RY S kk v 1 + 4 : EVERYTHING ' " ACTUAL COST /ft w - - - _ _ . . ' FOP { s > sssir titl .ti ! 1 ' : : ' : - . , : f _ : . : ' - ! ' . i' - : . : : i : -i . , I h THE Me000K , 4 4 Mercantile Co. Pi'evIoiis to Invoicing will L 1r : ' : hake the toll1 W IIi ; " , prices : Heavy Winter Underwear , worth $1.25 per suit , now 90c. Winter Overcoats , formerly $10.00 , now $7.00. . Men's Hats , former price $1. _ ; o ' and $1,09 , now OQe. and X1d5. Men's Ties , formerly 50c. , now 25c. , r' Men's Snits , former price $ S , $ J , $10 } $12 and $157 now ti/ $7 , 8 410 and X12. is a-a'h , i Winter Dress Geode , foinerly 45c. and 50c. per yard , now only ill 30c. and 35c. Bib reduction on all prints , Ginbghams and Shlrtings. - Great and Genuine Bargains in , Shoes and Rubbers. . GROC ERY LIST 0 pounds Choice Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 4 packages Currants. . . . . . . . . . . . .25 . packages Soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25' . . 4 packages Starch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 13 bars Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . .50 } Choice 45c. and 60c. Japan Tea 30c. and .35 18 pounds Granulated . . . . . . . . . . , it 10 Pounds Cube Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00 gallon cans Pie Fruit. . . . . . . : . . . . .85 1 cans California Fruit ( assorted ) . . . .1.00 r . ---f j3 , . . - . . . . - Choice Canned Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Choice Canned Tomatoes. . . . . . . . . . ' 10 . ' 15r ' ' ; r ' All other canned goods very cheap. i .5 : : . . Now is the time to Put iii a nilP1)1 3 _ , , . Above are onl3 r a few sample prices. Come 1 . Ili Maid leave your order and get lower fig'- - i -re s than ever before. 1 . ne mbe only y SPOT GASH acRe - _ cep fed at ; these ho , ni es. . . S Tile McCoot Merc tie ! Copaliy December .26th 1.895. , { r y . . ' . , r . , . . _ i P . . , + B $ : ; C ; i F 7 . x , . ' . - ' 4 } . , # -w + i w iiJd ' --i fi ' * tf ! " ta' ; . ; ' .c r : - i + r ' + 'Yi . Awarded Higliest Honors-World's Fair , 'DR I - CREAM BAKING . pomLR MOST PER1yECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. BARTLEY. W. J. Kikendall returned from Iowa , Friday evening of last week. A.E.Crosby's family have moved - ed to their farm southeast of town. Charles Kikeudall returned from Randolph , Iowa , Thursday evening of last week , Erwin Hopt , who has been attending - tending school in McCook , is home for the holidays. Mrs.W.M.Ta3-lor has been quite sick for more than a week , but is now improving. Irene Flint closed a short term of school in the Hickman district , south of town , last Friday. C.VXickrey arrived from University - versity Place , Saturday. evening of last week , for a brief visit at home. J F. Carnahan , principal of the Riverton schools , came home , the latter part of last weep , to spend vacation. ' The Epworth league gave av'ery successful Christmas social , Wednesday - nesday evening , with gratifying financial results. Denver Taylor , who has been clerking in a drug store in Indian- ola ; is spending Christmas week with his parents. Leslie Dole came home from Orleans , where he has been attending - ing schoolWednesday of last week , to spend the holidays. A.B.Wilson and W.D.Myers arrived - rived , Friday of last week , from Randolph , Iowa , where they have been gathering corn. W. D. Frostwho is employed in the machine shops in McCookcame home , last Saturday evening , to spend Christmas week. Misses Ida Smith and Grace Curlee arrived from University Place , latter part of last week , to spend the holidays at home. A large number of S. B. Rowe's friend's made him a surprise visit Thursday evening of last week , which was much enjoyed by all. A turkey raffle was held on the street , last Saturday , and as usual , a crowd gathered to buy turkeys for the man who had his luck with him. Kate Smith , one of our teachers , was called to Wilsonville , last week , by the illness of a sister. Emily Hopt taught two days in her stead. Miss Laura Clover , who is employed - ployed in the U. P. headquarters , and N. W. Clover , of the B. & M. headquarters , in Omaha , came home , first of the week , to spend Christmas. The Christmas exercises at the Christian churchTuesday evening , were very interesting and largely attended. Everything considered , there were a goodly number of presents distributed. A , societywith a very long name , composed of young men , has been organized here. We are informed that its object is the improvement of its members , intellectually and otherwise. We hope it may pros- per. Finest hand picked Apples , 85c. to 90c. , at KniPPle's. rat , SMITH , BondedAbstracter1 _ 8. 6. 6DSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA NEBRASKA. , - - . Finest hand picked Apples , 85c to 90c , at KniPPle's. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book about No To Bac the harmless' guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up e nicotin- ized nerves , eliminates nicotine P ison + makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , New York or Chicago. nag 95.Iyr. ; Sold by McConnell & Co. , McCook , Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , Major C. 1' . Picton is manager of the State Hotel , at Denison Texas , which the traveling men say is one of the best hotels in that sec- tion. In speaking of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , Major Pic- ton says : "I have used it myself and in my family for several years , and take pleasure in sayingthat I consider it * infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysenteiy. I always recommend - mend it , and have frequently administered it to my guests in the hotel , and in every case it has proven itself worthy of unqualified endors- me. For sale by Mconnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When most needed it is not unusual for your family physician to be away from home. Such was the experience of Mr. J. Y. Schenck , editor of the Caddo , Ind. Ter. ' Banner , when his little girl , two yars of age was thratened with a severe attack of croup. He says : "My wife insisted that I go for the doctor , but as our family physician was out of town I pur chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy - edy , relieved her immediately. I will not'be without it in the future. " 2-c and 5oc. bottles for sale by McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The wife of Mr. D. Robinson , a prominent lumberman of Hartwick , N.1' . , was sick with rheumatism for five uontlis. In speaking of it , Mr. Robinson says : "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that gave her any rest from pain. For the relief of pain it cannot be beat. " Many very had cases of rheumatism have been cured by it. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by McConnell & Co. w. V. GAGE , PHYSICIAN ANI SURGEON McCoor , NEBRASKA. C 'Office hours-g to ii a. m. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. in. Rooms-Over the First National bank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCooly NEBRASKA. IrOffrce-Over C. A. Leach's jewelry store. Residence-7o1 Main street. Prompt attention - tion given to all calls. i AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCoor , NEnR.1SKA. -Office-Over the Famous clothing store. J. E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT. LAW J.cCooK , NEBRASKA. -Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , ® DENTIST. ' i All dental work done at our office is guaranteed - anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. s.MRS. E. E. UTTER , . . . MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Plano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALY. Studio-Comer of Dodge and Madison sts. ELMER ROWELL , Real Estate , Collections , Insurance MCCooK , NEBRASKA. 'Notary Public. East Dennison street. Chase Co , Land and Live Stock Co. i } I Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder P.0. ddress Imperial Chase county , and neat rice , Nebraska. Range , Stinking Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county. Nebraska. Brand as cut on sideof some animalsoo hip and aides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. R. A COLE LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR I OF McCOOK , has just received a new stock of CLOTHS tnd TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fltr ting suit made at the very lowest prices tor good work , call on him. Shop brat door west of Barnett's Lumber Office , oa D utsos $ tlet , 1 , . . , L- - _ - . , ; . V Whatis H , . , r 7i i \ ! : ! . ! \ 4 tt t Canto ria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's Prescription for Infants neither Opium , Morphine nor and Children. It contains other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute , i for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor OIL r ; t It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by . Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. + 4 Castoria , assimilates the food , regulates the stomach , and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Gas- , k taria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Cas toria. "Castoria is an excellent rntvllcinc for chit , dren. Mothers have rcpeatedly toid me of its ; nod effect upon their children. " D. : . C. C. O coon , Luttrell , Mass. ' L istoria is the beet remedy for children of ) Bich I am acquainted. I hope tae th y is not far distant whenmothers will coniderthe real interest of their children , and use Castoria instead - stead of the variousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other lnrrtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " Da. J. F. izNcnet oc , Conway , Ark. C Astoria. . "Castoriaissowelladnptedtochildrentha > ; I recommend itassuPeriortoanyprescription . . I known to me. H. A. Aucnsn , Ei. D. , 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N Y. t "Our physicians In the children's department - ment have spoken highly of their experl ence In their outside practice with Castoria , i . and although we only have among our i medical supplies what is known as regular products , yetneare free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with ? favor upon it" UNITED UOSPSTJL . . r7IsrENa&nv , 'r ' t Boston , Mass. 1 ALLc rC. Sazrn , Pres. , The Centaur Company , TT Mn ray Street , Now York City. , = . I _ pokf d5iiithI 1 1 HOLDS 400 BUSHELS . : l 1 i . . , t E _ E a i p ij , - ; - : I 'S - 8 1 I i = - z , , I i + 1 r x [ r i Just the thing for temporary crib. E ? . . _ farmer needs one some three or four ay set up in 30 minutes , and'when empty ca.'t 5I ' used for a stock fence , and set up for c , Ic ' ,1 again when needed. Call and examine.b ' ' f CI CO1 MeCook line ttd : - 1 , tfP 0- 1i i e s M6601 l ] I1COIt1'OKATED UNDER STATE LAW. i . - Paid UP Capital , - - . - _ 50 OG - I i Surplus , - - 10,000. f , 1 ' Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on ail t i , Principal Cities of Europe. rases Paid for Non-Residents. 1- Tickets or a e ® . aijppi Ehr o ea t 1 ' OPPI CERS. 1 V. FRANKLIN , President _ . . A. C. EBERT , Cashier. ' CORRESPON'DEN'TS : The Firat National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraaks. Tlt .4 Chemical National Bank , New York City. - - - - - - - - lv ' F. D. BURGESS , J1 . .1 Fitter. MAIN AVENUE , hicUOo K , xES. Stock of Iron , Lead gad hewer Pipe , Bra 400d' l ' : A ai far H.lllds Hclip , sad IYsaptu ' ad Ptuas and Boiler Trt . , 5- 5 , S : ' S t I A _ at .