. ' - ti ii i i . - - I . . crc : r , ' - u o 0 cu c 0 : : - , ( 'c c. ' r , O 71 ' d ' RI , a Q TQo 9 v , 1 7 3 V i + err ( .yi , .1111 ' CIIAPTER V.-C0\TINUm j The ominous word produced not a r thrill of surprive in lulu one who lis- . tened. Lynde himself heard it without - - out a single shade of change. His face grew no paler , ho dfd not drop his calm eye from the face of his condemning - ' - judge for a moment. IIe lead expected it and was strong to bear It. But they carried Agnes Trenholne out fn a dead faint-for just before the ' final rendering of the verdict she had crept inside the door , and stood there unobserved. And it was weeks before she came to herself one cold morning In December , when the snow lay thickly - ly without , and the wild winds ho.vled dismally around the old house en the ! Rock. The second day after her return to consciousness they had to tell her all that had transpired. Lynde Graham had been remanded to prison for six days , at the end of which time he was again taken before his judge , and there rcceveil ! the sentence of death. He was to die by the hand of the executioner - tioner on the 25th hay of December , be- tw'ecn the hours of ten and two. It was now the tenth of December , still fifteen days to his death. Agnes astonished every one by the rapidity with which she gained strength. On the fifteenth of the month she went below stairs , and ten days afterward she took a short walk. On the morning of the eighteenth she came into the sit- r ting-room clad in her riding-habit. Ralph and her mother both looked up ' at her in amazement. The calm resolution - lution on her white face told them both that she w'as resolved on something from which nothing could turn her. "Bottler , Ralph , " she said , in a clear voice , "I am going to beg for the life of Lynde Graham. No , you need not utter one word , for Iwarn you it will fall upon a deaf car. No authority shall keep me from saving an innocent , " man "Agnes , " said Mrs. Trenholme , "I do n , not comprehend your strange interest t in this dastard son of a rude fisherman - " " man- "liotlher , " she replied , "I love him , and I know him to be guiltless. It would have been impossible for hands so pure as his to have done this wicked thing ! " j ' "Agnes , " said Ralph , sternly , "re- member you are speaking of a murderer - derer ! " "I am speaking of an innocent man. Sonde time , Ralph , if I save him-and something tells me I shall-you will thank God that your revenge was not accomplished in the death of one guiltless - less as yourself. I am going to Governor - ernor Fulton. He is a just man-a Christian , I am told. He holds the pardoning. power , and he shall save for me the life of Lynde'Graham ! " { Ralph rose from his chair , his face wrought upon by the excess of passion within. "Agnes , " he said , with terrible em- phasls , "I might lay the iron hand of authority upon you and force you to give up this mad scheme. But that I will not do. I leave you free. But so surely as you do this thing , I cast you of ! You are no sister of mine' ' And mind you this-never come back to disgrace - grace with your footsteps the threshold - old of a dishonored home ! " She heard him through without the change of a muscle , and when he had finisdled she bowed in : ad submission. ' 'So be it. I will hover come back until you bid me. Good-by ! " She ihassed out into the hall. Mrs. Trenholme sprang up to detain her , but Ralph laid his strong hands on her ar n. . " ' 1lotlher , she has chosen. Remember sae has disgraced us forever ! " "But she is my child ! 0 , Ralph ! this accursed pride ! " "It will help us through , " he said , hcarrely. "God knows what would become - come of me without it ! " Agnes went out to the stables , saddled - dled her own horse Jove , and springing into the saddle , took the road to Madison - son , the residence of Governor Fulton. Madison was distant nearly 200 miles , and much of the way lay through the woealand of a spars&y-settled country. But of this Agnes never thought. Her i sole aim was to reach the place in season - son to get a reprive back to Portlea before the twenty-fifth. And she had little more than seven days in which to at conhplish it. Her home was a fleet one , with great powers of endurance - ance and was well acquainted with his ' rider. The first day passed monotonously j enough. Night overtook her at Free- leigh , just sixty miles from home. She had made good pace , and set out early the next morning. At noon she rested a couple of hours , and pushed on. She = came now upon the very gloomiest part t of the way. The road lay through vast f tracts of forest , with here and there } a but in a clearing , to show' that the hand of civilization had not entirely i . , vanished from the world. It almost 1 seemed as if Jove understood the imf - f ' portance of the errand upon which he was going , for he gave no sign of weariness - ness , but hurried on , animated perhaps by the spirit of his rider. About sunset It began to rain heavily , and the horse sank to his fetlocks in mud. : Agnes drew rein at the first shelter she reached-a small , rude but in the heart of a dense pne ! forest. It was a most forbidding-looking - place , and had her mind been less occupied , Agnes might 'have hesitated about seeking sho'.tcr there ; but just now she was not thinking of danger to herself. The inhabitants , an old man and woman , were as rude as their home. They gave her a gruff invitation to walk in , and led Jove off to a shied at the rear of the hut. She seated herself before the fire to dry her clothes , and the woman brought her a howl of milk. The man now came in , and the avaricious - ricious eyes of the couple wandered frequentlyy to the costly watch Agnes wore at her girdle. The look in itself would have beeh very suggestive to an acute observer , but Agnes was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she noticed nothing that was passing around her. Her grim entertainers shade a few rough attempts at conver- Nation but meeting with no encourage- spent , they soon relapsed into silence , and after a little while they told her she might retire when she chose. She role quickly , glad of We prospect of being atone , and followed the woman up the rude ladder leading to the cham- her above the kitchen. In one corner there was a sack filled with dried leaves , and covered with a warm quilt. The woman pointed to this meagre bed. "It lie the hest we've got , " she said ; "but it's not such as the like of ye have been use to. But I hope ye'il sleep well. " She lay down on the outside of the bed , without undressing , and tried to sleep. But slumber held aloof. The longer she lay , the more wakeful she became. Full two hours passed , and she was still restless. Just as she was about to rise and walk about a little in the hope that it would bring the sleep she needed , she heard a distinct and ominous whisper coming from the room below. Some secret , unaccountable impulse led her to put her ear to a crack in the flooring and listen. The woman was speaking. "It can be done in a minute , and it will make us rich. You are a fool to dally ! " "Softly , old woman. She may not be asleep. She looks like a lady in some sort o' trouble. Sech don't go to sleep as innocent like you and I do. " And he gave the woman a nudge intended to be facetious. She answered , impatiently : "What I want to know is will you do it or not ? Time's passing. She'll die easy. The knife is sharp. And the old well is a safe place to rest in. No danger of ever being rooted out. " "It's a deed I don't like to do , " said the man rubbing his grizzled , bald head thoughtfully. "A man I don't mind , but a woman is a different thing. But I won't be a coward. Give me the toothpick. That watch would tempt a speaker in meeting. " Agnes waited to hear no more. She knew that it was her own death she had heard planned , and stepping noiselessly - lessly to the window she opened it and looked out. The rain still fell , but it was not so very dark. Somewhere under the clouds there was a nearly full moon. The window looked out on a shed , and within its rude shelter she heard Jove quietly munching his coarse prover lder. The very sound gave her courage. She did not feel the danger to herself ; she was only thinking.that if she perished there , Lynde Graham would be sacrificed. She sprang lightly upon the shed , slipped to the ground , and , untying her horse , mounted and dashed away. All the night she kept on , never daring to stop , and when the sun rose in the morning , red and cheerful after the storm , it showed leer the glittering , spires of the city of Madison. People stared at her in blank amazement - ment as she rode along the yet quiet streets. Her habit was splashed with mud , her riding cap soiled , and its white feather ruined by the rain of the night before ; her horse was jaded and travel-stained , and her pallid face and eager eyes , above all-it was no wonder - der she excited a wondering attention. She asked for the residence of Gov. Fulton , and a statelyy stone mansion in a shaded square was pointed out to her. The goal was reached at last. She slipped from her horse , left him at the great gate , and , ascending the marble steps , put a tremulous hand upon the silver bell-knob. CHAPTER VI. HE liveried servant - ant stared at Agnes almost rudely. The governor was not at home , he said , in answer to her eager : question-he was absent at Freeport , and would not be at home until ten that v . evening. Perhaps not until morning , ' if the roads 'ere bad. "Is his wife at home ? " i "He is a widower , madam" answered - swered the man. "His daughter , then ? I am sure I have heard that he had a daughter. Is she here ? " "Miss FjIton is in the parlor. " "Take me to her at once. Let me see hiss Fulton ! " "What name shall I take to her ? " "None. She does not know me. I will explain everything to her , and bear the blame , if any falls. " Ife opened a door leading into a spacious - ious room , shadowy with the soft gloom of crimson curtains , but wonderfully brightened by the gleam of a wood fire on a wide hearth. Before the fire , cured - ed up on a lounge , a kittten purring in her lap , and a book in her hand , was a' little golden-haired girl of 16 or 18. She startled up at sight of the visitor - itor , and opened her wide , brown eyes in amazement. "Get down , Juno , " she said to the kitten-then to Agnes , "Whom have l the pleasure of meeting ? " "Are you Miss Fulton ? " trembling ly asked Agnes , Agnes caught her hand In hers. "You look good .anl kind-your father - er must love you. AVhll you help me ? " "To be sure , if r can. What shall 1 do first ? Crean the mud from your habit , or comb hair ? Bothh ' " you - al' e shocking. "I know I am in wretched array , but , .my dear girl , I have ridden on horseback - back from Portlea , almost 200 miles , and only halted when my poor horse COnlyd go no further. I have been too miserable to think of my appearance. I have come on an errand of life and death. Miss Fulton , let me tell you very briefly my sad story , and then judge whether I have any chance with your father. You have heard of the murder at Portlea ? " "Yes. The beautiful young bride was murdered almost at the altar ? " "She was. And you know , perhapss that there i s a man under sentence of death for tills murder ? " "Ye3 ; pap : : told Inc. " " Wel : , i live come to ask this man's life of your father. Not his pardon- ' that were too much to plead for-but his life , t'e ' life of this man , falsely accused - cused , wrengcully convicted ! " Miss Fulton gave a little incredulous stare. "I think he deserves to be hung ! " "No ; because lie is innocent. If he had done the base deed-though he Nei e dearer tonic than my own soul , I would not lift a finger to save him. The girl they said he murdered was my adopted sister-she was to have been the wife of my only brother. " "And what is this Lyndo Graham to you ? " Agnes blushed Scarlet , and stood trembling and abashed before the gov- ernor's daughter. But Helen Fulton was quick-witted ; she understood it all , and put her hand on the drooping head caressingly , as she said , softly : "He was your lover ? " "No ; not that. But he has been m ; companion from my earliest childhood -and-and-you can guess the rest. " "You loved him ? Poor girl ! No wonder - der you are wretched. But what if he did murder her ? " "He did not ! Never think it for a moment. I would stake the salvation of my soul on his innocence ! The real murderer is yet to be brought to jus- tice. A'ff'ili you take my word ? Will you help me ? " "Yes , I think I will , " said Helen , thoughtfully-"that is , I will go to papa with you , if he don't happen to be bearish. I asked him for the money to buy a new bonnet , this morning , and he told me to go to Flanders-just as if they made Parisian bonnets in that Dutch place ! " TO n u CONTINUED. ) A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER. How Ho Acts in the Cab of an Engine - gine Drawing a Fast Train. The locomotive engineer is a remarkably - ably placid fellow , with a habit of deliberate - liberate precision in his look and mo- tions. He occasionally turns a calm eye to his gauge and then resumes his quiet watch ahead. The three levers whiab he has to manipulate are under his hand for instant use , and when they are used it is quietly and in order , as an organist pulls out his stops. The noise in the cab makes conversation r difficult , but not so bad as that heard in the car when passing another train , with or without the windows open , and in looking cut of the engine cab the oh- jects are approached gradually , not rushed past as when one looks laterally out of a parlor car window. The fact is that the engineer does not look at the side-he is looking ahead and therefore the speed seems less , as the objects are I . . 1 approached gradually. Those who have ridden at ninety r miles an hour on a locomotive know that on a good road ( and there are many such ) the engine is not shaken and swayed in a terrific manner , but is rath er comfortable , and the speed is not so apparent as when one is riding in a parlor car , where only a lateral view i is had. The engineer can be very corn- ' fortable if he is quite sure of the track 1 ahead , and it is only in rounding curves or in approaching crossings that he $ feels nervous , and it is doubtful if it is any more strain to run a locomotive at 1 high speed than to ride a bicycle t through crowded thoroughfares. Jud ; $ fug by the countenances of the bicycle $ rider and the engineer , the engineer has rather the best of it.-Railroad Ga' zette. I i The Bicycle Path. If it is true that the road to perditici , t s paved with good intentions , while the way to the other place is strait and narrow row besides being a rough and thorny i path , it does not require much skill in guessing to predict which path the hi. cyclers will select. There is nothing more serious than what some people consider a joke. , a : : .ede John u s Happy New ear. C a S - f tri e i - AMERICAN FREE-TRADE. - . \ - - _ lG r r _ - , : I ITR1C 11 PROTECTION. . _ . . . .r . , , " Bradford's Export . . of dford s Exports of Woolen Goods. By Special Cubic. ] t . ' ' VALUE. 1 - , ao' s a .Cu'i01 d1' : i " 1s7 4s. Id. p t nl lr iV1c- Gain Bradford ( y ( _ is over 1S9.1-1 csb.1191Sti. (1 Ijrl il' ' , 111n1e' Protection Period ; .tt eragc : ° X3,413,649 , ti a . . . . , . . ar . , a.i r..j 4,1f + t/t , = t - , , - ' . + , , . R'wi : . ? " , ? se tly / ; . , .i. , < ! : 'd' :1 , : N ' "ttrjr a d 'tom r -4 a > tl ' , ; .r . . _ J + . JC R ICF . 1 John hull : Welt done. IiradtorIL One year' . YaDIcr. Pr."r 'rrade 'at done over x17,000,000 letter for yon than their biurstcd Protection , if Grover ittizt'tt gore back lun us hritogtthcr , and don't sign their : iuu Tarirl Bill , yon'll'ave thla soap for tu'o years wore. OLTR NEW STATE. UTAH'S NATURAL WEALTH AND RESOURCES REVIEWED. Agricultural , .llanufactwing and ' lineral interests in Abundance-mike , Stort" and Aetivo 1'ullic Iwproveuteats- L'rigii Politician. The admission of Utah as a State of the Union suggests a brief review of its agricultural , mineral and industrial Conditions , which we arc able to compile - pile from the annual report of the governor of the territory , Hon. Catch W. West. The population of Utah increased 44.4 per cent between 1SS0 and 1390 , and 14.15 per cent between 1590 and 1595. It now stands at a total of 2.47,32.4 persons , of whom 12GS03 are males and. 120,521 females. The assessed valuation of real and personal property and improvements - provements was $97,942,15 ; the revenue - enue from taxes was $4971G. Almost $2,750,000 were expended last year on private and public buildings and in public works , and 440,000 acres of land were surveyed. The report upon the farming interests - ests of Utah are very extensive. There are 467,000 acres under cultivation. 41"7,455 acres irrigated , 29.4,725 acres of pasturage fenced in , 506,650 acres of improved land and 979,152 acres of unimproved - improved land. There are 20,581 farms , of which only 2,128 were mortgaged for $1,971,352 , and $720,000 were expended on farm buildings during the year , $226i879 in repairs , and over $1,000,000 were paid out for farm labor. We have condensed the principal crop areas and products for 189.4 as follows : Crop. Acres. Bushels. Value. Wheat . . . . . . . . . 144,717 3,113,073 $ I,410,00' ' r'orn . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,543 2i)3.37 ) 1 + 1 ; l33 Rye . . . . . . . . . . . 3,791 42,252 " 0,094 Tarlcy . . . . . . . . . . 8,751 271SGG , 1000 ; rlats . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,334 1,357,710 470,658 Potatoes . . . . . . . 13.520 i , 19,239 5"2.53 : L3eots . . . . . . . . . . . " ,05G * 301 1GG,714 Flay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,15.5 * i23GG COI , } 9 Lucerne . . . . . . . . 163.544 54G'49 1.i 1G39 , ripples . . . . . . . . . . GGaS 377,23 : 146.7G1 F'eaches . . . . . . . . 1ca ; -l,772 75Ix2 Apricots . . . . . . 251 21,251 10.372 Plums . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,810 19S3.i Pears . . . . . . . . . . . 51 1 27.261 1S.8. ; ' ; rapes . . . . 578 ; :21 37.23 Small fruits. . 747 ' * r09 G2,44 ; Sheep . . . . . . . . . . .12,4222,502 12,119,763 s4a51.-0 ; * Tons. t Number of sheep. s Value of sheep and wool clip. Besides the above there were produced - duced S66,322 pounds of dried fruits , 00,000 gallons of cider , vinegar and sorghum , 3,441,732 pornds cf butter , 520,74"7 pounds of cheese and 1,102,121 sounds of honey. Of live stock , other han sheep , Utah has 300,000 head of attle , including 60,595 mulch cows , 47 ; 703 hogs and 5,000 head of mules and other animals. The industrial condition of Utah shows 880 manufacturing concerns , employing 5,054 hands , who earn $2 , 027,118 a year. The amount of capital nvested is $5,476,246 , the value of the 1 plants is $5,986,215 , the value of the aw material used is $2,610,03S and the value of the product of the factories is $6,678,115. For commercial purposes , . Utah has 1,97.4 stores , employing 5,023 ! lands , who earn $2,685.794. The capi = ! al invested in the stores amounts to $14,551,345 , and the sales aggregate $32,565,611. The capital of the banks exceeds $5,000,000 , and the amount of he deposits was $9,629,267 this year , an . ncrease of $423,000 over the deposits n 1894. There are 1,380 miles of railroad - road in the State , and S4 miles of elec- ric roads. The mineral interests of Utah are mportant. Briefly summarized they are as follows : Gold and Coal. Silver. umber of mines. . . . . . . 12 54G Employes . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2:3I Wages paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5D. 7"a :2,7S9,81i Output , tons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.101 ' 51,924 Cost of . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ? , F4,552.6O6 Cost of development. . . . 43.C0 7.991,195 , . . _ --r The entire mineral product of Utah is next given : 1OGG.1G0 pounds copper , at 5 cents per . $ ; 3"OS.CO 2)2JtiO pounds refined lead , at $3.11 per 100 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G2,9ri.50 53.a51,6G3 pounds nnrclined lead , at t 2 pct ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSS,8O.cO GG,90s ounces fine silver , at 62 07-100 cents per ounce. . . . . . . . 4,193,674.50 5G,427 ounces tine gold , at $20 per ounce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,12S:710.00 Total export value.G,327,32G.90 Computing the gold and silver at their mint valuation , and other metals at their value at the seaboard , it would increase the value of the product to $11,631,402.72. The last delegate sent to Congress from the territory of Utahi was Hon. Frank j. Cannon. Upon the admission of Utahh to Statehood , it is believed that he will be elected the first United States senator. Mr. Cannon is a young man , bright , energetic and progressive. He has alreadyy made many friends in congress - gress , and gained the respect of the older members by his diligence and in- tcllibcnce. He is expected to make a name for himself in national politics. So large and diversified are the industrial - trial interests of Utah that he is a firm believer in the policyy of protection for the United States. New York's Greatest Interest. iSOD ' YORK S IBgp Tq EU' 1 t ! E , and arl on Gro rLDIniQ ' _ lrn 1'g st $ t 40 " ' , ! 1 t6Go 160JTr i11i0n Gl'at ; . lq06 Qd 6 D .12001i111.IGnOJ.Grs' . fr6 ' -Total Forei g nTra&e OTh Orl5 and EF Orls ' . . uB O ccB49 : ' e imlt oi Licllur ' „ 0 in' G.a , . 400 Ofiilucrr\1r , - UI Ich ) niercc } iS Pes1"r WGf GDrlil Or ? . crow "Tarilr Reform" Worked. In 159.3 we imported 13,057,642 lines of pearl buttons. In 1395 we imported 18,537,049 lines. Americans , under the Gorman tariff , were deprived of the work that could have been utilized in making 5,500,000 lines of pearl buttons. The amount of duty collected on foreign pearl buttons in 1893 was $395,245. In 1595 it was $241,193. By the Gorman t law , the American government lost $150,000 of revenue , while American labor lest the work of making 5,500,000 lines of buttons. Who derived any benefit from this species of "tariff reform - form ? " Not the government , not our workers ; but foreign manufacturers and foreign labor. A Snrc T1iin „ to Bet On. A commercial traveler , during the late political campaign in Iowa , got into a heated argument with another knight of the road in regard to the ac-1 curacy of some figures in the document - ment , "Tariff Facts , " published by the American Protective Tariff League. The ' two gentlemen were of opposite beliefs and both were acquainted with this paper. The democrat , of course , said i j _ _ - - - - ' that the figures were false and backed his opinion to the extent of $25. The republican promptly covered the i money and the disputed point was re- 1 ferrets for settlement to a democratic paper in Chicago. The decision , naturally - urally , was in favor of the "Tariff Facts , " which uses nothing but official figures , unless otherwise stated. Congressman - gressman Dolliver was an eye-witness of the discussion , and he subsequently heard from the republican commercial traveler that he had received his money. Undoubtedly the democrat will begin to realize that everything he reads in democratic papers is not gos- pel. Warning to Itepnblican Editors. The New York Press recently gave the values of some of the principal articles that we imported during ten months ending Oct. 31 , of 189.4 and 1595 , ' also the total values of all imports. That paper said it was : "Comparing the imports of leading commodities with those of the corresponding - spending period in the preceding year ( under the McKinley tariff ) . " This is wrong , very wrong. It is surprising - prising to see the Press fall into such an error. The McKinley tariff was not in force for ten months in 1894. It was not in force even for eight months. The Gorman tariff was allowed to become the law of the land before the end of August , 1894. Last year's import figures to the end of October include imports under the Gorman law for two months and some days , hence a comparison between - tween this year and last , if extended beyond August , does not compare the workings of the two tariffs except in the case of woolen manufactures. 1 Tell the Whole Truth. t Mr. Caffery submitted the following resolution in the United States Senate on Dec. 16. It was considered by unanimous - mous consent , and agreed to : "Resolved , That the President of the United States be requested to report to the Senate what action has been taken , in regard to the payment of the appropriation priation contained in the sundry civil ° bill , section 1 , amendment 107 , approved - proved March 2 , 1895 , for the bounty on sugar. Anil if no payment has been ' made of said appropriation , and if the ( law granting said bounty has not been executed , to give to the Senate the i _ reasons therefor. " p ' We trust that the report , when received - ceived , will explain why this one item t was selected from among all the appropriations propriations made by Congress to be t- especially approved by Comptroller I Bowler. . t , ' Neccesity for I rotectlon. , The safety of our American institutions - tions against foreign invasion lies not , onlyy in a patriotic citizenship which at i a moment's notice would create a vol. I' unteer army of defense , but it also consists - f I r sists in the great natural resources we enjoy. Destroy the wool industry and what would be the result in case of a foreign war , with out ports blockaded and dependent upon foreign wool to clothe our army and our people ? This t is in my opinion , one of the strongest 1 reasons for protecting and fosteringle productions of wool.-J. W. Babcock , M. C. from Wisconsin. Want Another 3Ie uage. We have been waiting for a ringing message from the president on the subject - ject of protection for the United States. If 41r. Cleveland is willing to fight John Bull on behalf of the Venezuelans , why not on our own account ? If he objects to John Bull's invasion there , why not - " , object to his invasion here , at home , in our own markets ? If there is to be a lock-out of Mr. Bull from Venezuela , } why not also from the UnltcdStates ? . t . t l l - , . _ -