The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 27, 1895, Image 1

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JUST _ ti. I IcC 00K
Here All the News we Give in Items
Crisp and Bright.
The Tale of How we Live , You Will
Find HerdTrue and Trite.
A History Complete Throughout ,
and Told as You will Say ,
Of This we Have N't E'en a Doubt ,
in an Interesting Way.
A Small Riot.
An intoxicated detachment of "Little
Russia" indulged in a small riot , Christmas -
mas eve , in , front of Menard's store. It
is stated that there was some lively
scrapping between a number of young
Russians , the echo of a quarrel that
commenced in one the houses of ill re-
pnte over the payment of the price of a
bottle of beer.
Night Policeman Coglizer was not
numerous enough to promptly quell the
disturbance , which is said to have reached -
ed considerable proportions at one time.
But no one was seriously hurt in the
street rumpus. And a sore head is the
sum total of injury received in the opening -
ing of the ball in the palace of sin.
The Mean Thing.
It is said that a man who won't buy
a paper because he can borrow one has
invented a machine by which he can
cook his dinner by the smoke of his
neighbor's chimney. The same fellow
sits in the back pew in church to save
interest on contributions , and is always
borrowing a ride to town to save the
wear and tear of bis own horseflesh.
Yes , you know him. He's a first cousin
to the man who never winds up his
watch for fear of breaking the spring.
He undoubtedly was a near relative of
the man who went into the back yard
during a cold snap , last winter , soaked
his hair in water , let it freeze , and theu
broke it off in order to cheat the barber
out of a hair cut.
Isham on India.
The lecture by Rev. G. R. Isham , pastor -
tor of the Methodist church at Hastings ,
! j a late returned missionary , on the subject -
ject of India , in the Methodist church ,
Christmas evening , was very instructive ,
interesting and at quite' frequent intervals -
vals aniusing. The many curiosities
displayed attracted much attention and
marked interest. The Indian marriage
in costume was a feature. Mahommedan
costumes was also displayed. The attendance -
tendance was fair , but the lecture merited -
ited a fuller house. The reverend gentleman -
tleman had also placed his experience ,
. , observations etc. , while in India , in book
" - form ; and of these books he sold a num-
her while here.
A Little Family Disturbance.
Henry Gale , tenant on the Canutli irrigated -
rigated farm , was arrested on Friday afternoon -
ternoon last , for assault and battery , at
the instance of his daughter , Mrs. I. T.
Birdsall , Mr. Gale plead guilty and was
fined $5 and costs. It was a little family -
ly disturbance , which ought not to have
been made public.
A Few Articles Left.
There are still quite a fetiv bargains to
be secured in queensware at the old Au-
derson store room. They are disposing
of that stock at unheard of prices.
Don't fail to call and secure what you
want in that line before the stock is
closed out entirely. A few more days
will do it.
Mid-Winter Holiday Rates.
December 24th , 25th and 31st , iS9J ,
and January 1st , 1896 , we will sell roundtrip -
trip tickets to points within 200 miles of
McCook for one fare and a third , with
a return limit to January 2d , IS96 ,
C. E. MAGNER , Agent.
The Lincoln Journal of yesterday announces -
nounces the marriage of George R. Snyder -
der of McCook , Nebraska , and Cora Sullivan -
livan of Lincoln , Monday night , at the
residence of W. R. Lane , by Rev. H. J.
Kirchstein. Adding that a jolly wedding -
ding supper followed , and that the young
couple tivill make their home in Lincoln.
A smart Yankee has had a new illustrated -
trated Bible printed showing angels with
black instead of white faces. Every
colored man seems willing to mortgage
his family mule to get a copy and the
carpet bagger is reported to be making
barrels of money.
Courier : James Barnes moved his
stock and household goods to his farm
south of McCook , last week . . . .Judge
Beck has married just 95 couples since
he has been County judge.
Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roll.
American Crepe Tissue 20c. a roll , at
. McConnell's ,
License to wed has been secured by
Conrad Aman and Marie Lesser , both of
our city.
Ltk atti1 Bc Ea csh
MRS. E. C. BALLEW is under the doc-
tor's care.
MAYOR KELLEY was in Lincoln ,
L. R. HILRMAN is home with the fame r
ily for Christmas.
T. M. PHILLIPPI is home with the
family over the holidays.
R. 0. PHILLIPS came up from Lincoln ,
last wening , on business.
nola was in Lincoln , Wednesday.
REv B. S. HAYWOOD of Orleans was
a Commercial guest , Saturday night.
F. M. AND J. G. RICHRV were up from
Plattsmouth , Saturday , on business.
of Arapahoe spent Tuesday in the city.
C. T. BREWER arrived home , Sunday
night , franc his trip to Cripple Creek ,
Miss GUILMETTE of Lincoln was the
guest of Mrs , W. G. Redclin over Christ-
FRED PENNELL went down to Lincoln -
coln , last evening , to be gone a few
J. J. LAMBORN spent Tuesday night
in the city on his way to Lincoln on bus-
BANKER FROST was up from Bartley.
last evening a few hours , doing a little
F. H. SPEARMAN came in from Chicago -
go , last night , and will be here a day or
two on business.
MRS. C. H. MEEKER left , last night ,
for Pasadena , California , on a visit to her
parents and sister.
JOHN F. MAJORS was up foul Brad-
shaw , Neb. , Sunday and Monday , the
guest of S. P. Hart.
0.V. . DEWALD of the Trenton Register -
ter was a municipal guest , Tuesday evening -
ning , between trains.
1 T. C. BEARDSLEY , lice optician , returned -
turned to his home at Hastings , Tuesday
evening , for the holidays.
MRS. C. B. ROIVELL , who has been
visiting her son john in Hastings for a
month past , arrived home las night.
MR. AND .MRS. J. E. ALLEN spent
Christmas day here on their way from
St. Joe' to their new home in Denver :
MISS MAUDE BURGESS will assist in
the postoffice for a few weeks , during the
absence of Mrs. Meeker in Calfornia.
GRANDMA HALEY came up from Edison -
son , Monday night , and is visiting her
daughter-in-law , Mrs , Sarah Haley , during -
ing Christmas-tide.
PAGE FRANCIS arrived home , last
week , from Colorado , where he has been
for the past six or eight months following -
ing his profession of surveying.
Miss MAY MOORS , who has been living -
ing in Colorado for some months past ,
has returned home and is making her
home with her brother J. H. Moore.
E. L. ROHLF enjoyed his Christmas
turkey at the farm of Benj. Baker. Mrs.
Locker and daughter were also down
from near Hudson in Hayes county.
DANIEL Cor.sox arrived in the city ,
close of last week and is the guest of
his mother , Mrs. A. W. Utter. He will
make his home here in all probability.
ALE ! . STEWART , the well known ex-
Burlington engineer of Wymore1 spent
a day or two in the city , early in the
week , looking after his property interests -
ests here.
Miss SELMA NOREN arrived home ,
Saturday night , from Lincoln , where
she is attending the Nebraska university -
sity , to be with her parents and friends
during the holiday season.
REv. J. A. ARMSTRONG of Holdrege
uncorked his favorite brand of "Patriot-
ism" in an open meeting of Council zoo ,
last Saturday evening. There. was a
large attendance from city andsurround-
ing country.
\V. S. MORLAN arrived home , first of
the week , from an eastern trip , embracing -
ing a visit to New York and Wash
ington. He was in the halls of congress -
gress when the Venezuela commission
bill passed. He thinks Reed is all right ,
and he is.
W. H. DAVIS retired from the management -
agement of the McCook Mercantile Co. ,
last Saturday. Adolph Metzner , who
was with J. W. McKenna briefly , is now
clerking for the company , together with
D. Spencer and Miss Spry. Mr. Davis
will remain in. the city , however.
Supt. Valentine is in Iastings.
Winter is getting her back up.
About a half inch of snow. Sunday
Let equal opportunity go with equal
W. II. Davis has gone to work for J.W.
A thoughtful , intelligent and manly
people must be free.
Skates are in demand. There was fair
skating part of the week.
d esdames L , H. Roouey and P. 0.
Hare are among the sick.
There is a good deal cheap patriotism
abroad in the land just now.
From a commercial point of view it
was a very quiet Christnias.
The future of irrigation in Western
Nebraska will depend upon storage.
The Riverside cllliry made its customers -
ers a present of free milk on Christmas
An Elegant Display of Articles
suitable for holiday gifts at Leach's jewelry -
elry store.
It is of all things most difficult to jolt
the world loose from its intolerance , oppression -
pression and bigotry.
The 8-year-ohl son of R. M. Osborn is
very ill with an attack of rheumatism ,
with a heart complication.
Free Engraving. Goods Bought of
Leach , the jeweler , engraved in the most
artistic manlier , free of charge.
Stomach and bowel troubles seent to
be quite numerous among our popular
tion-especially among the young.
If you wish to try something a little
cheaper , buy some Sheridan coal of
Bullard. Not much smoke , no soot.
Oily $5.50 per ton.
The threatening snow storm of Tuesday -
day morning quickly spent its force.
But little snow fell and the thermometer -
ter varied but slightly.
Remember that Sutton has the most
extensive and elegant stock of Sterling
Silverware to be seen in the Republican
valley. Call and see and get his prices.
No lecture this evening in the school
assembly room owing to the failure of
theexpected speaker to arrive and the
absence of the superintendent from the
Nobody attempts to equal Sutton in
the display of Diamonds. It can't be
done in this part of Nebraska. A Diamond -
mend Ring would make a superb Xmas
Mrs. Overpeck , the fashionable dressmaker -
maker , is in the city , will be for 30 days
at bowman's workrooms from Monday ,
Jan. 6th , where she will be pleased to
meet the ladies of McCook.
Sutton perhaps cannot tell you who
will be the next president of the united
States , but he can tell you what will
make her an acceptable present. Call
early while his assortment is full.
You might as well get something substantial -
stantial and pretty while you are buying
Christmaspresents. AtSatton's jewelry
storeyou will have no difficulty in satisfying -
fying your taste as well as your pocket
book. He has many charming novelties
for the holiday season , especially
I want to greatly reduce my stock of
queensware and holiday goods in my
Dennison street store , before moving the
goods into my Main street establishment ,
and in order to do so , will sell anything
and everything in that line at and below
cost. This great slaughter sale will commence -
mence tomorrow and will continue for
one week. You can thus secure unprecedented -
edented bargains in the line of queens-
ware and holiday goods. Knipple.
A nice pair of shoes fora Xmas present
wouldn't be bad. See Ganschow.
Reliable G o o d s at Reasonable
prices. Fine assortment at Leach's jewelry -
elry store.
You can buy the most valuable present
at Ganschow's for your husbands , wives
and children , very cheap.
International Stock Food makes poor
stock fat. 3 feeds z cent. Sold by
Fifteen ( i5) ) cents will buy a box of
nice writing paper at this office , containing -
taining 24 sheets of paper and 24 envel-
The Engraving that Leach , the
Jeweler , has executed free , on articles
bought of him , is seldom equalled in
artistic merit.
1 0
Great Event Modestly but
Joyously Celebrated
While the People Generally indulged -
ed In Turkey Dinners and
Family Reunions.
It was a quiet day. It was a crisp ,
bright day as to weather-cool and bracing -
ing , but lacking the needful snow for a
typical Christmas day. Business places
were closed early , and the population
settled down to quiet dinner parties and
little reunions. It was a home Christmas -
mas day. The least ostentatious in
years-but a hopeful one.
Part of the church exercises were held
on Christma's eve , the remainder on
Christmas night. Each and all were
well attended and full of interest.
People held their exercises on Christ-
urns eve. Au interesting and varied literary -
erary and musical program was rendered
in all acceptable manner. There were
some suitable decorations , a cabin and a
Santa Claus , who at the proper time distributed -
tributed sweetmeats among the members
of the Sunday school. The church was
well filled and the audience generally
pleased with the efforts put forth.
Also rendered their program on Christmas -
mas eve. Their exercises were literary
and musical in character as well ; and
Santa Claus distributed his favors from
a cabin in a generous , hearty fashion.
Besides the childrea received a fine treat
from the bounty of the Sunday school.
The program was well rendered and re-
ceived. The decorations were simple
and suggestive. The church was crowded -
ed and everybody was happy ,
People , too , held their exercises on
the eve of the Saviors natal day. A
pleasing program was effectively given
and a Christmas tree made the hearts of
the little ones happy , with its burden of
gifts and toothsome articles. These exercises -
ercises were well attended and joyously
They had the usual solemn masses ,
Christmas morning-three at different
periods , commencing as an early hour ,
which were largely and devoutly at-
tended. In the evening they had a tree
for the Sunday school. There were presents -
ents and good things galore-all of which
was preceded by an appropriate and enjoyable -
joyable program , making a happy occasion -
sion , withal.
A very pleasant fifteen minutes was
spent at the Baptist Bible school , Sunday
morning , at the conclusion of the regu-
bar lesson of the day , in the distribution
of the usual Christmas gifts. Owing tea
a disappointment in getting the programs -
grams it was impossible to have the exercises -
ercises in the evening as contemplated.
The attendance at the morning service ,
it is needless to say , was large. W.
Thus closed a modest Christmas without -
out special incident or much display.
Thursday's Lincoln Journal states that
a new method of evaporating sugar beet
juice bids fair to revolutionize sugar
making and several other industries
where getting rid of surplus water
cheaply and expeditiously is the object.
It will also make practical the plan of
having many small , plants to produce
raw sugar , which can then be sent to
central refineries. It will thus give an
impetus to the general culture of beets ,
making markets convenient and saving
freight and deterioration in transporta-
Some delay may be experienced in enforcing -
forcing the new Torrens law in Chicago
because of the expense of the extra
clerkships required by the new system.
It will require a little more work in the
county offices for a time , but in the end
the public will save a great deal of
money. It would not be fair to allow
today's economical streak to impose an
unnecessary tax upon the land transfers
of tomorrow.
The new A. 0. U. W. rituals , adopted
at the meeting of the supreme lodge in
Chicago , last summer , have been received -
ceived by the McCook lodge , and meetings -
ings of the local organization will be
held to practice the new ritual work ,
which is very largely the product of H.
\V. Cole of our city.
On Christmas day. W. A. Wallin and
Ethel Kerns , both of Red Willow precinct -
cinct , were married by Judge Beck.
We understand that the elevation at
Cripple Creek was too high for William
Doyle , and this fact cut his visit short.
A Sad Christmas for Them.
Early Tuesday morning the little two-
year-old , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis -
nis Cullen passed from earth , after a
brief illness. The dear one had been
sick with inflammation of the bowels
and was apparently recovering. But on
Monday night the child was taken with
severe spasms and on the following
morning at five o'clock death came to
reletve its intense suffering.
The little one's remains were tenderly
mingled with mother earth , Wednesday
afternoon , in St. I'atrick's cemetery ,
Brief but touching services were Conducted -
ducted at the residence by the Rev. Fr.
J. W. Hickey.
Tile sorrowful parents have the deep
and heartfelt sympathy of many in the
unexpected and sudden loss of their little
"Father we will be comforted !
Thou wast the gracious giver ;
We yield her up-nut dead , not dead--
'ro dwell with thee forever.
Take thou our child-ours for a day.
Thine while the ages blossom.
This little shining ! lead we lay
In our dear Lord's bosom" .
We are niost grateful to our neighbors
and friends for assistance and sympathy
in the loss of our darling , Katharine
Why Die of Disappointment ?
When you can buy Diamonds , Watches ,
Clocks , Solid Silver and Plated Ware ,
Jewelry of every description , Novelties
etc. , etc. , at Sutton's at and below cost
for the next week. All goods you buy
from him will be artistically engraved-
while you wait. Remember for one
week only this special sale forcash holds
Diseases of the Ear , Eye , Nose and
Dr. S. E. Cook of Lincoln
Will be in McCook on January 9th ,
10th and ttth , and will office with Dr.
W. V. Gage. All defects of the Eye , Ear ,
Nose , and Throat treated. Glasses furnished -
nished and-fitted. This will be an excellent -
cellent opportunity to consult a good
oculist at home.
The Stars Next.
It is likely that the Star of Jupiter will
be numbered among the list of beneficiary -
iary societies in Oxford in the near fut-
ure. W. T. Lindsay is presenting the
merits of the order to our people and expects -
pects to effect an organization on or
about January Iotli-Oxford Standard.
Not Half Told.
The half has never been told of the attractiveness -
tractiveness and elegance of Sutton's
stock ofjewelry and silverware. Itcan't
be done in cold type. You mast see the
goods. He will do the rest. In watches ,
jewelry of all kinds , silverware , etc. , his
stock has no equal in southwestern Ne-
Of Course You Are-
You are lying awake nights trying to
decide what you will give your wife , sister -
ter , or sweetheart for Xmas. Don't lose
any more sleep , but visit Sutton's jewelry -
ry and music store. He can solve the
problem for you easily.
Skin Grafting.
Last Sunday Dr. W. V. Gage performed -
formed the operation of skin grafting on
the face of William Nixon , who was recently -
cently operated upon for a cancer. The
skin.was provided by City Marshal Jor-
We Burn Wood
When we can get it. If your subscription -
tion is delinquent and you have the wood
bring us in a load or two.
is t
, w 4
Lamp Shade Frames at McConnell's.
Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.
Lamp Shade Frames at McConnell's.
Stolen Sweets Perfume for Christmas
at McMillen's.
Good writing paper ten cents a quire
at this office.
Christmas has come and gone , but
Bullard is still selling lots of coal , at
prices as cheap as the chaepest.
Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roil.
American Crepe Tissue Zoe. a roll , at
If you can't think what to buy for a
Xmas present , look at those nice slippers
at Ganschow's.
Have you ever tried Pennsylvania
bard coal in an ordinary heating stove ?
If not , buy some at Bullard's and give it
a trial ; you will like ; it is much nice :
than soft coal.
CONGREGATIONAL-Morning topic ,
"The Last Prayer" . Evening topic ,
"Christ , Our Savior"- Sunday school
at 10 o'clock. Endeavor society at 7
o'clock ; subject , "how to Make Next
year Better Than This" ; Grace Iirinton ,
leader. A very cordial invitation is extended -
tended to all these meetings ,
BAPTIST-Services in McConnell hall.
Bible school at ro a. uc. , at which all
ulemhers are requested to'be present to
t the Quarterly Examination papers.
Preaching at tt a. Ill. and 8 p. in.
The subject of the nlornfng sermon is
"The New and Living Way" . IiY.f'.U.
mcetiilg at 7 p , ui- , led by the vice pres-
ident. You will be welcoule to these
services. REv. G. P. FUSON , Pastor.
METHODIST-Sunday school at to a.
III. Preaching at I t a. Inn- ; subject ,
"Song the Shepherds heard" . Junior
league at 3 ; Epworth league at 7. Chas.
McCarl , leader. Preaching at8 ; subject ,
"Tile Wise Men 1111(1 the Star of Ilethle-
hem" . Revival meetings each evening ,
next week. A welcome is cordially extended -
tended each night to all.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
To California in a Tourist Steeper.
The Burlington Route personally conducted -
ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado -
rado , Utah and California are just the
things for people of moderate means.
Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe-
ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday -
day and go through , without change , to
San Francisco and Los Angeles. The
tourist sleepers in which excursionists
travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan
and have spring seats , spring backs ,
mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows ,
etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide
enough and bigenough fortwo. The route
lies through Denver , Colorado Springs ,
the wonderful canyons and peaks of the
Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento.
For rates and also for illustrated folder - -
giving felt information , call on the nearest -
est agent of the Burlington Route or
write to J. Francis , G. I' . & T. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
The expense in maintaining the poor of
Red Willow county under the present.
System has become a burden upon the
taxpayers. Therefore , the board of
county commissioners have decided to
buy and operate a poor farm , of not to
exceed t6o acres , and request that any
person or corporation interested in the
location of this poor farmn submit to the
board of county coniucissioners , at their
next meeting , January 6th , 1896 , any
propositions in the way of donations of
money , lands or other valuable considerations -
erations for the privilege of designating
the location of said poor farm.
GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk.
Indianola , Neb. , Dec. 17 , 1895.
Holiday Rates
Via the Burlington Route , December
24 , 25 , 3t and January r , between stations -
tions not more than 200 miles apart.
Return limit , January 2 , i896. Take
advantage of this low rate opportunity
and spend Christmas with the old folks.
They are counting on you. The Christmas -
mas turkey and the Christmas pudding
are all ready. Eat them where they
should be eaten-at home with your OWB
people-among your own friends.
Tickets and full information at the P. . &
M , depot-
Farm for Safe.
A well improved farm for sate. For
particulars address ,
4ts. MRs. R.J. SMLTI { .
Centerville , Colorado.
To Exchange.
Denver hots , clear , for Red Willow
county farm. Address X D , care
Lawyer Reddin of Denver spent
Christmas day here with his brother the
Master Lawrence 3L'tchell is in the
gzip of bronchitis.
Will Brown is some o : : a short visit
from Orleans.
Wi11 Krauter is here from Illinois on a
short visit.
Notice is herebygiven that the partnership -
nership existing between Erb & Bush
has this day been dissolved by mutual
consent. The business of the hotel will
be continued by T. A. Erb , who will pay
all debts and collect all outstanding accounts -
counts of the firm ,
McCook , Neb. , Dec.6 , z8.C. .
. T. A. ERa.
i , - T"r