The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 04, 1896, Image 1

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    Mr ' Ml IF
* IK 1
Successful and Great-
L IttM/ ' Distinctly
Si ntt ly Enjoyed and Appreciated
II lfi& "The Program or Vodal and Instru-
HS. 'wO mental Music and the Other
| W . M Exercises OT tne Evening
KmI # ' Highly Creditable.
Bi vr The public entertainment given in the
B Wfmt Babcock building , Monday evening , mi-
V > jj | ' < Ier Star of Jupiter auspices , was of un-
B' 'jtt. mistakable merit and received the warm
M " * 9 approbation of a crowded house. On
23 * % -account of the dampness it was consid-
HIWot'ered'inexpedient to hold the entertain-
Wlrmm ment on the lawn of H. H. Troth's resi-
K f jjfv'l < lence , and a few of the numbers on the
P tEfvr ' program were unavoidably omitted , de-
BJA j\ trading somewhat from the completeness
HP Vll "aM < * var'ety ° f tue entertainment ar-
V * jfi ranged for ; but notwithstanding the
Wfef fcr affair was of uncommon excellence in
if W points of selection and execution. But
Hh nm ( he following program .speaks for itself :
B 'wrc ' program :
l \ 'lii "Vocal duet All's Well
Klrar Blanche and Ida McCarl.
R&lf ! J u Mi \ " t Whistling solo ( guitar accompaniment )
I&hU * MrspAWells -
H * ? > Vocal solo The Old Ferryman
KlnfflF Mrs' J Robinson'
' * " ' '
f > JSu > -Lady quartette Spanish Boating Song
BHi&f MrSBrovvn' Mrs- Waite ,
B'V " Misses Stangeland and Watson.
H Speech The Unit of Government
HB/Ljat- ' Mr. Farington Power.
K'nflr Vocal solo Mrs. C. W. Bronson
MpTO * } Mandolin solo Clyde Stultz
Rt IgP Vocal solo F. M. Kimmell
wSI Mr \ "Vocal solo Little Boy Blue
"H Ms Sarah Oysttyr.
lM t \ > .Male quartette The Bridge
ErJfiKni Messrs. C. H. and T. E. McCarl ,
KMm ! v Johnson and Britt.
* wlgVocal solo Grace Sanbo . rn
fsSjt ffiX Lamentable Irregularity.
HA * The prosecution of the work of im-
KvL provement in Longview cemetery has
wWm $ -disclosed a lamentable lack of order and
I Sf xegularity in the past. In fact-thereJias
B tRbeen such an utter disregard of lines and
K tjjT boundaries in some parts of the cemetery
f * that it ii now quite impracticable to iky
3 ( | \ out the street , alleys and burial plots
| R L f with any precision. In many instances
PjjPB | fences and graves are in part in the alleys
I iftS& an ( streets aQd of course in the interest
LfljB' of regularity and order such have to be
Bp moved. The Tribune bespeaks for
aP'JBft those in charge of this important work
MftmiK the prompt and hearty cooperation of
< yt those interested.
iRjR An Early Morning Fire.
KjVmEh About four o'clock on Saturday morn-
MijW S. \ug the Standard restaurant was discov-
> mm * ered to be on fire. An alarm wasprompt-
jj 'jJK y turned in and in a few minutes the
8pM [ firemen were throwing water into the
aSf k cellar , where the fire originated. Within
| II3lP > a kalf hour the fire was extinguished.
K # The chief damage was done by the
jBf M $ smoke. The fire was clearly of incendi-
IHLvtN ary origin. The attempt has so discour-
Rl % t , aSed the McCarl brothers that they have
P'ii ? decided * o close out their stock and re-
BBfc' v& tire from business.
K > ) .An Uncomfortable Lockout.
Ki ; 'rl ' CA - Leach experienced an amusing
Er lockout , Saturday. He ran to the eng-
Bv ! ine house in his "nightie" to help get out
WMIy-V the hose cart , and when he returned to
Kra | | the storehis brother George had gone up
BPwII tlie * "tt to noxfy the McCarl boys of the
vf Tfc' re an locked up the establishment.
kL ( nL Charles was soon released from his un-
K - \ comfortable predicament by the return
B kt of the courier , none the worse for the
Bl\ I exposure , but a little chagrined.
HEBSy , County Endeavor Union.
WjpMml The Red Willow County Endeavor
HfJnR "Union will hold its fifth semi-annual
KlKvl meeting in Indianola on next Saturday
HtJR i 3-od Sunday , commencing on Saturday
Hj Kyevening at 8 o'clock and concluding on
Hg ! $ Sunday evening. Services will be held
Bff ? iu the Congregational church. The pro-
QrV gram is long , varied and interesting.
-Tl' ' The meeting promises to be one of the
Hs Of richest in blessing ever Tield by the En-
Hrat f deavorers of the county.
Shorthand Class.
H | I * . W. Stayner will commence his short-
H By hand class with the opening of school ,
HV' next week , in the east ward building.
HgLLet him know if you wish to join the
| | | | -class.
Hpfiyrtj Notice to All Interested.
K , m p All.bills for threshing droue by Kum-
m > } f % , tuer and Houlihan must be paid to either
KfcMfii ) J ° n Summer or his son , and to no one
else. - JOHN.KUMMER.
Only 2 } cents a pound for cut nails at
f S. M. Cochran & Co. " 's.
Tablets and Box Papers at McCon-
ns * > , aell's Drug Store.
' #
> •
H lW Steel Cut Nails cents per pound at
Q ZATonrelte's.
They Nominate the Same Men Se
lected by the Populists.
Pursuant to call the Democrats of Red
Willow county met in convention in the
city hall , Monday afternoon. Jacob
Steinmetz was chairman of the conven
tion and U.J. Warren , secretar } ' .
The following nominations were made :
For representative , L.J. Holland-county
attornej * , P. J. McKillip. No one was
named for commissioner.
The following delegates were chosen
to the Democratic state convention to be
held in Omaha , today : C.J. Ryan , A. J.
Rittenhouse , P. Walsh , P. Gibbons and
U. J. Warren.
C. J. Ryan was chosen as chairman of
the county central committee and U. J.
Warren as secretary of the same.
It was a small convention for num
bers , but businesslike : The delegates
present seemed to know what they were
there for.
Our store will be closed on Tuesday ,
September ? 8th and on Thursday , Sep
tember nth , on account of Holidays.
The Famous Clothing Co.
Urir tS. - iJt.W * -JW Ar r-JtriMr-fir-fbf-a
Emii , Kroening departed on 5 , Sun
day evening , for Denver.
P. A. WELLS * came back , _ Monday
night , from a visit on business to Hast
W. T. HenTON , ex-county treasurer ,
was over from the Beaver , Saturday , on
Rev. R. h. Knox will locate in Atlantic -
tic Citj' , Iowa , upon his removal from
this charge.
A.McMiLLEN went in to Omaha , Tues
day night , on business and to take in
the great fair.
A. Barnett went east , Sunday , to be
absent a week or two in Omaha , Lincoln
and other cities.
W. S. MORLAN and H. H. Troth visi-
ited among tlie Lincoln statesmen , Mon
day of this week.
Hon. N. V. Harlan of York was the
guest of his brother in Frontier county ,
close of last week.
Mrs. J. B. Ballard and John accom
panied the doctor to Omaha , Saturday
night , for fair week.
Robert and Elmer Fowler of the
South Side left on Monday of this week
for Oklahoma overland.
Treasurer Meserve left on Wed
nesday morning for Omaha and Lincoln
on ( a political pilgrimage.
Mr.and Mrs.Charles Garber went
down to Red Cloud , Wednesday morn
ing , to visit relatives for a few weeks.
Alfred NextleTON arrived from
Wayne , Nebraska , close of last week ,
and ; is visiting his sister , Mrs. W. S. -
Fitch. j
R. H. WilliAms , a former McCookite , '
now of Wauneta , had business in the '
city , Friday night and Saturday morning '
of last week. * ' '
E. E. MAGEE- the teacher corps , ,
who has been spending the summer va
cation in Lincoln , returned to the city , ,
last Friday night.
Mesdames F. A. Pennell and M. A. <
Spaulding accompanied their husbands 1
to Omaha , Saturday night , and are taking - i
ing in the fair , this week. ]
E. A. Sexson , chairman of the county
central committee , was in the city , Mon
day. He went down to Lincoln , Tues
day , on a political mission.
Frank CarruTh arrived home , Mon
day morning , from the est , where he
has been visiting the family and looking
after some mining interests.
Mrs. A. McMillen and Miss Laura
McMillen drove up to Trenton , Wednes-
Morning , where they will spend a few
'days with Mrs. McMillen's parents.
William Valentine arrived home
from Sheridan , Wyoming , Monday night ,
and has been busy all week in prepara
tions for the opening of school nest
John Stone , one of 'Frontier coun
ties solid and level-headed farmers , vis
ited his parents on the South Side , mid
week. He attended the Populist Sena
torial convention on Wednesday. Mrs.
Stone , accompanied him.
Jacob Burnett left , Monday night ,
for Denver , where hewill engage in the
business of manufacturing roofing. He
shipped a car of household goods the
same day. The members of both fami
lies went up on Sunday night. They
have many McBook friends who will
join us in wishing them success in their
new ho me * and business venture.
The Brigade Sand at Manawa and the
Feast of Olympia.
The Nebraska Brigade Band , Uniform -
form Rank , Knights of Pythias ,
of McCook , Nebraska , is
Winning Honors.
The Nebraska Brigade band , Uniform
Rank , Knights of Pythias , of McCook ,
captured the large audience at Lake
Manawa , last evening. The band has
been engaged to play at the Nebraska
State fair and filled an engagement for
Colonel Reed at the Grand Plaza with
such success that it was the unanimous
verdict that it was the finest band 'that
has ever played at the lake. The organ
ization is composed of twenty-seven
pieces , under the leadership of H. P.
Sutton , and while the audience was en
tranced with the faultless rendition of
Rossini's overture ; "Semiramide" , it
could uot help but marvel how it became
possible for a Nebraska village to contain
such an aggregation of rare musical tal
ent , and that it should be discovered and
drilled to such perfection as its work last
night indicated. The concert was full
of special features , among them the piccolo
cole solo by , R oy Smith , a 17-year-old
boy , who was given the piccolo for the
the first" time less than six months ago.
About twenty members of the Arapahoe
Second Regiment band were among the
delighted ' listeners to the music. This
band will divide honors with the McCook
boys at the fair. A glance at the pro
gram that was rendered last night will
give \ an idea of the character of the music
to be expected !
March Die Ballkonigan Roth
Overture Semiramide Rossini
Waltz Auf Wiedersehn Bailey
Piccolo Solo Caprice. . - . Damm
Characteristic Piece Maypole Dance
\ Tobani
Reilly and the 400 Braham
Selection-Ca ' Valeria Rusticana. Mascagni
Fantasia on * * My Old Kentucky
Home" ; Dalby
Hearts and Flowers ( a new flower
song ) Tobani
Patrol The Crack Regiment Tobani
Descriptive Piece Twenty minutes
on Midway Plaisance Dalby
Synopsis : The start Irish village
Bedouin encampment Alpine horn
Old Vienna The captive balloon Chi
nese theater Mexican orchestra Street
of ( Cairo Java village German village ,
two bands playing at the same time ; one
plays the "Blue Danube" , the other a
popular air of the day Grand- finale ,
Hagenbeck's menagerie , introducing
roaring of lions , etc. Omaha Bee.
The second division was under com
mand of Major H.J. Penfold , with E. E.
Bryson and W. H. McCord as aids , and
was led by a superb band from McCook ,
Nebraska. This band is the pride of
the Nebraska Brigade , Uniformed Rank
of ( the Knights of Pythias , "and bears its
name. : It is composed of twenty-eight mu
sicians , under the leadership of Prof.H.P.
Sutton , while Drum Major E. L. Laycock
wields the baton. The band last evening
discarded its full dress uniform , which
consists of the familiar Pythian regalia ,
and in its stead wore a brilliant uniform
of white and maroon , the trousers of
white duck and the military jackets of
maroon colored-broadcloth , ornamented
with black frog braiding. The helmets
were white , with extra long maroon-
colored plumes. It was a strikingly
handsome uniform. The band's playing
was of a high standard of excellence.
From the Omaha Bee's account of the
Feast of Olympia.
Committee Meeting.
The Republican county central com
mittee will hold unadjourned session on
Saturday afternoon , September 12th , in
Indianola , at one o'clock. A full atten
dance of the committee is desired.
Nursery Stock.
Those desiring fruit , shade and orna
mental stock call on or address W. O.
Norval , salesman for Stark Brothers of
Louisiana , Mo.
Store Room for Rent ,
July 20th , store room now occupied by
L. Lowman. Inquire of H. W. Cole or
C. F. Babcock.
- = = = = =
Toilet Soaps at McConnell's.
Coal Hods 24c. at LaTourette's.
Wagon Covers $2.00 at LaTourette's.
Steel Cut Nails 2 cents per pound at
Tablets and Box Papers at McCon
nell's Drug Store.
One Quart Tin Fruit Cans 33 cents per
dozen at LaTourette's.
Glass Fruit Jars one quart 75c. a
dozen at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's.
A Source of Inspiration to the Soci
ety and Visitors.
The rally at Fitch's grove , last Sunday ,
was a source of inspiration , to the South
Side Endeavor society. The attendance
was good and interest manifested earn
est. There were representatives present
from two or three neighboring societies ,
and all had a basket dinner in the grove
at noon , the program following in the
afternoon. The exercises opened with
a song service led by the Congregational
church choir of McCook. Then followed
addresses , papers , etc. , from different
members , all of which were earnest and
filled with instruction and profit.
The program concluded with exercises
by the Junior Endeavor in charge of Mrs.
W. G. Dutton. This was the most inter
esting feature of the evening. The little
ones performed their different songs ,
recitations , readings , etc. , with credit.
The rally was withal a success , and
will do much toward encouraging the
good work in that neighborhood , where
the Endeavorers are zealous and active
and destined to accomplish- end
aimed at by the great organization of
which they are a branch. Success attend
aqy. 'amoggnqgc ' agg Mgcagyc a uy Jjgc sty. a 'm
f 1
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. in.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a.m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
.Baptist Services in McConnell hall.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at II
a. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at 8 p. in. ,
sharp , will be concluded with a short
sermon by the pastor. A cordial welcome
extended to all. G. P. Fuson , Pastor.
Episcopal Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every alternate Sunday at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser1
vice. R. L. Knox , Rector.
Christian Sunday school every Sunday -
day afternoon at three o'clock in the
German Congregational church. We
have no pastor at present , but the Discij
pies -will continue to break bread , each
Lord' .i day after Sunday school. En
deavor society on Tuesday evening of
each week at 8 o'clock. You are cor
dially invited to attend these services. .
By Order of Committee.
Congregational. Morning subject ,
"Vital Faith" . Sermon followed by the
Lord's Supper. Evening service will be
resumed ; preaching at 8 o'clock ; topic ,
"Blind Samsons" . Sunday school at
10 o'clock. Junior Endeavor at 3 o'clock.
Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 o'clock ; topic , The
Bible. Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock ,
Wednesday evening. All are welcome.
Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday school at 10.
Preaching at 11. Junior league at 2.
Epworth league at 7. Preaching at 8.
Quarterly Conference on Monday even
ing at 8. Sunday at 8 p. m. Rev. C.A.
Masten of the State Industrial School at
Kearney for Boys , will lecture in the M.
E. Church. Subject , "Ourselves and
Others" . Prayer meeting Wednesday at
8p. m. All are cordially invited to come.
J. A. Badcon , Pastor.
To the Farmers of S. W. Nebraska.
It has become the custom of the farmers -
mers of the successful agricultural states
to hold "Farmers' Conventions" , where
those engaged in farming and stock-rais
ing assemble and discuss and exchange
ideas as to the kind of crops best adapted
to their locality , and the best methods '
of cultivation ; and those who have at
tended such conventions agree that great
benefits result from the recitals of the 1
experience of those present. |
We believe that great good will result
from such a meeting of farmers at this
time , and hereby issue a call for a "Far-
mers' Convention" to be held at Mc
Cook , Nebraska , Thursday and Friday ,
September 17th and 18th , 1896 , for the
purpose of discussing any and' all ques
tions relating to farming , dairying , and
stock-raising in this section of the coun
A good camping ground with abund
ance of water will be at your disposal and
we urge all farmers to attend this meeting
ing .
Come the evening before and bring
your camping outfit and let us have a
pleasant and profitable time.
' If 3'ou are in doubt as to the good re
sults , come for recreation and you will
go home well satisfied.
There will be an open air concert ,
Thursday evening , by the McCook K.
P. Band , one of the best in the state , and
which is now filling an engagement at
the Slate Fair.
* Bring samples of products adapted to
this climate , marked with dates of plant
ing and maturing.
W. J. Evans , J. C. 'Ashton , Marion
Plummer , William Weygint , John Real ,
R. H. Thomas , Robert JB. George , J. W.
Daniels , John Ross , S. G. Goheen , Frank
StilljnanW. T. Henton , GeorgeRalsten ,
S. S. Graham , John Deveny , C. W. Mal-
lorv , C. C. Richards , D. J. McKillip , B.
Eorbes , M. H. Cole , Stephen Belles , J.
F. Helm , William Relph , Joseph Dudek ,
G. W. Wyrick , Lyman Jenning , R. C.
Catlett , J. V. Carnahan , Matt. Droll , P.
* i
The Populists of the 29th District
He Halls From Stockvlile , Frontier
County , and Was Named on
the Second Ballot The
Committee , Eto.
The Populist convention for the 29th
Senatorial district was held in the Me
nard opera house , this city , Tuesday af
ternoon. The attendance was not large ,
but every county in the district was rep
L. G. Ruggles of Dundy county and
representative fame was chairman of
the convention , A. L. Taylor of Hitch
cock county was secretary.
The second ballot for a candidate for
state senator resulted in the nomination
of Loyal M. Graham of Frontier county ,
I. A. Sheridan of Red Willow county
and C. R. Walker of Dundy county being
his nearest competitors for the honor.
The following central committee was
chosen : Chase county A. * M. Brittell ;
Dundy C. R. Walker ; Frontier G. D.
Chadderdon ; Furnas A. M. Keyes ; Gos
per W. Winslow ; Hayes W. Shipley ;
Hitchcock Charles Powers ; Red Willow
C. H. Boyle. Chairman , J. H. Bays-
ton , McCook ; Secretary , B. Conway ,
The resolutions passed endorsed the
St. ; Louis platform and Governor Hoi-
comb's ( administration ; and favored
mutual life and fire insurance companies.
There was considerable oratory in con
nection : with the convention , which on
the ; whole was quite unanimous.
The nominee is a man of some means
and has the of
• appearance being a pretty
clean 1 fellow if he does not possess any
brilliant parts. He will not make a bad
looking ; corpse.
. g = : - , - . - j..7. . = - . , " , -i' , a , r. - . . 7i
j ]
h - - -
. - " - •
- - - - -52
Roadmaster Parsons was in the city ,
Sunday. i
Brakeman Gilchrist returned to work ,
Monday morning.
Engineer Frank Hawksworth has
moved 1 into the Jacob Burnett residence ,
Brakeman VanHorn is on the extra
list. ] He went to work on Friday last. ,
C. W. Pope returned on 2 , last Friday c
morning ; , from his trip to the mountains.
Mack Wayson is calling in place of :
George ' Snyder , who is in Omaha with t
the 1 band.
W. B. Mills ' returned home , Monday ,
morning : , from a short trip to Denver and
the | mountains.
Conductor and Mrs. V. H. Solliday
left 1 on 2 , Wednesday , for Omaha , to take
in i the state fair.
C. E. Pope left for Sheridan , Wyo. , c
Monday morning on 2. The family will
return with him.
A. B. Wood , who hasTjeen spending a .
few days visiting in Hamburg , went to
work on Saturday. .
Brakeman Steve Dwyer and family re
turned home last Friday morning on 3 ,
from their Illinois visit.
Trainmaster Web Josselyn came up
from Orleans on 77 , Monday evening , ,
returning home on No. 4.
Brakeman William McCarl was called (
to Dawson , Iowa , Monday night on 4 ,
by the very serious illness of his mother.
Conductor C. D. Kenady has been
transferred to the Cheyenne branch. He
left for his new field of labor on No. 2 ,
Brakeman John Humphrey has resign
ed his position and quit the road to go
into business with his brother in John
son , - this state.
Conductor John Morris and two chil
dren , who have been visiting in Dixon ,
Illinois and Clinton , Iowa , arrived home ,
Wednesday night.
F. M. Washburn's mother and sister
from Broomfield , this state , who have
been here on a visit , left for Axtell , Fri
day last , where they will visit Agent
Washburn on their way home.
W. S. Perry went into Omaha , Thurs
day morning on 2 , to see the fair and to
meet his family who will be home to
night from their visit to Cincinnati and
other points in Ohio.
Engineer Frank Westland was taken
ill with typhoid fever at Hastings , Sun
day , and is quite sick at this writing.
Mrs. Westland was visiting in Lincoln
and she was at once telegraphed for and
is now assisting in nursing her husband ,
whose recovery is wished by all.
To a Large Audience In the Opera H
House , Last Evening : . H
The opera house wns well filled , last H
evening , to hear the speech delivered H
and illustrated by charts by Hon. |
T. L. Mathews of Fremont. The speaker |
paid a glowing tribute to the Republican |
party and its many accomplishments in H
the past , and punctured many of the fallacies - H
lacies of the opposition's free silver H
claims. ' He showed the wide use of silver - H
ver under limited coinage and explained H
the Republican road to prosperity as be H
ing through McKinley , protection , reciprocity - |
procity and Sound money. He has a < H
fund of familiar campaign stories with H
which he illustrates his points and keeps H
the audience awake and in good humor. - H
He is on the whole an entertaining and H
instructive : speaker , and his address was H
received. H
Public Schools. |
The fall term begins Monday , September - H
ber 1 7th. New pupils ure requested to H
present ] themselves at the office at 8 a.m. H
Wji. Valkntinu , Superintendent. H
Frank and Maccik Cuu.icn arc |
visiting at Heartwell , this week. H
• - = s- , - • H
I ! i H
9 = ; - , . - • H
Toilet Soaps at McConnell's. ; H
Wagon Covers $2.00 at LaTourette's. H
A $10 hanging lamp for $5.50 at Knip- H
Steel Stovepipe 14c. per joint at La- H
Tourette's. H
Tablets and Box Papers at McCon- H
nell's Drug Store. HH
= = = = = = H
Quart Tin Cans at 45c. a dozen at S. H
M. Cockran & Co. 's. H
Fade & Sou have moved into the Tern- H
pie ] block , this week. H
Glass Fruit Jars one quart 75c. a H
dozen at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's. |
The September Mystic Star is just off |
press. j It's all right , and improving. H
Knipple is selling everything in the |
queensware line at cost and less than J
< H
You never heard of such bargains as |
Knipple is offering in queensware ! Less fl
than actual cost ! H
Board and lodging in a desirable fami- ' J
ly for two young men. Enquire at this |
office for particulars. J
Times are pretty hard. An attachment - J
ment was run last Saturday evening , to |
to secure a claim of 75 cents. H
There was a dance at George Poh's , a. H
few miles west of town , last Friday H
night , which was attended by a number H
of townspeople. H
= = = = = f' H
Practice is expected shortly to be I H
started on the "Bonnie Princess" , the M
opera to be given under auspices of the M
cemetery trustees , this fall. | |
Farington Power has moved into ta M
suite of rooms upstairs in the Spearman H
building , where he will have very convenient - H
venient and comfortable law offices. See M
his card elsewhere in this issue. H
Death Victorious. H
Charles Blanding , who has been ill for H
number of weeks with typhoid fever , |
passed into the eternal world , last Fri- |
day. The funeral was held on Sunday M
afternoon at the residence in West Mc- B
Cook , Rev. J. A. Badcon conducting the H
same. Interment was made in Longview M
cemetery. He leaves a young widow to M
| mourn his untimely death. His father " M
came up from Oklahoma to attend the H
funeral. The mother has made her home fl
with the deceased since the father went
south. The family and friends all have fl
the sympathy of the community in ' this 1
sad bereavement. 1
Mills-Brewer. ft. I
Invitations are out to the approaching | 9
nuptials of Mr. Willard B. Mills and Miss | " "l
Percie E. Brewer , two of our popular and I
excellent young people. The event will j9 ,
take place on Wednesday evening , September - 1
tember 16th , at 7:30 , at the residence of Jj
bride's parents on Melvin st. The guests 1
will be numerous. A wedding trip to M
Michigan of a number of weeks will fol- 1 "
low. The Tribune anticipates the % ' • .
pleasure of wishing them unalloyed con- 5 \ ]
nubial bliss. ' I J
The Bluejay Social. - i >
The Bluejay Social by the Guild of the |
Episcopal church at the rector's residence - >
dence , Saturday evening last , was a fair !
success. Ice cream and cake were served -J x ? " *
for ten cents. Quite a meritorious mus
ical program both vocal and instrumen
tal was a part of the evening's entertainment - ' '
tainment and pleasure. <