Th t n f 1 r . : EVERYT11ING _ a : "w- T ACTUAL COST : . , r.FO a - - - - - . - - r' , . s p H IR , - k , McCOOK MERCHANTILE CO r . : . Previous to invOicing and until Dec. 28 , Wl llla e 0 0w 111 ) llces. rte s. . ' ' Heavy Winter Underwear , worth ' 1.20 per suit , now 90c. I- yf 'Winter Overcoats formerl'r 10.00 now $ r'.00. r' - Men's Hats former price $1.25 and $1,50 , nos OOcc and $1.1i 4- . ' ? Men's Ties , formerly 50c. , now 25c. - Men's Suits , former 1 ) , ice S , $0 , 410 $1 at c 1 . P5 ; . .nott " . 1 w f , ysi X10 and $12. e \b inter Dress Goods , fornlerl } 45cc and , 50e per yard , uo on1 JOce and 35c. w' : Big Reductiou on all Prints Ginghams and Sllit tiligs. : ' ' r ; > ' c Great and Genuine Bargains in 'shoes and Rubber : . . ' , . . , - - A GROCERY LIS1 ' , . . . pounds Choice Raisins . . . . . . . : . . : . . . .25 4 packages Currants. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4 packages Soda. : . . . . . . -O 9 . 4packages Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2d ? 13 bars Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. ' ; , . . Choice 40. and GOc , Japan Tea , 3Oc and .35 _ , 18 . Pounds Granulated Sugar. . . . . . . . 1.00 , " 16 pounds Cube Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,00 3 gallon cans Pie Fruit . . . . . . . . .85 7 cans California Fruit ( assorted ) . : . .1.00 Choice Canned Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . .10 C hoice Canned Tomatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . 10. . T : . . All other canned goods very cheap. ' ; : - Now is the time to put in a supply. : 4 .Above'e one3 r a few sample prices. Come and leave our. order and et lowerr fib g tires than ever before. . , : - IlereIfltbei - oil SPOT GASH ac ce1pted at these prices. 00 . " ; _ December 13 , 1S95 : : J : : iiiii i _ q hr. FIRST WATIOIL . - } - : ! : : ! ' - - - - Authorized Capital $100,000 ' 60,000 OFFIC - R S AND DIRECTORS. ' . , - GEO. HOCKKELL , B. M. FREES , W , F. LAWSOM , F A. PEMNELL , - , : r ; Presitlenf. Y Presiaenf. Cashier. , Ass 't Cashier. A CAMPBELL. - FRANK HARRIS. . + a a ' , 1 S . - - - - - = : _ L Y - Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair CDR / CREAM , BAItING MPODLR OST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tarfar Powder. Fre from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterani 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. A NEW BOOK SENT FREE To CATAItIIH PATIENT FOR A SHORT ITmIE-A HOLIDAY GIFT. Everybody interested in th subject of catarrh and other win ter diseases will be glad to lead that The Pe-ru-nag Drug Mann facturing Company of ColumbuE 0. , is sending , free of charge , a illustrated book of sixty-four page on the subject of catarrh. Thi book contains illustrations showing the brain , the nasal passage : throat , fungs , trachea , bronchia tubes , stomach , liver , middle ear etc. There are fonr full-pag illustrations , showing the clrcula tion , nervous system , glandula system awl the vital organs. Tb book is a complete guide to th prevention and cure of chronl catarrh and all diseases of winter Colds , coughs , consumption , dye pepsla , la grippe , bronchitis , am pneumonia are described am treated. Diseases of the kidneys liver , lungs , ear , eyes and pelvi organs are illustrated , explained and the treatment given. Ever , family ought to have a copy o this book at once. Thousands o dollars and thousands of lives cal be saved b - studviua it and rac tieing. what it teaches. It wil teach mothers how to take care o themselves and shield their families from disease. Writt name and address plainly. Be sure to have a bottle of Pe-ru. na in the house , as the cold weather is already upon us. This remedy , wisely used , will prevent colds , coughs , and otherr ills of cold weather , and is the greatest catarrh remedy of the age. RED WILLOW. May Poffin has been having a mild case of fiptheria. Mr. I-ielnrs family have recovered from rery serious sore throats. , School has been closed in Red Willow dis- rictfor three weeks owing to the diphtheria in he neighborhood. Miss CordeaPgave up her school in district ' 2. The board are hopeful that a teacher nay be found to take her place next Monday. As far as we are agate no care is being aken to prevent the spread of diphtheria. -Iealth officers look after such matters in own , but in the country people may take oolisli risks it they please. Use plenty of arbolic acid , burn sulphur in your houses nd look out for filth of any sort. Prevention abetter than cure. Last Saturday Mr. Quigley's little girl was uried at the Christian church. She had been II for several days with a bad sore throat but 0medical aid was thought necessary. On "hursday or Friday night the little girl retired s usual but the next morning failed to rise i ith the other children. When a member of he family went to awaken her she was found o be sleeping that sleep which knows no wakening on earth. The bereaved parents ave the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. ) r. lioyt of Indianola was called and decided hat the child had died of diphtheria. Sunday morning three more of Mr. Quigley's children sere said to be seriously ill with the same lisease. Later we learned that they were im- iroving. TYRONE ITEMS. M. J. Miles will farm the Shirey place test year. , 11Irs. R. S. Baker of Bartley visited fiends here Friday. Politics is likely to make a change in xostmaster here soon. soon.ExGov. Ex-Gov. 11- onville on i3tb on "The Private Sol- her. " Hon. E. R. Bee and J. D. Cameron of : ambridge called here Wednesday en- oute for the Beaver Valley. The Sunflower Literary Society will febate the question of educational qual- fications of voters , at their next neeting. . - t ! : . . wfl , ? } a'r > y r fICP : C 'c 1 , . - . Buy your writing paper THE TRIBUNE office. All kinds stock and prices very reason ab NOTICE. In the district court of Red Willow coup Nebraska. Melinda I. Eedgecock vs. So' man F. Hedgecock. To Soloman F. Hedl oock , non resident defendant : You are here notified that on the 20th day of Novemb 1895 , Melinda I Hedgecock filed a petiti against you in the district court of Red W low county , Nebraska , the object and pray of which are to obtain a divorce from you the ground that you have willfully abandon the plaintiff , without good cause , for the ter of two years last past. You are requirrd answer said petitionon or before the 30th def of December , 1895.MELINDA MELINDA I. IIEDGE000K. By W. R , Starr , her attorney. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOK YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a boc about No-To Bac the harmless , uarantel tobacco habit cure that braces up he nicoti tzed nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , mak weak men egain strength , vigor anma hood. You run no physical or financial ris as No-To Bac is sold by druggists everywhe under guarantee to cue orone retunde Book free. Address Sterling Remedy G New York or Chicago. 4-I995 ry , f ' Sold by McConnell &Co,11IcCoak , Ne Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori a Major C. T.1'icton is manager of the Sta Hotel , at Denison Texas , which the travelir men say is one of the best hotels in that se tion. In speaking of Chamberlain's Cnli Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , Major Pi ton says : "I have used it myself and in n family forseveralyears , and take pleasure sayingthat I consider it an infallible cure 6 diarrhoea and dysentery. I always recor mend it , and have frequently administered to my guests in the hotel , and in every case has proven itself worthy of unqualified endoi ment. For sale by Mconnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor When most needed it is not unusual f your family physician to be away from honi Such was the experience of Mr. J. V. Schenc editor of the Caddo , Ind. Ter. Banner , wht his little girl , two yars of age was thraten ) with a severe attack of croup. Lie says : " ,1 wife insisted that I go for the doctor , but our family physician was out of town I pt chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rei edy , which relieved her immediately. . ' I w not be without it in the future. " 25C. and St bottles for sale by McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori The wife of Mr. D. Robinson , a proinine lumberman of Hartwick , N. Y. , was sick wi rheumatism for five mouths. In speaking it , Mr. Robinson says : "Chamberlain's 1'a Balm is the only thing that gave her any re from pain. For the relief of pain it cannot I beat" I any very bad cases of rheumatis have been cured by it. For sale at 5o cen per bottle by McConnell & Co. W. V. GAGE , PHYSICIAN ANi ) SURGEO ] McCook , NEBRASKA. ' 'Once hours-g to ii a. m. , 2 to 5 ar 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First Nation bank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNK , PHYSICIAN AND SURGED : McCooK , NEBRASKA. ° Ofiice-Over C. A. Leach's jewelry stor Residence pot Main street. Prompt atte.i t2n given to all calls. AUSTIN J. RiTTENHOUSE , ATTORNEY AT LA McCooK , NECRASK.t. "Office-Over the Famous clothing store J. E. KELLEY , ATTOIL\rEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. : rAgent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- ear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , DENTIST. All dental work done at our office is guar nteed to be first-class. We do all kinds o : rown , Bridge and Plate \Vork. Drs. Smite Bellamy , assistants. . . .MRS. E. E. UTTER , MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. 'iano ' , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECSLY. 'Studio--Corner of Dodge and Madison sts ELMER ROWELL , Zeal Estate , Collections InsurancE McCooK , NERRASKA. TNotary Public. East Dennison street phase Col Card aid Live Stock Col 1 Horses branded on left hip or left shouldoi P. 0. address Iinperia Chase county , and Bea rice. Nebraska. Range , Stinking Water and thf Frenchman creeks , it Chase county. rebraska Brand as cut on side 01 eomeaniinaIson hip anc sides of some , or any. 'here on the animal. A. COLE , Li : DING [ EROHANT TAILOR OF McCOOK , Ias just received a new stock of OLOTHH ad TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit- lug suit mad ; at the very lowest prices fox : oed work , call on him. Shop first door Rest f Barnett'a Lumber Office , on Dsnntsoa treat. V c - - - . . - - - - - - - - - -r---- 4 I , . tu .i . ! \ ! d for Infants and Children. , "Caatorlafssowefadapted tochildren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription I known to me. " IL A. Ancuim , DL D. , 131 So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N , Y. "The use of ' Castoria' is so universal and its merits so welt known that Itseems awork of supcrorogation to endorse it , Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach " C.tnLos Manta : , D. D. , New York Clty , l Castorla cures Colts , Coastipatfot , j L Eructation , Sour Stomach , Dianhoya , t Ellis worms , gives sleep and Promotes 4 , gestlon , - , , modicatl ° a t Without in jurIous r "For several years I have recommetld ' C ra , ' and shalt always contlmle to do so , as I t has Invariably produced bene6ckl results , " EDWIN F Parmes , M. D. , ' . Street and 7th Ave. , New York City. I , ' i k i Sraser New Yostc piTT. if COMPANY 7t MunnAY Tan Czsr dun , . _ _ - - , A1OOD ; f 1 141d&i . , s , . , Yd. . I _ _ S/ r 1 fl/ ? _ _ 1 1 , cNb t Nb f n\ \ if E ) _ I l . i alt ' i F' ' 1 ' 1 1 rAifti AX'I ' l I / t. . I I . Plug Tobaccoi ; f 1 biS Piece fop i 10 Cent3 t4 1 f 3. ABLE COR CRIB , / HOL 1 X00 B USHEL S E . - 1 r / < - ' - 1 5 I ' i i ' r ' t I' l , I . s 1 t .1 i I 1 t , , i , f . 1 I , - , , r u = / 1 1 1 _ 1 Just the thing for temporary crib. Ever farmer needs one , some three or four. Can be I set up in 30 minutes , and when empty can b . . used for a stock fence , and set up for corn ' again when needed. Call and examine . W0SULLARD & O0MeCook Neb fl 1 5 1 , , , - Subscribe for The cCoo Tribune.t It has no equal in this local field e 1 ) r _ a -Jti At