The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 03, 1896, Image 6

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I A Fourth of ) nlr Story.
! / ///s Zt ) T is Fourth o July
Wfflm\in \ Sfm Francisco.
PWi/ The clear , Triue sky ,
* ll like a mammoth
I ! l = Sr / 53tl Dowi cu * from one
I % ij lsc Sreat turquois and
I /M1 ! ' ! turyned over he
I wAl JMiltown' is a back-
I W11Wround for thou-
I SfflllSfflP sands of flags float-
WW08JK < 1 . ns rom the roofs
of public buildings
I . All
and windows qf private
the flags are big. Everything is on a
I , large scale in California , the fruit that
I the great roses that
Is exposed for sale ,
I enamored youths are buying for their
I adored ones. The children are playing
I in the streets with mighty torpedoes ,
I that make an explosion calculated to
I deafen one. Large men , with ample
ladies on their arms , may be seen in
I every direction. Immense baskets are
H being borne to the doors of their cus-
H tomers by grocers , butchers and con-
Hj fectioners. Immense suppers are to be
H given tonight , and many happy returns
H of the glorious Fourth will be drunk
H in rivers of champagne. Everything
H is on a large scale but the Chinese ,
B whose small figures and alert move-
H ments are in marked contrast to the
H bulk and size of everything else on
H which the eye falls.
B Yet little Washy-Washy balances on
H his head a clothes-basket that would
H . serve him for a cradle , or In his kitchen
H for he is a favorite cook with Cali-
H fornia housewives stirs a pot in which
H he might easily be boiled himself. "
H In the arms of San Francisco sleeps
H Chinatown , the curious offspring of old
China , of which Americans think that
H they know all that is to be known be-
H cause they can visit the shops and go
H into all the strange places , and , if they
I are in the humor , make themselves
I sick with an opium-pipe among opium
B smoking Chinamen.
I Lin Ham is an ordinary dealer. He
I keeps no shop. He executes orders for
I the favored few. In each he puts a
surprise an invention for the day. His
H are the curious boats , all made of col-
I ored fire , moving on the water , apparently -
ently by means of a stream of fire at
the stern , manned by little men in blue
I and gold and crimson , and all going
I off in a wonderful flash and whiz and
I sputter at last. His are those cylinders
I which , , rising into the air , discharge
H „ wonderful sprays and stars and jewels
skyward , while at the same time fiery
B little acrobats let themselves earth-
B ward by golden ropes and only vanish
as they touch the ground. His was the
great green dragon that coiled and
darted mconward , and wrote "July"
I across the sky before it changed into
H the flag of our nation , which every one
I so admired last Independence Day.
I At present something that smells
I very curiously is smoking and steaming -
ing in queer fashion , in what looks like
a little furnace , and Lin Ham , while
_ still busy with his hands , twists his
head about and blinks up into the face ,
B- 0i a tall man in a curious , theatrical
B 1 costume , who stands with Ills bare arms
B J folded on his chest , and looks down up-
B I on him. The man wants Lin Ham to
Mr J- invent a fatal trick.
B , I "Such things are costly , " he says. " 1
I I do not say that I have anything of , the.
sort , but if I had , you would not buy
them , Min Toko. "
They are speaking in Chinese , for
Mln Toke , though not a child of Chin
ese parents , has been brought up by
them. You can believe the story that
hi3 father was a Russian and his
mother a Tartar when you look at
A little Chinese boatwoman took him
from his dying mother's arms and
nursed him with her own , somewhere
near those quarters where there are
English warehouses and the barbarian
comes to traffic in tea and porcelain ,
and he starved and played and swam
about with her own , and early in his
boyhood came to San Francisco. There
he dwelt in Chinatown , and became re
nowned amongst the showmen of San
Franciso for his acrobatic feats. To
night he is engaged to assist in a per
formance on the lawn before the man
sion of Benson Blashfield , Esq. Mr.
Blashfield will have fireworks and
a great supper , the crowning fea
ture of which will be the feats of
Min Toke , who , amongst other things ,
\i" fffl * W f / l
If , tl/mJ 4
throws a rope into the air , where it U
caught by some unseen power , sends a
kitten up its length until it vanishes
from sight , sends a monkey to find it.
follows himself and draws the rope up
after him , and ten minutes after Is
heard calling from the inside of a
great * lacquered box to be let out , and
there he is , indeed , coiled up like a
great serpent. Oh , there is nothing
Min Toke cannot do , and no one evci
discovers how he does anything.
Now he laughs.
"I know you have what I want , or
can make it in a twinkling , Lin Ham , '
he answers. "As for money , 1 am rich
er than you think. Name your price
I have told you what I want to kill a
mail without a knife or a blow or
poison to kill him so that it seems to
be done by the hand of Fate ; so that no
one can suspect me. "
"Is he a Chinaman ? " asks Lin Ham
"He is an American , " said Min Toke
"He has taken the woman I love from
me. This rich man , to whose house 1
go to-night , has a daughter. I love her
You grin ! Why not ? I am hand
some ; I am no Chinaman ; I am famous ,
I am a favorite with the ladies , and
she smiled on me. You grin again1
Of course , the rich man would say no.
I did not mean to ask the rich man.
If she loved me , that was enough. 1
could spirit her away where they would
never find us. That is what I mean to
do. "
"You are mad ! " says Lin Ham.
"No , " says the acrobat. "She could
be won. She can be still , if I can kill
this man. "
"Do you mean her father ? " cries
Lin Ham.
"No. To-night they celebrate her
marriage , " said the acrobat. "To-mor
row the bridegroom will take her away.
To-night I must kill him. She will be
a widow for awhile ; afterward , mine. "
"It is the dream of a madman , " says
Lin Ham.
"Does it matter to you ? " asks the
acrobat "I know that it was you who
made the toy the rich tea merchant
gave to his wife when he found she
was false to him. The little bird that
perched on her wrist and sang and bit
her fingers like a real bird , and of the
bite she died. I know it was you
who "
"No more reminiscences ! " cries Lin
Ham. "I admit that I have another toy
that , with a slight addition , I could
make in ten minutes w uld wipe your
rival out of existence. But of what
avail would it be ? Rich American
ladies do not marry such as you. Her
relatives would kill you if you touched
her hand. "
"I have kissed it thrice when we
were alone , " says Min Toko. "Yes , I
have kissed her hands three times.
The next time it should have been
her mouth. Let me kill this bride
groom so that she cannot suspect me ,
and it shall be yet. Look ! " He thrusts
his hand into the bosom of his tunic
and draws forth a pouch. "See ! " he
whispers , piling bank notes before Lin
Ham. "How much for that toy ? "
The eyes of the old man glitter. He
gathers up the heap in his claw-like
hands , and says , slowly :
"This sum makes me have enough
with which to return to China and live
there happy for the rest of my life.
After all , what does one more dead bar
barian matter ? But I will tell you
this : Unless you can make your rival
take the toy in his own hands , it is use
less. "
"I can manage that , " Min Toke re
The old Chinese goes to a little -ecess
in the room , before which hangs a
headed screen , and conies back , ncld-
ing in bis hand a curious kite.
"You fly it like any other kite , " he ex
plains. "When at its full length , you
begin to call : 'Come down , butterfly ! *
A butterfly descends the cord and flies
away. 'Follow rose ! ' you say. A rose
glides down the string and drops to
ashes. 'Come down , pretty mouse ! ' you
call next. 'The mouse descends and
-uns up your shoulder and is gone ,
. 'hen you call for a blue bird , for a
vhite bird , for a red bird , for a yellow
lird , a green biid. Thus it might end
nth the applause of the people. But
et me work upon this kite ten minutes
longer and add one trifle moie , and
• hen theie will be something else to see.
Then you may call aloud : 'Come to me
out of the sky , bright star. ' And far
lbove you you may see a star .nine ,
aright as any in the heavens. At this
aioment , he whom you wish to kill
.mist hold the cord , for that star brings
Jeath As it touches the man's breast
life departs from him. Mark me well ,
the other things that come down the
oord are innocent as drops of iew.
The star is fatal. "
"I understand , " replies Min Toko.
"Hasten with your work , Lin Ham. "
A little later the old Chinese puts in
to the hands of the younger man a pa
per box covered with shining roses , but
terflies and birds , and says to him :
"Min Toke , the great performer , you
have bought of me a pretty kite , which
brings down from heaven the birds of
the air , and the flowers the spirits
; luck. For all I know , you may coax
the stars down its cord also. It is well
made. If any accident happens , that
is the fault of others , not mine. I am
not responsible. "
"I absolve you from all responsibility ,
Lin Ham , " replies Min Toko.
He throws about him a cloak that
covers his theatrical costume , and
carries the box downstairs , where a
carriage containing the parapher
nalia used in his exhibition awaits
him , and is driven to Mr. Blashfieid's
lesidence. There they celebrate not
only the glorious Fourth but a wed
Early in the evening , the rich man's
daughter , Rosabel Blashfield , had
been married to Mr. Arthur Ware , the
son of another California magnate.
There Im3 been the usual reception , th
usual display of gorgeous presents ,
fine band has been playing , prdfessionn
dancers have done their part ; now the
are ready for Min Toke and his per
The whole lawn In flooded with elec
trie light , and , in mighty tents , al
decorated with roses , they are settin ;
forth a feast. The bride and bridegroon
sit upon a sort of throne that seem
made of orange blossoms. Tiers o
seats , occupied by people in evenin ;
dress , surround the lawn , leaving ai
irchway through which the performer
enter. It is opposite the bridal-throne
and , as Min Toke passes through , bow
ing and smiling , his eyes meet thos <
of the bride , and he seems to give he
special greeting.
Standing in tne midst of the circle
he begins to gather , from heavei
knows where , white roses , of which h
makes a mighty ball , how , no one cai
guess. This he throws toward tin
throne. As it floats in the air it open
and forth flies a little pink Cupid , whi
flings kisses abroad and flies skywan
and is gone. Thunders of applause fol
low this compliment to the bride , am
then the lUtle boy-in-waiting on Mil
Toke brings in the chairs , the tables
the fans , the wands , the boxes , and thi
show begins. It is sufficient to sa :
that the man seems to be able to over
come the laws of gravitation , to stani
upon nothing , to fold himself up like ;
foot-rule , to put himself away in space :
that seem impossible ; and to do all thi :
gracefully , with beautiful accessories.
The bride's eyes never leave him
Min Toke did not boast falsely. Thougl
his position and residence m China
town seem to her to place him as fai
beneath her as though she were ai
empress and he a serf , she has alwayi
admired him intensely , and she know ;
that he is in love with her. She has
often wished that he were of her rac <
and kind. He has been made a ser
of pet amongst the Californians be
fore whom he has performed , and he ha ;
had opportunities to speak a few words
to her and , as he said , to kiss her hanc
thrice. To-night she feels that she
bids him adieu and to-night he fascin
ates her strangely.
When at last , as usual , ho inquires
if any two of the audience will assist
him in some closing performances ,
she whispers to her bridegroom :
"Come , Arthur , let us go. "
And the young man replies.
"Awfully bad form ; but if you wish
it , of course. "
It is a look that Min Toke has given
her that makes her do this thing , and
the bridegroom hands her down into
the center of the lawn , and they three
stand together there.
"Will you be pleased to help me fly
this kite , sir ? " says Min Toke to the
bridegroom , as he flings into the air the
thing wp. know of. "See , this is how ! "
The kite darts upward swiftly in a
moment. Its brilliant brf-ast is no
longer visible. Only a long copper-
colored cord shimmers in the air from
Min Toko's hand moonward.
"Come to me all ye butterflies ! " he
iries. "Come ! Come ! " And down the
: ord sweep a myriad butterflies and
: over the performer's bosom and van
ish. "Little mouse ! " he cries. "Come ,
ittle mouse ! " and whistles exquisitely.
knd. the little gray mouse creeps down ,
; its on his shoulder and is gone. "And
low , sir , " Min Toke says , with a bow
: o the groom and a smile to the bride ,
'if you like you may call a blue bird
md a white bird , a red bird , a yellow
) ird , a green bird , and after that one of
; he stars from heaven. " And he puts
: he cord into the bridegroom's hand ,
vho calls loudly :
"Here , you blue bird , come if you
: an ! " And there is a blue bird and
tmidst shouts of merriment , and while
he bride claps her little palms and
ihowers smiles about her , the birds of
l11 colors come down.
The green bird has arrived and dis
appeared , when suddenly the bride puts
orth her hand playfully and snatches
he cord from the bridegroom's hand.
"You shan 't have all the fun , " she
ays , with a pretty pout. "I intend to
all the star down myseli. Ah , how the
ord pulls ! No , you shan't touch it. 1
fill do it alone. What do you say , Min
I'oko ? 'Brightest star of heaven come
o me ! ' Is that right ? "
She beams on him and lifts her sweet ,
hnli voice and calls aloud , and tar up
n the sky appears a great diamond
tar , that shimmers and glows as it
omes earthward. And , with one wild
pring , Min .Toko snatches the cord
ro ' m the bride's hand , saymg some-
Mag that she only hears as he does so ,
nd pushing her fiercely trom him so
hat she falls into her bridegroom's
Then the star is upon Min Toko's
reast and he lies upon the ground , and
he gaudy kite flutters down and lies
eside him ; and those who gather about
im see that he is dead , with the fear-
iil burn of electricity upon his bosom.
The kite must have attracted it , they
ay. Plainly , when he snatched it from
lie bride's hand , he saw that there was
anger. Poor fellow ! How brave ! How
oble !
There are no more festivities that
ight , of course no feast , no fireworks.
All night the bride weeps bitterly ,
nd when , in the morning , her bride-
room bears her away , she is still
The words that Min Toke whispered
s he snatched the'fatal cord from her
re still ringing in her ears. She will
ever repeat them to any one , but she
an never forget them. They were :
Adieu , my love ! I die for you ! "
X.oolc Out for Your Boys.
Giant firecrackers this year are four-
sen inches long , and contain powder
nough to break a plate-glass window
rhen exploded on the curb. Small boys •
, 'ill not only have to look for their
ngers on the Fourth , but parents will
ave to look for their boys. Kansas
lity Journal.
. _ _ _ v , Vt . _
t *
FORMS OF 1892.
The Knpubliean I'lutform ns Adopted by
tlio National Convention at Min
neapolis , Jane O. 1893 Domotratit
and PopnlI * for Frco Tr.ulc.
Republican : We reaffirm the Ameri
can doctrine of Protection. Wc call at
tention to its growth abroad. We
maintain that the 'prosperous condi
tion of our country is largely due to
the wise revenue legislation of the Re
publican Congress.
We believe that all articles which
cannot be produced in the United
States , except lnxuries , should be ad
mitted free of duty , and that on all im
ports coming into competition with the
products of American labor there
should be levied duties equal to the
difference between wages abroad and
at home.
We assert that the prices of manu
factured articles of general competi
tion have been reduced under the
operations of the Tariff act of 1S90.
We denounce the efforts of the
Democratic majority of the House of
Representatives to destroy our Tariff
laws piecemeal , as is manifested by
their attacks upon wool , lead and lead
ores , the chief products of a number
of States , and we ask the people for
their judgment thereon.
We point to the success of the Re
publican policy of reciprocity , under
which our export trade has vastly in
creased , and new and enlarged mar
kets have been opened for the pro
ducts of our farms and workshops.
We remind the people of the bitter
opposition of the Democratic party
to this practical business measure , and
claim that , executed by a Republican
Administration , our present laws will
eventually give us control of the trade
of the world.
The Democratic FI.itform.
Section 3. We denounce the Re
publican policy of protection as a
fraud on the labor of the great ma
jority of the American people for the
benefit of the tew. We declare it to be
a fundamental principle of the Demo
cratic party that the Federal Govern
ment has no constitutional power to
impose and collect Tariff duties except
for the purposes of revenue only , and
we demand that the collection of such
taxes shall be limited to the necessities
of the Government when honestly and
economically administered.
We denounce the McKinley Tariff
law enacted by the Fifty-first congress
as the culminating atrocity of class
legislation ; we indorse the efforts made
by the Democrats of the present Con
gress to modify its most oppressive
features in the direction of free raw
materials and cheaper manufactured
goods that enter into general con
sumption , and we promise its repeal as
one of the beneficent results that will
follow the action of the people in in
trusting power to the Democratic
party. Since the McKinley Tariff went
into operation , there have been ten re-
luctions of the wages of laboring men
to one increase. We deny that there
has been any increase of prosperity
to the country since that Tariff went
into operation , and we point to the
dullness and distress , the wages re
ductions and strikes in the iron trade
is the best possible evidence that no
such prosperity has resulted from the
McKinley act. We call the attention
3f thoughtful Americans to the fact
that after thirty years of restrictive
.axes against the importation of for
eign wealth , in exchange for our ag
ricultural surplus , the homes and
'arms of the country have become bur-
lened with a real estate mortgage debt
jf over $2,300,000,000 , exclusive of all
) ther forms of indebtedness ; that in
me of the chief agricultural states of
: he West there appears a real estate
nortgage debt averaging $155 per
: apita of the total population , and
hat similar conditions and tendencies
ire shown to exist in the other agri-
: ultural exporting states. We de-
lounce a policy which festers no in-
lustry so much as it does that of the
This is a sam
ple of a cam
paign button ,
that we respect
fully submit to j
the Democratic
party , fittingly
expressive o f
their Free-Trade
Siamese Tivins.
The Tariff became a tiresome sub
ject a few years ago , but the blighting
effects of the Wilson law have fresh
ened the country's interest in it. The
people have learned through sore ex
perience that Protection and prosperity
are indissolubly connected. Journal ,
Kansas City , Mo.
"E.ick Number" in Demand. .
Major McKinley's favorite subject is
a back number. N. Y. Sun , September
20 , 1S92.
Is that so ? There seems to be a pop
ular and universal demand for this
"back number" subject all the saaie ,
even four years later.
' ' - t
Senator 3I. ntlo'fl rrntllcttonT '
There arc those who affect to bo- \
licvo that the Industrial situation In f '
Japan Involves no serious menace to *
the labor and industries of this nation.
These who take this position are fool
ishly and fatuously blind to the rc&l
nation nun * - ' * | ' >
conditions. The Japanese -
hers 40,000,000 of people , who , in point
of skill and ingenuity , and In the pow
er of adaptability and imitation , have *
no superiors among any of the natlonB.
It is stated on good authority that a
Japanese workman can make anything
he has ever seen , and that his ingenuity - ,
ity is such that he can reproduce and
put in operation without Instruction
the most difficult and complicated mod
ern machinery of every character. It
is this astonishing faculty which en
ables the Japanese to avail themselves
of all the latest inventions of this and
other countries , and it is this marvel
ous power of imitation and adaptation ,
which has not only enabled them In a
few short years to become a dangerous
rival of our own at this moment , but
is destined in a very short time to
place Japan among the great manu
facturing nations of the world. Hon.
Lee Mantle , U. S. Senator , of Montana.
IIo Didn't Knnrr It All.
President Galloway of the Mer
chants' bank , said : "I guess this / coun
try is big enough to stand all that
comes along. I cannot undertake to >
define the policy of the Democratic
party upon the tariff , but I do not
think that it will be changed so as \
to affect the business interests of the t
country. " N. Y. Sun , November 11 , \
1892. '
As bank presidents have again , quite
recently , been called upon by Democratic - ;
cratic papers to sustain their antl- j
American arguments , \l would ask j
President Galloway wft. * " a de
crease of $3,874,305,178 In bauK clear
ings during the first four months of
this year , as compared with the cor
responding months of 1892. has not
affected "the business interests of the
country" also whether a decrease of
$200,000,000 in the amount of money ,
loaned within the four years has not |
affected the business interests of the J
national banks ? '
Trade for FaTmers PQT/iTOES
/an.ljl892 / dpr. I , ! 69b\ •
S f at Network m :
| La j j
3 } - , - - j
8&A' '
25 lbs &A'Z .
2 - 1- \ % -
Suqar M 75TC * VS .
15 lis ! jl \ i
5u3STl W. \ . ' .
HJ \ Q Cents _ _ fo _ $ . <
M _ 25 Cents 'ffl " M
v iMfnlgjj Gorman J \
IneBanel oj Potoloes.Q/suld / Buy Hoiu Dluch SagaT ?
Senator Mitchell's Sentiment. H
In its general characteristics the m
Vilson bill reminds one of the lines of 9
Vordsworth : 9
The swan on still St. Mary's Lake , 'J
Float double swan and shadow.
The bill is sectional in the extreme J U
n its general make-up , giving protec- * fl
ion to the products and industries of I
ne section and denying that protec- H
ion to another. In a word , the Wilson H
ill is a legislative monstrosity , with I
he head of a man , the arms of a I
ragon , the tail of a fish and the claws H
f a bear. It is un-American , un- H
emocratic , un-republican. It is a I
angerous menace to the prosperity I
nd general welfare of the people of fl
he United States. Hon. John H. B
litchell , U. S. Senator , of Oregon. B
Labor in 1'otterics. B
The price paid to labor is 100 per H
ent more than is paid in the English H
otteries , and 90 per cent of the cost H
f the product is labor. With labor S
qual , or made equivalent by the duty. 9
bey can successfully compete with the H
est potteries of the world. We have Seed
oed raw material , skilled labor , new jH
nd valuable improvements. Our deco- |
ated ware is not excelled anywhere. H
ill that is needed is a just and fair H
rotection. and we will fail in our duty fl
I it is not accorded. Forty per cent ad |
alorem is wholly insufficient. Hon. |
Vm. McKinley. H
Sprung : on Springer. H
It is evidently not intended to build |
p a bona fide tin plate industry in this |
ountry. Hon. Wm. M. Springer , in thc |
T. Y. Times , Sept. 21,1892.
Yet its production amounted to 193 , - |
01,073 pounds during the fiscal year |
nding June 30. 1893 , and there are 172 M
lills completed to engage in the in- * IS
ustry. It seems a pity that so much H
loney should have been wasted in wha * |
ras not "intended to build up a bona , M
de tin plate industry. " 4 |
Wool Enough For Knzland. |
There is a shortage in the Austral- M
m wool clip. But this can be offset |
y the surplus in the United State- |
rhich can be shipped to Europe tc |
upply their deficiency. M