< - rf ' " ' - . - ' ' " " " " * ' " " " * ' ' , ' " " " ' " > - - * - i ' • • * - • - - i"5 V Sfe Sf ' • it * * 't'Wfi / Sfci * . f-i - b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b - . a' * I Mf-ftt / * "Rfl W ? r ( $ • tiw Cra * n < Jl H L b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " s * „ ' j H r ) EST 'with a big : B. Blackwell's Genuine Bull " k H r < Durham Is in a class by itself. You will And ono k _ , e H * ' coupon inside each two ounce bag , and two cou- B. H pens insldo each four ounce bag of A I Genuine Durham I s L B . B L B Lr | B Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon Kr I H 'whichgivesalistofvaluablepreuentsandhowtogetthenu B * • • ? < " ? ' 'V < 8/ ! % ' "iy ' % ' 'S W v itv-VV-"I--fc ' % % ' % ' % ' % ' % ' % I If K FIRSTri 8 I T II [ NATIONAL - | * | H ' { " * ' I $2 $ ll'W | | Authorized Capital , $100,000. " , I | l Capital and Surplus , $60,000 Jg K | GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pros. 2S | | # . F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. Jf * > \t A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. | | V j . /a/ > aVtV' % ' 'V-V' & ' % ' 'V % * " TiAir 0ciOcs8 ili 2V - PmtJc Bi nJfaa&tjCS-tJrfSK * * l stintjfit Oa rfSSv rViVfis * nr i/W mQk j3cilSkj2EJ& . * . > - . * < teqyay ? tfi"i jc rrjk. i rsijjiirvgg ; Tarj = r j rwjcjjj ' ; • .jjitrjuyuL stjL-x -mgcaigK : ijjyc ia. ln j iiisjriijjpritgjgf iiisjriijjpritgjgff | V. FRANKLIN. President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier , ff - ! # . # ; I CITIZENS bank ! # -SI # OF McCOOK , NEB. # # Si ? # Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , Si0,000 # - # # # # . ' - 3 = rz : DIRECTORS ljuzz < j a ? < S J ! FRMKLIN , N. S. HARW00D , A. C. EBERT , \ If H. T. CHURCH , m OSCAR CALUHAN , C H. IV'IR D. it < > # jgjcaStoAfjJSh : jJfej3BcaBc3JSci8h:3flfcaBoJlieil4 : ll ir 'afair.i ? fcuiSlii jBcaBfeuSofflit 4kji'flhratEud&i ! : ( v P Fred Krug Brewing Company d Cabinet Bottled Beek. Ejl A High Grade Lager Beer , | | | j &M Purest in the Market. gg IP - * 5 1 m PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY , m m m 5 3 Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , Neb. Sg2 F. D. BURGESS , Plumber and Steam Fitter. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Bo iler Trim * uinjrs. Affent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. lit'i ' . 'Hi ' mri 1.11 IJIUillW ygW WWWIThlB FamomKe-ncayenrcs qnicsiypermnnentiyun I S3'A JX > l33lkr 17i1 V IS Inorvous dlsoates. Weak Memory , Ia > ! > s of Brain Potrer , IIJ1 a lllT JT * * f l itlluHtlHpiuliuhA. WnkBfutimss. Ix > sC Vitality , Ki htly Kml3- Jiv ' " ! 59 sT8lons7eTll , nnd wastinu diseases caused > > P v rv dreams lmpotency . by y&TJZJx > ) B ltt f youthful errors or excesses. Con talus no opiates. Is a nerve tonic / ? ' V'a'fiV'anBT . . . fS & ' ' .a vandbloodlmtlder. Makesthepaleandpunystronirandpluiup. 1 M * * ) WjJy sJwl kili 1 Easily carried In vestpocket. SI per box ; Cf or S5 Bymnll re- ; /fiiKfi WWl J * l Jfctalpald , J/ha rrtttmm 'ranf eormo7if3nd < d. wrltous.frce LftJK. nCTE SMw.a , L iHmeiilfal book , sealed plain wrapper , with testimonials and . jnrJlTll rwfrTfWfr > n BnnnTirlnlntTinrtnr ) jfo charge fnrennsvUatUms. Beware of imita. jJ OAii imtiu.1. auuii. u : . tiong. 6oUbyonra5 ot , or d < lresijiEBTKBKEDCO.BaiDuleZcapeCUessii. Forsalo lnMcCook.Neb..byIi. W. McBONKELI & CO..Drngglsta. SDUe 1 The McGooi fritae r tn , . . E * " , - * - * - * -v" - w i * > - > * - • * - * * - * * 1 muf j iih i ) i M ifu iiiiip in hi i "i 1 . . . . , , . . ' " * - I J r1 l - - V 1 | 1 1 IMWlWl' ' " .n .11 HI I WWI H J ' ' - " • ' * ' ' * i ii l l H pKS , * " " " ' " " " " " * . "I - V" . ! < • ' , , . ' - . < . - - < " ' , - " ' r. iir.nTrrr . > . . . . , MMWfnSM , , x3 ii..Mi i. urn rir - - " " " ' - ° g \ The Nebraska State Fair. | J The best State Fair in the | > West. Best reached by the J 1 j best railroad in the West the ? I BURLINGTON > ? ROUTE i < Tickets and information concerning - > \ cerning low rates and special > I trains to Omaha on application | \ to any B. & M. R. R. R. agent. f A Red Hot Campaign. The present campaign will be the most exciting one fought out since the war. There will not be a day when something of unusual interest will not transpire. The State Journal has made up its mind to surpass all its former efforts in the direction of news-giving , and will give its readers the most complete details of the campaign , giving all the news from an unbiased standpoint. Republicans will want The Journal because of its staunch Republican principles , it being recognized as the standard-bearer of the great Republican party ot Nebraska. Populists and Democrats should read it for the news it gives. The Semi Weekly Journal will go to thousands of new homes during the campaign. You should subscribe , as it will only cost you 25 cents from now until November 15. Two papers every week , making it almost as good as a daity. Subscribe through your postmaster or send your order to The State Journal , Lincoln , Nebraska. To Subscribers ot The Tribune. Readers of The Tribune will please remember that cash is an essential in the publication of a paper. The pub lisher has been very lenient during the past few years , on account of crop fail ures and hard times , and as a consequence quence many hundreds of dollars are due on subscriptions. We are now com pelled to request all who can to call and make settlement in full or in part. In view of the frets , our subscribers must feel the justice and urgency of this re quest. The Publisher. Low Rates Via The Burlington. For the occasions shown below , the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets at one fare for the round trip : Slate G. A. R. Reunion , Lincoln , Neb. , Aug. 24-30 : dates of sale Aug. 24 , 25 and 26 ; return limit , Aug. 31st. National Republican League , Milwau kee , Wis. , August 25-27 : dates of sale , Aug. 23 and 24 ; final return limit , Aug. 29th. A Land Ottice Decision. In the case of David W. Hall , A. B. Dewey , transferee , from the McCook land district , the latter's motion for a review of the department decision can celling Hall's preemption entry , was de nied. It is held that Hall did not show due diligence in protecting his rights in the face of an intervening entry. Cultivate your corn late with a Five- Tooth Hoe Drill. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep them for sale at a very reasonable figure. Fifteen (15) ( ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , con taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel opes. opes.Mrs. Mrs. W. O. Simons returned home , Saturday night , from visiting friends at Sheridan , Wyoming. Engineer Gates and family arrived home , last Friday night , from visiting in Chicago. The Tribune wants correspondence from every precinct and town in Red Willow county. Terms readily given on request. Western Washers at $3.60 at LaTour- ette's. Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's. Fishing tackle at McConuell's. Mrs. Rhodie Noah of this place was taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got no relief. She then sent to mete to see if I had anything that would help her. I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the first dose relieved her. Another of our neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent him the same remedy. Only four doses of it were required to cure him. He says he owes his recovery to this won derful remedy. Mrs. Mary Sibley , Sid ney , Mich. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds , croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant , safe and reliable. For sale by McConnell & Co. , Druggists. . i t 1 TUB NEW V/EEKL/ R0GKY H0UNTAIN NS WS DE3TVEK , COLO. The Best WEEKLY pugLisni-n ? 1.00 Per Year In .Advance. LEADS the Silver forces of America. LEADS in Mining and Mining Stock Reports. LEADS in Special Departments. LEADS in developing Colorado's wonCjrfal resources. LEADS in Newsiness , Brightness , Cocpr- benslveness. LEADS in Commissions to Agents. ( Write for Terms ) The Great Silver Daily The News publishes the representative paper ( daily and Sunday ) west of St Louis ; cartoon with every issue. 65c a month $1.00 fet a months in advance. For sample copy of any Issue , address. The HEWS PRISTING CO. , Denver , Colorado. I ; MaMiMMMaMasMMasMatiMsasttisitf PLEASANT RIDGE. * Bessie Endsley will teach our school coming term. Where were all seven of 3-ou on last Monday night , bo3' * > ? Please don't all answer at once. Master Orlie Eller is suffering with a sore hand , caused by the bite of a cat , some time in Jury. Mrs. Herbert Clute and brother were guests of Mrs. James Harris on Tuesday afternoon of this week. There is a conservative gentleman in this neighborhood , but he can talk McKinley at rate of a mile a minute. J. W. Jones. C. T. Eller and Carl Watkins are on the road to Colorado , and others of our neighbors expect to start soon in the same direction. Mrs. E. C. Goehring is canning tom atoes , being one of the few in this neighborhood who is fortunate enough to have raised them on the farm. Our people are not concerning them selves much about politics. The great question of importance to most of us is , what will we do for something to live on this winter. Two 3'oung men of this vicinity were up bright and eartyjWednesda } ' morn ing , ( something unusual for them ) , brushing hats and coats and making great pieparations for something. We thought those boys had been em ployed to make speeches in the com ing campaign. They appeared so en ergetic , we slipped up near enough to hear a part of their conversation. Do you suppose the } * were talking about McKinley or Bryan ? Not at all. They were speaking about their girls. But when the } returned at eventide they were ver } * quiet. I fear they met with a disappointment. Farewell , oh fields of waving corn , Farewell to castle& in the air , We thought not to feel sad and forlorn. When you were planted there. Fare well to hopes of dresses fine , We tho't to buy with you , But now we sigh and weep and pine , And don't know what to do. The farmers all will emigrate And we will lonety be , In this poor old Nebraska state , Where the Indians ought to be. But thank goodness , this is leap year. And if we know our mind , If the farmers all leave here , We won't be left behind , For in the lan guage of the poet , We will say to some farmer , Oh give me a home , Oh a home for me , Whtre the lofty boughs of the old oak tree , Are swung by the winds in the dear wildwoodWhere he dwells in his sombre solitude. Oh take me away from the cornfields brown , Make a canoe and we 'll float down , Awav to the south , where we'll happy be : And find us a nook by the old oak tree , and the farmer will smile and go on his way rejoicing and we will smile , too. RBD WILLOW. Alonzo Miller is contemplating a trip to Missouri. Harvey Woodworth and George Ba ker , last week , departed for greener pastures. Whooping cough has made its ap pearance at the Willow. J. F. Helm's famil } * . the Mejers children , and the two youngest of the Quigley children are the victims. A social at John F. Helm's is to be given by the Y. P. S. C. E. , next Fri day evening. Its success is assured. Mr. Helm kindly donates ice , the girls furnish the cakes , and the boys furn ish the girls for the entertainment. A great many of the neighbors are wondering if the } * had not better em igrate to some country where crops are surer. A few pieces of corn that were planted thin are still green. This fact ought to be noted and next 3ear 's corn planted accordingl } . Nathan Tubbs served his old neigh bors a shabb3 * trick D3 going off quiet ly and getting married. Never invi ted even the most interested. Then he gave it out cold that he was armed and there would be no charivari. Now when people wait until a man is near forty to see him married the3 * are going to have some sort of doings after the wedding. Mr. Tubbs and his bride skipped off to Oberlin. Kas. . for the wedding trip , but the bo3s and girls are willing to wait. He could not shoot in the presence of Iadies > and beside that the charivari was of too quiet a sort to resort to violence : still there was music , whistles , tin j cans , etc. The crowd took the watermelons - j melons with them and there was a I general good time. Mr. Tubbs was j rather bewildered and uncertain as : to whether the neighbors approved | his tard3 * matrimonial venture , or \ attributed it to doting old age. j It's all right , Nate , and we all j wish } ou and Mrs. Tubbs the happiest | of life's journeys together. Mr. Tubbs j returned. Monda } * evening , and the ! happ3 * couple are now at home to ) their friends at their home on the j Holland farm. 1 Try that 15 cent box paper at The Tklbune office. Worth 25 cts. Also cheaper grades. Job Printing The most artis tic work at the lowest figures. The Tribune , McCook. Write for prices. A trinl order will set tle the business. Read the best coun ty newspaper that's The McCook Tribune every time. We are just in receipts of new supply of tablets and box papers memorandums , etc. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Ec/enia , Tetter , Salt- Rheuui , eald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Jhirns , Frobt ljites , ChronicSorc Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by dnfggNts at 2o cents per box. TO HOKSlToWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. Mrs. Anna Gage , wife of Ex- Deputy 11. S. Marshal , Columbus , Kan. , says : " was delivered of TWINS in less than 20 min- scarcely any pain after using only S"I OTHERS' FRIEND" DID NOT SUPPER AFTERWARD. Z3fSent by Express or Mall , on receiptor price. Sl.OO per bottle. Book "TO MOTHKKS" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , ATLANTA , GA. SOLD Jtr ALL DRUGGISTS. Don'f Stop Tobacco. How to Cure Yourself While Using It. The tob.itco h.ibit < ; ro\\s on .1 in.tn until his ner\ous sjhtcni is svriouslv afftctvri , impairing health , comfort .mil happiness. To quit Maidenly ib too se\ ere a shock to the s\stem , as tobacco to an inveterate user becomes " a stimulant that his sjstcm continually craves. "ISacco-Curo" is a scientific cure for tlie tobacco habit , in all its forms , carefully compounded after the formula of an em inent Berlin phvsician who has used it in his private practice since 1S7J , without a failure. It is purely % eatable and guaranteed perftctlv harmless. V011 can u-e all the tob.11.co vou want while taking "IJacco-Curo. " It will notifv vou when to stop. * We irive a written • 'uarantieto cure permanent ! } any case , with three boxes , or refund the money with 10 per cent , interest. "Ilacco-Curo" is not a substitute , but a scii ntific cure , that cures without the .lid of will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day j oil took j our first chew or smoke. Cured by Bacco-Curo and Gained Thirty Pounds. Krom hundreds of testimonials , the originals of which are on file and open to inspection , * the fol lowing is presented : Clavton , TCevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. 2S. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co. , La Crosse. Wis. Gentlemen : For forty vears I used tobacco in all its forms. For twinty-five years of that time I was a great sufferer from general debilitv and heart disease. For fifteen vears I tried to * quit , but couldn 't. I took various remedies , among others , "No-To-Hac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , " "Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. , but none of them did me the least bit of good. Finally how ever , I purchased a box of your " 1 ! lcco-Curo" and it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms , and I have increased thirty pounds in weight ami " am reliev ed of all the numerous acln s and p tins of body and mind. I could write a quire of paper up on my changed feelings and condition. Yours , respectfully , P. IT. Maki.uky , Pastor C. P. Church , Clavton , Ark. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per box ; three boxes , ( thirty days treatment ) $2.50 , with written guaran tee , or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical .V "Mfg. Co. , I-i Crosse , Wis. , and Boston , Mass. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , MeCook , Nebr. , Aug. 4th , iS < / > . Notice is hereby given that Jonathan Schravvjer lias filed notice of intention to make final proof before Register or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebr. , on Wednesday the 14th d.iv of October , 1S96 , on timber culture application "No. oS } , for the southeast quarter of section No. sev en , in Township No. one-north Range No. thirty- west sixth Principal Meridian. lie n imcsas witnesses Wilson II. llartman , Cora U.I Iartinan , of McCook , Nebr. , and Austin Dutcher , James McLaughlin , of Vailton , Nebr. A. S. Cami'HEI.i. , Re-jrister. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on June :5th , 1S96 , I took up , on my farm in Willow Grove precinct , Rud Willow- county , Nebraska , being the south west quarter , section twenty-one , township three , range twenty-nine , two estray horses , described as follows * One grav gelding , supposed to be about 5 or9 vears old , vveight about 900 pounds , front feet shod. One vv hite mare , supposed to be about 10 or 11 ve-ars old , weight about Sco pounds , left front foot lias a ridge which appears to be the result of a barbed wire cut , had leather halter on when taken up. If said horses be not reclaimed by the ow ner , tfiev w ill be sold according to law , after due- notice. Henry II. Mitchell. " " • " , " • " -iisZ'JlFrsrgc ' • ij < tira fc-j-j < 3.jij u.ji a.ji i.a ! 6I LEE'S % k LIGE KILLER | i p ' . 'EARc FRE * FROM LICE & 4 v ° iy i % wrv iiTH-gi-iii mmnfc 2 tp . .TRa . . c S LEE'S ' LICE KILLER j : ? . .FOR. . I All Kinds Animals i I and Plants. % ] I . . SOLD BY. . J H * < A. MeMILLEN i P I I DRUGS , J , J WALL TAPER , | t w PAINTS AND OILS. % * frgV Ar-Ar-rfV > < VrW r-Jt , W--Jtr rftr j ( " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " , -t % > - jn , jjt"V" - i H Last summer one of our grand children M was sick with a severe bowel trouble. H Our doctor's remedies had failed , then f H we tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera H and Diarrhoea Remedy , which , nve very - J M speedy relief. We regard it as the best < | medicine ever put on the mnrket for ' | bowel complaints Mrs. E. G. Gregory , H Frederickstown , Mo. This certainly ts J M the best medicine ever put on the market - B ket for dysentery , summer complaint , H colic and cholera infantum in children. H It never fails to give prompt relief when j M used in reasonable time mid the plain , H printed directions are followed. Many - H mothers have expressed their sincere H gratitude for the cures it has effected. H For sale by McConnell & Co. . Druggists. < - H Only 2 > a cents a pound for cut nails at M S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. H Franklin Academy , jl Oldest and Best Erinipped Pre- * M pn.rn.tory School in Western Neb- * 4 | raskn. Prepares students for any / | ol ! our Western Colleges nnd Uni- . H versities. A Complete Business H Course. Expenses Low. Address . 1 for information , , * H A. C. HART , Principal , H Flunkin. ] Nebraska. "i H WILLIAM McKINLEY.I Agents wanted to sell tin- Life and Speeihes of H McKinley. with Proceedings of St. Louis Conven " H tion. Platform of Party and other valuable in for H matiou. 3. o pages , with jo full page illustrations. " H Price- , cloth , $ i.ix > ; half morocco , $1.50 Sixty H Per Vent. Discount to Agents. Send 30 cents for < H Prospectus and full particulars , and go to work at H once. You can sell joe copies n vour town. Ad S , H dress J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Companj , 57 Itov ' J j l Street , New York. ' H J FKEE EDUCATION. | • \n education at Harvard , Yale , or any other 5 | | * college or institution of learning in the United H States , or in the New Engl mil Conservatory of H ' Music , can lie secured by .111 v voung man or" > M J woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars * M quickly. JAMES I ) . It ALL , M & " > I'roomfield Street , Iloston , Mass. H . . " " " " " " * , , i * * fe # * " * tf * tf • * * * • * * * • • * * * * * m "H Wanted-fln Idea SSS I Protect your Ideas : they may bring you wealth. | Write JOHN WEDDEKBURN & CO. . Patent Attorneys - | H neys , Washington , D. C. for their $1,801) prize otTer " " " " and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. " " I Farmer's Sons \ I l C- „ We will employ vou at $50 per 5 H \ J s.J month. Write quickly. 5 * H I * J Ptuirvx Pfiii.isniNi. Co. . 5 j H 56 I'roomfield Street , < fl Iloston , Mass. 5 - ' | J. A. GUNN , H PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I s "i McCook , Nehkaska. i | * S0ffice Over C. A.Leach's jewelry store. * | 5 Residence 701 Main street. Prompt attention - | # tion given to all calls. { M J. S. McBRAYER , 1 PROPRIETOR Or THE JH McCook Transfer Line. 1 BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. M J3gP0nly furniture vnn in the fl city. I Also have a first class house S moving ' outfit. Leave orders for fl bus | calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. m Iii R-I-P-A-N-S ii 1 The modern stand- I I W arcl Family Medi- 1 ftf I cine : Cures the ' 1 w [ P common every-day ll " ills of humanity. ; 1 m TRADE " MARK | II I 1 Cdase ' Go. Land and uiye Stock Go. J Horses branded on left hip or ! cft shoulder -djSSiP _ P-0. address Imperia. ' " - " " " " " " • " " • Beat T' fc-im 111 ii I BM 0 f'ee. ' Nebraska. Range. jHBPBpHiTu7Stinklnr Waer and the S QwR S f Frenchman crocks , in WBggsezfg7 Chase county. Nebraska. JK" ' M l Urand as cut on eideor 4 erSttfl W tRB iS * some animals , on hip and * & * 9 mimeMfKKb sides of some , or any where on thf animal. R. A. COLE , A LKADINO 7 jjt MERCHANT TAILOB ,1 OF McCOOK , " . 1 Has just received a new stock of OLOXHI D nd TRIMMINGS. If you want a good It- | ting tuit made at the very lowest prices for H jood work , call on him. Shop first door west V | of Barnett'i Lumber Office , om Oeaalsom. ? B itreet. % M fm