Bk.jBtfi 180C FAIR. Hflvf TUIRTEENTII ANNUAL PAIR AND HHBv exhibition. H Bt To bo heIfl at Omaha August 27 Sop * ' tcrabor 5 , 189G. K L' 1 l f Will certainly bo the GREATEST Mft mr .STATE FAIR ever held. Hn l NEBRASKA IS HERSELF AGAIN , Bk MBl unci those who have retained confidence Eiflnf are now rewarded by a bountiful har- Br Rj vest , and all the people , by prudent fc-ijflBf care , arc able to attend this fair. B Ht The grounds at the B HK "WHITE CITY OF THE WEST" fl / fl-/ have lost all disagreeable features in- B X fll citlent to their newness last year and Bx fliv ' , are iQ good shape Br J B } In addition to the best- K/SI / AGRICULTURAL , W , l HORTICULTURAL , V.KC DAIRY , H/ra&l * TEXTILE. L i N fine arts , H < Jk' mischanical arts , tBff ; AND LIVE STOCK T K > exhibits , special attractions in speed VlW I program and rare musical programs fl [ l Ki hare been arranged. The Hi lH.NORTHWESTERN SCANDINAVIAN V PB ! SINGERS'ASSOCIATION ' * wl vV\ give free entertainment on the fair - 'i J K i y \ ground , Friday , September 4th 1,000 i-LiJr voices 5 hands of music all of rare BlJflt " merit. The k : 'Vl\ KNGIHTS | W AK-SAR-BEN i Pjflffii will celebrate the FEAST OF OLYM- H'll PIA. Grand parades each night Sep- I B' R tember 1st to 5th inclusive , in the city , Rl K and special attractions at the theatres. W. THE FREMONT , ELKHORN AND jrCV , MISSOURI VALLEY R. R. COMPA- H nUT NY have made special provision to take PMtiT care of the people along their line by B Bv additional train service , and by extra ' /W' facilities at terminals. f' 'W-Y The low rate of 0NE FAIR FOR H toI THE ROUND TRIP , plus 50 cents ad- Hslr / mission , will be made. Handbills ad- ' 'l jJ&L. vertising time of special trains and ad- t K flfF ditional attractions will be issued B IK ) ) NO ONK CAN AFFORD TO MISS THIS H 2 K FAUIAXJ ) EXHIBITION" . B jK , lie Disputed the Count. | \kM When the last census was taken the R fluM ? returns showed that a certain Scottish H [ l' # v parish had only increased by seven i * * % from the time the previous census was vfVM' taken. One or two cronies dropped ia V' " MK on t le reo ' lstrari just as he was com- H -wk * pleting the returns , to hear how mat- - K tfl ? ters stood. One of them , an extensive Bf 'V | family man , inquired what the increase HrffJvr' was , and on being informed that it Hrs 'il' , was "only seven , " he exclaimed : X m mM "What ! Only seven ? Impossible. Hk4TCv There shairty maun be some mistak' . y | t' ' Man alivel 1 have contributed mair ' . 3 than that mvsel' ! " New York Post B < " tm. ' - flH Piso 's Cure lor Consumption is the best H Bw S P. of a'l ' cough i ui es George W Lotz , Fabu- BJlj : ? > cher. La. , Austin 20 , lb'J3 . ' • ? 5I ' Announcing' the B.iby's Birth. PflHm * In sending announcement cards of a Ev ? { ) 'baby's birth the baby ' s name is printed HkJ9)H ) V in full on a small card which is inclos- RjSpjK \ ed with the parents' card If desired HtpSr I it may be attached to the larger card a ow ° * vcr narrow white satin JTMKf ribbon , or silver cord. The date of B * -iiX "birth is added , but not the weight of BN am the baby , nor any other particulars of \ any sort whatever. Kk'lll Hall's Catarrh Cure j jyB i Is taken internallr. Price , 75c. WPS : r : \\\\\Af . i * A Touc lllngr Sight. B jrJ There is an old colored man in Wilkes BwX county who has never had his member- | kV ship changed from the white people's | flb m clrurch at Independence. He belonged BBaflR lo when a slave and has held on to kw Kv * * * "e * trends service regularly and B3r7 does not intrude upon the congrega- B5 ? 2 tion , but sits quietly on the steps and K X \ & listens to the sermon. Atlanta Con * t . stitution. B Plft . \ Personal. H V * J ANY ONE who has been benefited fcF2 , by the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills , Bgi ? jfc will receive information of much value BPfJV and interest by writing to "Pink B M Pills. " P. O. Box 1592 , Philadelphia , Pa. BWj ? * L Car * ) nt Aquarium Fish. BJlSf Fich is aquaria that turn on their H % > ' sides or in other was at times indi- B Bik cute a diseased condition. If they arc Bn&9\ taken out and placed in a vessel of salt BK"W\ water water made about as salt as B fe 6 < 'a water thc\ ' will esuall3T recover. B ? - - They should remain in the salty water Hl\ about twenty-four hours , according to K > & Median's Monthly. K& II the Ilaby is Cutting Xeetn. E.Xl , Bociiro nnduvo that old ar.d well-tried remedy , lies. | Ef 9 ' . for Children * Window's Sootiiu.o Synur Tecthlnc- mfu H 'r v Nobody bus ever found true happiness BPji who did not bist find Christ. BFvl JH' 1 iif : imu uIid would lie strong in mind K& .9 must Iced on fat ts. k\'S No tears are Mn.ci when the man dies Hi ' m , who hns lived only for himself. & - • FITS . 'o"n l frro and jienmnpntlv cureil. Xo M - J ntsatt. r.l t o.iiivm. . . Dr. Kline'sOrctt > erve B. ' 2 s fc ItcMorcr. > 'rt-o t > ilr.U bolllu j.iul Vie.ili e. BI Jl Sii 1 to Dk. JIune. 931 An.li St. , FliiUUelphia , Pa. HBB 1 P t-pcct is letter sppured ( > y eiucting BIB I than i icitmg it Grevlbe. QT g Only the base believe what the base only Br sft utter I'eiler. Ejyr | | The Greatest fledicai Discovery B of the Age. H , KEE S EOY'S P mmx 01SG0VERY , K % DONALD KENNEDY , OF ROXBURY. MASS. , iV Has discovered in one of our common H11f \ pasture weeds a remedy that cures every h1& kind of Humor , from the worst Scrofula nL down to a common Pimple. B D He lias tried in over eleven hundred Bfl P cases , and never failed except in two cases B V ( both thunder humor ) . He lias now in his B B possession over two hundred certificates B9EL of its value , all within twenty miles of Kffljf \ Boston. Send postal card for book. Bllii * A benefit is always experienced from B l\ , e rs * bottle , and a perfect cure is war- > B > Jt ranted when the right quantity is taken. & * $ | When the lungs are affected it causes r M % . shooting pains , like needles passing k S through them ; the same with the Liver BlilKs or BoweIsTil's is caused Dy the ducts KmP being stopped , and always disappears in a B fW week after taking it Read the label. B W If the siomach is foul or bilious it will H- % cause squeamish feelings at first. B' - - ' # No change of diet ever necessary. Eat B ' # the best you cxi get , and enough of it B. l' Dose , one tablespoonful in water af bed- K . time. . Sold by all Druggists. Bk@ ' BY M.XCALDOR. INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION . CHAPTER IL fCosTixoED. ) "Yes , sir , that ere bread-fruit tree is good for more'n the fruit. The fibers inside the bark , ye see , can be wet and pounded , and then dried. I know jest how to do It. Now I guess we'll have to try some palm matting. Pll show you how to braid and splice it together , and we'll have a dress fixed for all of us. We must make a tent-top too , for the night-dews in these forrin places are a powerful sight like rain , and mas terly unhealthy , too. I don't see as my old bones can rest yet , there's so much to be done afore night. " "You shall not work alone , my noble fellow , " said Mr. Vernon , energetically. "Between your experience and my scientific knowledge it's a pity if we cannot go to housekeeping in tolerable style , since nature has spread every thing around us in raw material. " Tom opened his eyes and a look of deference mingled with his expression of good fellowship. "And don't you think , " asked he , "we had better keep pretty close to this spot for tonight anyhow ? When we've turned in and had a watch below , we shall feel more like finding out what kind of a home the old caboose brought us to. " "I shall always abide by your judg ment , and I agree with this. Now , then , Tom , for the palms ; you ; -"hall teach me to plait a native garment for Walter and myself , and after we have obtained dry clothes we will think about a bunch of bread-fruit , sauced with banana and seasoned with cocoanut. " Tom's oriental experience was of in valuable benefit He knew precisely how to work , and in far less time than would be imagined by a novice , the broad palm-leaves were woven into an Eastern suit neither unpicturesquenor despicable , and their own drenched gar ments spread out to dry in the warm sunshine. Returning to their charges , they found both patient and nurse fast asleep. Tom soon improvised a bam boo couch , over which he spread a mat ting of palm , and the exhausted chil dren were laid carefully upon it , and their wet clothing removed without dis turbing their slumber in the least. "We're lucky not to have landed alongside of the icebergs , " said Tom , dryly , as he bent the boughs of a Hibis cus tree to shade the sleepers more ef fectually. We needn't fear freezing nor starving. " "Nor could we have selected a fairer spot , " replied Mr. Vernon , looking around admiringly upon the closely- wooded heights , rising in a succession of hills from the shore , and showing in profuse luxuriance the most valuable woods and fruits , as well as the gorgeousness - geousness of tropic blossoming ; "and we have not yet seen signs of ferocious beasts or unfriendly inhabitants. " "I calculate we're safe from both them 'ere. I kept one eye pretty sharp around , and all I've seen is an alDa- tress , a petrel , and two or three heron. I remember hearing old Pete Jones , a gone-by shipmate o' mine , who was in these parts a good while , say that no beast of prey was ever seen around in these islands , which , as near as I can reckon , are in the part of the chart they call Polynesia. We'll be careful till we're sure. " "Now suppose we go down to the ca boose and set it up for a bedroom for She children what do you say , Tom ? " "We'd best save it , anyhow , if only to remember the old 'Petrel' by. " So they went down to the beach , and with their united effort turned over the shattered shell. Mr. Vernon began to think Tom was growing insane as he saw him- dart inside and seize some thing with the most frantic expression of joy. "Tom , Tom , my good fellow , what ails you ? " "Good heart , sir , I can't half tell you , I'm so pleased. Only see what I've found ! It's worth more to us than a heap of gold and diamonds. " Mr. Vernon bent forward and beheld a small hatchet , which , fastened by a stout cord to a nail , had resisted the ef fort of wind and wave , only twisting Itself more securely around the brass head of the nail. "It is indeed an invaluable treasure , " said he , with emotion. "Tom , Tom , who knows but this frail ark has brought us to an Eden we shall be sorry to exchange for the hollow frivolities and sordid' selfishness of the world ? " CHAPTER HI. < 5 = sa > OM was detaching rO jj e hatchet from v4 v l jglll * e n&iU he paused fcd * iJ A&llli a moment , and his < © mf ( lm\ \ clear sray eye wan- ifefeirlill ° erea over "wave / feSffijfjSttVs , ar- sky to the ver- % ? jy&rfiizsJ dant heights behind itfM § ( them ; a sober , tran- • ! } qui1 , melancholy , 2 * &yfjfcb. entirely undelina- ' ble look swept over his face. "I don't know , sir , " said he , slowly , "I can't say , but something seems to tell me I shall have my grave here on the island. " He waited a moment , over powered by a nameless presentiment , and then added cheerfully : "But if it is to be so , sir , no man living now will * have a pleasanter one than can be scooped out a little beyond the spring there , under the Hibiscus tree. Ye mind it , sir , if anything happens , tiere's where I'd like to be laid. " . , , * ' * ' ' ' ' 1 npiil"W"ji'ii"T _ J | " > iiinii -iiinim-wwiii * * mm 11 1 1,1 1 i The time came when , with overflow ing eyes and outgushing heart , Paul Vernon recalled these words and dwelt fondly upon the memory of the picture then before him. That stout , athletic form , that plain , homely face , but most of all that cheery , hopeful , resigned ex pression that lent such a vivid charm to the otherwise unprepossessing coun tenance of Tom Harris. After a night's rest and a bountiful breakfast from that most skillful of all culinary artists , Dame Nature herself albeit the butler who collected and set out the savory dishes was none other than honest Tom our little company began to feel less like benighted out casts , and to look upon the beautiful lit tle island as a home establishment. The little girl wept bitterly when her childish mind was made to comprehend the sorrowful fate of her nurse and pro tector , yet with the versatility of in fancy entered also into the keen delight of Walter Vernon , who capered around his father and Tom as they were busily felling the trees needed for their per manent habitation , loudly rejoicing at the beautiful sights around them. On the third day they commenced an exploring expedition along the shore and some distance back into the inte rior. They found they were upon a small.isolated island , yet evidently one of a group , since from the top of a tall cocoanut tree on the summit of the highest hill Tom declared ho could see a dim line beyond the water that marked the land , probably of a similar island. He made another discovery at the same time which he believed more important to them , which was that the wreck of their ship had not sunk , but was lying evidently caught between the jagged points of a reef underneath the water. Boundless sources of wealth were dis closed to them , but no sign of human habitation. The bread-fruit , cocoa , cocoanut , yams , banana , plantain and sugar-cane grew in spontaneous abund ance , while Tom pointed out to them the Abia-tree , hearing its delicious pulpy fruit , and won Walter's heart completely when he handed him a handful of the sweet native chestnut. Kata. Upon the elevated land they found forests of stately trees , whose names were mostly familiar to Tom's experience or Mr. Vernon's botanical knowledge. "Ah , " said the former joyfully , paus ing beneath a group of apapa and faifai trees , "here is the stuff , Mr. Vernon , for our canoe. We will visit the old ship soon , and find out what's left for us. " While they were examining the gen erous supply of valuable timber the children were gathering flowers. Sud denly came a scream from the little girl , and a loud shout for help from Walter. Both Mr. Vernon and Tom turned in alarm. A trampling , rush ing noise came from a thicket of tan gled vines and underbrush , and out darted a strange-looking animal , up setting the courageous boy , who had flung himself in front of his weaker companion. While little Elinor she had given so much of her name to Tom before the shipwreck , but could not now be made to recall the rest clung frantic ally to Tom's neck , Mr. Vernon in much alarm assisted his son to rise. "Oh , father , father , what was it a bear or a lion ? " gasped Walter. Tom's cheery laugh rang out boister ously. "It was better than that , my boy it was our pork-barrel still on its legs. Bye-and-bye the old fellow will give you a sausage to pay for this fright. " "What , a pig ? " ejaculated Mr. Verne - no , much relieved. "Nothing else , sir. Wild hogs find good living here , and so shall we. In deed , sir , all the wants of a decent hu man cretur are supplied here. See there , behind the sandal , is a candle- tree. We needn't stay long in the dark. " Mr. Vernon sighed. "Ah , Tom , show me a tree where my books , my precious books , grow , ranged ready in a row for a hungry mind. " Tom scratched his head. "You've got me there ; but if we can't find any left in the old hulk , I hope it ain't bold in me to say I mistrust you can write some for yourself. " "You are an admirable fellow , Tom , for expedients. I think I'll try. , Of course you'll provide plenty of paper and ink ? " "Jest as much as you want , " answered - , swered the old sailor triumphantly , de lighted to see his random suggestion was likely to work profitably in avert ing the melancholy he dreaded so much. "I'll show you some beans bye-and-bye that will give better ink than any you can buy in London , I'll be bound , for " sun and water can't fade it out ; and as for paper , bleach out some of my native cloth for the strong , or make some of the tender , like Chinese rice-paper it's just what you want. " "Well said. When we build the house I'll have a study to write in. Come , children , you have an interest in our plan ; there must be a school-room and a parlor on purpose for little Ellie. " But several days of hard work were required before the timber was brought to the site near the shore , selected for various reasons , and then the house was only partially finished , as Tom was anxious to build a raft and visit the ship before another storm could com plete her destruction. The raft looked like a frail , unsea- worthy thing when it was done , with out a nail to secure II , only bound to gether with great thongs of bark ; but Tom was quite satisfied , and had no fear , and early one fine morning , as they sat round their palm-leaf break fast cloth , announced his intention of starting Immediately. Mr. Vernon wished to accompany him , but to this Tom would not con sent. "No , no , " said he. "Wait till I find out what is the risk. Suppose wo both go , and are lost what's to become of the children ? Tom's the one to go. " "Tom is a hero , " replied Mr. Vernon , with emotion. "I wish you would let the children call you Mr. Harris. It pains me to hear them so familiar with you , who are in reality our leader and king. " Tom laughed. "Lord bless you , sir , I shouldn't know how to act with a handle to my name. I've allers been Tom from the time I went to school to l'arn my letters , and faith I've eenamost forgot 'cm it's so long ago , and Tom I shall keep on. You can't teach an old dog new tricks , and I should feel as silly as a landlubber ber in the shrouds during a blow if anybody called me Mr. Harris. Now , then , I'm off. " CHAPTER IV. /Pr ? NXIOUSLY and j//@zl eagerly the little / / $ I5S I/ § ! Party watched J&5 'ANSp ' STom's \ ra t paddled pgy g c W slowly around the I M reef , disappearing V MiPf behind the cliff , and ffiuLtM ! ) "with feverish im- tiKwZa patience Mr. Ver- pk-ffi non paced to and ( d jniF fro the intermina- y ble four hours of his absence. The learned , refined , fastid ious man of the world the deep thinker and laborious student marveled at the utter dependenece he had come to rest upon that simple , unlearned , unpol ished nature. "There is but one thing genuine. " he muttered , as he saw the children for saking their play and fruit to watch anxiously in the direction the raft should return. "Tom's good heart is more than all my scientific knowledge , my laboriously acquired heritage. Even here , on this deserted island , am I taught my own worthlessness. Oh , the past , the past if it were in the power of mortal man to undo it ! " A black cloud settled on his face. His thoughts were evidently with some painful scene in his past life , for his teeth gnawed impatiently at his pallid lip , his eye flashed , and on his high forehead the veins knotted themselves like cords. A cheery hallo , answered by glad shouts of the children aroused him from the painful reverie. He hurried down to the beach , thankful to see Tom pad dling back to the shore. "Here I am , " shouted Tom , "safe and sound , you see , and bringing you good news. Oh , but , sir , I couldn't help thinking if our folks had only trusted the old hulk , and not tried the boats , how many it would have saved. But what does a poor wea "k cretur know about it ? the Lord's the best judge. " As he drew the raft on shore he went on in a livelier tone , while he unloaded its contents. "There , sir there's a keg of spirits of some kind. It may come handy when the rainy season sets in. Here's a chist of clothes , and this 'ere , I think , is mighty fortunate , for I know all about it. I brought this trunk out of the cabin myself and put it in the hold , and I heard the maid say it belonged to Lady Eleanor's mother , that she was going to meet. You know they was mighty particular to call the little thing Lady Eleanor , so I s'pose she is one of the nobility. Here , little Ellie , it's yours ; and when're older maybe you won't be sorry to have some pretty clothes to wear better than Tom can manufacture. Ye must be nice with 'em , though , for maybe they'll prove some time who you be. " He turned then to hand Mr. Vernon a small clasp Bible the Beacon Light of their deliverance. "Here , sir , I thought you'd be thank ful enough to see this. I calculate you'll comfort us all out of it when the blue days come. " He was stooping down , ready to lift out another chest , and astonished that the book was not taken as joyfully as he expected ; he raised himself and looked at his companion keenly. ( TO BS COXTIXUED.i Meanwhile the Building : Mijjht Fall. Mayor Hooper has received a legal opinion from City Solicitor Elliott as to the power of the city authorities to close a school building which is con sidered dangerous to the lives of oc cupants. Mr. Elliott states that it is the duty of the fire commissioners to ex amine the building to see whether its condition is in violation of the law and if it be so found to report to the inspec tor of buildings , who , with the ap proval of the mayor , is authorized to make the repairs necessary. If , pend ing the making of the repairs , the mayor is of the opinion that the oc cupancy of the building is hazardous to the lives of the scholars it would seem to be his duty to request the board of school commissioners to make immediate provision for the housing of the scholars elsewhere and , in the absence of such provision , to close the school. Baltimore American. rilial. "Wot are you a-cryin' for ? " "Me teacher kep * me in an' called me a ass. " "Cheer up , ole man ; that ain't nothin' to cry for ! " "Oh , I ain't a-crying for myself ; I'm a-weein' cause it's so rough on me father ! " Truth. j < UHMNBHMaMKaMHMKaMMR Flub That Ynvrn. It is not generally known that fish yawn. The writer saw a turbot yawn twice and a cod once the latter being one of the widest yawns accomplished by any animal of its size. The yawn of a turbot , being something not com monly seen , rather as if it dad belong ed to a round fish which someone had accidently trodden on and squashed half flat The yawn begins at the lips , which open as if to suck in water. Then the jaws become distended , and it is seen that this is going to be a real , genuine submarine fish's yawn. Hut the yawn goes on , works through the back of its head , distending the plates of the skull , and comes out at the gills , which open , show the red inside , are inflated for a moment , and then , with a kind of stretching shiver of its back , the fish flattens out again , until , if un usually bored , it relieves itself by an other yawn. Spectator. Admonished by the Court. The venerable Judge Allen , of the United States Circuit Court at Spring field , 111. , was hearing a case a few years ago , in which James C. Courtney was one of the attorneys. The counsel on the opposite side had asked a ques tion of a witness , and Courtney had objected. The point was argued by both bides and the objection was over ruled. The opposite lawyer asked the same question of the next witness , and Courtney again objected and began to argue it over again. Judge Allen in terrupted him with this observation : "My. Courtney , you remind me of a dog that keeps barking up a tree after the coon is gone. " Mr. Courtney sub sided. Argonaut. The Fastest Canoe. The fastest canoe in the world is the Wasp ' , owned by Paul Butler , son of the late General B. F. Butler. The Wasp's mainmast is 19 feet G inches long , or 3 feet C inches longer than the boat , and she carries a spread of 220 square feet of cloth. The mizzenmast is stepped on the port side of the keel alongside the centerboard trunk , which , contrary to all usage , is well abaft of the skipper. With this boat Butler last year made a new canoe record for the mile , covering the distance in 4:2. "j. mm mwi wia ii 11 i nui IB Milk Canned I.Ike Fruit. § B It has been declared upon good IB authority that milk can bo kept for a SB week by canning it as one would fruit. ffl Fill glass jars and screw down the IB lids ; then place them in a steumcr over | B cold water. Heat the water gradually | fl and steam the jars for an hour , then ffl tighten the tops. The woman who ffl has preserved milk in this way can bco ffl no reason why it should not keep much ifl longer. Pittsburg Dispatch. jfl If I'cnturcd Day mill Night rfl With nervousness , inko Iloalottor's Stomach ffl Iiittors , vvlilcli luvigorutoH and tramnill- pM l7es the nervous system. The basis of ro- i M covery Is a reform In errors of dlgi-htlon. l M The outKostrlc nerve and brain are united IH in tlio clobost bond of .sympathy , ho that j l dyspeptic symptoms In tlio gastric region f | arc always accompanied by hurtful redox | l nervous action , ifoth are remedied hy the i M Hitters which also cures malaria , bullous- l M nesb , rheumatism and kiduoy trouble. r l A Minuy temper gilds the edges of life's \ M blackest clouds , Uuthrie. - M Wit the pupil of the soul's clear eyo. i M Sir John Duvis. % M "Whom the gods-would destroy they first i M make scorchers of. * B The $5 god ! jiicco ucighs 135 grains. ! H I Blood. . . I I j Bubbles. I [ I JiS Those pimples or blotches ( c B ( | ) that disfigure your skin , arc B ] h blood bubbles. They mark H ( the unhealthy condition of the > > B Jo blood-current that throws them ( c f B up. You must get dowu to j B 5) the blood , before you can be < v j fl v rid of them. Local treatment ( / j B / > is useless. It suppresses , but < \ ' B s > does not heal. The best remt ( j B r edy for eruptions , scrofula , f fl V ) sores , and all blood diseases , is ) / H | Ayer's j ; H | Sarsaparilla. | I jj BIG AND GOOD. jp j F Sometimes quality is sacrificed in the f \ effort ' to give big quantity for little money. I p \fc \ = t No doubt about that. /Jv J But once in a while it isn't. lUlF j0For \ instance , there's" BATTLE AX.W \ " /piT / L The piece is bigger than you ever saw | "lfe\ i y-p before for 5 cents. And the quality is , as / ] * = % R many a man has said , " mighty good. " v | y 3 st ? There's no guess work in this statement.JF \ M { J It is just a plain fact. I jfe * | 22 You can prove it by investing 5 cents /y 4 \ 3 ( I ttl • PATTTP . , AIT" . T"V i YEEf = T Bff yea are able tea c p * \ If psyg@Q for a foasff- = = = 7 A y f v m cEe7 why b © sofltegii ( f J JjjSJsV ( \ § 1 with any best a k jff \ . JJ t& STANDARD OF THE WORLD. 3 Eighteen years of reputation for Building the best bicycle , backed B by the certainty of quality assured by our scientific methods , | | should mean much to any buyer of a bicycle. There is but one m Columbia quality one Columbia price y3 $ t 00" ° " all aukk I Eeautiful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford Bicycles is free ii" you . caH upen cry 31 Columbia Agent ; by mail from us lor two 2-cent stamps. g | POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn. I prancfr Stores and Agencies in almost every city and town. If Columbias are not SH- . properly represented ia your vicinity , let us know. gj9 E Ba BflM BHH yt f WM iflWK gK BHflflidi B T i Bi M ifl ifl ) } > m | j , t I II I * I * J JJ