I _ : : 1I-tT- = _ _ = _ _ _ - _ rrrnll I it _ ¶ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ . - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ t 4 I The Oreatest fledical Discovery of the Age. i - KENNEDY'S _ _ , MEDICAL DISCOVERY DONALD KEHNEDY , OF ROXBURY , MASS. , I has df.coverth in one of our common ' i pasture weeds a remedy that cures every : kind of flurnor , from the worst Scrofua - I . , , down to a cornrnon'Pirnple. - - lie has tried it in over eleven hundred cases , and never failed except in two cases II ? 1 ( both thunder1iurnor ) . lie has now in his I possession over two hundred certificttes of its value , all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. fl A benefit is always experienced from l , .j. the first bottle , and a perfect cure is war- u ranted when the right quantity is taken. \Vlien the lungs arc affected it causes 1 , I shooting pains , like needles passing I through them ; the same with the Liver ( or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts ti being stopped , and always disappears in a wed : after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is MUI or bilious it will I CuSe squeamish feelings at first. t I No change of diet ever necessary. Eat ( the best yeti cafl. get , and enough of it . Dose , one bblespoonful in water at bed- ) time. Sold by all Druggists. I 2i11 ! : A1i1tioa O. (10C3 bafl the % 'or1ds 7thdmIIi toeausO It has reuuccd the cOst fir c 'TIfldpOwto has ninny branch aud zppIte Its goodsand repairs atyuurdoar. ItcaI ar.d doe3 furnish a ; , ! ; atbr arLIclo for 1es zfloier1 han others. It makes Pumping and ( ( bared , SLeel Galvaruzed.after. 4j COmpietlolL Windmills. TilLing ' : lied Steel Town'.Stee1 Buzz Saw . Feed Ciiuers and Feed 1 . Grinders. Onap1llraton1t'rii12laneoo ! ' kl of LLIeSO articc thaL. it wilt finnish nntlL Tannsry 1atat 1,3 the uiual vrlce. It aIo makea ; ftnks and iurnpsot all kinds. Send for cataiogui. hclory : 12th , Zockwel nnd Filimcrc Sfreets Cbkao. ii I i4ooo-r . . SMOKE You ? MEAT WITH . 111 tMAUSERS LIEIVID EXTAsfl t SEND FOi LR.E.K1tJSER&BRO.MIIIO11.F - \v. N : . , OMAHAT12-1890. $ I writing tc ; advertisers , kindly t s . mention this inuer. a - - .TIIl : WORLrS E.ItIFT POTATO. That's Salzc r'n Earliest , fit for use In 28 days. Saizer's ncw late tomato. Champion of the World , Is pronounced the heaviest yielder In the world , and 'we challenge you to produce its equal ! : io acres to Saizer's Earliest Potatoes yield 4000 bushels , sold In June at 1.OO a bushel-$4000. That pays. A word to the wise , etc. ow it 7011 'wIll Cut tiuluc ( itiL tnd cPl ; it with lOc postage you will get , free , 10 packages grains and grasses , In- I eluding Teosinte , Lathyrns , Sand yetcli , Giant Spurry , Giant CloveretC. , and our mammoth seed catalogue. W.u. ( ures ( or a Cold. Sit so that the back is near the fire and stay there until it is thoroughly warmed. Soak the feet in mustard water as hot ascan be endured. lrink a. glass of hot water and Scotch whiskey , then jump into bed and have blankets heaped upon you. if the cold begins with a chill start immediately to drink hot lemonade. Best of All To cleanse the system In a gentle and truly beneficial manner , when the Springtime comes , usethe true and per- 1cct remedy , Syup of Figs. One bottle vII1 answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents ; the large size 1. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Cal- hernia Fig Syrup Company only , and for sale by all druggists. It takes a good deal.of ability to do any- timing well. 'like I'aki'a Olttgerluuule ) iguut 'iIth ouu , \uu Ill 1111(1 It. to your e.IJecLaI I us In jb.ttitig colds , and many lIb , . aches anti vcakiiees. 'rx tie love often uses most shocking gram- n-I a r. l'Iti I nut. cnuIdL1ulve to pleiuuuire. ( . ; PCChl ly when OCSlflaiI I ) % corns I lujuulercorns Ii& iiIae yOU , br It reuIOVes iliexil pOrfCCLly. The sight of a cat afFects a boy and a dog in about the same way. FITS.-MlFitSStOPPeul rruuhy Dr. iIlni's Great rcervt Restorer. u Fitsier iutt UIsttty' u'e. larv.uu.eures. Tr.at Ie an. I St trial tie llufi cu t FIL cae. : enti loLr. Kjhzie.SGI ArcnSt.iil1a. , F. 'Iiere is hope for anybody ivho is willing to unlearn. - - - . - - _ _ _ ft _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' I t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ( - - , IF ( . , 1 , . . , , ' _ . .i I I ( jc _ _ _ _ _ , 2 [ 1 I I _ _ - - , . . , . . ' .11l..1 1' I . I' , , n - .41 .tI ! t- ; f , .1 ' " Big Barn Door mo ; as a , 1.1 I 4 Il Ilxt 0 xt I PL .1 t 11 For 5 cents you get almost as 4i1 " " much "Battle AX" as yeti do of A F % other high grade goods for I 0 cents. " A Before the days of "Battle Ax" I r consumers paid I 0 cents for same . quality. Now , . "Battle Ax- Highest Giade1 5 cents. Thatts true economy. I ; i 1 _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ I R . : 4th PRZ 1TES i . . ? 1st Prize , Kimball Piano , ulStyle 3 S ci . . . $ 6ao 00 . 2d Prize , Bicycle , for man or woman . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 3d Prize. Cash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 . ; 10 Cash Prizes , each $25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 00 I : uJ Cash Prizes , each $10. . . . . . . . . . . . - IOU 00 I I 60 Cash Prizes , each $2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 12000 :4.1 " 83 Prizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r' ' fli-gt prize will be gLven to the person who conktructs the : ntellco English couutaiuing no letter of tim aliliabet more than three I tImtn. It Isnot neceMsary to use every letter ( lithe alphabet. The otherpr1es will ty , go in regular order to those competitors icifose sentences are next In length. Every competitor whose sentence reaches twenty-two leti ers wilL receive a. paper covered voLurnecontatnlng twelve of WilkieCollins' novels whether he wins a nrlze ? ornot. Tlilscontestcioses April 15. lStk. The prize wInners will be announced one I week later and the winning sentences published. To cao two or more prize-win- . L ning sentences are of the same length preference will be given to the best one. Each comet1tor must construct his own sentence , and no person will be allowed 410 enter this contest more than once. enrences an not be corrected or aubstituted ) i.fter they are received. Residents of Omaha are uot perniltted to compote , k dlr.ectiy or' indirectly. I RULES FOR THE SENTECE-No Others Furnished. ) * I The length of a sentence Is to be measured by the number ofletters iteontains. I butnQlOttCrcLn be used orcounted mnorethan three times. ro word except a" or r' can be used more than once. Tue sentence must consist of complete words. t Signs. flguresabbrevintIOns or contractions , ete. . uiust not ix used. The pronoun I "I" and the article "a" will be accepted as comnpleto words. [ 'roper nouns cannot 1 f , fr. be ueed. Each contestant must Indicate by figures at the endof his sentence how nianv letters it contaIns. * ¶ 1faIs remarkably liberal offer Is made by the Wicmx WORt.u-IIERALD.of which ; the dlstthuisbed ex-congresstuau. 1 I WILLIAM J. 2RYAPI , is Editor. aud ft ts required that each competing sennce be enclosed with one dollar for a - . . . years ubscripllon. The VEEKLY WORLD-UEHALD Is Issued in semi-weekly sec- j. , I tiotis. and bouce 1sncar3y as good as a daily. It Is the westermz champion of free sllverCCJInagO and the leading family newspaper of Nebraska. si Address. WccRlij' WorI-flera ! , OniaaN6b. ? IBST contest cloceci Felruary 2. jS9. - - SECOND Contest closed May 20 , ] ST. THIRD contest closed February 13 , 1SO. 'c : $ \Vlrrncr o Knabo I'Iano In third contest was D. Light. , Trentnn. iIo. Vlnner ofSiO ca'h prize In same contest was Mrs.Mary L.Dunbar. Garrison , l WizfnerotSUctsh prize was Mrs. Florence Thornton , Washington D. C. rt * _ * ' 4 - ' ; . . . _ . _ _ 1. _ _ - - --r - - . . _ _ ' _ _ _ - ' - , . . ' - 1 _ t - - TAKING A BATH PROPERLY. Some Timely i1lits Upon an Important SUIjcct. Bathing is a very important daily duty , according to the St. Louis Post- ' Dispatch , yet few people know how to take a bath to get the most good out of It. There are certain things that add to thecomfort of a bath 'which should not be missing from a well-appoiited bath room. Every bath room iiliotild have a cork or rubber mat beside the tub. 'Woolen mats absorb moisture and become dingy and unhygidnic. Every bath room should have attached to the wall beside the rub , low enough to be accessible , two small wire trays ; one to hold the sponge aud the other the soap in the intervals of bathing , when these articles are not iii active Use. Every bath rooni should COfltttIIi a set Of shelves on which should be kept soap , tooth lOwder , a can of almoflI meal. a jar of cold cream , a bottle of ammonia , a bottle of alcohol , a bottle of lavendar or violet water , a bottle of listerine and a bottle of witch hazel. Of course , the woman who indulges in lotions and bleaches will keep them also. It mcdi- cine is kept in the bath room it should not be mixed indiscriminately with the toilet preparations but should have a section to itself. The brushes \vhicll very woman needs for her bath are a flesh brush for occasional - sional use , a rubber complexion brush and a nail brush. Some skins are kept smooth by friction ; others are rough- cued. It will , therefore , he the part of wisdom not to indulge in continual scrubbing UlItil Olle discovers which sort of skimi one has. Cold water is not cicansing. It is bracing ; it is hardening - ing and it helps to illake the skin firm , but it is not cleansing. 'rue shock of cold water application closes the poles at OUCC and they retain all the impurities which they should cast out. So that the woman who wishes to be clean flUlst wash in warm water every day and use her cold 'water sponge only m a skin tonic.rllen one is fatigued a sponge bath with warm water arid alcohol will restore one's strength and vigor. When one is not well a thorough rubbing dOWn with oil is an excellent medicine. IUEER STORY OF REAL LIFE. , % _ Young Girl , tree from the Crave to Live Many happy Years. One night in 1801 a little girl about one year old was deposited on the steps of the foundling hospital at Brest. She was dressed vitli niuchi finery and a note attached to her skirts told that her name was Solange and that she would be reclaimed by her father , says an cx- change. The claim was never made , lioWeVel' , and in due thue the child 'as traflSferrel to time orphan asylum to be educated. As she grew p she ( IC- veloped a most extraordinary beauty ; but her intellect aIleared to be 'very weak and she suffered from frequent nervous fits.Vheii she was twelve years old she vas sent out Into the streets to sell flowers , and 11cr beauty and her modesty attracted many peo- ll&s good will ; but she grew weaker afl(1 weaker , anl at. last she died , or at least it was thought so. According to French custom. she was buried in an OPen basket , and , as it was winter and the soil was frozen , she was laid into time grave covered only with a thin layer of sand. - During time night she awoke , 'and. pushing the sand away , crept out from the grave. Not exactly understanding - standing what had taken place , she was not so very much frightened ; but in crossing the glacis between the cemetery - tery and the fortifications she was suddenly - denly stopped by the cry : "Quj vive ? " and. as she did not answer , the sentinel fired and she fell to the ground. Brought into the guardhouse , her wound was found to be very slight and she soon re- covered. But her singular history and also her great beauty had made so deep an impression on a young lieutenant of the garrison-Kramer-that he determined - termined to be her protector and sent her to one of the most fashionable edit- catioral establishments in Paris. During - ing the next few years Kramer was much tossed about by the ' 'ar ; but when in 1818 he returned to Paris he found Solange a full-grown woman , not only beautiful but accomplIshed and spirited , with no more trace of intellectual - lectual weakness or nervous fits. I-Ic married her and for several years the couple lived happily in Paris. The I'oItI it of 1'ortual. Portugal is a weak nation and seldom considered in speaking of the powers of Europe , but she is in a position now to be of great importance iii the controversy - I versy between England and Germany. The only seaport through which German - man forces can go to the assistance of the Transvaal is on Delagoa bay , which belongs to Portugal , and if that power I refuses to assent Delagoa bay cannot be used for hostile purposes without making war against Portugal. The sit- nation is awkward for Germany , if Portugal - tugal sides with England , as reported , for she cannot give the Boers the encouragement - couragement of a military demonstration - tion without committing an act of war against a power with which she has no quarrel ; but It Is still worse for Portugal - gal , who finds herself between two fires , and in a fair way to be burned whichever - ever way she turns.-Philadelphia Ledger. Something to Ponder Over. The sailing wnuage of all countries fell off 106,000 tons last year , as corn- pared with 1894. But there was an Increase - crease of about 824,000 tons In steam tonnage-a very significant sign of the times. nngland leads in ship building , ' as a matter of course. Indeed , 62 ½ per cent of the new tonnage launched durIng - Ing the year was acquired by her , although - though there was a falling o in the total - tal credited to her. as compared with the showing for 1895. Nearly 20 per cent of the English output went to foreign - eign countries and more than one- fourth was secui'.d by Japan. ' : r , , ; - ' - - - - - ---2--w-- - - - - - - llows Timbit We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hairs ( atarrh Cure. F. J. CI-JENEY & CO. . Toledo. 0. We. the undersigned. have known F. I S. Cheney for the last 15 years. and be- Ileve him perfectly honorable in all business transar tion , amid financially able to carry out any obligations made by their lirm. WALDING , T'Zf'NAN & MAflVIN , Wholesale Druggists , Tol3 o. Ohio. ' ItaB's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally - ly , actIng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. 'F'sti- monlals sent free. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills. c. \Vhat It Viiritid. Every boy and rprl has doubtless heard of the great composer handel. Here is a little story told of him mind of Dr. Mauricc flrccn , a. musician vhose COlfllOSi LiOnS WCIC IIC'Ct remarkably fine. It seems lie had sent a solo anthem - them to handel for his opinion , and 1Iindel invited liimi to take lreahfast. . amid he would sriv what he thought. of it. After cotlee G1PeII's patience been - en inc ex1ii iisted , a mid lic saul : " \Vchl , sir , what do you think of it ? " ' 'Oh. your mtntlieiii .Aii , 1 ( hiLl tink ( hat itwanted air. " 'Air ! ' cried Green. 'Ves , sir : and so I did lmnng it omit of ( IC vindow , " replied llaudel.-Ilarpcrs 1101111(1 'l'alle. . . .llElu. : liii ) YOU GET TIlTS COF1l ? Had the Ladies' Aid Society of our Church out for tea , forty of them , and all pronoimmiced the German Coffeeberry equal to Rio ! Salzer's catalogue tells you all about it ! 35 packages Earliest vegetable 5CClS $1.00 post paid. I f on s'i1t mt tl , ' nut :17)11 ( iith 15c. stamps to .Ioilii A. Saizer Seed Co. . La Crosse , Wis. . you will get free a paclage of above great coffee seel and On. j4 Ja2C catalogue ! Catalogue alone rc. ; _ _ _ sv.n. If you vniit a guoul servant girl go to mm In itkximnia. Co& Couzh l3lsani . Is tb' oide'r and bst. It''lil bak up a ( tIt1 quiet- .r a,3 thing else. It. I alwaya rellabfr. uk. . 'Vhy is it we : tways ifehieve that we cait ave a little inoiiey iiext mouth .t I I .1. % ( ft erlu Farun l.izuiq. 'l'he ( cjt n Belt is the annie of an ii i ustrated imioxithly newspaper pub. lished hr. ' tIme Chicago , Burlington I Qti1II ( ' .1 k. It aims to give information - tion rim an interesting way about the farm lands of time west. emmd 25 cents in po'tage st'mps to time "Corp flelt , " I 2i ) Atlamis Si , iicago , and the ppCt1 viil be sent to your address for one year. _ _ _ _ _ _ : No reeI is coinpete whi' h does nOt detzii'e a eief in } iiiiiet' . Still Civi- way Prizs. The novel prize contests of the Omaha \Vorltl-llcrald still continue. Time last one closed February first and the prizes have been awarded. 'l'he new prize contest justannotniced in our : Llvertising columns is to see who can construct the Iongest good I sentence in English without using any letter more than three times. As usual the first prize is a $ iO.0 ( ) ( ) piano , this time a Kimball , and five or six hundred dollars in cash prizes follov : Of course tue object of the \Veelcly \Vorld-Iicrald is to secure neiv siil.eri- hers for their popular and newsy ion rim LI. 'l'his is the third big contest of the kind which \Vorld-lferald has had to boom circulation and Editor Bryan's paper. which champions the cause of fiec silver , must be spending a good deal of it in lrizes. _ _ _ All tliins come to hint who knows when not to wait. Free to Comrades. ' ' The latest photographs of the lion. I. N. Walker , commander-in-chief of the trand Army of the Tiepubhic. Write to 1" . 11. Lord , Quincy Building , Chicago , and you will receive one free. - - - - - - r - - 'flie Sanue Old Cauuartl. ' 'lear tile , " said 3laude , ' 'there has been a dreadful lot of talk in the linmtu- cial articles about a gold ring. What do you suppose they are driving at ? " "Oh , I dent know , " replied \lauiie , in a vearv tono. t guess it's just Some more of this silly joking about engage- iiieimts.-\nsliizrton Star. lon't lie l' ( ) l.nt' for I Ii stc8uuuer. .AiiI tfoiil omnitwimen you are ' mipyntir t ltect. , prtmnaralnry for t lie oyagt' . to Iii- t lude : umnoii tliemn a , supply of Ilo'tetter's tomnncli Bitter ; . the great remedy for sea siiI ues. 'i'i : t 'eiei s f ) iuitistii : t. or JiC ? . sechIiuifotiiigii ciimiies. or who be- mote 1) ) stcInboat : Or lraiii. lit.bds yatcim- iieii U tid mnarIntrs. testify i o tin , teIfl'llLl nut ! Preventive etflency of I 11ff IiImter.wlmIch I lnenmnparille fOr uuIflSet , lIe1IdLCbt. dy- p.ps1a , hillioiisites. rlieuiiiat iiervus aIII klIiiey tt'otilile. If a girl is LaiR. right 1ie tboesut iteed a I garter to keep bier . .toekiug Up. SLEFRIiEIIS FUO't Cocumis , 01tE 'rIIIIOAT , etc. , sliottiti hO constantly supplied 'with 'Ilro mts Bronchial 'irochies. " Avoid mu- tatiotis. _ _ _ ' Au imaginary lf'.essiuIg is only part of a blessing. _ _ _ ' Pisos Cure for Consumption has saved mu large doctor biils.L. . Baker , 4th.S Itegetit Sf1. , l'liFadclpluia , J'a. , I ) c. t , \Vlicii you are to ifimumie nclnow.cdgo it , it the Rahy Is Cutting Tccn. c tire LUld 1It thr.t old zuui 'netl.trled reincdy , Mmn. % VtisLo\ Soor1uia Srut1 fur Children Teethiu. ( 'tipid jtoiiiic inure tlizun his vietiumis are : uio ! to perforuuu. - - - - Spring when you call on. your body for all its energy - ergy , and tax it to the I limit of effort. Does it I answer : ' , -ou when you. call ? Doei it creep un willingly to work ? ia's the natural effect of the waste .1 winter. So much for the season. Now for the word. If you would eat heartily , sleep soundly , work easily. and feel like a new being , I takeS Ayer's S 3 . Sarsaparifia. ) Iinmlccdwith } Thompson's Eye Ja r T flQ ctJI OVER ALL FOR I : : E-XIETM Is II _ _ F , BcycIe Economy h I. ' , . , : " _ _ : Before buyhg a bicyde said to be " just as : U -a' good as a Columbia " it is well to compare the prices at which the machines sell second-hand. . ; The sccond1hand price of Columbias often ' ' -L- ; equals or exceeds the NEW price of the " just-as-good. " If you look a year ahead , there is wise economy in 3 , . ' * , , . ' ' N olumbias i Of , - at . ' / 3 'ci . .y . . ' , , STANDARD OF THE WORLD ' , J : ; POPE MFG. COMPAi\Y , Thc hndomest Ax Cat.tI 0 t. evEr 3 . . itied ttlis ol Columbias. Yo can ce- General Offices and Fctoxcs , ' cure it frc by calling arm thc Columbia ttJ t' l-ARTFORD , CONN. .tgent ; by miii icr two 2'cnt tarnp ' . , . . , . ' ' 4 0 1 oo 4'O .efl'-Go.tl * o. nfl44t . . . . . , . . , . . 6 0 0 e o o o * v C e o e + ) e _ _ : : ir - rCIIIuIIIII N'o I Chocolatr . , ; fo cJ + E Made by Walter Baker & Co. , Ltd. , .4 , : : Dorc1ester , iViass. , has been cele- . i brated for more than a century a' - : : nutritious , delicious , and flesh- forming beverage. Sold by gru- G. . o ? 0. : : cers e\ervwhere. 4. -I - c4 - $10 $ 0-1 , 0 _ I $1,000 FOB THE OE WHO GUESSES BEST ! A YEAR. AGO THI OHIOAGO BEOORD offered $30,000 A't in rash prizes to authors for the riest " stories of mystery. " The stories were so called because it was required tliuit a mystery bould run through 'lie entire story and be disclosed only iii the last chapter. the purpose being to give CAST ! nizs to tlio. aders ot 'l'IIE CHICAGO ItEcOitli who should be able to Solve tb rixjstery , _ _ _ or come nearest to a correct solution of it , I ADVANCE ot the pci- lication of the last chapter in the paper. TIlE AVARI ) OF AUThORS' PRIZIS HAS JUST BEEN FIADE. Stories from all parts of the English-speaking world , to the number of 8i6 , were entered in the competition. Twelve Cash Prizes were offered for the best twelve stories. The first prize was $ soooo , and was 'won by Harry Siliwcbl Edwards , of .inccn , ( Ia. Ills story is atitled : _ _ _ _ ' ' Q N A N D F' A'T H E - - - - AND ITS PUBLICATION WILL BEGIN IN THi CI-IICAOO RECORD ON UARCiI 23 , Und continue in abont thirty daily installments until completed. " SONS AD FATHERS " is beyond all question 'IlIE UREAT STORY OF TilE YEAR. There 'will be an interval of a we.k or more between the publicatloji of the last installment conS Laittuig the explanation of the mystery and the immediately preced. THE $10,000 I DVIDED 1 FQLILQW To the reailer from whom TIlE RECORD receives the most ( o11iplete : ziud correct , sdlutloii'in all its de- thib ; of the entire mystery of the story , a it shalt be disclosed in thelast chapter wheum published. . . . . . S1,000 For time ecoud best solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For the third best solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aoo For the fourth liest solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For the next Iiearcut best solutions , 8100 each 500 For the next 10 nearest beatsolutions , 50 each 500 Ior the next 20 nearest best solutions , 25 each 500 For the next 50 nearest best solutions , 20 each 1,000 For the iiext 30Oneaest best solutions , 10 each 3,000 For the next ZOO nearest best solutions , S each 2,500 In all 839 primes , amounting to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1O,000 Is ire-eni1nnUy a FAMTT.y TIlE GftIGfltiO REGORD and Its daily instailmentof a high-grade serial story is a feature lntendedto specially commend it to the homcirc3e. To emphasize-and advertise-the fact F A SPECIAL OFFER SEND THE RECORD will be sent to any o address , post-paid , for 10 days , begin- fling with the first chapter of the CENTS story , I"OR 10 cENTS. In coiner or postage stamps. The story begins March 23 , and it is desirable that sub- A N D C ET seriptions should be received as far THE RECORD in advance of that date as possible , but all subscriptions on this special 10 DAYS.offer received up to April 1 will be filled , but none after April 1. U- - ' TIffiCHICAGO RECORD. . . isChicago's leading morning daily. In fact , with a single exccption , it has the largest morning circulation in America-1GO,000 a day. it is a member of The Associated Press and "prints all the news I from all the world. " It is independent In politics mind gives all po- I Two IIEADS ARE BETTERTHAU 0NEt three or f3nr are better still. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in ' 80N5 AD FAitS" but r ' , . ' - ' - ing chapter , durIng which period the guesses ivill b r'eeived by THE RECORD. To still further promote popular interest in this remar'cthIe story _ _ _ THE CHICAGO RECORD offers 1OXO in S9 cash prizes for the ,59 guesses which shall come the nearest to being true and cOmnlcte SOiU tions of the mystery in the story. FULL PtRTICULtBS as to the d tahlsor life eondition governIng - Ing the aoAlding of these prizes -will be pflblibbed in TIlE CULCAGO IlECOItO. The principal rules are as follows ; 1.-tint one solution can be catered by arcader. It Is immaeriat whether the reader subscribes toe hue paper direct to the oflke or ptbUcaLinor whether it is bought from the local newsdraler. Thu conteSt 13 Ufifl under the speci1ed conditions , to all who read the paper. . -The explanation of the mystery may be made In the rra'ier'a own worth' , in the Engihh language , and without any attempt at 'Xtne writing. " biinpiy giving as many of the facts that go to make a "complete and at2o. Intely correct soluton of the entire mftery" as the readermay h'i aiie to di.eover. 3.-Tho S1O,000 will be awarded , under the conditions announced. an cording to the best judgment of the judges appointed by THE Clffl AGO flECOItU , and they r1iI have complete control and Sinai deetLoa , beyond any appeal , In all matters relatIng to thia unique contest. And last , but not east , ONLY WOMEN AND OIRLS MAY OtJESS. that TIlE CBICAUO RECORD Is a newsjaperparticularLystzitabIef woman's reading the further condition Is made that the Sl.OOO in prizes shall be paid only for explanations or guesses sent Ia bywoznen audgiris. Allniayrcad. butonlyWOMEN AND GIRLS 3tAY GtJE5B. litical ncrs with judicial impartiality , free from the taint of partisan. ship. It Is Chicagos family newspaper. Prof. 3. T. lfttIeId , of the Northwestern Tjtmiversity , writing to the Evanston ( Ill. ) Index , says : . ' I have come to the firm conclusion , after a long test. and after a wide comparison with the journals of many stated and countrIes , that TIlE CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the Ideal daIly jour- nat as we are for some time ltaely to find on these mortal chore.s. " The journalists' class paper , published in New York , called . ' ewspaperdom. says : , ' . There is no paper published in Ameriea that so nearly approaches - preaches the true journalistic Ideal as ¶ I'IIE ChICAGO lECORD. " Forward your subscription as early as possible , so tba your name mmy be entered on the subscription list at once and the paper be sent you without any delay and in time for the opening chapters of TR RECORD'S GBEAT S1O,000 PRIZE STORY. Address VICT0H F. LAWSON , Publisher THE CHICAGO RECO 151 Madison Street , CH1CAQO , ILL. Let ALL the farniy ictu In the search Icr the ezr1auaUoz of the m7stexy cmcmte : "cnlywoaz and girismay gueas"-nnd win the 699 P2.IZEU. 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