The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 14, 1896, Image 1

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    1t : UCOOb tibUUC. -
Election Contest.
Judge G , W. Norris of Beaver City was
i at the Capitol , yesterday , to answer to
the petition filed by Judge Welty , asking
the supreme court to canvass the
' vote of that judicial district. Iii-
stead of filing au answer Judge Norris ,
by his attorney , John T. McClure , filed
t two motions. The first asks that Judge
Welty be required to make his petition
? ; more definite and certain , especially in
4 + . regard to the facts constituting and
causing the mistakes of the various
judges and clerks of election under
{ which they refused to canvass and count
votes in several precincts mentioned by
the complaint. The second motion asks
s that paragraphs 2 to 12 , inclusive , of the
} i petition of Judge Welty , be stricken out ,
s because tliey'are inconsistent with para-
' graph No. 2 , which charges that returns
r were tampered with by C. A. Anderson
and Judge Norris , and that frauds were
committed in the form of forgeries for
the purpose of depriving the plaintiff of
the office of district judge.-Lincoln
, , Monday afternoon , Squire H. H. Berry
, united in the bonds of matrimony Alonzo
- L. Miller of Red Willow precinct and
Ada M. Burrs of Bondville precinct.
The ceremony took place at the squire's
The groom is a son of Lafayette Miller ,
{ a well known farmer of Red Willow precinct -
cinct ; the bride is a daughter of W. P.
s Burns , one of Bondville precincts substantial -
stantial farmers. The young people are
highly esteemed in their neighborhoods ,
and we express the sentiments of many
I friends and admirers in wishing them a
i a happy married life.
Mr. Miller has rented the Buck farm
on Willow creek were they will at once
go to house keeping.
A Matter of Local Pride.
The meeting of lodge No. 1 , Star of
Jupiter , Monday evening , niet the expectations
pectations of a large attendance. There
was a brief play and a musical program ,
in the line of social diversion , besides
h the customary business session.
There were a number of initiations , as
usual , the last victim being Supt. A.
Campbell , who rode the goat with skill
and daring.
, t It is encouraging and a niatter of pride
to note the advancement and increase of
this order , which now includes a large
number of our citizens of both the humble -
, ble and exalted walks of life , and is
steadily and substantially growing every
"Early Vows" Well Played.
' McCook Dramatic Society produced -
duced "Early Vows" , Wednesday eveti-
ing , in the Menard hall , before a fair
audience , with excellent effect.
The Pythian band and orchestra provided -
vided the music , which was splendid in
The comedy was followed by a farce
entitled s "Lend Me Five Shillings" ,
which concluded the performance in a
gale of amusement.
The performance was given for the
benefit of the Episcopal church.
The Dramatic society and Pythian
band are entitled to much credit for the
meritorious affair.
: Death of Mrs. William Avery.
Prom P. L. Brown of Menominee ,
, . Michigan , we learn of the death of Mrs.
F William Avery at Spearfish , South Dakota -
kota , January 28th , from heart disease.
The deceased spent last summer in
Menominee with her daughter , Mrs.
Brown , and expected to return to Michigan -
gan in the spring , after disposing of her
' ; - property in the Hills. But death inter-
: rened. She was well known here , haying -
. , ing visited to McCook during the resi-
deuce of her daughters in our city , and
t 4 the bereaved ones will have the sympa-
of , many old time friends in this city.
in The "Professor" Vamoosed.
"Professor" C. S. Hammack , who has
' , been head push of the Danbury schools ,
departed recently from the alfalfa cen-
I ) ter without so much as leaving his address -
dress behind with his friends. He left
I some creditors , however.
I The "Professor" was recently let out
of the principalship of the Danbury
schools , because , it is stated , certain
"mysterious disappearances" were traced
within a thousand miles or so of the cap-
tamn of their public shooting gallery.
r ; ak And Colonel Smith is disconsolate.
i ' L. Lowman & Son will have a tempor-
arj office with Mr. J. E. Kelley at the
L , rear of the First National bank. Patrons
. knowing themselves to be indebted to
, the firm will please call and settle their
accounts. Respectfully ,
.The county teachers will be with us in
r j force tomorrow. Dean ] McBrien in the
evening. , S
s .
t .
zR. , . . x1lz i sAx eSc Z
J. E. KELT.EY returned house , Monday
night , from Cripple Creek.
L. H. RooNEY returned to Cripple
Creek , last Friday evening.
MRS. J. F. MAJORS and the family
have moved from Bradshaw to Peru.
J. T. BULLARD made a flying visit
down froni Palisade , Friday evening last.
MR. AND MRS. W. S. MORLAN arrived
home from Chicago , last Friday night.
back from California about the first of
next month.
Miss PLO THOMPSON arrived home ,
Sunday evening , from a visit of two
weeks in Illinois.
W 0. NoRVAL went down to Lincoln ,
yesterday , to attend the Prohibition
state convention.
E. T. MADDUx has been up oil his
Chase county farm on business , returning -
ing early this week.
GEORGE WILSON was in South Omaha ,
last Friday , on some business matters ,
says Saturday's Bee.
MRS. LOUIS LOWMAN left on No. 4 ,
Sunday evening , for Lincoln , on a visit
to her sister , Mrs. Swab.
MISS SKINNER has retired from the
Times-Democrat employ and Miss Smith
has resumed her old situation.
F. M. RICHEY of Plattsmouth was up ,
Monday , to arrange for a new tenant on
his farm southwest of the city.
WILL S. JAY , representing the Lincoln
State Journal , was a city visitor , Tuesday -
day , on business of that concern.
C. L. DEGROFF arrived home. Saturday -
day , from Unadilla , where lie has been
assisting in invoicing the company stock
at that place.
11I. J. ABBOTT and W. S. Braugh of
Hayes Center were in the city , Saturday
night , bound for Lincoln on some business -
ness matters.
bank was a Lincoln visitor , first of the
week. Oscar Callihan of the Bank of
Benkelman accompanied him.
REV. E. J. VIvIAN of Box Elder ,
Methodist pastor at that appointment ,
was in the city , Monday. He has been
conducting revival meetings at the Red
Willow school house.
PAT. GIBBONS A.J. Rittenhouse and
Pat. Walsh went up to Cripple Creek ,
last Friday evening , on mining business.
They are interested in some mines in
that famous gold bearing region.
C. W. KNIGHTS passed through here
from Denver , Saturday morning , for
Iowa , being summoned there by the illness -
ness of his young son Harry , who is suffering -
fering with an attack of scarlet fever.
An Instructive Lecture.
The lecture in St. Patrick's church ,
last evening , by Rev. J. L. Harringtou
of Orleans , on "Our South American
Republics and the Monroe Doctrine" ,
was interesting , instructive and pleasing.
The church was well filled and the words
of the lecturer were received with close
attention and nnarkea interest. Rev.
Harrington served five years as a missionary -
sionary in Argentina , hence his remarks
had an added weight and interestof personal -
sonal observation and experience.
The handsome altar of the church was
decorated with "Old Glory" and the
church choir sang patrotic hymns before
and after the lecture.
At the close of the lecture Rev. Harrington -
rington made a warm appeal to Catholics -
lics for their support of his church paper
published at Orleans.
A Dislocated Arm.
Charlie Wales , the ten-year-old son of
H. B. Wales of Coleman precinct , was
thrown from a horse , last evening , and
dislocated both bones of his right arm at
the elbow. The little suffererwas brought
to the city at once , and Dr. A. P. Welles
set the member. The animal frightened
at something in the way , running away
with the above result.
Is Improving Now.
Conductor and Mrs. P. F. McKenna s
ten-months old baby daughter was very
low , yesterday afternoon , and its recovery -
ery was despaired off. But we understand
the little patient is better , this morning ,
and recovery expected. Dr. Kay is in
The Leap Year Valentine Social ,
In the Congregational church , by the
Endeavor society , last evening , was
most gratifyingly successful. There was
a large attendance. The musical and
literary program was excellent and the
refreshments were inviting. And the
girls paid the frieght. ,
"Buttoned up People" .
On next Tuesday evening in the Methodist -
odist church , Robert McIntyre , the famous -
ous orator , will deliver this lecture on
"Buttoned Up People" , undei auspices
of the Epwortli league.
Robert McIntyre is among the most
brilliant lecturers in America today.
The subject chosen deals with the follies
of the day ; is full of sunshine , pathos ,
and magnetic appeal. It is warranted
to cast out devils , and is sure to please.
The people of our city cannot afford to
miss this opportunity to hear a superb
specimen of oratory , humor and pathos ,
and matchless word painting.
The proceeds are to go to repairs on
the church.
Doors will open at 7 o'clock , lecture
begins at S.
Tickets'on sale at J. A. Wilcox a Son's
"Dr. McIntyre is magnificently endowed -
dewed in the way of voice and physique
for the lecture platform. He is also gifted -
ed with a vivid appreciation of the
beauties of nature , a strong sense of
humor , and a happy choice of language ,
all of which make his lectures a delight
to be long remembered"-London , Canada -
ada , Free Press.
"It was a superb speech , full of grand
rhetoric , native humor , and genuine eloquence -
quence impelling the hearers to outbursts
of loud applause"-Chicago Times.
"All who heard Robert McIntyre
agree that a more brilliant lecture was
never delivered in Jacksonville. We are
glad to say lie has been re-engaged for
the same lecture , so that hundreds more
can hear him"-Jacksonville Courier.
A Remarkable Revival.
Perhaps the most remarkable revival
ever held in the Republican valley closed
in Republican City , last week : Elder
Miller of the Christian denomination
conducted the meeting. The interest
was quite intense , the meeting house
being entirely inadequate to the deniand
for standing room even , many failing to
gain admission. There were 169 confessions -
sions , 13S.imniersionS-tlie balanceS baying -
ing been previously immersed. A Christian -
tian church with 120 members was or-
ganized. The remaining convertsjoined
other churches , or are still undecided as
to where to make their church home.
Photography Located the Bullet.
The experiments with cathode photography -
tography applied to surgery are being
carried on at McGill university , Moh-
treal , Canada , with great success. Last
Friday morning , Prof. Cox experimented
on a patient of Dr. Kilpatrick's , T. Olson
Gunning , who had been shot in the left
leg , about Christmas. The wound had
closed up. The leg was photographed ,
and , though it took forty-five minutes ,
the bullet was found.
A Card of Thanks.
Mii. EDITOR : Please permit me to
through your excellent journal to thus ,
in a public manner , express our deep
gratitude to the ladies and gentlemen
who so kindly contributed to our benefit
and amusement in the play at the opera
house this week. We appreciate very
highly their endeavors on'our behalf.
Most respectfully yours ,
R. L. KNox
Bishop's False Impression.
Brother Bishop of the Indianola Reporter -
porter is laboring under the impression
that the tide of sentiment regarding the
county seat removal case is not in accordance -
dance with the views of the News , as
stated in a recent issue. A decision in
favor of McCook would meet with the
approval of a large majority of the people -
ple in this part of the county.-Danbury
Speaks for Itself.
THE McCooK TRIBUNE is entitled to
the enviable distinction of being one of
the handsomest , cleanest , brightest and
ably edited weekly papers published this
side of the Rockies. Typographically
the paper ranks along the top notch in
the newspaper art.-Hastiiigs Daily Re-
A Swift Service.
A McCook lady on Tuesday morning
of this week received a letter from Ober-
lin , Kansas , of the date of December 5th.
THE TRIBUNE , also , has been greatly
annoyed of late over complaints of not
receiving the paper regularly.
Who's de matter ?
A Curfew Ordinance.
Lincoln has just enacted a curfew ordinance -
dinance which is said to be a success.
They sound one of the whistles at their
pumping plant instead of ringing a bell.
McCook might emulate the example set
by Lincoln with good results. The boys
should be kept off of the streets at night.
Seeds for Sale.
Jerusalem and Kaffir corn , Early Mastodon -
todon field corn , white oats , all good ,
sound home-grown seeds , for sale by
S. G. GOHEEN , McCook.
On Sunday evening , February 23d ,
Rev. R. L. Knox will deliver the second
of his discourses on "Future Punish-
nient" .
The ladies of the Dorcas society will
give a musical entertainment in the .Con-
gregational church , Thursday evening ,
March 12th. Particulars later.
The Ladies' Guild will repeat on the
evening before Mardi Gras , February i7 ,
the Soiree they gave , last week , in the
Meeker building. Admission to all , 25c.
CATHOLIC-Mass at S o'clock a. m.
Highi mass and sermon at Lc:30 , a , m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 , p. in.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
The children of the Episcopal Sunday
schools , during the 40 days of Lent,1S95 ,
contributed from their mite boxes $67-
500 towards the support of their nrission-
ary bishops. This year they have undertaken -
taken to raise $ , oo,000.
CONGREGATIONAL-Usual in ornin ;
and evening services. Sunday school at
10 o'clock. Endeavor society at 7
o'clock , Mrs. S. L. Moench , leader. All
are welcome at these services.
EPIscoPAL-Services will he held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every alternate Sunday at it a. m. and
8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser-
METHODIST-Sunday school at 10 a.
m. Preaching at II a. m. Junior league
at 3 p. m. Bible class at 3:45 P m. EP'
worth league at 7 p. in. ; subject , "Christ
asaTeacher" . Matt. 5:1.20. Preaching at
S p. ni „ by Rev. C. A. Hale , presiding
elder. Preaching on Monday at S p. ni
Quarterly meeting 9 p. nn. I Hope all
members will have their reports ready.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
BAPTIST-Services in McConnell hall.
Bible school at 10 o'clock. Theme of
the morning sermon , "Fellowship with
God" . In the evening the pastor will
talk especially to the young people on
the subject , 'The Power of Personal In-
fluence" . B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. ni. , topic ,
"Taming the Tongue" . Jolii Selby , lead-
er. The male quartette will sing at both
the evening service and the young peo-
ples' meeting. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening in the rooms east of
the hall lately occupied by Dr. Z. L.
Kay. A very cordial welcome is extended -
ed to all. G. P. FUSON , Pastor.
New England Dinner.
The ladies of the Methodist church will
give a New England dinner in Meeker
building , February 22d. Dinner and
supper will be served , and below we give
the menus for both feasts :
Chicken Pie , Roast Beef with Plum Jelly.
Escalloped Tomatoes , Potatoes a la Dutchess ,
Boston Baked Beans.
Potatoe Salad , Cabbage Salad , Pickles.
Boston Brov n Bread , White Bread ,
Mince Pie , Pumpkin Pie , Cheese.
Tea , Coffee.
Cold Meats , Jelly , Pickles.
French Beans Sautes , Pgtatoe Croquettes.
Parker 1-louse Rolls.
Laver Cake , Angel Cake ,
Assorted Fruits.
Tea , Coffee.
The ladies will conduct a bazar in connection -
nection with the refreshments.
Attention , Sir Knights !
There will be a meeting of St. John
Commandery , No. 16 , for drill , next
Wednesday evening. All Sir Knights
are requested to be present.
Plenty of Farms for Rent.
A number of good farms for rent.
Call early and get your choice. Apply
to P. A. WELLS over Citizens bank.
Her Lashes.
"Iii memory young , with ardent sighs
I praised the lashes of her eyes ;
But now each day my heart is wrung
By the poignant lashes of her tongue" .
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Price 25 cents.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Price 25 cents.
Try McConnell's Balsam for that
cough. Price 25 cents.
Mrs. Hattie Rouse , miliner and dressmaker -
maker , has arrived from Lincoln , Kas. ,
and is with Mrs. Barger. She comes
with good recommendations.
Indianola had aslight fire , this week.
Asmokehouseand some meat belonging
to one of her meat markets were consum
ed. The bucket brigade. did some tall
hustling , but finally subdued thefire. - .
r X
St. Valentine is with us again today.
The Dancing club holds forth tonight
in the Babcock.
Newspaper offices should not be
confounded with free lunch counters.
W , C. Bullard & Co. are making a
special on Sheridan lump coal. See ad-
We were in error in stating that Rev.
R. L. Knox had purchased the C. M.
Noble residence.
S. T. Ridgeley of Indianola is moving
up to our city , this week , and will open
a meat market here.
Buy one of those Self-cleaning Diamond -
mend Water Filters at F. D. Burgess'
plumbing establishment. They are simple -
ple , cheap and fill the bill completely.
Remember Robert McIntyre at the
Methodist church on next Tuesday evening -
ing , February 1Sth. Admission 50 cents.
Under 15 years of age , 25 cents.
The adjusters have finished the work
of invoicing the Lowman stock and are
now engaged in figuring up the result ,
and an early settlement may be expected
The state board of irrigation has dhs-
niissed the claim of David J. Osborn and
Mary J. Osborn for water front Red Wil-
law creek , in Frontier county , for irrigation -
gation purposes , because the claimants
did not file notice of appropriation under
the law of 1889.
A suitable reward will be given for
information leading to the arrest and
conviction of the scamp who cut the halyard -
yard of the government weather service
pole , last night. The local displayman
desires the information , the government
will do the rest.
A livery outfit from Lincoln passed
through McCook , Tuesday morning , for
Cripple Creek , Colorado. The outfit of
horses , carriages and buggies had a
rather worn-out aspect. They were provided -
vided with a tent and other camping
facilities. To Cripple Creek or bust !
We understand that a female A. P. A.
lodge is in course of organization. It
will doubtless fill a long felt want. Mc-
Cook is suffering for something to increase -
crease the sisterly feeling among the
women. And nothing this side of the
pearly gates , you know , will feed and
stimulate love among the sisters like
this order.
Commissioners Thomas , Carmichael
and Belles were in the city , Tuesday , a
few hours , on their way to Indianola
from a visit on county business up in
Box Elder precinct , where they have
leased a farm from J. C. Oakley , who
will conduct his farm as a poor farm ,
charging the county a per capita per
week for each county charge.
The Prohibition Convention.
The Red Willow county Prohibition.
ists met on last Saturday in the city hall
to elect delegates to attend the state
convention convening at Lincoln , February -
ruary L3thi , as stated in previous call.
The following were authorized to act as
delegates : C. S. Quick , W. 0. Norval
and George Fredericks. The alternates
selected were John Longnecker , W. X.
Johnson and C. S. Ferris.
\V. 0. NORVAL Chairman.
C. S. FERRIS , Secretary Pro Tem.
Perfect an Organization.
It has been proposed to hold an irrigation -
gation convention in McCook , sometime
about the first of March , and we suggest
that an organization of some kind be
perfected at once to complete arrangements -
ments for this meeting. It would be
proper to have a meeting of our business
men during the coming week to further
this matter.
Looking Forward.
McCook is looking forward to the day
when she will be the county seat of Red
Willow county.-Curtis Enterprise.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Price 25 cents.
_ li
j. t f
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Price 25 cents.
Try McConnell's Balsam for that
cough. Price 25 cents.
Fifteen ( L5) ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , containing -
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel-
You can't keep house tvithout one of
those Diamond Water Filters. See Bur-
gess. They are a household necessity.
It is marvelous in its operation purifying -
ing drinking water.
' ( ' c
k&2& > d
The Boston Globe voices a general .
plaint in these words : "It is time to
call a halt to those superzealous pedagogic -
gogic doctrinaires who are ever striving
to increase the study load in our public
schools. Instead of requiring more of
the hard-worked little people , the pressure -
sure of school work should be materially
lightened. As so-called 'education' is
carried on in some of our cities studies
become a veritable nightmare to the unhappy -
happy sccholar who does not happen to
be uncommonly apt at learning. He
takes his school cares and his school +
puzzles not only to his fit-siit c , but to
his bed , and not infrequently worries
over them half the night. There is such
a thing as making a fetish of a school 'i
curriculum. Let our school committees x
see to it that the tendency to crowd ,
scholars is checked , even if a few fads
in education are sacrificed to the cotn-
fort and health of the 'rising genera-
tion' . "
Under the school management all din- , f'
portant , artistic event will occur , Saturday -
day , February 22d. The servicesof Miss
Anderson and Mi' Rolland of Orleans
have been secured and a rare musical
treat is promised by the following
Faust Valsc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jaell
Ah ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ianiennoi Ostron..Rubinstein i
Etude , Op. Io , No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chopin
A Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Koven
The Daily Question..Meyer llclniund
La Polka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( Pastoral Vance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mozart
Improniptua la . . . . . . . . . . . .
lTor All . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
also Brilliante.-1 nano Duet. . . . Gottschalk
The public is cordially invited to attend -
tend the lecture on Saturday night by
Dean MCBrieu of Orleans in the school
assembly room. The Deani is an eloquent -
quent speaker and this promises to be
one of the most attractive lectures in
the Hight school course. The admission
is ten cents , and the proceeds are devoted -
ed to the school library and lantern.
The Wednesday Evening club , next
week , will discuss "Wit , Its Structure
and Use" . All are welcome.
Louis Thorgrimson of the Tweltli
grade was confined to the house all of
last week , with a severe attack of the
J. II. Fowler of the Second grade has
one of his optics in partial eclipse , this
week , as a result of leis football game of
last Friday evening.
Lantern class , tonight-a tour in
North Wales-a most entertaining study
of scenery and ruins in the most picturesque -
esque part of Great Britain. The pictures -
tures are elaborately colored and form a
very attractive series.
"God Is Love" .
I have often thought , if I were a
preacher , I would take the above text
and go to every church in McCook and
try to counteract what satan has been
telling-that God is not love. He has
made the world believe it effectually.
It would not take twenty-four hours to
make the world cone to God , if you
could only make them believe that God
is love. If you could only make a man
believe that you love him , you have won
him ; and if I could only make people
' believe that God loves them , what a rush
we would see for the kingdom of God.
But nran has a false idea about God and
he believes not he is a God of love. It
is because he does not know him. John ,
who was better acquainted with Christ ,
telling us about this love God has for the
perishing world says : "Beloved let us
love one another for love is of God
and he that loveth not knoweth not
God" . Just let us look again and see
what he says : "For the Father himself
loveth you because he loveth me and
believed that I came from God" . I do
not know but what Christ felt that there
might be some of his disciples who
would not love the Father as they loved
him. I remember for the first few years
after I was converted I had a great deal
more love for Christ than for God the
Father , whom I looked upon as the
stern Judge , while I regarded-Christ as
the Mediator who had come between me
and that stern Judge , and had appeased
His wrath , but whe > lI got a little better
acquainted with my Bible , these views
fled. Alter I became a father and woke
up to the realization of what it cost God to
have His Son die , ' I began to see that
God was to be loved just as much as His
Son , Oh , think of the love God must
have had for this world , that He gave
His only begotten Son to die 4for it.
4 I
Isaiah 45:7 ; St. John I:3.
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