The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 10, 1896, Image 4

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. .
TfJ fltM .
HEBE'ti a welcome to you , fair
and prosperous Utah !
THERE is little to be reasonably
expected from this congress.
A CALL has been issued for
more gold bonds to pay the rtm-
ning expenses of Uncle Sam's
EVERY genuine article has its
spurious counterpart ; and patriotism -
ism has not escaped the common
fate. It is daily counterfeited.
JOHN ; r. LAMBoRN of Indianola ,
representative from his district in
the last legislature , is the newest
candidate for state auditor.-Lin-
coln Journal.
IT would be difficult , perhaps ,
to decide which paper has the more
fun and satisfaction out of the
matter : The Culbertson Era in
writing "roasts" of Rosewater , or
the Lincoln Journal in copying ,
the same. Both seem to be having
a gleefully hilarious time. And
still Edward survives , and we wonder -
der at crime and the financial sit-
nation !
THE First National Bank of
Lincoln recently celebrated its
twenty-fifth anniversary and at
the same time very materially
strengthened its directorate , which
now embraces such men as C. E.
Perkins , president of the C.B. & Q. ;
G. B. Harris , vice president of the
C. , B. & Q. ; W. R. Kelley , general -
al solicitor of the U. P. , and other
men of means and position.
SOME of the newspaper gang
insist that Congressman Meikle-
john is hopelessly Jonahed by the
ter and Ed. Rosewater in his gub
ernatorial aspirations. And the
Bee asserts that Regent Merrill
prizes his six years regency bird
in-hand more highly than he does
the two years governorship bird
S in-the-bush. But it is early , very
early yet.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
, NEITHER Congressman Reed or
Senator Allison seem to suit Supreme -
reme President Traynor of the
A. P. A. ; but either of them will
go with the G.O.P. He concludes
an official circular by adding , that
in the event M any indication of
the Republican party "truckling to
Rome" , that "a new party should
and must result" . All of which is
important , if true. Also sad.
CHICAGO newspapers are inveighing -
veighing against the ' fads which
have attached themselves to the
public school system there. It is
asserted that pupils are surfeited
with fancy frills under the name
of public instruction , and leave
the schools unable to spell or reader
or cipher properly. Such comment -
ment is applicable to the Omaha
schools , as The Bee has often
pomted out.-Omaha Bee.
Roadniaster Kimpton went to
Indianola , Monday.
Some of us are anxiously waiting
for a boarding place in the proposed -
ed county poor farm.
J.C.Moore has bought the northwest -
west quarter of section 17. Consideration -
sideration X800. '
Mrs.G.Broman died , last Thursday -
day , and was buried on Saturday
in Tyrone cemetery. The funeral
was attended by a large concourse
of neighbors and friends.
The annual election of Epworth
League officers occnrredThursday
evening. W.P.Crosby was elected
president , J. C. Moore , secretary ;
Frances Kimpton , treasurer. The
vice presidents are : Frank Moore ,
Lizzie Moore , Mary Vorce and
Louie Walton.
- . .
D.A.Wood returned from Nebraska -
raska City , last Friday evening.
Irene Flint has secured Belle
Taylor's unfinished term of school.
J. C. Moore and family spent
Monday here with R. S.Baker and
A.J.Lohr's youngest child died ,
last Saturday , and was buried on
E. B. Stilgebouer of Danbury
spent Thursday and Friday of list
week here with his brother F.G.
, Effie and Gertie Teel of Indian-
ola were guests of Emily Hopt , a
few days latter part of last week. z
J. F. Carnahan left , Saturday
morning of last week , to resume
hits duties as principal of the Riv-
erton schools.
Reverend Eckermau of Lincoln
preached in the Christian church ,
Saturday night and Sunday , to
large congregations.
Kate Smith , teacher of the intermediate -
termediate department of our public -
lic schools , spent the vacation with
friends in Wilsonville.
George Chadd returned , Wednesday -
nesday , from an extended trip
through Kansas , Missouri and the
eastern part of this state.
After a vacation of two weeks ,
Erwin Hopt returned to McCook ,
last Saturday , to resume his studies -
ies in the schools there.
A child of Train Dispatcher J.F.
Forbes of McCook is here spending -
ing a few days with her grand parents -
rents , om in an wife.
A large number of F. F. Tomb-
lih's young friends made him an
unexpected visit , last Saturday
evening. A very pleasant time is
Prof.Wymore spent the vacation
with his parents in Frontier county -
ty and returned , last Saturday , to
resume his school duties , Monday
Mrs. M. J. Cottrell and daughter
Minnie left for their home at Clear
Lake , Iowa , Wednesday evening ,
after an extended visit with relatives -
tives in this neighborhood.
In response to a telegram announcing -
nouncing the death of her sister- s
in-law at Anaconda , MontanaBelle
Taylor left for that place , Friday
evening of last week , and may remain -
main some time.
The G. A. R. and W. R.C. made
Charles Hopt and wife a pleasant
surprise visitThursday evening of
last week. They went prepared for
an oyster supper and passed a very
enjoyable evening.
E.L.Dennis went to McCookthe ,
latter part of last week , to assist
the Barnett Lumber Co , in settling
up the year's business. W.F.MiI-
ler has had charge of the yard here
during the absence of Dennis.
Now that the recently elected
G.A.R. officers have been installed ,
it is hoped that we have heard the
last of the nauseating quarrel in
that orderand , that they will henceforth -
forth dwell together in peace.
lI. L. Lawrence , a brother of E.
J. Lawrence , the young man who
lost his life in a prairie fire north
of here in the spring of 1$93 , is
here this week , settling up the
affairs of his deceased brother.
On complaint of his parents ,
Charles Strong was taken before
the board of insanity commissioners -
ers , Tuesday , and they gave him to
the custody of the sheriff until they
can make arrangements to place
him in some institute for the feeble
A deal was made , last Saturday ,
whereby B. B. Duckworth of Indi-
anola became possessor of the drug
store at this place , and Dr. Brown
of some live stock and 137 acres of
real estate. Duckworth will move
thH stock of drugs to Indianola in
the near future.
fihe EP worth league held - its
annual election of officers , last Saturday -
urday evening , with the following
result : A.B.Wilsoh , president ; W.
EMiller,1st vice president ; Maud
Vickrey , 2d vice president ; Irene
Flint d vicePresident ; H.E.Dole ,
4th vice president ; Guy Curlee ,
secretary ; Bert Bentley , treasurer.
Plena of Apples at
Kni ; , 1 he's.
Highest Honors-World's Fair ,
ii i ii i
i POffiLR
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any
J. J. Lamborn was in town , the
first part of the week.
W.G.BIack drove to Beaver City
on Friday of last week.
J.W.Dolan was home from Beaver -
ver City over Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. E. R. Banks spent the first
of the week visiting in she county's
Eliza G. Nettleton was a guest
at the home of C. S. Quick. Saturday -
day and Sunday last.
Will Stenner returned to Omaha
on Sunday morning. He is as yet
unable to do any hard work.
The county commissioners are
in session , . this week , making the
final settlement for the year.
Mrs. C. B. Hoag and Flora went
up to McCook , Sunday , on a visit
to her daughter , Mrs. C. L' . Gray.
Muriel Kreglow left , Thursday
night , for Des Moines , Iowawhere ,
she will remain for some time with
an uncle.
MrsJames Barnes was the guest
of her daughter , Mrs. E. J. Mitchell -
ell , over New Year , returning home
on last Saturday.
A.J.RittenhouseC.H. , Boyle and
J. E. Kelley were down from the
city on the west , Monday. C. F.
Babcock on Wednesday.
Saturday evening , after returning -
ing from skating , a few of the
young people spent a pleasant eve-
ning with Birdie Halpersett.
The Reporter announces that
a W. Roper will engage in the
abstract business. and that W. 0.
Bond and C. W. Beck will rustle
real estate.
In the electn ; contest case of
Banks vs. Neal , 3 udge Beck on the
6th granted a continuance for two
weeks. This takes the hearing of
the rase before Judge Smith.
C.W.Beck and W.O.Bond expect
to open up their real estate office
in the basement of the State bank ,
the last of the week. L.W. Smith
will move his abstract office into
basement also.
i An amusing case was on trial
before Judge , Saturday last. It
was a case of ho ; stealing , Morris
vs. Pinkne3 . Keyes , attorney for
the plaintiff ; Starr and Smith , for
the defendant. Judgment was
rendered for the defendant.
Alex. McDonald and family
spent the past week among friends
and relatives here. Alex. is employed -
ployed by the Burlington at western -
ern division headquarters , and this
is his first vacation of any length
in the six years he has been working -
ing for the company.
Try that 15 cent box
paper at TILE TRnrn iEE
office. . Worth 25 cts.
Also cheaper grades.
Don't forget to come aiid see us
when you want any kind of job
printing. We are the people who
do the nice printing.
Read the best count -
t newspaper--that's
The McCook Tribune
Plenty of Apples at
Buy your writing paper at
THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds in
stock and prices very reasonable
Plenty ot Apples alt
1ni le's.
Maggie Wilbur is away visiting
her sister.
The meetings in the Christian
church , ended New Year night.
School was resumed in district
1 , last week , the diphtheria having
Charlie Schaefer has been visiting -
ing his uncle up in the Curtis
A skating party , last Saturday
night ; enjoyed the ice on the Republican -
publican river at this point.
. Gabie Longnecker sustained a
slight dislocation of her elbow as
the result of a little scuffle with a
Nathan Tubbs' new house was
properly warmed by a dancing
party , Saturday night. The party
was small , but a pleasurable occasion -
sion is reported to have been had ,
for even the sedate Mr.Tubbs par-
New Year day over thirty invited -
ted guests enjoyed the hospitality
of Mr. and Mrs. John Longnecker.
A royal good time was had , the
enjoyment of the company being
marred alone by the fact that Mrs.
Longnecker herself was too ill to
participate in the festivities.
We are very sorry that a mistake -
take of ours added to the deep
grief of Mr. and Mrs.Taylor Quig-
I-ey at death of their little daughter -
ter Mabel. We were informed that
the little one was scarcely ill and
retired without attendance ; but
this was a mistake : She was carefully -
fully watched fiver all night by her
anxious parents and a few moments
before her death was discovered
her mother had placed her in a
more comfortable position , but so
easily did the little life go out that
the father at her bedside saw not
the change until after it had really
taken place.
w -w
We are all ready to go to war
when Captain Grover calls.
Charlie Boatman's team made
things lively for a few minutes in
McCook , Saturday.
Abe Peters had an ugly gash
cut in his forehead , Monday , by a
loose iron on the windmill.
Uncle Johu Coleman and family
of McCook ate a New Year dinner
' i with L.C.Caldwel ! and family. -
t James Boatman has been confined -
fined to his bed for the past three
weeks with sciatic rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter are
the happy pareelts of a little boy ,
that put in an appearance Dec. 28.
J. H. Wade has been quite sick
for the past two weeks with an attack -
tack of Ia grippe , but is able to be
out at this writing.
J. E. Logue has returned from
his corn shucking expedition in
Norton county , Kansas , having
been gone since October 21st.
Mrs. E. E. Hayes and daughters
psent holiday week with her garnets -
nets , Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wade.
Mr. Wade came after them Jan. 2.
will ay top . Prices
foi' hogs on Saturdays
and Tuesdays.
Plenty of Apples at
Kni le's.
Ten Cents
Will very easily
flay for 4 sheets of
taper and 24 ezv =
elopes. ijc. gets a
better. loc. something -
thing good. 25G.
a splendid article
Soc. a suberb box ,
andjSc , arelegant
and stylish a er.
at the Stationery
epartrnent of Tke
TT u ! ! : I
Tlie FaMou s : C1othill m CoMpany
Men's ' and Boys' Overcoats ,
Ulsters , Suits and other Winter j
than were ever quoted before.
Look toyourwanfsat THESE
MeCo"k , eb JONAS GMgrE ; (
- $
l 1 1NM
1 ' e
It ,
We now have in stock afull
line of the Riverside Oak , the
Gem City Oak , and the Thos.
White Oak Heaters-both soft
and hard coal burners. In
fact we have the finest thing
in heating stoves to be bought
in the market , or ever exhibited -
ited in this city. Don't fail to
see our Ventiduct Heaters.
We also have the popular
Square Oven Cook Stoves in
stock. Everybody ought to
have one of our Square Oven
Cooks-they are thr' latest and
the very be.4.
Gt pt LnA "I dlv ( Jo.
This is absolutely rustproof ,
every piece i ; guaranteed , and
will be re1laced if not as rep-
1 .
Bemember , we are showing
the best line of Buggies , Carts
and Wagons to be seen in this
part of the Republican valley. ,
OOCBItAN & Co. !
I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I ti i ,
t . - e f
fi i
I : Notary Pubic.
Reliable , Itasuiat t r . , ,
Collection Agent
! !
S .f roilrirrri the. . . .
1 u
t C 1.
We respectfully solicit your business ,
and guarantee pure milk , full measure ,
and prompt , ccu-teorr ; service.
ri have removed from my
old stand into the Ganschow
building , first door south of lie-
Groff S : Co. , where I am displaying -
playing a larger and finer stock
! have ever carried before.
Your patronage is solicited.
1. II. BEN'NET-r.
11 i
- ,
.l. S. McB1tAYEly , 1
t'Rt11'RfTUR OF Ta
McCook Transfer Line.
my furniture van in the
city. Also have a first class house
moving outfit. L eltve orders for
bus calls at Commercial hotel or
at office opposite the depot.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Carpet Laying ,
Carpet eanzng-
ce I am still doing carprt ! avirg , carpet
cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See
or write before giving such work. M Y
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at
When Baby was sick , we gave her Carla.
When she was a child , she cred for Caraia.
wbm she became Miss , she clang to G'stwia.
wben be had Children , she gave them CaFor : n.
u. -
W t
The modern standard -
cine : Cures the
coirlmon eveda , "
ills of humanity.
0 q Blip ,
$4OO I
$3oo I
$25O i
These shoes fit to peon and wear
as only the best of leather can. They're
shapely , pliant-the roost comfortable of
footwear. They always manage to let fn l ,
air and keep out water.
Surely Your Dealer Sells Them ,
Sold be ; . P. c Asscxow. {
- t
- t
tI I