The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 10, 1896, Image 1

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    V " " " " " " , " " , ' ' ' " ' " " " ? . ii ii i ii mil.
. . . . .
4 77r ? ; rF&WI KM
H \ Nebraska farmer I
K' , ? * . * - * - * , SWwv7t . . ii rp.TjtiiiMiitiaiKt wBa * ' -8WfciqWj | | t | iitiliiw , < MUi i a. t - • - • - ; : vtt'-xt&tsm&f eiilifnilMihmtii K\y9U\/ \ \ i 'I ' gf-a tgwawgaW'iKSSpiiKiW . > v4- * r , -i i' e > - * < j , . .frailst'4 x-'V Mk , I | H
Hp The Teachers of Eed Willow County
P in Annual Institute.
H V Two Week's Session Opens With a
EJW v Good Attendance and Lively
J | . ' Jnterest-Profltable Ses- .
t sion Expected.
f The annual institute fur the teachers
K of Red Willow county opened in the
L high school building of our city , Mon-
p daj' morning of this week , with a fair
H' enrollment and an active interest which
Br promises to make a profitable session.
V The instructors , this week , have been
R J. F. Carnahan , Miss Tillie Moore and
B J. F. Hosic. The lecturers , this week ,
H have been Supt. Valentine of the Mc-
' * Cook public schools , who on Tuesday
Hp evening , delivered a splendid address on
K the "Training of Patriots" . On Wed-
K' siesday evening , in the Congregational
K church , Prof. Hosic of the Peru Normal
Bi school delivered a "Talk on Lowell" ,
Hwith | readings , which was highly inter-
K\ | esting and instructive. Tonight Supt.
M&Valentine will give a lantern class exhi-
K- bition , using the superb slides illustrat-
H ing"Venice" .
m Next week , the corps of lecturers will
B be increased by the presence of Dean J.
H \ L. McBrien of Orleans college and Pres-
Hft \ ident W. H. Clemmons of the Fremont
H § Normal school , and the institute prom-
K | . ises to increase in profitable interest.
V The public is cordially invited to any
V and all of the sessions of the institute
E * and to the lectures as well.
Kl Following is the enrollment from the
Ha several towns of the county :
HL Minnie Stillman , Nellie Plummer ,
HI Lulu M. Cook , Edith Cook , *
flO Celeste A. Douglas , William Valentine ,
PP Olive Rittenhonse , Clara A. LeHew ,
m\ Mabel Jordan , Mary Marsh ,
Wf , Minnie Whittaker , Josie Houlihan , -
C ; May Whittaker , Delia Shepherd ,
M ' Hannah Stangeland , FlorenceN. Johnson ,
k Bessie Endsley , , Laura V. Pickering ,
K i Delia Carothers , Minnie Rowell ,
B \ Etta Gordon , Martha Battershall ,
B / Delia Battershall , Frank Fitch ,
Hi Cora Matthews , Cora Irwin ,
B ; Martha E. Johnson. Dora Ellis ,
fcjl | Nettie Coolej' , C. N. Whittaker ,
| fc. Bertha Viland , Edward Viland ,
BH | , Clara Purvis , Clara O. Hanlein ,
' Tillie Brown , Grace Walsh ,
H ' Arthur Brown , Anna Gibbons ,
H Jennie Goheen , Eunice Goheen ,
K * Grace L. Brinton , Anna L. Hill ,
iu JH * F ° wier cRpars ° ns
Jp1' Lora M. LeHew , Josephine Mullen ,
B Nora Stroud , Lydia J. Brinton ,
V ' Orrie E. Williams.
„ t
K MaryCanaga , Jennie McClung ,
Bfe Lena M. Wright , Holton Longnecker ,
HF Lucy Peake , Frank Neel ,
H Vivian Gossard , Mabel-Kreglow , '
v Ellen Byrne , W. A. McCool ,
Hk Mary BjTne , Ora Smith.
BB. - * , DANBURY.
HH § > Ole E. Robinson , Roy Hindman ,
B ? F. J. Dimmitt , Vanch. Plumb ,
Bf Josephine Naden , - O. C. Thomas ,
B Maud Eno , Myrtle Cochran ,
F G. F. Godown.
B Perry Ginther. Abbie E.Carr ,
K Katie McKillip , Lizzie Williams ,
HI Nellie Stephens , Jessie Stephens ,
Hifcto L E. Wymore , Irwin Hopt ,
BP Emily Hopt , Grace Curlee ,
E * Ida Smith.
Hhi Mrs. H. P * . Groesbeck , Max.
. , Fred Brown , Osbom.
R S Lantern Class , tonight at 8 o'clock ,
K ' when the last exhibition of the Venice
t y views will be given. In addition to the
Kfc pictures there will be music and read-
fts ings. All are welcome.
K' Rev. L. P. Ludden , secretary of the
B Lincoln board of education , addressed
C. the institute , Wednesday forenoon , with
n . pleasure and profit ro all. He is enthus-
H iastic and practical in educational work.
H In One Hundred Words.
Hy Can the way to success on the part of
K a young man be written down in one
Hk hundred words ? Let us attempt it , says
B an exchange :
B V "K your home be good , acquire moral
f strength there ; If bad , seek it elsewhere.
Bw When -master over oodily impulses , leave
HL home ; standing alone will strengthen
n\ your moral fibre and broaden your mind.
B ? se sPare rnoments acquiring general
Bt ' " * * \ information. Before thirty have a defi-
life ; then'hew to the line' .
, Stop whining if disappointed and start
H y again. ' Entertain good will towards
Bttl mankind. If you gain knowledge or
B'x power that would ienefit theworld.pass
M it along. Honor your mother's sex.
H Avoid frivolty with girls ; it perverts
H\ your purpose and endangers them. Jove
mk the woman truly who stimulates your
F \ best impulses" .
L Tnrnip seed 35c. a-lb. at LaTouretie's.
BB | _ . * " r . . . . j.rf thJn ra -.L . . .in , i 1 , " - '
In the Congrregrational Church , Last
Sunday Evening : .
Last Sundaj * evening the regular ser
vice hour was given over to the Endeav-
orers , and a special patriotic service was
held in the Congregational church , in
which a good-sized audience took evid
ent pleasure , and from which they de
rived distinct profit.
The recitations , readings and music
were each and all enjoyed , and the ad
dress by Prof. Hosic on "Christian Citi
zenship" was heartily approved by all
for its earnestness and forcefulness. The
Professor believes in christian citizen-
shid , and gave most convincing reasons
why the country needs a vigorous brand
of that kind of citizenship. The pro-
gramme was as follows :
Opening hymn 96
Psalm 33 Maude Doan
Anthem Church Choir
"Words" Bessie Borneman
"Build" Jessie Johnson
"Country" Sarah Oyster
Hymn 354
Ona Simons
"Arsenal" Selma Noren
Anthem Church Choir
Address Prof. Hosic
Closing hymn-HSlo
Benediction Pastor
Illegral Liquor Selling.
It may not be known to the officials
doubtless is not known but it is a fact
easy to be substantiated that a number
of houses of infamy in this city are. sell
ing liquor contrary to the law of the
state and the ordinance of the city.
S. E. Hagkr was up from Indianola ,
Monday , on business.
H. C. Rider came down from Denver ,
Tuesday , on business.
James Hatfield is indulging in a
trip to'Denver , this week.
Mrs. Patrick Gibbons , spent the
Fourth with Orleans friends.
Mrs. James Allen went up to Den
ver , Monday evening , on a visit.
Miss Maggie Vaughn is in Alliance ,
keeping house for her brother Michael.
John Eskerson has returned to the
city , after an absence of a number of
Mrs. Z. L. Kay and Jud left for Joplin -
lin , Mo. , Sunday morning. Elmer is
reported better.
Patrick McKillip , Jr. , of East Val
ley precinct , made a brief visit in the
city , Wednesday morning.
MISS NELL Fisher and brother
Charles of Wauneta celebrated with us.
Miss Nell was the guest of Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. Gus. Rodstrom spent the
Fourth in Holdrege , going down on
Friday night and returning , Monday
Miss Atmee STRASSER returned from
Holdrege , where she has been visiting
for a number of weeks , on last Friday
County Attorney Keyes was sum
moned to the county seat , Tuesday even
ing , by the commissioners , on county
business. .
J. H. Stephens and daughters Misses
Nelllie and Jessie drove up from Bartley ,
Monday. The young ladies are attend
ing institute.
Mrs. J. W. Hupp and Master Glen ar
rived home , Saturday evening on 5 ,
from their visit of a few weeks to Illinois
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Gossard were
up from Indianola , Monday. Miss Viv
ian Gossard accompanied them and is
attending teachers' institute.
MRS. H. F. Tomblin came up from
Bartley , last Friday evening , and was
the guest of her daughter , Mrs. J. B.
Forbes , over the glorious Fourth.
Misses Annie Babcock and Hattie
Weeden came up from Cambridge , last
Wednesday night , and have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C F. Babcock.
Editor Floyd , Sheriff Jones and
County Clerk Allen , of Trenton partook
of our roast ox and iced tea , Saturday.
We have to acknowledge a pleasant inva
sion of onr den by these gentlemen.
Mrs. Harry Stern and the children
of Holdrege have been the guests of her
sister , Mrs. Samuel Strasser , since last
Friday night. Mr. Stern spent Sunday
and Monday here , returning home on
the- evening of the latter day.
Editor and Mrs. E. J. Mitchell
participated in the celebration at Indian
ola. They remained there over Sanday ,
preparing their household goods , Mon
day , for shipment to McCook , Tuesday.
They are occupying one of James Mc-
Adams' residences on north McFarland
UcCook's Celebration Was a Most
Gratifying Success.
Splendid Oration , Interesting and
Pleasing Attractions , Good
Order , Great Ox Roast , .
AH Happy.
There are good and sufficient reasons
why the people of McCook maj' well
feel satisfied and pleased with the result
of their efforts to entertain the guests on
'the Fourth of July. From the opening
salute of .the early morning to the
closing flash and bang of the evening's
fireworks the occasion was devoid of unpleasant -
pleasant incident and fraught only with
felicitous particulars.
At the appointed hour , headed by the
Nebraska Brigade band , the parade
formed on east Dennison street , started
on its prescribed march. The sublime
and the ridiculous were amusingly com
mingled in the procession. Uncle Sam ,
Fair Columbia , the states , the navy , in
patriotically decorated floats divided the
honors with the Calithumpians- alfalfa -
falfa and free silver mule , bicvclists on
gaily bedecked wheels , citizens in car
riages and on horseback. The affair
was quite creditable. The parade wound
up at the grand stand , where the exercises -
cises of the day were carried out as per
programme :
Opening Exercises by President of the Day
Mayor H. H. Troth
Music Nebraska Brigade Band
Invocation Rev , G. P. Fuson
Recitation Declaration of Independence. .
Fifteen Members of Public School
Music Nebraska Brigade Band
Oration Judge G. W.Norris
Music Nebraska Brigade Band
The oration by Judge Norris was the
chief feature of the morning's pro
gramme , , and the Judge has been highly
complimented on all hands for his-able
and eloquent effort , which was enjoyed
by all who had the pleasure jf hearing
it. At the conclusion of the programme
arranged for the morning , the people
were invited to partake of the.refresh
ments provided for the city's guests.
The roast ox , iced tea and other items
on the menu were excellent and Ratable ,
Manyappreciative words were spoken of
this feature of the entertainment , which
was as free as plentiful. This ended ,
the sports and amusements of the after
noon were taken up.
The sack race and the three-legged
race created quite a bit of fun. The
first prize in the sack race was won by
George Buhler , $1.50 ; the second money ,
$1.00 , by Jack Cashen. The first prize
in the three-legged race fell to Cashen
and Modrell , $3.00 ; the second money
to Ed. and Henry Jeffries , $2.00.
The bicycle and foot races were run
off at the track of the McCook athletic
club grounds on the west side : .
One mile novice Cordeal. Hoylman ,
Carlton , Troth , Brewer , Wood and
Stangeland entered. Stangeland won
first prize , $6.00 bicycle suit ; Troth second -
end , $5.00 bicycle lamp ; Brewer third ,
$1.50 cyclometer. Time 2:53 : . n l s
race Carlton met with an accident in
which he was considerably bruised up
and his wheel badly broken.
One-fourth mile McCarl , • Leach ,
Brewer and Belles entered. McCarl took
first place and $7.00 pneumatic bicycle
saddleIeachsecond$3.oorockingchair ; ;
Brewer third , $2.00 hat. Time 36 .
One mile open Stangeland , McCarl ,
Brewer , Belles and Leach entered. Mc-
McCarl won first prize , $10.00 gold , medal -
al ; Brewer second , $6.00 silver medal ;
Leach third , $4.00 sweater. Time 2:58. :
This promised to be the hottest race of
the programme , but an unfortunate col
lision , near the end , betwe ' en Belles and
Stangeland piled them both up. Stange-
land's wheel was badly damaged , and
Belles slightly hurt. The accident oc
curred while Stangeland was trying to
pass Belles , and the Judges declared it
no foul.
Slow race Leach , Wood , McCarlMc- ,
Connell , Carlton , Cordeal , Doan and
Hoylman entered. Wood was an easy
winner all the other contestants fell
from their wheels at various stages of
the race and had to retire. His prize
was-a $3.50 silver cup.
Half mile open Cordeal , Hoylman ,
McCarl , Troth and Wood entered. This
was a pretty race. Hoylman set the
pace the first quarter , and it was fast ,
but fell away in the. rear at the finish ,
wMch was very close , and the judges
took some time in deciding the race.
McCarl won first , $3.00 bicycle shoes ;
Brewer second , $2.00 hat ; Troth third , •
$ r.oo tie.
The boys' race and the consolation
race did not fill , and were declared off.
The bicycle races were among themes
mos .t interesting and exciting events of ' .
the day , and drew a large crowd to the
' '
• i ii-i. 1 hi li 1 1 in ' ' in
'Athletic club's grounds. The grand
stand was full and the quarter mile
track was completely encircled by eager
and expectant people who were not dis
appointed by poor races.
The foot races lacked somewhat in
• interest for the reason that no one was
swift enough to interest Blaeholder.
The 100 yards race fell an easy mark to
Henry Blaeholder , $3.00 ; Tony Stetzer
• took ] second money , $2.00.
There was only one money in the 75
yards race and Blaeholder took that ,
$2.50. <
The half mile race also became an
easy ( victim to Blaeholder , $4.20 ; Stetzer
second • , $2.80.
There were many entries in the boys'
race , but E. J. Badcon won first money ,
$1.50 < ; R. S. Garber second , $ r.oo.
This concluded the sports of the day.
They were for the most part verj' satis
factory. j
In the evening a fair display of fire
works was made from an elevated plat
form 1 on the hillside. .It was witnessed
by 1 many , and especially delighted the
Considering everything , McCook did
handsomely. 1
Tony Probst roasted that ox to the
queen's 1 taste and the ladies and others
served i the lunch to the satisfaction of
all. (
Miss Mabel Jordan represented Col
umbia 1 handsomely ; and V. H. Solliday
as 1 Uncle Sam wasn't out of sight ex
actly : , but he was all right.
Each and every one connected with
the celebration is entitled to a full meas
ure of credit and praise for the pleasure
and ' , success of the affair.
One of the most enjoyable features of
the celebration was the music by the
Nebraska Brigade band. The boys
played early and late and often aild well.
Knipple and Brewer had all the bow
ery booth privileges , but failed to real
ize very handsomely the people had
very little money to spend ; which ac
counts for the fact that red lemonade
did not flow as freely as of yore , nor did
everybody dance with the oldtime en-
tlsusiasm. * "
Binding Twine at LaTourette's.
Fishing tackle at McConnell's.
k-A- I ar-rf&r-iAriJW iffcrrfh" tfWW jffTr ; rfk tjWS
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
TtEV. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
Baptist Services in McConnell hall.
Bible school at 10 a. xn. Preaching at rr
a. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting at 8 p. m. ,
sharp ' , will be concluded with a short
sermon by the pastor. A cordial welcome
extended , to all. G. P. Fuson , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday school at 10 and
preaching at 11 a. m. Epworth League
at ; 7 and preaching at 8 p. m. Morning
subject , "Rewards for Every Talent" ;
evening ] , "Battle and Great Victories" .
All are welcome to these services.
J. A. Badcon , Pastor.
Episcopal Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every , alternate Sunday at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. every
Sunday. j Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after * the 7:30 : ser
vice. R. L. Knox , Rector.
Congregational Morning theme ,
' 'The Heresy of Hope" . Evening meet
ing at 8 o'clock , in charge of the Endeavor -
deavor , society , closing with an address
on < "Enthusiasm" by Professor J. F.
Hosic. : Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock , Wednesday
evening. ; All are invited.
Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Christian Sunday school every Sun
day afternoon at three o'clock in the
[ German Congregational church. We
have no pastor at present , but the Disci-
pies will continue to break bread , each
Lord's ; day after Sunday school. Endea
vor society on Tuesday evening of each
w.eek at 8 o'clock. You are cordially
invited to attend these services.
By Order of Committee.
Blood Poisoning.
Dr. W. V. Gage is quite ill .with an
attack of blood poisoning , the result of
pricking himself with a surgeon's needle
he was engaged in cleaning. The doc
tor's many friends wishfor , his early and
full recovery. •
Their Usual Dividend.
The first of July the First National
bank of our city declared its usual and
customary semi-annual dividend of five
per cent. , showing a substantial and-
prosperous condition for that strong fin
ancial institution.
The McCook Club Ball.
' Don't forget the grand benefit ball by
fhe McCook club in the Workman hall ,
next Tuesday evening , July 14th. Buy
a ticket , if you haven't one now.
Store Room for Rent.
July 20th , store room now occupied by
L. Lowman. Inquire of H. W. Cole or
C. F. Babcock.
A County Ticket Placed in the Field
at Indianola. Yesterday.
Of Red Willow County , Gets the Del
egation for the Office of State
Treasurer The Ticket
They Named.
The Populists of Red Willow county
met in convention in Indianola , yester-
day. J. M. Brown was chairman and J.
A. Hammond , secretary of the conven
tion. The nominees are :
Representative L. J. Holland.
County Attorney Patrick McKillip.
Commissioner James Robinson.
Delegates to the delegate convention
at Grand Island J. B. Meserve , Samuel
Bentley , J. W. Dutcher , J. R. Neel , J. A.
Schmitz ' , R. A. Green , H. W. Naden , A.
P. Bodwell , E. C. Clark.
State nominating convention at Hast
ings I. A. Sheridan , Patrick McKillip ,
Newman Dutcher , James Miller , W. M.
Rozell. H. H. Pickens , E. B. Lister.G.F.
Godown , W. S. McTaggart.
Congressional J. H. BaystonWilliam
Hoppe , J. M. Brown , James Carmichael ,
W.J. Fleischman , Sidney Dodge , J. A.
Schwarz , S. W. Stilgebouef and L.J.
Senatorial Wm. A. Minniear , Jacob
Stenner , O. D. Mosher , Robert Thomas ,
C. H. Boyle , Michael Coyle , T. A. Row
land , William Karp , H. H. Horton.
The state nominating delegation will
favor the nomination of J. B. Meserve ,
county-treasurer , for the office of state
state treasurer.
As we go to press , this morning , there
is quite a boom on for W. J. Bryan for
Democratic nominee for president , but
no nominations have been made as yet.
, W. L. Baillie celebrated at Holdrege.
Lawyers Starr and Eldred attended
court at Trenton , Monday.
Mrs. Fred Washburn went down to
BroinfieldSaturday morning , on a ten
days visit.
Patrick Walsh left on Saturday
morning for the Chicago convention to
which he is a delegate.
B. F. Hawkins of the Benkelman Bee
drank in the melody of the band concert -
cert , last evening , with delight.
Mrs. F. W. Bosworth came down
from Denver , last Friday evening , on a
visit to relatives and friends here.
Mrs. Samuel Rogers and children
returned , last Friday evening , from visit
ing \ relatives in Longmont , Colorado.
Miss May Moore was a passenger on
2 , Sunday morning , for Crete , to visit
relatives and friends and to attend the
; Chautauqua.
Dr. Arbuthnot of Republic , Kansas ,
visited McCook friends over Sunday , arriving -
riving on Saturday and departing on
Monday morning.
Deputy Hammond , Lawyer Starr and
Deputy ; Bayston went down to Indianola ,
: Friday night , to celebrate , returning
home , Saturday night on 5.
Mrs. V. Franklin and daughters
left on Monday for Kirwin , Kansas ,
where they will visit her mother during
the next two months. They drove overj
Mrs. Fowler and two children , from
Denver , who have been visiting her sis1
ter , Mrs. Albert McMillen , for the past
two or three weeks , departed for home
on , 5 , Tuesday evening.
E. N. Allen and Fred Boehner , two
Arapahoe statesmen , came to the city on
Tuesday evening , to attend the senatorial
committee meeting , Wednesday , when
the convention date was fixed.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. WELLS returned
home , Tuesday morning , from a trip to
Manitou , Colorado , Pike's Peak and
other , neighboring points of interest and
attraction. He continued on his way to
Omaha on business.
Miss Marie Stanfield of Republic
City , Kansas , was the guest of her sister
Miss Elsie Stanfield of our city from _
Saturday until Monday. Gladys Fair of
Hardy , Nebraska , a little niece of Miss
Lotta Stover , accompanied her.
Judge Smith and daughters spent the
Fourth in Indianola. . He returned on
5 , the same evening , the girls driving
home , Sunday afternoon , accompanied
"by Miss Ora Smith , their cousin and .
daughter of W. H. Smith.
Miss Lotta Stover left for Republic
City , Kansas , yesterday , to make a visit
of a few weeks. She will go to St. Joe ,
Mo. , before her return , to make her fall
purcbases of millinery. Her little niece ,
Gladys Fair , accompanied her.
Elect Officers , Name Committees.
Transact Routine Business.
The new board of education met ,
Monday evening , and organized with A.
Campbell as president ; John Wentz.vice
president ; W. F. Lawson , Secretary.
The standing committees for the en
suing year are : Teachers and text
books Barnett , Archibald.Wentz. Sup-
pliesand repairs Archibald and Barnett
Finance Lawson , Doan. John Winters
of ' Red Cloud , agent of the American
Book Co. , appeared before the board ,
but ' nothing was done in the matter of
text ' books and supplies.
The committee on teachers and text
books was empowered to select teachers
and fill vacancies at once.
The report of C P. Viland , who took
the school census , was filed and showed
the ' total number of school age in the
city ( to be 751 , divided as follows , fe
males ] 429 , males 322 , or about a third
more ] girls than boys in the district.
No vacancies were filled in the teacher
corps , but it is expected to do so soon.
United in Marriage.
William L. Aman and Mrs. Maud M.
Hewett ] , both of Furnas county , were
married ] by Rev. G. P. Fuson at his home
in 1 this city , Monday morning at ten
o'clock. They returned the same day
to their Furnas county home , where the
groom ' owns a good farm.
Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTourette's.
12-qt. Anti-rust tin- pails 57c. at La
Rev.Knox will sell his horses , carriage
and harness very cheap.
• ' *
• , = s = = = =
Turnip seed 35c. a lb. at LaTouretts's.
4-tined hay forks 49c. at LaTourette's.
Western Washers at $3.60 at LaTour
ette's. <
Note the change of advertisement by
McKenna , this issue.
A dance is advertised to take place in
the 1 bowery tomorrow night.
We would like to see McCook get a
regular 1 circuit bicycle meet.
A refreshing shower , early Saturday
morning. Precipitation of .00 an inch.
To trade A lady's bicycle almost
new 1 for a good cow. Inquire at this
McCook will soon have one of the best
quarter-mile tracks in the state , with a * *
comfortable grand stand that will seat
between 300 and 400 persons.
A Good Programme.
The meeting of MCcol c lodge No. 1. ,
Star of Jupiter , Monday evening , was
well attended , and the musical and liter
ary programme rendered was of unusual
merit and interest. There were two new"
applications for membership in the or- ' *
In this connection it should be re
membered by the members that quar
terly dues are now due and should be
paid 1 to the collector at earliest con
Is Giving Satisfaction. .
It is the concensus of opinion of people
ple i and press in those counties where
Judge l Norris has held court is that the
Judge j is conducting his court in a busi
nesslike manner that is giving general
satisfaction. ! Accumulated business is
being 1 disposed of in a style that indi
cates < a desire to do the right thing by
the 1 litigants of the district.
Land Contest Dismissed.
Acting Secretary of the Interior Reyn
olds , July 1 , denied the plaintiff's motion
for a review of the departmental decision
in : the land case of Henry Degering
against William Harr , from the McCook
district ( of Nebraska. The motion is
denied on the ground that the appellant
offers nothing in its support , and his
contest stands dismissed.
17 lbs. Granulated Sugar . . . . • $1 00
28 bars White Russian Soap - . - . 1 00
2-gal. pail Best Syrup 60
3 cans Pie Peaches " 25
.3 3-lb. cans Apples 25
5 cans Sugar Corn 25
4 lbs. Cal. Evap. Prunes 25
1 qt. Gold Medal Pickles ' . . . 10
6 cans Oil Sardines 25
White Bread Flour per sack S5
Fancy Patent Flour per sack 95
25 per cent discount on Shoes for the
the next 30 days. Everything Cheap at
J. W. MCKENNA , Proprietor.
; I
1 m