* . r tl . \ L-4 . -1 , \ ; S . - . , . ' [ ti ' yf. y , ' FOURTEENTH YEAR McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , APRIL 25 ; 1896. NUMBER 49. . . . THE PEOPLE'S ORDER The Members Turn Out en Nasae on Monday .Evening. A GREAT FEAST SPREAD FOR ALL More Than a Score Initiated and ' Half That Number of Applications - tions Passed Upon. The large attendance and keen interest - est manifested at the meeting of McCook lodge No. 1 , Star of Jupiter , Monday evening , in the A. 0. U. W. temple hall , emphasized and accentuated the.state- ments we have made at various times past that the Star of Jupiter is preeminently - nently the order of the people of this city. For they , with their invited friends from neighboring lodges of the order , were out on Monday evening four hundred strong , and in many respects the session was the most remarkable in the history of the organization. The earlier portion of the evening was taken up in the transaction of the business - ness of the lodge , chief among which was the initiation of twenty-two new members into the order and the favorable - able report on the application of eleven others. Following this was the banquet given by lodge No. I to its guests and mem- beas. A very attractive and palatable spread was served in the main audience room on tables large and small , all very tastefully set and decorated. This feature - ture of the evening touched a popular chord and was enjoyed with much gusto. There was quite a delegation present from Zion lodge and the lodge at Cambridge - bridge also had representatives in attend- ance. The lodges at Bartley and Cul- bertson did not send delegations , thereby - by missing a pleasurable , social occasion. The affair was large and gratifying and delightful in its every particular , and the committee and assistants are to be congratulated - gratulated upon its success , which moan index of the future of the order. UNPRECEDENTED RAINFALL. _ But the Meeker Irrigation Ditch Stands the Test. Supt. Meeker made a trip over the ditch , Tuesday , and reports many evidences - dences of an unprecedented fall of rain , close of last week , along the line of the ditch. He thinks the precipitation was much greater south of here than in the city and vicinity. In driving along , Tuesday , he in pockets went through hailstones to the deph of six or eight inches. He states that an immense body of , water"rushed into the ditch from adjacent - cent hillsides and canyons , in many places'overflowing the banks ; but fortunately - tunately in no instance doing much dam- age. ; The : driftwood . in the. flumes shows that they , were simply overwhelmed with then rush of water , but they also escaped llamaga of a considerable ex tent , . i Considering the unusual demand made upon the carrying capacity of the ditch , the Superintendent was greatly pleased with the manner in which the ditch stood the test , and with the fact that the company escaped so fortunately from what looked to be a damaging storm. # Lost Lots of Fish. Samuel Ball of the Willow reports the loss of many fish by last Friday's rain. Since his location on the Willow in ISSS he has never experienced anything in the flood line like that of last Friday evening. Dry creek emties into the Willow near his place , and the first flood came down that long dry creek about five o ' , clock : About 10 o'clock at night the main flood came down the Willow , running feet deep over his fish dam , carrying away gates , fence posts and making everything , in the neighborhood lively while it lasted. - Highest in Many Years. The Red Willow creek was higher , close of last week , than it has been at any time since the spring of ISS3. A number of bridges were washed away and otherr minor damage caused. A .r- number of bridges over the river canyon were also washed away , among the number - ber being the Modrell and Hanlein bridges , both of which were considerable - 1 ble structures. ' L For Sate or Exchange. Denver lots worth $1,500 ; want improved - proved land , groceries , hardware or oth- 1 er merchandise. Also severalMcCook . residences , value $700 , to $1,500 ; want , Z land or merchandise. -Address Box 284 , McCook , Neb. Knippleexpects soon to move his stock i -into the old Lowman store room. : Y f . YwYp.bpO/a-- THE PEOPLE. It k & k J. E KELLY went up to Manitou , midweek - week , DELL LAFLIN of Pawnee City was a city visitorWednesday. F H. SPEARMAN came out from Oma ha , Tuesday night , on business , MRS. E C. BALLew has gone to the old Missouri home on a long visit. Miss EDITH MEYERS is assisting in Lowmans' store , placing stock in order , D , T. WELTY of Cambridge was a Commercial guest on last Friday even- ing. J W. KELLEY of the Beaver City Hyphen - phen was a Commercial house guest , Tuesday night. MISS HELL FISHER Came down front Denver , first of the week , on her way up to Wauiieta. Her brother Will met her here. C. L DEGRoFF was up front Nebraska - ka City over Sunday with the family , who expect to leave for their new home early in May. F H SPEARMAN and family of Omaha will leave , Monday next , for Wheaton , Illinois , 24 miles from Chicago , where they will make their home in the future. MR. AND MRS. H. H TROTH were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Allen in Lincoln , Sunday. Mr. Allen's family will soon go to Monmouth , Illinois , to lire. MR. AND MRS. T. B. WEEDEN of the Cambridge lodge , Star of Jupiter , were guests of McCook lodge , No. I , Wednesday - day evening , at the meeting in Workman - man hall. JOHN CORDEAL accompanied F. H Spearman went in to Omaha , last night , to remain over Sunday. John expects to resume his work in 1V. S. Morlan's office about June first. PAT WALSH , A. J. Rittenhouse , Marion Plummer , Matt. Droll and Jake Burnett went in to Lincoln , Monday night , to attend - tend the free silver Democratic state convention , Wednesday. REGISTER CAMPBELL has rented C. L. DeGroff's residence and expects to occupy - cupy the same about the first of May , when the DeGroffs will move to their future home in Nebraska City. DEACON MORLAN was in Lincoln , Tuesday , on legal business before thesu- preme court , representing the school district - trict of the city of McCook in the case of A. H. Andrews & Co. against the school district. To the Ladies of McCook and Vicinity : Since the Retirement from Business of the only Exclusive dry goods establish- nient in McCook , we have decided to enlarge - large our stock and carry a full and complete - plete line of dry goods. Iii a day or so our new goods will be here , consisting of the latest patterns in all lines of summer dress goods. The ladies of McCook and vicinity are cordially - dially invited to come and inspect our stock ; we will take pleasure in showing our goods whether you purchase or not. Yours Respectfully , MCCoom MERCANTILE Co. An Amicable Settlement. We are pleased to chronicle the fact that L. Lowman & Son have made an amicable settlement with H. B. Claflin & Co. of New York , and will resume business again in our city. The remnant of their old stock became their property in the settlement , and was yesterday moved from the Phillips-Meeker building to the H. W Cole store room , which they will occupy. Whatthe Cost Was , The improvements recently completed in the Methodist church cost $317,00. The money to meet this expenditure was raised as follows : Church treasury , $50.00 ; Epworth league , $32.00. Junior league , $13.00 ; Ladies' Aid society , $100.00 ; raised last Sunday , $9o oo ; personal - sonal donations , $42,00 ; making a total of $327 oo ; the balance of $ io.oo being turned into time church treasury. A Broken Nose. Birdie Carty was quite painf111y hurt , yesterday , in a collision with some play- - matesat the east ward school house , her nose being broken in the accident. Correspondence Wanted. THE TRIBUNE wants correspondence from every precinct and town in Red Willow county. Terms readily given on request. Don't miss the Original Tennesseeans , Saturday evening , lay 2d. ' .They will give a splendid programme of negro melodies etc. y. . / . - - - - J - 4 i McCOOK COUNTY SEAT The Records Moved to the City on Wednesday Evening. LOCATED IN THE MEEKER BLOCK Wherein Splendid Quarters Have Been Provided in Which to do County Business. The incident is closed. McCook is Now the comity seat of Red Willow county. The closing scene was quietly enacted here , Wednesday evening , when the records , safes amid furniture used at the old county seat arrived in the city on freight train No. 147 , the county officials - cials following immediately on passenger train No , 5. Time county commissioners , met Monday - day morning , in Indianola , as per adjournment - journment ; and after satisfying themselves - selves that the recent final decision of the supreme court made McCook the county seat , the commissioners and county officers at once set . out for this city to secure quarters in which to temporarily - porarily locate the records and officers of time county. A survey of the situation and due consideration - sideration of time bid made by Messrs Meeker and Phillips and others , finally on Tuesday evening decided the coui- nmissioners in favor of the handsome stone building known as the Phillips- Meeker block ; and on Wednesday morning - ing the work of packing the records for shipment was commenced and prosecuted - ed with such vigor and success that by 8:30 : the same evening everything but the jail cage was on board a freight car ready for shipment ; and shortly after nine o'clock the car and contents were safely delivered in the Burlington yard in this city , where they remained untouched until the following morning , properly guarded , On Thursday morning the work of moving the records , safes etc. from the car to the temporary court house was commenced and by hard work the job was completed by evening ; and this morning the various county oTices are open amid ready for business. The treasurer amid county clerk occupy the south room on the first floor. The district court clerk and sheriff are located - ed upstairs in room No. I. And the county judge and county superintendent may be found in room No. 2 adjoining on the same floor. Provision is made for the commissioners on the ground floor with the clerk and treasurer. The jail will be located in the north basement of time building. The vault will be built under the main stairway , convenient to the offices of the clerk and treasurer. All the offiers have excellent quarters. The removal and relocation was made without incident or display and redounds to the credit of the commissioners , officers - cers and their assistants. The board of commissioners held their first session , Thursday afternoon , in the new county seat , completing the lease for the building and transacting a few other little matters. Thus endeth the history of Indianola as the county seat of Red Willow county , a history running since the organization of the county about 25 years since , and commemiceth the annals of McCook as the new county seat. Arbor Day Observances. The closing of the banks and post- office and the holiday given the school children are the sum total of McCook's observance of Arbor day. Brief exercises appropriate to the day were held in the east ward school house , in the morning , and the remainder of the day was enjoyed as a holiday. Tree planting by individual citizens was indulged in in a small way. The Old Originals. Snowden and Millers's Original Ten- nesseean Jubilee Singers will sing in the opera hall on Saturday evening , May 2d , under auspices of the Christian Endeavor society. Reserved seats on sale at Mc.- Council's drug store. Tickets 35 and 50 cents. A rare musical treat is promised by this well known company of colored vocalists. Secure your seats while a choice can be made. Score 6 to 21. The railroad boys and the school nine played a game of ball on the school grounds , Wednesday afternoon , resulting - ing in favor of time school nine iii a score of 6 to 21. Negotiations are pending to secure Alfred A. Farland , the banjo virtuoso , in in connection with local talent , for an entertainment here about mid-May. Farland is the banjo's Ole Bull , and is a prodigy who is delighting musicians and lovers of music everywhere he appears. . - TIE CHURCHES. j CATHOLIC-Mass at 8 o'clock a. m High mass and sermon at 1o:3o : , a m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 , p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. EPISCOPAL-Services will be held at the Episcopal church , January 12th and every alternate Sunday at II a m. and S p , m. Sunday school at to a. m. every Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every Wednesday evening after the 7:30 : ser- vice. METIIODIST.-Sunday school at 1o a. m. ; preaching at II ; class meeting at I2 ; Junior League at 3 p. m. ; Epworth League at 7 ; preaching at 8. Rev. A. J. Clifton will preach morning and evening. All are welcome. Bible study Wednesday evening at S o'clock. REV. J A. BADCON , Pastor : CoNGREGATIoNAL-Preaching at ii a am. amid 8 p. nt. Sunday school at 1o a. m. Christian Endeavor society at 7 p. m. ; Stella Norval , leader ; subject , ' 'Choose the Good Part. " Mid-week prayer meeting - ing at 7:30 : o'clock , Wednesday evening. All are welcome. HART L PRESTON , Pastor. BAPTIST.-The pastor will preach a special sermomi , appropriate to the occasion - sion of the Odd Fellows' anniversary , in the Menard ( tall , at ii o'clock a. am. ; subject , "Lessons of Charity" . The members of the order will attend fn a body and occupy reserved seats. All the other services will be held in McConnell hail. Bible school at to a. m , B V. P. U. Ilmeeting at 7 p m. Preaching-aser- nmon to the children-at 8 p. am. ; subject , "Four Little Teachers. " All are cordially - dially invited to all of these services. REV , G. P. FUSON , Pastor. ANOTHER SOAKING RAIN. Almost Two Inches of Rainfall on Last Friday. This section was visited , last Friday and preceding night , by another soaking rain. The Burlington gauge here indicating - cating one-fourth inch for Thursday night and one and one-half inches for Friday's rain. The rain was accompanied - panied by some hail of unusual size , and quite a number of window panes in the city and surrounding country were broken , on the exposed west side. Reports from northwest and southwest - west of the city would indicate that the storm was heavier in those localities and the wind was so strong , southeast of the city and on down toward the Beaver country as to cause some people to seek their storm caves. However , there are no reports in from any of these localities - ties indicating that there was much damage. We learn that the Holland ditch broke through its embankment , a mile or so west of Indianola , causing about $500 damage. The house of W P. Elmer was flooded by the rushing water and the household goods were badly injured , the family escaping by climbing onto the beds and from them out of the windows. The loss falls quite heavily on the family. It is stated on authority that time Red Willow creek , which feeds this ditch , was the highest it has been in thirteen years. Lantern Class. Tonight at 8 ; Saturday at 7:30. Egypt and the Nile. "Temples , palaces and piles stupendous , of which the very ruins are tremendous. " Talk and reading both evenings by Mr. Valentine. A liberal - eral patronage from the public is necessary - sary to maintain the loan collection of lantern slides , and it is hoped that there will be a large attendance of friends of the school. The following is the musical - al programme : Piano solo , Mabel Jordan - dan ; piano and flute duet , Pearl Brewer and Roy Smith ; vocal solo , Amy Strasser ; march , Maude Wood. To Subscribers of The Tribune. Readers of THE TRIBUNE will please remember that cash is an essential in the publication of a paper. The'pub- lisher has been very lenient during the past few years , on account of crop failures - ures and hard times , and as a consequence - quence many..hundreds of dollars are due on subscriptions. We are now compelled - pelled to request all who can to call and make settlement.in full or in part. In view of the facts , our subscribers must feel the justice and urgency of this re- quest. THE PUBLISHER. Power--Burgess. Mr , , Farington Power of our city and Miss Katherine Burgess of Hastings were united in marriage at the Bostwick hotel in that city on Tuesday , April 21st. They arrived in our city on Wednesday evening and are now living at the Commercial - mercial house. THE TRIBUNE congratulates - ulates and wishes them much joy in their new estate. K. P. BAND CONCERTS Artistic Work by the Peerless Brigade Band , U. R. K. of P , THE PROGRAMME IS REPEATED Wedne ay Evening of This Week for Benefit of Those Kept Away by the Rain. The concert given by the Brigade band , U. R K. of P , in time opera hall , last Friday evening , under the direction of H. P. Sutton , was a splendid musical treat , which was enjoyed by a fair sized audience notwithstanding time discouraging - ing condition of the weather which kept many at liome. Time selections by the band were of high grade music throughout , were rendered - dered in admirable style , and received umerited marks of approbation from the audience. Time band fully upheld its reputation for superior music. The clarionet solo , "Sonambula" , by G. R Snyder , marked that gentleman as an artist with that instrument. "Cathedral Chimes" , a guitar solo , was charmingly rendered by C. A. Stultz , wino was heartily applauded for the number. Time clarionet , cornet and baritone trio by Messrs. G. R. Snyder , A. P Ely and F. A. Pennell was given in fine form and was appreciatively received. The baritone solo , "Concert Polka" , as given by' F. A. Pennell , was entlmusi- astically received , as are all his efforts by McCook audiences. The soprano solo , "Sing , Sweet Bird" , by Miss Ellington Wilson , was rendered in her customary , artistic manner to the evident pleasure of all. The delay of trains made it necessary to cut out the male quartette numbers , which was a disappointment to many. WEDNESDAY EVENING. On Wednesday evening , the band gave another concert and to a full house. The entire programme , embracing some changes from the one presented on last Friday evening , was given to the emi- nemit satisfaction of their large audience. The band is a proper object for congratulation - gratulation upon the artistic and financial - cial success of their concerts. The city has occasion to be proud of the Pythian Brigade band , and they are proud of it. The band is arranging to give open air concerts during the summer , and should be substantially encouraged. Mc000K WILL VOTE BONDS. Petition Ready for Councilmanic Action , Next Monday. The citizens of McCook promised certain - tain things during the canvass preceding the election for the relocation of the county seat. They were made in good faith. One was that the city would vote bonds in the highest sum allowed by law , to assist the county in building a court house. This they mean to do. A petition Imas already been signed asking the mayor and city council to forthwith call an election for the purpose of voting on the proposition. The petition will be presented for action at the meeting of the city council on next Monday evening - ing , and there is no room for doubt as to the action of the board. They will promptly call the election. As we stated the bond proposition was made in good faith. The business honor of the city is involved in the agreement , and THE TRIBUNE expects the proposition - tion to carry with practically little erne no opposition. We'never expect to see a foreclosure on the business integrity of this community ; however much this may be a disappointmeni to our east end friends. The bonds will be voted. A Swell Affair. The banquet given in their hall , last evening , by the Saint John commandery was one of the swellest affairs ever given in our city. It was in honor of the initiation - itiation of W. C. LaTourette into the order. Plates were laid for So persons. The decorations were handsome , the floral being especially so. A beautiful boquet of choice cut flowers was laid at each plate. Among the Knights present from adjoining towns were : J.A.Kirk of Culbertson , M. J. Abbott of Hayes Center - ter , and daughter Mrs. Lane ; J. T. Bul- lard of Palisade ; A. A. Taylor of Cambridge - bridge , and wife. In addition to the local Knights and their wives quite a number of ladies were present , guests of the commandery. House Plants at Knlpple's. Knipple has just received a large ship- mentof handsome , vigoroushouse plants of many varieties. Call at once while the assortment is complete. 1 l 7 FOR A CENT. Something new in DeGroff's advertisement - ment , this week. Wall paper-All prices from 4c. to 20.C per roll at McMillen's drug store. Grandma Fane , who has been very ill forsome time past , is now recovering. The Cash Bargain store has a fresh word to say , this week , to their customers. Police judge Rowell has moved into the - Dixon residence on Marshall street , this week. Jacob Fahrnbrucli is having a comfortable - able little Home built over in east Mc- Cook. Don't overlook the new announcement of J. A. Wilcox & Son , in this week's issue. Conrad Krieger has milt hiui a , home among the "cliff diti lers" of South McCook. Jacob Friekel and Ja b Lesser will soon be living under their own vines and fig trees. The Barnett Lumber Co. is this week enclosing time yard here with the Page wire fencing. Remember time severe law against the selling of cigarettes to minors. It may save you a considerable fine. Try Dust Killer. Guarammteed to kill time dmmst omm your floor. It will give sat- isfaction. Sold by A. MCMILLEN. Linton buttons have reached the city , and ought to be popular. McKinley buttons will still fill the bill with the old line Republicans , however. Why not-quit borrowing and subscribe - scribe for TILE TRIBUNE , You will feel better about it and will not annoy your neighbor so much , perhaps. The phonograph concert iii time Methodist - odist church , Tuesday evening , was not very well attended , but tue programme is well spoken , of by those present. These multiplied , pestiverous "healer" fakes are becoming excessively wearisome - some to the flesh , and should be "cut dead" by time reputable , self-respecting press. LosT-An Eastern Star-Masonic em- bleni breast pin , initials on one side and , McCook on the other. Finder will be rewarded by returning time samie to Mrs. Smith Gordon. The Republican Valley Land Company is the titleofa new land company recently - ly organized in our city. C. B Gray is nmanager , and their headquarters are in the Meeker block , room 4. The old waste gate on the Meeker ditch near Joseph Schmidt's was taken out , Saturday , making quite a hole , which a few teems and scrapers quickly repaired , however , at small expense. Considerable work is being performed on time streets of the city just now , crossings - ings and culverts and wasimouts receiving needed attention. A new culvert of tiling has been put in at Dodge and Marshall - shall streets. Commissioner Jordan and Sprinkler Coglizer are 1irectimmg the gangs. 0. L. Tlmompson of Gerver precinct on last Saturday was exhibiting on our streets a half dollar "shin-plaster" of the vintage of 1776 , owned by a lady of that precinct. It is ancient , and doubtless of considerable value on account of its rarity. Perhaps there is not another such a curiosityfn the county. It is too bad , but it must be admitted that the tide is setting strongly against the bloomer , this year. Women will be emancipated to a certain extent by the bicycle , but the dress reform that she has been waiting for so long will be only a partial reform if present indications are reliable. The skirt still remains. It has been abbreviated and lightened , it is true , but it still remains.-Jourmmai. United States officers at Linton , Immd. , have been making arrests which , if carried - ried out extensively all over the country , would work great inconvenience to bakers - ers , saloon keepers and other business men who use checks , scrip , coupons , etc. , for money. The officers of four coal companies at Linton were arrested for making and circulating "straw money" , in the shape of metal checks and coupon books used to represent money , and taken - en by dealers at a discounton face value. Nearly $190,000 in this form was confiscated - cated by the authorities and $30,000 of the same was found to be in circulation. Carried to the extreme , the U. S. authorities - ities could , under the law , arrest all business - iness men who use bread checks , milk and beer checks , and coupon books , which are used in every town of any con- . sequence. . -