The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 21, 1896, Image 1

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Operation of an Important Law , the
Free Attendance Act.
v The First Year of the Law's Opera
tion.High Schpol Students
Increased More Than 2. -
OOO.-Llst of Schools.
State Superintendent Corbett , says the
Lincoln Journal , has just sent out to
i • county clerks and county superinten
dents the list of approved high schools
• entitled to receive non-resident students
under the provisions of the "freeattend-
-ance" law enacted by the last legislature ;
such approved schools being exempt
from the special tax levied to pay the
tuition fees of such students.
The law referred to provides for the
free attendance of students whose educa
tion * cannot be profitably carried further
in their own districts , at some neighbor
ing public high school ; tuition at the rate
of 50 cents per week being paid to such
high school by the county in which the
student resides.
The law is very popular in most coun
ties and has resulted in bringing into the
Iiigh schools of the state , even during
the first year of its operation , more than
ft two thousand students from the country
Rfdistricts , thus materially increasing the
Eft revenues of the high schools. The law
f \j stimulates the high schools to do better
IK > - work and so tend toward a better standard -
* -dard for them. Students must have a
jL certificate of proficiency in the common
flr school work from the county superintendent -
K -dent , and this tends to encourage better
Kl instruction in these schools.
W The state superintendent determines
W annually what high schools are properly
yj equipped as to teachers , apparatus and
m V course of study to receive students under
E , I -the law , such schools being exempt from
- / the tax levied to cover tuition fees. The
mf theory of this exemption is that all dis-
2i ' tricts should provide high school instruc-
k \ tion for their students who desire to take
L it. Such instruction being already provided -
% -vided at considerable expense by these
\ approved high schools , the remaining
| l r districts only in each county should be
I required to pay for the tuition of students
% living outside of these high school dis-
% ' tricts. The tax for this purpose is , hovv-
\ ever , very slight , being limited by law
ft to one mill.
| 0 The list of approved schools is determined -
* mined by the state superintendent from
& detailed reports sent in from the princi-
fe pal of each school. Small high schools
fc are not expected to maintain as many
$ years of high school work as the larger
4v ones , but every school approved must
m [ have at least one full year of proper high
m " school work.
JR The approved schools in Red Willow
| g county are : Bartley , Danbury , Indianola
and McCook.
i L Part of His Thumb.
K5 Monday , while chipping some dried
jr beef , Less Clark had the misfortune to
tk cut off the end of his thumb , including
m part of the nail , making a painful wound
Mm which will disable him for a few days.
is A Severe Hail Storm.
fjk Quite a severe hail storm prevailed
rajs , over a limited territory on the South
IK Side , last Friday afternoon. J. W. Rob-
' n erson reports great damage to his garden
I ® and the loss of 29 window panes in his
Ijk house. Others in that neighborhood al-
L'fj * . so suffered ; Ed. Benjamin , I. T. Birdsell ,
Ef the tenants on the Meeker farm , being
[ among the number.
SB' A Base Ball Tournament.
| p The Oxford base ball association will
a base ball tournament , September
zo , 11 and 12 , 1S96. Prizes aggregating
$150.00 will be paid competing clubs.
Arrangements for all visitors are com
plete. For further information address ,
Ed. C. Rapaije , Secretary ,
Oxford , Nebraska.
A Watermelon Social.
Next Monday evening , the ladies of
the Degree of Honor will give a Water
melon Social in the Workman hall , to
which all their friends are cordially in-
An Inter-State Rally.
The Populists had a big Nebraska-Kan
iliold at Lebanon , last Friday and
Saturday , the second day especially be
ing largely attended.
Store for Rent.
The Marquardt building south of Com
mercial hotel. Will be fitted to taste of
a desirable renter. C. E. Shaw.
Turnip seed 35c a lb. at LaTourette's.
Only 2 } cents a pound for cut nails at
S. M. Cochran & Co. 's.
But it Came too Late to do us Much
Coed in This Neighborhood.
A heavy rain prevailed over this sec
tion , Sunday night , 2.5 inches of water
being precipitated at this point. The
rain was accompanied by severe light
ning , which struck at various points over
the city , but fortunately causing no
damage of much consequence. J. B.
Meserve lost five head of fat hogs which
were in the Burlington stock yards here
for shipment. The culvert at intersec
tion of Main and Dennision streets was
untqual to the flood of water that rushed
down Main street , and the basement of
the Citizens bank building was flooded ,
a large section of the area wall falling in.
It was a grand rain , but came too late to
be of much benefit to the crops.
To the Public.
There is positively to be no driving
allowed in Longview Cemetery without
special permit made in writing given by
the Superintendent or Board of Trustees.
Hearse and carriages of funeral proces
sion will stop outside unless permission
has been given as stated.
Mrs. H. H. Troth ,
Mrs. Frank Harris , President.
Mrs. Peter Boyle left on No 5 , Sun
day night , for Denver.
Rev. J. A. Badcon and wife returned
faom Colorado , yesterday morning.
Rev. H. L. Preston arrived home ,
last night , from his vacation in Iowa.
W. S. MORI.AN and A. Campbell were
guests of J. H. Ager in Lincoln , Sunday.
Editor Mitchell took in the Leb
anon rally by the Populists , Friday and
William Walters left on No. 4 ,
Wednesday evening , for Chicago , to
take a position.
Frank Carruth arrived home , last
Friday evening , from his trip to Michi
gan Cit3T , Indiana.
Dr. J. E. Hathorn of Bartley had
business before the board of county com
missioners , Monday.
J. H. Bayston was in Holdrege , Tues
day , as a delegate to the Populist con
gressional convention.
Misses Dot Davenport and Clara
Kleven of Culberfson took in the canta
ta , Wednesday night.
Oliver Thorgrimson arrived home ,
Sunday evening , from his visit to Colorado
rado Springs , Colorado.
Miss Ona Simons and Master Glen
Kenyon went to Iowa , yesterday , on a
visit till school commences.
Fred M. Snow of Los Angeles , Cal. ,
an old time McCookite , was in the city
Tuesday , en route for Omaha.
William Valentine , R. L. Small-
down and J. B. Meserve , all of McCook.
were Lincoln hotel guests , last Thursday.
Mrs. C. A. Dixon is home from Den
ver , where she has been spending a
number of weeks , together with Miss
C. J. Ryan , Harry Barbazett and
Dennis Fitzgerald attended the Demo
cratic ratification meeting at Holdrege ,
Register Campbell was a deeply in
terested participant in the Holdrege con
vention , Tuesday , when both Populists
and Democrats held congressional con
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Berry and Mrs.
A. J. Chambers took in the Cambridge
Chautauqua , Saturday , which was Fra
ternal Society Day. The Elder spoke on
the occasion for The Order of the Star of
Jupiter of our city.
Will Mahoney , late with Knipple ,
departed on Sunday evening for Anacon
da , Montana , where he has an uncle
living , and where he hopes to secure em
ployment. Will is a very deserving
young man , and The Tribune wishes
him success.
Treasurer and Mrs. J. B. Meserve
drove over to Stockville , yesterday ,
where the Populist candidate for state
treasuerr will participate in a Populist
rally. General Bowen of Hastings is
also advertised to be there , together with
other speakers.
John Cordeal of W. S. Morlan's of
fice will , about September 1st , enter one
of the great eastern universities proba
bly Harvard for a two years' course of
a special nature in law and literature.
There is a bright future before Mr. Cor
deal. Success attend him.
Binding Twine at LaTourette's.
Talks on the Much Mooted Question
of Finance.
With Men and Women to Hear the
Popular Congressman Discuss
the Money Question from the
Republican Standpoint.
A large audience of men and women
greeted Congressman Andrews at the
Menard opera house , last Friday even
ing , upon which occasion the issues now
confronting the people of this land were
ably discussed. The Congressman con
fined himself principally to argumenta
tion of the money question , giving many
authoritative figures in support of the
Republican position on the question now
absorbing the thought and attention of
the American people to the practical ex
clusion of all other topics. He showed
the beneficent results. of Republican
practice of bimetalisni in the past as
based on parity and commercial value of
the coins , and the possible disaster of the
16 to 1 theory , in a most satisfactory and
convincing way. He wanted it distinct
ly understood that he made no excuse
for the fact that the Republican party
had built np over a billion dollars of coin
in our circulation since the resumption
of specie payment ; nor did he make ex
cuse for the many other blessings that
accrued to the country up to the time
that Grover took the helm of the ship of
He took and maintained the position
that this country could not undertake to
do more than to coin the domestic silver ,
the difference between the face and mar
ket value of silver to go to the govern
ment as seigniorage. That gold had in
practice been the standard of the gov
ernment since 1834. That a double stan
dard , one representing 100 cents and the
other 54 cents , is impracticable.
His speech bristled with facts and fig
ures plainly told and reiterated for clear
ness ; and although the audience was not
very demonstrative nor enthusiastic , yet
all within the hearing of the Congress
man's voice carried home with them
plenty of food for thought.
The Congressman spoke under the
auspices of the McCook Republican club ,
whose members were out in force and
aided greatly in the success of the meet
ing , the first of the campaign.
McCooks Finally Victors.
Despite the hot , windy and dusty
weather , Saturday afternoon , the game
of base ball between the Bartley and
McCook clubs was quite interesting and
close , though the scores run rather high.
The fortunes of the clubs varied , but
McCook finally won having 26 scores to
21 for Bartley. The Bartley boys are a
gentlemanly set of fellows and play a
stiff game. It looked somewhat dubious
for the locals at one time , but they final
ly pulled out a fairly easy victory , much
to the relief and satisfaction of the home
The Bucking Bronchos of the South
Side and the Second Nine of this city
then played a three inning game , which
resulted in favor of the Bucking Bronchos
13 to 10.
Destroyed by Fire.
About five o'clock on Monday morn
ing the residence of J. S. Mahana in
South McCook was discovered to be on
fire , and in a short time the dwelling and
part of the household goods were entire
ly consumed. A portion of the contents
'were removed from the house , which
was insured. The loss is $500 or $6oo ,
which it is thought is covered by the in
surance. The origin of the fire is a mys
tery , the flames being all around Mr.
Mahanna when he awoke. It is said he
had returned home late in the night and
had fallen asleep in his rocking chair
with the light burning.
The Premium Lists.
The premium lists for the coming
county fair are now ready for distribu
tion. Call on Secretary Berge in the
county treasurer's office and secure a
Store Room for Rent. . .
July 20th , store room now occupied by
L. Lowman. Inquire of H. W. Cole or
C. F. Babcock.
Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's.
12-qt. Anti-rust tin pails 57c. at La
Rev.Knox will sell his horses , carriage
and harness very cheap.
- Glass Fruit Jars one quart 75c. a
dozen at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's.
Cultivate your corn late with , a Five-
Tooth Hoe Drill. S. M. Cochran & Co.
keep them for sale at a very reasonable
He Insists That It Is a Good Mule
But is It ?
Tuesday afternoon two children of
Theodore Schneider of the South Side
a girl and a boy were thrown off of a
mule they were riding and each sus
tained a fractured left arm. The little
girl's arm was broken at the wrist. Both
bones of the little boy's arm were broken
near the elbow.
The mule has a rather bad character ,
but Mr. Schneider insists that it is the
best mule on his place.
Dr. Kay waited upon the injured inno
cents , and they will be ready to fall off
that mule again in a few weeks.
What with the hail and other draw
backs , Mr. Schneider has a pretty hard
row to hoe , this season , and is entitled
to sympathy in this last burden , which
falls most painfully upon his helpful
little children.
The South Side C. E.
The South Side Christian Endeavorers
are preparing to hold an Endeavor rally ,
Sunday , August 30th , either in the Go-
heen or Fitch grove. Their friends are
invited , and a profitable , pleasant time
is certain to be enjoyed.
Messrs. A. S. Campbell , J. W. Hupp ,
J. S. LeHew and J. F. Forbes of the
Sound-Money Democracy went in to
Omaha , Thursday , to consult with their
household divinities.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday school at 10.
Epworth League at 7. Sermon at 11 a.
m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor. Bible
Study Wednesday at 8 p. m. All are
cordially invited.
J. A. Badcon , Pastor.
Baptist Services in McConnell hall.
Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11
a. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at 8 p. m. ,
sharp , will be concluded with a short
sermon by the pastor. A cordial welcome
extended to all. G. P. Fuson , Pastor.
Episcopal Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every " alternate Sunday at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser
vice. R. L. Knox , Rector.
Congregational Regular services
will be resumed at the Congregational
church on Sunday. Morning theme ,
"The Tabernacle of Joy" . Evening
service at 8 o'clock. Endeavor society
with short sermon. Sunday school at
10 a. m. All are cordially invited to be
present. Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Christian Sunday school every Sun
day afternoon at three o'clock in the
German Congregational church. We
have no pastor at present , but the Disci
ples will continue to break bread , each
Lord's day after Sunday school. En
deavor society on Tuesday evening of
each week at 8 o'clock. You are cor
dially invited to attend these services.
By Order of Committee.
Heavy rains on the branch , Sunday
and Monday nights.
Linemen Brown and Thompson were
over the Oberlin line , Wednesday.
L. W. Wright has been sick for nearly
two weeks with his old trouble.
Misses Mollie and Lizzie Stock of Lin
coln are guests of Mr. Broderick of Ober
Mrs. T. W. Benjamin and Master
Ronald a couple of weeks at Grandpa
The laying of heavier steel between
Red Cloud and Hastings is again in
The father of Agent Conover at Red
Cloud , died , Friday evening , after a
severe illness.
A. D. Green has been transferred to
Holyoke and will run under Assistant
Supt. McFarland.
Misses Maymie and Winnie Green re
turned from their visit to Beaver City ,
the early part of last week.
H. C. Brown was with Conductor
Quigley , Saturday , and took advantage
of the lay over to go to McCook.
Mrs. L. S. Viersen and the little Vier-
sens , with her sister , were passengers on
No. 141 to Red Red Cloud , on Saturday.
Stock hogs and shoats are moving off
the St. Francis line west of Herndon
again for eastern points , failure of the
corn crop being the cause.
Mrs. J. P. A. Black , wife of the co. 's
attorney at Bloomington , was a passen
ger for Lincoln , on Saturday , accoir
panied by her daughter.
Conductor Batten has a ten dollar
note issued by the National Gold Bank
of Stockton , California , which is giving
him some uneasiness on account of his
doubt as to its genuineness.
The Cantata , The Months and the Sea
sons , Wednesday Night.
Given UnderSomewhat Discouratr-
Circumstances , a Gratify
ing Success is Scored.-
To be Repeated.
The cantata , the "Months and the
Seasons" , was rendered by local talent
in the opera house , Wednesday evening ,
under direction of Mrs. E. E. Utter ,
with gratifying success. Given under
rather disheartening circumstances , the
satisfactory results are the more a sub
ject for congratulation of all persons
concerned. The solos almost without
exception were well rendered , and in a
few instances the solo work was excep
tionally strong and pleasing. The chor
us singing was excellent and spirited ,
but showed the absence of male voices ,
a fact unavoidable under the circum
stances. The efforts of the orchestra
were unexpectedly felicitous and the
pianist's work was distinctly prais-
worthy. The tableaux of the seasons
were simply charming and each was
vigorously applauded.
All in all the cantata was a well round
ed success , and was entitled to a larger
hearing than was given , partly because
of misunderstanding. It could hardly
have been more enthusiastic and have
been within the lines of proper decorum.
We desire to warmly congratulate all
The cantata will be repeated on to
morrow evening. The price is 15 cents.
No reserved. We hope a full house will
greet the performance.
The Yellow social by the Methodist
friends , last evening , in the Babcock
room , was an attractive success , receiv
ing the usual generous patronage. The
decorations were in yellow and the
waiters wore sashes of the same color.
The social was unique in plan and the
details were cleverly carried out.
( ( I
il ! " - . - - - . . - - _ - . - _ - - li
Roakmaster Josselyn was up from Or
leans , Saturday evening.
W. S. Perry and family left on Tuesday
morning for Cincinnati , Ohio , on a visit.
Arthur Wood departed on yesterday
morning for Hamburg , Iowa , on a visit.
Miss Grace Sanborn left on Thursday
evening for a week's trip to the moun
Mrs. John Hutchess has been visiting
her father , Charles Wood , in western
Hitchcock county.
Claim Agent Hanson has purchased
the W. A. Mitchell residence on north
McFarland street.
F. A. Stark of McCook is the yardmaster -
master at Oxford during the absence of
J. J. Larkey in Dexter , Iowa , on a visit.
Mrs. Emerson Hanson and son arrived
home , Saturday night , from their visit
to Illinois relatives. Mr. Hanson went
down the road a distance to meet them.
It is again reported , says the Republi
can City Democrat , that the passenger
train is soon to be put on between Red
Cloud and Hastings.
John Stevens and C. A. Ward left on
Wednesday evening for the Wyoming
mines. They were joined at Denver by
F. W. Bosworth , who accompanied them.
William O'Brien , a C , B. & Q. con
ductor out of Galesburg , Illinois , visited
Conductor C. W. Bronson , fore part of
the week. He went east on No. 4 , Tues
day evening.
George Harris , third vice president ,
and George Crosbygeneral freight agent ,
dropped into the city , last Friday after
noon , in a private car attached to No.
77. They are on a tour of inspection.
A. D. Green departed Tuesday even
ing for Holyoke , Colorado , where he is
given a train on the Cheyenne division
of the B. & . M. under Superintendent
McFarland. Republican City Democrat.
Mrs. J. E. Sanborn returned , Sunday
evening , from Chicago , where she has
been for the past three months taking
medical treatment. She was accom
panied by Mrs. Jones , a trained nurse
from Chicago , who expects to make her
home in McCook.
Frank Kendlen , one of the B. & M. 's
most popular passenger conductors ,
stopped here long enough last Saturday
to make a few repairs on his bike hav
ing taken a header just west of town.
Hewas enroute to Arapahoe. Cam
bridge Kaleidoscope.
Editor or the Curtis Courier Fatally i H
Shot by Simon Cary. i l
Curtis , Neb. , Aug. 19. ( Special to the i H
Lincoln Journal. ) Dr. S. R. Razee , editor - , H
tor of the Curtis Courier , was assaulted j |
on the street this morning by Simon i l
Cary , who shot him twice , the first shot ; H
entering the abdomen , the second entering - ; |
ing the back and passing out at the right ; |
breast. Both wounds are serious. The l l
attending physicians have little hopes of ' H
his recovery. H
While there has been a slight business |
misunderstanding between Razee ami H
Cary , the assault was without warning [ I H
and unprovoked. Cary surrendered to < |
the officers after the shooting. ; H
Dr. Razee is one of the best known .fl H
men in Frontier county. He for years , H
was prominent in the councils of the Re- - ' H
pablicau party and has taken a leading l l
part in the politics of the county both |
personally and through the medium ot |
his paper. During the years of drouth j H
and suffering of indigent farmers he was fl
one of the agents of the stale relief commission - . |
mission and is well known iu Lincoln , |
Omaha and the eastern part of the state. ; H
The exact nature of his quarrel with |
Cary is not fully kuown. It is said he |
made no attempt to deiend himself when > |
assaulted and was seemingly unprepared |
to make resistance , especially against the l l
use of weapons. j H
There had been ill-feeling between the > |
men for some time , but no one expected f |
such a tragic outcome , and the news of |
the assault and its result causes much j H
excitement in the town. Both men have H
their friends , but there is universal regret - |
gret over the occurrence. |
As we go to press we learn that the 1
Doctor is resting easily and that his con- ' |
ditiou is about the same as yesterday. |
• - = = •
I hi H
• = = • H
Fishing tackle at McConnell's. H
Barrel churns $3.48 at LaTourette's. H
4-tined hay forks 49c. at LaTourette's. H
We are all getting politics ad nauseum. |
The bowery has been removed , this H
week. H
A $10 hanging lamp for $5.50 at Knip- H
The weather has been "livable" since H
the rain. i H
Hanging lamps at from 52.75 up at ' 1
Knipple's. H
Flower pots for sale by Mrs. B. H. H
Douglass. H
Armstrong is occupying the Morlau H
store room. H
Scythe , Snath and Stone , $1.20 at La- |
Tourette's. |
Quart Tin Cans at 45c. a dozen at S. |
M. Cockran & Co. 's. j H
Glass Fruit Jars one quart 75c. a * 1
dozen at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's. H
Lost A light gray shawl. Please return - H
turn same to Mrs. T. F. Rowell. H
John Garber will occupy the house vacated - H
cated on the east side bE. . Hanson. |
Knipple is selling everything in the M
queensware line at cost and less than H
cost. M
An infant child of John Show was buried - H
ied in Longview cemetery on Sunday H
afternoon. H
We learn that Charles Blanding is H
quite low , his illness having taken a turn H
for the worse. |
You never heard of such bargains as H
Knipple is offering in queensware ! Less H
than actual cost ! M
The Little Giants defeated the Crack-
ajacks in a game of ball , yesterday , to ' jH
the tune of 40 to 15. 1 fl
We understand that Miss Ella Allison ,
has resigned her position as a teacher iu " 4 ; B
the McCook public schools. 4
The fine shower of Saturday evening |
gave us a delightful and welcome change a I
of temperature and atmosphere. - *
The annual meeting of the Republican S I
Valley Baptist association will commence S I
in Alma on August 25th , continuing MI \
three days. m' 1
The Bloomington Echo mentions the if. 1
case of a farmer down the valley who i * m
successfully inoculated a field of chinch * |
bugs. It says : Some time ago the chinch S 1
bugs attacked the field of corn of Charles a , j
Haines , and he procured from the state f | J
university a box of inoculated bugs and 51 J
scattered them in his field and the result * V * " '
was that the entire army of bugs in his ' 1
field were immediately killed and his ; " '
corn crop saved. \