- ' ii i i I 1 , . . . . : . : . J . . t . . . . . . . OS/.ss s. S. Lai 1-Ll S S S .L. Sl G , . . 1. . , Y . t . - . . ; 9. . , ) I ' : ' . s ; , ' zt " _ 7 + t . , People p i t I rd2. . s-y , rv 21 Who : Write - - - - - - - - - - t 3 Might as well get some- thin that's neat and stylish - , ish as to buy something t ' ' p that isn't. I . + : i + - What's the use of buying - ' , ing a poor article when i , you can get The Best for t . - the same money 1J AT I The f , I Tribune Office..o . . . f iI i I . t : q . 't . . I . + I I i _ _ , _ _ . ® r 1 _ = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i i 1I I ' Hj. F oANscHow ] . THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. t { , , p NOUpU O o v 000 ° 000 . .r o r o ° 000 a a s' t ) b 0 I o o ' , f = ° ' A'LCLEADERS r"ASNION r J'I ro ° DEGLARE As ONE VOICEo „ . tty ; j THRTIJEARRESISTERS . , . . . t't rO - ( Foq Fou.r .f AR)0 ) . . rOp I IS YHEIRFIRS _ - CHOICE. 0 ' ro ' . + : I- r o _ . Ir ° O 6.LEiJi 5 0 o -t- 0 - r 2D B0STONr 1 o 0 1 ; 0 0 o r o l o ' ' . , r Nl 00 _ . . to / o0 Ii o ° ' . oPo . o , .o o f _ ° 9pOO 0000 , 0000000 _ r t tilit . C 'r i Thou Shalt Not Steal , ( i , .O. . . . . . . 1 , i ii i . But it is no harm to save from 5 tl . . to 20 , per cent by buying Shoes from s 3 : me. Call and let a convince you. 111 1. _ ' 1 -I ! The Best Assortment at 4r t its tit + r , , ' l J F CANSCHOW , t t. j F f d . . THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. i ' ° 3 . t . ' . - . _ ss RAILROAD NEWS IEPARTMENT. iifIIIj : . vfl TIME TABLE. .niW W GOING EAST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 2 , through passenger. . . . . . . . . . . 5:55 A. M. No. q , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 P. 1. No. 6afreight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 A. M. No. 148 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : A. M. No. 8o , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 A. M. No. 75 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 A. M. GOING WEST-CENTRAL TIME-LEAVES. No. 3 , through passenger..12:40 A. M. No. , local passenger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:15 P. M. No. 3 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6oo P. r. No. 77 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:20 P. M. No. 149 , freight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 P. M. IMPERIAL LINE-CENTRAL TIME. No. 175 , accommodation , leaves. . . . 9:00 : A. M. No. 176 , accommodation , arrives . . . 6:40 P. M. I r NoTE-No. : 63 carries passengers for Stratton , Benkelman and If ai ler. All trins run daily excepting 148 , 149 and 176 , which run daily Y . 3 stops at Benkelman and Wray. No. 2 stops at Indianola , Cambridge and Arapahoe. No. 8o will carry passengers for Indianola , Cambridge and Arapaliue. Nos. 4 , 5,148,149 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. When i\o. 8o is annulled No. 148 will leave at 8:00 a. m. You can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada - ada and baggage checked through to destination - tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates , etc. , call on or address C. E. M1 GNiR Agent. A son was born to Conductor and Mrs. 11. 0. McClure on last Friday evening. Mrs. J. F. Forbes IS entertaining her mother , Mrs. Tomblin , who arrived in the city , Monday evening. Mrs. Tim Foley joined her husband here. Tuesday evening , the Conductor going down the road to meet her. Mrs. F. ill. Washlaurn arrived home , Tuesday evening on 5 , from a visit to her old home in Bromfield , this state. An order has been promulgated which will soonniake the new engine whistle but a reminiscence. Like the heathen Chinese , they have to go. L. I. Aieserve came down from Gillette - lette , 1Vyonung , close of last week , and has been visiting relatives in Indianola and McCook , this week. Brakeman R. McBride of Sheridan is at Red Cloud , Neb. , visiting his folks. . . Brakeman 111. Ronan will start cast , tonight , for a months visit with his parents - ents at Burlington , Iowa. Mike will go to Chicago and return via McCook. . . . Mrs. W. C. Lambert of Sheridan has gone to McCook for a months visit with relatives. On her way she will stop at Holdrege for a few days , visiting friends. Alliance Grip. Mrs.Villiain Francisco of McCook arrived in the city , Thursday morning , to visit with friend' . . . . . , Tlie Argus got an iron sewer pipe , the Nation got about a V and prospects , the preacher got a turkey , the turkey was bought from an A. P. A. and they are all falling over each other to nonnnate Bentley-we don't think . . . .Joseph Kubicek came down from McCook , Saturday morning , to visit with his family , returning to that place again , Sunday night. He says that Red Cloud is all right and that he saw more people and teams in this city than he has seen in McCook in six weeks.-Red Cloud Belt. Tacoma , Wash. , March 13.-Tile Puget Sound , Mount Tacoma & Eastern Railway - way company was incorporated today with a capital stock of $2,000,000 , partially - tially subscribed by eastern capitalists. The new road will follow what is known as Hart's logging railway for ten miles in the direction of Mount Tacoma , forty miles distant from the city , the first objective - jective point of the route , which is essentially - tially a scenic railway. From Mount Tacoma the railroad will be built eastward - ward ands 6111 probably connect with the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. Last Saturday night immediately after the arrival of the trains at this point , Switchman Larkey , while performing his customary duties in the yard , found the body of a man lying on the track near the Ogden Avenue crossing. The man was removed to the depot and proved to be a stranger in an unconscious condition - tion from the effects of a severe cut on the head. Dr. Brady , the company surgeon - geon , gave the wound needed attention , and in a short time the man regained consciousness. From the statement he made it was learned that with several companions he came in on the front end of No , 3's mail car and when at the crossing either jumped off or was pushed off the train , which , he could not re- member. In the fall he received the injury from whicli he was suffering. His discovery by Mr. Larkey was timely , for at the time an engine was backing down and in a few more seconds would have crushed the life out of his prostrate form. The man gave his name as J. F. Statsny and was evidently a genteel tramp. He was cared for until the next day , when the citizens made up a purse and sent him to McCook , Sunday night. -Oxford Standard. A Good McCook Home To trade for good eastern property. W. 0. RUSSELL , McCook , Nebraska. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. 1 A son was born to A. Casten and wife , Sunday last. A ten pound daughter was born to Mr , and Mrs. Ellis Ford on Thurday morn- ing. Arthur Douglass left on Monday even- lag for Denver , where lie will continue in the company's employ. B. F , Wickershani , an old western em- ploye , was in the city , fore part of the week , visiting the boys at headquarters. If you take pleasure in good stationery - ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasonable - ble in price , lVe ajso do engraving of cards and embossing of letter paper. See samples and get prices. Try NcConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Price 25 cents. Plenty of Farms for Rent. A number of good farms for reii t. Call early and get your choice. Apply to P. A. WELLs , over Citizens bank. To California In a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted office-a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - day and go through , without change , to Sau Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel arc carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. i s7 d t . I f ! : II j. . _ l\ \ P1eity of Apples at Knl1)1)le's. DON'T TOBACCO Sl'l't' OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book about No-'I'o-Bac , the harmless , guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up the nicotin- ized nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hoo(1. YOU run no physical or financial risk , as No To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure 0r money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Rmedy ' Co. New York or Chicago.a19.95iyr. b . Sold by McConnell & Co. , McCook , Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , TIIRE\V AwAY his CASES. Ur. D. Wiley , ex-postmaster , Black Creek , N. V. , was so badly afflicted with rheumatism that he was only able to hobble around with canes , and even then it caused him great pain. ' After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was so much improved that he threw away his canes. I-Ie says this liniment did him more good than all other medicines and treatment put togther. Forsale at 5o cents per bottle by j McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Casteria , The little daughter of Mr. Fred \Vebber , HollandMass. , had a very bad cold and cough which he had not been able to cure with any thing. I gave him a 25 cent bottle of Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy , says Mr. Ilolden , merchant - chant and postmaster at 1Vest Brimfield , and the next time I saw him lie said it worked like a charm. This remedy is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases such as colds , croup and whooping cough , and it is famous for its cures , 't'here is iio danger in giving it to children for it contains nothing injurious. For sale by McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. tinr people are growing more and more in the habit of looking to McConnell & Co. for the latest and best of everything in the drug line. They sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedies - dies , famous for its cures of bad colds , croup and whooping cough. 1Vhen in need of such a medicine give this remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of Nebraska , Red 1Villow county , ss. : Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands against Michael Travers , deceased , that the time fixed for filing claims against the estate is six months from the totli day of April , 1896. All persons are required to present their claims with vouchers to the county judge of said county at his office therein - in on or betore the 8th day of October , 1896 , and all claims so filed will be heard before said judge on the loth day of October , i896 , at one o'clock , p. m. Dated this 19th day of March , 1896. ISAAC M. SMITH , ( True copy. ) 3-20. Comity Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land 01fice at McCook , Nebraska , February - ary tith,1S96. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska - braska , on April 7th , i896 , viz : WILLIAM H. CUT FAR , I-I. E. No. 9,789 , for the northwest quarter , section 9 , township 5 north. range 3o west , sixth principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous - ous residence upon and cultivation of said land , viz : Phillip RoemersheuserAntonBraun , Peter Reinheimer , of Osborn , Nebraska , John Braun , of Zimmer , Nebraska. 2-14-fits. A. S. CAMPBEI.L , Register. - . , . . ° - - - - - - . .t. , _ - ± . - - - : - , . - I i I i 111 New Goods are 11011 T open , 1,110 111 e invite you 0 Collie 111 and e11.1111ne. . . . . . . We have the largest aiid prettiest llle o PLAIDS , SERGE S , , l NOVELTY ever shown ill the city of McCook. , . . .9o. . N 1 . Il i1.51 less Goods we have 1 i , the hell an d 1)1.ettY thugs , ranging in llCeS l0Ill 5C. d yard U J ) t0 40c. 1 yard. o0o Look Ol Olll 111e 0 Shirt , i 1.I 55. We 5llle can ) ease lOll. aew6B oa AT rs lIE . ' 4 usi . dV J1U11 0 4 Q 4 C. L.DEGtlt.O F&CO. : . U , rlill - - ' ' r r ; 1 G N 5 LE ( MT OR n1' ' A h5 1P hiSUAP Q ' r - - - - - - - - - --ti. AT RIA g T ' 1E FINEST T7 J1ODa5 W KiI4T5 13T0 2 P OUNDS P RI ES $ STO iOD. 1 1LVERYPIACHIiIE FULLY 6UARArITEED CATAi96UE ! 5EIJT4FOR rJo CE1ti1STArII 1 , , + ' /0AIN 0FFiC E AfyD FACTORY LAIf E I ALSTED 5T5 RETAIL .SALEOROOM 280qAb.ASH ' A\/E' = ' EABTLRN WAREI-ICUI E 9799 fEAOE S . ; ( : 4' + Y RI S 1 PORTLAND - ' t RAk sl c : v. : % SAfVF.RANCIAT' . ' . . .c SA Ll-"LAKE : CITYF IEispnllg C1otllthI Tailor Male to Order Suits---$1(1.005 $17.50 , $19.00 , $2100 $23.50 and $26.00. Perfect fit guaranteed , or no sale or cost t buyer. 1.50 $ S.50 z.a0 Ready lade Siiits1.50 , , 11.00. 13.00 , 15.00. G000(1 fit aiul satisfaction - isfaction or no sale. Boys' Snits3,00 and . Remember , all of these goods are war. rantel all wool anti of the best wear b r Wanamaker & Brown , the largest and most reliable clothing firm in the United States. Call and see samples. Satisfy your- selves. Get clothes to fit.rrheY cost no more and will wear longer. Block1 L 1 BENJAMINI 4 }