4 , . - - - . . , a--- r y _ . _ _ . , . ' . . , I People v . . \i .r1Io \ : : Write--------- - - - - - - - - - J -t . : Might as well get something - . thing that's neat , and stylish - ish as to buy something J ; : ; that isn't. ' What's the use of buy- 1 ing a poor article when . . , you can get The Best for the same money . . , . . The ' : . : Tribune Office. . . r - / - 1I ° il'a , i t 1 1'h , r ' FAL - 1'd . . . , t , , ; Y e it tri - I J-i 1 M' . ' 1. t M 5 LE nT OR I'C ' > i"1A 5 h P 1 5U h S E ® t I . t RIAl. TNE FiNtST' _ . h 1 1 V a OD EL51 lEl G qT5fiI8T. 5 PDUPlDS p . CSg8.T o i0 0. ' ' VERY MAaiINEFULLY' GUARANTEED ICATAL9Gt1E SENT FOa tJoCENT STAn1 ? . i O 1aAlh OFFIGE 'As'1Dr FACTORY LAttE HALSTED 5T5 "RETAIL'If.SAU3R00r1 rj 2t30 ; WABASH AE - ' ' 7 EASTtRN WARENOtisE 97-gD-REAOE 5i : fiE1d' olvk AORTLAN D nn l 5r RAi ICP'i F.S t. ' SAN r1N CI : - - . _ _ - SALT'3LAftiE Ci'fY ; . y. L41tf51DE Enoro Ctily S TI4E- , . FIkST WATIOWAL . : AWK 1 K Authorized $ OOOOO Surplus 604000 . . - - - r CFFICEhS .AND DIRECTORS. GEO. NOCKNELL , B. M. FREES , iVF. LAWSON F. A. PENNELL _ , Presidsnf. V. President. Cashier. Ass'f Cashier. . A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F , D. BURGESS , it MAIN AVli' TE , MCCOOK , NEB. ; Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Geode Pumps and Boiler Trim mays. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. ' . . DOYOURED ¶ THE McCOOK. TRIBUNE ? , 4 ® Leading Weekly in West e.rn Nebraska , ADVANCEI , / ' - 'y , ; t . , .rfJ ' , . t Fortunes in Small Farms. Mr. George Heet of Wellfleet , who has already had something to say to the i farmers about the possibilities of Nebras- kasoil which they are neglectingbrought to the Journal yesterday some samples of onions and potatoes raised under irrigation - rigation in Littcolu county. The onions he raised himself , harvesting just 315 bushels from half an acre. His neighbor , C. A , Glaze , pumped water from a well with a windmill , and had the satisfaction of digging 440 bushels of fine potatoes fmm a single acre , Mr. Heed put water on fire acres and made $ t,00o by the operation , last season. His neighbor is preparing to irrigate his whole farm by the windmill method. The cost will not exceed $50 an acreand he estimates that he can make money if his plants cost as much as $ o an acre. The windmill is bringing about a nets dispensation in Lincoln county. The farmers who have had the enterprise and ' 'tability to stick through the bad seasons of the last three years now feel that they have their feet firmly planted on the road to prosperity. They have the richest - est soil in the world. Theyy have an ideal climate. It has been demonstrated again and again iii the last two years that five acres under irrigation will sup- 1 port a family , that ten acres will give a comfortable income , and that a small. field of alfalfa , a herd of stock , and ten acres under water will in a few years yield a competence. The experience iii Lincoln county is the experience of practically every coup ty in western Nebraska. Everywhere the gospel of alfalfa is being preached by big fields and big slacks of alfalfa. Everywhere windmills are furnishing water for small fields of grain and vege- 'tables. Wherever alfalfa has gained a foothold and wherever irrigation has been given a fair trial one finds farmers who have no question about the future of their part of the state.-State Journal. The A. P. A. Lecture. The Jlethodist church was unequal to tile demands made upon its seating Capacity - pacity , Saturday evening , by those de. sirous of hearing the lecture delivered on that occasion by J. H. D , Stevens of Ironwood , Mich. , member of the etecu- tive committee of the association. Not only was the speaker's audience large , but it was enthusiastic and sympathetic , many of the most radical utterances being enchored to the echo. We are advised that the speech throughout was of a characteristic sort- nothing new being offered of a startling nature. W. E. Jones , ex-state secretary , was also here. Loth were acconpanied by their wives. After the lecture a large meeting was held in their hall till the small hours. T o California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted once a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pitows ? , etc. Only-$5 for a double berth , wide enough and big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful can'os and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder gibing full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Try McConnell's Balsam for that cough. Price 25 cents. NOTICE FOR I'UBLiCATION. . Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , January. 7. 1S95. Notice is hereby given that the fob. lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before register or receiver at McCook , Nebraska - braska , on Wednesday. March 4th. 1S96 , viz : John Garlick , who made homestead entry number IoI9S , for the wept half of the southwest - west quarter , section 2 , township 5 north , range 29 west , 6th principal meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Santford Goddard of Mc- Cook , Nebraska , John B. Harrison , James Zider , John F. Garlick , of Quick , Nebraska. i.io-fits. A. S. CAMPBELL. Register. T11nER CULTURE , FINAL PROOF-NOTICE FOR PUILICATION. : Land Office it McCook , Nebraska. January 7. 1&96. Notice is herebyy given that John Garlick has filed notice of intention to make final proof before register or receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska , on Wednesday , the 4th day of March , 1S96. on timber culture application No. 5,499 , forthe east half of the southwest quarter of section number 2 , in township number 5 north , range number 29 west. He names the as witnesses : Santford Goddard of McCook , Nebraska , John B. Harriseir James 'Lider , John - . Gar lick , of Quick , ' ebraska. I-lo-fits. A. S. CASIPBELL. Register. TIMBEF CULTURE FINAL PROOF-NOTICE FOR Pt. BI ICATION. United States Land Omce , McCook , Ne'- na , January 9th , 1S96. Notice is hereby given that JAMES KELLY has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Register - ter or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska - raska , on Thursday , the 2d day of April , 1596 , on timber culture a llication No. " 1-1 , for the northwest quarter of section No. 2 ; , In township - ship No. 4 , N. , range No. 30. west. He names as witnesses : John B. Smith , Henry Simmerman , William H. Epperly , Thomas Ryan , all of Mc- Cook. 1ellra-iaa. 1ellraiaa.A. A. S. CAMPBELL. Register. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is herebyy given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The McCook Irrigationand Water Power Company will be held.at the secretary's office- McCook , on Wednesday , February 5th , tS , for the par- pose of electing directors and transacting such other business as may come before said meeting. CHARLES A. HANNA , CHARLES H. MEEKER , ' President. Secretary , t-to-4ts. a - l Plenty of Apples at IfniPPle's. We are just ih receipts of a new supply of tablets and box. papers , memorandums , etc. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book about No-To Bae the harmless guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up the nicotin- tzed nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book fre. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , New York or Chicago. 4.1g g' I'r. rSold by McConnell & Co. , McCook , Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Many merchants are well aware that their customers are their hest friends and take pleasure in supplying them with the best goods obtainable. As an instance we mention Perry & Cameron , prominent druggists of Flushing , Michigan. They sa : "We have no hesita tion irecontmedin Chamberlain's Cough RRemedy to our customers as it is th bst cough medicine we have ever sold , and always sIves satisfaction" . For sale at 2- and So cents per bottle by L. W. McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. For a pain in the chest a piece'of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the seat of the pain , and another on the back between the holders will afford prompt relief. Tins is especially valuable in cases where the pain is caused by a cold and there is a tendency toward pneu- monia. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Not a few who read what Mr. Robert Rowls of lfollands , bra. has to say below , will remember - member their own experience under like circumstances - cumstances : "Last winter .I had la grippe which left me in a low state of health. I tried numerous remedies , none of which did ins any good , until I was induced to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The first hot- tie of it so far relieved me that I was enabled to attend to my work , and the second bottle effected a cure" . For sale at z5 and 5o cents per bottle by L. W. McConnell & Co. w. V. GAGE , PIIYSICIAN AN1) SL'IWEON MCCooi , NEBRASKA. " , 'Ofiicc hours-9 to I I a. m. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National batik. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGED MCCoOK , NEBRASKA. I rOfiiice-Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Residence-lot Main street , Prompt attention - ) tion given to all calls. l AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , i ATTORNEY AT LAW MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. : r Office-Over the Famous clothing store. J. E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW MCC00K , NEBRASKA. rAgent of Lincoln Land Cu. office- Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , DENTIST. All dental work done at our office is guaranteed - anteed to be first-class. We do all kins of Crown , Bridge and Plate 11'ork. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. & .MRS. E. E. UTTER..J. i MUSICAL INSTRCTCTOF. . iI I Plano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo l VOICE TRAINING A SPECIAL- . ' "Studio-Comer of Dodge and Madison sts. I ELMER ROWELL , Real Estate , Collections , Insurance McCooK , NEBRASKA. Notary Public. East Dennison street. SMITH . , I BondedAbstracter1I _ I B. G. GOSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA. - - NEBRASKA. Chase Cc. Land and Live Stock Co. I ! ! orses branded on left hip or left sbouidor P.O. address Imperial Chase county , and Beat rice , Nebraska. Range , Stinking Water and the Frenchman creeks , fn Chase county. Nebraska. Brand as cut on sideof someanimal.ou hip and sides of come , or anywhere - where on the animal. i , COLE , LEADING 1EROIIANT TAILOR I OF MCC00K , has just received a new stock of OLOTR6 tad TR1MMPiGS If you want a good fitting ting cult made at the very lowest prlcea for good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber Office , on Denntson area : .WY . z- _ - - u Y i 1 , 5 31 What is ' + C f t Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants + and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use h Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Casiovia relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Caste toria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria , "Castoria is an excellent metlidne for chil fren. Mothers have repeatedly told ue of its ; oed effect upon their . Da. G. C. Osooon , Lowell , Mass. "t Astoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tae day is not far distant when mothers willconsiderthe real interest of their children , and use Castoria in. : eadof the various quack nostrums 'tvhiicli are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Dn. J. F. Eiacnrtos , Conway , Ark. Castoria. ' i , f Castoria Is so well rulaptcd to childrenn'tna ' f I recommend it as superiortoany prescription known to me. " ' II. A. Aacnzn , M. D. . , III So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. F. r "Our physicians in the chihiren's departs , ment have spoken highly of their ezpef- - ence m their outside practice with Castoria , r and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free t" confesi that the merits of Castoria has won u ; to look with favor upon it. " Ii\zvsu Hosi'LTI1Iy2'eVSpnY , Ioston , shat. r ALLEY C. SmTu , Pres. , The Centaur Company , TI Murray Street , Neva Fork City. 116 61tz611s ! f I , OILtTE:1 UNi1EIt STA'rt LA1yi. ' a Paid U Capital - - - - $50,000. Surplus. - - - - - - 10,000. 1 G BUSINESS. . I ; : . Collection : ; 1iac on all Accessible Points. ) at.ts Drawn on all Principal Cities 01 ' Europe. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. - - . - . - , . _ _ ? ' ' 1 fc1' to E by 9v pei 7J' OFFICERS. ° . V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EfEa T. Cashier. CO1trIEsI'ONDFNTS-The : First Natonal Lank , Lincoln , Nebraska The : hemical National Lank , New York City. OSBULLARD s 09 ) o ! s LIME , HARD CEliE1'P , AND Daolls , LUMPERM SOFT ' I1DO S , BLINDS. COlili. I t ) o ( POST . SS I U. J. WARREN , Manager. . - I This Famouaieeneaycu es gntcc : rpermanenaynd } ' , nervous . Lss o1 Br.in Pove ; I Headache , vVakefnlness , Lout Sitallty , NIghtlyEnis- i stony , evil dreams , impotency and wastinz diseases caused by youthful errors or ezaaaos. Contatnsno opiates. Is a nerve tonic ' * nndbloodbuilder. Makesthepaleandpunystronzandpiump , m EaselycarrledInvestpocket.3lperbox ; 6or& ; . Bymailpr'- y , : paid. wlthawrltenvuarantcecTmvneyrefttaded. W : tensfrc o medical book , sealed plain wrapper , wlni testimonials and MDIr. icuair. :7t Ddr.'rnLU. . tions.Sc14byoeragentsoraddrruSEnva9CEDCO. flnaneialstanding.Vocharge Jarerrnsultatiors. , . . . coslcTempteCLkar llernreoftmite- , , Forsalo in McCook , Neb , byL. W. McDON NELL & CO. . Druggiata. ½ r spt st 74 Y4. apt sit st 'spt rat i rrt i rtt .S 1Y , r4. rat + t r r = t 1 he most f a ou. author : . " The most Interesting fiction. * t. a t'Z' The rpt , , , , ; ; - aa 1 f _ 1 u a. f r .t1OIZ. , , i . 'r1 ny' ' . i ' ) 4t tivervtarung me 'Jcst tnat money can J. : + 1. r. ' l Hs + l , t Thai s ( r f - 1 s T n O ' 4i 1 c gJ z ' t ! to g 2 , Giving y early 1344 p t-v : .u. ; ; OO 1 . _ , It..Stl _ - Oil ; al e sa t , 1 bons. The equal OI the most expensive magazines. / Ott home is complete witnoui this magazine. 1T orli ' , . . _ an..d , r at men young and. old , will fella , Il it amusement aL. . i - . . .t e , , struction. In what can a dollar be better expeasic : : tL T THE DECEMBER Eta' ' T iON , - 4OOOCO COPIES. The Cosmopolitan fo : that month received , ' * - t the greatest retogniticn from - visers C Send one . . t , u 'r , ever given to any magazine. I : contains , fem $ gooo to ; .Fagg mare ad . : aisin : : : an 1 lie ' 'C11smdoolitan > t sunseverpublishedinany magarice , aany _ _ . _ til ts' + 1vm _ : . , pt f1 j t place , in any country , at any price. This is E , r I ' tV'Al w.-C-th-fitGLr 7l. . n1) why a magazine ranking with tie best in s , , , apt literatureandartcanbesoldatiCe.neoIv. j/ / Crr. ' . , y : 1t t Y + Ci 1 / tt11 t ! 1 , ti 1 t ! i' ' 9 ! 1P Ml * 1P. M ' . r _ f 3t Rl ' 9lA'3 s t sAC > t spt s pt > * t sit ' 4 4' 'c ' ' ' .mot sot ' ' . r4 , 'jL l