' _ , . _ , - S d , 4 1 ° uO ) o G S Uo L 06 c , Y 4 . r $ . Lro : rzir 0 _ . ) ( CHAPTER 1.-CoNTlaiEL ) . A second and third attempt Miss Fulton - ton made to solve the mystery of the . haunted chamber. On the second night the place was not visited , and the adventurous - venturous girl had slept soundly from 2 o'clock until daybreak. But the third night , just as 12 o'clock 'str'uck , she heard the rattle of a key in the lock and directly the door swung upon , creakingly , and the tall figure she had once before seen stepped over the thres- hold. This time the figure was black only , simple black , and the veil that covered her face and shoulders was sabe : crape. She went forward until she stood upon the blood stain on the carpet and then sinking down to her knees she muttered some unintelligible - ble words that sounded like a denunci- i ation. Then she rose quickly and turned - ed toward the closet where hung the bridal veil. Helen sprang forward and grasped her firmly by the arm. A hoarse cry broke from under the black veil. With a gigantic strength the arm was torn from Helen's grasp , and , as before , the figure banished in the shadows of the corridor. But she had left behind her - a souvenir. For closely clasped in 1 Telen's hand was a piece of torn cloth , ' V and on carrying it to the light , Helen saw that it was a fragment of heavy , lustreless black silk. The face grew pale as marble and she leaned on a ta = ' ble for support. "My God ! " she exclaimed , under her breath"what if it should be ? " Helen Fulton said nothing of her adV - V veut ires to any one , but she was watchful and alert , and very little took place at the Rock of which she was not cognizant. With Ralph she was a great favorite. Her playfulness helped to dispel - pel the gloom which hung constantly i over him ; lie liked to listen to her childish - ish talk and lie liked to be surprised by the sudden flashes of wisdom be- - yondf her years that sometimes gleamed I through the free carelessness of her conversation. He took her out with Agnes - nes and himself in the little Sea foam and before she had been a month at the Rock Helen Fulton knew every idclr of the coast for miles and would manage a boat as well as the roughest old fish- , crntaa in the vicinity. Her father kept } writing to recall her home , but she was so happy there among the rocks by the sea , she said , that she could not return until she had seen the coast by the light of-a summer sun , and so the indulgent - dulgent old gentleman ceased to urge lice. CHAPTER . r" I'NDE GRAHAM sat before a little table in his cell. He had a pen in his hand , and writing materials upon the table. He laid down the pen , and leaned back thoughtfullyy in his chair. His imprison- tnent had brought upon him a great change. His face was pale and attenuated - uated , his lips had grown thin by constant - stant compression , and his eyes , once so bright and daring , were sad and misty with the tears pride would not let him shed. For as the time drew near when his reprieve would expire , and the fatal sentence of the law must be executed , lie felt a strange , yearning desire for life. Before , when he had been so near V death , he had hardly asked for life : some way , it did not seem so easy to die now. Once , he had loved in a wild. passionate way-a little short of mad- ness-Imogene Ireton ; he would have given his life to have brought her one hour of happiness. But that fierce passion - sion had died a violent death. It had been very long since he had thought of leer with a single thrill , and gradually there had crept into his heart. to be enshrined - shrined there in secrecy , the sweet face of Agnes Trenholme , just as he had last - seen it , when she lay senseless in the arms of Dr. Hudson , at the foot of the ; gallows from which she had saved him. A thrill of exquisite pleasure sweptover 1iim , as he thought , if she had not loved him she would not have risked so much . -to save him ! He flushed , his mouth grew tender as a woman's at the , thought-he put out his arms as if toward - ward some imaginary object , but dropped them again with a sad sigh. "A , prisoner-condemned to , die , " he , Zi1idl hoarsely to himself. "What right have I to think a single thought of a pure woman ? And yet at heart , God knoweth , I am as innocent as she is ! " He rose and paced the narrow limits to him with nervous haste. Thena seated himself and took up his pen. pen."Ft can do no harm , " lie said , thinking - ing aloud. "I have always meant to ask her to come to me , but not so soon -not until y nearness to death should Tiiake it my last request. But I am so 'hungry-for a sight of her face ! " He wrote rapidly : "Miss Agnes Trenholme-Is it being 1 i. too presumptuous to ash you to make , my gloomy prison all bright for a little while with your presence ? We were playmates once , you know , and in the memory of the dear old time , before sorrow came , I ask you to visit me here. I shall be unhappy until you come. Will you be kind ? "LYNDE GRAHAM , " This little note cost Agnes a sleepless night of weeping and prayer. But when the morning came it found her calm. She said nothing to anyone of her intention , but toward noon she dressed herself in her plainest clothes and walked down to Portlea. The jailer gave her access at once. She stood alone with Lyncee Graham , His face glowed , his breath came quick. If he had followed the dictates of his heart , he would have sprung forward - ward and folded her in his arms. But he remembered that lie was a feon ! , and restrained himself. Agnes went forward - ward , downcast and confused , and put her hand in his. The consciousness of her love , the love lie had never asked for , made her timid and shrinking. "You see I have come , Lyncle. " "I do. I thank you for it , and also for calling me Lyncle. 0 Agnes , it seems so much like the old times ! " "The dear old times ! " she said softly. " 0 Lyncle , Lyncle' " And all the terrible - ble change that had come rushed over her mind , and she burst into tears. He smoothed the hair on her forehead - head , his hand trembling , his voice hoarse and unsteady. "Hush , my child ! It is all in God's hands. Cannot we trust him ? " "Yes , I have. I do. But , 0 Lynde ! only three little months , and then- " She stopped. She could not finish ( lie sentence. "And then I shall have passed away , " he said solemnly. "It hill be better , perhaps , bat I have just begun to learn how sweet life might be ! " "Lynde. I want you to tell me that you are innocent. I know that you are. I have never felt a doubt of that , but I want to hear you say it. It will be to me a great satisfaction. " "You are good to trust me , Agnes. I V am ilinnoceut. I wend : sooner have died than harm should have come to Marina. Ls that enough ? " "Yes , your simple word is all I ask. I am content. " "I thank you yet again for your trust in me. But I have never epressed to you my gratitude for the little more of life given me through your means. I know all the risk you ran , and all the sacrifice you made , and my heart is full of gratitude. " Ile leaned his head over hers , and lifted her face-their lips almost touched. The temptation that beset him was aniost : too strong to be re- sisted. If he could kiss her once , he ' . thought , the remembrance would be so sweet he should forget all that might come in recalling it. But lie would not. 1 He was a man convicted and sentenced to death for the crime of murder-his very' touch : was pollution. "Lynde , " she said , "I could not have I you die. Why do I not feel the same ( i terrible anxiety now , I wonder ? I know that this time I cannot save you , 1 and yet I feel no fear. I seem to cast it all out of my mind. " He looked at her curiously. She seemed like one who saw far away' in the future something so bright and beautiful that its glory pierced even the midnight gloom of the unhappy- present. And then , the glow faded , the light went out of her eyes. She s saw only the dreary prison cell , and dropping her forehead on her folded t 1 arms. she sobbed unrestrainedly. I Lyncle Graham half lifted his arms to 1 take her into them , but refrained. t ' 0 Agnes' " lie said , bitterly , "if I only could ! if I had a right to comfort you ! But you understand what stands t between us ! She understood him fully , then. The color leaped into her checks-she took 1 her hands gentlyy awayy from him. "Lynce , I must go now. Sometime I will conic again. Good-by. " * * * * * , A t About this time a veryy singular cir- cuntstance occurred at the Rock. Quito , the great dog that had been t Marina's , hadl been absent from home ever since the marriage of Mr. Tren- f holme. A friend of that gentlemen , a sporting character , had borrowed the t dog to take away with him into the s wilds of New Hampshire , on a hunting tour lie was making with some brother t sportsmen ; and now having returned , t he brought Quito home. From the i very first , the dog behaved strangely. t Mr. Trenholme thought he had been so S long away that lie had forgotten his I old friends ; but that was not the case , s for he greeted Agnes and the housekeeper - keeper in the most cordial canine man- ner. But he was restless , and ill at a ease. He smelled of the floors and the c furniture , and his ears and tail were t erect in an instant at the slightest sound. He refused to eat , and would c not lie down in his old place on the mat in the library , but sat in a watchful attitude - titude on the threshold of the sitting room. Helen Fulton began to make ' advances to him at once. "If he'd only : et me pat him , " she s said to Agnes. "Patting is the finest s cure for ill-temper. I always pat papa f : when I ask him for money. She put out her hand to the dog , t "We'll be friends , won't we , Quito ? " The dog winked his great intelligent eyes , and laid his cold nose in her hand. i , r e , . . . She gat her arms around his shaggy neck , "I love you , Quito , she said , enthu- siastically. "Helen loves you ! And let what will happen she'll stand by you ! " The dog barked understandingly , and looked Into her face with eyes that were almost human. A little afterward , a piercing scream echoed through the house. It came from the hall above the main entrance. Ralph rushed out of the library , where he was writing , and Agnes , Helen and Mis. Trenholme hurried to the.place. For a moment they all stood petrified with what they beheld. Quito was holding Imogene pinioned to the floor with his heavy body , and his terrible teeth were buried in her throat ! Every hair on him bristled with rage , and his eyes gleamed like coals. Imogene's face was purple , her eyes starting from their sockets , and the red blood flowing profusely down her white neck to the floor. Ralph snatched a musket from the bracket in the wall , and struck the dog a terrible blow , and then he lifted lino- gene lip. Something like a thrill of tenderness went over him as her head sink helplessly to his shoulder. "My poor girl , he said , pityingly- then to one of the servants , "William , run quickly for the doctor ! " Imogene heard him , and raised lien- self quickly. . "Stop , William ! " she said , impera- tively. "It is not much. Bind it up , some of you. I want no doctors ! " Ralph took her up to the housekeep- er's room , and tlip old woman washed and dressed the wound to the best of her ability. It was severe , but no serious - ious result need be apprehended. "Now tell me how it happened ? " said Ralph , seating himself by the side of his wife. She replied coldly : "I hardly know. I think the doe must be naturally ill-tempered. 1 brushed against him as I was passing , and instantly he sprang upon me. Don't question me about it , please ? It gives me the terrors to think of it. Ralph left her and sought Quito. Helen had taken him in charge , and with hhPhead in her lap was doing her best to comfort him for the rough treatment - ment he had received at the bands of his master. Ralph took the animal by the collar , and Helen saw the glitter of a revolver in his hand. She sheltered the dog with her body. "No ! no ! you must not have him , ii you are being to ] till him ! I won't let you ! " "He has nearly killed my wife , hiss Fulton ; I should not feel safe with him at large. me only way to stop this is end his life. " "But I tell you , you shall not ! Mr. Trenholme , I am your guest , and if I want a dog's life spared , you can't be a gentleman , you know , unless you spare it. " "Itldeed , I regret to deny you- "But you need not regret , for I will not have you deny me ! You can chain the dog. But if you kill him , now marl : -lie. if you kill him-and you shall not -there will come a day when you will be sorry for it ! " Her singular earnestness influenced hint strangely. There was something about this girl he did not understand. " Tory' well , " he said , ' i wiil humor 'roll. The deg shall be chained. Come , Quito. " "Thank you , " she said. "That's dud. Give me the pistol. " "Wllar ? Cannot you trust me ? " "Pistols are dangerous weapons in careless hands. Give it to me. I'll ; ill a squirrel for your breakfast with t in the morning. " And taking the weapon front his unresisting hand , she utrried away. tTO EE CONTINUED. ) TRICKS PLAYED BY PLANTS. lrttnt Devices of the Calendula-Tho Coly wheat's Joke. Dr. Lundstrom has recentlyy described some cases of alleged plant mimicry , ays London Public Opinion. The cul- ivated plant known as Calendula may , n different conditions , produce at least hree different kinds of fruit. Some rave sails and are suited for transpor- ation by the wind , while others have hooks and catch hold of passing animals - mals , but the third kind exhibits a more lesperate dodge , for it becomes like a caterpillar ! Not that the fruit knows any thing about it , but if it be sufticient- y like a caterpillar , a bird may eat it by mistake , the indigestible seeds will be subsequently dropped and so the rick succeeds. The next case is more marvelous. There is a very graceful wild plant , I witli beautiful , delicate flowers , known o manyy as the cow wheat. Ants are and of visiting the cow wheat to feast on a sweet banquet spread out upon he leaves. Dr. Lundstrom has ob- : erved one of these ants and was surprised - prised to see it making off with one of he seeds from an open fruit. The ant oolt the seed home with it. On explor- ng some ant nests the explorer saw hat this was not the first cow-wheat eed which had been similarly treated. iany seeds were found in the ant nur- eries. The ants did not eat them or destroy them ; in fact , when the nest was disturbed the ants saved. the seeds long with their brood , for in size , form , olor and weight , even in minute par- iculars , the seeds in question resemble ant cocoons. Once placed among the ocoons it requires a better than an ' ant to distinguish the tares from the wheat. In the excitement of flitting , when the nest is disturbed , the mistake s repeated and the seeds are also saved. The trick is found out some day , forr the eeds , like the cocoons , awake out of t Jeep. The awakening displays the aud. The seeds are thus supposed to be scattered ; theyy germinate and seem t o thrive in the ant nests. t A preferred creditor-one who never MCsents his bill. I ALMAGL l S SERMON. THIS GLORIOUS HERITAGE OF I EVERY CHRISTIAN. Golden Tcst : "Put To In the Sickle , foa the harvest Is Itipo"-Joel , III , 13- ; Prayer and Song the Bulwarks of the Christian Itoligion. tom , } HE sword has been poetized and the world has celebrated - ed the sword of 1 Bolivar , the sword' ' of Cortez , anti the i sword of Lafayette. f The pen has been fi i properly eulogized , ; and the world has celebrated the pen of Addison , the pen of Southey , and the pen of Irving. The painters' pencil has been honoredr and the world has celebrated the pencil of Murillo , the pencil of Rubens , and the pencil of Bierstadt. The sculptor's ! chisel has come in for high encomium , and the world has celebrated Chantrey's chisel , and Crawford's chisel , and Greenough's chisel. But there is one Instrument about which I sing the first , canto that was ever sung-the sickle , the sickle of the Bible , the sickle that has reaped the harvest of many cen- turies. Sharp and bent into a semicircle - circle , and glittering , this reaping hook , no longer than your arm , has furnished the bread for thousands of years. Its success has produced the wealth of na- tions. It has had more to do with the world's progress than sword , and pen , and pencil , and chisel , all put together. Christ puts the sickle into exquisite serinonic simile , and you see that instrument - strument flash all up and down the Apocalypse as St. John swings it , while through Joel in my text God commands the people , as through his servants now he commands them"Put ye in the sickle , for the harvest is ripe. " Last November there was great no- jcicing all over the land. With trumpet - pet and cornet and organ and thousand- voiced psalm we praised the Lord for the temporal harvests. We praised God for the wheat , the rye , the oats , the cotton , the rice , all the fruits of the orchard and all the grains of the field ; ' and the nation never does a better thing than when in autumn it gathers to festivity and thanks God for the greatness - ness of the harvest. But I come to-day to speak to you of richer harvests , even the spiritual. How shall we estimate the value of a man ? We say he is worth so many dollars , or has achieved such and such a position ; but we know very well there are some men at the top of the ladder who ought to be at the bottom , and some at the bottom who ought to be at the top , and the only way to estimate a man is by the soul. We alt know that we shall live forever. Death. cannot hill us. Other crafts may be drawn into the whirlpool or shivered - ered on the rocks , but this life within us will weather all storms and drop no anchor , and ten million years after death will shake out signals on the high seas of eternity. You put the mendicant - cant off your doorstep and say he is only a beggar ; but lie is worth all the gold of the mountains , worth all the pearls of the sea , worth the solid earth , worth sun , moon and stars , worth the entire material universe. Take all the paper that ewer came from the paper- mila : and put it side by side and sheet by sheet , and let man with fleetest penis make figures on that paper for 10,000 years , and they will onlyy have begun to express the value of the soul. Suppose - pose I owned Colorado and Nevada and Australia , of how much value would they be to me one moment after I dc- parted this life ? How much of Philadelphia - adelphia does Stephen Girard own to- j day ? How much of Boston property does Abbott Lawrence own to-day ? The man who "o-day hath a dollar in his pocket hath more worldly estate than the millionaire who died last year. Iiow do you suppose I feel , standing here surrounded by a multitude of 1 souls , each one worth more than the material universe ? Oh , was I not right in saying , this spiritual harvest is richer than the temporal harvest ? I must tighten the girdle , I must sharpen t the sickle , I must be careful how I 1 swing the instrument for gathering the grain , lest one stalk be lost. One of the most powerful sickies for reaping 1 this spiritual harvest is the preaching of the Gospel. If the sickle have a rose- t waled handle , and it be adorned with precious stones , and yet it cannot bring down the grain , it is not much of a sickle , and preaching amounts to noth- ri ng unless it harvests souls for God. , t Shall we preach philosophy ? The j , 1alph Waldo Emersons could beat us } Iii Lt that. Shall we preach science ? The lgassizes could beat us at that. The , minister of Jesus Christ with weakest ! 1 arm going forth in earnest prayer , and ; a wielding this sickle of the Gospel , shall t find the harvest all around him waiting for the angel sheaf-binders. Oh , . this I . harvest of souls ! I notice in the fields I that the farmer did not stand upright I t when he gathered the grain. I noticed f he had to stoop to his work , and I noticed - P ticed that in order to bind the sheaves c the better he had to put his knee upon ! them. And as we go forth in this work for God we cannot stand upright in our i rhetoric and metaphysics and our ei ti- dition. We have to stoop to our work. c y , we have to put our knee to it or 1 A we will never gather sheaves for the Lord's garner. Peter swung that sickle I on the day of Pentecost , and three thousand - sand sheaves came in. Richard Baxter swung that sickle at Kidderminster , I and McCheyne at Dundee , and vast mula itudes cane into the kingdom of our Ti God. God.Oh , this is a mighty. Gospel ! It cap- ured not only John the lamb , but Paul lie lion. fen may gnash their teeth Lt it , and clinch their fists , but it is the power of God and the wisdom of God unto salvation. But alas , if it is only preached in pulpits and on Sabbath ( lay's ! W a must go forth into our stores , our shops , our banking-houses , our factories - tories , and the streets , and everywhere preach Christ. We stand in our pulpits for two hours on the Sabbath and con- I mend Christ to the people ; but there are 168 hours in the week , and what arc the two hours on the Sabbath against the IGG ? Oh , there comes down the ordination - nation of God this day upon nIl the peo- pie , men who toil with head and hand and foot-the ordination comes upon all merchants , upon all mechanics , upon all toilers , and God says to you as he says to me : "Go , teach all nations. He that belleveth and is baptied shall be savcdand , he that believeth not shall be damned. " Mighty Gospel , let the whole earth hear it ! The story of Christ is to regenerate the nations , it is to eradicate - cate all wrong , it is to turn the earth into a paradise. An old artist painted the Lord's Supper , and he wanted the chief attention directed to the face of Christ. When he invited his friends in to criticise the picture , they admired the chalices more than they did the face , and the old artist said : "This i picture is a failure , and lie dashed out the picture of the cups , and said : "I ( shall have nothing to detract from the face of the Lard ; Christ is the all of this picture. " Another powerful sickle for the reaping - ing of this harvest is Christian song. i I know in many churches the whole work is delegated to a few people standing - ing in the organ-loft. But , my friends , as others cannot repent for us and others cannot die for us , we cannot delegate to others the work of singing for us. While a few drilled artists , shall take the chants and execute the more skillful music , , when the hymn is given out let there lie hundreds and thousands of voices uniting in the ac- clamation. On the way to grandears that never cease and glories that never die , let us sing. At the battle of Lnit- ' Zen , a general came to the king and said : "Those soldiers are singing as they are going into battle. Shall I stop them ? " "No , " said the icing "men ' that can sing like that can fight. " Oh , the power of Christian song ! When I argue here you may argue back. The argument you make against religion may be more skillful than the argument I make in behalf of religion. But who can stand before the pathos of some uplifted song like that which we sometimes - times sing : Show pity , Lord , 0 Lord , forgive ! I Let a repenting rebel live ! Are not thy mercies large and free ? May not a sinner trust in thee ? Another mighty sickle for the reaping - ' ing of the Gospel harvest is prayer. What does God do with our prayers ? j Does he go on the battlements of hearI I en and throw them off ? No. What do you do with gifts given you by those who love you very much ? You keep them with great sacredness. And do you suppose God will take our prayers , offered in the sincerity and love of our hearts , and scatter them to the winds ? Oh , no ! lie will answer them all in ' some tray. Oh , what a mighty thing prayer is ! It is not a long rigamarole ' Dr "ohs , " anti "alis , " and "for ever and ever , Amen. " It is a breathing of the heart into the 'heart of God. Oh , what a mighty thing prayer is ! Elijah with it reached up to the clouds and shook down the showers. With it John Knox shook Scotland. With it Martin Luther shook the earth. And when Philipp lIelanchthon lay sick unto death , as j many supposed , Martin Luther came in and said : "Philipp , we cant spare you : 'Oh , said he , "Martin , you must let no go ; I am tired of persecution and tired of life. I want to go to be with my i Gad. " "No , " said Martin Luther , "you shall not go ; you must take this food Ind then I will pray for you. "No , 1 Martin ; said Melanchthon , "you must et me go. " Martin Luther said : "Yell ! take this food , or I will ex-communi- rate you. " He took the food and Martin - tin Luther knelt down and prayed as only he could pray , and convalescence came and Martin Luther went back and said to his friends : "God has saved the ! ife of Philipp Melanchthon in direct answer to my prayer. " Oh , the power of prayer ! Have you tested it ? * * I invite any one the most infidel , any one the most atheistic , I invite hint into he kingdom of God with just as much 1 teartiness as those who have for fifty years been under the teaching of the Gospel and believed it all. When I was lying in Philadelphia a gentleman told r e of a scene in which he was a par- icipant. In Callowhill street , Philadelphia - delphia , there had been a powerful meeting going on for some time and ny were converted , and among oth- ev : one of the prominent members of he worst club-house in that city. The ; ext night the leader of that club- ! ouse , the president of it , resolved that he would endeavor to get his comrade away' . He came to the door , and before Le entered he heard a Christian song , rd under its power his soul was agi- , I ated. He went in and asked for prayi i 1' . Before he came out he was a sub- ect of converting mercy. The next night another comrade went to reclaim he two who , had been lost to their sin- ; til circle. He went , and under the aver of the Holy Ghost became a hanged man , and the work went on until they were all saved and the in- amous club-house disbanded. Oh , it s a mighty Gospel ! Though. you came ' here a child of sin you can goV away a gild of grace ; you can go away singing : ' mazing grace , how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me ; once was lost , but now am sound- Was blind , but now I see. I Oh , give up your sinst Most of your ife is already gone. Your children re going on the same wrong road. i by do you not stop ? "This day is salvation - vation come to thy house. Why not this moment look up into the face of Chrlst and say : Just as I am , without one plea But that thy blood was shed for me , And that thou bid'st me some to thee , 0 LaBib of God , I come , I come , . . . . . . - . . . . - - . , . - .v-Y ) di. .yr r 1 1 - 1 Goa r going to save you. You are 1 going to be among the shining ones. After the tolls of life are over , you are i going up to the everlasting rest , you are ' ' , r going up to join your loved ones , departed - " ( parted parents and departed children. 1 my God , " says some man , "how can I come to thee ? I am so far off. Who will help me , I am so weak ? It seems such a great undertaking. " Oh , my brother , it is a great undertaking ! It is so great you cannot accomplish it , but Christ can do the work. Ho will I correct your heart and ho will correct ' your life. "Oh , you say , "I will stop ' i profanity. " That will not save you. f , "Olt y'ou saY. "I will sto1) Sabbath- jt breaking. " That will not save you. There is only ono door into the Ling- torn of God , and that is faith ; only one ship that sails for heaven , and that is i faith. Faith the first step , the second f step , the hundredth step , the thousandth - , , t sandth step , the last step. By faith we i enter the kingdom. By faith we keep In. By faith we tile , Heaven a reward ref 1 of faith. The earthquake shook down I the Philippian dungeon. The jallor e said : "What shall I do ? " Some of you would say : "Better get out of the r nlace before the walls crush y ou. r What did the Apostle say ? "Believe ' ors the Lord Jesus Christ anti thou shalt V be saved. " "Ah ; you say , "there's the rub. " What is faith ? Suppose you were thirsty and I offered you this glass of water , and you believed I meant to give it to you , and you came up and took it. You exercise faith. You believe I mean r to keep my promise. Christ offers you , „ the water of everlasting life. You tales ti it. That is faith. Enter into the kingdom of God. Enter - , ter now. The door of life Is set wide open. I plead with you by the blood i sweat of Gethsemane and the death- C groan of Golgotha , by cross and crown , by Pilate's court-room and Joseph's sepulchre , by harps and chains , by kirgdoms of light and realms of darkness - ness , by the trumpet of the archangel that shall wake the dead , and by the ' : , throne of the Lord God Almighty and t1le Lamb , that you attend new to the things of eternity. Oh , what a sad tlting it will be if , having conic so near heaven , we miss it ! Oh , to have come r within sight of the shining pinnacles , of the cit5 ndl not have entered. Oh , 1 , to have been so near we have seen the { mighty throng enter , and we not joining - ' . ing them ! Angels of God , fly this way. ! Gcod news for you , tell the story among the redeemed on high ! If there I be one there especially. longing for our salvation , let that one know it now. tivii put down ol)1' sorrows. Glory be to God for such a hoPc. for such a pa rile n , t for such a joy , for such a heaven , for ! such a Christ ! Spook Out Your Lov , , . A French journal gives one excellent ti way by which we may advance Christ's / kingdom , as follows : a Let your friends know that you love ' them. Do not keep alabaster boxes of * } our love and tenderness sealed up ' until } your friends a r e dead. PL1 your ' , ' lives with sweetness ; speak kind , ap- . , .t t , proving words while their hearts can hear them. The things you mean to say when they arc gone say before they go.The flowers you mean to send for , r their coffin send to brighten their , . homes before they leave them. If my friends have alabaster boxes full of perfumes of sympathy and affection - f tion , which they intend to break over my dead body , I would rather they ' - would bring them out in my weary day ; t anti open them that I may be refreshed anti cheered by them while I need them. I would rather have a bare coffin without a flower , and funeral without - out an eulogy , than life without - ; out the sweetness of love and sympathy , Let us learn to anoint our friends beforehand for burial. Post-mortem kindnesses do trot cheer " 1 the burdened spirit , Flowers on the coffin cast-no fragrance over the weary days of our lives. / PROVERBIAL. A maiden should never be ma riled in ) colors if she wishes to be happy , the most unfortunate colors being yellow and green. Widows who re-marry ought not to ie dressed in white. Wednesday is the most fortunate day for marri ages , Saturday - urday the most unluck y The thirteenth of the month Is unfortunate - tunate for all purposes. Birds in flocks are lucky , and the sun to shine upon a bride is most pro- i pitious , denoting success in all maters and mutual owe. ' If a green-pea pod containln t ; nine ) peas is put by a maiden over the hail- door , she will be married if the first t stranger who enters l happens to be a bachelor. r „ Daniel Webster was lofty and. digni- fied. His abstraction sometimes created - ed the impression , of incivility where no 1 , discourtesy was intended. GIadstone is polite to everybody. At Ifs country home he knows everyone ± n the vicinity , and has a kindly word S t for even the poorest farm laborer. William Penn's formal but kindly politeness impressed even the Indians with whom he dealt. One of the- names given him by them was "The. Good Big Chief. " Madison made it a point to touch his , hat to everyone who bowed to him , and the front part of his hat brim was always - l ways worn threatbare in consequence of this punctiliousness. t Henry Clay was said to make the , , most engaging bow of any gentleman , of his time. Haydn was the personification of courtesy. He once said : "It does not t pay to be impolite , even to a dog. " F The Duke of Marlborough said that - ; he owed his success as much to his ele- . f rant deportment as to his talents , - Chesterfield was so graceful that one of his contemporaries said it was worth journey across England to see him bow. > d Andrew Jackson was rough in his manners , but he could be polite when he pleased , He was always courteous V to ladies. - . - A J d.