V\ Library Building , Univor'y " 13 | : ® lc ) ' : ; JfkCwIi Cribtme. ' f' . I WW 4 If3 * I FIFTEENTH YEAR. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 17 , 1896. NUMBER 9 1 I THEIR BENEFIT BALL It Was Quite "Well Patronized and Enjoyed by Everyone. } MUSIC BY BRIGADE ORCHESTRA Cooling Refreshments Served by the Ladies It Was a Dressy - and Jolly Affair Notwithstanding v standing the Heat. The McCook dub' benefit ball , Tues day evening in the Workman temple hall , was one or the pleasantest affairs of the kind held in the city in many moons. The only thing to mar the full est enjoyment of the evening was the intense heat. There was a good-sized and gay company present. The music rendered by the Nebraska Brigade band's orchestra was excellent and in spiring. The refreshments , consisting of ice cream , cake , lemonade etc. , served by the ladies , were most palata ble and cooling ; and everything passed I off as felicitously as could be desired. The club realized a neat benefit , the credit for which remains largely with the ladies , who took * an active interest in all of the arrangements , which they k carried out to a successful and gratify ing conclusion. With a Moral. "Jake Muller on a summer day , raked the meadow of clover hay. The mule with which he raked the hay was a muckel dun with spots of gray. Jake's shirt was hickory , his pants were brown , with a patch on the spot where he sat down. Jake cussed in a way that was sad to see and the mule wet "haw" when said "gee" . A bumble bee's home in the stubble lay , where Jake and the mule raked clover hay. A tooth ran through the bumble bee's home , and the I bees came out and began to roam in I search of the man on a summer's day , who raked the meadow of clover hay. They swarmed inside Jake's hickory shirt , and quickly that mule took a mighty spurt It was tough on the v , mule , it was worse on Jake and somewhat severe on the sulky rake ; for the mule turned loose in a promiscuous way , and mt * scattered the rake o'er the clover hay. And Jake as he ambled quick away , swore that he headed the race as cham pion jay" . Ate Sprayed Vines. A. J. Stroud exhibited some honey at this office , Monday , in which there were quite a number of dead bees. He at first thought that the trouble was a > "foul brood" , but further investigation convinced him that the bees had died from eating foliage and vines that had been sprayed with Paris green and Pur ple mixture. He consequently will des troy honey , bees and hives , of which , fortunately , he only has a small stock now. It is a new experience for Mr. Stroud in the business , one that is not costly only because he has been selling off his bees during the past few years. Infant Clifford Meyers Dies. Little Clifford Meyers aged three mouths , died on Tuesday at the resi dence of Engineer William Francisco , uncle of the deceased infant. The child was the infant of the engineer's sister that quite recently died in Kansas. The remains were shipped to Seneca , Kansas , Wednesday morning , the engineer and wife accompanying the bodT . Burled In Calvary. r The remains of John Flood of upper I Driftwood , Hitchcock county , were S brought down from Trenton on the Mon- i.- * " / J < ay afternoon freight , and were at once rjT / interred in the family plat in Calvary Hflgf cemetery , where a child of the deceased Bj is also buried. He was a victim of R * consumption. H * . The Bowery Dance. Hfv \ V The Bowery dance was fairly well pat- Ht v . . . ronized , Saturday night , but the ex- Hfc" pense account made the profits tired. mr\ \ . The music was lively and inspiring , all K \ having a jolly time until a late hour. K / Quite a pyrotechnic display preceded the \ dance. Refreshments were served on R If Lost Their Infant Daughter. H' * M Engineer and Mrs. J. H. Moore lost K JC | < ? their infant daughter , Lelia , aged 11 SB about two months , Tuesday , with chol- | | R era infantum. The funeral was held on i | Mi Wednesday morning from the house. wk < K * They have the sympathy of many B ! / friends in this sad bereavement. yS Brief but Brilliant. sM C. E. Mathews has retired from the * TR Courier staff. Cecil's newspaporial cam - l\ reer was s ort DUt brilliant. We shall m * \ KgSpi miss him. Hk Turnip seed 35c a lb. at LaTourette's. THE STAR OF JUPITER Is Still Growing Fair Attendance , Monday Evening. Notwithstanding the extreme heat , Monday evening , the meeting of' Mc Cook lodge No. 1 , Star of Jupiter , was fairly well attended. There were three initiations and two applications for membership in the order. The reg ular business concluded , the entertain ment of the evening was given ; it con sisted of an oldtime Spelling School and some vocal music by a lady quartette , Mrs. Frank Brown , Mrs. H. P. Waite , Miss Mary Watson and Miss Hannah Stangelaud. The ladies sang some music of Mrs. Brown's own composition , which was well received. The Spelling School was the source of much amuse ment. Altogether the session was en joyable and lively. A Profitable Lawn Social. The ice cream social , Saturday night , by the ladies of the Methodist church , at the residence of Miss Rachel Berry , was a profitable and pleasant affair. There was a large attendance and pat ronage. I THE PEOPLE. J V. Franklin was a business visitor to Lincoln , Sunday. Mrs. Tate departed , Tuesday , for Red Oak , Iowa , on a visit. Gene Bellamy is up from Arapahoe helping Dr. J. B. Ballard. Mrs. E. Q. Robie was a Hastings visitor , close of last week. L. Morse , the Dundy county states man , spent Tuesday in the citj' . Mrs. E. Hanson and Master Warren left on Thursday morning for Illinois on a visit. A. B. Taylor , wife and daughter of York , Neb. , were Commercial guests , Monday. Ed. Wilson , the oldtime cattle man , was down from Stratton on business , Saturday. Mrs. E. H. Waters has been visiting her brother Jacob Yocum at Hastings since last week. F. M. RlCHEY was up from Platts- moutb , Saturday , looking after his inter ests hereabouts. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stokes were down from Hayes Center , fore part of the week , visiting relatives. Mesdames Frank Harris and H.G. Borneman arrived home , Tuesday even ing , from a flying visit to Denver. W. E. Dayton of the York Repub lican spent Sunday night in the city. He was homeward bound from a flying visit to Haigler. Judge G. W. Norris spent Monday night in the city on his way up to hold court at Imperial , .whither he went on Tuesday morning. P. Walsh and A. J. Rittenhouse ar rived home , Sunday night , and have been telling the boys about it pretty much ever since their return from the Chicago convention. W. J. Snider , formerly of the Haigler News , now connected with the Colorado City Daily Iris , spent Monday in the city , while back on a business visit in Dundy county. Lawyers A. E. Harvey and Alex. Aultschuler of Lincoln were Commercial guests , Monday night , en route to Im perial , -where district court for Chase county convened on Tuesday afternoon. O. W. DeWald of the Trenton Regis- ister was a member of the A. O. U. W. escort that accompanied the remains of John Flood down from Trenton , Mon day evening , for interment in Calvary cemetery here. - 'JESSRS. J. B. MESERVE and L A. ' ridan took in the Populist state dele gate convention at Grand Island , Wed nesday. From there Mr. Meserve went up to Gillette , Wyoming , on a short visit to his son Leonard. Congressman Andrews spent Sun day night in the city on his way to Cul- bertson , where he delivered one of his sought-after lectures , Monday , before the county institute. We enjoyed a brief call from the gentleman who will again represent us in the halls of congress. M. KESSLER just recently returned from a trip to western Iowa. He re ports crops as fine , and a vast amount of old corn in sight , but the cash renters in hard shape on account of the low price of farm produce. He says that many of the renters will leave that section as soon as they can secure means upon which to leave , as they can't pay the big rent and live. THE COUNTY INSTITUTE A Successful Session of Two Weeks Will Close This Evening. OVER A HUNDRED ENROLLED Examinations Will be Held Tomor row No Third Grade Certifi cates , Next Yeai A Few Notes. The county institute for teachers will close this evening with a lantern enter tainment and the happy particulars Supt. Valentine throws into the same with his infectious enthusiasm. Tomorrow the regular examinations will take place ; and we are advised by County Superintendent Carnahan that next year no third grade certificates will be issued by him , as the number of second end grade certificates held in the county will by lhat time fill all demands for teachers in this county. The programme of last week has been for the most part that of this week , save in the lecturers : On Tuesday evening , President Beatty of the Peru state nor mal lectured on the subject , "Our Gov ernment , " in which he entertained a fair audience at the East ward assembly. Thursday afternoon , State Superin tendent H. R. Corbett delivered an in teresting , earnest and instructive address before the teachers , which was well re ceived and will doubtless prove profitable to the teachers. Friday afternoon , Mrs. A. K. Goudy , ex-assistant state superintendent , talked to the teachers in her enthusiastic , earn est way that always pleases as well as instructs her hearers. Friday evening , Supt. Valentine and the lantern will close the session with an entertainment none should miss. The new enrollments , this week , are : m'cook. Minnie Harris. Sarah Viland. Maggie Smith. Amie Irvin. Chas. S. Ferris. ' BARTLEY. Nettie Fredrick. Elbert Bentley. Percy Catlett. Cora Daniels. Amy Daniels. Bessie Thomas. Irene Flint. DAN BURY. Eugene Mason. Carrie Boyer. INDIANOLA. Stella M. Peake. Flora Rankin. May Whitesel. CAMBRIDGE. F. C. Headley. Mamie Webber. Cora I. Jones. Josie Marrin. Quite a number of school directors at tended different sessions of the institute. Supt. Valentine made one of his telling talks to the teachers , Monday afternoon. Lantern class tonight at 8:30. Open to pupils , their parents and friends. Pic tures , music and readings. Prof. Brown of Doane college and State Supt. Corbett both addressed the teachers , Thursday evening , in a profit able manner. Prof. Brown of Doane college was one of the visitors , Wednesday. He was en- route to Trenton to assist in the county institute work in Hitchcock county. Prof. Dow of Orleans has been filling Dean McBrien's place , this week. The Professor is a graduate of Orleans college. He will teach in the Orleans public schools , next year , as assistant principal , and is well spoken of. A lecture course for the teachers of the county is being arranged for by Supt. Carnahan , embracing William Hawley Smith and Dr. Berry for McCook , Dr. M. M. Parkhurst of Chicago for Bartley and Bowlus for Danbury. It is thought that this talent can be secured and paid for by proper effort. The officers of the Red Willow County Teachers association for the ensuing year are : Clarence Whittaker , president , Mc Cook ; G. F. Godown , vice-president , Danbury ; Grace Curlee , secretary , Bart ley ; Nora Stroud , treasurer , McCook. State Supt. Corbett's course of study was adopted. Next meeting will be held in Danbury on the Saturday nearest the full moon in October. Just Exactly. Seven o'clock is just sixty minutes past six. At 6:60 the business houses of the city closed on July 15th. The rule will prevail until September 1st save on pay days and Saturdays. The Old Settlers. The old settlers of the city of McCook are arranging to hold their annual picnic , next Tuesday afternoon , in Fitch's grove. Store Room for Rent , July 20th , store room now occupied by L. Lowman. Inquire of H. W. Cole or C. F. Babcock. Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's. 12-qt. Anti-rust tin pails 57c at La Tourette's. " ' - - - AN ORATORICAL CONTEST. An Interesting Program Prepared by the Leaguers. The members of the Epworth League will hold an oratorical contest in the Methodist church , Tuesday evening , July 21st , commencing at 8 o'clock. The pro gram for the occasion is as follows : Opening Song By the League Prayer Solo Mrs. H. P. Waite Recitation Miss Sircoloumb Instrumental Solo May Stangeland Essay Jennie Goheeu Essay Kittie Stangeland Duet Ida and Blanche McCarl Oration Bert Beyrer Oration Ray McCarl Recitation Daisy Jackson Solo Mrs. Frank Brown Lady Quartette You and your friend are cordially in vited to attend. Has Typhoid Fever. James Crockford of the Willow is down with an attack of typhoid fever. Ely is getting on all right. The Crockfords are getting more than their share of sickness ' , just now. I THE CHURCHES. | f 1 & * V irf -JR * m.r H - Wta- - > 3W.1V Ttltirrftr T r - ffcrH Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a.m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HiCKEY , Pastor. Congregational Morning theme : "Fishing. " Evening meeting will be a union of church and Endeavor service , closing with a short address by the Pas tor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. All are welcome. Hart L. Preston , Pastor. Baptist Services in McConnell ball. Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at 8 p. m. , sharp , will be concluded with a short sermon by the pastor. A'cordial welcome extended to all. G. P. Fuson , Pastor. Episcopal Services will be held at the Episcopal church , January 12th and every alternate Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. every Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser vice. R. L. Knox , Rector. Methodist Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11. Epworth League round table led by Mrs. A. P. Welles and L. E. Cann at 7. Preaching at 8. Morning subject : "Disregarded Signals. " Even ing subject : "Bright Side of a Minister's Life. " This will be the last sermon be fore the Pastor's vacation. All are cor dially invited to our services. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. Christian Sunday school every Sun day afternoon at three o'clock in the German Congregational church. We have no pastor at present , but the Disci ples will continue to break bread , each ' school. Endeavor Lord's day after Sunday deavor society on Tuesday evening of each week at 8 o'clock. You are cor dially invited to attend these services. By Order of Committee. PERSONALS. Mrs. W. D. Burnett is entertaining her sister , Miss Pearl Smith , from Red Cloud. Miss May Mitchell is up from In- dianola on a visit to McCook relatives and friends. Rev. J. A. Badcon of the Methodist church has been granted a vacation of several weeks. Dr. L. F. Britt of Omaha was in the city , Wednesday , to see his son C. W. Britt of the storehouse. Drs. Miller and McKechnie of Hol- drege were in the city , Wednesday , on professional engagements. R. A. Green and I. A. Sheridan ar rived .home , last night , from the Grand IslamJt-sTate Populist convention. Chas. H. Hart of Bloomington spent Monday night in the city on his way up to Imperial on business , Tuesday. Miss Watie Van Petten , county superintendent of Hitchcock county , was a McCook visitor.Wednesday evening. Miss Camp of Lincoln was the guest of her classmate , Miss Selma Noren of our city , from Monday evening until Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Smith and Roy , who have been making quite a long visit in Michigan City , Indiana , returned home , Wednesday night. Miss Lillian Innes of Atwood , Kan sas , arrived on No. 5 , Wednesday even ing , and will remain the guest of Miss Clara Purvis , over Sunday. Rev. H. L. Preston has been granted a vacation of 30 days and he will leave on Monday for his home in Iowa , where he will spend his vacation. Mrs. D. F. Neiswanger and the children came up from Cambridge , Tues day evening , and have been visiting her sister , Mrs. H. P. Waite of our city. Binding Twine at LaTourette's. Fishing tackle at McConnell's. ITEMS FROM THE RAIL A Little of Many Tilings and Different Topics Tershly Told. LITTLE AFFAIRS OF LOCAL LIFE In Paragraph for Readers of "The Tribune" News Sans Whis kers and Teeth , and In Good Form. The Nebraska State Sunday School convention will be held in First M. E. church , Omaha , July 28-30 , 1896. Every Sunday school is entitled to three dele gates , including its Superintendent and pastor. Entertainment will be provided for all delegates presenting proper cre dentials. Reduced rates of one and one- third fare have been granted by all rail roads in Nebraska. Prominent Sunday school workers of other states are ex pected to be in attendance. For copy of programme or blank credentials , address E. J. WighTman , Secretary , York , Nebraska. To Subscribers ot The Tribune. Readers of The Tribune will please remember that cash is an essential in the publication of a paper. The pub lisher has been very lenient during the past few years , on account of crop fail ures and hard times , and as a consequence quence many hundreds of dollars are due on subscriptions. We are now com pelled to request all who can to call and make settlement in full or in part. In view of the facts , our subscribers must feel the justice and urgency of this re quest. The Publisher. Ice Cream Social. There will be an ice cream social for the benefit of the Fitch school organ to be held at Fitch's grove on Wednesday evening. July 22nd. Free transportation for the McCook people who have no way of coming. All wishing to come will find wagons on Main street at 8. p. m. Come one , come all. Special Sale This Week. The McCook Mercantile Co. will give you your choice of any shirt waist in the store for 49c. this week. - . . - . . - rr. p- f RAILROAD NEWS-NOTES. ( I . I SUNFLOWER SILHOUETTES. L. W. Wright is on the hospital list. W. S. Perry took a trip on west bound flyer on Wednesday. Mrs. J. O. Yeiser of Omaha is visiting relatives at Red Cloud. R. L. Tinker is fitting some of the sta'ions out with new wells. Section Foreman Ben Hutchins has been spending a few days at Franklin. Miss Mabel Perry was a passenger on No. 141 from Red Cloud to Norton on Wednesday. Harry Conover and wife returned from their eastern trip and he has resumed his work in the Red Cloud yard. Miss Maymie Green returned to Re publican on Tuesday. She had been visiting at Oberlin for a few days as the guest of her sister , Mrs. T. W. Benjamin. Mail Clerk Holmes , who has been on the run while Clerk Yates and Walters were making the transfer , was sent upon the Deadwood line , and Clerk Casler is how holding down the run. General Supt. T. E. Calvert spent last night in the yard here in his special car. Mrs. C. H. Harman and children of Holyoke are visiting relatives near here , this week. Trainmaster W. W. Josselyn was up with the pay car on Friday evening , from Orleans. Another daughter was born to en gineer and Mrs. G. W. Conner , on Sun day morning. Mrs. G. E. Hymer of Ravenna is visiting in the city , guest of her sister , Mrs. David Magner. W. A. Lawrence of the McCook- Imperial run , takes Messenger Graham's place during the latter's absence in the east Miss Lulu Stingle took leave of her friends , Monday morning , ostensibly for a visit east , but in reality , as we are since informed , to meet her betrothed , a Mr. Carter of Chicago , to whom she was to be married , Tuesday evening. The young people first met in McCook , where the groom was employed in the railway service. Since then he has been promoted to a more lucrative position in Chicago , and there they will in future reside. Miss Stingle has many ac quaintances here who will wish her much happiness. Oxford Standard. . . . , . ' lU 1 L I rl ! .f- H " - * A VERY SAD DEATH. Fred Wagner of Frontier County a Victim of Appendicitis. Fred Wagner , the 13-year-old son of John Wagner , who lives in the neighbor hood of Quick postoffice , in Frontier- count- , died in east McCook , Tuesday night , shortly after midnight. It is thought that appendicitis caused the boy's death , although no post mortem was held. The deceased also had marked • typhoid symptoms. The doctors con sidered the surroundings impossible to an operation. But about midnight , Tuesday night , the boy was brought to this city in a lumber wagon and in a dying condition. No arrangements had been made for the reception and care of the sick boy ; but a vacant house in east McCook was hastily prepared. How ever , death came to the relief of the suf ferer shortly after his removal from the wagon to the house. Interment will take place in the Gar den Prairie cemetery in the Quick neigh borhood , today , unless the condition of the body demands earlier burial , which is highly probable. Western Washers at $3.60 at LaTour ette's. I FOR A CENT. I a = = ; Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTouretts's. 4-tined hay forks 49c. at LaTourette's. The first new wheat came into market on Monday. A. Droll's fall wheat averaged 18 bush els to the acre. We violate no confidence in stating that it is hot enough. The Tribune has cause to be proud of its correspondence. Rev.Knox will sell his horses , carriage and harness very cheap. The band concert , last night , had the usual large and delighted hearing. The "Liberty" social by the Baptist ladies , last evening , was well prtronized. Small grain harvest is in full blast. Hot weather has matured the crop rap idly. Over a hundred Endeavorers partici pated in the county picnic on the Willow , last Saturday , and a delightful time was enjoyed by all. F. S. Wilcox has bought the old cream ery building. He is having the building torn down and moved to his farm south of town , where the same wi'l be rebuilt into a barn. Last Saturday , J. S. McBrayer moved a dwelling for H. C. Rtder from South McCook to lower McFarland street , or iginal town , where it will also be used for residence purposes. The Brigade band was handsomely complimented by a recent issue of the Omaha Bee. The fame of our band is outgrowing local limits. It has few equals in Nebraska , and less superiors. A delightful shower fell upon the just and unjust in this neighborhood , Wed nesday afternoon. The precipitation was only .13 of an inch , but there was also a marked , beneficial atmospheric change. The constitutionality of the free high school law is questioned by Lancaster county legal lights. But , when you come to think of it , questioning the legality of laws is a weakness of some lawyers. It's in the business. A Lawn Social. The Dorcas society will hold a lawn social , next Tuesday evening , at the res idence of E. C. Ballew. A cordial invi tation is extended the public. List Your Property. If you want to sell your farm or town property list them with the Republican Valley Land Co. Office in court house. C. B. Gray , Manager. AT THE FAIR STORE \ 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $100 j ! 28 bars White Russian Soap 1 00 1 2-gal. pail Best Syrup 60 | 3 cans Pie Peaches 25 1 3 3-lb. cans Apples 25 a 5 cans Sugar Corn 25 | 4 lbs. Cal. Evap. Prunes 25 ? j 1 qt. Gold Medal Pickles 10 I 6 cans Oil Sardines 25 White Bread Flour per sack 85 Fancy Patent Flour per sack 95 25 per cent discount on Shoes for the I the next 30 days. Everything Cheap at i THE FAIR. , J. W. McKENNA , Proprietor. i I • ii i i ! * 1 I I > 1 & m % 1 ft' ' m mI 1