1 " r [ l [ MADAM { MBi 2 ypil ip J Repairing 1 * KX l 5 TWUn . J Neatly Done. I * J&SL I FEET. . . . I ' 1 MBl $ Would look the prettier i kIB 5 i ? # M | 2 j w 1 and feel the more comfortS fiMfN 5 l /&ek\ 1 jable in an easy fitting and t ESr 1/jmlkl / I fashionable pair of fine i mm ; \ ivU/Hl OXFORD TIES. Where | f - ' " 5 f xfff I will you buy them ? I have 5 S $ ? I \ j for your seeing some of the S fiplk 5 \ I \ I Daintiest Styles your eyes | KJR' ; 5 [ ( O l I ever looked upon : : : : S I K5 I V F I and the prices are far be- % BJjJjF * ' v J low your expectations. S Plj. F. GANSCHOW , P ' \ THE 0LD : RELIABLE S II FEET FITTER Pk | | f MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5 MeCOOK . . 1 MERCANTILE | sea sfeS 1 POMP A NY S Kpt $ S\ § as ills * received a new line of S § § / &Ss Latest Styles 38 § I | SUMMER DRESS GOODS | 11 % 11 ; New Patterns in wk EL at | 1 Laces , Embroideries , Veilings B k p | HANDSOME FANS , RIBBON M § p § and a Fine Line of | | l 1 RUGSPORTIERES 1 W rf ' - H i 1 FANCY TABLE COVERS I 5 ir5 i3iiEiEL GOING EAST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No. 2 , through passenger. 5:55 A. M. No.d , local passenger. 9:00 p.m. No. 04 , freight 4:30 A.M. No. 148 , freight 5:00 A. M. No. 80 , freight 7:00 A. M. No. 75 , freight 6:45 A. M. GOING WEST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No. 3 , through passenger. 12:40 A.M. No. 5 , local passenger. 9:15 P. M. No. 63 , freight 6:00 v. M. No. 77 , freight 5:20 P. M. No. 149 , freight 7:00 p. M. IMPERIAL LINE CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9:00 A. M. No. 176 , accommodation , arrives . . . 6:40 P. M. ST * Note : No. 63 carries passengers for Stratton , IJenkelman and Haigler. All trains run daily excepting 14S , 149 and 176 , which run daily except Sunday. No. 3 stops at Benkelman and Wray. No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4 , 5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. When Ncr. So is annulled No. 14S will leave at See a. m. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Can ada and baggage checked through to destina tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates , etc. , call on or address C. E. Magner , Agent. To California In a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally con ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe ditious. They leave Omaha every Thurs day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Onlj'&jfora double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the near est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Special Ticket Sale. August 7th and 8th we will sell round trip tickets to Salt Lake City , Utah , for one fare plus $2.00 ; tickets good for re turn until August 31st. Stop over will be allowed on return west of Colorado Springs , Denver and Pueblo. If you wish to take this in advise me early so I can arrange for tickets. C. E. Magner , Agent. A Red Hot Campaign. The present campaign will be the most exciting one fought out since the war. There will not be a day when something of unusual interest will not transpire. The State Journal has made up its mind to surpass all its former efforts in the direction of news-giving , and will give its readers the most complete details of the campaign , giving all the news from an unbiased standpoint. Republicans will want The Journal because of its staunch Republican principles , it being recognized as the standard-bearer of the great Republican party ot Nebraska. Populists and Democrats should read it for the news it gives. The Semi-Weekly Journal will go to thousands of new homes during the campaign. You should subscribe , as it will only cost you 25 cents from now nntil November 15. Two papers every week , making it almost as good as a daity. Subscribe through your postmaster or send your order to The State Journal , LincolnNebraska. Pay Your Dog Tax. Owners of dogs are requested to call at the office of the city clerk at once and pay tax on their dogs. The police are instructed to dispose of all untagged dogs as provided by city ordinance , so owners of valuable or pet dogs should act promptly in this matter. Ed. Jordan , Marshal. Notice to Bicycle Riders. Riders of bicycles will please observe the ordinance against riding on the side walks , and parents should see to it that their children refrain from riding on the sidewalks and rapid coasting within the city limits. Due attention must be giv en these requests , public safety and re gard for life and limb demand it. Ed. Jordan , Marshal. Special Ticket Rate. On August 14th and 28th we will sell round trip tickets to Hot Spring , South Dakota , for one fare for the round trip. Tickets good for return to 30 days from date of sale. C. E. Magner , Agent. Engraving and Embossing. If you take pleasure in good station ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasona ble in price. We also do engraving of cards and embossing of letter paper. See samples and get prices. Plenty of Farms for Rent. A number of good farms for rent. Call early and get your choice. Apply to P. A. Wells , over Citizens bank. Dr. Z. L. Kay. Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's jewelry store. Residence , room 21 , Commercial hotel. Fishing tackle at McConnell's. Binding Twine at LaTourette's. Preserving Kettles at cost at LaTour ette's. Mounted grindstones $2.80 at LaTou rette's. MBHKaa iciiss saiiaa I Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR , i vucer w CREAM BAKING POWDHt MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. RAILROAD NEWS-NOTES , jj T ' - -7'- ' . 1 ' - - ' . - ' . - - - T < W. P. Foreman dropped in at head quarters , Tuesday night. No. 2 was an hour and fifteen minutes late. Wednesday morning. Will Purvis has gone to Seneca to take charge of the shops there. Tom Wilkinson departed for Sheridan , Wyoming , yesterday morning. Engineer M.R. Gates went in to Chicago - cage , Monday night , on a visit. Night Caller George Snyder and wife spent Sundaj' with Lincoln relatives. Trainmaster Joselyn was up from Orleans - leans on business , Wednesday evening. The eating house at Red Cloud is being given an overhauling by the paper hangers - ers and painters. James Rivett came up lrotn Lincoln on business at Western division headquar- teas , Tuesday night. C. M. Cadnian was out from Chicago , early in the week , inspecting the com- pany's telegraph service , in which department - partment he is an expert. Engineer J. H. Moore and wife arrived home , yesterday morning , from Evergreen - green , Colorado. Her parents' home was washed away , but they all escaped. Robert Beyers , manager of the Hol- drege eating house , was in the city , Monday - day , noting the progress being made upon - on the dining hall and other buildings over which he will have control. H. G. Borneman of Supt. Campbell's office succeeds to the duties and emoluments - ments of the important position in the service long held by L. B. Stiles. Mr. Borneman will make the company an efficient and satisfactory employe. Hastings , Neb. , July 57. ( Special. ) A man named T. G. Waugh dropped dead from heart failure at the B. & M. depot this afternoon. He was en route by wagon with two neighbors from Max , Neb. , where he owns a ranch , to his home near Murray , Iowa. The bed } * was taken charge of by the Masons , of which order he was a member , and will be shipped to Iowa , tomorrow. State Jour nal. Reduced Grain Rates. The reduction of 7 cents in railroad rates on corn and wheat from all Ne braska points to Chicago and St. Louis has increased the shipments materially. According to the tariffs the freight on corn to Chicago from Lincoln has been reduced from 22 cents to 15 cents. Wheat will be taken for 20 cents , whereas the roads used to get 27 cents. The rate to St. Louis and other Mississipi river points is just 5 lower than to Chicago. The reduction was made by the roads , it is claimed , because it became evident that there would be an immense corn crop throughout the west and it was ab solutely necessary to have the old corn crop moved before the new crops were harvested and offered on the market. It is believed , however , that there will be no great rush until it becomes abso lutely assured that there will be no defi ciency in the supply of corn. Then it is expected that the old corn will begin to move rapidly. Lincoln Journal. The Scientific American of New York has signalized its 50th anniversary by the publication of a very handsome 72 page special number , which consists of a review of the development of science and the industrial arts in the United States during the past 50 years. It was an ambitious undertaking , and the work has been well done. The many articles are thoroughly technical , and they are written in a racy and popular style , which makes the whole volume it is nothing less , being equal to a book of 442 ordinary pages thoroughly reada ble. It is enclosed for preservation in a handsome cover , and is sold at the price of ten cents. Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's. Quart Tin Cans at 45c. a dozen at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's. Only 24 cents a ponnd for cut nails at ' S. M. Cochran & . Co. 's. TifE Tribune wants correspondence from every precinct and town in Red Willow county. Terms readily given on request. | wILLsELaIEM , j i Z All our Summer Goods , which are 7 7 New and Stylish , but must be sold to S i Z malre room for fall goods. Bargains 7 7 fok Ajll. Come and See. S I | ! Ask for LEATHER STOCKINGS I i for boys. Not leather but are cotton ? 5 ' stockings that will wear like leather , i m Try a ] > air and you will buy 110 others. Z ' W • • • • • * aft § Buy Blitterick Patterns. A new k i stock just received. \ ( ' * , y * • • 0 • • * ' ? ' Get our prices on Groceries. They i i are the lowest. Agents for Chase tS : 2 i 5 ' Sanborn's Celebrated Coffee. | \ Z E ' AT THE . . . J \ \ | | i wCtsfl I 7 • ffllp r &S \ , , ' ( J I I I C. L. DeGUOFF & CO. 1 1 i I _ jtMRS. E. E. UTTER.J MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. -Studio Rear of C. L. DeGroff & Co. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. SfAnent of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , 9 DENTIST. Q All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. , Fishing tackle at McConnell's. Binding Twine at LaTourette's. ELMER ROWELL , Real Estate , Collection- I nsurance McCook. Nei.raska. 2F"Xotary Public. East Dennison street. i AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , j ATTORNEY -AT - LAW McCook , Nebraska. "Office Over the Famous clothing store. , I . A. WELLS. IARINGTUV POWER. 1 WELLS & . POWER. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL General law practice in state an'l federal courts. Stenographer and Notary m office. Office over Citizens Bank of McCook. W. V. CAGE , PHYSICIAN ANJ ) SURGEON McCook , Nei.racka. SfOffice hours 9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms Over the First Nationi.1 bank. Night calls answered at the office. H People H m Who n H Write 8 gtes Might as well get some- - g § thing that's neat and stylgj § U&S 1 ish as to buy something S& j § # 53 that isn't. ggg S5 Nk * What's the use of buy&g sSs T ing a poor article when Etf f 1 ggg you can get The Best for gsg f S ® the same money SrfS | S&p T r- s p 1 EfrS Sal I m The m S& * SKIS 1 fk Tribune ljf ! § § H $ slj Office. * . . 23J3 L. < J