age , i.k . 'sP f . l ' ' , . - , r II , , _ 1 for Infants and Children. NCastorialssowelladaptedtOCl1ldrenthat Castorla cures Coil ; Constipation , Irccommendlbassuperlortoanypreserlptlon Sour Stomach , DiarrhoeaEructatton , iaiowato me. " IL Ancona , 3L D. , Kills Worms , gives sleep , and promotes dl- 111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , i. Y , gestio ; i. WJthout Injurious medication. . "The use of 'CastAria' Is so universal and "For s6veeral years I have recommended its merits so wellknownt .itltsecrosawork 'Castoria , ' and shalt always continue to do ot supererogation to cndorsoit. Fcwarethe so , as it has invariably produced beneficial intelligent families who do not keep Castor results , " within easy roach. " EDwix F. PAnone , M. D. , CenWS Msrxrx , D , D. ; lath street and 7th Ave. , New York City. New York City. Tim Cz-riwu Co u' ir , 77 MunnAY STREaT , Now Yens Ciz. : : T4E , a FIRST M . + Cape tall $ RO,000 ) y & ' OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. \ _ GEO. HOCKNELL , B. In. FREES , W. F. LAWSON , F. A. PEPJNELL , President. N President. Cashier. Asst Cashier. A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. ; z . i 116 6iUz6lls DdIII ( 01 M6Goo 4r . r 1NCOii1.O1LtTEO UNIE1t STATE LAWS. y . Paid U Capital , - - - - $50,000. . : Surplus , - - - - - i0 000. - 1 BUSINESS. y Collections Made on all Accessible pornts. Drafts Drawn on all Principal Cities of Europe. faxes Paid . for Non-Residents. - r ' . Tickets A OFFICERS. 0. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. { . CORRESPONDENTS-The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. : : ' f t cAi INC1 A „ t ® F AL If ' 1 . , . . . . . - IGIfLl.E r f a Wn4. : - : ; ' G ' Ii r ; ? ' / i tit t . ( l N w 5 E HT 0 R K IP ( h5U PAS ) W ATERi I THE FINEST ODaS 1VEiGkOTS ICTO 2 9 P OUfiD5 , PRIc85.T0100 : . VER' .P1AgiINE FULLY GUARANTEED cArAAi' O . GU a 5E NT FOR tJO CEiT STAI1I } . , t ' q ; /IAIN OfCE AIID FACTORY LAKE lALSTED ST5 1tETA1L .SALEROOM 28OA@ASH „ AVE'r EA9TtPN , . WAREnoUs2.07-99 READS SE , t1EW ORK i t 11 PORTLAND . SAN 'fR _ a JRAftcf4E % . - . Lvstbiot r abcP a. . , . ' ' F. ID. BURGESS , Fitter1 MAIN AVENUE , McC00K , NEB. Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps and Boiler Trlm siinga. Agent for Ealliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. ' ) - - - - - - - - ; r --SiiiiscrIIie t 1 _ t It has no this local. held. Tbl FamonuJCeineaycnus qutcaiy , permanentryaii ' I _ , nervous db caves , Nenk.blemoTy , , Loss of Brain Yore ; , Iieadnche. Wakefulness , Lost Vitality. lgbny L'm1a aious , evil dreams , impotency and waettgdlseaees caused by . - yo1AV fuierrorsorcxuases. Contatnsnoopiates. Isaferve tents r ( $ andbloodbnllder. nlakosthepaleand unTstmngnndpIump. . Errslycarrledlnvestpocket.51perbox6for $ . . . f paid.wltAawrittrn pua tnaiteor marktl > + nded. Writousfree iedlcal book , sealed plainwragper , with testimonials and rat. u.wt. aunt , . maw ' , . ttott8.fiodpToararcatsor.dE 9nanclalAtandlnQ. NoeAarps e.aPBSSBDC0.,1WOaloTespkChtu6e. t nstdtatforia. Ileiortreof imitrr : Eorsalo m McCook , Neb.byL. W. MCDONNELI. k CO. , Druggists. _ i c. ; - e'A k" a - t V 1 General News. uM t' It's dollars to dimes congress does not perfecta solution of the. Union Pacific debt to the government , this season. Judge William R. Kelly has been appointed - pointed general solicitor of the Union Pacific to succeed Senator John M. Thurston. . Porter-Train's awa , man. Ye should Rae ran faster. Passenger-Ran faster ! Dod , 'a ran fast enough , but a' should hae startit sooner. The B. & 0. have lately received their second electric locomotive. No load it has yet been coupled on to has been great enough to stall it. The Canadian Pacific railway once carried the mail from Vancouver to New York in 85 hours , and from Yokohama to London in 20days. . The Canadian Pacific owns and controls - trols 8,930 miles of track and its army of employes number 20,000. Civil service rules apply as to promotion. I The compiled train accidents for the month of October includes 6o collisions , 64 derailments and 7 other accidents , a total of 13I , in which 49 persons were killed and 173 injured. Nebraska has 5,300.35 miles of single track in operation by its railroads , an increase of 3,477.24 miles in ten years. We wonder if the next ten years will show as great an increase. Four boys wrecked a fast mail train on the New York Central , lately , near Rome , New York. Too much yellow backed novel reading is the cause as- signed. They intended to rob the head and injured. The new double-deck railway and highway bridge across the Mississippi river at Rock Island is now in course of construction. The U. S. government and the C. , R. I. & l' . railway are building it jointly to replace the present single track structure. Mr. Westinghouse has communicated to Pennsylvania railroad officials preliminary - liminary plans by which he believes it possible to reduce the 5,000,000 tons of coal now used annually on their lines east of Pittsburg to about 6ooooo tons , at a saving of $5oooooo a year. The plan involves the equipment of the road with electrical apparatus , used in connection - nection with gas engines. Mr. Albert Johnson , a locomotive engineer - gineer who ran the first locomotive used on the Raleigh & Gaston , one of the divisions - visions of the Seaboard Air Line , over fifty years ago , is at the Atlanta exposition - tion in charge of the model of the "Tor- nado" , the engine used in making the initial trip on the road. Mr. Johnson has been pensioned by the directors of the road. He is now over 90 years of age. At Altoona , Penn. , recently , Henry Cresswell , a yard conductor , boarded a runaway- engine , which was making about 25 miles per hour and stopped it in season to prevent a wreck , although he was dragged for a considerable distance - tance before he was able to get into the cab. The general superintendent sent him a letter of commendation with a check for $50. The engine had started several miles up the hill while the crew was off looking at a wreck. raul Morton , formerly general freight agent of the Burlington and at present president of the Colorado Coal , Iron and Fuel Co. , has been elected third vice president of the Santa Fe ; E. P. Rip- ley , third vice president of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway has been elected president. With an economical C. , B. & Q. administration inaugurated upon the Santa Fe it will undoubtedly become on short notice a dividend paying - ing road. The Central Railway of Peru , built by the Peruvian government for the devel- opmtnt of the country and for military purposes , is the highest railway in the world. It crosses the Andes at an altitude - tude of i5,656 feet above sea level and at two other points reaches an altitude of over 14,000 teet. It's maximum grade s d per cent. The curvature varies from little less than three degrees to slightly more than 14 degrees. In a distance of : o6 miles the rise is over 15,000 feet. The road is worked by eight switch backs the largest being a rise of 700 feet. On the western slope of the mountain 56 tunnels are located , seven of which are over 12,000 feet long , and nine of the tunnels are more than 15,000 feet above the sea. NOTICE. In the district court of led Willow county , Nebraska. Melinda I. Hedgecock vs. Solo- man F. Hedgecock. To Soloman F. Hedge- oock , non resident defendant : You are hereby notified that on the 20th dayof ovember , S95 Melinda I. Hedgecock filed a petition against you in the district court of Red Wil- ow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on he ground that you have willfully abandoned he plaintiff , without good cause , for the term of two years last past. ' You are required to answer said petitionon or before the 30th day of December , 1895.MELINDA MELINDA I. HEDGECOCK. By W. IL Starr , her attorney. Finest hand picked A PA1es S5c. to 90. , ' , KnlPPle's. r 1 PROSPECT PARK. " J.E.Logue is still in Norton Co. , Kas. , husking - ing corn. Alvin Benjamin and family are home from Colorado. C. G. Boatman drove down to Indianola , Saturday , on business , W. A. Holbrook entertained relatives from north of McCook , Sunday. Rev. Bell of McCook preached at the Prosy pect Park school house , last Sunday. Quite a number from this place spent Thankgiving day with Rev. J. E. Tirrill , over at Fairview. L. W. Critser and wife , and son W. L. Crit- ser and wife , left on Wednesday of last week for Wichita , Kansas , where they expect to make their home. A son was born to Colonel and Mrs. Eugene Dunham , Nov. 29th , all parties concerned do. ing well , except the Colonel , who has not fully recovered yet. . Read the best county - ty viewsnaher--tlj at's The McCook Tribune every time. NOTICE ' 10 NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS , In the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. Henry T. Church , plaintiff , vs. John Quan and Catherine Quan , defendants. John.Quan and Catherine Quan , nonresident defendants , will take notice that on the 9th day of November , iS95 , plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed fry the defendants to one L.l l.kooney upon the southeast - east quarter of section No. two (2) ( ) , in town. ship number four ( q ) , north of range number thirty (3owest ( ) of the 6th principal meridian , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , to secure the payment of one certain promissorynote dated the 24thi day of September , 1894. for the sum of Ioo.oo , due and payable in one year from its date. 'T'hat there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of $111.24 , and which said note and mortgage were on or about the Loth day of October , 1895 , duly sold , assigned and transferred by the said L. H. Rooney to this plaintiff , for a valuable consideration - eration , by written endorsement on the back of said note , ftrr which sumwith interest from tins date , plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants - fendants map be required to pay the same and that said remises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. Yu are required to answer said petition on or before th2 d day of Decembe , 1895. Dated this tith day of November , 1895. 1IENRY 1. CIiuacii , Plaintiff. By A. J. Rittenhouse , his attorney. Io-15-4ts. Major C. 1' . Picton is manager of the State Hotel , at Denison Texas , which the traveling men say is one of the best hotels in that sec- tion. In speaking of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , Major Pic- ton says : "I have used it myself and in my family forseveral years , and take pleasure in sayingthat 1 consider it an infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysenteiy. I always recommend - mend it , and have frequently administered it to my guests in the hotel , and in every case it has proven itself worthy of unqualified endors- ment. For sale by McConnell & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When most needed it is not unusual for your family physician to be away from home. Such was the experience of Mr. J. Y. Schenck , editor of the Caddo , Ind. Ter. Banner , when his little girl , two yars of age was thratened with a severe attack of croup. He says : "My wife insisted that I go for the doctor , but as our family physician was out of town I par chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy - edy , relieved her immediately. I will not be without it in the future. " 2o-c and 50c. bottles for sal e b } McConnell Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The wife of Mr. D. Robinson , a prominent lumberman of Hartwick , N. Y. , was sick with rheumatism for five months. In speaking of it , Mr. Robinson says : "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that gave her any rest from pain. For the relief of pain it cannot be beat. " Many very bad cases of rheumatism have been cured by it. For sale at 'o cents per bottle by McCnnell & Co. Finest hand nicked Apples , S5c. to JUe , 7 at l ni13Ple's , Chase Co. Land an _ ve Stack Cot t Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder P. 0. address Ini penal Chase county , and Beat rite. Nebraska. linage , Stinking Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county. Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of someanimalson hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on thr animal. OLD I LEAIING IERCIIANT TAILOR I I OF M000OK , Has just received a new stock of CLOTH ® and TRIMMINGS. If you want a good Etc ting suit made at the very lowest prices for good work , call on him. Shop first door west of Barnett's Lumber Oltice , on Donniso' I street. i Chan berlaiit'a Lye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , Salt- Rheum , Scald Head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eve Lids. ' For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. e TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy' con , tlition try Dr. Lady's Condition Powders They tone up the system , aid digestion , cureless loss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct idne7 disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 23 cents per package. For sale by druggists - t a w t n 7 - y , ' 1 1 1 , - ° I . /\z. - ! -a . . ; \t. - ' -EE------- : . - - - - I - i I t - A . 'J O i f t D o ) ' i 1 d 1 iJ W1ff2N1 lih1 t V . 'r if { - f J ' ' ' ; Ej1'1' 4 , , r , IL ArNb 4QjLt- , v I 1. . IOU : - I . "PLUG Lt4x ; z9 _ . . 1 i : ' I 1 F H c ; : ? - - LL 1 \ , I . , . I r Ii i Iq I i54 + : n. i : H piece ' i i , n Go 0 b To ft I l , ero1d1orIU 'f . ' 1 Do not be misled by flattering prices. You Know yo u can ' always bu all kinds ref of coal at Bullard's just as cheap as anywhere where else quality and quantity consid- ered. MISSES MOORE DRESS s MAKERS. FIRST CLASS WORK AND STYLISH GARMENTS GUARANTEED. i Front rooms over Knipple's Grocery. MRS. E. E. UTTER , . , MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. I Plano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALY. FStudio-Cornerof Dodge and Madison sts. ELMER ROWELL , Real PstateCollections , Insurance i M000o1 : , NEBRASKA. ' Notary Public. East Dennison street. ' i W. V. CAGE , I PIIY rSIG tIAN Aid TI ) SURGEON ! { { 1 f I McCOoK , NEBRASKA. 1 i II f , "Office hours-9 to If a. m. . 2 to 5 and- n 4 7 to 9 p. m. Looms-Over the First National ' II ! bank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. CUNN , ; ; ' ' I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ) i MCCooK , NEBRASKA. rOflice-OverC.A.Leaclt'sjewelrystore. it Residence-701 Main street. Prompt atten- I i t tion given to all calls. AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE t ' ( I ATTORNEY A T LAW i' , MCCooK , NEBRASKA. ' _ ' 'Office-Over the Famous clothing store. , s I c , - ; J. E KELLEY , J , 1 , . ATTOIWEY AT LAW ' Mc000ii , NEBRASKA. , I -Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- . Rear of First National bank. , J. B. BALLARD , i ' © DENTIST. I r t- All dental work done ti at our office is guar- I i anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith , w & Bellamy , assistants. i - , PORTABLE CORN CRIB . i 1 400 BUSHELS . ' i - , it i t , , lt n ; I Y T ; I i t - 11 tj / i i a 1j' : a srL - . i .tti . I I. ' ' E Ilh , E t I t , ; f l I { - I t - f r I L - 4 ' 4 I Just the thing for temporary crib. Ever Y a _ farmer needs one , some three or four. Can be set up in 30 minutes.and when e mPtY can be I used for a stock fence ) and set up for corn I ' again when needed. C all'and exa mlt e. , 3 , WI 01 BULLAD & 00 , MeGook , Nbj , ' t - ' .1 . 1 , , -x - - - - -