i ' I . ' .h . By F. M. KIMMELL. St.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. IT is u hill work to run a rove - ernment like this tivithout sufficient tariff revenue. Even the president and ties hapless party must appre- lat0 th18 fact. ' TrIE l rilsanville Review has allowed - lowed its natural bifurcation to extend north about three degrees , } five minutes and is now a siman- pu r e , ' a if and 'elfnonartisan. . REGENT 1t1GRRILL , says the y0rk Times , has positively declined to be a candidate for rovernor and will devote himself to booming the Burlin g ton's towel of Havelock , near Lincoln. ' TAE entente cordiale between Colonels Merwin of the Tribune " ' and Kelley of the Times-Revenue , down ill Beaver City , is temporarily - ily basted , or words to that effect , and the artistic manner ill which the former re1110veS the cuticle ' from the latter wanes discourage a I less robust p a c h iderm than Colonel Kelley. aND now another nevr political party is about to beorganized"tln- less" the old parties do thus and so Phis time it is President Trt y nor of the A. P A.who , makes the announcement. , RTOlvis agood time for young politicians of grea tlmbition tune shall judgment to i get into the new lnovesnellt.-Red 1 Cloud Golden Belt. A KaNSds CITY traffic association is making rate schedules for Omaha and against Omaha. A Chicago insurance commission is filing fire rates for Omaha and Nebraska. . , Our people seem to be powerless to secure redress. Is it not about . l time for a popular uprising xo demonstrate - monstrate that this state is strong enough to cull its own business.- ; Omaha Bee , 3II1 , FI1 NCIS , general passenger abent of the Burlington , has a bundle of documents going to show that many Nebraskans who emigrated - grated south are homesick and stranded In flee desert. They want to come back. Reports come from other directions to the same effect. The experieuce : of years has been that men tvllo leave Nebraska expecting - pecting to better their condition nearly all live to regret the false step.-Omaha Bee. IT world be well for Furnas count ) ? to taee a new departure in the method of nominations for couuty officers. The primary method - thod of nomination , ; vhere tried , proves very satisfactor3 . Instead of holding a nominating convention - tion , the members of a party vote at primary elections for their incli- vidual choice for the party nomin- eesfor the various county offices. y This vote is canvassed , and those receiving the highest vote are announced - nounced as the regular nominees of the party. It knocks machine politics clear out , and if there is 1 one thing more than another Nhiclr ' needs knocking oat , it is machine politics.-Beaver City Tribune. NORTH STAR GLEANINGS. J. R.1Teel hg s entered upon his duties as county sheriff. Anthony and Bert Dudek Nava bone to alrneta , Nebraska. Hiss Laura Pickering spent Saturday and Sunday at borne. Mrs. J. Carter had the misfortune - une to have a piece of steel fly into her arm , last week , which caused quite a painful injury. The young people of this neighborhood - borhood were entertained at Mr. Gaiter's , last Saturday night. A large crowd anda p leasant time is reported. .tIQGS ! OGS . ' r mill P to rites ' for o s on SZt r I a s , nct T > < > iesd s. . S. 1LCO , 'ient 3 of i ales . t ni hI Ie's. ; Bny your writing paper at THE TIiIBU. tE office. All kinds in stock and prices very reasonable Pient o # 1 P Ies a t ni IP re's. m , .tta S . " - . A Awarded Highest Horrors-World's Fair , DR 1 MOSS' PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder , Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD , INDIANOLA. ' . , . , . , . , . G. H. Russell was in Lincoln , Monday , on business. A. M. Taylor of Exeter was a guest of J. V. Dolan , Tuesday , C. 1V. Beck drove to Lebanon ou business , Wednesday aftArnoon. J. 'P.Dolan was home from Beaver - ver City over Tuesday and tiVed- nesdav. lets. Laura Mc ( ueston neeHob- sell 1S Vlsltlllg Dr. G. a. Hobson of the Leland. Mr. and AIrs. C. S. Glnicl : and hiss Flora were llcCool : visitors on Saturday last. Ernest ll'right has again opened - ed up ajewelry stock in the drag store of R. L Beckwith. The commissioners ara in session - sion , this week , and C J. Ryan is heI p iu a them finish ti p last year's business. E. P . Bauls still retains his residence - idence in the jail building pending flee settlement of the shrievalty contest case. Treasurer lleserve made leis settlement - tlement with the stet © treasurer , Monday , returning home on Tuesday - day morning. Tuesday evening at the _ Ietho- dist church a reception was tend- dered to Rev. J. lI. Mauu , before his leaving for California. b Henry Powell is preparing to move his general merchandise stool : into the building 'recently vacated by 11'illiam illcCallum. Some people down here are wondering why . P . Starr was not continued as counsel in the lelty-Norris contest case. It is thought to be suggestive. "Little Red Riding Hood' ' , an operetta by Harrisou Millard , Am- erica's recently deceased song writer - ter , is iu preparation by the high school orchestra for liresentation in February. B. B. Duckworth will soon luove the stock of dru g s recentl YP urch- aced from Dr. Brown at Bartley to Indianola. He is having George Short's old place made ready , and drag clerk 1Vebster will leave charge of lt. .Monday , the lj'oodmen had a public installation of officers which Zvas a very pleasant affair. Mr. Horncole's "Lorelei" and another German song were features of the evening. Dancing prolonged the festivities till midni g ht. 1P. R. Starr allll S. R smith here in McCook , Monday , looking after the interests of certain members - bers of the.old Red 'illoN County - ty Cooperative association in the suet brought there on that day before - fore Squire Eerry of the metropolis - lis , by James Jones , to recover the price of two certain promissory Hates. The case was continued for thirty days. Frank Fritsclr and G . Arbogast of this place b and lets. P. J. Taylor of Pied Willow were among the few mem- 1 bers of the assoclation that trt In a personal appearance at the suit , which is about the last of quite a number rssnlting fiom the operation - tion of that association and its decease - , cease , a few years since. ' I I Tl ' that 15 cent Uo Z ) eel' i t THE T1ivIBII TE Zonce. once. a ort . 5 cts. . iso ciYe I per ' ies. Don t forget to come and see us when you want flay kind of lob printing. 'e are the people who do the nice printing. , : e , d . tl e best coone - news a er--t t e s Tl e 11IcCook Tlt'ib > < ti e ever Y time. i SFr ' M BARTLEY. H. S. Clovel of Counci ] Blnfl's ; Iowa , is ma king b Ilia p greats a brief visit. Charles Listen 1 etul ued , first of the week , from a visit pith friends' at Hastings. A. Barnettof McCook , president of the Barnett Lumber Co. ; was in town , Tuesday. Rev. Mayfield kill begin a protracted - tracted meeting 'in College hall , nest Sunday evening. Owing to a disarrangement of the combination of his safe , E. L Dennis is trying his hand at safecracking - cracking , this week. He hopes in time to become quite proficient at this questionable art , when he will resign b his p ositiou as lumber shover. Tuesda y eveninn was a social b evening in Bartley. The G. A , R. and 'N. R. C made Ir , and Mrs . R. Smith a surprise visit , and Mrs. N. R. Kite wets also surprised by a visit from some friends. Gu Curlee entertained in Ping least - ing manner , a number of his young friends , and Samuel Bryan likewise - wise made the eveulug pleasalltf0l' a few of his intimates. .Tabu Phifer , one of the old settlers - tlers in this county , was called to his long home , last weeI : The funeral services were conducted by Rev. N , Z. Taylor , last ll'edues- day , at Dry Creek church , Nhic1 { Stall(1S On flee homestead of the deceased , Mr. Phifer settled ou Dry creek at a time wheel Buffalo Bill had not yet abandoned tale prairies and had a vary extensive acquaintance. Peace to his ttshes. The iustallatiou in College hall , last Friday evening , of the officers of the I. 0. 0. F. and A , 0. U T. ivas a felicitous occasion. The Odd I 'ellows installed their officers first , the grand officers f eiug S. L'ent- ley , deput T district grand master , Adalu Cxrass and C. S. C ulck of 1Iudiauola and a. Utter. The fol- officers were installed : A. E. Crosby , \T , G. : ' . S. Hamilton , 7. G. > J. S. Kirkendall conductor. > > C. lV. Hodgein , warden ; S. Bentley - ley , secretary. Past } Taster lPork- man Hathoru of the A. 0. U. 1 . installed the following officers : T . F driller , yj. v , ; w. S. Hamilton - ton , foreman ; R. C. Catlett , overseer - seer ; A. L. Cochran , recorder ; TY. V.Tickrey , financier ; S. ll' . Clark , receiver. after fete iustallatiou a bangaet was served in the room belotj , the hall and everybody was invited to partake. Eetween 2 5 and 2 0 availed themselves of the apportunlty. The orders are to be cougrlttulated nn the success of Elie event. PROSPECT PAP K ( quite a cold wave struck ± his section , Tuesday. Jacob Crocker want down to his brother , near Indianola , i'uesday. i A.G.Culbertson tivas in this vicinity - inity , last weak. James Boatman is improving very slowly. He has been confined to his bed for about four weeks. P ev.J.ETirrill visited the Boat- mans , first of the tivee1 Andrew Anderson is digging a welt an his homestead , striking solid rock at a depth of GO feet. Untie Jolla Coleman preached to a large and attentive audience at Pros P act Park sihool souse on last Sunday. W. G. Dutton on Sunday drove home the fins bunch of cattle he has been pasturing ou the Stewart ranch. They were in splendid , healthy condition , looked well = save oue animal which had beeu injured in the barb wire fencing. This successfully disproves any and all idle and false statements as to the unhealthy condition of this splendid pasture , which is so carefully - fully managed by J. a. Resh , The Pros 1 ieet Park Sunday , school reorbanization resulted in the election of the following officers - cers , teachers etc. for the.year : Superintendent - perintendent , J. H Wade ; assistant - ant superintendent , J. Pickreh ; secretarylMattie Shears ; treasurer , Clifford Dunham : librarian Eva Pickrell ; organist , Alice Holbrook : Bible class leacher , J. Pickrell : . young peoples. C1a65 , lets. Lizzie ! ' Pickrell ; intermediate classlllrs. EvalVade : infant class Alice Hol- brook. l Pleat of A I ies a t I > fBi PI Ie's. t ' n . . , COLEMAN. M.H.Cole shelled out 300 bushels - els of corn. H. T. Church is feeding 2.11 head of steers. Samuel Johns spent a few clays here , this week. Frank Coleman was hauling hay to McCook , last tiveek. 1V.S Hamilton shelled out 1,400 bushels of corn recently. Fritz Bnher and fllr. Hunter are hauling Coln to H.TChurch. Robert Traphagan has shelled out eight hundred bushels of his corn. Some farmers are hauling off coru and some ara llnuling out wood. Henry Simmermall has had several hundred bushels of his coru shelled. ' During ] alt week 'm. Coleman received twenty-sit letters from parties wauting lallI. 1 'illiam Coleman had the mis- fortnne to lose a horse , last week. It fell , broke a leg and hail to be shot. Rev.D. L,1llcBride held a'meet- ing at Zion hill church a weekand , as a partial , visible , immediate result - sult the following persons were baptized at ll'illitun Divine's , last Thursday : 1 'illianl Divine , three of his bo's and dau g titer Nina Grandpa Rozell , John Smith , Jl . , Mr. Stunlners ; Nilliaul Bymer and daughter b Ida r ; lets. Hear Smith and daughters Alta and Ella , lIrs. John Vii. Smith. Others tmited with the church and will receive the ordinance of baptism ill the future. Fur some weeks past there has been no preaching services at tle [ Coleman school house , said services - ces having been transferred to the lion hill church , where there are two sermons every Sundatir-and none at all at said school house. Oll last Satill'daV a tveeh Villiatt Coleman met -Rev , Daniel S. Morris in lIcCook , anti told him that they wets otlt of a preacher - cher at said school house. wanted one gnu ere UoiuR to leave one : b b and if they could not get a lletho- list , the 3 1 would sat a Ba P fist , ar one of 'some denolnillatiou , to preach. Rer. Morris said he would preach at that hoist if the people wanted him to. At Sunday school on the following Stulday flee matter - ter was preSenteil all(1 by a IIDalll- mous rote the P ev. illorris was lnvited to preach In the Coleman school horse every two weeks , and an appointment was made for the w lath at 11 a. m. . fast time cvheu the P ev. lloriis was on hand and I pleached a host excellent sermon to a crowded house of attentive and appreciative hearers , who eagerly dram : in the words of eternal life. Hotvevel , soma person who was evidently laboring tIDleT the irn- p ressiou that "in him" tvtls vested p"all "all power and authority" , sent to Zion hill church , Tuesday , flit th , and had Rev. McBride , at the evening - ning service , read the following announcement : "There tidal be no preaching at the Coleman school house on next Sabbath" . Ne rise to a point of order long enough to suggest to that pompous personage that there 1vi11 be preaching at the Coleman school house every two week at 11 a. m. , fast time , and Ne extend a cordial invitation to all within reach of said point to coma out on the ? Eth , with hearts prepared to hear and receive rich cvords of eve. lasting life , and enjoy a feast in the courts of our God. I'ient T of 1 iI > ies at h > i l re's. ell en s - -vVill . ei , eWsily ' y Jar sheets o l pa her c ncl t ea = elopes. rec. gets a getter roc. so.e- , ry/ 1 laing good. z c. - s lezrlicl o ; ticle , roc. supers box , ; Ze j jc. n elegant stye ilea er. t the Stationery 1 epaf t , esat or r 'he l cCoa II tine. : . . 3 T c m Fa ous a C1o1ll1 g CoID y Men's and Boys' ' Overcoats , Ulsters , Suits and other Winter Goods at LOWER PRICES than were ever quoted before. Look to your wants at THESE PRICES. ji U JONAS ENGEL , Mgr. c . . . ' ,1. . - ; r1 f , 1 . . ! ur RI rli + tttlt _ , , a i il i _ l 1 I , " l " 7 iv tE ' ' i J'Ii ' ; i 4AK , I , ; iLi , M . i . 7 r'6 1 , 4I7 1. i , i i' ' y „ giil lll ; - = _ _ _ = , r _ e ° ° - - - . ' 1 \ 'd , , y uwe ! q ? 1 jiua. etuuf ° w ' y - A i > ( i 4 ; } „ p t c' 1 } .r , _ . ' 5 . 'e noiv have in stool : a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and flee 'rhos. hte Oak Heaters - both soft and Bard Coal bilrneT . In fact we have flee finest thing in lleatin stoves to be bought Iu the market , or ever e hlb ited in this city. Deli t fail to see our ti entiduct Hea.ters. Ve also have the popular Sc 1 uare Oven Fool : Stoves in stock. Everybody alight to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. COCHIt cC Co. P rl 'this isabs lutely rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and mill be replaced if not as rep. ' resented. Corxr a C Co. . Remember , we are showing the best line of Buggies , Carts and wagons to be seen in this part oft h e Repub li ca i 1 r a 11 ey. , Coca ax d , Co. , ! , i I , S. ; I , f 7 . . i i I : Notar Y Public , Reelable , insurance , I , r Collection A g en = ' ' i f ! r ) ANDREW CARSON , It I t Yro rrirar of are . . . . U , , , - - - ; t'e -p ectfull p s elicit your business , and gua.antee pure milk , full measure , and prompt , courteous sercice , . . " 4 ' - - - - - - - , ' r ! / I y'I hate removed from my old stand into the Ganschotiv huildin , first dooi'south of Ilc Groff .C Co. , where I am dis ula } ing a larger and finer stool : of CIGIRS , TtL'ACCOS and salolars' GooDS than I Lace ever carried before. ' 1 ottr patronage is solicited. J. lI. L'I\\flf'C. ' 1 J . J 1 - - , . . ICI3i. lrlJ 1Li , rrorrii : : ur fF 'riIE , l j c a a ass I [ e r ire , , t BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. " Only furniture van in the city. Also have tl first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Colllmercial hotel or at office opposite tae .lepot. 1 tiLItiS . 1I1LItT , l ) et 1 Illo -1,1- - ) et ea Ill 1 ] a" . _ ' ° I am Mill duinA carpet laying , carpet , cleaning , ] ativn cutting and similar tivurk. See or erne me before giving such tirork. Jly charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at 'I P IiL'SEOftice. JCLiCS hUSER'1' . a Nhea Baby sas sick , Re gate her Castaria Nhen she sas a Child , she cried for Castoria , Nhen she became 3liss , she clung to Castoria. i Nhen she had Children , she gacethem Castoria , t 1 1 ' R I P A 1V S , , Tf w . , ul The modern stand- .1 . u and Tamil Y IVledi- = N J tine : Cures the t ® 4 > common eve rY -da Y t a " ills of humani tY . s V twos z e , s y eu MAi1R / r i - - - a 0 r e t , r l i ' { These shoes fit to perfection and wear as only the best of leather can. They're shapely , pliant-the most comfortable of footwear. They always aanage to let is air and keep out water. Surely Your Dealer Sells ? 'hem , Sold b } J. F. GA SCfiOw. i 1