The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1896, Image 8

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    "BJBJBJBH " JBJBJBJI H I I I m. I " * , > • ' _ , ' " i ' phi * . . . . . i i. . _ , . „ * i i j , . A / . _ j. ' _ i i _ i ' \ ' ' ' " _ . „ ' _ 1 . in p ' i i
I ll's
Ubl iwant
M II GENUINE \ % * l i v VfJW Cr.
I DURHAM YWjfe , , -Jk K i r
H Yon will And / _
one coapon -Jr j < MttnrJm\
t M Inside each two ounce bag , • f'Z m JrJciiS = I
H and two coupons * Inside each J / J5 * | If | | ( Ipj | | | ) ] ( I
| four ounce I-g of Black- ' / / zdmM ' M ill ft I = 1
B f well's Durham. Buy n bag 4jLWW > $ Jl rF - §
| i of * , lls celebrated tobacco i jT 4'lP ' " ffn ! 1 ! ILj G
H j and read the coupon which gj sgiflVg Bji&jy r , , \t ] fp * V jj _ §
M gives ft list of valuable prc8lliililPl r" ' 1' ' i
H ents and how to get them. jn\ffV \ iWfp if ft"1" ! j
it * * t * S * w . r jitt j S > * B kBit j&cj&cjAc aC it ! .TIpt tp * V 71S * sflTi x0 < iflKj 8 < tj ftt iJ % vn. ,3 , , & . / ? § §
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-HSP-T K : wjw t wjc Tyc rtjr jkt jjjkMffcisyi jj { g rjsir3 iJ 1 > Vc'W - U
M #
H $ V. FRANKLIN. President. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. | f
I { citizens bank I
H # OF McCOOK , NEB. #
# ' #
1 & Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , Si0,000to
H j f f
M I §
- - = = = = = = DIRECTORS = = = - -
I < > #
m s - THE -
I • FIi st National
. -
Authorized Capital $ i00,000
H Oapital and Surplus 60,000
H President. V. President. Cashier. Ass'i Cashier.
I f § Fred Krug Brewing Company f
H SSj ( Cabinet Bottled Beek. §
. 52 $
. H ralg A Hi h rade Lager Beer , | |
| | g Purest in the Marken. g
Wi m
M S Office 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha , Neb. § J 3
H PSumber and Steam Fitter.
H Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trim *
H nic s. Apent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill.
H t\t J \ n r3f33TT3PWTTTTJ Wrf3TlThis FamoniKencuy cures quietly , perraaneneir ai *
H I | 3'x J kl33kt4 | I3f < l.a 13 I nervous diseases. Weak Jlemory , Iioss of Brain Power ,
, , ,
H IkljkJ IJjQQJJlCCJl AuiJUULIliJHeadache Wakefulness Lost Vluaity Nightly Emls-
H Wm55v . C3V * Bv B B8lonsrevU dreams , lmpotency . and wastlnn diseases . caused by
j r TA riB ll > tmUA/ulfrror orcrc 3Ci.Contalusnooplatea. Isa nerve tonic
H f V9iV 'yfll'MrB land blood builder. MakesthepalesndpunystroDcandpIump.
B I SOftiVJ2lL JJff ilili IKasJlycnrrledtnvestpockot.81perbox ; for5. Bymnll.jre-
r r r r . . . ,
H Itwty&UmFrL.\ * - Wr9 Jpaid.trtthanrrittinouarantogortnonwrtf ndat. Wrtteusfrce
H IftBosj H MiflbvssMiv gBH medical boo sealed plain vrrapper , with testimonials and .
H MjX HHBSBsSSRi&saSS'B financial standing , tt'ochargefnramraltations. Bewartof imita.
. .
. . . . , , , .
M iUuii. imtui. atkiur. jouiui. ttoru.8eIdb7oart utiraddrttinSTK8BKOCO.XaiOBlcTiapleCUca i >
H Forsalo ! 1 , . W. HcBONNELL & CO. . Druggists.
BT ' " ' ' " " " ' ' " "nKKm 'm ' " ' " " vca eK
y 'l"1'1 " ' ' iplii K 3 smWi
* 4
Commissioners' Proceedings.
I McCoolt , Nebraska , June 9 , 1S96.
Hoard of county commissioners met put
suant to adjournment. PresentJ. M. Thomas
James Carmicliael and Stephen Holies , com
missioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
On motion E. IS. Lister was aopomted ovei
seer of road district No. 27 , to fill vacancy.
It appearing to the board that I'owell Brotli
ers were erroneously assessed in Bondvill
and Missoiri Ridge precinets for the year 1S01
they having listedsaid property in Indianol
precinct and paid tax thereon , the clerk wa
ordered to cancel said tax in said piecinct
for said year.
The following bills were allowed and cleri
ordered to draw warrants on the county bridji
fund , levy of 1895 , in payment thereof , as fol
lows :
William Scai row , work on bridges S 30
W. H. Campbell , work on bridges 15 7
I. H. Harrison , gathering lumber 52
y. E. 1 lager & Co. , lumber 20
Danbury Lumber Co. , lumber 43
And on the county road fund , levy of 189 ;
as follows :
W. L. East , work on road $ 3 01
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and clerk directed to drawwarrants 01
the county general fund , 1895 'evy ' , wheneve
there shall be money on hand in said fund , h
payment thereof , a follows :
James Oakley , care paupers $20 5 <
G. C. Boatman , book purchased 18 oi
Colling & Steinmetz , rent of sofa 1 ex
J ; W. Dolan & Co. , mdse. Mrs. King 10 o <
S. E. Ilager & Co. , coal 16 5 <
J. C. Puckett , drayage and moving safe. 7 \
J. L. Gentry , drayage to car on records. 71
\V. C. Bullard & Co. , wood for Dewey girl 1 2 ]
J. R. Neel , board and washing , prisoners • 26 7f
George Elbert , labor for cleik of D. C. I 5c
McCallum & Short , supplies 14 5 !
E. G. Brown , drayage on records 5 oi
J. W. Dolan & Co. , boxes for records. 3 7f
Frank Neel , jailer 75 oi
R. A. Green , postage and expense 13 i >
E. J. Mitchell , printing 5 oc
. B. Duckworth , boxes for records 2 2c
Felt & Tarrant , repairing comptometer. 8 oc
J. A. Wilcox & Son , mdse. paupeis 10 52
Board commenced equalization of assess
ments and continued same during the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet June
Attest : R. A. Gieen , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , June 10. 1S96.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , J. M. Thomas ,
James Caimichael and Stephen Belles , coun
ty commissioneis , and R. A. Green , county
clerk. Minutes of last meeting tead and ap
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and cleric directed to draw warrants on
county general fund , levy of 1895 , whenever
there shall be money on hand in said fund , in
payment thereof as follows :
Joseph Menard , mdse. for paupers S34S0
W. C. Bullard & Co. , coal for paupers . 9 90
William Smith , stationery for Co. Supt. . 2 00
Joseph Menard , mdse. for paupers 3070
Barnett Lumber Co. , coal for paupeis 20 65
Stephen Belles , services as commissioner 21 10
Annual settlement of the following over
seers of highways examined and approved :
J. C. Ball , overseer road district No. 8 , no
balance due.
Board of commissioners continued equali
zation of assessments during the day. *
On motion board adjourned to meet June n ,
iSqd. J. M. Thomas , Chairman.
Attest : R. A. GltEEN , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , June 11.1896.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , J. M. Thomas ,
James Carmichael and Stephen Belles , county
commissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The following claims audited and allowed
and clerk instructed to draw warrants on the
county bridge fund , levy of 1895 , tn payment
thereof as follows :
W. C. Bullard & Co. , lumber 3126 61
Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber , , iS 19
And on the county general fund , whenever
there shall be money on hand in said fund , in
payment thereof as follows :
Lulu Anderson.nursing Mrs. Dewey.
( Assigned to S. Belles ) 521 50
Mrs. Jessie Powell , nursing Mary
O'Connor 5 00
Stephen Belles , tickets for paupers 5 55
C. 11. Meeker , rent 5000
Holmes Bros. , lumber and labor on
court house 9 90
T. A. Erb , use of sample room for elec
tion 6 00
J. B. Meserve , bringing up delinquent
tax list 225 00
Petition of John and James Hatfield.praymg
for a consent road , read and considered , anil
on motion same is granted establishing a pub
lic road as follows :
Commencing at southwest corner of section
35 , township 3 , range 29 : thence north 43
chains , thence north 6q degrees , east 17 chains ,
thence south 59 degrees 30 minutes , east 2
chains , thence north 53degrees , east 39 chains ,
thence north 32 , east 7 chains , and terminat
ing thereat.
Board continued equalization of a eb5meut
during the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet June
12,1S96. J. M. Thomas , Chairman.
Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , Tune 12,1S96.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present , J. M. Thomas ,
James Carmichael and Stephen Belles , com
missioners , and R. A. Green , eounty clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
On further consideration of the equalization
of assessments for the _ year 1896 , the board
find that to make a just and equitable as
sessment it is necessary to add and deduct cer
tain percentages in the following precincts and
cities as follows , to-wit :
Precincts. Personal. Real Estate.
Ad. De. Ad. De.
Alliance 15
Alliance 30
Beaver , mdse 10 20
Beaver , banks 25
Bondville 12
Box Elder 12 10
Coleman 12 25
Danbury 12 20
Driftwood 12 ' . . 10
East Valley 15 . . . . . .05
Fritsch 25 25
Gerver. 12 60
Grant 10 20
Lndianola 10 10
Lebanon , horses 25 10
Lebanonmdse 10
Lebanon , banks 25
Missouri Ridge 40 ' 20
Nortji Valley . 15 10
Perry 12 05
Red Willow 12 25
Tyrone • 12 10
Valley Grange 20
Willow Grove 12 23
McCook City 10
lndianola City 10
Hartley City 10
The board having completed the equaliza-
: ion of assessments find the total value of all
eal and personal property as returned by the
issessors and as corrected by the board of
equalization for the year 1S96 to be 31,150 , -
; 15.76.
On motion the levy for taxes for 1S96 was
nade as follows : Mills.
bounty general fund 9
" ounty bridge fund 4
" ounty road fund 2
i * * ree high school fund 11
Jounty bond fund 10
tforth Valley bond fund 15
3artley village bond fund 10
.Villow Grove bond fund 10
lndianola precinct bond fund 2
School district bond fund levy as follows :
* o. Mills. No. Mills. No. Mills.
2 15 4 5 S 2
11 5 12 10 16 10
17 3 20 5 22 5
24 5 25 3 27 5
3i 10 33 5 34 5
39 10 42 5 40 20
47 20 49 5 52 5
58 10 02 20 05 10
66 25 68 10 70 10
75 15 S5 20 21 20
- if ;
It appearing to the board that the followint
property was not assessed for the year 1894
the board as-sessed the same for said year am
clerk instructed to enter same on tax list foi
1891 as follows :
McCook club , personal , McCook cily.$5o eOn <
On motion clerk was directed to notify al
overseers of highways that bills would be al
lowed for the destruction of Russian thistle ;
for the year 1896.
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk directed to draw
warrants on the county bridge fund , levy o
1S95 , in payment thereof as follows :
Ed. Warner , work on bridge S 2 5 (
John Barber , bridge work 1 5c
George Younger , bridge worK 15.0c
S. D. Belles , bridge work and hauling
lumber 15.5c
And on the county general fund , levy 1896
in payment thereof as follows :
Joe Spotts , cash expended , state vs.
Ellis. . .S 12 oc
James Carmichael , services as commis
sioner 20 2C
Stephen Belles , services as commis
sioner 12 Sc
J. M. Thomas , services as commissioner -
' er 17 8c
F. M. lvimmell , printing and supplier. 29 95
I. M. Smith , postage and express 7 15
Braxelton & Gaylord , books for sheriff. 4 oc
A. G. Dole & Son , mdse. for pauper. . . 1 5c
G. C. Boatman , preparing bai docket. . 5 oc
R. A. Green , recording bonds and roads 15 5c
r. M. Kimmell , printing and supplies ,
claim S15.20 allowed 6 70
J. A. Wilcox & Son , mdse. for paupers. 3 60
W. P. Templin , labor 3 00
G. C. Boatman , court costs , county vs.
Roper 8 25
Pade & Son , coffin for pauper 20 00
State Journal Co. , dental register 9 50
State Journal Co. , supplies 35 20
State Journal Co. , stationery 144 40
H. H. Berry , justice fees , Noble vs.
Babcock 3 45
Joe Spotts , constable fees. Noble vs.
Babcock 3 60
G. W. Burton , tax sale certificate No.
302 surrendered 25 5S
G. W. Burton , tax sale certificate No.
301 surrendeied 2601
J. M. Meserve , Co. Tieas. . fee on sur
render of above certificate 50
Samuel Premer , assessing Alliance pre
cinct 58 10
M. M. Young , assessing Beaver pre
cinct , claim S82.90 allowed 65 00
J. A. Schwarz , assessing Bondville pre
cinct 47 65
J. A. Pinkeiton , assessing Box Elder
precinct 56 85
M. 11. Cole , assessing Coleman precinct 31 80
Charles Pueb , assessing Danbury pre
cinct 52 50
J. Stenner. assessing East Valley pre
cinct 7S 70
Andy Barber , assessing Friisch pre
cinct 45 30
A. Wagy. assessing Gerver precinct. . . 40 30
Eugene Dunham , assessing Grant pre
cinct 51 9 °
W. H. Smith , assessing lndianola pre
cinct 104 20
J. L. Hoi ton , assessing Lebanon pre
cinct 56 60
James A. Robinson , assessing Missouri
Ridge precinct 27 70
R. C. Catlett , assessing North Valley
precinct 5S 20
Frank Real , assessing Perry piecinct. 5470
T. K. Quigley , assessing Red Willow
precinct , claim 374-70 allowed 65 00
L. J : Shippee , assessing Tyrone pre
cinct 33 50
Gus Goheen , assessing Valley Grange
precinct 51 00
James Woodwoith , assessing Willow
Grove , claim $224.30 allowed 175 00
Ihe following resolution was offered by Mr.
Carmichael :
"Whereas , at a meeting of this board on the
Sth day of January , 1896 , the following resolu
tion was adopted : 'That we find that G. W.
Roper , county clerk according to his report col
lected for the year 1892 the amount of $3652 37
That he paid deputy and clerk hire. . 2S80 00
Leaving surplus fees to the amount of 852 37
That he turned over to the Co. Treat. 350 02
Due county from said George Roper. 502 35
That unless said amount is paid over to the
county treasury by the 20th day of January ,
1896 , the county attorney is hereby instructed
to proceed by mandamus suit to collect the
same' " .
' "And , whereas the county attorney did on
the 6th day of March , 1S96 , in the district com t
of Red Willow county , Nebraska , bring an
action against said G. W. Roper , county clerk ,
the object and prayer of which said action
was to secure a writ of mandamus to compel
said G. W. Roper to pay into the treasury of
Red Willow county , Nebraska , the sum of
S502.35 , and whereas , on the 29th day of April ,
1S96 , said cause was heard in chambers by
Hon. G. W. Norris , judge of the district court
in and for said county of Red Willow , and by
him dismissed tor the reason that the relater ,
the county of Red Willow , had an adequate
remedy at law , and that the respondent was
entitled to a trial by jury ; therefor be it re
solved that the county attornev is hereby in
structed to bring an action in the district court
of Red Willow county against the bondsmen
of said George W. Roper , county clerk for the
years 1S92 and 93 , to recover the sum of S502.35
due from said G.Y. . Roper , county clerk of
Red Willow county , and which amount he ,
the said George W. Roper , has refused and
still refuses to pay into the treasury of said
county ' .
On motion resolution adopted by the fol
lowing vote : Yea , Thomas and Carmichael ;
Nay , Bolles.
On motion board adjourned sine die.
Attest : J. M. Thomas , Chairman.
R. A. Green , County Clerk.
Engraving and Embossing.
If you take pleasure in good station
ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasona
ble in price. We also do engraving of
cards and embossing of letter paper. See
samples and get prices.
List Your Property.
If you want to sell your farm or town
property list them with the Republican
Valley Land Co. Office in court house.
C. B. Gray , Manager.
In the district court of Red Willow count } , Neb
raska. The Suite of Nebraska , to Lombard"In\ -
ment Company , a corporation , and Frank Ila er-
: n.w. as receiver of the Lombard Investment Com
pany , a corporation , defendants You , and each
j jou. are hereby notified that jou have been sued ,
: ofether : w ith Samuel Younjr , Caroline E. Younsj ,
iiis wife , and Joel "Woods , as co-defendants , bv
Henry Carter , as plaintiff , in the district court of
Red Willow county , Nebraska , and that on or beFore -
Fore the 20th day of July , jSo5ou must answer
: he petition in " chancer ) filed by said plaintiff
iirainst said defendants , wherein plaintiff prays for
1 decree of said court foreclosinir a mortisiire
ruted by said defendants Samuel Younir and Caro-
ine E.Young'to the Lombard Investment Compan\ ,
lated March nth , 1S00. and now owned by plain-
iff , coerinir the following described real estate
situated in " said Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
: o-wit. The northwest qu.irter of section number
i\e (5) , in township number two { 2) north. ranfe
lumber t\\enty-six(26) , except nfteen (15) ( ) acres , in
1 square form in tiie southwest corner , wet of the
livth ( Oth ) principal meridian. Said petition fur-
iier praj s that the rights , titles , interest * , Hens and
: laims of said defendants be determined and set-
led , and that said land be appraised and old. ac-
: ordin r to law , and the proceeds arising from such
ale applied , first , in payment of the costs of said
tction and of such sale , and second , in payment of
he full amount found due said plaintiff upon the
ndebtedness secured by said mortgage , with all
" "
nterest thereon ; and the balance , "if any. be
iromjht into court ; that from and after the con-
irmation of such sale , the defendants to this action
md each of them , and all person- claiming under
hem , be fore\er barred and foreclosed of and
rom all right , title , interest , lien , claim or equity of
edemptioh in.and to said land , o any part thereof.
Jnless you answer said petition , as aforesaid , the
acts therein alleged will be taken as true , and a de-
ree will be rendered against you as therein prayed.
Witness mv hand and the seal of said conrt. " bv
ne affixed , this oth daof June , iSr/i.
. < , " G. C' Boatman- ,
' seal [ Clerk of the District Court of
' - < ' Red Willow County. Nebraska ,
'ulsifer t Alexander. Concordia , Kansas ,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First published'in The McCook Tribune , June
2th , iStr.
. . . . . . , . - - ' * • " ' wii l < lllt % M
l \V\\\V"SX""K \V\\\VCs3 J H
sflflHMHMflMliflfllfllMiBMflliMMM.tJ I
/ i"N > > " > "S S" ' SN > t " "cc ! " > "N i 1 r H
for Infants and Children. tH
" Costorla is so well adapted to chililrca that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
" mown to me. " II. A. Ancuua , M. D. ,
ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
"Tho use of 'Castoria1 Is so universal and
its merits so well known tliat it seems a work
o supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach. "
Caules "SLiitTY.v , D. D „
New York City.
Castoria cures Colic , Constipation , ( w { H
Sour Stomnch , Diarrhrua , Eructation , j B
I Kills Worms , gives sleep , and promotes ( IJ If j J
( -ration , i H
Without Injurious medication. 4 H
"For several years I have roconimondod / H
'Castoria , * and shall ahvay3 continuo to do V H
so , as it has invariably produced beneficial H
results. " > HH
Edwin F. Pardsk , Jf. D. , H
123th Street and 7th Ave. , Now York City. , M
* * * * * * *
The Centaur. Company , 77 Mdriut Street , Nit * * * Yonir. City. s f * l
/ /
Mscie tie , MEM Ml' \ I
" " " "
WffWtMWKWMWfWMSW WrWmWM t1M'm ltflT1"l TI1M M"MMra' * * Tllf MTrwiWT MT' W T rir milll lil'Milinirii > f nil I 11 m liirin max mi 1 mm 1 mi ! ! im
Hail Insurants * in
first rlass company
Written by C. J. liYAis"
* An education it ll..r\.trd. Vale , or .inv other '
\ college or institution ot learning In the "United '
\ Slates , or in tlv \ cu oixerv.itori of '
J Music , can he secured b\ . .mjming man or ,
* woman who is in e.irntst. Write fur p.irticl irs '
* quick- ! . JAMES I ) . BALL.
; 36 BnionituId Street , I'oston. . M.iss. ,
Try that 15 cent box
paper at The Tjjibunje
office. Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
I ' Farmer's Sons j
< ( J * - r\ W will empli' % \ < > u it $ i per \
< vV SU I month. Write quickly. '
I - ' i I'llllTW iVlll ISIIIN'C. C . , '
i 1 51 Broomhcld > tre.-t. <
y I Boston , Mass. 2
Mr. D. P. Davis , a prominent liveryman and
merchant of Goshen , Va. , has this to say or
the subject of rheumatism : ' "I take pleasurt
in recommending Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism , as I know from personal ex
perience that it will do all that is claimed for
it. _ A year ago this sprinc my brother was
laid up in bed with inflammatory rheumatism
and suffered intensely. The first application
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the pain
and one bottle completely cured him. For
sale by McConnell and Co. , druggists.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
For every quarter in a man ' s pocket there
are a dojen uses : and to use each one in such
a way as to derive the greatest benefit is a
question every one must sohe for himself.
We believe , however , that no better Use could
be made of one of these quarters than to ex
change it for abottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy , a medicine
that every family should be provided with.
For sale by McConnell & Co.druggists.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ,
Notice i-ok Plijucation.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , May 10,1S96.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled , notice of Ins intention
to make final proof in support of hi. , claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Kegis-
teror Receiverat McCook. Nebraska.on Satur
day , June 27th , 1S96 , \ i/ : ISAAC B. STRVK-
ER , who made Homestead Entry , number
9,744 , for the south half of the northeast
quarter and the east half of the southeast
quarter of section three , township four , north
pf range thirty , west of sixth principal merid
ian , lie name ? the lollowing witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of , said land , vi/ : William II. Epper-
ly , Hiram K. Bixler , George II. Simmerman ,
lohn B. Smith , all of McCook , Nebraska.
5-22-6ts. A. S. Campbcll , Register.
Notice of Incorporation or The Simpson
Mercantile Company.
Notice is hereby given that we , the under
signed , do associate ourselves together for
the purpose of forming and becoming a cor
poration unclei the laws of the state of Ne
1. The name of the corporation shall be
The Simpson Mercantile Company.
2. The principal place of transacting it *
business shall be in the city of McCook , coun
ty of Red Willow , state of Nebraska.
3. The general nature of the business to be
transacted by said corporation , is a general
mercantile business , and the buying and sell
ing and dealing generally in real property.
4. The authorized capital stock of said cor
poration shall be fifty thousand dollars , in
shares of one hundred dollars each , to be sub
scribed and paid for at time of subscription.
5. The existence of the corporation shall
: ommence on the 25th day of May , A. D. ,
[ S96 , and continue during the peno 1 of fifty
6. The highest amount of indebtedness to
.vhich the corporation shall at anv time sul > -
ect itself shall not be more than twentv
housand dollars.
7. The affairs of said corporation are to be
• onducted bv a board of directors , and by a
president , vice president , secretary and treas-
Dated at McCook. Nebraska , this 25th day
> f Mav. 1S96. Wm. Simpson ,
J. A. Simpson.
5 20-4ts. Geo. Hocknell.
| bradfields I
Bj Arousing to Healthy Action all her Organs. ? ?
tf It causes health to bloom , andS
joy to reign throughout the frame. /
I. . . It Never Fails to Regulate . . . |
A "My wife has been under treatment of leadS - > >
S , 1ns physicians three years , without benpHt-SS
' < After uslne three bottles of BUADFIELU'SvC
> ? FKMALK REGULATOR she can do her own < C
V cooking , milking and washing. " / /
> > N.S.BKTAN. Henderson. Ala. > >
' < Sold by drujitlsts at 11.00 per bottle. <
p p p 1 1 1 ni 11 im > I ! I IIMM.M mil IIIBWIiWI H
I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ' M
* )
H.iw ro Trkat \ Wir- . . S IH
( rioni Pacific Health Journal. ) j H
First , get a wife ; second , be patient. You ' ' s l
may have great trials and perplexities in your * ' ' 1
business , but do not thetcfore. carry to your S H
home a cloudy or conti irted brow. Vour -j H
wife may have trials , wh < ch , though of less. j H
magnitude , may be hard tolnr : to bear. A / H
kind word , tender look , any do wonders in j H
chasing from her brow all crunK of gloom. H
To this we would add always keep a bottle of ' . H
Chamberlain ' s Cough Remedy 111 the house. < B
It is the b * st and is sure to he needed sooner j Her
or later. Vour wife will then know that you H
really care for her and wish * o protect her H
health. For sale by McCoruieil & Co. , drug ' " H
When Baby wa3 sick , wo gave her Castoria. H
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. , H
When she became Miss , she clung to Cantorla. H
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. ' H
Chamberlain's Eya and Skin Ointment * |
Is unequalled for Eczema , Totter , Salt- l |
Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped * ' H
Hands , Itching Piles , Bums , Frost Iiitcs , f H
Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. / H
For sale by druggists at 20 cents per box. H
to eobse ' ownebs. r i H
For putting a horse in a line healthy condition - - H
dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders / * " H
They tone up the system , aid digestion , cure H
loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct Ar. l
kidney disorders and destroy worms , givibg j M
new life to an old or over-worked iiorse. 25 H
cents per package. For sale by druggist's. H
J. A. GUNK. „ H
McCooK. N"EIRiKA. . M
2 * Cffice Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. H
Residence 701 Mam street Prompt atten H
tion given to all calls. , _ M
AH dental work done at our off"e is guar J H
anteed to be first-class. We d * all kinds of ' / H
Crown , Bridge and Plate \ \ ork. Drs. Smith > - H
& Jiellamy , assistants. H
LL s , |
m ' j H
- The modern stand- H
BJ ard Family Media - . H
a / M
w cine : Cures the tf M
common everr-day ( H
"Z ills of humanity. ' ' I
• r max *
Gdase Co. Lend and An Stock Go. / - H
Horses branded on left hip or left oaoj.iar H
.ZgBtp P. U. add res- : Imperial H
JK H - _ Chase countv.anri Beat W M
WK' S'3 r"'eNebraska. . Kas e , H
nRfTMStinkimr Vfater and the H
HOH frenchman creeks , in H
E31& & & Irtm 1 Chase county. Nebraska. H
WL ' tfaUrand aacutons'deof H
i © gj * Sra7S someanimalrj.on bipan'i H
- * SS@ ca5ew > sides of some , or any- H
whereon thpanimal. H
R. A. COLE , m
LKADIXG r. _ * H
Has just received a. new stock of CLOTHS * & * * ' / |
* nd TRIMMINGS. If you want a food fitting - H
ting suit made at the very lowest prices for f |
seed work , call on him. Shop first door -west M
of Barnett's Lumber OSes , oa Danniaoa H
itrset H