The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 31, 1896, Image 1

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    Ii I i
1jt mc ooh ribunc. '
, , _ , . .
t Another Insurance Order.
McCook Forum No. 711 , of the Home
J .Forum Benefit Order of Illinois , was organized -
ganized in our city , Tuesday night , by
Frank Harris under special commission
from the Supreme Forum.
The following officers were elected and
installed : President , Frank Harris ;
First Vice-President , E. Hanson ; Second
Vice-President , Mrs. J. F. Kenyon ; Secretary -
retary , Mrs , S. L. Moencli ; Treasurer ,
H G. Bornenman ; Historian , C. E. El-
dred ; Orator , J. F. Kenyon ; Assistant
Orator , Mrs. Frank Harris ; Porter , V. H.
Solliday ; Guard , W. S. Tomlinsoir
Tributes , Mrs. C. E. Eldred , Mrs. H , G.
Borneman , Mrs , V. H , Solliday.
The Foruui is a fraternal insurance
order , taking into its membership both
sexes. The McCook Forunt starts out
with 36 charter members. They will
meet in McConnell ball , and their dates
will likely be ou the first and third Tuesdays -
days of each month.
This branch of the order seems to have
a'pronhising future before it.
His Position Made Plain.
As the C. & 0. train was pulling out
, . of Covington for Cincinnati , last Saturday -
urday y night an Irishm laborer with his
regulation tin dinner can and clay pipe ,
stepped into one of the passenger cars ,
and , putting his pail on the floor , en-
sconsed himself in a comfortable posi-
tion. A moment later the brakeman
came in and , looking around , espied the
Irishman. Leaning over , he tapped the
man on the shoulder , and said :
"If you want to smoke , go forward to
the smoking car" .
The Irishman looked at him coolly for
a moment , and replied , "I'm not
schmokiu' , man" .
"You've got your pipe in your mouth ,
haven't you" ?
" "Faith , yes" , replied the son of .Erin ,
' ' ' foot in boot but
'an' I've got me me ,
' ' " Public
I'm not walkin'-Marysville
Deat. of Mrs. H. I. Peterson.
A sad death was that of Mrs. H. I.
Peterson of Grant precinct , which occurred -
curred on last Saturday evening after a
brief illness-although the deceased
had been ailing for some time.
The departed was about twenty--one
years of age and a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Ellis of Gerver precinct.
She leaves a young and devoted husband
to mourn her untimely death-an infant
j . having preceded her into the spirit. land
about a year since.
The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon -
' noon , services being conducted by Rev.
Mason of Danbury , and the remains being -
ing laid away in the Fowler burial
The husband and parents have the
profound sympathy of that entire community -
munity in this hour of sadness.
A Sanctified Scamp.
Curtis is considerably "torn up" as it
were over a "break" made recently by a
sanctified scamp of that community. It
seems that a certain churchman of that
burg who makesloug prayersand squeezing -
ing the hands of the comely sisters a
specialty , recently - wrote a note making
an appointment with a certain sister.
The note passed through the husband's
hands into the keeping of the local
preacher of the church to which the
parties belonged.
The dominie arrayed hiniselfiii female
attire and at the appointed hour and
place was in the arms of the amorous
brother. Then followed a little seance
that is still stirring the sanctified circles
of the Lake City to their profoundest
People are still using the liveryof
heaven in which to serve the devil.
Enjoyable Party.
The friends of the Misses O'Leary
assembled at their home , Wednesday
evening. Card playing and dancing
were the amusements of the evening ,
after which dainty refreshments were
served. All departed for their homes at
a late hour , having had a very enjoyable
Brief but Bloody.
The "Box Elder Giant" and the "Or-
leans Cyclone" fought a one-and-a-half
rounds mill , Tuesday evening , in the
suburbs of the city , to the great amuse-
tent of a few sports who were posted.
The "Giant" tamed the "Cyclone" in
an unexpectedly short time ,
S Getting Ready to Ye11.
"It is expected that a final decision in
the famous county seat case will be handed -
ed down by the supreme court by Feb.
Ist. We can now all get ready to yell ,
hurrah for McCook"-Danbury News.
Their Sincere Gratitude.
We wish to return our sincere thanks
for the assistance and sympathy vouchsafed -
safed us in our recent bereavement and
present sorrow.
r i . .
i .
J. E. ROGERS was a Lincoln visitor ,
Miss ON. SIJIONs spent Sunday with
Hastings friends.
R. 0. PIILLIPs was up from Lincoln.
Wednesday , on business.
DAN SULLIVAN of Alma was the guest
of Receiver Gibbons , first of the week.
Belles were Commercial guests on Sun-
MRS. S. STRASSER and Miss Grace
went clown to Holdrege , Monday evening -
ing on 4.
G. W NoRRIS and J. T. McClure , two
of Beaver City's brightest legal lights ,
were McCook visitors , Sunday ,
Culbertson were the guests of Mr , anti
Mrs. W. C. I.aTonrette , first of the week.i i
JOHN R00NE1 returned to Cripple
Creek , Saturday evening. L. H. has remained -
mained here all week on uiattersof busi-
Miss SKINNER is employed in the
Times-Democrat office now vice Miss i
Smith. Miss Skinner comes from Arapahoe -
the city ; Thursday and Friday , looking t
after his ranch interests.
Miss MARGARET EVANS is here , guest
of her sister , Mrs. W. S. Morlan , who
has been sick for a week or two , but is
now better.
DR. S. L. GREEN had quite a painful
fall , last Friday , which has placed him
on the partially disabled list. He is recovering -
covering slowly.
EDITOR C. W BARNES of the Times-
Democrat left foc Lincoln on No. 2 , this
morning , to attend the state Editorial
association meeting.
Co. Supr. CARNAHAN was in the city ,
Wednesday afternoon , briefly , while
out ntakirg an official visit among the
west end schools of the county.
down to the capital city , Thursday morning -
ing , to attend the Nebraska Editorial
association meeting and banquet.
Miss SARA LOW-MAN has been in Lincoln -
coln for a week past , visiting relatives ,
on her v ay east to purchase spring
goods. She will be absent a number of
Miss BARR of Benkelman was the
guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Badcon ,
Monday , on her way home from attending -
ing the Sunday school convention at
I. T Benjamin's objection to the U.S.
history used in the McCook public
schools , on the grounds that the text
book contains no mention of Benjamin
Butler , has caused some amusing speculative -
lative comments.
Anyone who is interested in the material -
terial welfare of the city , who has a
home here or has property here , but who
buys away from home those things
which can be procured at home-often
times as advantageously in all respects-
is not only disloyal to his home town
but he is undermining his own interests.
This applies to all classes , to the business -
ness man who buys his printing away
from home , his clothing , dry goods , furniture -
niture , etc. , or to the real estate owner
while waiting for the commercial prosperity -
perity of the place to boom the value o f
his property , as the business man
hopes for an increased volume of busi-
ness. We have some here who are guilty
of all these things , and who , if not inviting -
viting disaster to the city and to themselves -
selves with it , are certainly courting it.
The new dispensation for western Nebraska -
raska is based largely upon the windmill -
mill , wisely asserts the Nebraska Far-
mer. To be able to pull through from
one year to another , through thick and
thin , is the one thing desired for th e
pioneer. With water for but a few acres
this consummation is reachedh The cos t
of a plant that will do this work is no
longer a consideration , the only question
being , can it be done ? It can be accom -
pushed. The fact is that Nebraska i s
now fairly dotted over with small farm s
where the windmill reigns supreme , except -
cept when it rains sure enough water.
Give the windmill and alfalfa a foothold
in every county in Nebraska and we ar e
all right. We can then afford to stand
inside the door when it does rain , because -
cause we shall have something to work
for as long as the sun continues to shine.
The people of Nebraska are built upon
the plan of asking' for what they want i f
they don't see it , and then if they don't
get it , to go after it , solely on their own
account.-Grand Island Independent.
. . e' .
"Friend" Asks a Few Questions.
Not long ago while in attendance at
one of the churches in this city , the subject -
ject of Endless Punishment was intro-
duced. Day by clay and year by vearthe
controversy of this subJject extends deep.
er and deeper. Why tivill intelligent
people advocate that there is no true
Christ ? Why worship , a ii impostor ?
Why try and kill true doctrine ? Much
time and talent have been spent in proving -
ing that there is a God. This is , indeed ,
very necessary ; but it is vain to prove
that there is a Supreme Being unless he
is a Good Being. But the great question
is this : Is He supreme in His benevolence -
lence ? If this be not true , Atheism itself -
self would be a refuge to every intelligent -
gent niitid. Why need it be to commission -
sion the people of ally church to bring
the sinner to the altar either by persuasiveness -
iveness or force. . Is it not uselessness to
entreat them with loud words of conso-
latiou , such as Endless Punishment.
Can it be a consolation ? Oh , no It
only brings reniorse. Does the Bible
teach us that God will pounce upon the
sinner with the wrath of a thousand tigers -
gers ; chase us from the grave to the resurrection -
rection ; from the resurrection to the infernal -
fernal regions , and then commission
the devil and his angels to still keep time
Ichase through the length , breadth and
depth of hell ? Justice would turn pale
at such justice. .God is love" . On it
depends time reformation of time sinner.
How can one trust in God without be-
lieving that he is trustworthy ? for on
this confidence depends all virtue and
happiness. Mankind never lost any
good thing , physically , intellectually or
morally , until it found a better and then
time loss is a gain. FRIEND.
Pythian District Meeting.
George E. Ford of , Kearney , Grand
Chancellor Commander ; Gus Norberg of
Holdrege , Vice Grand Chancellor Com-
inander ; and Will L. Scism , Supreme
Representative , a n d editor o f t ii e
"Knights' Jewel" , published at Omaha ,
held an interesting and instructive District -
trict meeting in our city , Wednesday
afternoon and evening , which was largely -
ly attended and greatly enjoyed by the
Knights. From 7 to S o'clock a superb
concert was given in the castle hall , td
the Knights and their families , by the.
Nebraska Brigade Band , 15. R. K , of P
of our city. It was one of the finest
musical programmes ever rendered before -
fore a McCook audience.
The concert was followed by a banquet
in which the Knights alone participated.
This feature was also first-class and keenly -
ly enjoyed.
The session of the District meeting
was afterwards continued until a late
hour :
Prohibition County Convention.
The prohibitionists of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , are hereby called to
meet in mass convention in city hall ,
Saturday , February 8th , 1596 , at 2 P. M. ,
for the purpose ofselecting delegates to
the state convention which convenes in
Lincoln , February t3th , IS96.
tV. 0. NORlAL , Chairman.
GEO. J. FREDERICK , Secretary.
Imm' .Bits. LILLm. \
Out on the river like polished glass ,
Backward and forward the skaters pay , .
There goes one-down goes the other ;
If he falls on her , she'll surely smother.
There's Ollie and Sadie-away they go.
hinting a place where there is no snow.
There goes Walter , into the channel ;
Now Lisle trips up and breaks a panel.
Elmer and Grace go flitting by
Like summer birds , now low , now high.
Mossy and May look fine together ;
He clings as close as a preacher ever.
Look out for the preacher on his by ke ,
The girls hanging onto his coat tail tight.
Harry skates too good to be bothered with
With a bow and a flourish away he whirls.
The bon-fire blazing near the shore ,
Rosy cheeks , happy hearts , who asks for
more ?
Eachm smiling Jack has got his Jill ;
Her head with his nothings , he tries to till.
John is teaching Stella to skate ;
See what dainty steps lie takes.
Sullivan whirls around on his heel.
My ! How envious the rest of us feel.
There's jolly Frank in the merry throng ,
Always helping the "learners" along :
Kind and good , on ice or land ,
Ready to lend a helping hand.
See Isabel gracefully glide away ;
What mischief shines in her eyes today.
Look out Hala ! 0 , there she goes.
Will's gone to the fire to warm his toes.
Then back again o'er the ice they fly :
Won't there be tired feet , by and by ?
How many heads and knees will ache.
I.And how for the liniment bottle we'll make. .
Fly away , glide away , have your fun ,
Soon the ice will go out , and your frolic's
No fun so grand as the old river wide ,
Whether bathing , or fishing , or skating we
Holbrook , Neb. , January 25th , iS9 .
' ? c > InADcr" " + t. rl :
CATHOLIC-Mass at S o'clock a. in.
High mass and sermon at Io:3o : , a. in. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 : , p. ni.
All are cordially welcome.
REV , J.V. . HICKEV , Pastor.
Daughters will meet at the home of Mrs.
C. H. Boyle , on Thursday , February 6th ,
at 2:30. A cordial invitation is extended
to all. MRS. A. J. RITTENHOUSE ,
EPISCOPAL-Services will be held at
the Episcopal church , January 12th and
every alternate Sunday at it a. m. and
S p. m. Sunday- school at to a. m. every
Sunday. Ladies' Guild meets every
Wednesday evening after the 7:30 ser-
BAPTIST-Services in McConnell hail.
Bible school at to a. m. Preaching at
II a. m. and S p. m. B. Y. P. U. at 7
p. m. ; subject , "Justification by Faith" ;
Miss Myrtle Pate , leader. A very
cordial invitation is extended time public
to attend. G. P , FUSON , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL-Usual preaching
services , morning and evening. Sunday
school at io o'clock. Christian Endeavor -
deavor at 7. Lulu Norval , leader ; topic ,
"Laborers together with God" . A very
cordial welcome is extended to all who
attend these services.
METIIODIST-Sunday school at to
o'clock. Preaching at ii. Class meeting -
ing at 12. Junior League at 3 , Young
People's bible study at 3.45. Epworth
League at 7 sharp , subject : Christ's Way
\Vinning Souls by Personal Work ,
John : 4-I to 30. Public installation of
the E. Ir. officers at the close of the
League. Sermon at S , subject : How to
Make a Wheel Go. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening at S. All are cordially -
dially invited to attend these services.
J. A BADCON , Pastor.
SOCIAL-On Thursday evening , February -
ruary i3th , there will be held in the
Congregational church a Valentine amid
Leap Year social Full particulars next
N. E. DINNER-The ladies of the
Methodist church will give a New England -
land dinner , February 22d , to some con-
veimient , do'vn-town locality to be announced -
nounced later.
The Christian Endeavorers enjoyed a
delightful social season , Tuesday evening -
ing , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Ganschow. The evening was spent in
games and a good time generally. There
was a large attendance of members of
time society.
Commissioners' proceedings on eighth
McConuell's Balsam cures coughs.
Price 25 cents.
McCook is one of the banner fraternal
and benevolent order cities of Nebraska
The Barnett millinery stock and furniture -
niture was moved into Mrs. Barger's
millinery store , Tuesday.
The wave of retrenchment has struck
the coal shute , and the Russian vote has
been fractured two or three times.
The Red Willow County Teachers' association -
sociation will meet in our city on Saturday -
day , February 15th , in one of their regular -
lar quarterly sessions.
The remains of Mrs. Ella Kilbgore's
two children were moved from the In-
dianola cemetery to Longview cemetery
of our city , Tuesday of this week.
A Chicago lawyer of a cynical disposition -
sition thus defines a promoter : : 'One
who sells nothing for something to a
man who thinks be is getting something
for nothing" .
While attending the funeral of the late
Lawrence Rooney , last Friday , the horse
Peter Foxen was driving became frightened -
ened , ran away and smashed things up
a bit ; also injuring Mr. Foxen's hand
quite painfully.
C. E. Ford of Rusk , Texas , in a recent
communication to the Scientific American -
can , describes how he raised 3,000
bushels of Early Rose potatoes to the
acre. He practices intensive farming
and sprouts his potatoes before planting
and then raises a crop in from four to
six weeks , all of large size , without a
peck of small potatoes to the acre.
The Star of Jupiter lodge is holding
very interesting meetings now , and that
of Monday was an exceptionally pleasant -
ant one. There were three or four initiations -
itiations and the order has some twenty
applications for membership which will
be acted upon in due time. The social
and entertainment features of the order
are being made prominent and enjoy-
. . .w.
"Any items under this handing will lie gladly
receh cd front those in the service by the publisher.
Brakeman Wright was sick last week ,
but is again on his run.
Mrs. Basic and Tessie , were Long
Island visitors , last week and first of this ,
Agent Walters was sick this week.
Such is the life of the newly married
Miss Clara Benjamin is visiting at T.
\V's. Bert drove her over and returned
Agent Wilson has returned to his
station work at Cowles. Pete Weibel to
Mail Clerk Yates and family have returned -
turned from Michigan , Mrs. Yates is
very- much unproved iii health.
Anscn has Engine 164 for a time. A
short time however , as she is too good
an engine ( ? ) to ruti on the "limited. "
Operator Hughes was an Oberlin visitor -
itor last week. Rumor sayeth not what
he was there for , but we all keep
"athinkin" ' .
Last week's issue was wrong , in that
it made us say ' 'from" where it should
have been "for" in
, noting the piano
Agent Bash bought for Tessie.
Messrs Viersen , Milligan and Mon-
tayne moved from Red Cloud to Hastings -
ings , oil Tuesday , in accordance with
the change recentlypromulgated. .
It has become noticeable that a large
percentage of : he Burlington locomotives
which come to the local shops for repairs
are from that portion of the line known
as the Wyoming division , which extends
from Ravenna north. The alkali water
abounding in that section makes the difference -
ference , and time average life of loconio-
tive flues used on that line is only ten
months. On the west end of time B. Sr
M. the flues are good for thirty- months
of use , while on the northern division
their life is eighteen months. As a rule ,
the Wyoming division , because of its
northern connection at Billings , is a
good paying line , but to man it with
engines and keep them in repairs requires -
quires time expenditure of considerable
money.-Lincoln Journal.
Grand Army Encampment and
Women's Relief Corps
At Omaha , Nebraska , February I2-t3i
1896. Agents in Nebraska 'rill sell tick.
ets , February 12-r3 , to Omaha at rate of
one fare for the round trip , limited for
return to February 17.
C. E. DI AGNER , Agent
To California in a Tourist Steeper.
The Burlington Route personally conducted -
ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado -
rado , Utah and California are just the
things for people of moderate means.
Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe-
ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday -
day and go through , without change , to
San Francisco and Los Angeles. The
tourist sleepers in which excursionists
travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan
and have spring seats , spring backs ,
mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows ,
etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide
enough and bigenough t for two. The route
lies through Denver , Colorado Springs ,
the wonderful canyons and peaks of the
Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento.
For rates and also for illustrated folder
giving full information , call on the nearest -
est agent of the Burlington Route or
write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Professional Nurse.
MRS. ELLA KILGORE-Professional
nurse. Prompt attention given to day
or night calls. Best of references given.
Call at Union Hotelformerly called Ar
lingtou. )
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs
Price 25 cents.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Price 25 cents.
Try McConnell's Balsam for tha t
cough. Price 25 cents.
\VANTED-Girl for general housework
Inquire of Mrs. A. J. CIute , Sob Monro e
If you take pleasure in good stationery -
ery , try Crane's. It's fine and reasonable -
ble in price. We also do engraving o
cards and embossing ofletter paper. Se e
samples and get prices.
You can get the Best Flour in th e
city at McKenna's at the following low
prices :
Thoroughbread Fancy- Patent , sack , $ r , 0o
Straight Patent , per sack.g o
Whitebread , per sack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3o
Every sack warranted.
' = g
35 rI"c 3 : . m'.t >
The school orchestra is
being re-orgau-
County Superintendent Carnaliau visited -
ited the schools , Wednesday.
Norman Campbell is absent front
school , caused by a diseased hip.
The present muddy condition is causing -
ing our school janitors sonic extra work.
The totlt grade loses a popular ment-
ber by the withdrawal of John Selby ,
Mr. Valentame read "Hamlet" to the
members of the Eleventh grade and a
few of their invited friends , on Wednesday -
dayevening. . "
The harm weather that the weather
departnteut has given us lately has
cheated the school children out of a brood
deal of possible skating.
Touigmt's [ lantern class tviIl consist of j
some excellent views of Florence , a number -
ber of colored slides mind au illustrated
poem. It is hoped there will be a large
attendance front the outside public as
these slides are rented and enough
money must be raised to pay for them.
In order to enable the pupils of the
Assembly room to become more familiar
with Parlianieiitttry usages time Superiti-
tendent has set aside ten or fifteen nmin-
utes at opening exercises , during which
time the pupils may bring any business
that they wish transacted before time
Assembly. As a result sonic lively discussions -
cussions have ensued.
Last Friday evening's lantern class
was a very interesting one , consisting of
about 50 views of English Cathedrals.
"Curfew mnust not ring to night" was
read by Maggie Cullen and at time saute
time represented by pictures on time
screen. Timis with a "Bonny Briar Bush"
story and a musical selection closed a
higlhly-enjoyecl lantern class.
The reniarkable success attending time
loan exhibition of lantern slides , has encouraged -
couraged the mnanageument to continue
them throughout the month of February.
The programme tonight and Saturday
night , at S o'clock , is as follows :
Piano Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .label Perry
Florence "The Mother of Arts'-Thirty-
five colored photographs of the „ rand
old Tusca. city.
Vocal Duet..Ida and Blanche McCarl
"Time WOfiCf of Muntbles'-IIead Tile
tale of a shipwreck. Illustrated reads -
s ingby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnie Rowell
"Time Frolicsome Dom s"-Illustrated
reading by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denton Stroud
Duet-Flute and Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Roy smith amid I'earl Brewer
Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ Valentine
Piano Duet..Maud Doan , Josie Cullen
Oh , poetry ! Oh , poetry :
flow much they do abuse thee ,
flow wrongfully they use thee ,
No one can tell the half ;
" 12th grade poet's" prow rhyme ,
"Defender's" jingle void of clminie ,
troth bespeak the countless time
They use to write this' chaff" .
It only they could understand
I low weak time pen is in their humid ,
[ low very far front being „ rand
Their foolish verses come ;
They'd cool their highly fevered brow ,
"They'd quell their rhyming mood , I trow ,
Their very heads in shame would boor
For once theywould be dumb.
Return the Package. ;
The parties who are still retaining in
their possession a package which was
given them through mistake on Monday ,
January 20th , and which was intended
for C. E. DI. of the Sunny Side dairy ,
will save themselves serious trouble by
turning over at once the package to the
rightful owner.
We Burn Wood
When we can get it. If you : subsc p-
tioa is delinquent and you have the caned
bring us in a load or two.
Try McConnell's Baisam for that
cough. Price 25 cents.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office. '
McConnelhs Balsam cures coughs- '
Price 25 cents.
Try McConnell's Balsam for that
cough. Price 25 cents.
Fifteen ( i5) ) cents will buya box of
nice writing paper at this office , con-
. 24 sheets of paper and 2 , envet-
open. '
11b. Japan Tea , the very best. . . . . . $ .4S
I lb. of Choice Japan Tea , . . . . . . . . . .35
I gal. Maple Syrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 1 n
At MCKENN4'S : ,