The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 24, 1896, Image 8

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    - " - * * ' , > * Matlgi * * * > ' " - '
, , , , , nullum ( Him n imiiamnuini 'li mi up m " " "
r--MM'l * Z * & l
% v-
- tl § ( k9 SO nnn i
I § ' I coupons inside each. 4-ounce jg
I " § The Best bag. Buy a bag , read the coupon , g
1 | SmokingTobacCOMade and sec how to get your share , g
I i p > FIRST-l • §
I * I . FWnational j 1 |
i BANK"41
i ' i *
| | Authorized Capital , $100,000. * $
i I | l Capital and Surplus , $60,000 | |
§ | < ? 0. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. 51
| # ( V. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash. | |
55 A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. | |
if(5wi ( > r rf5fisn. jjJViftc GljffioiOiI jJ3s.s2&Jsejfl S'i ' ftri& rinVjJVjfficji'V liSfaunc rf-Vsi i Qkrf& : rf § &
# #
a ? V. FRANKLIN , President. A..C. EBERT , Cashier. | f
1 # 1 ?
# OF MeCOOK , NEB. #
# #
# #
# * ! ?
# Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , Si0,000 #
I fes fit ?
# §
§ | |
- = = DIRECTORS = = r-
J. d * ss
S Fred Krug Brewing Company 8
SP Cabinet Bottled Beer. § s |
' ; j - | | § § A High Grade Lager Beer , | | |
* gjg Purest in the Market. ggg
! H Sis
f &r$3 Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , Neb. jK5g
Plumber and Steam Fitter.
Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim *
r' nines. Affent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill.
n m til mft ITS-fTTa1 ! JllfW * * > WThl FamoniKeraeayciires qniCKiy , permnnentiyaii
I | 3'A J LilSlk l I7il . 13 I nervous diseukes. Weak Memory , LobS of Brain l'o wcr ,
liB1 % illyf tt'f * M-T.A t l > ltlHeadache , Wakefulness , li t VlUUity , NiBUtly J3mls-
wKr55i 5 S&fe Ti " " " d reams , lmpotency . and wasting diseases . caused by
* wrj F * T t \ H B v < n fA/txI rrors or excesses. . Contains no opiates. Is a nerve tonic .
I V 'll aVfl "Mil &fl land blood builder. Makesthepaleandpunystroncandplump.
I KjD ! * VJ1 P % JJl ! fcfl • lEasllycnrredInve8tpocket.8Xperbox6forSO . Bymnll.prc- .
\4l * Sibm RLj- • . * • ! T Pft&lpald , • wtfhawrtttenpuaranteeortnonfvrf/MTided. Writous.frcc
• tttW % - BL - Mt JL JMiBfidipai book , sealed plain wrapper , with testimonials and
IIWff > BiK " > rW"ir " > TiTII'Wr . - TTTBniiiini . . lulrt inillnr No , charge for consultations. . , Beware of , imita- .
k mi uaati mui. kuiuii. { tons. SoWli/onr gtntjor ililrej aKBTBBKEDCO. 2IassnlolempIeClUcago.
ForsalelnMcCook.Ncb..byIi. W. McDONNELIi & CO..Druggists.
1 Sotoi for Tie McCoof TriMne
. . . _ _ . _ . . . . .
CmammfmU • > * ' * ' * " 3 m ' - - y " " r " - r"1 r- ' " * - ' " | - -ninii 1 - . . _ rrr n n innin i uniji. - JrJWfiasHftrf. rm | | i | | t , | ri i %
, > nw i . .w.i.i , ! . - ; , . , , , ,1 , „ . . , , 1 1
NM . < . . .
The Co9t of War.
. The Christian Work gives the follow
ing figures regarding the cost of war and
the casualties caused by it :
In the last two hundred years France
has spent , 993,000,000 in war. Even-
Belgium spends every year 46.000,000
francs on her army. In less than three
hundred years Great Britain alone has
spent " 1,357,000,000 in war. At Ban-
nockburn 135,000 men fought , and 38 , -
000 were killed or wounded. Italy spends
every year 14,000,000 lire ( , 560,000) ) on
her army and navy. The French army
costs every year 675,000,000 francs ; the
navy 209,000,000. The peace footing in
the Russian army calls for the services
of 170,000 horses. The army of Bolivia
costs the people of that impoverished
country , 360,000 a year. At Gravelotte
320,000 men were engaged , of whom 48 , -
000 were killed or wounded.
I will hold a special examination at
McCook , Saturday , August 1st , 1896.
L. A. Carnahan ,
County Superintendent.
C. H. BOYLK is in Trenton on business.
Misses Ci.ara Kxkven and Dot Dav
enport were down from Culbertson , last
' evening.
G. VV. Makqtjardt is here from Des
Moines , Iowa , on business. He is a
banker and owns the building south of
the Commercial house.
Mus.J. F. Rowell , her sister Miss
Ollie Young , and son Burr , came up from
Hastings , Wednesday night , to visit a
few days with relatives. Mr. Rowell
went through o ' n 77 , Thursday evening ,
with a carload of household goods and
merchandise for Colcrado Springs , where
they will engage in business and make
their future home.
M. vTlipps ,
- > EXPERT < 2-
Three Doors west of
Union Hotel. Get my
prices on repairs.
1 m
Legal Blanks
Note Books ,
Receipt Books ,
Scale Books.
Office Supplies
' ' ' " '
. . , , . . . . , 1 1.1 , . - . . 1
.M , ' " " ' " • " -.i , .
A Difficult Guaat.
When Dickous first met HanB Chris
tian Anderson in a London drawing
room , ho usked his fellow novelist to
pay him a visit at Gadshill. The invi
tation was promptly accepted and the
guest remained a long timo.
Upon many occasions during his pro
tracted yisit Dickens fonnd his patience
put to the test by his new friend.
In spite of Hans Christian's many
merits and good qnalities , his very
marked peculiarities made him an ex
ceedingly difficult person to entertain.
He was extremely sentimental and
emotional , and frequently , for no ap
parent reason , would burse into a flood
of womanish tears and run away to his
A few days after his arrival ho rang
the bell and asked to see the oldest sou
of the house.
The eldest sou was away , and when
Dickens himself wei to see what his
guest desired he fonnd that Andersoa
wished the eldest son to shave him , that
being the custom of his own country.
Dickens explained that in the first
place young Charles was absent , and
that , secondly , it would bo an experi
ment fraught with danger for him to
attempt the desired service , as , with
the very best intentions , he would prob
ably uearly decapitate his illustrious
Under these most untoward circum
stances Hans Christian , weeping , betook
himself to the nearest barber shop and
had his beard attended to professionally.
A Queer Shampoo.
In one of the hotel barber shops a
small Italian boy named Joe officiates
with the whisk broom. The other day
the hotel housekeeper sent down to the
proprietor of the shop and asked him to
fix her up a bottle of shampoo. Ho fixed
it and told Joe to take it up to the
"You tell her , " said the barber , "to
take half a teacup of the shampoo and
put it in two teacups of water and ap
ply. "
Joe took the shampoo and went up to
the housekeeper with it. In a short time
he came back , and the barber asked ,
"Give it to her all right ? "
"Yes , " said Joe.
"With the directions ? "
"Yes , " said Joe again.
Half an hour later the barber noticed
the housekeeper out in the hall , looking
curiously into the shop. He walked out
to where she was.
"Hello ! " she said. "Whichisit ? Are
you drunk or crazy : "
"What do you mean ? " asked the bar
ber , with much dignity. I
"You must be ono or the other , judg
ing from the message you sent up with
that shampoo. "
"What message did I send ? "
"Joe told me you said to tell me to
make a cup of tea and put it in the bottle
tle and lie about it ! " Buffalo Express.
Philosophy of a Prince.
"Did you over hear the story of how
the Prince of Wales asked the sultan to
go and see the Derby run ? " asked Or
lando Jones. "Well , it was thiswise :
The race for the Derby was about to be
run , and as the sultan was then-visiting
England the prince sent one of his lords 1
in waiting to inquire if the eastern po
tentate would not like to go and witness -
ness the classic contest. The son of the
moon and stars was seated propped up
by cushions , smoking placidly , when the
royal emissary was ushered into his
" 'His royal highness bids mo ask
your majesty if it would please you to
witness the race for the Derby ? ' said he ,
bowing lew.
" 'Does his royal highness mean that
I should go and see a horse race ? ' in
quired , the sultan blandly.
" 'He does , your highness. '
" 'Tell the prince that I cannot do
so , ' replied the ruler of the faithful.
'Why should I want to go ? All men
who are not fools know that some horses
are swifter than others. ' " Atlanta
"No Point" ZUcGec.
J C McGee , one of the best known
geologists in the government service , is
called No Point McGee by his friends
because , not having had a Christian
name given him by his parents , when
he went into the government service , he
was compelled to choose distinguishing
initials. He took all the letters of the
alphabet , placed them in his hat and
drew two at random. These he selected
for his name , and since then he has
signed himself J CMcGee. This became
known about the government office , and
then his name was published J C McGee -
Gee 1 , without the periods , for the printers -
ers said there was no abbreviation.
Philadelphia Press. ]
Sowing : and Reaping. '
Here is a thought from Sir Frederick 1
Leighton : "Whatever littleness degrades ;
our spirits will lessen them and drag [
them down. Whatever noble fire is in j
our hearts will burn also in our work , j
Whatever purity is ours will chasten I
and exalt it , for as we are so our work I
is , and what wo sow in our lives that }
beyond a doubt we shall reap for good :
or 1 ill in the strengthening or defacing ;
of whatever gifts have fallen to our lot. ' ' j
Very z
A true husband thinks first of his J
wife's comfort , says a French journal. I
Friend Perrichou , accompanied by his j
wife , took a trip to the outskirts of \
Paris. Very tired aud hungry they entered - j
tered an eating house. The proprietor |
declared that he had nothing but a chop s
to offer them. \
"Only one ! " exclaimed Perrichon. {
"Then what is my wife to haver" j
Full of Business. f ,
A tramp was put out to pasture on
the Bancroft , Neb. , rock pile recently |
with a ball and chain attachment. The |
attachment was not so great as to prevent - i
vent his selling the ball and chain for I
$1 to a green farmer as a curio , and I
making off with the money. Burlington - 1
ton Hawkeye. \
r. , 1. , . - ' - . . . . . - _ . . . .
. .
Job Painting The most artis
tic work ut the lowest figures.
The Tribune , McCook. Write 1
for prices. A trial order will set
tle the business.
Head the best coun
ty newspaper that's
The McCook Tribune
every time.
Don't forget to come and see us
when yon want any kind of job
printing. Wu are the people who
do the nice printing.
23gTM3uy your writing paper ut
The TitiuoNK ollice. All kinds in
block and prices very reasonable
djnveu : , colo.
The Best WEEKLY PuDr IsnEn
$1.00 Per Year In"ance. .
LEADS the Silver forces of America.
LEADS in Mining and Minin ? Stock Reports.
LEAPS In Special Departments.
LEADS In developing Colorado's wonjljrful
LEADS in Newsiness , Brightness , Compre
LEADS la Commissions to Agents.
( Write for Terms. )
Ttie Great
Silver Dally
The News publishes the representative paper
( daily and Sunday ) west of it Louis ; cartoon
with every issue. Coc a month $1.00 for 3
months in advance.
For sample copy of any issue , address ,
The NEWS PRINTING CO. . Denver. Colorado.
9 _ t5 § a Ki
Kff iifiwro
§ LNcrJ r 11 I I 1 ii
Wc Offer You a Remedy Which Insures
SAFETY to LIFE of Both
Mother and Child.
ftflakes CHILD-BIRTH Easy.
Endorsed and recommended by physi
cians , midwives and thosu who liavo used
it. Beware of substitutes and imitations.
Sent by express or mall , on receipt of price ,
SI.OO per bottle. Hook "TO MOTHERS"
mailed free , containing voluntary testimonials.
Don't Stop Tobacco.
How to Cure Yourself While
Using It.
Tin * til > .iCLo habit jjrows on a man until his
in rwws .ttcm is. mthiii-.1\ affected , imp nrinfj
health , comfort ami happiness. To quit Maidenly
is too s > e\ ere a shock to the sjstem , as tobacco to
an : imeterate user becomes : i stimulant that his
system [ continually cra\es. • 'IJacco-Curo" is a
scientific cure for the tobacco habit , in all its forms ,
carefuIH ; compounded after the formula ot an em
inent Uerlin physician who hasusid itin hispmatv
practice since 1S7.2 , without a failure. It is purely
vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. You
can ! use all the tobacco jou want while taKin-j
"Bacco-Curo. " It will notify ' \ou when to stop.
We i\e a written jjuaranteeto cure permanentlj
any case , w ith thrte bo\es , or refund the money
with 10 per cent , interest. "I'acco Curo" is not a
substitute : , but a scientific cure , that cures without
the ' aid of will power and \ \ ith no inconenience. .
It lea\es the sjstem as pure and free from nicotine
as \ the day jtiu took \011r first chew or smoke.
Cured by Bacco-Curo and Gained
Thirty Pounds.
From hundreds of testimonials , the originals of
which are on file and open to inspection , the fol
lowing 1 is presented.
Cl.i\ ton , Xe\.ula Co. , Ark. , Jan. 2S.
Kureka Chemical t Mfif. Co. , La Crosse , Wis.
; Gentlemen For forty } ears I used tobacco in all
! its forms. For t\\ent\-n\e jears of that time I
was a great sufferer from general debility and heart
disease. < For fifteen je.irs I tried to quit , but
couldn't. ! I took \.irious remedies , among others ,
"Xo-To-Iiae , " "The Indian Tobacco Antidote , " '
"Double Chloride of Gold. " etc. , etc. , but none of
them 1 did me the least bit of good. FinalK how-
ex er , I purchased a box ofour "Uacco-Curo" and
\ it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms ,
and = I h.i\e increased thirty pounds 111 weight and
am reliee'd of all the numerous aches and pains of
j bod\ and mind. I could write a quire of paper up
on m\ changed feelings and condition.
Yours respectfully , I * . II. Makhuky ,
Pastor C. P. Church , Cla > ton , Ark.
Sold In nlIIruggists.iti.oopcrbnx ; three bote" . ,
j ( thirty da\s treatment ) S-.So , with written guaran
tee , or sent direct upon receipt of priee. Write for
booklet 1 and proofs. Kureka Chemical A : ilfg. Co. ,
La ] Crosse , Wis. , and ISoston , Mass.
xoitci : .
Xotice is hereby " given that on June 15th. i'v/j ,
I 1 took up , on my "f.inn in Willow Grove precinct ,
lied ] Willow county , Nebraska , be-ing the south
west quarter , se-ction twenty-ore. township three ,
range twenty-nine , two estrav horses , described as
follows. One gray gelding , supposed to be about
5 or9tears old , weight about 900 pounds , front
feet J shod. One white mare , supposed to be about
10 or 11 tears old , weight about sxx > pounds , left
front foot has a ridge which appears to be the result
of a barbed wire cut , had leather halter on when
taken up. If said horses be * not reclaimed bj the
owner , the\ will be sold according to law , after due-
notice. IlfcXKY II. Mitciiei.i. .
Q = ?
f 1
6 . .TRY. . 4 <
? . .FOR. .
I All Kinds Animals * *
? and Plants. | |
, . .SOLD BY. . ft
kj DRUGS , J ,
How to Treat a Wife. ,
( From Pacific Health Journal. ) * " ' .
First , get a wife ; second , be patient. Yon A
may have jreat trials and perplexities in your t m
business , but do not therefore , carry L. your H
home a cloudy or contracted brow. Vour ;
wife may have trials , which , though of less % < q
magnitude , may be hard for her to bear. A ' J *
kind word , tender look , may do wonders in f .
chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. \
To this we would add always keep a bottle of
' in the house.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy / aj
It is the best and is sure to he needed sooner I |
or later. Your wife will then know that you f J
really care for her and wish to protect her ' l
health. Forsaleby McConnell & Co. , drug 4J
gists. xi ,
Mr.D.P. Davis , a prominent liveryman and S |
merchant of Goshen , Va. , has this to say on t "A
the subject of rheumatism : "I take pleasure . ' 41
in recommending Chamberlain's Pain JSalnt 1
for rheumatism , as I know from personal ex /
perience that it will do all that is claimed for ' J
it. A year ago this spring my brother was 1
laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism m
and suffered intensely. The first applicaUun M
of Chamberlain's Pain Ilahn eased the- pain
and one bottle completely ciaed him. For J
sale by McConnell and Co. , druggists. # 1
For every quarter in a man's pocket there / M
are a dozen uses ; * and to use each one in such V
a way as to derive the greatest benefit is a M
question every one must solve for himself. B
We believe , however , that no better use could ' 1W
be made of one of these quarters than to ex- f/
change it for a bottle of Chamberlain's. Colic. }
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , a medicine
that every family should be provided with.
For sale by McConnell it Co .druggists.
ly $ virtue of an ordei of sale issue from the
District Court of Red Willow county , Neb
raska , under a decree , in an action wherein
Oliver M. Hyde is plaintiff and James A.
Piper et al. are defendants , to me directed and
delivered , I shall expose to public sale and
sell to the highest bidder , for cash , at the south fc
door of the court house in Indinnola. Neb- | H
raska. on July 27th , 1S96 , at the hour of one H
o'clock , p. 111. , the following described real fl
estate , towit : The northwest quarter of sec |
tion three , in township four noith , in range H
twenty-nine , west of the 6th p. in. , in Red H
Willow county. Nebraska. H
Dated June 23,1S06. J. R. Neki. , H
Sheriff of Red Willow county. M
W. S. Morlan , Attorney. 6-26-51S. H
• An education at llar\ard , Vale , or any other \ H
• college or institution of learning in tin * "United J , , H
5 States , or in the New England Conservatory of } > H
J Music , can be secured by any toting man or - H
* woman who is in earnest ! Write for particulars X H
{ quickly. JAMES D. ItAI.r , , H
* 36 Ilroomfic-Id Street , lloston , M.iiS. • H
Wanted-An Idea ggs I
Protect your Ideas ; they may bring you wealth. H
Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO. . Patent Attor- ,
noya. Washington. D. C. for their $1.SIX ) prize offer * • B
and list oC two hundred Inventions wanted. V
1 Farmer's Sons j I
< . O , f\ We wiiremploy ton at $50 per > j H
f ) \\J month. Write quickly. < | H
C J I'L'KirAN' I'L'lll.lSIIIN'f. Co. , > H
r f Hroomlichl Street. \ f * M
y , Boston. Mass. > H
J. A. GUNN , | H
McCook , Nebraska. ' , ' 'H
I Ofrice Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. |
Residence 701 Main street. Prompt attention - ' . H
tion given to all calls. \ H
J. S. McBRAYEIl , | 1
McCook Transfer Line. 1
"Ouly furniture van in the H
city. Also have a first clnss house H
moving outfit. Leave orders for
bus calls at Commercial hotel or B
at office opposite the depot. * * B
r I
- The modern stand-
w ard Family Medi- I
c ne : Cures the I
common every-day | B
q ills of humanity. I
Gdase Co. Land end iY8 Stock Go. I
Morses branded on Iert hip or leftshouldor
P. O. address Imperia , "
y lofrfcun' ' ba3t county , and Heat
iiiiiii inii
ttVl&SP&ZC& Qriee' Nebraska. Range.
fyip y&v2,3 ? < Frenchman crooks , in
r&Sz z&Cril [ Cbnse county. Nebraska.
Wr , ajl Brand as cut onsldeof
jgZtt $ * 3ZGaM some animals , on bipand
* v5 Sil S2 sides of some , or any
where on the animal.
R. A. COLE ,
Has Just receiver ! a new stock of CLOTHI " * "
nd TRIMMINGS. If you want a food flt- '
ting uit made at the very lowest prices Xoi
good work , call on him. Shop flrat door west A
of Barnett's Lumber Offica , oa Dtn&lsoa ' ad
itreet % t