4 gtk ri _ . By F. M. KIMMELL. E1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE THE "Jingoes" on both sides of the big pond are doing a , land office business now , COLONEL MOCK of the AImn Record appropriately locates the alleged gold find near Alma as in "Fool's Gulch" . THE Red Cloud Golden Belt of last week contained a very clever and touching tribute to the late lv. A. McKeighan. THE Republican party always makes a better showing when campaigning for party prirniples than when merely hustling for the offices. She's built that way. THE newspaper Colonels have all enlisted for the war. The Colonels , however , appreciate the small likelihood of there being any demand upon their patriotism , and blue blood. UNCLE SAM'S dignity will be maintained-aiid without the necessity - cessity of a war with England or any other nation. Let's send the fire-eaters to Cuba , if they fancy they must fight. - THE financial question is still the hardesj nut congress has to crack. Like the famous ghost , it won't down. There are doctors- but they disagree as to the diagnosis - sis and treatment. OouNTnY newspaper publishers never encouraged a ranker heresy than this clubbing scheme. Like the darkey's coon , the weekly newspaper - paper man is "worked to a finish" , "coming and going" . IT is gratifying , to observe the I unanimity with which the news- 3 , _ , _ papers and the peeP le gererall Y _ are listanding up for Nebraska" . The general feeling is one of con- 4 fidence and hopefulness. 1' WE have survived the Schlatter craze , and will no doubt pull through this war folly. The people - plo and the politicians have to have about so much nonsense- and these demonstrations have not been very expensive so far. NEBRASKA'S weekly newspaper men are slowly coming up to the transaction of business on business - ness principles. But it's slow work. I One sensible indication of this l wise movement is the effort being made by the craft to place the subscriPtion - : scriPtion list on a cash basis. It ought to be there. / STATE ADDITOB EUGENE MOORE has been suggested as a possible successor to Congressman Meikle- john. What his qualifications are for that place we are not capable to state. But he has made a splendid officer in the state's aad- itilig department , and his political and official course has been clean , able and dignified. I THE TRIBfiNE admires t h e prompt and courageous manner of Congressman Meiklejohn's a n- 3 , trance upon the race for the gubernatorial nomination , at any rate. By the same token it despises - spises the skulking methods by which politicians often seek such honors. The congressman evidently - dently don't fight well from am- I bush. t Finest hand picked 1 Apples , S5c , . to 90c , at KnaFple s. 1 Take advantage of that Special Sale for 1 Cash at Sutton's. Ey- er thing goes at and below cost. Finest hand picked Apples , S5c. to 90e , at Knihl Jle's. ; . fIt f i K It Y CHRISTMAS BARGAINS S AT McMILLEN'SDRUG ' STORE , _ Come and see that HOLIDAY BARGAINS do exist , and that we have them in Toys , Books , Booklets , Games , Xmas Cards , Dolls , Celluloid Novelties , Albums and Lamps. 'We can please you. Come at once. A. MeMILLEN. IN DIANOLA. . W.T.Henton of Danbury was in town , Monday. Judge Welty spent Tuesday in town on business. Will Crago and John Beck are home for the holidays , Denver Taylor has gone home to Bartley for the holidays. + / I q Jennie Holland is home from Wauneta for the holidays. . Mrs. W. R. Starr returned from her visit in Ohio , last week. County Attorney Keyes had legal business in McCook , Friday last. last.J. J. . Dolan and son Frank are home from Beaver City for a few days. days.A A number of the young people drove to Danbury to skate , Christmas - mas day. G. W. Burt was ilt McCook , Saturday , on business before the land office. Jerry Hammond was in Holbrook - brook with his gun , the latter part of last week. Engineer B. H. Douglass and son Arthur had business in the county-seat , Monday. Treasurer Meserve went up to his Brush creek ranch , Saturday , returning on Sunday night. Jennie Holland and young brother did some shopping in the county's metropolis , Monday. The Ferris wheel at the Con : gregational church was a unique conception and a great success. P. A. Wells attended district court , Monday. His wife accompanied - panied him-they driving both ways. Lawyers Morlan , Rittenhouse , Boyle , Eldred and Kelley , all of McCook , attended district court , Monday. Sheriff and Mrs. Banks and Mrs. M. G. Shackelton were Saturday - urday visitors to the county's me- tropolis. e Miss Kittie Shackelton arrived home on Friday night last from the state university at Lincoln to spend the holidays at home. 1 W.D.Gillett has been using his paint brush in J. C. Shumaker's store , and it now presents a much more attractive appearance. R.L.Beckwith reports on his return - turn from his recent visit to his sister , that her injuries are such as she will entirely recover from. Everything is about in readiness for the dedication of the new Masonic - sonic temple on the 27th. There should be a large numberin attendance - ance , as there are no other entertainments - tainments on hand for the holidays. George Short has been very unfortunate - fortunate in the line of burglaries. The raid made on his store , last week , is the second nocturnal visit robbers have made him. It is to be regretted that the strong arm of the law cannot be laid on these scoundrelly thieves. . s r - + m Treasurer and Mrs. J. B. Me- serve enjoyed Christmas with their daughter in McCook , going up on Tuesday morning. Rev. Isham's lecture on India at the Methodist church. Christmas eve , was not so largely attended as it should have been. It was entertaining - taining and instructive. Christmas exercises at the Con- .gregational church consisted mainly - ly of a "Ferris wheel" , which went around carrying six little girlswlio handed out boxes of candy to be distributed among Sunday school scholars. It was a novel and pleasing - ing form of entertainment. It costs between three and four thousand dollar each year to keep the poor of Red Willow county- which is too much by 'half. It now takes about one-third of our general fund to meet the numerous - ous and continuous demands of I the poor. A properly r managed poor farm will materially reduce not only the demand , but the ex- pense. Under the present arrangement - rangement it seems to be quite difficult to save the county from being frequently and sadly imposed - posed upon. T Ii e poor farm scheme merits the closest investi- gation. NORTH STAR GLEANINGS. District l3 is having a vacation of two weeks. Ernest Carter iuade a trip to Wauneta , Nebraska , last week. Rev. Crago preached at the school house , Sunday at 2 p. m. Clark Boatman visited with J.R. Neel's , the latter part of last week. Frank Neel of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , spent last week with J. R. Neel's. Misses Laura and Clara Pickering - ing and Bessie Endsley are spending - ing their vacation at home. George Wagner moved his family - ily to Milford , Nebraska , where he has town property , this week. RED WILLOW. Merry , merry Christmas. Vacation in District 72 , for one week. Revival meetings are being conducted at the Christian church. A. C. Black's family are all making as good a recovery from diphtheria as could be expected. Mrs. Black has been quite ill. Mrs. Itinck has been staying with her. The family have the sympathy - pathy of many , who on account of the danger to their own families dare not go to their assistance. (1 ! what a chestnut. Goods below costyear after year. Leach the Jeweler selIs Reliable goods at Reasonable prices. _ Investigate. The lal est stock of Silverware and Novelties - elties at Leach's Jew dry Store. Il l I Leach Jeweler S e-i cial Sale. ' 1 I , * . . I ( I : ; : j j p THE FAMOUS CLOTHING COMPANY. TA All Winter Goods Must Go. Genuine Bargains in Men's and L Boys' Overcoats , Suits and other Heavy Winter Merchandise : ; ' We cannot' afford to carry them over to another season. . . Ht ' : 4 . ; 'l4 lcLook , Neb. JONAS ENOEL Manager , t H , { I I all ] hre1)arel to show the second E ) largest stock of Jewelry - elry Southwestern western N e b r a' S k a' . Have got good gOOdS anl will sell at Special - cial Cut Prices to re ( lace stock. Secure a marvelous bargain at Knipple's queensware and holiday hoods slaughter sale. It will open tomorrow and continue one week. Finest and handsomest goods at and below actual cost , to reduce stock before moving. i IL P. Sutton , Leading - ing j(3 % rPlep is only niml iii McCook rho r eligraveS 1 3ti1' + L'hilSeS ifale at his Store--- I I I tsrliile you wait. ItIt t will lie QlI'tistic' L1J(1 iti will be FREE. - I Queen r ti are and holiday goods at and below cost at Knipple's for one weep to reduce - duce stock before moving. Finest liali(1 picked i Apples , 85c. to OOc. , at Killl1 lle'S. Chamberlain's Eye and Shin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at ? 5 cents per box. . TO MORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 2.5 cents per package. For sale by druggists. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla. When she was a Chip , she cried for Castoria When she became Miss , she dung to CastOriar when sbe bad Children , sbe gavethem Castoria. 1 7I have removed from my old stand into the Ganschow building , first door south of lie- Groff S Co. , where I am displaying - playing alarger and finer stock of CIGARS , TOBACCOS and SMOKERS' GOODS than I have ever"carried before. Your patronage is solicited. J. II. BENNETT. 11 1 I ' . S. ( "ORDEAL , , V t is Notary Public : Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent. THE RI r OAK .3 - - - { iIi ' Pr- ; I'i ' I ; 0 , , , , , ; II III - / 1''vJiJ ' / 11lillllllll lyWlN "i t . t. a4 z We now have in stock a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and the Thos. White Oak Heaters-both soft and hard coal burners. In fact we have the finest thing in heating stoves to be bought in the market , or ever exhibited - ited in this city. Don't fail to see our Ventiduct Heaters. We also have the popular Square Oven Cook Stoves in stock. Everybody ought to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. I COCnItlN & CO. This isabsolutely rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and will be replaced if not as rep- resented. I COCHRAN & Co. Ii I BUGGIES AND CARTS Remember , we are showing the best line of Buggies. Carts and Wagons to be seen in this part of the Pepublican valley. COcm AN & Co. . I ANDREW CARSON 1 . ofthe. Propriclor . . . 1 , ( ' SUNNY SIDE . DAIRY S ; i I 1 , - - - - - - - - - - ' - - ' y.------------ I I r' ' We respectfully solicit your business , ' ( ' , and guarantee pure milk , full measure , t and prompt , courteous service. . . .y . i ' 11 j. S. MCIIRAYFR , PROPRIETOR OF TiiE l . i 1 t I McCook Transfer Line. BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. e 1 Wr ' 1 iOnly furniture van in the I r f r I city. Also have a first class house " ' I moving outfit. Leave orders for - I { bus calls at Commercial hotel or ' i at office opposite the depot. rs J ULIUS .KUNERT I Carpet Laying , . 'r 11 , i Carpet Cleaning. ' I „ i'I am still doing carpet laying , carpet cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See or write me before giving such work. My charges are very reasonable. Leave orders t ' ' TRIBUNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. t R 1-P A N S . UI _ W \ . I i The modern stand- .a I and Family Medicine - tJ7 cine : Cures the ; I - . common eveda Y . . N ills of ' humanity. r 'V TRADE / z 0 ? 9 s y . j . 4141 ! I MASK i I Jiu0t , r . It $4OO . i1' $300 . S. ' $25O ; { ' f These shoes fit to perfection . d as only the best of an wear leather . ' can. shapely , pliant-the most They're Y' ' footwear. I They always n airand keep out water , ' ' Surely Your Deal Dealer Sells Them , Sold by J. F. GANSCHO - ' i' I . 1 11 (