- , r. f t Y , . . fi - .Y 1 ) ; e . . - ' 1 d. . . - , . .w. ; . SSS.L. Commencing . . . THURSDAY , DECEMBER We VVi11.Start a General Ofli a nvaraE Of everything in our stock at a . . . i 10 i PER ' CENT ? BISCOHNT Taking into consideration , r the extremely low prices - goods are now sold at . . . . . . This is an Unheard of sale. - We must have money , that . is our . reason. . . . . . . . . ; Dry Goods , Carpets , Millinery. , t. , . I - - - t , JM F CANSCHOW , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. o WOUOVUp a ° 0 0 ° o p 0 0 : 'o o 'oo r.O0 Ailwl EAD R % Fa'sHio of o DEGIRRE i s ONE VOICE , p' . . rJ -D THAT 4JAR RE5157ER5. o' ' - : , ICoR FOe JeAq Ow - . -D , t. IS YHEIRFir,57CHOI'CE ' 0" - D , 0 r . r ot , c D BOSTON , Jo " = o 0.1 t , o o o0 , O 0\ ' rnma 00 - p0 ooo 'oo ° 0p000000000 A 1 Good Suggestioll ; Is like a crying baby at a public meeting , it ! Ought to be Cr ied Out Those J. B. Lewis Shoes are suggestive of all that pertains to Style , Fit , and Good Wearing Qualities at a Reasonable Price. r 1 THEY ARE SOLD BY-OF COURSE You XNOW ii F s CANSCHOW , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. . - . . . \ ' \ _ . . . - - - - - : y I , C. L. DeGROFF & CO. S ? PE C IAL - : - S A L E Commencing Friday , Dec , 13 , COntinuing to Saturday , Dec. 21 , l , Dming this time we will place on stile our entire stool : vi' ' vintcr bonds I ' consisting of Dry Goods , Clothing , Hats and Caps , Gloves aiicd Mittens , Boots and inShoes , and Cloaks , at prices lover than any ch g goods horse in this countiy. We have all b00IS ADVERTISED ] ll stock a.nd while they last you can bear tlient at thc following prices : . DRESS GOODS. 46-inch , All-Wool , Imported Henrietta , German make , sold everywhere at $1.00 ; our price , 50c. per yard. 3U-inch , All-Wool Serge , all colors , special - cial sale price , 22. Our entire line of NToveltYGoods worth 40c. , 50c. and 60c. , goes at iDe. $1.00 Clay Worsted , in Black only , 46- inch , special sale price , 67.c. 37-inch Aldine Suiting , all colors , 22c. All other Dress Goods in proportion , ti TABLE LINENS. ' We have the following specials in Table Linens : 50-inch , Turkey fled , fasteolors,15c. yd. 58-inch Turkev Red worth 35e. - , , , sPe- vial price , 25c. ' l 58-inch , Bleached Damask , worth l 50c. , goes at 25c. $1.00 , G4-inch , Bleached Damask , sale price , 62ic. . , 1 . OUTINGS. * 7c. and 8e. Outings at 5c. 1,500 yards Teasel Down Outings , new spring styles , worth 15e. , sale price , lOc. + MITTENS , ! Ladies fancy black , Saxony Mittens , double , regular 35c. grade , sale price , 25c. BLANKETS. We have a 'limited quantity of Fine .1h Blankets you can buy while they last at wholesale cost. If you can use a Winter Cap you can buy it at your own price. s . . . . . . y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GROCERIES. On Friday , one clay only , we will sell you 20 pounds of Granulated Sugar for $1.00 , eacyl family limited to one dollar's worth. All Package Coifee , during this sale , 20e. Remember we are exclusive agents for Chase and Sailbor'ne's Teas and Coffees. Durinb this sale we will sell you Pail Jelly worth 75c. , at 38c. ' 25 1 ) onnds Raisins for ' 1.00. Canned Corn 7c. per can. We have 100 sacks of "Marshall's" and "Pillsbury's Best" Flour to sell you at $1.10 per sack during this sale. A full stock of McCook Flours ; every sack guaranteed and prices the lowest. Highest market price paid for Produco. CLOTHING. i In Men's aad Boys' Suits and Overcoats - coats we can save you money : Our extra line of Men's $18.00 to $20.00 Suits go at $12.75. Our $12.00 Clay Worsteds at $7.50. Our $15.00 Black Worstecls at 10.75. What is left of All Wool Black and Blue Cheviots , worth from $8.00 to $10,00 , go at $5.00. OVERCOATS CUT IN 'rw0 You can buy any Overcoat in stock dewing this sale at exactly one-half price. This will be the greatest opportunity of your life to buy an overcoat : do not miss it. We have too large an assortment - ment of Children's Clothing to quote you prices , but will sell you any suit in our house at wholesale cost. SHOES. Onr entire line of Ladies' and Misses' 3.00 3.50 and $4.00 Fine Kid Shoes we will sell at $2.25 , in this sale only. . . . . . . . .A. . .A. 1. . . - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s' VVe must close out all winter goods iir order to make room for spring r lines which will arrive early in Ja.nuoi T Therefore oiir loss is our gain aI14 i3 of Eder. to close them quickly , we have made the above prices. t - ' Youi' s for Business . ' w- Ci L DeCROFF & CO. tq a yi ! + ! 1I - r ' o s ed BdllK Of M6600k INCO1iP0RATE I GNIEf STATE LAwd. Paid U1 - $50,000. p Capital , - - - , . Surplus , - - - - - - 10,000. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Collections Slade on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. rases Paid for Non-Residents. OFFICERS. V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. CORRESI'O\DENTS : The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska The : heroical National Bank , New York City. F. A. BURGESS , s MAIN AENUE , Mc000K , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Gooda , Pumps and Boiler Trim sings. Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Wanpnn Wind Mill. , . ' ' , CLOAKS. Our entire hue goes in this sale at ex- acty ! manufacturers' cost. . . - - l IIOSILItY. Ladies' extra heavy , fleece lined hose , lOc. per pflu. All Standard Prints , Sc. - Hoods and Fascinators at one-half Inice. CRASHES. r 18-inch All Linen Crash , worth 10e. . sale ) rice , 6c. - 18-inch , Bleached Crash , sale price , 3c. t 1,000 yards Remnant Ribbons ; all colors - ' ors , 5c. Imported Saxony , all colors , 5c. n Knitting Silk , all colors , 3 spools , 25c. Carpet Warp , all colors , ? 0c. 3 dozen Ladies All Wool skirts , worth $1.00 , go at ( )9c. l I TRi DER\VEAR. 1 Ladies' Ribbed , Heavy Fleeced Pants , . and ! jests , worth 25c. , sale price , 10c. - Our entire line of Men's SOc. and ( ,0c. . Underwear goes in this sale at 3Oc. One lot of Men's Wool , Extra Heavy Underwear , worth 75c. , sale price while they task , SOc , . , Switz Condee Mien's Underwear , worth $1.25 , b go at 70c. All Children's Underwear at cost. t An endless variety of Haiidkercliiefs and Mufflers at bargain prices. , " ' + 1 t OIL CLOTIi. Best Quality Oil Cloths go at lOc. We can save you money on Floor Oil Cloth and Linoleum. Tile cCook Cofflmissioli Co . Ismaking SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to those buying Flour in 500 or 1,000 pounds lots , of these I Matchless Brands : MARSHAL L'S BEST. ALL McC00K FLOURS. ALL PALISADE FLOURS. . PILLSBURY'S BEST. . Penna. Buckwheat ' ALSO A LARGE STOCK Or . Ground Feed of All Kinds. Baled ay and rain. J _ - - - ' 'ampn ICer : caycrams gmclaypermarenayue 1 : : ; nervous dLVea.e , SYeak Slemory. Loa of Brain Yocc. , headache , Nakefnners , Lort tlality , Nightly En f r elon9 , evil dreams , impotency and wasting direaaes caused by youthf ut errors or czra.se3. COntalns Co opiates. Is a nerve ton i , . , andbloodbailder.3lacesthepalenndpnnystronpandpta ap. , .cI e . , l - Easllycarriedfnvestpackef.5lperborCforSG. Bymatl.pr P pald 2cithctcritter.graranreertnrmrdrefunded writensfrq , , medical book , seaed , ; plaln wrapprr with testlmonlals arc IInanolal.tandinC. orhnrpejnrefnrnltetlnn . BewareoJ t'- . _ , . MD1T. lunar. tDr. M DM. ilanaSoldb , cracnsorctcmeSECrtiBECDCO.,7lzcuIeTeaylyC2fcc. For sale iD McCootNeb.bTL. W. MCDONSELL & CO. , DraggLts. , r _ _ _ - - - . . - 4t - , i - - - - ' t