| HH " * ' Jr iiMiiiwwTrMmiuiuriMiiwiiiiinOT mi i M.lBffii Miil .lii toiiiuim iiiir irn . 1 1 1 11 miinrr-iinniiiiiiiiii H -mm - H flfl * S Hfl WM f&wl tobaccos is "Just as M ff . jgitiSSS bbH1 iSr W 7 knows there is none just sfm5w II fBlackweirs Ta II ( BULL DURHAM i II VSmokingTobacco i fl I * - rrfkr 4tr ou w * ' * * * n < * one couPon insidej Hf l,5 , ± | H 9 .vL n , each two ounce bag , and two coujP fcjJst bbH fl i 0 ! s L\\N \ Pens inside each four ounce M/m B H I JUlb $ rw m baS ° fBlackweI1's urhamffif ksm fl fl mml S * * WJ k Crated tobacco and read tie Ell } rl | fl B E ; ' " wj m coupon which gives a list Bfe ' SsLfiifcaf fl fl I V gA&r * ' J P of valuable presents and how HR ' " rg MPw B B / 'v/ % * > ' % ' * * * i > ' % ' ' 'iv,9w I . II j NATIONAL - J fJ-BANK- ft ' - - l Hi 2 H I * - ? * o& > j H Si | * Authorized Capital , $100,000. II H El | | Capital and Surplus , $60,000 II H I tl 6 H00KNELL > President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. | l H I S | g r . F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. t $ H I | J A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. IS j HI # , f HI # V. FRANKLIN. PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. | f I # # fll m ei > Bl * - THE - . I B 1 CITIZENS BANK I Hl 4h # HI 4 OF McCOOK , NEB. | | HI # * < Hll * # HI ' HI • # Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $10,000 # - ! Hl * HI l | . - - -DIRECTORS ± - f Hl % V' FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , J | ! H 1 | H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , C H. WILLARD. % H ei m I S Fred Krug Brewing Company 8 1 1 § ! Cabinet Bottled Beek. H HI - Hi 'A High Grade La er Beer- B I * SfS Purest in the Market. 'fgg BI & • * * - Pf § II PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. M H I S J Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , ISTeb. Jg J I F. D. BURGESS , I Plumber and Steam Fitter. H I . ULAXN AVKNUE , McUOOK , NEB. Hj I Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Tri - H 1 ' ninps. Apent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. I I ' H I til U TJ7WPFA-M \ JHfflffinT ftThla Famons cesicoy cprcs qnicsiy.pgrmqnenciymi H I I ES'A JKi2IbP9 ! Til.V 13 I nurvons disuuses. Weak Jlcmory. Luts of Bruin Power , m I rtl fflTrMl f TTJI * V'liMf' * ' Headache. Wakefoinuss , Lost TUullty , Nightly Koii3- H 1 TIP SS SSS a v p BglongrevIl dreams , lmpotency and wasting diseases caused by H , K rjr i E \ \ & voutA/ulerro or xas r .Contalusnooplates. Isanervotonic . . H S I ff W > < ] 9 ffiV Afi land blood toollder. Mnkesthopaleandpunystromrandplnrap. . . H I \ JgJ9f ) JiD JHR Jli lEasllycarTiedinTestpocket.BXperboxCforSo. , . Bymailjprc- H ; IaHf * tii M VBLi * l Msjpald , • ? < thotortttnruflrant eorrrioTMyrtinii d. Wrttons.frce . H II t WL WML JBw.JJL Sfm medical book , sealed ptnin rrrapper , Trith testimonials and B 11 TiiM Si aiat tgWEiBMB > < iH * ' Mllliiiiiii I il i'l inilllil ihn lmi | n Ini nil ill Inn i H iiuif linllii M ! • " . . . . . , . , , - fcTiiM. inkOAi. a ur. jouiur. JKon .8oldbyooristaUortddiTstfiEUTBS DCO.aaMBieIeJ3pIeCUciso < H II ForsalolnMcCook.Neb..brIi. W.McBONNELIi < fcCO..Drnggists. I ] UMM for The McGook friie • J l . . * • ' - iiiii , mnnmii-nni 1 11 in if 11 A. G. Dolk of Bartley was a county seat visitor , Wednesday. Charles Branding is suffering with an attack of typhoid fever. Will Rider is visiting in the city and vicinity , where he formerly resided. Mrs. F. M. Washburn arrived home , Monday night , from her visit to Broom- field. J. S. Phillips spent Monday night in the city on his way to attend court in Hayes Center. Miss Clara Bonnet left on No. 2 , yesterday morning , for Wisconsin to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stern were up from Holdrege , .first of the week , guests of Mr. and Mrs Samuel Strasser. Messrs. P. Walsh and P. Gibbons went down to Lincoln , Wednesday even ing , on a mission more or less political. C C Reed of the Arapahoe Mirror and J. C Harlan of the Cambridge Kaleidoscope were Commercial guests , Monday evening. GEORGE Harris , son of James of the Driftwood , arrived home on Tuesday evening from the south , where he has been living for the past two years. J. T , McClure of Beaver City and J. P. A. Black of Bloomington spent Monday night in the city en route to Hayes coun ty to transact business in district court. Ray McCarl lost his pedals and fell from his bicycle , oie day this week , while riding at a rapid speed , and was painfully used up. He will not ride again for several days. W. E. MULLEN came in from Sheri dan , Wyoming , last Friday night , on a visit to the family. His many well wish ers here will be pleased to know that he is doing' well in the law up in that coun try. He left for Wyoming , this morn ing. An Oklahoma editor made the follow ing announcement in the columns of his paper : "Yesterday we were married. It will be remembered that both our former wives eloped.with the foreman of our of fice. To avoid any further inconvenience of this kind we have this time married a lady who is herself a compositor , and she will set type while we hustle for the ducks who are keeping their goods on the shelf because they don't advertise. " We understand that a meeting of far mers of the Dodge neighborhood was held on Tuesday evening of this week for the purpose of talking over the idea of emigrating to eastern Wyoming or some other more congenial clime. Fur ther deponent sayeth not. The Christian Endeavor convention at Trenton , last Saturday , was attended by T. B. Campbell , Edith Oyster , Minnie Rowell and Nellie Gunn. The question of organizing a drum corps for the campaign is being agitated by Republicans. Hope the project will succeed. Tuesday of this week , L. H. Rooney disposed of his interest in their Fair store to his partner , James McAdams. The Lad > * Maccabees and invited friends indulged in the joys of a picnic , yesterday , at Fitch's grove. The Methodist Sunday school had a gay picnic in Goheen's grove on the South Side , Thursday. A non-partisan , free silver Bryan club is being organized. Petitions are being circulated and signed. Correspondents will please confine ? themselves as closely as possible to facts and items of news. A pension has been granted John Ste vens of our city. A Heavy Loss in Hogs. W. A. Minniear of Danbury has lost about 175 head of hogs within the past two weeks from the cholera. By strict est sanitary measures and thorough medication it is thought the disease has been checked and gotten under control. Mr. Minniear's loss has already been very heavy. It is to be hoped the disease will not spread in that neighborhood , where thousands of hogs are being fed for market. It would indeed be a catas trophe. NOTICE TO TEACHERS I will hold a special examination at McCook , Saturday , August 1st , 1896. L. A. Carnahax , County Superintendent. Store Room for Rent. July 20th , store room now occupied by L. Lowman. Inquire of H. W. Cole or C. F. Babcock. Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's. 12-qt. Anti-rust tin pails 57c. at La Tourette's. Rev.Knox will sell his horses , carriage and harness very cheap. The showers yesterday put an actual dampener on the picnics. Glass Fruit Jars one quart 75c. a dozen at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. Cultivate your corn late with a Five- Tooth Hoe Drill. S. M. Cochran & Co. keep them for sale at a very reasonable figure. n' BARTLEY. We earnestly hope our City Dnds will mow , or cause to be mowed , the mammoth growth of weeds now standing on the vacant lots on Main street. The present condition gives our thoroughfares a ragged appear ance. Some of the farmers south of Bartley say that the corn in patches in their fields is dying and on ex amination find a small green insect at work in the tassel. This is some thing new and we sincerely hope its work will be confined to limited areas. Another fine rain has fallen on Bartley and vicinity thus practi cally placing-the corn crop beyond a doubt. While another good rain when needed will materially in crease the yield , yet a sufficient amount for home consumption is now assured. J. H. Stephens moved Wednes day to the "Seeley House" oppo site O. Frost's residence. We say this for the benefit of Harry and Harry , who no doubt will appreci ate the change of location , and this "kindness" in us in thus no tifying them. A. G. Dole and wife drove to McCook , "Wednesday , on business. Mr. Dole is one of our energetic business men that believes he can best stand up for Nebraska , home and nation by voting and standing by the time-honored principles of the Hepublican party. On Sunday afternoonduring the rain , lightning struck the residence of J. A.Curleecompletely demolish ing the chimney , doing but little other damage. The family were in an adjoining room , but did not ex perience any.ill eifects beyond be ing greatly frightened. Our ball team goes to Freedom , Neb. , next Saturday , to cross bats with the Stockville team. There will be three games there that day : At 10 a. m. , 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. The Bartlej' team is billed for 2 p. m. A number of our citizens are going out to witness the game , as well as to note the forests of corn on either side of the road. As reported in last week's issue , the Freedom ball team crossed bats with the Bartley boys in Bart ley , las.t Saturday. The game was called promptly at 3 p. m. and , barring the first inning , was such a game as Cincinnati and Chicago might be proud of. Bajrtley made three errors in the first inning but I then settled down and both teams acquitted themselves creditably , with honors about even. A large crowd of ladies and gentlemen wit nessed the game , and all speak in highest terms of home and visiting team. Following score by innings : Bartley 0 00002000 . . .2 Freedom 5 0002000X..7 On Tuesday evening a number of the Republicans of Bartley and vicinity met in College hall for the purpose of forming a Hepublican club. Bartley cornet baud was present , and after playiug a few choice selections. C. W. Hodgkin was elected chairman and E. L. Dennis , secretary. After discuss ing ways and means , E. L. Dennis , A. L. Cochran and H. E. Dole were appointed a committee to draft constitution and by-laws and to report to an adjourned meeting to be held in College hall , Wednes day , August 5th , at which time a speaker is expected to be present and discourse on some of the issues of the campaign. All are invited to attend. RED WILLOW. Warren Silver has gone east in search of work. Albert Helm attended the con vention at Trenton. Miss Blanche Hatcher was able to be at church , Sunday. Misses Lulu and Alta Helm are visiting their sister , Mrs. Ernest , at Trenton. Jakie Longnecker was elected president of the district Y.P.S.C.E. i at the Trenton convention. The neighbors of Ely Crockford were giving him a lift in haying on Tuesday of this week. The Crockfords are fast improving but it will probably be some time be fore Ely fully recovers. The state circuit bicycle meet at Red Cloud , this week , attracted a number of our citizens. Among them are : W.O. Simons.G.E.Johnson , H.E.Stone , A.P. Ely , Ray and Bert McCarl. As soon as the necessary order comes the Baptist people expect to close the deal for the purchase of the Lutheran church of this place , for the very low price of $1,000. The structure perhaps cost $6,000. * " - * * * * m' ' * ' # iwUAiSiW B W Try that 15 cent box paper at The Tribune office. Worth 25 cts. Also cheaper grades. Job Pbintino The most artis tic work at the lowest figures. The Tbibdne , McCook. Write for prices. A trial order will sot- tie the business. Read the best coun ty newspaper that's The McCook Tribune every time. r Don't forget to come and see us when you want any kind of job printing. We are the people who do the nice printing. | SrM3uy your writing paper vt The Tbibune office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Chamhsrlain's Eye and Slria Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Jlurns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. to horsjeTownebs. For jmtting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. nnspjir WOKEN UlaLiBVO H Sn Should Use FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS ft SUPERB T0N1G and exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel aii impurities. Health and strength are guaranteed to result from its use. My wife was bedridden for eighteen months , after using BRAD FIELD'S FEMALE REGU LATOR for two months , is getting well. J. M. JOHNSON , Malvern , Ark. BBADFIELD BEGULATOU CO. , ATLANTA , GA. Sold by all Druggists at SI. 00 per bottle. Don't ' Stop Tobacco. How to Cure Yourself While Using It. The tobacco habit grows on a man until Iii > nerwms system is seriously affected , impairing health , comfort and happiness. To cpiit suddenly is too se\ ere a shock to the system , as tobacco to " an inveterate user becomes a stimulant tli.it his system continually craves. "I5acco-Ctiro" is a scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its forms- , carefully compounded after the formula of an em inent Uerlin phvsician who hasuseditin his private practice since 1S72 , without a. failure. It is purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco vou want while taking "IJacco-Curo. " It will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to care permanently any case , with three boxes , or refund the money with 10 per cent , interest. "IJacco-Curo" is not a substitute , but a scientific cure , that cures without the aid of will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day j 011 took v our first chew or smoke. Cured by Baeco-Curo and Gained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds of testimonials , the originals of which are on file and open to inspection , the fol lowing is presented : Clayton , Xevada Co. , Ark. , Jan. 2 $ . Eureka Chemical Ar Mfg. Co. , Ii Crosse , Wis. Gentlemen : For forty y ears I used tobacco in all its forms. For twenty-iiv e years of that time I was a great sufferer from general debility and heart disease. For fifteen years I tried to quit , but couldn 't. I took various remedies , among others , "No-To-IJac , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , " "Double Chloride of Gold , " etc. , etc. , but none of them did me the least bit of good. Finally how ever , I purchased a box of your "IJacco-Curo" and it has entirely cured me of { lie habit in all its forms , and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and am relieved of all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. I could vv rite a quire of paper up on my ; changed feelings and condition. Yours respectfully , P. II. Makiiuky , Pastor C. P. Church. Clayton , Ark. Sold by all druggists atSi.oo per box ; three boxes , ( thirty days treatment ) $2.50 , with written guaran tee , of sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical iz Mfg. Co. , I-a Cross ' , Wis. , and Itoston , Mass. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on June 15th , 1S96 , I took up , on my farm in Willow Grove precinct , Hed Willow county , Nebraska , being the south west quarter , section twenty -one , township three , range twenty-nine , two estrav horses , described as follows : One gray gelding , supposed to be about S or9 years old , weight about 900 pounds , front feet sh'od. . One white mare , supposed to be about 10 or 11 years old , weight about See pounds , left front foot has a ridge which appears to be the result of .1 barbed wire cut , had leather halter on when taken up. If said horses be not reclaimed by the owner , thev will be sold according to law , after due notice. Hexky II. * Mitchell. w if - j I LEE'S LIGEJILLER ( | i % WEARS FREE FROM LICE \ 4 "I'WJIHWHWHHIIWIHlJiiniHiie ' J I LEE'S ' LICE KILLER I J . .FOR. . i % All Kinds Animals | I and Plants. % % jf . .SOLD BY. . X I c A. McMILLENh | h DRUGS , 5 I WALL TAPER , % w PAINTS AND OILS. % - \ ( n , y 1 How to Treat a Wife. I ' | ( From Pacific Health Journal. ) 5 k First , get a wife ; second , he patient. You / JL may have great trials and perplexities in your A J business , but do not therefore , carry U. your " * * # a { P& home a cloudy or contracted brow , Vour 2 W wife may have trials , which , though of less J magnitude , may be hard for her to.bear. . . A ' , 4 kind word , tender look , may do wonders in / * Jl chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. 3 f 1 To this we would add always keep a bottle of C f a Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. J I J It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner f * \ or later. Your wife will then know that you . ' \ real I v care for her and wish to protect Iter > J health. For sale by McConnell & Co. , drug- ij C'Sts. ' , , | | Mr. D. P. Davis , a prominent liveryman and * ] | merchant of Goshen , Va. , has this to say on 3 the subject of rheumatism : "I take pleasure m in recommending Chamberlain's Pain Balm M for rheumatism , as I know from personal ex- fS perience that it will do all that is claimed for | B it. A year ago this spring my brother was gX laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism JS and suffered intensely. The first application 19 of Chamberlain's Pain Balm cased the pain * $ and one bottle completely cured him. For sale by McConnell and Co. , druggists. , ' B For every quarter in a man's pocket there m/m are a dozen uses ; and to use each one in such JotH a way as to derive the greatest benefit is a t question every one must solve for himself. r tHs We believe , however , that no better use could wl be made of one of these quarters than to ex- Mm change it for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. S | Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , a medicine jjfi that every family should be provided with. oB For sale by McConnell & Co. , druggists. * * jBi SHERIFFS SALK. M By virtue of an ordel of sale issue from the He District Court of Red Willow county , Neb- JP * raska , under a decree , in an action wherein mjg Oliver M. Hyde is plaintiff and James A. M Piper et a ! , are defendants , to me directed and Wrl delivered , I shall expose to public sale and If sell to the highest bidder , for cash , at the south . j > | door of the court house in Indianola , Nebt " EI raska , on July 27th , 1896 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. 111. , the following described real 'Ja estate , towit : The northwest quarter of sec- | j | tion three , in township four north , in range ,3 twenty-nine , west of the 6th p. m. , in Red 11 Willow county , Nebraska. * I Dated June 23,1S06. J. R. Nkki. , II Sheriff of Red Willow county. % m W. S. Morlan , Attorney. 6-2G-5ts. JI I FKEE EDUCATION. \ - jl An education at Harvard , Yale , or any other \ fl • college or institution of learning in the "United J < J States , or in the New England Conservatory of 3 iU j Music , am be'secured by any young man or / ? H 5 woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars ' 'H 1 quickly. JAMES I ) . HAM. , 1 * ' 1 36 ISroomficld Street , ISoston , Mass. J I Wanled-An Idea Swiss I Protect your Ideas : they may brintr you wealth. ' I Wrlto JOHN WEDDEKBtJKN & CO. . Patent Attor- neys. Washington , V . C , for their $1.8U0 prlzo offer and list ot two hundred Inventions wanted. j \ Farmer's Sons \ -1 C ( T p-z-v We will employ vou at $50 per 5 fU C D K month. Write quickly. \ ' C J PUKITAX PUIII.ISIIINO Co. , 5 r 56 IJroomfield Street , I ISostou , Mass . > ' ' fl J. A. GUNN , II PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ! | McCook , Neiiraska. y I CS"Office OverC. A.Leach's jewelry store. &m Residence 701 Main street. Prompt attention - - " * • * H tion given to all calls. v 'ff J. S. MoBRAYEK , = II proprietor ok the McCook Transfer Line. r I BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. ' M 3jr0nly furniture van in the H city. Also have a first class house B moving outfit. Leave orders for H bus calls at Commercial hotel or l . H at officii * opposite the depot. ( fl I R-I-P-A-N-S m fl • - The modern stand- fl U ard. Family Medifl w cine : Cures the fl if common every-day .1 J His of humanity. ' fl m TRADE * < M O / * < ! & a& ) H MARK H Ciiase Co. Land anil Jve Stock Go. I Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder M - | Bj p P. O. address I m peri a H | rHBto ri5TBM ( . f hase county , and Ue.at j H gg E sS r'ce ' Nebraska. Range. H l nnStinking Water and the M Mjkm ZM<yii Frenchman crocks , in j H gj&jf SSaagPT Chase county. Nebraska. H , - * 9 Hrand as cut onstdeof H Jre afpiSatf S sonieanlmals.on hip and H 'r THimSsSBmSb sides of some , or any- J M whereon thpanimal. H R. A. COLE , I LEADING | MERCHANT ' TAIL0E I OF McCOOK , | fl Has just received a new stock of CLOTHS H ind TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit- j H ting iult made at the very lowest prices for J l jood work , call on him. Shop first door west " " jl | of Barnett's Lumber Office , os Dsnnlio * " / | H itreet i-vsH m _ i _ _ _ „ _ , . . . . .r - - . . . .s s s s s s SM