The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 20, 1896, Image 2

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F. M. IrIMMELL , 1'nbllsher.
ic000K , NEBRM KA.
A CREA5Bilr company has been organized -
ganized at St. Edwards. i
' ' BurrTille was
'I'IiE gold found near
essayed and yielded 413 to the ton.
'l'ilt Young Men's Christian Assoeia-
tiorl has been organized in Auburn
Ey.1NOELTST SUNDAY is conducting a
very successful series of meetings at
Pawnee City.
Osi day last week Chewer Ilazelet
gent a telegram from O'Neill to Germany -
many and received a reply in three
A \S''iLLE dramatic company ,
composed holly of home talent , has
put on "Uncle 'l'oin's Cabin" in that
"CRuerC" WOOSTER , who made an assault -
sault on Miss Miss Carrie Taylor of Nebraska -
braska City is in jail and later on will
be in the penitentiary.
A PJBLtn's dispatch reports renters
plentiful but farms hard to get in that
locality. Nearly all who left in 1894
have come or are coming back.
WIr.LIAM GRlllll , who mysteriously
disappeared from Bellevue last summer -
mer , and who , it was thought , had
committed suicide , has turned up in
'file Bloomfield State bank , IL L.
Oxford , president and A. R. Oxford ,
cashier , was closed last week and is
now in charge of Bank Examiner
VETEIAN soldiers of Holt , Brown ,
Rock , Keya Palma and Boyd counties
1vi11'mold ] a reunion at a date to be fixed
at a meeting of a committee at Long
Pine on June 4.
iJA1mRiSON MCCOR ) of Plattsmcuth ,
with the aidof an able assistant , caught
a boat load of channel Scat the other
day , time largest of which weighed
eighty pounds. '
. Ilustxiss men of Omaha are wrestling
with the question "of high insurance
rates. It is possible home insurance
will be resorted to before rates will be
properly adjusted.
Gorn has been discovered on the
Platte river , in Hall county. Specimens -
mens of the rock were tested by an old
Colorado gold miner and colors were
found in every sample.
AT Nebraska City Ol Leonard and
William Efser had a difficulty and in the
end Leonard came in contact with some
kind of an instrument that cuta deep
gash in the side of his face and nearly
severed an ear.
SVIrir.E drilling a well in Stanton
county August Seifert claims to have
penetrated a four-foot vein of coal.
Gold has also been discovered on Union
creek , and the residents of that county
s are feeling very much elated. '
SINATOR : ALLEN has introduced a bill
in the senate granting to the incorporated -
rated town of Valentine. Cherry county -
ty , Neb. , 7:0 acres of land located within -
in the limits of Fort Niobrara to be
used for public parks and other public
NEHRAsKA is rapidly getting back all
the people who left the state a year or
two ago , 'and in addition many who
were never before residents oft e
state. The drouth scare of ' 94 like t We
grasshopper scare of ' 74 , is now a thing
of the past.
A.NORT1IE.tST Nebraska county eom-
misoners' meeting was held at Norfolk -
folk , pursuant to a call issued from
Madison county. It was decided to
form a permanent organization with
the object of bringing about uniform
methods of conducting business.
Tmii : amount of confidence that exists
among the farmers throughout Cass
county in the matter of a crop for 189(1 (
was never greater than now. Considerable -
erable spring planting'has been done.
Everybody is ready to commence the
scattering of seed at the first advent of
AT Fairmont Joseph Layton , James
Layton and Annetta had their preliminary -
nary hearing on the charge of stealing
a load of coal from a Kansas 01W and
Omaha car. Annetta was discharged
for want of evidence. Josephand James
pleaded , ' guilty to petit larceny an
were each fined 4 ° 5 and costs , to stand
couminitted until paid.
TIlE delegates of the Grand Army of
the Republic and Woman's Relief corps
met in convention at the court house
at Falls City in the matter of the district -
trict encampment to be held nett July.
The Commercial club of that city made
therm a proposition , guaranteeing 4G00
to defray expenses , and as a result the
encampment will be held there.
A VERDIGBEE dispatch says : Hundreds -
dreds of immigrant ; wagons are passing
through this town on their way to
Bove ] county- many as nineteen being -
ing put up at local livery barns at one
time the other day. The people are
coming from Iowa and states east of
there , and at the present rate promise
to make lloyd one of the most populous
counties in the state.
T'iturm are now three petitions circu-
latint , agitating irrigation down this
valley , says an Oconee dispatch , ' the
District. Farmers' Mutual and Company -
ny Control. Meetings are being held
and'spirited debates on the respective
'merits of the organizations make the
gatherings interesting ItT will be
known shortly which company will
commence work
WILLIAM ANEJAN , receiver of the
dionk of Commerce , Grand Island , filed
a report inthe office of the clerk of the
-district court , The face value of assets
is given at 527,44.i6 ; the estimated
value-at S ii,96.81 , and the liabilities , .
4158,037.61. The receiver requests an
order to proceed against the stockholders -
holders for the full amount in which
tbgy arc liable.
TIE trial of Hesekiah Elliott at
Weeping Water on the charge of
adultery preferred by J. I. Looker ,
with Zvhose wife he was too intimate ,
was concluded last week before Judge
Barnettand Elliott was bound over to
the district court. The sheriff took
hfln to the county jail.
ANDREW SODERLI\ , who wa& arrested
at Cowles on complaint of his stepdaughter -
daughter , Rosa Soderlin , charging him '
with being the 'father of her unborn
child , wasarraigned beforea justice at
Red Cloud. lie waived examination
and was placed under bonds to the
amount of 4500 to appear at the next
term of the district court I
. . -
. t'
, " ° cy
v- .yy
R .
New Thin for Ncbra.ka Beet. .
Fremont dispatch : W. C. Peterson.
who has been experimenting in devising -
ing a process for the manufacture of
crude sugar from beets , has succeeded
in making crude spirits from the juice.
This afternoon at his residence in
Saunders county in the presence of
Deputy Collector of Revenue-Mathews
of Omaha and a number of Fremont
business men he operated his still for
the first time , and succeeded in obtaining -
ing a spirit which was tested by Vi. II.
Bruner and reached the high point of
'I'hc juice is first treated by a chemni
cal process , upon which Peterson has a
patent , which rcmovei from it all the
albumninoids and salts and is then
allowed to ferment , after which it goes
through the still. The still used today -
day was a very small one , there being
only forty feet of pipe in the coil. The
liquor obtained with only one distillation -
tion was of a light milky color and was
said by Mathews to be more like rum
than any other spirits. It had the general -
eral smell and appearance of raw spirits -
its and had no vegetable taste. Both
Mm : Mathews and Nr. Peterson are
of the opinion that by running it
through a larger still and by redistil-
lation the highest grade of alcohol can
be obtained. The beets used in today's
test were of S per cent sugar content.
The purity coefficient was not deter-
mined. Mir. Peterson says that beets
of as low a grade as 1 per cent sugar
can be used , but of course the larger
the sugar content the better the results -
sults obtained.
'I'ic } cost of the spirit , lie claims , is
inlteh less than that made from other
substances and he does not think that
for the manufacture of the raw spirits
an extensive plant is necessary. Those
posted on the manufacture of spirits
are of the opinion that a high grade of
alcohol can be made from the juice and
that a large additional demand for
beets will thus be made.
Time juice used today was exirracted
from the beets by pressure and the
salts and albumoids removed yester-
day. It only fermented about twelve
hours. Tomorrott' Peterson will experiment -
iment with some syrup he has obtained
from the Utah beet sugar factory and
from which sugar cannot be made.
The experiments have been conducted
with a view to obtaining alcohol , and
all present are of the opinion that they
were a success. Mr. Peterson is still
experimenting in the manufacture of
crule. sugar and plans are being matured -
tured for the erection of a factory. He
showed some syrup which he had made
from beets. It is better than that which
he had at the state sugar convention-
clear in color and with very little vegetable -
etable taste. It closely resembles the
best grades of sorghum. l'arties who
have tried it for cooking purposes are
much pleased with it.
Nebraska ( 'lub Cash Prizes.
The Nebraska club announces an es
tension of time to April l next within
which the articles for prizes offered
may be submitted. This action is
prompted by parties desiring to contest
and who were unable to prepare the
contributions , owing to the short notice -
tice given last month. 't'he conditions
of the contestare , as follows : The articles -
ticles shall be on thesubjectof Nebraska -
ka ; its resources and the advantages it
offers to homeseekers. They must not
exceed 1,000 words in length ; must be
accompanied for subscriptions to one
share of the club , entitling the subscriber -
scriber to a membership ; shall become
the property of the club , and must be
sent to the secretary of the club , Bee
building , Omaha , Neb. , on or before
April 1 , next.
The articles will be submitted to the
publication committee of the club , and
cashi prizes awarded as follows : 415
for the best article ; $10 for the second ,
and 45 for the third. The publication
committee consists of Ross L. Hammond -
mend , es-Governor Furnas of Brown-
rile and Hon. C. 11. Merrill of Lin-
: oln.
The foregoing will be of interest tc
our'readers because among them are
many , no doubt , possessed of a taste
for this sort of work as well as the
ability to get up a strong contribution ,
and win the prize offered. The Nebraska -
braska Club is a most worthy movement -
ment and even if the prize is not captured -
tured ( it cannot be by all ) there will
remain the satisfaction of having contributed -
tributed to a worthy cause and receiving -
ing a membership in a good organiza-
tion. You may also have the pleasure
of seeing your articles published by the
club or named by the committee as ore
of special merit. Sharpen your pencil
and your wits and enter the contest.
Bogus Silver Dollars.
brand Island dispatch : Residents om
hall county who have lived here as
early as 1878 and 1850 , still remember
the capture by government officials of
Geor'r Clark and one Evans for coun-
terfeiting. 'The men were tried. but
for some reason were acquitted. They
are said to have had a rendezvous near
the Hamilton county bridge over the
Platte river , about five miles east of
this city. Last Saturday while J. H.
Sprinkler , who has a farm just south
of this city. was doing some grading in
the pluffs , he dug up a bundle of cloth-
in ; and rags. There wajs a jingle of
metal in the bundle and on opening
the same 1211 spurious dollars , bearing
the imprint of 1530 and 1S7S , were
found , and it is believed they were the
hidden product of these counterfeiters.
Nr. Sprinkler has allowed none of the
pieces to pass from his hands and has
duly notified the government.
Farmer's Awful Death.
Pctersburg'dispatch - Jules Juleson
a young Norwegian 'farmerliving eight
miles east of this place , was discovered
early this morning by'his wife lying
dead in his yard , with his clothing
partly torn from his body and a wound
fn his right side.
' Time Overcrowded Hospital. .
Lincoln dispatch : Superintendent'
Robert Damerell of the Hastings Hospital -
pital for the Insane was at the state
house today. Dr. Damerell reports that
there are now in the hospital more patients -
tients than ever before in.the } history
of that institution , the exact number
being 5:9. IIe says that numerous requests -
quests are received from the county officials -
ficials throughout the state for the , admittance -
mittance of patients which it is impossible -
sible to comply with. The crowded
condition which prevails at the 11ast-
ings institution is also reported to exist
at Norfolk The Lincoln asylum is also
. .
! ' ti
. .
- - -
l4iIht of 1'Irghtla Take the Lead In a
ll'entett That has For Its I'rinci-
pal eiject the Securing of Temperate -
perate and huh a. trIous Ifus-
bamcls For Girls 1VkIt-
mtib to Marrs.
Nouror.t : , Va. , .larclt 10.-The women -
men of the W. C.1' . U. of l'ortsmoutli
trill organize , shortly the "Naples Matrimonial -
trimonial Society. " They think that
the organ'atinn of this soci'rty in this
city wrli h : followed by the organization -
tion of Sumlat ; ; societies throughout
the country 1)y time tS' . ( ' . ' 1' . U , and
that th' y eventually will take the
place of the various matrimonial bu-
rcaus uoa ; n operation in sonic of the
nortlierit riticr' .
In Napies girls II yeus : old and over
aSScmbte once CVCI , ' yctr : in one of the
churches of that city , and time unmarried -
ried meu who so desire , go there and
choose. wives. The proposed society
will ca rIy out a siumilar arrangement
here , vxceut that the girls who desire
to tSetnble in a church to be thus
chosen alit have to register with the
society three months ahead of the
date. that the Society may satisfy itself -
self that. they are girls of good moral
charaeter , and the men who arc to
apply at the church on these occasions
to select brules will be required to
registrr three months prior to the
( late of choosing , that the society may
investigate their characters for the
purpose of ascertaining if they arc in-
(1 uStrious amend temperate. Only men
who have these qualities will be al-
lOn ed to choose a wife. 'I'hose who
register will he informed fifteen days
in advance of their standing. Men
will be require ( ] to pay a registration
fee of 41 , but girls will be allowed to
register free. Time intended brides
will probably he required to wear
white instead of lack , as in Napes.
't'he principal object of the society
is to afford girls who desire to marry
an opportunity to secure temperate
and industrious husbands.
Colnnclicul Returns From Chicago to
Nea Yet Ic and Sails for Europe.
IN nw Yong , March 16.-ColonelAlex-
ander Nicol , the special representative
of the international headquarters of
the Saltation army to the United
States , sailed for England on the
Lucanla toilay. The colonel ari ivc'1
froth the SVest yesterday afternoon -
noon and was scheduled to
speal : at the big meeting in
Fourteenth street to-morrow. At the
national headquarters nothing could
be ascertained as to the nature of the
colonel's leavetaking. It was said ,
howeverthat Commissioner Era Booth.
Commissioner Carleton and Colonel
Eadie were busily engaged with Colonel -
nel Nicol during the greater part of
the night. It is stated that Colonel
Nicol found time affairs of time army in
the aneigl1Jorhood of Chicago to be
in a turbulent condition ; that the
London office had been so informed
and that General Booth had decided
to summon his special agent home
that the exaetsituation miglutbe maths
clear to him.
CIiic:1Go. March 1 IAn I officer of
time Northwestern division of the Salvation -
vation army says that Ballington
Booth is coming to Chicago within a
fortnight and that when he comes
there will be secession.
Ile continued : "The declaration of
loyalty won't stand in the way an instant -
stant when the question of higher
usefulness and duty comes up for de-
cision. 'r'ime War Cry scandal is a damaging -
aging thing to us while weremain under -
der time flag. It never was Balling-
ton Booth's intention that the intimate -
mate causes of his revolt should be =
come public. The details of his difference -
ference with his father reflected no
credit on the general. and Ballington
tvillimmgly would have spared hint nain ,
but some over-zealous friend has let
the secret leak out. "
yhe Congi't ttioual Council Is Balloting
for a Verdict.
SaN F1ANCISCO , March 10. = fhe Pev.
C. 0. Brown is waiting for time verdict
of his eceleciastical judges.
Two executive .sessions . of the cqun-
cil have been held , but a verdict has
not been reached on all points in-
Colved. 'r'ue charge of immorality , so
far as llms. Stockton is concerned , is
not sustained.
'rime second vote was on the charge
of intimidating a young woman meni-
ber of the church. The deliberations
of time council developed the fact that
the charges of intimidation made
against the paste by the young woman -
man are among the most serious of
all. Time council is more neatly unanimous -
imous upon this point than any other.
Kt-Minister. elson Dead.
TI RRE II'AUTF. , mud , ! larch 10-
Colonel Thonas H , Nelson died here
tlmis morning. He has been a conspicuous -
uous leader in politics for over half a
century. He was a brother of General -
eral 1Villiamn Nelson. From 1S61 to
IiifG lie was minister from this country -
try to Chili , and took an active part
as mediator between Chili and Spain
in the scar of 1SGf to 1566. Froth 13 + 39
to 1873 lie was envoy from this country -
try to Mexico. He was born in Mason
.onnty , Ky , in 1820.
Fractured ills Wife Skull.
'S r. JOSEI'H. MO. . March l6.-John
Green. a variety actor and clog dancer ,
recently of Chicago , returned home
and quarreled with his wife over the
attentioms'paid her by a neighbor , and
with a brick beat the mvoman into in-
sensibility. Physicians found the
skull had been fractured and believe
site will die , Green escaped to Kan
sas City. .
An Army of 0,300,000 Could Eater time
Field In a Fcw Ilouri.
WAshINGToN , March 16.-according
to a report on the organizet militia of
the United States , which has just
been prepared by the \Var department ,
the United States , in nced.can nut
9,41f,94 men in the field. At the close
of : S95every State and territory , within
the exception of Indian territory and
Alaska , had an organized national
guard. Total force of the militia numbers -
bers 115,6G0of which 10,604 composed
the infantry , 5,215 the cavalry , 5,27
the artillery , 619 the special corps , and
there were 1,4.13 generals and staff
officers. Time total appronriation allowed -
lowed the militia amounted to $400,000 ,
while the states during the saine
period spent $ : tS3 l.97h on these organ-
izations. It ms estinmatel that the
mobilization of the utilitia could be
effected in the dijIerent states and
tcrrritories in froth three hours in the
District of Colnnmbia to seventy-two
] tours in Oregon , other state Utganiza-
tions assembling between these two
New York is far in the lead of time
number of men enlisted in the national -
tional guard , its streimgtim aimlotmtimmg
to 1,901oflieers and etch. Pennsylvania -
vania is second with S,4S2 , Ohio third
with --.403 , Illinois fourth with G,22t
Missouri eighteenth with 2,107 and
Kansas twenty-second with 1,813. Uk
lahoua ends the list with 15d.
Ilrlonie Influenced by Olney.
\\'ASniXGTox , March ' . 6-From a
source which is eonsiclerei reliable ,
the intormatioti comes that thc'achnin-
istratiom is responsible for the statement -
ment given out by the Spanish minister -
ter criticising Congress. lie submitted
the nmanuscript to Olney and was
urged , to publish it. Certain Senators
talk bitterly in private of time Admin-
istration's course , but the proceedings
of the Senate on the subject have sud-
tleny lost the sensational character of
two or three days ago.
Reed lien CLahn Onthric.
Gpruinn , Olda. , llareh _ L-Time Pe
pubcan ! ; caucuses and primaries w'crc
Upmoarions af'airs. ] Loth time Barnes
and Recd factions did their best to
capture the organization and cat t-y
tlnngs their ow cm way. 'rite Pee(1 men
claim to have a large utajority of the
city ( lelegates. but the county. outside
of the city" will undoubtedly be lamge-
ly for McKinley , and the county convention -
vention twill be hotly contested.
Stuut ; Offered iii 2,000.
it.ty i ofr : , .harslet 16.-Dan Stuart
and Martin .iuliau had a meeting at
time Imperial Music hall and time 'i'cxami
lost no thne in offering ma 4L",000 purse
for a battle between Corbettand Fitz-
siminos. Stuart agreed to forfeit time
entire purse if he failed to bring oft
the fight ou the date scheduled and
without intcrference , but .Juliamt would
agree to nothing until Corbett whips
Jiel.xu a htii ! lust Go to l'rienm
NEty Yogic , .llareh : G.-Inspector
J1cLanghliu's sentence has been affirmed -
firmed by the court of appeals. McLaughlin -
Laughlin was convicted last May of
extortion in receiving $50 from Francis -
cis . ' . Seagrist jr.while captain of the
first pollee precinct. lie ryas sentenced
to two vears and six months imprison-
ment. A stay was granted lini ] and
later a third trial ordered.
Said to parr Sumudied I,000 Persons.
Nrty S'olr : . Mardi -leorgeHart- ; -
man , the bogus insurance coilector-
was arraigned to face the complaints
of more than 100 vmctiuls of his mimeth-
ods. The detectives who brought hint
into court said that there were more
than 1,0)0 cases they could prove
against hinm. lie pleaded guilty. Sentence -
tence tras postponed.
ltothsrhilds l'Irads Guily.
1lrntar.r , 110. , larcli IG.-Abe
Rothsehilds , allas Ilenry Smvthe.
pleadec ] guilty to the charge of forgery
in .Judge .John A. Hockalay's court
here and was sentenced to four years
in the penitentiary. RothschilLs is ,
the man whom the United Mate ; otli-
cials had been after for years for wing
the mails for fraudulent purposes.
llailington's Call.
SVASntsaroN , March I6.-'There is a
prospect that Baiiimmgton Booth may
aecept a call t0 SVasliingtoi. Nego-
tiatioms arc now under way looking to
his taking charge of the National
Gospel Mission Union. which was
organized in SVashington about a year
ago , and the headquarters of which
are in SVashington.
't'wo Insurgent Lcader ; Dead. m
II.t\AN.A March 1r-Confirmation f
has been received of the reported
death of the weml-kmtotrn insurgent
leader. Barillo Gucrra. Ifs was shot
in the forehead with a rifle bullet and
died instantly. Zayas , another leader
of tit' insurgents , is suffering from a
semOms rifle shot tvornd in his face.
t'he Chiliaim Ditty on Cigarette ; Increased.
SVASUINGTON , March -1'nitci
States 1limister Strobel at Sautiagc
has informed time State de partmcnt
that the government of Chili haa increased -
creased the duty on cigarettes frcm
$1.4.4 per 1,000 to 45.30 per 1,00f ) .
Hanged for his Sister's Murder.
1'toerA. : I11. . March 1G.-Albert Wal
] ace was hanged at Pekin today for
time murder of his sister , Mrs. Bowiby.
Dissatisfaction over the disposal of
their father's estate was time cause of
the murder.
A I'ohIlcr For Mauderson.
LrxcoLN , Neb. . March 16.-At the
Plepublican primaries here a ballot
was taken on presidential preferences ,
resulting as follows : McKinley.
S47 ; Manderson , 27S ; scattering , 2US.
Liatrncted for Buchman ,
LA\VRENCE , Kau. . March 16.-The' '
Douglas county Republican convention -
tion met to-day and instructed eleven
delegates for % V. J. L'uchan for Congressman -
gressman of the Second district.
Mark Twain Not Seriously 111.
BOnt.ty. 'Iarelm 16.-Mark Twain ,
I the American humorist. will musume
his lectures on Wednesday mest and
will leave Ircha for Africa on April 1.
.h. t ! . ASiYaS : . .z
The Trouble , It is Clammed , has Strengthened -
ened Dreibund and Increased time ( nni
11'11l of Great Hritaln-.t Meeting of
Emperors and a KIng-Wilt trruige
' 1'helr Policies.
Europe Breathes Easier.
Pout : , March :4.-Omit : of time stom'tn '
of popular anger vhiclm spread over
Italy w tmeu the news of the defeat of
the army under General Ilaratieri in
Abyssinia retcimed here , a feeling of
great resentment toward time Italian
commander is all that remains. Rioting -
ing has ceased , The Reservists who
fled from the country rather than go
to Africa at timecallof thegovernment
for the class of 1872 , are returning ,
and it is not believed any steps vill be
taken to punish thcsn. Negotiations
with ] link Meneiik have been opened ,
so it is luiticipated that peace will be
concluded before long , and the war
ofice has countermanded the instructions -
ions sent to various points for the hur-
ryiug forward of reinforcements to
Africa. Time new cabinet is at work
mind the financial situation is brighter
than anticipated.
Conferences which have taken place
] sere between time \larInis di Rudmni ,
the new premier , time 1)nke of Sermon-
eta and Kiug linnibert , and the constant -
stant exchange of telegraphic messages -
sages betweot this city and Berlin ,
have been coincident with the meetings -
ings in Berlin of time Austrian minister -
ter of foreign affairs. Count Golm-
elmowsi ] , time ( merman foreign mum is-
ter , Baron Marsehall von Bieberstein ,
the Italian ambassador to ( lermany ,
Count Lanza di 1 mmsea. and the ; um-
pelial chancellor- , Prince Ilolmenlohe.
supplemented by audiences with fni-
peio : SVilliam.
Out of these exchanges of views has
grown a much healthier state of aff.tims
for all Europe. Au Italian loan , it is
stated. eonid not have beets floated in
London and the halt-pledged support
of'treat Britain to thetl eibunda sup-
porthitherto involving little else than
an irritating uncertainty is ru-
moed to have developed into a much
more cordialjurI solid understand-
hug with .he ] lOlt'L'1'S forming the
( flotii Emperor Frauds
Joseph and Emnet ot SVilliaum have
striven to relieve the strain lucre , and
now egine ; the report that Enmpcror
SVilliain of llermany , Eumpeeor Francis
, loseoh of Austria , an(1 King IIaumbert
trill facet at Genoa in a few days and
that a series of brilliant fetes trill
ti-mark this public prouf of the renewal
of the ties which commoose time drei-
bunf , which is intendcd to demonstrate -
strate to all wlmoni itmaveomcern that
Italy. instead of being friendles' ; ,
upon the verge of bankruptcy arid en-
cnmbered bt a tottering throne. is
s'rong in the earnest support of Cct-
lmmauauti Austria and wi11 be backed
by ( : meat Britain in any great e iier-
gen 2 , .
Finally , it is stated that before the
emperors umet at Gcuoa , Eutper0r
1'rancls Joseph will have succeeded in
reconciling ( luceu Victoria with Item-
mnmerial ] : grand-on. and so the peace
of Europe. it is hoped. will be further
cemented and the p.ptsibility of a
European war v iii be driven further
to the background.
All messages from Africa tend to
Coil tirmn the most alarming reports as
to the extent of lime disaster at Adowah ,
and although she oflicial figures have
not yet been made public it is adnmitted
that over i',04J0 omen were inlied ,
wounded , or mimale mrisoners It is
believed that the lass of Abyssinians
was almost as great. The Abyssinians
captured almost ] the Italian atil-
lerc _ amnuhntitiomi and supplies.
General Baratieri , Imovvever , repeats
that. the disaster , though unavoidable
under time rircumstanecs , was not due
to any desire to stt ilce a big blow be-
1'oc : time arrival from Itai3.0f his snc-
cessor. ( leneral Baldissera. Ile claims
that time plan of battle tvas carefully
mmippem ] oil t between himself and his
generals. that all the latter anproved
it , and that it tcottid have sticreeded
hacl it not becu fee- the fact that the
native troops under the Italian flag
became name stet icken and So brought
about the com ] 1cte defeat of the
Italian forces.
Disinterested judges still hol.'t that
the real cause of the defeat of the
Italians is to be 101nd the almost
unceasing elamnor of certain hetsna-
pers of this city and tither parts of
Italy a' the aHrged inactiomi Of ( .en-
e [ : d Caratieria. These apparently umi-
just comet mens upon hip eonduct of
the campi gn scemn to leave toaded
] turn to push forward : t hcn gOu'1 g' en-
cratship wouhl have avoided such a
If lie had only raied for his reinforcements -
forcements , " say his } mieuds. And
this seems tO he the key to time v.liole
( Ienerrl Ilarittieri his arrived at
Massowah. He is urO-traed over his
defeat. Ile deepi % ' deplored time disaster -
aster , btit had nothing to repro : h
himself with , and was ready to meet
any charges and to endure the con5e-
ouenees0f his mnisfortmne.
A lyoaimu ' , 'ramp Lorl d in m lIx Car.
Ftar Ss'orc , Eni. . ) fmtteh 14.-A
iiidlc aced woman giving hem- name
as firs Mary SS'atson , was discovered
in a sealed box car on the Kansas City.
port Scott C Memphis road in this
city this morning. Slme had been
locked in the car for a day and night
without food or water. She said she
got into time car at Ash Grovc , Mo. .
intending to ride to Kansas City , not
suspecting that time car vrould be de-
layed. When found she was faint for
want of food. She was furnished
transportation to Kansas City to-day
by city authorities. Sue is time
first woman tramp the railroad rnen
have met.
Republicans Again Refuse to Vote ism
time Kentucky Legislature.
FRANKFORT , iw. . March 14.-The
roll call in the joint assembly showed
12'S members present , sixty-five being
decessary to a choice. The ballot resulted -
sulted : Blackburn 50 , Carlisle 13 ,
Buckner 1.
The Republicans again refused to
vote and there was no quorum. When
I'opulist l'oor's name was called he
refused to vote. Time chair announced
that there had been no election. The
assembly then adjourned.
li. .
A lianas Man I'ctitlons for Its Beco
nitmun. 1
\VAsnINGTON , March i t.-IIngh Cain- a :
eron of Lawrence , ian. , by proxy
held tlte Senate's interest this afternoon - '
noon with a degree of appreciation
and amusement not often exhibited , i
Senator Puffer presented n Iettom ; ; '
from llr. ( 'arneron and although the
rules of the Sena c require that such
nmatterzi shall be read by title only , . : 1
this petition excited an interest which
could be satiated only by reading iii r
extenso. _ :
Time petition runs : "To the Congress '
of the United States of America- :
Your petitioner , time undersigned , respectfully - 1
spectfully asksyour Itomtoroable bodies ate
to make the Slim of April a national
holiday , it being the day on which
'time King of the Jews , whom Pontius (
I'rlate caused to be crucified April
A. 1).achieved his splendid victory fever f
over the grave. .
" 1'ltis king of time Jews has always "
been a true friemdof the United States
of Atneriemu. Ile was with SVashing-
toi and his ctimmpatriots during their
great struggle for independence , and -
was also with time Union army through
the entire war to maintain that ] ode- +
peudeuce with union and liberty.
'Unquestionably this Kinghasmime- ,
more to estabhsll ar.t uiuintaiim free
governmemu.Ott this continent and to l
umahe the 1 netted States of America a ,
respectable nation titan any other .
king ; and so we as individuals and as
, 'a nation ought not to be ashamed
with frankness sad alacrity to acknowledge -
knowledge that we owe 1lut a debt of
gratitude which we willI never be fully ,
able to liquidate.
'For all these : mmmd many other obvious -
vious reasons , time undersigned hopes '
that your houorahle bodies will , without - (
out delay , nmake resurrection day a
national Imoliday , for which we tivill
continually pray. "
' 'he resolution went to the connmit-
ice at judiciary. ,
- r
tt'hy Two Ycart 11'cro Required to I've 1 t
lu a 4,000.
SVASIIINGToN , Marcli 1I.-Within the
next two or three weeks time W'or1d
fair medals and diplomuas 1vi11 be sent
to their otvnets. For nearly two years
the bureau of engraving amid printing
has been engaged in the work of pre-
pwing the diplomas. Some idea of
the task may be immel lumen it is stated
that upward of 2'3,000 diplomas were
needed , and that eachm cue had to be '
printed separately from a single forum. '
If the haute cf the person to whomm
time dipionma w aS awarded an(1 the exhibit -
hibit for which it was made were suit-
P1' written Om timedipionums , the wink .
would not bare amnoumte(1 to uneh ;
but it mvas decided to print the immune 1
and exhibit. ] l r
1:1'a iuO'rii Urrosa . { ! 1I :
rho Saltation Army in dmncrlca Cndgr
Ne" ' ( , iii trot Again.
NEty Sottt : : , llarclm }
t (
cr Eva ( . ] tooth , who had temporarily ) 'd
supplanteI lcr adopted grouter , ital- '
iington Booth. in the conunarml1 of the
Salvation Armmy in America , has , in e
turn , been superseded by the appoint-
fluent o [ .1 r . . ouch Mrs. Bootfn-locker
to the command of the army in Amer- ) - -
lea. S toy
At the close of a largely attended
meeting of the auxiliaries in the large ? '
Memorial hall lat night a cablegram
front London has handed to Commissioner - J
sioner Eva Booth , acquainting her v
with the appointment of Mr. and Mrs.
footlm-Tucker Niss Booth appeared '
to be mmm di affected on receipt of the
cablet'ramm. i , .
- - l
Sew Mexico Statehooa. '
SV.tshrNGTox. March 14.-Time Scnate
committee on territories authorized
to-day a favorable report on the bill
for time admission of New Mexico as
a State. :1 nmmnber of amendments
have been umade to the original bill , 'Ir
but they relate to ( details as to M
the manner in tvmich ] the constitutional -
tional convention shall be held and
preliminary proceedings in the tern- t
to y previous to adm-siot. ; X , ( 1
Nearly 2.nnn Plicycles Iarnet. t
BOSTON , : miam ch I t.-'t'he fops Jint
ofacturin ; ; Conmpanv's building wa.c r
completely gutted iy fire yesterday.
'fhe fire caused a los ; of between
334,1101 and 4.1(1 ( m.00. ) . 'J'he contents , q
wIich ; were completely ruined , con- , -
sited of . ; ) nrw wheels , 17i second-
lulu,1 ttL ccls and abou.1i.1:00 : pieces
of bicycle tittings , besides neveral-
tlmousand tires.
Civil .rp i dtrtiot , in luliu , Terrmtor- . 1k
W.tSlmlNoroN. March -'lime douse - I : '
conmtnittec or. judicial , ' agreed to-day
to favorably report a liil ! to give the 1 -
coumi s o. 'l'eYas , Arkansas and iansas '
jurisdiction over et itninaI and certan ;
civil cases of the Indian territum-
which titer ! tad tinder the act of IS. )
- (
- - - -
No Chan e in the G. A. R. Encampment. l
St : 1't tr. . Minn. , Marclm 11.-The ! ! ' '
date for holding the thirtieth national f.
encampment of time G. A. It. will not
be. changed. Genera ] SValker simnpy' ,
expressed the opinion that a later- {
date would better accommodate One {
or two departments , but uo char ; e ,
was made or proposed.
A Separate flag for Norway. i
CIi1mISTr.1S.t. Norway , March it.-
Time Odeisthing , or lower Im ouse ot , . f
Parliament of Norway , by a vote of )
4.4 to 40 adopted today a bill providing -
ing for the recognition of a separatt
Norwegian tiag.
A Cnngre9Inlall'5 Jewels Stolon. i
WASIINrr0N. March 14.-Time aou-t '
meats of Representative Grove L. t ( {
Johnson of California , at the Cochran
hotel , were entered by professional
sneak thieves yesterday while the
family were -dinner and money.
jewels and securities valued at 4,0t' (
Sansaa City , Ilan. , IVants S2OOooo- ' {
WASh I GTON. March I4.-Congress-
men Blue and Miller appeared befor
the House commnittee on public build
ings and grounds in advocacy of a' bill , -
appropriating $200,0O ! ) for a federal
building in Hansas City , Kan.
- - - _ . . - _ - 1 /