- r . . w . . _ : Tf ; r. ' By F , M. KIMMELL. , 51.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Tnis congress should give the people postal savings banks before adjourning. - GUESS we will have to absolve Brother Cleveland from that sinful - ful duck hunting trip. ANOTHER bond issue of 50 0 100 millions is expected about the first of the year. The gold reserve is fast approaching the 60 millions mark again. THE merry style in which the President twists the British lion's tail in his recent message to congress - gress , has touched a popular and I responsive chord all over America. I It is a clear and unmistakable exposition - l 1 position of the Monroe doctrine e ' and its firm tone is most stimulating - ing and reassuring for this degen- crate , Anglo-manic administration. THE death of Ex-Congressman 1 William A. McICeighan of Red Cloud , which occurred at Hastings on last Saturday about noon , removes - moves from the Populist ranks of Nebraska their most unique figure ; t . and it may be truthfully added one of that party's ablest and most popular champions. . . A curious , but potential , combination was he , and invincible in his time. Nebraska - raska has abler and better men among her politicians. She has many weaker and worse. FOREIGN immigration is increasing - ing again. The total for the last six months ending with October ' last , is larger by 49,491 or 53 per cent , than during the same months i of 1894. The immigration during this period of six months was within - in 48,760 of the total immigration at the port of New York during the entire fiscal year ending June 30 , 1895. It is evident that many r of the emigrants during the year of the Ipanic have again become immigrants - migrants , bringing others with them to make a fight for a competence - tence in the United States. It is not likely that there has been a - legitimate demand for more labor- ers. The infiux must be due more to a stringency abroad than a pro- mie of certain employment here at remunerative wages.-Journal. TO SILVER MEN. The executive committee of the l Nebraska silver league desire to . appoint one silver Republican , one silver Populist , one silver Democrat - crat and one silver Prohibitionist in each county as an executive committee for the organization of the county , and for the distribution - tion of literature. All persons who ' favor the free and unlimited coinage - , , age of gold and silver at the Present - ent legal ratio of 16 to 1 , without . ' waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation , are requested to send their names with address to any member of the undersigned committee , at Lincoln , Nebraska. The local committees will be selected - ' ted from the names received. ° . ; ; County papers please copy. a ' GILBERT L. Laws , SILLS A. HOLCOMB , ' ' \v. J. BRYAN , H. W. HARDY , ' . . = . - Exec. Coin. Neb. Silver League. - - Lincoln , N eb. , Dec. 17 , 1895. Take advallta5 of tliat Special Sale for Cash at Sutton's. Ev- es' thing goes at and below cost. Reliable Goods at J Hard Times Prices at Leach's jewel ] : ystore. Finest hand . picked. Ales S5c to 90e. r at , 1i111I ) le'S. . , ' E r - y a CHRISTMAS BARGAINS McMILLEN' ' $ DRUG STORE. j 'Come and see that HOLIDAY BARGAINS do exist , and that we have them in Toys , Books , Booklets , Games , Xmas Cards , Dolls , Celluloid Novelties , Albums and Lamps. 'we can please you. Come at once. y A. MeMILLEN. INDIANOLA. 0. Frost of Bartley was in town on Monday. ' A. G. Dole of Bartley was in town , Monday. Commissioners will meet again on January 6th. School closed , this week , for a two week's vacation. C. Lister of Danbury was at the county seat , Monday. James McCallum visited in Mc- Cook , last Friday , on business. A.J.Ritteulrouse was down from ifcOook on legal business , last Saturday. J.W.IIIupp came down from the county metropolis on Wednesday morning. . The county commissioners were in session here , Monday and Tues- i clay of this week. } Wednesday evening , B. G. GosI I said took the third degree in Masonry - onry in Lodge 123. J.B. Meserve was sufficiently recovered - covered from his sickness to be up , and about on Tuesday. i Saturday , W : G. Black put into his office a new safe recently secured - cured at Beaver City. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes think of moving - ing to McCook , shortly. J. W. Dolan is still at Beaver City , disposing of the stock of goods for which he recently traded. G. C. Boatman came into town , Tuesday. He is getting ready for his new duties as clerk of district court. Friday night , Prof. LW. Smith of our public schools will lecture in a school house in the northeastern - ern part of the county. The first of the year , Messrs. William McCallum and George Short will go into partnership , and will occupy the fine new store room in the Masonic temple. District court will convene here , Monday , for an equity session of one day. The civil docket is very large for this county-though some of our neighboring counties are much longer. Sunday afternoon the upper 1 floor of the Masonic temple took fire from a stove kept going there t p dry the walls , and for a time the s tying of the building seemed to b doubtful. A crowd of men with pails gtitliered quickly , and then ready hands got the fire under control very soon. The city council are reported to have a rather stormy meeting on Monday evening. As a result suit will be iugtituted at once against 1I.G. Shackelton for selling liquor. The council holds to the opinion that the saloon should be protected in its business in return for the license money paid by the . saloon mall. Finest hand Ilicked Apples , S5c. to . 1 ninnre's. V - t 1 The county commissioners have decided v that the necessity exists and is becoming more pressing , right nlong , that the county shall own and operate a Poor Farm , and they have announced their determination - ination to take some action along that line in the near future. The present method of caring for the county's poor'is becoming too burdensome - densome and expensive , and it is proposed , if possible , to remedy this and some other matters connected - nected with the present system. THE TRIBuNE'S advocacy of this course will be remembered. A Poor Farm will correct many of the evils of the present systemand if properly managed , will be more economical and business-like. This matter will be considered at the next meeting of the board , which will be held on the 6th day of next month. Special Sale of Holiday - . day Goods. Call and see for ourself. Leach Jeweler. PROSPECT PARK. William Siugwiu has moved on to the Dr. L.W.Critser farm. H. M. Wade attended the 1I. E. quarterly meeting in McCook on 1ednesday. Charles Boatman and Alice Holbrook - brook visited at the Hartman's on Sunday. . 1 I R.P.Barr is home from Chicago , having disposed of his carload of stock at fair prices. Messrs. Tliomnsou and Dunham took in the debate at the Driftwood school house on Monday evening. The tariff : question was discussed. The exhibition given ht school house , last Friday evening , Dec. 13th , was a decided success. A very interesting program was rendered - dered by the school , assisted by the young people of the district and adjoining districts , to an appreciative - preciative audience. The occasion was the closing of a successful term of school , Anna Hill , teacher. II. P. Siitton Leading - ing Jeweler , iS enl y malt 111 McCook who engraves purchases made at his store.- -while you wait. It will be artistic and it will be FREE. I G 1 what a cllestiliit. Goods below cost ear after year. Leach , the Jeweler sells Reliable goods at Reasonable vices. Investigate. The lai'gest stock. of Silverware and Novelties - , elties at Leach's Jew- i IStore. Finest liana 1riche l Apples , S5L. to OOe , , . at Ifnihpl e's. Leach Jeweler S e- vial' Sale. . ? v , n s TIIJT ) 9j j r v WT 1 : TIIP PAMOUS CLOTHING COMPANY s 'F ' i . We call articular attention to our Extraordinary I I Clearance Sale. Right at almost the beginning . + , ' 1'r of the Winter Season we hold aa sale of the ; I4 I l L Best Ready to Wear Cothiug Neb1 i I + . l ' . , c I I 1. . I I I } ? AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER KNOWN. : , r : Snlely for the purpose of Quickly Reducing Our Large Stock have we 1 , made this cut. We need not dwell upon a List of Prices. Come and sae the goods- that tells the story. . Anything in our line makes a PRACTICAL HOLIDAY GIFT FOR BOY 011 MAN. This gives you an opportunity of making selections early and j'd at a great saving. W'e handle no shoddy goods at any piice. Look through our line of 4 d Children's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits. . + r . 1i i Mc'Ooh'Tel. ' ) . ENGEL , Manager2 , ! J 1 I shall 1)1'(1)grad to show $114' secoH(1 ( L ' largest stock of Jew- eery gOOdS , hi South- vestei n N e I ) 1' s k a. have got g'ao 1 goods afal will s ( ll alt S1)e = ( ial Cut Prices it ; ) i.'e- daice stock. Try that 15 cent box paper at 'FILE r I1rIr3IJI TE office. \ % ' orth 2 5 cts. Also chew1)er grades. Finest hand licked A ) 1a s $5e , tai 90C , at 1(1)a itla 'S. Read the best coi111- T ' - - Ii at's t:4 : ilcWslMII per--t The Mcok rfribtilie every timf * . Finest hand picked A ) lies S5c. hO 90c : , at Kfi ) pl&s. Chamberlain's E73 and Skin Ointment Is uncgLu llcd for Eczema , 'l'ets ; r , Salt- Rheum , Scald head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , ChronicSore Eyesand Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TO HOESE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Ur. Cady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve corstipaticn , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists when Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla. when she arcs a child , she cried for Casiori. When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria. When she had Children , she gavethem Cstoria , - - REMOVED. 1 LrrI have removed from my nld stand into the Ganschow building , first door south of I1e- I Groff & Co. , where I Stn displaying playing a larger and finer stock of CIGARS , TOBACCOS and SMOKERS' GOODS than I have ever carried before. Your patronage is solicited. i. II. BE N NETT. 1' ' 11.E . .l . .1 . S BorniotiAbstroior _ B. G. GOSSARD , Assf. NDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA. + i t - ' I I I I I I I I I S. CGIWEAL T. I : Notary Public : Reliable , Insurance , Collection Agent. THE RIVERSIDE OAK J 1i 1 i ll Pei r . l i , n ul-- : = l'pi ' iU , , 1 t + i11pl i Y pa , E , I NP I + q 111 + i ' ; i I' ' - - J : T : Z . \ r R\3 % i We now have in stock a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and the Thos. White Oak Heaters-botli soft and hard coal burners. In fact we have the finest tiling in heating stoves to be bought in the market , or ever exhibited - ited in this city. Don'tfail to see oLIl' \ > entidllCt Heaters. We also have the popular Square Oven Cook Stoves in stock. Everybody ought to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. CoCmiAx & Co. ANTI-RUST { I iia . , t I a 1. This is absolute ] y rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and will be replaced if not as rep- resented. COCH1tAN cC Co. BUGGIES ANDCARTS Remember , we are showin g the best line of Buggies. Carts and Wagons to be seen in this part of the f ePublican valley. COCHRAN Co.t t f k 1 ANDREW CARSON , , . . . _ - - - ; . ; ! ,1 4 Proprietor , ' of the . . . . Y { l , A : ' . - SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. - , + ' 1 - - - - V. f I We respectfully solicit your business , I and milk , full , guarantee pure measure r and prompt , courteous service. . / I ' S .J . S. MCERAYER , , J I I'ROPRIETOR OF THE. McCook Transfer Line. . , , j I BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. . . f . i -I - - I Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house ; outfit. Leave ' l moving orders for 1 bus calls at Commercial hotel or ' at office opposite the depot. ; ' j { .J tJLIUS 1UNEIiuT , . r I I : I ar et Laying , ; P are eanin . .t I C3 F-I am still doing carpet laying , carpet ' cleaning , lawn cutting and similar work. See + or write me before giving such work. My charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at TRIBUNE office. JULIUS KIJNERT. 1. . 1.k , R-FP-A N S ' l ; a - The modern stands - I s - u and Family t1'Iedi- ' - t t sine Cures the 1 - , u I > common ever-da Y A I l " ills of humanity. ; ! I I u T RADE z . ) C gaLg : MARK ' a tSIIOt - . ) I $4OO. , j i ! . 4 i i S i t- I i sO y Y These shoes fit to pcrfection and as only the wear best of leather can , ' ' They're shapely , footwear. pliant-the They always most comfortable of 1 J I manage let in air anc keep out water , i I Surely Yon ) , Dealer Se lIs Them. + Sold by J. F. GAN ScHOr , . ! 1 , !