W - , r- ' " : Zws. - . . . . . ' „ , . - . ; - -r k'v"x S _ 5fir - - _ _ _ _ Y _ -r _ _ . . - . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . _ . . . . _ . . . , . . . . i E w 4 N i : . . ' . : -1 S . S . , S. : - . . . . . - & c a y : Just a little Adlct - Is Y our txisiness rather slow k Placed with careful hand 1nc Ii lb And Y our sales A trifle low ? ' Slakes a mighty difference o C t4 Ufl IC Do you care to swell their size ? sIn ' Read . ' In this pleasant land. 7 , THR TRIDUNti and Advertise. . - tt 'es'nllc ie.riSt Y cr acec 3e tk s 8c 6ca c 3 FOURTEENTH YEAR , McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , DECEMBER t3 , 1883. NUMBER 36.- What All Boys Should Know. ' . . Don't be satisfied with your boy's edu cation or allow hint to handle a Latin or Greek book until you are sure that he can- canWrite Write a good legible hand. + Spell all the words be knows how to use. Speak and write good English. Write a good social letter. j Add a column of figures rapidly. Make out an ordinary account. Deduct 1632 per cent from the face of j it. Receipt it when paid. Write an ordinary receipt. Write an advertisement for the local i paper. Write an ordinary promissory note. Reckon the interest or discount on it for days , months , or years. Draw an ordinary bank check. Take it to the proper place in a bank to get the cash. : Make neat and correct entries in daybook - book and ledger. , ' - 4Tell the number of yards of carpet required for your parlor. Measure a pile of lumber in your shed. 1 Tell the number of bushels of wheat in your , largest bin , and the value at cur- 5 rent rates. % I Tell something about the great authors and statesmen of the present day. " If he can do all this , and more , it is likely he leas sufficient education to make his own way in the world. If you ' have more time and money to spend upon him , all well and good-give him higher English , give him literature , give him mathematics , give him science , and [ if he is very anxious about it give him Latin and Greek , or whatever the course . ' , he intends pursuing in life commands- School Supplement. , Destroyed by Fire. Last Saturday- afternoon , the frame dwelling of H. B. Wales of Coleman precinct - cinct was entirely consumed by fire , - T together with much of the contents of the house. All of the family were absent at the time of the fire , but two r girls. The fire originated front sparks 1 from the flue. The loss will be between 46oo and $800 , upon which there was no insurance , and the burden falls very heavily upon Mr. Wales , who has the deep sympathy of that entire section of country. - . An effort is being made to tender Mr. \Vales material assistance in the way of securing another home. Jurors for December Term. Alliance , Pat Callan ; Bondville , John Miller , Chas. Benjamin , Jacob Korb ; Beaver C. Adams Gardner Pratt ; Box Elder , P. Cashen ; Coleman , Henry Smith , Mat Droll ; Danbury , J. C. Laf- ferty , Jas. Lister ; Driftwood , W.SFitch , M , Walsh ; East Valley , Ora Clark , Arthur Miller ; Fritsch , James Bergin ; Gerver , Josh Gerver ; Lebanon , G. W. Jones , Hlram Poole ; Missouri Ridge , High Jones ; North Valley , J. W. Daniels , Geo. Culver ; Tyrone , Frank Nichols , G. W ; Kimpton. : : No Jury for December Term. In the district court of Red Willow county , state of Nebraska. State of Nebraska - braska , ss. Furnlis county. I , D. T. Welty , district judge of the Fourteenth judicial district of Nebraska , in and for Red Willow county , do hereby cancel - and annul the jury for the regular jury term December 23d1895 ; , in and for said county. D. T. Welty , Judge of the district - trict court. Dated , Dec. 7th , 1895. AtStockville and Curtis. , " The rumors concerning the existence of smallpox in Stockville and Curtis :1 S are quite disquieting. A few cases are r uoty reported in these two towns in our neighboring county of Frontier , and due action with respect to these places may not be out of the way. . . Funny Finicky Finity. w H. ir. Finit of McCook , made us a pleasant call yesterday. He reports the McCook camp A. P. A. in a prosperous condition , notwithstanding the scurrilous - ous articles in the i\lcCooK TRIBUNE concernin its members and mission.- Curtis Courier. Mid-Winter Holiday Rates. December 24th , 25th and 31st , 1595 , ' ; and Janttary ist , iS96 , we will sell roundtrip - - trip tickets to points within 200 miles of - McCook for one fare and a third , with a return limit to January 2d , 1896 C. E. MAGNER , Agent. Lecture Tonight. in the assembly room , east building , . Prof J. F. Hosic lectures tonight on Longfellow. This is the first lecture o f the high school course , and will be o f interest to all lovers of literature. -S We Burn Wood When we can get it. If your subscription - tion is delinquent and you have the wood bring us in a load or two. , r . r - - THE PEOPLE. L a1xZadr'cs c sib , PsZz L MORSE of Beukelman is a city visitor , today. MRS. A. S. CAMPBELL was a Capital City visitor , Monday. MRS. J. S MCBRAYBR has been quite ill the past week or so. MRS. A. W. UTTER is enjoying a visit from her daughter , Mrs. Colson of San Francisco. MISSES MOORS , the dressmakers , departed - parted for their home at Broken Bow , close of last week. MRS. NORA COLE , late of Santa Ana , Cal. , formerly of our city , is now living in Sioux City , Iowa. MR. AND MRS. LARRY MCENTEE were up from Indianola over Sunday , guests of McCook friends. E. E. WELLER was up from Syracuse. closing days of last week , the guest of his partner , C L. DeGroff. A. G. PAUL , wlnohasbeen visiting Mc- Cool : friends for the past three weeks , left for Denver , Monday evening. MR. AND MRS. J. E. ALLEN on Monday - day morning departed for St. Joseph , to remain over Christmas before moving to Denver to live. J , T. BULLARD came dorm from Palisade - isade , Saturday evening , to take No. 4 for Omaha and Lincoln. He returned first of this week. MRS. C. S. ALLEN arrived from Lincoln - coln last Sunday night , and was tle guest of her sister , Mrs , J. E , Robinson , She will leave for Lincoln tonight. MISS MAUDE CoRDEAL has resigned her school in district 72 , and will shortly resume her musical studies in Denver. The school will be closed until after the holidays. C. L. BUSH , late of the Commercial house , departed on Saturday morning , for New Mexico , where he has gold ming ing interests to which he will devote his attention and energy for the present. The city council was in regular session , Monday evening. County Clerk-elect Green has already moved his family to Indianola. A number of schools in the county have been closed on account of the diph- theria. St. Louis gets the next National Republican - publican Convention-and June 16th is the date. Reliable G o o d s at Reasonable prices. Fine assortment at Leach's jewelry - elry store. When our advertisers quit , this week , there was n't much space let forthe news editor to use. Walter Devoe and Eva Stevens , both of Lebanon , were licensed to commit matrimony , this week. The new minister will conduct services on Christmas day , in the School creek church , at three o'clock. There will be no jury at the December term of the district court which convenes - venes at Indianola on the 23d. You can buy the most valuable present at Ganschow's for your husbands , wives and children , very cheap. . Albert M , Cantrall' and Edith M , Arnold , both of Danbury , were married by County Judge Beck , last Friday. The Engraving that Leach , the Jeweler , has executed free , on articles bought of him , is seldom equalled in artistic merit. Mr. A. B. Smith of the Danbury News and Miss Anna Dowler of that place have been licensed to wed , this week. We anticipate-here are our our congratulations. , People who fall out with a paper because - cause it differs from them on some public - lic question instead of turning itself into a penny whistle and tooting their little song through the community , are built on a very small pattern. The paper that merely echoes this or that man's opinions is not worthy of support , ' To be a benefit - fit a paper must contend for the greatest good to the greatest number , even if 11 , so doingit crosses the opinions of friends However , the people who generally kic k most vigorously against a newspaper ar e those who seldom patronize it , and the' good , or ill , opinion "cuts no ice" with sensible people. } . There are a number of cases of erysipelas - elas in the city now. Master Harold Sutton is carrying his head piece in a sling. Chicken pox is raging , mildly , but numerously , in our midst. Note the new advertisement of the Famous Clothing Co. , this week. An increase of pension has been grant ed Truman Wood of Bartley. The cows are in the corn , and we may have to tell you more about it , yet. The water system was flushed , last Friday , and the fire plugs tested for the winter. An Eloquent Display of Articles suitable for holiday gifts at Leach's jewelry - elry store , A "dear little daughter" was born to Mr , and Mrs. Fred Carruth , Thursday morning of this week. The McCook Mercantile Co , makes a startling announcement , this week. Read it on our last page. Free Engraving. Goods Bought of Leach , the jeweler , engraved in the most artistic manner , free of charge. The Cashi Bargain Store has something very interesting to say , this issue. But of course you can't help seeing it. Sunday school attendance may be expected - pected to increase during the next two or three weeks. Xmas is coming. Joseph Schnitz of Driftwood precinct is confined to a bed of pain with an attack ofinflammatbry rheumatism. The masquerade ball on the 1,7th will be the event of the season. The mu'ic ' ; for the occasion will simply be superb. Secure a ticket now. Remember that Sutton has the most extensive and elegant stock of Sterling Silverware to be seen in the Republican valley. Call and see'and get his prices. The case of smallpox at Curtis is thought to have originated from some aid clothes , the party having it being actively engaged in the aid business. Nobody attempts to equal Sutton in the display of Diamonds. It can't be done in this part of Nebraska. A - Diamond - mend Ring would make a superb Xmas present. Sutton perhaps cannot tell you who will be the next president of the United States , but he can tell you what will makeher an acceptable present. Call early while his assortment is full. Truman C. Beardsley , optician , of Omaha will be in McCook from Dec , 20 to 24 , at C. A. Leach's Jewelery store , Defective vision corrected by the use of glasses a specialty. Tests and consulta tion free ; , satisfaction . EN. Benjamin and Floyd Robersen of the South Side are regarded as brag corn huskers ; they having husked 32 acres on last Friday. But they do seem to be loth to tell tiow many bushels of corn they husked from that acreage. You might as well get something substantial - stantial and pretty while you are buying Christmaspresents. At Sutton's jewelry store you will have no difficulty in satisfying - fying your taste as well as your pocket book. He has many charming novelties for the holiday season , especially Last Tuesday afternoon , while Mrs. S. P. Hart was in town on a social errand , the horse she was driving in some unaccountable - accountable manner got down in the thills , and in floundering around to extricate - tricate itself , the brute ruined the thills of her handsome phaeton and badly damaged the harness. a BARGAIN COUNTER. 105 Marshall Street. Fine Box Paper at McMillen's. Go to McMillen for Lamp supplies. McMillens Poultry Powder guaranteed. 12 for i at the B. & M. meat market. A nice pair of shoes fora Xmas present wouldn't be bad. See Gauschow. Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roll. American Crepe Tissue loc. a roll , at McConnell's. Some handsome new box writing paper - per just received at our stationery de- partment. Prices very reasonable. International Stock Food makes. poor stock fat. 3 feeds r cent. Sold by LW. . MCCONNELL & Co. Fifteen ( i6) ) cents will buy a box of nice writing paper at this office , con- L 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes - opes , at dlcst' THE CHURCHES. ScJut $ ' Tf r EPISCOPAL-Services both morning and evening. Sunday school at ten. R. L. KNOX , Pastor. BAPTIST-Services m McConnell's hall. Bible School at Io a. m. Preaching - ing at II a. m. and 8 p. m. B. Y. P , U. at 7 p , m. , Mrs , F. D. Burgess , leader , A cordial invitation is extended all to attend these services. G. P. FUSON , Pastor. CoNGREGATIoNAL-Morning theme , "Obedience the price of life. " Evening subject , "Behold , " Sunday school at Ioo'clock. Endeavorsociety at7 o'clock , leader , Miss Ona Simons , topic : "What is true friendship ? " A kindly invitation and welcome to all of these services. Come. HART L. PRESTON , Pastor. METHODIST-There will be revival meetings at the M. E , church Sunday. Preaching at ii o'clock. Pentecostal bible study at 2:30 : Epworth League at 7 , Miss Lora LeHew , leader. Preaching at 8 , Rev. H. L. Powers , the evangelist , will preach morning and evening. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Please come and bring your bibles with you. Preaching every evening through the week. J A. BADCON , Pastor. Pentecostal services at the M. E. church. Remember the revival services now in progress at the M. B. church , Success is attending these meetings. The various choirs of the city are already - ready busily engaged in preparing special music for Christmas time. The ladies of the Baptist society will give a Zone social Tuesday evening , December 17th , in the Meeker building , Supper will be served from six till twelve o'clock. Refreshments of meats , salads , cakes , etc. , with coffee or tea , will be served in the temperate zone , oysters in the frigid zone , and ice cream , etc.in the torrid zone , THE SCHOOLS. ' ' " . ? There will be a vacation of two weeks during the holiday season. Maggie Cullen's "Story of Pansy , " Wednesday evening , was a gem. The newly organized Wednesday evening - ing club promises to be a great success. Roy Dutton of the South Side entered the public schools on Monday morning of this week. ' Tonight's Friday evening class begins a series of lectures and performances by prominent Nebraska people. Professor Hosic of Arapahoe will lecture , tonight , and a fee of ten cents will be charged to outsiders. This is done in order to raise some money with which to purchase some books for the library , and also new lantern slides. Prof. Hosic is a man of marked ability , and a rare treat is promised those who come. To California in a Tourist Sleeper. The Burlington Route personally conducted - ducted once-a-week excursions to Colorado - rado , Utah and California are just the things for people of moderate means. Cheap , respectable , comfortable , expe- ditious. They leave Omaha every Thursday - day and go through , without change , to San Francisco and Los Angeles. The tourist sleepers in which excursionists travel are carpeted , upholstered in ratan and have spring seats , spring backs , mattresses , blankets ; curtains , pillows , etc. Only $5 for a double berth , wide enough and bigenough fortwo. Theroute lies through Denver , Colorado Springs , the wonderful canyons and peaks of the Rockies , Salt Lake and Sacramento. For rates and also for illustrated folder giving full information , call on the nearest - est agent of the Burlington Route or write to J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Dwelling for Rent. A well located , new five-room dwelling - ing to rent , reasonable. Call on P. A. WELLS. To Exchange . Denver lots , clear , for Red Willow county farm. Address X D , care TRIBUNE. Albert McMillen is in the holiday trade. See his announcement. We ask the indulgence of our readers until after the holidays-when space will be more plentiful. t' , t - - 55 Farm for Sale. A well improved farm for sale. Fo r particulars address , 4ts. MRS. R.J. SMITH. Centerville , Colorado , Lost , Strayed or Stolen. The well. known dog , "Pansy , " for. merly owned by A. G. Bump , Suitable reward will be paid for her recovery. L C. Wor.ri. Of Course You Are. You are lying awake nights trying to decide what you will give your wife , sister - ter , or sweetheart for Xmas. Don't lose any more sleep , but visit Sutton's jewelry - ry and music store. ' He can solve the problem for you easily. 12 Pounds for S i .00. To reduce their large stock , the B , & II1. meat market is selling 12 pounds of good lard for $ r.oo Anybody can afford good lard at this low price. Remember - member the place-The B. & M. meat market , Flitcraft and Kroening. Notice to Advertisers. In order to secure satisfactory results mechanically , and prompt insertion , all changes of advertisements , or new advertisements - vertisements , should be filed not later than Thursday morning , The paper goes to press on Friday morning , TIIE PUBLrSHBR , All for One Dollar. Wishing to reduce their large supply of lard , the B. & M. meat market is selling - ing 12 pounds of fine lard for one dol- lar. This is an unusual opportunity to secure a bargain in lard at a remarkably low price. 1'LITCRAFT & KROENING. Not Half Told. The half has never been told of the attractiveness - tractiveness and elegance of Sutton's stock of jewelry and silverware. It can't be done in cold type. You must see the goods. He will do the rest. In watches , jewelry of all kinds , silverware , etc. , his stock has no equal in southwestern Ne- braska. Diseases of the Ear , Eye. Nose and Throat. Dr. S. E. Cook of Lincoln Will be in McCook on January 9th , Loth and 11th , and will office with Dr. W. V. Gage. All defects of the Eye , Ear , Nose , and Throat treated. Glasses furnished - nished and fitted. This will be an excellent - cellent opportunity to consult a good oculist at home. A Sure Thing. McCook , Nebraska , December it , t895. DEAR EDITOR : In last issue of THE TRIBUNE , you tell the ladies how to keep their plants from freezing , by using water , which is all right if the water does not freeze. To make a SURE thing of it , tell them to buy some Pennsylvania - vania hard coal of Bullard , and keep a fire all night , and then not be compelled to lie awake all night. Respectfully yours. CONSTANT READER. Land ! Land ! Land ! I have the largest list of lands on my books of any agency in southwestern Nebraska , and all of these lands can be bought right and atprices that will make the purchaser money. But in addition to my regular list I have a few tracts upon which I took options , last spring , and for the next 6o days I can sell these lands at dry weather prices. There are some very fine alfalfa lands among them. C. F. BABCOCE. Office on Main st. , opposite hotel. NICKELS AND DIMES. I - - - is at 105 Marshall Street. 105 Marshall Street. School supplies at McMiflen's. McMillen has a full line of Lamps. Christmas Trees for sale at McMilien's. Lamp Shade Frames at McConneil's. Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters , Lamp Shade Frames at McConnell's. 12 for i at Flitcraft & Kroening'smar- ket. Stolen Sweets Perfume for Christmas at McMillen's. McMillen has a very fine assortment of Writing Tablets. Good writing paper ten cents a quire at this office. Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roil. American crepe Tissue 20c. a roll , at McConnell's. If you can't think what to buy for a Xmas present , look at those nice slippers at Ganschow's. - - : . . eWS. . . J. H. Burns' little daughter , Helen , is very ill. Engines 244 and 163 went to Havelock , Monday , to be overhauled. Mrs. B. H Douglass left on No. 4 , . Tuesday night , for Chicago. C.\V.Blanding is in Goodland , Kansas , : this week on a prospecting tour , Walter Stokes returned last week front his visit to his old home in Illinois. Engineer Monks is laying off , and Engineer Lewis is running the 158. Brakeman Washburn is braking for Cromwell , on the Republican branch. Carl Berry resumed work in the shops upon his return home , two weeks since. Engine 317 is in the house for repairs f' and Engineer Sanborn has charge of the 315 Brakeman Cox of the Oberlin run , reported - , ported at headquarters for work Wednes- day. Engine 237 from Denver is again in the house to have sonic journals re- paired. Mr , and Mrs. F. I' . Brainard left , this week , for Paten , Iowa , to be gone about three months. Engineer Jack Moore went up to Denver - ver , Wednesday , to give testimony in a law case there. Brakeman B. C. MonP'leasure has been transferred from Republican branch to the main line. It is reported around here that Mr. Josselyn has been appointed train master oil the Orleans branch. Mesdames W. C. LaTourette and ' Jacob Burnett returned front their Denver - ver visit. Monday night. Mrs. S. L. Moench returned home , Tuesday night , from her two weeks visit to the family at Orleans. Fireman Brown has returned to his - place on engineRrz and Geo. Starks is firing on the 221 for Moore. A large number of engineers and firemen - men are going to Denver on a pleasure trip , about December 15th. Dispatcher W. B. Mills was called east. Wednesday morning , by the announcement - ment of the serious illness of his sister , Chas. McCarl left Thursday morning , for a visit in Indiana. The boys have it that Charles has gone east fortune hunting. Mrs. J. D. McAlpiue was down from Denver , fore part of the week , visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Knights. The electrician was here from Chicago , this week , looking over the condition of the telegraph service on the Western division. Communicated. On last Saturday afternoon , the residence - dence of Mr. H. B. Wales of Coleman precinct was entirely destroyed by fire. It was set on fire by sparks falling on the roof. It was a frame building , 16 x 24 , one and a half story , and was erected in the spring of 1893 The family were all absent but two girls , when it took ' fire , and very little was saved. There was no insurance and the loss is very heavy , coming right on the heels of two ' crop failures , and a very light crop this year. Monday morning the neighbors raised over $6o for present relief , and they expect to have the family to a home of of their own again , in a very short time. Holiday Rates Via the Burlington Route , December 24 , 25 , 31 and January r , between stations - tions not more than 200 miles apart. Return limit , January 2 , i896. Take advantage of this low rate opportunity and spend Christmas with the old folks. They are counting on you. The Christmas - mas turkey and the Christmas pudding are all ready. Eat them where they should be eaten-at home with yourown people-among your own friends. Tickets and full information at the B. & M , depot. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the partnership - nership existing between Erb & Bush has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the hotel will be continued by T. A. Erb , who will pay all debts and collect all outstanding accounts - counts of the firm. McCook , Neb. , Dec.6,1895. C. L. BUSH. T. A , ERB. - Stove for Sale. One No. 4 Round Oak-nearly new. BULLARD & Co. J T S