The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 28, 1896, Image 7

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    - - - - - - - .
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Tvo V1r of TwIne.
_ _ "Inever was so mortified in all my
life ! " she exclaimed.
"What was the matter ? ' asked her
dearest friend.
I ' : My maid told me that my fiance
was in the reception room. "
J "Yes. '
, "And I threw my arms aroind hiiir
, and kissed hiiiii twice hefore I discovered -
ed that it was his twin brother. ' .L'ake
1fl advice and never bccme engaged
to a twin. "
; 'On the contrary , I think I shall
look for one. It just doubles the fun. "
IA -Chicago Evening I'ost
_ _
cnow RICh , E'EIY V4iRM1R.
The editor thinks It to bo.thc wish of
everybody to grow rich , not for the sake
of the money , but for the good that can
be done with the money. Now , there
' are three new cercale recently created
) that will make money for the farmer.
, f I One Is Sliver King Barley , the most
'ondttul creation of the age , yielding
r 1' flO , 100 to :116 : lU. per acre In 1895 , and
d L there arc thousands of farmers who be-
' Hove they can grow 150 hU. per acre
. therefrom in 1896.
t Then there is Silver MIne Oats , yield-
I1 ing In 1895 209 ha. per acre. Every
'vho tested it , believes 250 bu. I
I - - \ JOSIL)1C.
} 'flicn there is Golden Triumph Corn ,
which produced over 200 bu. per acre ,
and 250 bu. Is surely posthle.
. And potatoes , there is Saizer's Earliest -
liest , which was fit for table in 28 tlays
In 1895 , yielding tremendously , while
, the Champion of the World , tested in a
I thousand different places in 1895 , yIeld-
ed from 8 to 1,600 bu. per acre.
i . Now , In Salzer's new catalogue there
I iS a wonderful arrayal of new varieties
Ts ccf whicat , oats , barley , rye , potatoes ,
grasses , clovcra and forage plants , and
I the editor believes that it wouki pay
every farmer a thousand-fold t'get this
catalogue before buying .seeds.
L. . . 3IU t it cut t1t1 0 1 and scutl it
r with o to the John A. I
Saizer Seed Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , you
I I will receive , free , 10 graIn and grass I
samples , including above and their
: t ' i iimmoth catalogue. Catalogue alone , I
: I I ; centa postage.
I c : # j ho : i-i-i : holds rood that the bigger
the s ceve the more modish thie garment.
, ( , - _ _ . .
41 rL1chI doing is not so iinjoriaut a well
\ doings
ii It the Baby Is Cutlng Tcctn.
f ttm nnduothatoIc1 and wclI.tricd remnrly , .tr.s
; ( F WXMLOw'S Soouiia 5nuI ( or Children Tcethn.
' 1 ono of the Ja anese soldiers wear paper
t clothing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. f'1 I3ifliartl tab1e , socond-han1. for saie
cheap. Apply to or address , H. C. Axw
I rii S. ] th St. . Omaha , Nob.
' The value of thu diamond i not vhat it
does , but what it is.
- - - - - -
; 1) ) ' ) - iS '
Ik , ; , , ' . .
, f4' . '
' . / / ' .7 ' \
. .
I - I
I' c ) 41rI : '
\ \
. ' ? - ' ' ' ) / '
I 3')7"I
\itj/ \
! , /
' Gladness Comes
L I .Z better understanding of the
; , \\1rith
transient nature of the many phys-
-i ( ical ills , vhieh vanish before proper of.
: , forts-gentle ciforts-pleasantefforts-
rightly directed. There is comfort in
. the knowledge , that sy many forms of
sickness arc not cLUe to any actual ( us-
ease. but simply to a constipated condition -
tion ofthc system , which the pleasant
- family 1axative , Syrup of Figs. prompt-
' . , ] y removes. That is why it is the only
I remedy'with milhionsof families , andis
t everywhere esteemed so highly by all
whovalne good health. Its beneficial
: cffects3lre due to the fact , that itis the
fI Temedy which promotes internal
p ' cleanliness without debilitating the
) orinso1i vliich it acts. t s therefore
. a all important , in order to.get its beiie-
i4. ficial effects , to note when you pnr-
. ' chase , that you have the genuine arti-
dc. vliich is manufactured by the Call-
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
\ If in the enjoyment of good health ,
' and the systcn3 is regular , laxatives or
- ' ' other remedics'hLrO then not needed. If
I afflicted vith any actual ( hsease , one
! may be commended to the most skillful
pliysicians but if lu need of a laxative ,
1 one should have the best , and with the
well-informed everywhere , Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
' used and givesinost general satisfaction.
1r ) -
'r' '
but e11 ( Itrect to the coi-
. , uznerLLt wlio1ea1c prieez.
; , ,1iii anywhere for ( XaZfl In-
. . . t atlon before aIe. Every-
- Iiivwarr.tntt1. 100
1 -
- of ( 'arriaIs , t0 styles of
, , ' .
Ilarnebc 4istyIesRIcInS'nd.
: : _ dIes.Vrite tor catalogue.
: , I EI.EI1.tItT CAtUU.tIE 11A1.
: tsss iFG. CO. , 1LEHART ,
I : .w. 23. Piu.I ; Scey. ia , .
To 1ansas City
.ailt the south.
f (
From Omaha and aso
" . from Counci' Bluis , the
& ' Burlington Route runs two
. ) ' trains daily to Sr. Joseph
L tthd Katisas City , niaJag
CIQSO. coiiuectiOflS in the
. ( _ _ _ _ _ - , Kansas City Union De oi
witIi all lines for the South.
I _ _ _ 'lhio Burinzton Route is
: : and in
the shortest , quickest
every wav the I.est line to
Xansn City , and travo ers
who take nv .other do o
; t. s . without a rOper understanding -
standing of the mets intho
I case.
' ' The local ticket agent ivill
I 'I . glftdly ticket you via the
Burlington f ask
I him to do so.
I j. Fr.LNc1S , Gen'l 1'as3r .Agt , Omaha , sob.
4 V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- ! 4 . , _ . ' _ , jfAYD : EN B A 0 8 , Omaha terck's , i'utte MIb 114. AIIt forflut- olrcwto
lime , ' ' to thu
_ . . ( * nvoflO endng " itandard 00 for fathiolt , , , aazIne. one additiOnal -
J. "re1ncat ! r the
. of
. . E- Wriw lvr catalogue
) ditiOnal u..scriptiOfl -
_ SprIfl Fn-ihltn" _ _ Frie. _ _ _
EG-c-iNs : I
.t - -
Flue Arniy iuck wiSh -Id sp'ki , Sl.(4) . Gnod
I ) cr. with BnclcS. fh5c ent 1 reiaId o
receipt of j'rice. : end , I.e Of 1IO an'l iieuro of I
i I ( t.aifU ! leg JC. . IiUN'1LNGTO- soc. o-r.i.
s. . .
. \ _
I And VIll Do Wluit It Can to Thicouraga
Growth of the Same-Much EnHghteu-
mont on the SulSjec't by MCII Wile liavo
Made Sugar fleet Culture a Study-
Beet Sugar PactorIeI , tile Bounty Ques-
tion. Etc. , Ete.
NC1)rlskaS Conilig Induitry.
There was deep and absorbing interest -
est in all the proceedings of the Beet
Sugar convention held at Fremont. On
the second day of the meeting the first
matter taken up was selection of place
for holding the next convention.
I Several points were considered , Grand
Island finally being chosen. The date
was left to the executive committee.
with a recommendation thatit be fixed
at a time when tlC Grand Island fac
tory is in opratioth
Harry O'Neill , who represents the 1
new method known as the i'ilasse-Cuite '
I process , intended for small faetories
for reducing the crop to raw sugar for
the refinery was introduced. 'rho clar-
ilied juice , he said , after lcing treated
with lime and all the impurities taken
out , is put through a copper cylinder ,
through vhiehi a current of hot air
passes. An experiment was made at
( irand Island on juice 8.6 per cent sugar -
gar and 91.4 per cent water. After
passing twice through the cyjinder the
result was 8.5 per cent water anl 'Ji. 5
per cent sugar.
With the assurance of a continuation
of the bounty law the process swill be
rapidly developed. If the bouniv law
remains unchanged after the next legislature -
islature the company will be ready for
In the discussion following Mr.
O'Neflls talk it was brought out that
a plant vith the capacity of 100 tons
a day would cost about $30,000. The
company will encourage co-operation
and svill not sell the machines.
Chairman 1"urnas of the committee
on resolutions reported. The resolutions -
tions favor a state and national bounty
or the encouragempj cf the sur i -
dustry ; rinujenclcd th feation o
county asQciations ; iudorsd thd trans-
MIssIsl pp exposition at Omaha ; in-
clorse the Nebraska club , the state irrigation -
gation association and the irrigation
fair at North Platte. Thanks were cx-
tended the state board of agriculture
for its work. Improved methods of
soil culture is favored. The beet sugar
enterprise was recommended and
thanks extended to the citizens of Fremont -
mont for their hospitality. A resolution -
tion by Peter Jansen was submitted
and adopted , thanking ex-Gorernor
Furnas for his long and arduous labor
in helping to build up Nebraska.
Superintendent Granger of the Utah
sugar factory was present and addressed -
ed the convention from the factory
standpoint The first crop was raised
in Utah in 1S91 , when 9,9U0 tons were I
produced . and made up , and in 1895
.Js,000 tons were made up. The average -
age of sugar per ton of beets was 100
pounds. 'me factory cost $750,000.
Last year a dividend of 10 per cent was
declared. The factory lost money at
first , but the business has grown
steadily. This is one of the factories
that is wholly American. The factory
pays $4.25 for beets with 11.SO stan-
dard. A farmer is selected in every
community todo business between the
farmers and factory. No beets less
than the standard are taken at any
lion. ci J. Green gave an eloquent
and stirring address on the importance
! of the sugar question , of its vast consumption -
sumption and small production in this
country. ills address was the most eloquent -
quent one of the convention. He reviewed -
viewed at length the tariff legislation
of the country , with an appeal for its
application to the sugar and other
manufacturing interests of the day.
"The Possibilities of Nebraska" was
. ably treated by 11. M. Allen , president
of the association. The experience of
Nebraska as a sugar-producing state
* as compared with other states and
countries , showing that they did not
always meet with success. The crop
in Europe was very rich. Their beets
are firmer and contain more sugar than
is possible in this country. which may
be due to climatic conditions andtu
seed. Germany can produce four and
a half more tons of beets to the acre ,
with2 per cent more in raw sugar than
is possible here. In Russia the industry -
try is under control of the government
and possesses all the elements that
go to make sugar culture profitable-
fertile soil , cheap fuel and low priced
labor. Beets have been tested with as
high as 35 per cent of sugar. To corn-
Pete with these countries it is apparent
that we need protection. We want a
duty on sugar that is fair ; not an cx-
acting one. Mr. Allen gave his hearers
an insight of all sugar-producing countries -
tries the world over and also as to the
yield. Here in Nebraska we have a
good field , the right altitude , nun soil.
and with skilled labor and a study of
this subject we may be able to save
much which is now lost , and make dis-
coreries of vast benefit to beet culture.-
j. S. iloagland addressed the associa-
timi on state legislation. If the bounty
law only tended to the enrichment of
the manufacturer it should be voted
down , but if it was a source of revenue
and made the state prosperous it should
be sustained. lie referred to school
taxes and the wolf scalp bounty and
proved that the law was beneficial.
When the industry is established it vill
enhance the value of land and property -
erty , make a demand for labor and increase -
crease the population. He was in favor
of amending the corporation laws so
that large stockholders could not
crowd out the small. He would make
it so there was only one vote for the
man , not a vote for share of stock.
Under this basis he would organize district -
trict factories and county assdciations.
Hon. y G. Whitemoreof Valley read
a paper on the subject "What Now ? "
He regarded this convention as the
mpst important of any that has convened -
vened in this state since that which
prepared our constitution. We may
well congratulate ourselves and return
to our homes with this sentiment , 'Ne-
broska is the place and sugar beets the
.stnff. " Men differ because the facts
which form the b'asis of their judgment
are not understood by them alike. He
failed to see how those people who
had signed a contractwith the Oxuards
to raise beets of a certain standard of
purity and saccharine contents could
- -
rr $ - -
_ _ _ _ _
kick because the company refused to
take beets which did not reach that
standard. I-Ic did not believe that- the
Oxards would pursue a course which
must inevitably lead to failure. and
the kickintr of certain partie.s he .as-
cribed to the old teudently which begati
in the Garden of Eden. ' .l'he other fellow -
low did it. 'l'lic discussion which llfll
arisen here , he felt sure , would recon-
cue the clifierenees existing between
the producer and manufacturer. lie
ascribed the failure of the Valley
beet syndicate to the fact that
their beets did not ripen , and
that the land was not in the be&t
condition for their growth and develop-
meut of their sugar qualities. The
convention was unanimous on one
question. 'l'hat was that Nebraska
is and Ito I
naturally peremptorily adapted
to the beet sugar industry. We want
further supervision of the factories by
having the analysis made by state
chemists. who are in nowise interested
in the fuetories. When this is ac-
comphishcd , anl the farmer has the
same degree of confidence when he
sends a ] oid of beets to the factory
that he 'ill receive the fair treatment -
ment he vould receive were he to take
a load of corn to an elevator then the
in'Justt'y vo.ild advane.
E. M. NOrLOfl , state weglitxiastcr Qf
the Norfolk factory , read a paper on
the production of the Norfolk factory.
Since the factory has been in operation
it has paid for beets the sum of $492 ,
427. it. hia paid to Cm1)IOYCS $74,600 ,
and the estimated amount it has received -
ceived for the sugar it has manumac-
tured is 5886,621 , which , after paying
for coal , coke and lime and. other sup-
plies. does not leave a very large margin -
gin of profit , though it shows that the
factory is a success.
iI. A. Liinii of tile Beet Sugar industry -
try addressed the convention on how to.
secure factories. his tall : was relative
to his experience in endeavoring to secure -
cure eastern capitil to creeL them with
no siilsidy other thaii the land on which
the factory was built. 'l'hey would do
nothing without a guarantee of acre-
age. Er. Lunu reviewed the ground
covercl by other speakers and told his
experience from actual experience.
Ii.V. . Reynolds of i"rcinont rea.l a
most interesting paper on plactical
raising. lie raised forty acres of beets
this scasoii and cleared $ an acre after
allowing $4 rental per acre. 'l'he treat-
inent received from the factory was so
ntsfa"torytlit liz vihl plant lOQacres
tu vCeI.S.S season.
Congresman MeikeiJOlin made a
short. address on the merits and purposes -
poses of the Nebraska club. Its objc't
is to advertise the state atid ncoiage
immigration. It lelcngs to all and is
not a political organization. Every citizen -
izen should help to advance the ussoci-
ation. which is for tlte tate. The past
two years had blighted its good name
and it would require much labor to get
it upon its old footing.
Emigration from Ireland Is said now
to have sunk to its lowest ebb since the
year 1851.
"Grab all in sight and rustle for
more , " Is the picturesque motto of the
Kalaina , Wash. , Bulletin.
In the early days of gold mining In
California waiters in the hotels were
paid 5 a day for their labor.
A team of fox hounds hitched to a
wagonette with pneumatic wheels will
be a feature of the Fourth of July parade -
rade in Sanhlac Center , Mich.
The Ink used in printing the Bank of
England notes was formerly made front
grape stone charcoal , but now It is inait-
ufactured from naphthu. smoke.
On May 1 a pure white crow was
picked up near Sherburn Colliery sta-
tlon , England. The bir& which is a
young one , has the bill , feet , and legs
A committee has been appointed to
raise an endowment of $250,000 for St.
Paul's school , Concord. N. H. . which
became so famous under the late Rev.
Dr. Colt.
On an almost inaccessible knob near
Towesvihle , Ky. , stands a gloomy old
house with stone walls of castlelike
thickness , only reached by a winding
path about the cliff.
King James I. bought of a Mr. Markham -
ham the first Arabian horse ever owned
in England. The price was $2,500. lie
was disgraced by being beaten by every
horse that ran against him.
Every able-bodied male In Norway
has to serve it' the army. The first
year he serves fifty-four days , the see-
end - and the third
. twentyfouiand year
twenty-four. He gets only his board.
Two thousand nine hundred and nine-
ty-two pennic have been taken up in
the Canton , 0. , schools as a collection
for the Francis Key monument whIch
Is being erect'd at Frederick , Md.
The Kinzua viaduct. near Alton. Pa. ,
was designed and finished in eight and
one-half months without the use of seal-
folding or even a single ladder. It Is
2,100 feet long and 300 feet high.
Canada's debt is now 3tG,029,502.
That means about 5 for every man ,
woman and child In the country , and it
costs about $12OO000O a year to pay the
interest and charges at the low rates
now prevailing.
It is worth remembering that Mount
Logan , near the boundary between
Utah and Wyoming , Is the highest
peak in North America. Professor
Mendenhall , formerly chief of the coast
and geodetic surrey in Washington ,
made this statement.
The largest raf.t ever floated down the
Mississippi river is now on the way to
St. Louis. It consists , with its load , of
over 7.000,000 feet of lumber , mostly
white pine. : ir carried by rail this
lumber would make nearly 00 car
loads. Allowing forty feet to the car
the train would be over four and a half
miles long.
While we write from the left to the
right , the Japanese write from the right
to left
There are two hundred thousand factory -
tory girls in London. one twenty-second
of the whole population.
A curious present for a deaf person
has been introduced In Germany-a fan
deftly concealing a tiny trumpet In Its
Berlin Is the most cosmopolitan of
large European cities. Only thirty-
seven percent of Its inhabitants are German -
man by birth.
There are something lIke forty thousand -
sand public schools in Japan. The
buildings are comfortable and education
Is compulsory.
In many European countries the
practice has been adopted of planting
nut and fruit trees in place of me'e1y I
hade tress aIong the hlghwayg.
- ' _ L _ _ - - , - -
- - - - - - - -
- :
- - - -
r- . 3-
- -
- - - -
- - - - - -
I '
We have heard of wooden horses an
wooden ducks , hut a wooden lieu Is
something new tinder the sun-and Its
purposes are different from those of
either of the other wooden animals
mentioned. It Is a not a toy , though It
vill please a lCy. It Is a Iten , at least
it will hatch chickens. from liens' eggs.
. .t
It is 10x15x Incites and will take care
of tventy-eight eggs. It Is an incuI I
I bator and costs only $6.00.
This WOOlt'fl hen is made by George
11. Stahl , Quincy , Ill. If you want to
find out more about it before you buy
one , write to Mr. Stahl for catalogue
. \V. ' which gives a full description , and
mention this paper.
A 3rtn of honor.
'l'hc saloon door flew open , and the
ragged gentleman struck thc sidewalk
with tiddcnness and all his person
froni his heels to his hat.
" \Vell , vhat arc you going to do I
about it ? " asked the facetious lasserb
"Do ? Do. sir ? Nothing. lo von
think I would imbrue ni hands in the
blood of a common whisky seller's hire
ling ? If he were only a gentleman"-
And the rairged gentleman looked bat-
tie. murder and sudden death.--liidi-
ariapolis .Journal.
Sifted frtii tli Itlooti
113 1. lie 1. I ii IIe3. I m pu ri ties pass o Ii 1IL 11'fl
itsly. 1 lIe I : iat'ti V Ltv of t lie organs iiatnc ( I
lint 1)1113' ( atI ( , t liese inipul rities tO L'IIIIIII
alit ! jiol'oii tite sysi en' , httt. a iso lead to t lie
tICrelIeIUhitIt anti clestrIlc of the oIgtiI :
1 lieznsi1 \ ' ( ' . l'ICVCII t liltit' ( I i ctst' , ( I Ia-
iie ti-'s ! ' . ' . giavel t11i 01 Iit'r flhllIleillS
SIiI(1I hI IIIc1 tIIt , kkixievs and lhIl(1CI' lvii Ii
I I ostel I er'stornLlI hitters. Ii kevise
( ) ( I coities 111tu : tia , (13'SIeIitla , billions , iler-
ouS ahJl riieuinitle eoiiiplaiiits.
vahii(3- .
1)uinas the eider had a good deal of
the African in his appearance , and he
had to no small degree the love of show
common to that race. Ileferring to the
latter trait , 1exanilre Duinasfils made
the remark. ' % ly father is so vain and
0 fond of display that lie would ride
behind his own coach to make people
believe that he ltees a eolored foot-
man.Ar'n nt.
bcttness Can Not hc Curect
By local applications. as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness ,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
( hitiOfl of the mucous lining of the Etis-
tachian Tube.Then the tube is inflamed -
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing , and when it is entirely -
tirely dosed Deafness Is the result , and
unless the InflammatIon can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition , hearing will be destroyed forever -
ever : lime cases out of ten are caused
b Catarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed -
flamed condition of the mucous sur-
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deaness ( caused by Catarrh -
tarrh ) that cann.t b" cured by Hall's
Catarrli Cure.c3end for cireulars , free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0.
Sold by druggists ; The.
Hall's Family Pills , 25e.
Enmity ( 'ahlihot live long 'when it can find
no etiliuty to feed upon.
Had the Ladies' Aid Society of our
Clurchi out for tea , forty of them , and
all pronounced the German Coffeeberry
equal to Rio ! , Saizer's catalogue tells
you all about it ! 35 packages Earliest
vegetable seeds $1.00 post paId.
I I you will cut this Out afli fICHI I
with The. stamps to John A. Saizer Seed
Co. , La Crosse , Wis. , you will get free a
package of above great coffee seed and
our 148 page cataIoguc Catalogue alone
50. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It is not the clock tlmt strikis the loudest
WhiCh keeps the best tilne.
Tlegt.rnan"i Cxttnplior tccwit h Glycerin ' .
The original anti only genuine. Cures Chapped IIaIid8
.alid Face , Cold SJ1I. &c. t. G. Clurk Co..1IarexzC1
A good printer caii aiwaystehl how the
case stands.
I know that my life was saved by Piso's
Cure for Consnmption.-John A. Miller , Au
Sable. dichiigan , April liSLi.
Selfishness is self-robbery. no matter
\hether it dwells in a hut or in a paace. !
FITS-All FItsstoppt1 freobDr.K1Inc's'
I'.ervc Restorer. o Fitsaftr I 1w hii-L oay' we' ,
iarvi-1ouscuy is. Tr.atise atiI St ! trial Iol tie tie , V
lf1Lteb. bchdtoDr.KIine,931Avc1it.,1hiI.Fa.
The fan is now an inseparable adjlint of
all dainty evciuin toilettes.
l1:11TAT1ON OF T1u Tijao.v ANI ) Ho.&nsi-
NESS are immediate y reieved bv Browns
Bronehia Troehes. " Have theni always
ready. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
loiit Le a saint in diurehi and a heathen
on the street car.
' ! : i.y Influence' . t'crnbhiie t.reti ' ( ( lieiItht
to . 1i. t.nger .iIt , ' 1' e iviv.ii . i rep r ls of
1'rkes'I'OniC Iest ; vcIcJutC these ills.
Matrirnonia' triunl1)Ilsof pentenornen in
trade cause inure to o into it.
E-ryone know , Iicw it Ii Ct ,
! , , lPr s-it.a ad they .tie n t to
graceful w.i1li .g. Itniove tIiiu % v1hl1 Li .iercozns.
Mcdern woman sometimes stoop exceed-
in : ly low to onquer.
- - - - -
: . - tzr
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
' : S Pa !
_ _ _ _
_ _ _
gs ;
fliorphiIzzo Habit CtIrI.d In 10
l4.lifi to 20 dayg. NI ) liar till cureiL
iIl i.awuiw DR.J.STPHENS. LebanonOhi.
- . -
- _ - ; - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - -i , '
TnT : AEUMOTO1 CO. dees bmlf the 'torId'a
unztaIli busiuos , bccr.use It hai rocucod thee cist of
7lndpocrLo 1uvthas It'trnc , it many brch
, . bOnsct , IuI1 r.l2pplle. fts goodi and repalr3
jour doxcan and doei furniMli a
better aruc1 for Ies 51OOO than
ottura. it insks L'unita : inIl
tt-e- .Zoe2rctI. Steel , OaIanttts1.after.
trA'LI CozuDlotion WlmlmIlL * , TlItx !
and FliNt Sled fluu1aw
. Framer , Shoel Feed Ciiteni and Feed
c Grinden' . On apIIcatIin It wIll nsine ono
or thee nrtlclcs that it rLU furnish until
January lt at 1/3 the uuai price. It also xnkes
'fanls and Pumpiot all tinds. Sendfor I3t2IIgtIO.
Vcioy : 12th , Rocwe1l cud Zl1Iore Stteeti , Clso.
- -
Illustrated cata1ornu nbcrvln WELL
SEI1' Pnr. Bare been tested end
all warranted.
Sioux City Kagino Mid Iron WorL ,
SUCciu'.or , , to i'edi N&t Co. .
SIouX ( 'hEy. IOUn.
Tur flowiu..t illAsr , . 'IcISay ( ' 0. ,
till \Vet Fi.vont' : ? C't ' , .
. r-
. I
( gJ 9 L = = k1M ) 4'
1iipN'j ' : 77J ' 5'1 5' ' .
( : !
The comin .Art'i $ w'ho knows noijhi
'topamf'a popu1rubjc. .
The argest piece of. good
tobacco ever 5old fo io cents
The 5 cent piece Is nearlLj 'aS _
Iare as you , get of other'
hig grades for io cent3
, - - - _ _ _ . , I- , ,
Secdzpostpakl , - ' . , . -
- 1.oo. . , .0 , 'I- , , , -
. . , . p
- & - - -
x./JLl Have often seefl scott come Up poor and sIckly. wIthciit
suhlclent vitality to lrolucc a crop , that was an ojcet. Ics-
hofl that eoor sueds IroiIIcc poor cropc-but when you plant
Salzefs ! 'oritlen1-rn IeI5 for garden , r farm , tlio ic4ne eJiunges u
rirpIi-.t : ( ; ir iv hiiawic. liisteat or poor yIeus you atonce get rousIngcros , crops
I ' 4.'L'VI'i ' W that will rlaiitefl yourlieart and 1111 your 1ure. for Sa1zer' Seeda re tull
i % el of 1fe , lull uf vigor. full of Irolueing qualities.
I tiV.1li lIt We pay this on hits , Barley , and Corn. 210 busleIi of Si1vr 1ino .
j"1EfJi ( Nainiles" Besulyl ( IaN grown en one acre won the p rlze In 1395. 'iiii . .8I
J't'f * Leat that it is iit roatt. oi or tli century. No inoro hard tie It
Yell sow ; t lieIiti of Salzers Barley , Oats. J'otat'es. ( rac anti Cloiers !
IIIVO 31)11 tiit'tl 'Ieos1nte. SacalIn , ( lant Spurry and Giant Qtiick4rowlag
I Gcrxuau Cloven Cat.iuue : tells eli about. these Fodder PIast.
Targu SCI&tiOflS , fl'tlflY SiICfllid sons. Everything cheap. Onion Spil
at5k. perTh. ; iIIpkts.ulowerSeed. 25c l.GtJ.W ( ) ltose l'LttltS LI Sutali
l'rnits. laudy as Oak. Send "C. for 'il arket. Gardeners WboIeale Lvt.
With lUc In iauijIs to jtilfl A. Salzpr Seel ( 'ti. LaCrosse , \Vis , anti , et free
iP r _ theirgret clItalogue aid 10 pkzs. ( ras'es. Oats. Barley arC Grains ,
aii flfJj _ ct1 !
! 444t444 { fEEb ± EL _
Alpo , 4 A1t1.EI ) PL'L'It. ( Attt .t1' tA1f1T F1CE.
We rnaufaeture a comp'ete .me o ( iuootll Wire } eicing ani guarantee eery artleI t i. repre.
rnteti. Ifyou cozi.Ider quaiity we cii rave you iituiey. Cat4.suu tiee.
' 121 High Street ,
r1 Vlk ! rsr ( ,
, _ , "S t c ; ; t g i # .i , D E KAL B , i L L.
U- 1
A Simile in mokc
UI' ,
' -
! There's all sorts of grades of tobacco plant. The best I
; : comes from Havana. [ 'here's all sorts of grades of sarsa-
Co parilla plant. The best comes from Honduras. If you I
, ; , want cheap tobacco , all right-provided you get value for
your money Cheap tobacco s not as good to smoke - but
it don't cost tis much.
Q _ _ Jf you wzlnt cheap sarsaparila ! . . . But you don't u-ant
it. Of course you don't. You are paying for the best.
' / 'To pay for the best and et anything but Honduras sarsaparilla -
saparilla is like paying for Havana cigars and getting (
: ' Pittsburg ' Stogies. " There's only one sarsaparilla made , <
exclusively from the imported Honduras plant. That's
Ayer's. Just keep it in mind that you are paying for
Honduras sarsaparilla when you are paying for the best ;
, Th but you don't get vhat you pay for unless you get Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. ! i
Any doubt about it ? en'1 for the " Cubook. "
' ; ' It kills doubts but carts doubtera. d
( F' .Acdre.s : 3. C. Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mus.
. . . : : ; : : , ,
9 2 oz. for 5 Cents.
9 CHEROOTS-3for _ 5 Cents. t
, Give a Good , Mellow , Healthy ,
9 Pleasant Smoke. Try Them.
, LVON & CO. TOL'ICCO I7OKS. Drhin , N. t.
r. 1J1)flN W.iIIOICRIS ,
vaiinaon , fl. C.
SuccessfuIIy Prosecutes Claims. .
Late PrincIpal Eacinr OS. Pei.itoa Bua
Liiyrs ; a lst war. 1adjutheauaciahu. . . at
\V. N. U. , OMIIAii'9.
When writing to : tdver kindly
mention tht paper.
iI l hi ti22e. Sold by druIn.
- - -
_ _ ci : .
- - : I - yar . - . - - . . ' ' -