, . . .Y. - T Y 9 + iriv 1 f uo Trfltne. By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. HERE'S the right hand of fellowship - ship to Colonel Phillips of the Reporter. THE death of genial "Bill" Nye will be widely deplored by American - can readers at least. TIIE McKinley boom is in danger - ger of breaking its back "pitching the tune" . There is such a thing as overdoing the enthusiasm bus- mess. THE First Presbyterian church of New York city is gaining some notoriety over the land from the stated fact that "Old Glory" floats from its steeple every Sunday. IT will not be safe or conclusive - sive to overlook the influence of Platt of New York and Quay of Pennsylvania in betting upon the nominee of the next Republican national convention. . THE controversy between Col- , oue ISniifli of the DanbuiY News and Colonel Mitchell of the In- dianola Courier has readied the pathetic stage , and it should be abandoned. Truth and pathos must be respected. TIIEIndianola Courier referring to Oscar Wilde of the Culbertson Era as a "really eighty" humorist in embryo , reminds us that the prospect will remain tolerably pleasing as long as Oscar's scrap book holds out. 'T'HE Republican party will need to make no excuses for Czar Reed if he should become their national staularcl bearer in the coming Republican - publican victory , this fall. Tom speaks for himself-and like most men of convictions and courage- he speaks right out in meeting when the occasion demands. THE people of western Nebraska niust arouse to the overshadowing importance of the question of impounding - pounding winter and flood waters. Everywhere ditches should be excavated - cavated and the water of the rivers and creeks stored away iii reservoirs - voirs for summer use. Embankments - ments should take the place of wooden bridges over a thousand canyons and thus innumerable ponds and lakes be formed. This policy should not be further de- layed. It's practical , and sensible. NORTH STAR. Master Linn Rogers is afflicted with sore eyes. Miss Bessie Eudslev sojourned at home over Sunday. Some of the farmers have commenced - menced their spring work. 3-.13. Pickering and family moved - ed into Gerver precinct , this week. Frafik Ned went to Indianola , last week , to be jailer in his fath- er's absence. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Burns visited - ited their daughter Mrs.A.L.Miller on the Willow , last Sunday. A number of the yours friends of the Misses Laura and Clara 1 Pickering gave them a pleasant surprise on last Saturday night. Over twenty were present. Numerous - - > , erous games were indulged in and i good time is the report of all in attendance. Plenty of Apples at TiniPl ale's. WANTED-Regular correspondents - ents for THE TRIBUNE at Danbury , Box Elder , Lebanon , Cedar Bluffs , and other unrepresented localities in this vicinity. Write for terms and full particulars. Plenty of Apples at IfniPl ale's . Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , 'DR , IIICEJ : : . CREAM j BAKING . : . POWDLR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 0 YEARS THE STANDARD. 4 - _ fl. _ _ _ t # . -v. 1 i-Wr.t } f BARTLEY. W. D. Myers is moving in A.E. Crosby's house. G. W. Bede , late of Cambridge , is now living in Wilsonville. Mrs. W. R. Tucker and family moved to Cambridge , Tuesday. W. S. Hamilton is arranging to moving into the house vacated by A. W. Porter. ill. D. Frost came down from McCook to spend Saturday and Sunday at home. Editor J. C. Harlan of the Cambridge - bridge Kaleidoscope heard the drama , Saturday evening. The brothers Cammack are moving - ing , this week , to the farm recently - ly vacated by P. J. Byers. I A. W. Porter's family left on Thursday evening for Denver , and he will follow in a few days. Father Ellis left , last Thursday morning , for a three weeks visit to his son at Harrison , Arkansas. Olive and Edith Ogg pleasantly entertained a company of their young friends , Tuesday evening. Miss Nellie Stephens closed a three months term of school in the district just south of townMonda , 3 George Chadci went out to the Gammill ranch on the Medicine , last Friday , to remain a few weeks. Ed. Stilgebouer and Miss Ola Pew of Danbury visited F. G. Stil- gebouer and family , Sunday and Monday. Denver Taylor came down from Indianola , Saturday evening , to hear the amateurs and spend Sunday - day at home. Samuel Bryan is driver on the mail route , this week , while B. F. Sibbett is preparing for the spring work on the farm. . W. J. Stilgebouer and wife of Danbury witnessed "Tony , the Convict" , Saturday evening , and spent Sunday with F. . G. Stilge- bouer. P. J : Byers , who has been living on a farm northeast of town , left , with his family , for the eastern part of the state , Monday , leaving some creditors to mourn his depar- ture. Some members of the G. A. R. post and W. R. C. made Mr. and Mrs. C. Cowles a surprise visit on Tuesday eveningand enjoyed their usual very pleasant time on such occasions. E. J. Laughlin came clown from his Dundy county farm , Monday evening , to make a brief visit with his sister , Mrs. J. A.Curlee , before leaving for Randolph , Iowa , where he expects to remain about a year. A donation party at the Methodist - dist parsonage , Monday evening , was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. The pastor and wife were the recipients of a goodly store of necessaries , for which they are heartily thankful. The sporting element indulged in a couple of horse races and a cock fight , last Saturday. Lem Smith's horse won as he pleased in the raceswhile , the Dutch barber's rooster carried off the honors in the feathered engagement. Charles Catlett resigned as superintendent - erintendent of the Methodist Sunday - day school , last Sunday , and F. G. Stilgebouer was elected to fill the vacancy. It seems that a general degree of satisfaction did not obtain - tain during Supt. Catlett's admin- istration. After having served in an ornamental - mental capacity only for some weeks , the .water works plant- otherwise recognized as a monument - ment to the stupidity of the disbursers - bursers of village funds , is allowed to resume its former degree of usefulness - fulness ( ? ) . The drama "Ton ' the Convict" offered by the band , last Saturday evening , was greeted by a crowded house and was quite creditably executed. As a rule the parts were well played , though some startling inconsistencies were noticedamon , g them being a shock of football hair gracefully waving over a suit of convict's stripes ; while the part of the sour old maid was filled by a portly woman with a physiognomy that couldn't appear other than jolly. The band realized about $25 above expenses and intends presenting the play in Cambridge , soon. soon.We We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers , memorandums , etc. Tr that 15 cent box paper at THE TRIBUNE office. Worth 25 cts. Also cheaper grades. - 4 BOX ELDER. How is this for February. Some say it's too early to farm. What think you ? Oscar Werner was out from Mc- Cook , Sunday last. , A wedding is announced among the events , for March in our town. A brother of Mrs. E. J. Vivian from Fullerton , Nance county , is making her a visit. Friday last , Miss Martha Johnson - son closed a successful term of school in district 41. Dick Hanlein is trying to break a bicycle to ride. He seems to be undecided which will conquer. George Hanlein writes that lie may be expected back from the Pacific coast in the early summer. Miss Hattie King was taken quite seriously ill with quinsy on Sunday , but is better at this time. J. E. Werner is enlarging his pasture by the addition of the quarter section adjoining him on the south. While delivering some hogs on last Saturday , Charles Foye had the misfortune to lose one of them by over-heating. J. W. Sapp and H. S. Barnhart of Trenton were visitors in this vicinity - cinity in the interests of the F. C. Austin Manufacturing Co. lire understand that Arthur Cliurch and Eunice Brown were united in the bonds of matrimony , Tuesday of last week. Here's a long life and a happy one to the young people. J. C. Oakley is quite fortunate. He has had a corner on the wood market for some time , and the care of the county poor has now been awardacl him. Drouth has no terrors - rors for him. The Box Elder 'cycle club was out en masse , Sunday. 1Ve admire progressiveness , but unless the boys keep off of the sidewalks they may have an interview tVitli "May- or" Campbell. The Epworth league of Box Elder - der has almost become a dead letter. Without help from others , the officers - cers can no more carry on the organization - anization successfully , than can a minister uphold a church without a congregation. Rev. E. J. Vivian expects to commence protracted meeting iii Box Elder on Wednesday evening , February 26th. He has been holding ing meetings at Red Willow with wonderful success. He reports 37 converts at that point. He has been equally successful at other P oints on his circuit , during o the past winter. Rev. Vivian i' an earnest and uncom promising disci- pie of the Master , and wherever he goes lie gains and holds the confi- deuce and respect of the people. DANBURY. Our new blacksmith is putting up a dwelling house. James McClung and wife were visitors here , this week. Clyde Bodwell was doing business - ness in our town , Monday. Miss Altha McKee visited her young friends here , last week. John McClung has built a new shop just north of the barber shop. Powell and Harrison shipped two cars of hcgs to Denver on Wednesday. The railroad company has put up some new fences along the road here , last week. Miss Betsey Plumb started on Tuesday to attend the Methodist college at Orleans. Mrs. Jacob F. Boyer is moving to the J. B. Pickering farm , five miles west of here. A number of the young folks here attended the masquerade ball at Lebanon , last Saturday night. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ashton , last Tuesday evening , for the young folks. A nice time was had by all. The Sweat family entertainment proved to be a success , last Friday night. About $16.00 were taken in , and the proceeds go toward improving - proving the school library. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , ChronicSore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists -r- , INDIANOLA. Principal Schultz of Stockville was in town , Saturday night. Marion Powell was a McCook visitor ou business , Saturday. Lawyer and Mrs. W. R. Starr were McCook visitors , Wednesday. Sheriff Neel and Court Clerk Boatman were McCook visitors , Saturday. County Judge I. M. Smith had business of his office in McCook , Wednesday. Miss Helen Byrne is expected to take her place in the school again , Monday nest. C. 1V. Beck left on Monday for tt trip through Dundy and Hitchcock - cock counties. Mrs. E. J. Mitchell visited her parents in McCook , last week and fore part of this. Mrs. F. M. Kimmell and Master Schell visited Treasurer J. B. Me- serve and wife , Wednesday. A. L. Haley went up to McCook , Sunday , to spend the clay ti'itli relatives - atives and friends. The first issue . pf the Reporter under the editorial managememitof J. S. Phillips gives token of a good pen in the sanctum. Laing Bros. ' phonograph concert ill the Methodist church , Monday night , was well attended , and the audience went away pleased. Jon PRIN'T'ING-The most artistic - tic work at the lowest figures. TILE TRIBUNE , McCook. Write for prices. A trial order will settle - tle the business. Messrs. C. N.Whittaker and Eli Crockford of McCook attended , time high school orchestra's rendering b of "Little Red Riding 'Hood" on Saturday night. Rev. H. L. Preston of McCook occupied the Congregational pulpit - pit here , last Sunday morning and evening , in exchange with Rev. A. S. Houston , Pastor loci. Time Cobb Bros. Concert Co. appeared - peared here , Tuesday night , and according to the testimony of those present , proved themselves to be a sestet of blissfully unsophisticated fakes. Farington Power , a McCook lawyer , was down on Sunday to see his client , Edward Lorenz , who is charged by the coroner's jury with the murder of Michael Trav- ers. Henry Ough and family arrived from Duncly county , Thursday of last week , and on Monday they buried their baby in the cemetery here. It was a sad and pathetic incident , and everything possible was clone by thoughtful and sympathetic - pathetic neighbors to make the burden of sorrow light and render assistance to the bereaved strangers - ers in their bereavement. PROSPECT. Jacob Crocker has been quite sick withm the grip , this week. A party passed thro' this place on MoudaY bound for Cripple Creek , or'bust. Several of the neighbors helped Andrew Anderson put up his wind mill , Wednesday. W. A. Holbrook and Jacob Pick- rell are putting in wheat on time Robert Barr place. Henry Richardson is looking r , after things on the Stewart ranch during J. A. Resh's absence. Eugene Dunham and family and J. E. Logue spent Sunday afternoon - noon with J. H. Wade and wife. Rev. J. E. Tirrill will preach in the school house , next Sunday , at 11 a. m. All are cordially in- vited. James Resh started on Sunday evening for Freeport , Illinois , on a visit to his aged mother , who is dangerously ill. R. M.rttde and wife drove down to Danbury , Saturday , on a visit to their daughter , Mrs.E.E.Hayes. They came home on Monday. Quite a number from this place attended the exhibition on time 22d at time Driftwood school house , which was given by the Driftwood and Vailton schools , Belie and Hattie - tie Bunnell , teachers. It was a very creditable affair. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. When she became 3liss , she clung to Castoria. When she had Children , she gave them Castoria. Plenty of Apples at IfniPhle's. y. . , . . . . . - } Yc.f , P a.- . F / Tie v v FaMolls ao Clothillg o o CoMpaily Men's and Boys' ' Overcoats , Ulsters , Suits and other Winter Goods at LOWER PRICES than were ever quoted before. - Look to your wants at THESE , , I PRICES. ' ' nez , . IOMAS ENGEL Mgr , _ _ _ Notice to Teachers. I will hold special examinations in McCook , Danbury and Bartley , at stated times , which will be published in the different papers of the county. No exaniiuations will be given , during the institute : this year. Teachers , svtshing to secure a certificate - cate , must take the examination as stated above. A fee of one dollar will he chatged for the examination. Teachers passing the required examination - : ination , will he granted a certificate , without further charges , during the institute - stitute , which will be held iu 1IcCook. L. A. CARNAHAN , County Superintendent. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is delinquent and you have the wood bring us in a load or two. Ifyou take pleasure in good stationery - ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasonable - ble in price. We also do engraving of cards aml embossing ofletter paper. See samples and get prices. To RENT : 13 room residence , central - tral , fine repair. $ ro a month. Enquire of A. C. Ebert. THE RIVERSIDE OAK 4 : i l lllil lll , „ , I IIIini I , t , , i tRICf iII I h " - r IIIil41 ill ull / , ' 'ran " a a 'y tatup auetuu o tl We now have in stock a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and the Thos. White Oak Heaters-both soft and hard coal burners. In fact we h ve the finest thing in heating stoves to be bought in the market , or ever exliib- ited in this city. Don't fail to see our Ventiduct Heaters. We also have the popular Square Oven Cook Stoves in stock. Everybody ought to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. t COCHRAN & Co. ANTI-RUST TINWAREI I This isabsolutel5 rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and will be replaced if not as rep- resented. COCHRAN & Co. BUGGIES AND CARTS Remember , we are showing the best line of Buggies , Carts and Wagons to be seen in this part of the Republican valley. CocHRAhr & Co. - „ r. ' Don't forget to come amid see us when you want any kind of job t , printing. 11'e are the people who do the nice printing. i Tifrtr-i - . 71 J , I BoDEIecAbstracter1 _ B. 'G. GOSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA. , , 1I .T. S. MCP1tAYER. . l I'ROl'RIETOR OF TILE McCook Transfer Line. I ' r BUS , BAGGAGE .4fD EXPRESS. a Only furniture van in the 'J .l city. Also have a first class liouse f I moving outfit. Leave orders for " bus calls at Commercial hotel or rb at office opposite the depot. 1'I I .JULIUS 1UNERT , . ' / Carpet Laying , Carpet Cleaning. t : & ' -I am still doing carpet laying , carpel { cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See or write me before giving such work. My charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at T1unUNE office. JULIUS KUNER'I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S. COItDPAL V . Notary Public , 1 : Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent. , ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' 1 ANDREW CARSON , - - - - Proprietor , S of the . . . . SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. t - -0 We respectfully solicit your business , ' and guarantee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous service. . 1iUevs l o 1 r ! D llJ , , r 4 "tr"a These shoes fit to perfection and wear as only the best of leather can. They're ' shapely , pliant-the most comfortable of ' ti footwear. They always manage to let in i eir and keep out water. Sold by ] . F. GANSCHOW. , ( > t A