. i i .t , i Il I l - , ' ' . G1 ' " ! w Fi a , ; ' ' . . „ s.w ; , , . r E .A ; , , . _ . , , y . : ' , } ' r . u . . ; , ® ® ssi m ® _ . ; . _ , , T H G" ' 1--- . 0 1C r 1Ot15 0 111 T O1Cli1 ail till 1 eC. 7 . , .cal lna e 0 O Vli1 " 11CCS : i ] . ' Hea ; } ' inter Underwear tl orth l , 5 I ) er slut , now 90c. 1 'inter Overcoats , formerly X10,00 , now X7.00. DTeII's Hats , former price ' ; 1. 25 and .1.50 , now IOc. ] and l. i5. ' . R l Ieil , s Zles , formed } o0c. , nebs . .oc. ; . 11len s Suits , former p rice 8 ; 9 , X10 , 1Z and Flo , now fi , ' ' 7 , 8 , X10 and X12. " riuter Dress Goods , formerly 5c. and SUc. per yard , now enl y Uc. arld 35c. Bi g Reduction nn all Prints. Giurrhalus and Skirtings. ' , Great and Genuine Bargalus lu Shoes and Rubbers. . , r- 3 . ' . ; , - : ' ' . t . , r et 1 t ; , r ' , j , i , , , d - , Oi louuds Choice Raisins : . . . . . . . . , J . . n : ' N : . . . . . . . . .25 f P ack nos CuI rants . . . . . . . . . , : packages Soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 P acka g es Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 . 13 bars Sea P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. Choice 45. and GOc. Ja P an Tea , 30c. and ,35 1 4a . , ' 18 pounds Granulated Sugar. . . . . . . . Y. ' . 1U goods Cube Subal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 - rr , . . 3 ffallon cans Pie Fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 5 - ' ' ( , , ° ' " : ' " n alifornia Fruit assorted . . .1.OU : ' , ' . . , ; Choice Canned Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 , l , ; ' ' Y. : ' Choice Canned Toma toe s. . . . . . . . . . 10. . A.11 other callued Hoods very cheap. .b ; ' - To is the time to P ut in a' su PP 1- . y ; , Abe e are oril : feel rani P 'le A r > < ces. Comae ' . , - . ' in ant 1 leave ot > < r od > e aid met ] over fim- , t , . . > res than ever befoa e. . J Reme bea o il - 5I'T GAS 3 [ . , - e led a t these Z r ces. r , , 1 December ' 1 1 S : - - - - ; \t \ ' , ' . , K. , x g ) C , 'vp , . . . V 9 ! . .S .SJ : : OFFICEP S AND DIRECTORS. . - ? ' > p HpCKNELI , 8. M. FREES , w , F. LAWSON , F. + ! . PENIIELL . , z " ° Prsidenf. Y. Prssidenf. Cashier. r Ass f Caahir. ' . ; . . CAMPBELL. FRAMK HARRIS. + . 4 ' " _ . F , i Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , ' R' MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder , Free from Ammonia , Aium or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Rev. H. L. Powers. IINIYERSITY PLAtI's , Neb.Fel ) . I , IS94. = 1'o wxost ri sIAY cosclKS ; : Resolred , That it gives us pleasure to say that five are acquainted with the bearer of this tesliuiouial , the Rev. H , I , . Powers. For t44 0 } .ears he has lived anion , r us and his life hts ; been lira [ of a Godty , Christian utiitister From Jwntary hth to Febru- ury Ist , I3gq , he held revival sen ices in the cttapcl of the Nebraska Wesleyan universit } ' , under the auspices of the Dtethodist Episcopal church of Uuiver- sit } ' Place , Nel ) lVe found loin instruc live in ills bible readings , biblical and strong in the presentation of the truth , possessed of a red hot couunou sense zeal for God and in revival tactics a master. He does iuost excellent work , and five most cordially commend fife man and fits methods toanypastorandpeople wanting the ; services of un evangelist : Rev. G. W. P.bbutt , pastor First JI. P ; . church , tluiversity Place , deb : Rev. rlsa Sleeh , nresulutg elder Ilincoht district - trict ; Rev. G. lb' . lVehn , pastor ) apwortli liI I' ; . churdt , 1incoln , Neb. ; Rec. G. lV. Crippen , pastor Bethel Dt,1a , church , Lutcoln , 1Teb. ; Rev. H. Burch ; S. D. Fitclne , supenntendent DI. I ; . Sunday school , University Place , Neb. ; ( acuity Nebraska Wesleyan universit } : I. Cook , chaueelior N. llr. U. ; L L. hove , dean i and professor of Greek ; C. Dl Bllin- wood , reistrar ; and professor of chemistry - try ; S. S. Vtdetto , supertuteudent Harsh Dlanual training school ; G. 1V. Rausch , iron department , Ifaish ; F. A. Alabaster , departineul Latin ; Charles Ford } ce , de- partmeutpedagogyuul biology ; C. C. lVettb , unhtary scteuce ; O. r'1. Schnauffer , director of ttiusic ; Hattie h1 Blood , elocution - cution ; I4linuie C. Jay , hnglish litera tare alai history ; C. I { . Cuuk , ntoderu languages ; C. D. Rose , matheutatics ; T. $ . Doubt , physics ; Sallie : l llralkdeu , nlish { department ; Plla I : . Lowe , art department. IS CATARRH CURABL > a ? BIK5. n1ARY c17T.dYDIk SnVS IT IS IN A RFC > : NT 1TTK , Iles. Vary Alexander of Piper City , Ill. , 4vrites : "Dip Health had been failing - ing for seven years. The doctors pro. nounced my case one of bronchial catarrh. I could get no hope of recovery from any of my phystciaus. bIy frtends urged me to tr } 1'e ru na. At this time I was couiined to my bed. , After taking one bottle of Peru-iia I t4 as able to sit up and the swelling on my body and limbs began to disappear. Wlleu I had fiutshed the Hurd bottle I 4vas entirely 4ve11 and felt as well as ever ut uty fife. I can heartily say I believe Pe-ru-na saved my fife. Catarrh attacks an } part of file human system. Not only are the head and throat liable to catarrh , but all other parts of : Ile organism may be effected 4vith it. There is catarrh of stomach , kidneys , liver , etc. Pe-ru-na is an internal sys- temicremedyand cares catarrh wltere- everlocated. An instructtcely illustrated 6page book oft catarrhal diseases sent free by the Pe-ru Company - na Drug Dlanufacturtng - pany , Columbus , Ohio. I'o California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personal ) cou- ducterl orce a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Utalt and California are Fast the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thurs- dayand go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles The : tounst sleepers lit 4vhtch etcursiontsts travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enou g hand big enough for two. The route lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Iahe anti Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the near- estagent of the Burlington Route or write to J. FraI1ClS , G. P. & T. A , , Omaha , Neb. Norlcri 01 ? DI55DLUliDN. Notice is hereby given that the partnership - nership existing bet4veeu Brb & Bush has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the Ftotel will be continued by T. A. $ rb , who will pay all debts and collect all outstanding accounts - counts ofthe firm. McCook , Neb „ Dec.6 , 1895 C. L. BASH. T. A. 1aR8. We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscrip Lion is delinquent andyou have the wood bring us.in a leader two. 4 "fi ' ' 'J + E3t"3 UI7 'a . ; ° 4 , .ir ' - . : .H.Y @ ? 'S. . + rt. . ° ° Buy your writing paper at THE TRIBUNE office. dill kinds in stock and P ricer der Y reasonable IvoTlcx. In the district court of Red lVillo4v county , Nebraska. ,1lelinda l.fedgecock vs. Solo- man F. Hedgccock. 1'o Soloman F. Hedge- oocknon residentdefendant : Youarehcreb notified that on the loth da of November 1 CIS , Dldinda I. Hed g ecockyfiled a P etitioli against you in the distnct court of Red Vil low county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have willfully abandoned the plaintiff , without good cause , for the term of t44 o years last past. You are requirrd to ans4ver said petition on er before the 3oth day of Dccembcrl&j5. DiELiNDA I. 1-iEI1GIiCDC1 : . By 1V. R. Starr , her attoniep. DUN'T' 'TOBACCO SPIT OI : SD10IE 1'OUI : LIFE A1YAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book about No-'I'o Bac , the harmless , guaranteed tobacco Habit cure that braces up the nicotin- tzed nencs , eliminates nicotine poison , malces weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hood. Yau run no physical or financial risk , as No = 1'o-liac is sold liy druggists every where under a guarantee to cure or move refunded. Bool : free. . Address Sterlin Reined Co , New York or Chicago. 4-r9 gs Tyr. ' 1ta5old by D1cConuell & Co , D1cCook , i\ct . Children Cr Y for Pitcher's Castoria , \ fajor C. ' ! ' . f icton is inanager of the State f iotel , at Denison 'Texas , which fire traveling men say is one of the hest hotels in that sec- tion. Ill speaking of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Iemed } , Dlajor I'ic- tonsays : "I have used it myself and m my family forseveral years , and take pleasure in sayingthat 1 consider it an infallible cure for diarrhoea and d'sentery. I alw as recommend - mend it , and Have frequently administered it to my guests in the hotel , and in every case it liar troves itself worth of unc ualified eudors- meiit. Fur sale b Y DicConnell S : Co. Children Cr Y for Pitcher's Castoria. IVhen most needed it is not unusual ( or your famil } physician to be away from home. such was the experience of Dlr. j. Y. Schenck , editor of the Caddo , Ind.1'er , L'anner , when his little girl , two years of age was threatened with a severe dttaek : of croup. IIe says : "Dry tivtfe insisted that I go for the doctor , fiat as our family physician was out of tm'vn I par chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cou h Rented - ed } , which relieved her immediatel y 1 will not be without it in the futures " 25c. and Soc. bottles for sale by I1eCunnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Casoria. The wife : of Dir. D. Robinson , a prominent lumberman of Ilartwick , N. Y. , was sick with rhemnattsm for five months. In speaking of it , Dlr. Robinson sa } s : "Chamberlain's Taut L'alm is the only flung that gave her any rest from pain. For the relieoE pain it cannot be beat. Dlany very had cases of rheumatisut have been cured by rt. Fnrsale at So cents per bottle by D1cConnell Co. W. V. GAGE , PI SICI N AN9) SUiiGIlDN 1lcCuol : , : VbCRASIA. ' -Office hours-g to tt a. m. , 2 to S and to g p. m. Rooms-Over the First National bank. i\'ight calls answered at the office. J. A GUNN , PIIY ICIAN 1 TD ItGEf1N DICC4Uty NEIRAS1iA. l -O ce-Over C. A. Leach's je4velry store. Residence for Hain street. Prompt atteri- tiongiven to all calls. AUSTIN d. RITTENHOUSE , TTOItNE ' a T LAtiV D10000E , NEnRASrn. "Oliice-Over the Famous clothing store. J. E. KELLEY , TT fllt AE ' T bA , . bicCoos , 1\arltnssn. i - " 'Agent of Lincoln band Co. OfficeE E Rear of First National bank. i J. B. BALLARD , 1 I'i TI T. All dental warl : done at our office is goar- ( anteed to befirst-class. R'e do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate 1'orl : . Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. MRS. E. E. UTTER , btUSGlL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Ur an , Guitar and Ban'o COKE TRAINING A SI'ECIALY. ° Studio-Cornerof Dodge and M14adisottsts. ELMER ROWELL , ReallstateCoilectionslnsurance DiCt.00Ii . , NEL'RASSA. -1V'otarq Public. Last Dennison street. hus6 gar la l ai i r Sfos o , i i r ' ' ' _ _ , ' ' , I Horses brniided on left bip nr lrrt shoulder P. U. address 1 m Perini Chaec'ennntsand aeut J fri'e , NClIrN9ka. [ tuak'e , 5tinkink water and the ' Frnnchmitn creeks , in Chnee cnunty. Nebraska. , Ilriuui us cut on sideof . , 9 { Fomeanimulaonhipand sides of some. cr nny- where on the animal. P'i a 1 L3 : ADING i I OF t1 t000K , Has Just received a new stock of OLOTH9 tad TRI1tIDIINGS If you 4vant a goad tlt ling suit made at the very lowest prlctte for good Rork , call on film. Shop first door weft of Baraett't Lumber Office , o > . D.nnioie street - - - + . . . . . . - - - . - . . - . . . . . i. u i" - , 4 f y - „ if ' . ' , ' . , 1 " 1 i - . , ' ; r , - , , , q' . , i'11 r- ' .f i .f.l .l . , r . P .i fort of at s a na Children. a. - - K l 'll CastorlncuccsCDlicCoastipatf o e , "Castorialssowelladaptaltoclu7dionthat i IrocommenditassuperIortoanyprescrIption SourStomachD iarrh aoa , Eructation , . , 1 'mown to me. " IL A Aacniat , itii , D. , calls worms , b'i sloop , and prontataa . ' ' I iii Sa Oafoni St. , Brookpn ) , N. Y. gestlon , , WlthoutinjurIousmodicatioa. ' ! - . "The use of'CastorIa Is so universal and tor socornl years I barn e'ocommended . I its merits sowcllknowuthatitseemsawork Carlotta , and shall sl wa ys continuo to do j beneficial of supere ro ga lion to endorsoit Fewarotho so , as it has iuvarIablr produced Intelligent Families oho do not kcep Castorin results. " , vrithIn easy rgch. " EnW1/r F. FanD > ta , M. D. , r C.inros 3tan IRx , D , D. , I th Street and 7th Avo. , Now Yor1 : City. s Now York sty , ' Tte Csxreoit Coxraxv , i7ll aiuY S ritsr , Ngw Yens Cirr. 3 1V , 1 b 4 a ile j rj l j t . i . . * , - - - . , r. . . . . i + , l. HOL u < . U r : LS l , . ' a'o ; ' d I . % . i i rr' , h } iy 1 a i i C i s F' ' ' ; : ' , r' . R i I tt , r r . . , , , t.a 1 , , tl K . . 'k .Y ' i I 3 la j 1 r . , , s r . i'L z. ku < 7 } r. : l. . , a t tl 1 , r i' ' .1 . t . ' , ' , x xf s „ { . . , sr' r _ , , . ; l . . i 1 t r , 1 Z ! s R , - a . , . . . . - . , . . j cI { f : . ' " yr ! t n " rs-b .as4 i , , s i t , t r 1. r , l. ,3 , .l ti l c . , , . . k . . > , c t t I , , li 3 : . K i s ti ; . . .i ; i , , 1 l d I it.l _ . . -t. , -u u , ; : V to l ; 1 ' , { ' : l 1 , 1 ; ; ? Sa il * + t i ; I . , , ! , : .1 1 ; . , ' l I x1,4'4 'ly ; a ; : . itl' 1 i - 'i 1 b . a. to . c , . r- . . } - - , ' - J _ . -j - - _ . - . ' 1 t Just the t ing for temporary crib. E V e 1' y farmer needs one some three or four. Gan be ' ' set u p in 30 minutes , and when em pY can be . ' t , t ; used for a stock fence , and set up for corn , ; a g sin when izeeded. Call and examine. ' , I II I o @ i } I 1 { / . .1 I , r n :7 F.r i . , ytt' , lit rj r $ , , c I 1 j a Sl ' : Ls ra3 . . } j jI I t : . a'f ) : i t : . t : i : . ) LalII : 1'i'ihTdLaw ; . i a id U Ca i tai - ' ' I P - . - - 50 OOU. I Sur n lux - - _ _ _ 10 000. ; ' I ' ' T , 1,1 . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .r Collections Made vu all tetes5iule Points. D rafts Drawn on all ' Principal Cities of > Curcpe. taxes Paid 1 ' 1'or ? tins-lesicleut5. : . . _ . . . . . , . . j 1 , i : ® _ e o l row i r ® e , . , oF zcE ? s. , 0. ) ? RAN IiLIN , I'resideat A. C fLDPl , Cas'aier. ' LORIESr'oNDENTS-The Eirstational hank , Lincoln , Nebraska Th e ghemical Nationgl Bank , Je4v fork city. 1 ; . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I " , s j , I ) a t . . . K . . I R'V rr .J N ' i.114.J , t ISIAIN AYBI 'Ulr licOUIi , NICB. , Stocl : of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brase Geode , Pumps and Boiler Tritu sings. Agent for IIalliday , Eclipse and SVaupun 1Vind bii1L ' 1' 1 r : , y ' . , ' , , . , , r 1 ncraas dl : ases , Yeuk3iemo ry , Lu.s of Brat 1 lleadache , { yukefulnesa , Lost Vitality , Emir ' Nlghtlp stony , eal dreams , Impatencp and > I wasUnr ; d4 + eases caused yourhJuferrorsorettrssea , Containsaoopiates Isunervetontc y'i1' yr' ! ' ' ! , andbloodbnilder.3latesthepaleand 1 . Ea . P an yetron andplamp q tlvcarriedincestpocket.8lperboaaforG. . Bpmntl.pre- " y ' ediciinh,4orittseaed YttPeormmrryclunded. Yr1Wnstrce ! . , fl4 ' . . flnanelnl t ndlnr : . Soeinre oY wrapper rm.ruln1ons. , with testlmonlala n ( ' . Betoateo wntr. icsobr. ahUAf' 5aLlt. taRS.SOIdLrGw-ymttOraJdcesv 1x1 { 6n4St3 . D , r orsalein IcCooi"hob.byL.y , cl > DADB'LLbCpDn , lyLy t9 aoriCTem P , s4a 4 - - a , ' I 1 , ( , c' 1 It has no a . taa I in tl > iis ' local field. ' a , _ . . . . 9 . . _ .l - , u , t f ' - - , . .t ti . . .