The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 06, 1896, Image 2

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F. M. HIMMELL , publisher.
D1uocnATS of Nebraska will hold
their convention at Lincoln , April 22d.
' 1'RACEt3 of gold have been found on
the farm of Jeremiah Fenton , near
FAnIElts in the vicinity of North
] lend have already contracted to raise
140 acres of chicory.
TILE Warren Live Stock company of
Duncan shipped out six cars of fine
Eheep to Chicago Friday.
.lollN Nicodetnus of Pierce county
will spend fifteen months in the penitentiary -
tentiary tor cattle stealing
INDICATIONS arc favorable that the
co-operative creamery at Valparaiso
twill soon be built and in successful
Tin ; German Luthcran Orphans' home
of Fremont Itas received -legacy of
s800 , bequeathed to it by Mrs 'Elholz
of 1Vest Point.
Flvl : thieves made a very successful
haul Sunday evening at Levi's barn in
Nebraska City , but got as far as 1)un
bar , where they were arrested.
lint : . .TOILS HIN1)1tAx of Ashland
while ill was given a large dose of carbolic -
bolic acid by her husband through a
mistalce. Prompt attention saved her
' 1'ni : motion filed in the district court
at Plattsmoutlt for the removal of Re-
ceiver John A. Donelan of t e Cotumer-
cial Bank of Weeping Water was over-
JUDGE STuLL of the districtconrt has
appointed I. M. IIazen of Blue Springs
receiver of the defunct Blue Springs
bank. The bond was fixed in the sum
of 4U,000.
1V1tlricc attempting to board a train
at Valley .1. H. Soy fell under the
wheels and received such a badly
crushed foot that amputation became
' 1'nF ; Lincoln city council has passed
a cigarette ordinance. It prohibits the
' I use of cigarettes , cigars or tobacco by
persons under 18 years of age within
the city limits.
IIEV. J. C. ImviN , who has been pastor -
tor of the I'resbyterinn church at
' North Platte for the past five years ,
has resigned , tile resignation to take
effect April 1.
GIoucE LEoxAhD , a farmer living
near Quinton , was thrown from a
wagon and died from his injuries. lie
formerly lived at Oto , Ia. , and leaves a
wife and six children.
'FIIF preliminary trial of Edward
Lorenz for the murder of Michael Tra-
rers near McCook was completed last
week , and the defendant committed to
jail to await the next term of the district -
trict court.
' 1'IIE refusal of 1)r. Mackay , superintendent -
. tendent of the asylum at Norfolk , to
receive Mrs. Minnie Krashow as an insane -
sane patient is causing much feeling at
Fremont , and an investigation will
probably result.
Deputy Sheriff S. 1V. Passwater of
Warren county , la. , presented to Gov-
ernor 1olcomb } a requisition from the '
governor' of Iowa for the return to that
state of Ed .Turnipsecd to answer the
charge of burglary.
? IIABK BcrtNs of Iaibner. a on of
lion. E. C. Burns , has been arrested
and taken to Fremont on a charge of
threatening to shoot William Golden ,
son of Andrew Golden , a prominent
farmer living near town.
A pnoMtNEXT citizen of Nebraska City i
who for the present does not care to
diSCiOSC his identity , has offered to
erect a suitable library building to cost
notless than $7O ( ) , providing the city
will donate a suitable location.
A cAt.t. for a meeting to organize a
] iuffalo county poultry club or association -
tion has been issued to be held in
Kearney , February 29. There arc quite
a large number of chicken fanciers and
breeders in and around. Kearney.
' 1'iioytas . } , WALLACE , formerly
owner of a meat market at Alliance
was warned to quit the country a few
tnotiths ago' being accused of cattle
rustling. His residence was watched
by unknown men several hours , but the
proprietor and family were absent.
lx a runaway on his farm , six miles
southeast of McCooktolombn Schott. a
( lerwan farmer , was instantly killed.
The wagon overturned and as the man's
foot caught in a hole in the bottom of
the box the wagon box fell on top of
him , breaking his'rtr'ck. 'r'ite deceased
was 30 years -'old and was shor tly to
have been married.
IT is safe to say that 2.000 acres of
experimental irrigation land from va-
'ious systems will be planted to vegetables -
ables and beets in Hall county this
season. Out iii the sand hills the storm
water of early spring will be caught in
ponds mace near the table lands. and
I this water used when required for tva-
tering fields and gardens below.
'Tut : city council of Hastings decided
against the gas ordinance with the fiat
rate of $2.25 per thousand feet , four
tcembers voting are and three no. The
gas consumers andL citizens generally
tvtll be to suspense for the next. few
days to . .learn what the company will
decide to do , whether shut down the
plant or accept such a franchise as the
council indisposed to grant.
GEonoE NETZ Was arrested at Lincoln -
coln and brought to Genera , and will
remain in the cooler until he is brought c
before the court for chicken stealing.
The farmers are after Metz and his accompliceS -
compliceS and will see that they receive -
ceive just punishment for their crimes.
They will have to answer howand
where they came into possession of
three or four hundred chickens. George d
Netz is not a.-stranger to the bars and
the people will look after his case very
IIAVLoc1 : : will put in a system of
water works during the next ninety
days. Bonds were voted last week.
The Burlington railroad made a thorough -
ough test of the chemical properties of
the water before locating its shops
there and found it excellent for manufacturing -
facturing purposes
Thomas Taiggerstaff , a round man a
about 1'7 year's of are , residing to the
southern part of Saunders county , was
out hnntitt _ , and in pull
a shotgun nnt af a wagon the weapon
was : tccidcntal3 } discharged and its
contents tore throult the muscles of
one'Of thn young than s arms above the
elLow. ' ' He died from loss of blood. 1 t
PIeadlnt ; for iTnIkerd Lifc.
The hearing on the petition for a
commutation of the death sentcnce.ol
Walker , the condemned Iawsou county
murderer , was held at the office of
G overnor Jlohotub : last tretk. Contain
GM cNamara , the attorney who defended
Walker during the trial , appeared to
plead his case with the governor. Ile
read a large number of petitions from
citizens of Ilatrsan county for executive -
tive clemency , and followed these with
quite a number from Kentucky. Cap
lain : Nahtar : : said that these last
w ere in the 'nature of new light on
Walker's case. Yhiic the Nebraska
petitioners were unanimous in the
opinion that Walker was hopelessly inane -
s ane , and was so at the time of the
murder and trial , the Kentucky petitions -
tions were from parties hohau known
Walker in his youth and early man-
hood. They were all to the effect that
at that period the condemned man
never evinced the least symptoms of insanity -
sanity : lie was regarded as a quiet ,
sociable , even-tempered roan , and one
w ho gave every promise of becoming a
most useful and exemplary citizen.
The Nebraska petitioners held that the
prisoner was always morose , vindictive
and positively dangerous. The gover-
n or will rive his decision in the case at
an early day :
Nebraska Club Incorporated.
Articles of incorporation of the Ne-
b raska club were filed with the secre-
t ary of state. The principal office of
the enterprise is located at Omaha.
The object of this association , as ( he.
veloped by the context of the articles ,
is the crystallization of the existing
sentiment in favor of keeping the state
of Nebraska to the ( rout 'and to iii-
c rease the present population by 1,000-
000 citizens by theycar 1300. The cap-
i tal stock is placed at 2UOUUiJ , in
shares of W1 each , with the privilege of
darag } business when 3,000 shares shall
bare been paid up. ' 1'he club can incur
no greater amount of indebtedness
than the amount in the treasury not
otherwise appropriated. ' 1'hc board of
directors consists of not less than fifteen
members , one to each county honing an
organized club. The incorporators are
J. E. Smith , Ross r. llaminond , O. C.
H olmes , Clinton \ . Powell , Charles 1 : .
1YElliamson , Eli . Barnes
New Stitc : Utilt'crsity Its ; cot.
Governor Iioleomb has appointed
Victor Ilosetrater , mutaging ; editor of
the Omaha lice , regent. of the State
university to succeed henry ] ) . Esta-
brook , resigned. llr. Istabroot } removes -
moves from the state March I , and the
appointment of 1r. Ioservatet becomes
e ffective on that date.
Letters from the following gentlemen -
men recommending fir. Rosetrater to
the position are on file at the eecnticc
office : President Seth T.oN , Columbia
college , New York ; President ll. G.
( , oilman of Johns IIaphins university and
member of the Venezuela commission ;
Prof. Nicholas Butler , recently presi-
d ent of the National Educational association -
ciation and now dean of the faculty of
philosophy , Columbia college ; Prof.
John 1V. Burgess , dean of the faculty
of political science. Columbia college ;
Prof. Herbert 13. Adams , head of the
d epartment of history and politics in
Johns Hopkins university ; Prof. Il'il-
liatn :1. Keener , dean of the faculty of
law. Columbia collage ; Prof. John ] I.
F inley , president of Enos college ,
Galesburg , Ill. , and other educators of
national reputation.
Touching Unearned Land Grants.
In accordance with an order from
Judge Caldtwell of the federal court at
Omaha , two petitions in equity were
filed by Assistant United States Attor-
n ey Rush , tncerein the Union Pacific
and others and the Stout City .C Pacific
and others are defendants.
The petitions , under' instructions
from the attorney general , ( were prepared
pared almost a year ago and are filed
after his approval of them.
The suits involve several hundred
persons who have purchased lands of
the ttro'railroad companies mentioned.
T he subpoenas will be given to the mar-
s hal and service secured as rapidly as
possible. Similar action is contemplated
a gainst the Burlington and holders of
land titles emanating from that com-
pany. _ -
After the Offenders.
3Lincoln dispatch : At the governors
o il-ice requisition papers were issued for
George Smith , charged with grace robbing -
bing in Douglas county. On the night
of February ' 0 he is said to have bro-
hen into the grave of and removed the
body of Jacob lltliu , Smith is now
tinder arrest in Polk county , Iowa , and
Detective Cox has been appointed agent
to return him to Omaha. Requisition
papers were also issued for Fran ] .
Smichle. lie is accused of the crime of t
burglary in Brown county , this state :
and is note under arrest in Gregory
county , South Dakota. William I { .
Day was named , as agent to return
Nebrasta National Guard.
Adjutant General Barry is having
prepared a new hoof : of roles and regulations -
lations for the use of the Nebraska National -
tional Guard. The last one was issued
in 1833 , and since then many of its
provisions have been rendered nugato-
ty by subsequent legislation. The pres.
tntcode has nothing whatever t0 do
w ith tactics , but was adopted by the p
State Military Board on the 15th inst.
among the interesting contents wit ! be
found rules and procedure , arms and
accouterments , target practice , honors
salutes and ailvial } visits , armories and
arsenals and an instructive chapter on
ourt martial. One of the most useful
portions of the new wash is the article
of instruction to civil officers as to the
method of procedure in callingoat the
militia. In times of strikes and riot
there generally arises serious questions
of formality and precedence in making
emands upon the governor for troops
The proper manner in ( which to proceed -
ceed at these junctures is fully ex
nlained } n the new work.
Nebraska Woman Under : Arrest.
Philadelphia dispatch : The police .tf
the city have in custody a man and
woman charged with swindling a number -
ber of large stares here and suspected
of operating successfully in New York , :
Boston and eseNhcre. ) The prisoners
re well dressed and possessed of con- is
siderable money and diamonds Tltc w
man gave hisnamc as Robert Davidson v
and says he comes from Chicago. ' 1'he
police expect to prose that ht is of a w
respectable family in Denser. The
roman says she is Nellie Edwards.
She is believed to have come from a
own in Nebraska. . I
Tyro Vote Was .00 to 88-Mr. lreudersnn
Iteports too : Ieasnre to Abolish ( lie
hce Syrtem as ] tcgards United
Stated Attorneys and .Mur-
shals-Tlo ] lilt's : rain
WASIIINGTON , MarC11 2.-Time Semite -
a te amendments to the
army appro-
p riation bills were 1)on concurred in
by the House today and the bill was
sent to conference.
lir . Lacey , chairutan of the public
l ands committee , called up the bill to
lea ; e certain lands in Arizona for
school purposes , tvhtch was vetoed
y esterday by the President , and indeed
that } t be passed over the veto.
Lacey , in support of his motion ,
Said that the house was confronted
with the coustitational interference
of the president on a bill that had
passed Loth houses unanimously.
Mr. Lacey explained that the bill
was identical with that authorizing
01lahouta to lease her educational
.ands for school purposes , which had
been prepared : utd passed by the last
C ongress at tlic request of the Secretary -
tary of the interior oath the commis'
sinner of the ventral land office. As
a result of lire Oklahoma bills. $35,0110
had been rcalizcrl in that territory last
year , whrlr : tinder the former system
SHudil ; had been obtained. Was
it izimplied now , lie asked ,
t hat tltc governor of Arizona was
not as competent to tease these lands
as the Secretary o [ the Interior , 1SU0
miles ; ttva } . Both were Mr. Clet c-
land's ; tppoiattes. 'rime veto message
had called attention to the opposition
of "iuflnenlial citizens" in Arizona.
Naturally such opposition would exist.
The cattle humus in Oklahoma had
protested , yet the law in that territory -
tory had worked acntiraLly. Some
of these lands there now occupied
without ; uttdtorit } and without rental.
1'hc President , Mr. Lace } ' said , had un-
duahtedly been deceived. Ile had
been influenced by men who had , per-
haps. been tnllnenced br others inter-
e sted in obtaining the use of these
lands free of charge.
Mr. Jlurpliy , the Arizona delegate ,
made the positive statement that the
bill had the approval of the secretary
of the interior and the commissioner
of the general laud office , and that
their opinions in writing hall been
] rid before the
; President while lie was
c onsidering the bill. Notwithstanding -
ing this statement. 3m. Turner of
Georgia tlionght it could be assumed'
Safely that the President had had tltq
advice of the sect etu v of the interior
and that the latter probably had in-
s pired the veto One of the principal
objections raised by the President was
that the lands , if leased by the local
authorities of the Territory , could be
denuded of their timber , as by the
terms of the bill it was not necessary
t o submit the leases for the approval
of the seeraary.
The vote resulted 2ar0 to 38. more
t han two-thirds having voted in the
atlirinative , the bill was declared
passed over the Presidents veto.
The announcement was greeted
with scattering applause b } the ] { e-
pnbfican side.
Nr. Henderson , Republican of
Iotra , from the committee on cults ,
then presented a special order , offering -
ing tlic Cpdegrafte bill to abolish the
fee system in the case of united States
attorneys and marshals as an amendment
ment to the legislative appropriation
Thee bill provides tmtthe fee system t
is to he abolished after .font 30 of this
year and the fees collected to be turned
into the treasury. Annual solares }
are to be paid the United States district -
trict attorneys and marshals in
these districts as follows : In the
d istrict of Kansas. $4.000 ; in the 11'cst-
tcrndistrict o [ Missouri , each 51,000 ;
in Oklahoma. each x.0'10. Assistant c
district attorneys , to be appointed by
the attorney general are to receive
not over S2 : iOU. Not to exceed $1 per v
day furexpenses in addition to actual
raveling rxpensts5 is to be allowed
attorneys oath assistants.
A Ctticno Case ru tt'lrich the Nety Light t
Itevealed hidden Dis : ar e.
CuTC'AGO , lfarehA surgical operation -
eration was performed at Mercy hos-
by I'rofessor Christian
F enger , which was suggested by the
use of. the Roentgen ray and which led
to an important . The operation
ation is based on a sharlotrgt aph taken
by means of the \ rays showing the
resence of malignant diseases in the
interior of bones hitherto unknown to
medical science.
A Mrs. Swanson complained of a
pain in the bone of the right thigh.
Sltado graphs of the woman's thigh
were taken. the ray passin _ through
he hollow in the thigh bone contain-
in2 the marrow. It showed a portion
of the bone midway between the knee c
nd the hip jprat } two inches long and
an inch wide was entirclygone and its
place was- filled by a spongy growth.
T1te operation showed that sarcoma
had attacked the thigh bone in its inN
terior. This is the first known instance -
stance of the use of time ra1 + in such
deep seated disease.
The Kunsan Asks tlmo Veit Republican
TOPEKA , Kan. , March 2.-James A.
Troutman , vvlio announced three
nontbs are that he would not accepta
renomination for lieutenant governor ,
now a candidate for governor and
ill go before the Republican con-
ention for the nomination. He so
declared himself this afternoon. He to
as in conferenca n itlt his friends all
forenoon , and it is understood that
upon their advice he makes the announcement -
nouncement that he will-be an activa
"Xr siY.
ShIpping and j'111ugcrr Uunnrd to the
Extent of 3iauy .Millions In An.tralla.
VicTortr.t , B. C.larch 2.-The last
w eek of January of this year will be
remembered lout ; by residents of. the
Australian colonies as having wit-
n essed a terrible gale oath floods on
the Queensland ' ; oast. ] foray vessels
w ere wrecked oath villages destroyed ,
T he damage ashorre is estimated at
52,30UOCU. t'he loss of property at
sea was not so great. Lot the lu3s of
life by marine disasters tea , greater
than on shore. Townsville , a small
c ity on the northeast ( 'Oast of Queens-
l aud seemed to be ttc center of the
storm. Every vessel in the harbor
w as wredted. toss island , a short
distance away , was flooded and manY
lives there lost in attempts to reach
the uutinland by smallboats. - . The
damage by the hurricane iii 1'urns
viIlc harbor is assessed at Sl5J,0u. ( ( )
O n Ross island many houses were
swept from their foundations and the
wind upset a rescue boat. Mrs. ] Lunt
and her infant , ; .Its. Guniuun , Ger
trade Rohe , the elder Miss Ittuve and
a boy named ] ] 'illy 1Yaliace were
( A Louse maid in .Tudc
Chubb's employe was drowjieui while
w ading toward a pant. Sant ] ) ' 1Yalkcr
was drowned while trying to crass
Victoria bridge , which had six feet of
( hater above the rails. Mamm' steamers
are overdue at points aloud the coast
and it is feared they have becu
Three weeks before this great storm
a hurricane visited the Itapai group
and in Lifula and ttc neighLorhrJod
: 'GO houses were blown down. The
damage to the cocoanut trees was so
great that it wilt take rho island from
two to three years to recover as a
copra producing district. Shipping
suffered severely. The Norwegian
bark West Australian and the German
b ark 11'nosung , loading at Li fuha ,
were both driven ashore an aban
doued , the former haymzt ; : bettvtveenm iUJ
and 500 lees of copra on board. ' 1'hc
Gcrinut schooner Adele also was
w recked.
The 3inrdcrer of L , : i. Smith at detrenau ,
.A'is. , L'nrncd inn Factors.
; itFFtasoN : , 1Vis. , Marcie -'L. . DI.
Suntli , secretary treasurer oath sttpcrli
intendent of the Wisconsin 1lanutac-
tnring company , was shot and fatally
wounded hest night by an unknown
man. Officers surrounded the assassin
m the factory , and after ( .changing
shots with him the building was aired
and the plant and murderer were consumed -
sumed together. ' 1'he cause of the
shooting oath the ideality of the mur
deter are unknown.
The assassin is believed to have shot
himself before the fire reached liiu.:1
pistol shot was ] ] cart ] a feu' minutes
before the walls of the building fell.
The body has not Lecu cccot creci ,
Elrlmi LOWO Beats Landon.
i'oni' Sco rT , ban. , M trct 2.-The
Republican primaries of this city. for
the purpose of electing delc , ttes to
the county convention , were held here
last . 'fhc entire fiitt leas
b etween Eldon LuNC oath 1f. C. Lans-
don , candidates' for nomination for
congress from the Second district. It
is estimated that out of the eighty-six
delegates , Laasdon will have about
forty and Lone forty-six.
General E. C. Cabell Dead.
ST. Lours , Ma , Feb. 20.-General
I' . C. Cabell , who served in the Con-
federate army during the late tray ,
died here at 5 o'clock yesterday morning -
ing , at the home of Ashley Cabell. his
son. General Cabell was 80 years old ,
a nd during tl > , e last thirty years lived
m St. Lall1S. He came pert from
Florida , which State he represented
in Congress forty years ago.
Mistaken For a Chicken Thief.
ST. JOSEI'ir , Mo. , Feb. 2i-Mrs. Mo-
hala Grimes died at Aency yesterday
from the effect of gunshot wounds inflicted -
flicted by 1Villiam McCauley. who mis-
ook the Homan for a chicken thief
and fired. McCauley is well ] tn own in
this vicinity , being a wealth } ' farmer.
lI e is in jail.
To Protect Iowa Girls.
DES MOINES , Iowa , Feb. 20. The
senate code revision committee de-
ided unanimously to recommend a
bill raising the age of consent to 15
years , unconditionally. The bill proul to
ides for impt isonutent far life for
violations of the ; aN.
Pruitt Turntr , 'ho had been respited
wice. N1S hanre1 at Van Iluren , Ark. of
Willis Burton , a negro. resisted arrest -
rest by Dallas uiiccrs and was shot
dear ] . se
The Postollee } department has begun
vigorous war on bond investment com-
Arkansas cattlemen are after Scere-
tart' Morton to change the cattle gwar
online in that State.
The administration is said to advise
more moderate action concerning
Cuba than Congress desires. of
Consul Manyon has cabled from Jo- ke
hannesburg that the Boers are this'
posed to treat the Americans leniently.
The house is preparing for tsar
with the Senate on the question of
ongressional clerks-congressmen alt
want clerks.
Gross abuses of the congressional
mail franking system have been ex- his
posed-one man sent his shirts to a
ew York laundry.
The House. when the judicial. legislative Sp
lative and exeantiwe : appropriation bill
came rap for consideration , cut Private as
Secretary ' 1'hurber's salary from 45,000
A final decree of foreclosure was an
granted against the Fort. Scott Water
company's plant. not
Brace Barnett of Sedalia has been
selected to represent the Missouri ed
University in the interstate oratorical
The sultan has ordered that Miss
Barton he , allowed to distribute relief ti
Manitoba legislature ; after an all
night's session. adopted 31 to ' , a t eso-
lution protesting against Dominion
government interference in Manitoba
school matters. I ]
_ _ . _ ,
- - „
: :
- . - . - . - - - , . .
S ix : rembers Out of the Sereutr Oppose
the Itesolutlon Whlch Accords to the
Insurgcnts the flights of ltelligereots-
Acth e Intervention .lustIBcd-Many
Strong Speeches Delivered by senntors.
Cuban flatters Discussed.
1VASHIXGTOs , Feb. 2.-The Senate
t his afternoon adopted the Cuban res-
ohttion as amended by 'Ur. Cameron.
The rote was 64 yeas to G nays.
The resolution in fu1 is as follows :
"Resolved , by the Senate ( the House
of Representatives concurring ) , : That
in the opinion of Congress a condition r '
of public tsar exists between the
government of Spain and the govp
ernment proclaimed and for some
time maintained b } force of arms
b y the people of Cuba ; and that the
U nited States of America should utain-
tgin astrict neutrality between the
contending po crs , according to each
all the rights of belligerents in the
p orts and territory of the United
"Resolved , That the friendly offices
of the United States shall be offered
by the President to the Spanish government '
ernment for the recognition of the
i ndependence of Cuiha. " I '
The vote on the committee and time
Cameron resolutions resulted-mil yeas
to G nays.
' [ 'he Senators who voted in the negative -
ative were : Caffery , Chilton , Gcorgc ,
hale , Merrill , lyehnore.
The announcement of the result was '
greeted with great applause in the
g alleries.
'l'he Sea .te galleries were reli filled
at the ups Wing of the session in antic
ipatian o : the culmination of the Cu-
ban debate and the final rate.
Short ] ; after the session opened '
Iepresentatire { Hitt , chairman of the
h ouse cottmttce } on Foreign Affairs ,
joined lIr. Sherman , chairutan of the
S enate committee on Foreign Bela-
li ons , to a whispered conference at
Shtrman's . 'The Ohio senator
announced that the Cuban question
w ould be taken up without ( waiting
f or the usual expiration of the mornp
ing hour at ° o'clock.
Mr. Allen of Nebraska asked to
w ithdraw the resolution for the ap-
p ointment of hit. Lloyd as a Senate
official. ' 1'bis brought on another ( us-
c ession as to adding a 1'opniist official i
to the rolls. Dlr. Allen finally with- '
d rew the resolution.
Mr. Sherman then moved that the
Cuban resolutions be taken up , and
this prevailed without objection.
C hairman Hitt remained alongside 3r. [
Sherman as the debate proceeded.
B aron Von Iiettler of the German cut'
bass } occupied a seat } n the diplomatic
Mr. Lindsay of Kentucky then addressed -
dressed the Senate on the Cuban reso-
lu tions. Be said the conflict in Cuba
w as at our very doors and was being
waged with such desperation that
only one of two results could come-
either the complete independence of
Cuba , on the one hand , or the utter
annihilation of the Cuban people on
the other. The senator said he approached -
preached the subject from the standpoint -
point of humanity rather than law.
Declarations of sympathy would avail
n othing to the Cubans. Declarations
that they had progressed to the stage
of belligerents would avail nothing.
"If time t nttecl States intends taking
any steps that furl ] avail these struggling -
gling Cubans , that step should be in
the direction of thcultimate independence -
ence of Cuba. " declared 1r. Lindsay
in stentorian lanes. In the past the
United States had not hesitated to
tape the position of recognizing independence -
pendence under circumstances similar
to those now existing in Cuba.
Quoting front international authorities -
ities , the Senator maintained that a
condition now existed } n Cuba justifying -
ing the united States in considering a
pr oposition for active intervention to
restore public order and in behalf of
humanity. flat , lair } .fir. Lindaaw , the
resolutiorn dill not contemplate active
intervention. It extended good offices
Strain with a view to securing the
timate independence of Cuba.
"And such independence , " added
3Ir. Lindsay , " s the only basis which j
will bring Jastin peace to Cuba ,
judged from tit ( experience of seventy f
years. The United States could not ;
relieve itself from the responsibility
seeing that Spain showed this
island some tetrad of justice. Could we j
say to the world that unless Cuba
cured ter independence by her own
unaided efforts she might remain o
under the abject subjection of Spain : '
Should we not say to Spain that same
sort of protection. some sari of justice
and liberty , onsistcnt vith an en-
litrhtened age must be shown to these ,
people ?
"Spain now contemplated the annihilation -
nihilation of all the able bodied men ]
Cuba in order to trash this uprising.
ain owed to Cuba as much as Tur-
y owes to Armenia , or as the United. th
States to Venezuela , a duty of protec-
tion , and if this protec.ion was not w
given , then time point had been reached
when the United States should move
the severance of Cuba from Spain. " is
At 13 p. in. , Mr. Sherman began no
speech , closing time debate. He
spoke of the keen sensitiveness of the
anish people and their tendency to I in
quickly resent any act they regarded '
injurious to them. But , he felt
that the time had come when the
liraled States mast intervene to put
end to crime almost beyond de-
scription. The Senator said he would
re enter on the legal arguments so
fully covered by Mr. Horgan , but he w
referred to several pamphlets present- so
by Mr. Estrada Palma , the agent
and representative of tltc Cubans in
this country. 1r. Sherman said those ;
statements bore the stamp ) f authen-
city. They overcame the misappre
pension that the Cubans were scat- , .
. unorganized bands. Thc 'I
showed the organisation of a ] Qtsla
turc , and of an army '
cl rho Fresi-
dtnt a5 a . .
' o high character.
lie rarer'
pal noyerntr : nt teas as
t -
1 p , ,
complete as the Untteil $ ttitcs hail . . .
during the revolutionary runt.
Mr. Sherman said he did not favor
Cuba's annexation to the United t i I ;
Stales , but strori ly favored itsannes- ' +
ration to 1exica , , a kindred people , '
The line of action was determined .
at a special meeting of the senate .
c ommittee on foreign relations today _
f or the purpose of considering the
form to which the Cuban question
should finally be disposed of. After a .
very thorough discussion it was lie- 1
tided to adhere to the committee's '
r esolution for the recognition of belligerency
ligerency mind to ; uncnd it by. 'ddin I ,
Senator Cameron : substitute , rcrutst- !
tIII ( the 1'rtsideut to exercise his
friendly offices frith Spain to secure
the independence of Cuba. ' 1'hc llutise '
resolutions were discusser : a wu the
s uggestion that it would be advisable }
to accept ] bent as a substitute for the
S enate dechtration , but the plan was '
discarded as . The cony
mittec also decided to adhere. to the '
p resent form of the resolution , ! caring
it concu , rent instead of joint. It as '
arranged that Senator Cameron should
o iler his resolution as an amendment
and that it. should be accepted b.Sen-
atur Sherman on behalf of the com-
wittec. a
Senator Sherman declared Wevler s .
talk of "exteruinatunr the Cohan ; ' .
showed him to be a-dcmoit rather
than a general. ' '
The galleries broke into loud up-
plansc us the Senator added : ' 'If this
c ontinues ua earthly putver can pre-
year the people of the hutted SLtes
f rom going to that island , sNCrping
over it from ens ] to end oath driving ' 4
out those barbarians. " # .
1r. ( Gallinger followed Senator
Sherman with a strong appeal fur the
recognition of t'nban ittdependeuce.
lr. Lodge announced that time caul- I' ,
nutlet on Foreign Relations Nuuid ac- r ,
cep ( an amcrchnent declarin ! , * for 1
Cnhatt independence , and he eousid-
eyed this the proper step.
1r. [ Frye made an earnest perch
antmouncin : , sympathy with thr t'nban l'
cans ( . 1e ! tt as. L c said , weary amid.
heart sick at seeing this republic dong -
i ng police duty for the most wickid
monarchs on the earth. Ile a rntid , ,
he said , do , say or vote anythtn „ that
would promote the cause of the t'ubaci
( 'AFFEBV ALONE OI'ENI.V 1)158 : . : ' ; r.
fir. Ctffery ; tool : square gruncd
a gainst any recognition of Cuban hr ! -
] igerenhy. declaring the Cuban insurgents -
h gents had accomplished nothing to
justify us in this uuestion. Ile rx-
p ressed the opinion that time cruelty
accompanying the tsar was not cuu
fined to the Spanish army.
Mr. Allen followed Mt : Cafierv , of- t '
feame the resolution of which he had
given notice prtriausl3 . 'Tha'n he
spoke in supportif it , urging CuWrress ;
to act independently of the prelent 1. ( ,
in recognizing belligerency. Ic ! de- !
flared Spain an ontlaty nation oath nut '
entitled to the respect ; mud consideration -
tion of other civilized nation , . The '
time , lie sate } . must speedily came
when the bloody honed of Spain mast , _
be wrested from Cuba's
throat. Ile
declared hintsclf favorable to Cumin. ' '
inrlepeudence and would , if uc'cd bc , b
support this action with the America ii '
amts. _ _ - -
Prcr. Silver Threatens I'olitiral Ieuran- ;
ization. . Il
WASIUNGTON , Feb. 20.-The remark-
a ble speech of Mr. Carter in the Semite -
a te , taken in connection with that of
Secretary Carlisle at time Manhattan
club in New York a few days ago , has
started a good deal of talk about a reorganization -
organization of the old noitira par-
tics and a division of t1tC people aeon
new lines. Moth the Republican , ) : ,
the Democrats seem almost iiopuies..1v
divided upon the same istte , anti that
the most important before the American -
can people today. The parties are
untied upon every other. flora
than half the ] Democrats in 'ont
grass declare that they will not j
support time candidate to be nuni-
nated at Chicago unless ht pCdgc { ;
himself to free coinage. A considcm a-
Lie portion of the Republicans say the t i
same concerning the candidate to be
nominated at St. Louis. Then rutty , it
is asked , cannot those in both ptrtic :
who thin ] : alike get together anti
name men vvlio agree with them ? : l
great many people believe that if di'--
Cussion and division continues mach
longer that will Jtappen. SecrCtu r 1
Morton suggetc d serb an expectation
upon his part in a newspaper interview -
view not ! drag ago , and there are
those who claim to have heat's ] the
President predict a general break up '
and reorganization before the rod of
this adL .1nlStration , but it is not likely a J
that there will be any bolting iron : -
either party anti } after the national '
conventions are held oath the platform m
are adopted. ti
The Republican leaders do not cx- t i '
pact any bolt. ] loth Mr. ' 1'cller and
Jli . Carter , who attnaunctd the terms r-
, the sifter Senators , declare that
they will not leave the Republican
party , and that they cannot be driven i
out no matter who is nominated. ,
"I am a Iepublicatt { and I always : t r
expect to be a Republican. " said 11 r.
Zcher. ] am jtts ; a5 granl a ] lptlb- :
lietn a , .John Sherman or George i' , ,
foot. and there is just as much probability -
ability of their leaving the party as
there } sat my leaving it. I bare said , ,
at I will not support the Republican t
candidate for the presidency artless
e can snake some satisfactory agreement -
ment on the silver aucstion. I thick
that agreement can be made , but if it
found impossible , I will still con- , f
tintic to be a Republican. I , lr , no : , i
intend to volt the Democratic ticket ,
matter tt ] to is nom Hated on wther
side. " ,
Senator Carter " 1
says : "We are go-
, to get together before the St.
Louis convention. The silver men in
the lti'est are not going to bolt the
Republican party. There are fanny (
other issues upon which we all agree.
and they vvoutd hold us togethcr , no .
matter how much we might differ an 1
the money question. Neccrthrl , _ , \ yt t i
e Western fellows intenr s 1tavC
mething to say about mauane- ' 44 '
tnent and the 1folic1 of t c party. We rr
don't propose to let Ne r Engand oath
New 2ork d ii' around by time
' ' t
nose. -
Lltlrsl ttng s cuevC rartal Success. " ,
.wEVV 17 i , . , 'eb.:0.-1'he striking-
lithographers announced that the
strikers in Chicago , Boston , St. Louis , ,
and Rochester have succeeded in ea-
forcing the demandsof the association -
and have all returned to runt' ; .
g f
. , , _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ,