand , as it will be mailed from now until January i , 1897 , for only 25 cents , or from now until Januajj' 1 , 1898 , for one dollar. The 25 cent prop osition takes you all through the cam paign , gives you the election returns , and through the balance of this year. A dollar for the great twice-a week paper from now until January 1 , 1898 , is the biggest offer ever made to readers. All through the campaign , all through the Nebraska legislature , the congresses and the inauguration of the new president. Never since the war has so many inci dents of vital interest to the masses been crowded into sixteen months , as there will be during this period. The SemiWeekly - Weekly Journal is almost as good as a daily. Send your order direct or give it to your postmaster. Keep Your Alleys Clean. In view of the few cases of typhoid fever in the city , I want to again urge upon the people the absolute necessity of keeping their premises and surround ings clean. Alleys must be kept clean , and deviations from the ordinance regu lating this matter will be dealt with se verely. Ed. Jordan. Marshal. An Afflicted Family. We are pained to learn that five mem bers of James Roberson's family are lown with typhoid fever. The Star of fupiter has provided a nurse , and friends ire helping the sorely afflieted family. Fifteen (15 ( ; cents will buy a box of lice writing paper at this office , con taining 24 sheets of paper aud 24 envel- ) pes. The Tribone wants correspondence " rom every precinct and town in Red iVillow county. Terms readily given on equest. He Couldn't Explain. A very small newsboy , who had just sold his last paper , leaned against the iron lamppost and shouted with all his lung power : "Pa-i-i-per ! Twelvy-clack pa-i-i-per ! Extry twelvy-clack I" The boy was working overtime , either from force of habit or because of his natural exuberance. It is not uncom mon in Calhoun place for a boy to stop | hort and yell several times , merely to relieve himself. It happened that a pedestrian was at tracted by the shouts of the boy against the lamppost. He smiled as he looked at the youngster and then said , "All right , give mo one of your papers. " That startled the boy. He looked sheepishly at the man , rubbed his hand into his pocket and said , "I ain't got any. " "Didn't I hear yon calling a 12 o'clock paper ? " "Yes , but I didn't mean" It was too much of an explanation. A professor of psychology who had studied the laws of unconscious cerebration might have told why the boy stood on the corner shouting papers when he had no papers to sell , but the boy adopted a less diffi cult course and ran away. Chicago Record. Taking Exorcise. Poor Harry Shelman , the long haired poet who dressed his entire person to resemble Buffalo Bill , aud who was , in fact , startlingly like the greatest of scouts , used to tell mo of a literary friend of his who had a novel method of taking exercise. His workshop was on the top floor of his house , far from the noise of the street , and he used to write about 15 hours a day. He was not a Howells or a Brouson Howard , whose working hours never exceed fonr in any one day. Ho worked , he labored , ho toiled. He had no time for a bicycle -and could not afford a horse. He hated walking. Run he could uot. Swimmiug was out of the questiou. Still he must have exercise. Ho kept his dictionary in the basement and his thesaurus in the kitchen. As he used both very often it was necessary to make many trips down stairs and up again , and in that way he kept himself in splendid physical condi tion. A visitor once saw him dashing down stairs like a madman and soaring up again like a kite and was distressed till informed by John's wife that John was simply hunting for a word and had found it. New York Press. Knipple sells al 1 queensware at cost and less. ! i Mrs. Rhodie Noah of this place was taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set . in. She took half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got no relief. She then sent to mete to see if I had anything that would help her. I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the first dose relieved her. Another of our neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent him the same remedy. Only four doses of it were required to cure him. He says he owes his recovery to this won derful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley , Sid ney , Mich. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds , croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant , safe and reliable. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Last summer one of our grand children was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's remedies had failed , then we tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , which gave very speedy relief. We regard it as the best medicine ever put on the market for bowel complaints Mrs. E G. Gregory , Frederickstown , Mo. This certainly is the best medicine ever put on the mar ket for dysentery , summer complaint , colic and cholera infantum in children. It never fails to give prompt relief when used in reasonable time and the plain , printed directions are followed. Many mothers have expressed their sincere gratitude for the cures it has effected. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Dr. Z. L. Kay. Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's jewelrystore. . Residence , room 21 , Commercial hotel. Cultivate your corn late with a Five- Tooth Hoe Drill. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep them for sale at a very reasonable figure. Buy one of those Heating Stoves or Ranges at LaTourette's at wholesale price. Quart Tin Cans at 45c. a dozen at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. Only iyi cents a pound for cut nails at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. Hanging lamps at from S2.75 up at Knipple's. Toilet Soaps at McConnell's. Job Pbinting The most artis tic work at the lowest figures. The Teibune , McCook. Write for prices. A trial order will set tle the business. Read tlie ; best coun ty newspaper that's The McCook Tribune every time. Chamberlain'o Eya and Slrin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczcmif , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Eites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per 'box. ° TO HORSE OWNEBS. _ For putting a horse in a fine healthy con- lition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. Office of the McCook Electric Light Co. In compliance with the statute of the state of Nebraska and especially in compliance with section 136 of chapter 16 , entitled "Cor porations" , we the president and majority of the board of directors hereby give notice that all the existing debts of the McCook Electric Light Co. amount to six hundred dollar ? . Frank Carruth , President. Frank Carruth , J. A. Wilcox , C. A. Leach , N. V. Cole , Fred \V. Carruth , Directors. McCook , September 3d , 1S06. Don't Stop Tobacco. How to Cure Yourself While Using It. The tolucco habit grows on a man until his nervous system is seriously affected , impairing health , comfort and happiness. To quit suddenly is too severe a shock to the system , as tobacco to an inetcnite user becomes " a stimulant that his system continually ennes. "Bacco-Curo" is a scientific cure for tlie tobacco habit , in all its forms , carefully compounded after the formula of an em inent Berlin physician who has used it in his private practice since 1S72 , without a failure. It is purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. Voii am use all the tobacco you want while taking "Bacco-Curo. " It will notify you when to stop. We gie a written guaranteed cure permanentlv any case , with three boxes , or refund the money with 10 per cent , interest. "Bacco-Curo" is not a substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures without the aid of willpower and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day jou took jour first chew or smoke. Cured by Baeeo-Curo and Gained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds of testimonials , the originals of which are on file and open to inspection , the fol lowing is presented : „ , , cl . a > t , 0 ' > - -iCo.Ark.Jan.2S. tureka Chemical A : Mfg. Co. , I i Crosse , Wis. Gentlemen : Ior forty years I used tobacco in all its forms. For twenty-live vears of that time I was a great sufferer from general debility and heart disease. 1-or fifteen years I tried to ' quit , but N. to ? k rou s T.enidiei > others f.v . , , T. > rnong , 0"a - d ! ? n T k'CCo Antidote , " , - , , , ' 'Double Chloride of Gold " , etc. , etc. . but none of them did me the least bit of good. Finally how- e\er , I purchased a box of your "Bacco-Curo" and it lias entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms , and I ha\e increased thirty pounds in weight and am relieved of all the numerous aches and' pains of body and mind. I could write a quire of tuner upon * on my changed feelings and condition. Yours respectfully , p. jr . Mariiury , Sold , all ? astor p-Church. . CIlJ tot Ark by druggistsatSi.ooperbox ; three boxes , ( thirty days treatment ) ? -\5o , with written guaran tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical & Mf < - . Co La Crosse , Wis. , and Boston , Mass. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION" . United States Land Office , McCook , Xebr. , Aug. 4th , 1S96. Notice is hereby given that Jonathan Schrawjer has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Register or Receiver at his office m McCook , Nebr. , on Wednesday the 14th dav of October , 1S9O , on timber culture application "No 59SJJ , for the southeast quarter of section No. seven , in I ownship No. one north Range No. thirty west Si ? 1 , ' 1 P"01Meridian. . He namesas witnesses : ilson II. Hartman , Cora B. Hartman. of McCook. Nebr. , and Austin Dutcher , James McLaughlin , of * \ ailton , Nebr. A. S. Campbell , Register. - " * # L\\\\\\vtm\ \ S F Arrll I AN I W Offer You / ! l ? LAI bUinill REMEDY Which S . TMf ( llATIimn INSURES Safety C WJmMk / MllTUtRx of Life to Mother C < xi I" MOTHERS' i FRIEND" 1 ? Robs Confinement ofllj Pain , Horrorairi Risk. J i § I My wife used * * 3IOTHERS' FRIEND" be- M i fore birth or her first child , she did not r w [ suffer from CHAMPS or PAINS wna quickly i W ) relieved at the critical hour suffering but J W \ little she had no pains afterward and her \ / recovery teas rapid. / jm \ E. E. Johnston , Eufaula , Ala. \ < K S Sent by Mall or Express , on receipt of / 5 price , $1.00 per bottle. Book "To Moth3 M C ers" mailed Free. I . M { BBADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , G . S JB ) SOLD BY ALL DRTJQOIST9. S SB ra ' tTwEEKLY BEE 1 1 12 PAGES EVERY WEEK. " l Makes a special campaign Rite of Sm 15 Cents to Nov. 15th M . .ok. . Jw 20 Cents to Dec. 31st 1 Subscribe now for the leading- , * ! Sound Money Paper { d OF THE WEST. ' I THE JJEE PUBLISHING CO. I OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ' -j • " * h * * * * * * * * < * tfJfrf l4 * jfrf * * * > * * / • ' • * * * * 3 5 FKEE EDUCATION. | 1 * An education at Harvard , Yale , or any cither $ § college or institution of learning in the Vinted ' i 5 States , or in the New'England Conservatory of • j * Music , can be secured by any young man or - I 5 woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars J ? 5 quickly. JAMES D. BALL , j / ' J 36 Broomfield Street , Boston , Mass. J Wanted-An Idea SSI - Protect your Ideas : they may bring you wealth. * Write JOHN WEDDEBBURN & CO. . Patent Attorneys - neys , Washington , D. C. for their 81.800 priio offer and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. j Farmer's Sons \ > % > X C r"r\ r < ; w' " cmP' ° y } " " nt $30 per > i i rS ) SU month. Write quickly. < J I U I'LKITAN' I'CHLIMIINO Co. , 5 J r 56 Broomfield Street , > & Boston , Mass. / S J. A. GUNN , / 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON { 1 - McCook , Nebraska. ' f • -Office Over C A. Leach's jewelry store. , i Residence 701 iMain street. Prompt attention - * \ % tion given to all calls. * " > • J. S. MCBRAYEK , 1 PROPRIETOR OF THE , f , . . McCook Transfer Line. . ' * " ' BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. J Only furniture van in the A J city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for I bus calls at Commercial hotel or I at office opposite the depot. -4M R-I-P-A-N-S u. * The modern stand- * w ard Family * Medi- cine : Cures the yj ? J common every-day "V JJ ills of humanity. t Um TRADE P l | r MARK t G5iase Co. Land and jve Stock Co. / \ Horses brauded on left hip or ieft shoulder j | I < MN P.O. add reart Imperial M Vg Cnase county , and Beat * ] Kjfi > f Stinking Water and the i HH E Frenchman crooks , in f Wfl Wl Chase county. Nebraska. > mJmjHI Brand as cut on sideor &j29 &toMJ eomeanSmals.onhipand 7 * mmWKk-m sides of some , or any where on the animal. R. A. COLE , LKADINO * MERCHANT TAILOR v OF MeCOOK , | < j Has Just received a new stock of OLOTH * 4 ind TRIMMINGS. If you want a good ItItffl ting tult made at the very lowest price * tot H rood work , call on him. Shop flrit door wert | at Barnett'a Lumber Office , om Deamlxoa 9 | itreet. , . * - " ' ' 5 * .iVviXXm i M-'sL\\\\\\\\\ _ _ * l L-mwk\\\\\\\\\\ \