The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1896, Image 4

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Igo X e ,
Republican County Convention.
The Republican voters of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , are requested to send delegates -
egates from theiseveral gvoting recincts to
met in convention in the city of McCook
Saturday , April 4th , I , at 2 'clock + P. m
central time , to transact the following business -
ness , to-wit :
To place in nomination one candidate for
each of the following offices :
County Attorney.
Commissioner-Ist District.
To select eleven delegates to attend the
Congressional convention to be held at Mm-
den , NebraskalVadnesday , April 81896 , at
4 o'clock , p. m.
To select eleven delegates to attend the
Republican State convention to be held at
Omaha , Wednesday April 15 , 1896.
To select eleven delegates to the Republican -
can State convention to be held in Lincoln ,
'ro select eleven delegates to the Senatorial
convention , and to transact such other business -
ness as may properly come before the con-
The several voting precincts are entitled to
representation as follows , being based on the
vote cast for E. R. Banks in 1895 , giving one
delegate for each fifteen votes and one for
each fraction thereof , and two at large :
Alliance . . . . . . . . . .4 Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Beaver..7 Missouri Ridge..4
. , _ Ilondville.4North Valley..4
Box Elder. . . . . , . . .5 I erry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Coleman..4 Red Willow..4
Danbury . . . . . . . . . .4 Tyrone..3
Driftwood..4 Valley Grange..5
East Valley..7 Willow Grove , 1st pre. , 9
. . . . . . . . . . . . Grove , 2d pre. , 7
Gerver . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Willow Grove , 3d pre. , 7
Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Villow Grove , 4th pre. , 9
Indianola . . . . . . . . .5 -
I'etal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I tS
Recommended by the committee that no
proxies be admitted to the convention , the
delegates present be allowed to cast the full
vote of the delegation of the precinct they
represent. E. A. SExsoN ,
E. L. LAYCOCK , Chairman.
Republican Congressional Convention -
tion , 5th District of Nebraska.
The Republican electors of the Fifth cone -
e gressional district of Nebraska are requested
to send delegates from their several counties
to meet in convention in the city of Minden ,
\Vcdnesday , April 5 , 1896 , at 4 p. m. , for the
purpose of placing in nomination one
United States , and to select two (2) ( ) delegates
and two (2) ( ) alternates to the republican national -
tional convention to be held in the city of St.
Louis , Mo. , on Tuesday , June t6 , 1896 , at 12
o'clock noon ; to select also one presidential
elector ; also a republican congressional coin-
mittee for the ensuing two years , and to transact -
act such other business as may properly come
4 before the convention. The several counties
are entitlde to representation as follows , the
apportionment being based upon the vote
cast for the Hon. 1V. E. Andrews , for representative -
sentative in congress from the district in 1894 ,
giving each county on delegate for each (100) ( )
one hundred votes so cast and the major
fraction thereof :
Counties Del. I Counties Del.
, Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Harlan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o
I Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hitchcock. . . . . . . . . . 6
Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r9 Kearney . . . . . . . . . . . II
Dund' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Nuckolls..1 3
Franklin. . . . . . . . . . . 9 Perkins . . . . . . . . . . 4
Frontier . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Phelps . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Furnas . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Red 1Villow . . . . . . . .II
Gosper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hayes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total . . . . . . . . . , .18 3
I It is recommended that no proxies be admitted -
' mitted to the convention and that the delegates -
gates present be authorized to cast the entire
vote of the delegation of the county which
they represent.
13y order of the republican committee of the
Fifth congressional district :
R. Q. STEwART , Chairman.
FRED RENNER , Secretary.
like to be governor and stand u P
for Nebraska , and he don't care
who knows it.
a distinguished success in every
activity of his honorable and clean
career , and THE TRIBUNE does not
expect Nebraska to repudiate - so
able and manly a son.
IN view of the Nebraska national
i delegation unseemly squabble , the
average Nebraska Republican can
not help feeling humiliating at
being "allowed" to do so and so
their own public servants.
SENATOR THURSTON has President -
, dent Cleveland's personal pronoun
habit in a most virulent form. The
senator , speaking seriously , is a
disappointment to many of his
most ardent admirers. That "cer-
tain well known corporation" , the
Burlington , liar quite unnerved
the senator and he is many a holy
show of himself , in some directions -
tions of an unexpected source.
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
. , '
. .
. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
; : from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant ,
, y" t
Are you Planting that "garden
sass" ? .
William X. Johnson finished
sowing wheat , last week.
Fall grain looks fine and every
warm day talks.
Talbot Vivian has been quite ill
but is around again.
Preparations are being made forr
the Easter exercises.
Arthur Doyle is back from the
Loup , where has been since the
"Willie" Moll arrived from Denver -
ver on Sunday. Now for the next
act in the drama.
Ducks and geese are plentiful-
so are the hunters-but we have
heard of very few fatalities to the
former so far.
Dick Hanlein says that unless
his cook returns soon he proposes
to get another. He is quite emphatic -
phatic in this matter.
William Ketchr and brother , who
moved to Louisiana a year ago ,
recently disposed of a large portion -
tion of their rice crop of four
thousand bushels at six cents per
bushel. Corn at 15 cents beats
There is no money in profes-
sions. In proof of this we cite two
instances : Dr. Harlan , who has
given up the practice of medicine
and turned his attention to farming -
ing , and now we are told that Rev.
Vivian expects to sow a patch of
wheat , in order to be sure of his
There was a large attendance at
church , last Sabbath , in the evening -
ing especially , when the church
was uncomfortably crowded. Rev.
Vivian preached in the' morning
and Rev. Morris in the evening.
Three new members were taken
into the church after the morning
The farmer who is always behind
with his work will manage to list
in a hundred acres or sothis , spring ,
and it is possible he will cultivate -
vate ( ? ) two-thirds of this , and after -
ter struggling over sunflowers
which raise his wagon from the
ground in his heroic efforts to
husk his corn , this fall , declares
that "this aiu't no farmin' country.
FIRST PRECINCT-The Republican -
can voters of the First precinct will
hold their primary election on
Wednesday afternoon , April 1st ,
in the Commercial hotel sample
room , for the purpose of selecting
nine delegates to the county con-
veution. J. a KELLEY ,
election for the Second precinct
to elect seven delegates will be
held in hose cart house at the same
date and time. C. W. BARNES ,
election for the Third precinct will
be held in the Ganschow buiiding ,
west side of south Main avenue , at
same time and date , for the election -
tion of seven delegates.
J. C. PREDMORE , Committeeman.
ry election for the Fourth precinct
for the selection of nine delegates ,
will be held in the office of Elmer
Rowell on east Dennison street at
same date and time.
M. E. HORNER , Committeeman.
All property owners are required -
ed to at once clean up all rubbish
and filth about their premises and
remove the same from the city , or
the same will be done by the city
authorities at the expense of such
property owners , as provided by
ordinance. This matter is urgent.
ED. JORDAN , Marshal.
For cn-Last night , near S. P.
Hart's , a blue jacket. Owner can
have sftme by calling at this office.
Notice to Remove Plg Pens , Etc.
By virtue of a city ordinance , no person -
son shall be allowed to keep or maintain
any hogs , in an enclosure or otherwise ,
about their premises within the city
units of the city of McCook , and those
same atL the present time are
hereby notified to discontinue the maintenance -
tenance of same at once.
ED. JORDAN , Marshal.
Mr , and Mrs. Adolph Metzner are re-
oicrng in the advent of their first born.
C. T. Watson has been confined to his
bed for the past few days.
School in district 19 closes on
William Neuman will work for
Ira Neel , this season.
Laura Neuman visited Edith
Cook's school , last Friday.
Peter Coiling shelled corn for
Theodore Coiling , last week.
Nellie Kellogg returned , Sunday -
day , from McCook , where she has
been staying with Mrs. C. E. Pope.
, A load of Ash creek young lad-
lea spent -the day , last Saturday ,
visiting oldtime friends in Indian-
W. A. Neel and family of Cedar
Bluffs , Kansas , attended the Neel-
Burns wedding , Wednesday after-
Mrs. A. L , Miller ( nee Ada
Burns ) who has been visiting her
relatives and friends on the creek ,
returned to- her home on the Willow -
low , Saturday.
A surprise party was given 'at
the home of W. D. Williams , last
Tuesday evening , in honor of his
daughter Pearl , who on that day
entered her twelfth year ,
Frank Neelwho , is jailer for his
father , the sheriff , in Indianola ,
carne out and stayed a few days
with his brother Ira , last week , to
see how the latter was getting on
keeping bachelor's hall.
Edith Cook closed a successful
six months term of school . in the
district south of Ash creekFriday ,
March 20th , and returned to her
home in McCook , Saturday. She
will be greatly missed by her
many friends in Bondville.
MARRIED-At the home of the
bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. W.P.
Burns on Wednesday afternoon ,
March 25th , Rev.W. J. Crago officiating -
ciating , Rosa A , Burns and Ira E.
Neel. Only the immediate relatives -
tives of the contracting parties
were present. Both are well and
favorably known in this county
wherd they have resided since
childhood , and their many friends
join in congratulations and wishes
for a long and happy married life.
G. W. Godown went to Oberlin ,
Kansas , Saturday.
Lawn tennis is the popular diversion -
ersion of the . hour.
W. A. Minniear was an Indian-
ola visitor , Saturday.
Miss Lena Hill visited her parents -
ents at Indianola over Saturday.
Supt. L. A. Carnahan will hold
an examination here , the fourth of
Roy Eno , son of Frank Eaowas ,
throwii from a horse , 'I'nesday , and
severely injured.
Miss Altha McKee of Cedar
Bluffs has been visiting her mother -
er , the past week.
Mesdames A. C. Teel and F. 0.
Gray of Indianola were guests of
Banker and Mrs. T. E. McDonald ,
Saturday and Sunday.
Quite a number of our young
people contemplate going to Indi-
anola , on Saturday , to have their
shadows preserved ere he substance -
stance fades.
The Methodist Sunday School
will give a grand review at the
close of the quartet' . About a
dozen object lessons will be given ,
which will be very interesting. All
are cordially invited to be present.
Farmers are all very busy now
sowing wheat.
Mrs. Jacob Crocker has been
quite sick , the past few days.
Dan Thompson has been having
quite a time with lagrippe.
Lafe Method is working for Jas.
A. Resh on the Stewart ranch.
W. N. Cratty has been quite ill
for a couple of weeks , but is slowly
improving now.
Rev. J. E. Tirrill will preach at
the Prospect Park school house ,
neat Sunday at 11 o'clock. All
are cordially invited to attend.
Charles Boatman and Alice Ho-
brookwere married , Wednesday
evening , March 18th , at residence
of bride's parents , Rev. J.E.Tirrill
officiating. We join their many
friends in wishing them a happy
and prosperous life.
Try that 15 cent box
. Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades
KniAple sells pack
ag'e and bulk seeds of
all kinds.
W. A , Minniear was over from
Danbury , Saturday last.
Principal Schultz of Stockville
was in town , last Saturday.
S. T. Ridgeley's family will
soon move to McCock to live.
J. W. Hupp of McCook was a
county seat visitor , Thursday.
Jacob Short has been sick with
pleurisy , this week , but is better
C. W. Beck drove to Orleans ,
Tuesday , expecting to return on
Monday , S. R. Smith rode his
bicycle to Oberliu , Kansas , returning -
ing on Tuesday.
George Cramer made proof on
his tree claim , Wednesday , before
the land office at McCook.
G. W. Roper as in Beatrice ,
close of last week , returning home
on Sunday night , via McCook.
E. E. Lowman was 'down from
McCook , last Friday , filing his
commission . as a notary Public.
Bishop Graves will conduct confirmation -
firmation services in Beardslee's
hall on Sunday morning at eleven.
J. J. Lamborn of Wilcox spent
the early part of the week here ,
coining via McCook Saturday eve-
G. S. Bishop expects to go to
Denver , some time next month , to
engage in the practice of law per-
haps. .
W. G. Sheppard has. been on
the sick list but is getting around
to take his part in the orchestra
Mrs. Lewis Casten was down
from McCook , part of last week ,
visiting oldtime friends up in
Fritsch precinct.
Denver Taylor was taken quite
seriously sick , Tuesday. R. L.
Beckwith took hini home to Bart-
ley , Wednesday.
Representative Lamborn was up
from Wilcox , early portion of the
week , looking after matters political -
cal , business and otherwise.
Treasurer and Mrs. preserve
spent Saturday and .Sunday in
McCook and at the Brush creek
ranch , returning Sunday night.
JOB PRINTING-The most artistic -
tic work at the lowest figures.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook. Write
for prices. A trial order will settle -
tle the business.
W. 0. Bond is putting his hand
to the plow and becoming a farmer
in an energetic fashion. He has
got so far along that he can conscientiously -
scientiously declare himself tired
at night now.
The illustrated lecture on "Ben
Bur" given in the opera hall , last
Friday evening , by Rev. J. M.
Cromer of Kansas City , under the
auspices of the Endeavor people ,
was a superb and fascinating afFair.
But unfortunately the audience
was unequal'to the merits of the
entertainment. Rev. Cromer had
a crowded and delighted house in
There are two tickets now in
the field for city offices : The no
license ticket is as follows : Mayor ,
S. E. Hager ; clerk , W. H. Smith ;
treasurer , N. Dutcher ; councilman ,
First ward , Henry Crabtree ; Second -
end ward , J. D. Welboin ; city engineer -
gineer , E. S. Hill ; police judge ,
C. W. Beck. The iicense ticket is
made up as follows : 11layorW. H.
Wadsworth ; clerk , J. A. Hammond -
mend ; treasurer , J. J. Wilson ;
councilman , First wardW.O.Bond ;
Second ward , G. W. Short ; city
engineer , Martin Anderson ; police
judge , S. R. Smith. The prospects
are for a lively election.
Ohamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment
Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt-
Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped
Hands , Itching Piles , Bums , Frost Bites ,
Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eve Lids.
For sale by druggists at 25 cents per boa.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con'
ditlon try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders
They tone up the system , aid digestion , cure
oss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25
cents per package. For sale by druggists
when Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla.
when she was a Child , she cried for Castoria.
when she became Mim , she clung to Castoria.
when she had Children , she gavethem Castoria.
We are just in receipts of a new
supply of tablets and box papers ,
memorandums , etc.
. -
. . - ' ' - -
Tie Famous Clotl lu CoMpany
sPRIi G 1896..x' ,
Latest Styles in Men's and Boys' { j ' ,
Stiff and Soft Hats now ready. . ' t
Cali and see them. ,
JONAS ENGEL , Manager ,
, . "
McCook Nebrasl a.
Knipple has package
and bulk seeds of al
kinds for sale.
"Buy , your writing paper at
THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
Read the IWSt Co ant -
t r H ( ' , SVS1) 61)e1'--that's
The AICook ; 'I'I'iluHe
every time.
Scientific .Amerlctul
Agency for
coplretcliTS , etc.
For Information and free Handbook write to
MUNN' & CO. , 361 BROADWAY. NEw Yonir.
Otdest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free ofcharge in the
Lar est circulation of any scientific paper in the
worgd. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent
man should ho without it. Weekl , 53,00a
year ; SL Oslxmonths. Address , 31UNN & CO. ,
URIISDBRS , : i6i Broadway , New York City.
II11II4R ! i ,
I t E k hid I P _ -
- .
J I -
, M , ' 'I uuutwtua
au 4
' It 1 t i i
We now have in stock a full
line of the Riverside Oak , the
Gem City Oak , and the Thos.
White Oak Heaters-both soft
and hard coal burners. In
fact we have the finest thing
in heating stoves to be bought
in the market , or ever exhibited -
ited in this city. Don't fail to
see our Ventiduct Heaters.
We also have the popular
Square Oven Cook Stoves in
stock. Everybody ought to
have one of our Square Oven
Cooks-they are the latest and
the very best.
This isabsolutely rust proof ,
every piece is guaranteed , and
will be replaced if not as rep'
Remember , we are showing
the best line of Buggies , Carts
and Wagons to be seen in this
part of the Republican valley.
- - - - - - - -
Don't forget to come and see us jr
when you want any kind of job
printing , We are the people who 1
do the nice printing. j
. SMITH , , ,
I , l
. . ,
B. G. GOSSARD , Asst. '
iI i I
J. S. McB1 AYER '
McCook Transfer Line , .
Only furniture van in the
city. Also have a first class house I
moving outfit. Leave orders for f
bus calls at Commercial hotel or
at office opposite the depot. '
JuLrtis KUNERT ' . 1
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet Cleaning.
: ? rI am still doing carpet laying , , arpet
cleaning , lawn cutting and similarwork. See
or write ine before giving such work. My
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at
V .
Notary Public , -
Reliable , Insurance ,
. Collection Agent. a
1n ; 1
n 1t t
- - - - , . t
Proprietor ,
of the . . . g -
1b 1-
We respectfully solicit your business ,
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , +
and prompt , courteous service.
! i3kv ' ' f
' f
. . .
o +
These shoes fit to perfection and wear
is only the best of leather can. They're
shapely , pliant-the most comfortable of ; ( -
footwear. They always manage to let in V
sir and keep out water. i +
Sold by J. P. GANSCHOW.
. +
f '