Y ' K t - x 1 ° . . f , . . .a. . , . r' " , . . - . r- - . . . Commencing ' THURSDAY DECEMBER , r We Will Start . General . . . . saao - CLUSINI ; OUT - . Of everything in I our stock t a . . . . - II I I 1 1o y a PER CENT DISCOUNT. Taking into consideration the extremely low prices goods are now sold at . . . . 'fllis is au unheard of sale. I - ! We must have money , that . is ourr reason. . . - . . . vvvvvv1v Ir kowificHi $ oO , ( . l 1 4 i I t Dry Goods , Carpets , Millinery. I . . I - - _ - - - - , , avr H R F CANSCHOW , I 1 THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. i I a I WOC oo 0U0p ( t . o , 0 0 000 oo. O . a .00 : 0 0 0 0 0 i 1 , & . 0' : o0 I o r.0 , AI ! i f ADERS rASHtoN , rp \ QEGLRRE as oNE Motet , per -f-aA1 HEAR RESISTERS 0-"fI , . -0 J I ISl H E t R _ F iRSt CHOtCE " 0 0- - w I r 0 0 0 0 w 0 cT gEt /15 C o 0 / ° BO . 7 . h , o ' - ' r / : . , : o ; ; . 0' c7.rM 0 ° i ; o o i , o o0 000 1 ooa _ , ° p0o 0poaoooo A Suggestioll ! Is e a crying baby at a public meeting , it I Ought to be Carried Out Those J. B. Lewis Shoes are suggestive of all that pertains to Style , Fit , and Good Wearing Qualities at a Reasonable Price. f ' We Suggest That You Buy a pa ir THEY ARE SOLD BY-OF COURSE YOU Kfiow k FFa CANSCHOW , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. . .I .II I - , wa - _ - ! A GREAT = - oneaVln Bar : le _ y'V + V. . . COMMENCING . + . . .t..r. . _ 4 { Monday , teeiiif'er ' , i 89.5 , M v TO CONTT.NUE SIX DAYS. p DRY GOODS. 500 yds. of 36-inch All Wool Serge , black , navy , brown , wine , red and green , to sell at 25c. per yd. , worth 30c. to 40c. I One lot of Dress Flannels , 50 inches wide , alt wool , at 3sc. per yd. One lot of short length Dress Goods at one-half price. We have a few pieces of 36-inch-wide , all wool Dress Flannels to go at 25c , per yd. during this sale. t In Black Dress Goods we will give a discount of 15 per teat on any piece in the store during this weep' of special sales. . . ' . . Ice Wool only 10c. per box. Saxony Yarn 5c , a skein. On Wednesday from 10 to 11 a. ni. , 500 yds. of 1 - Outing Flannel , nosy selling at 5c. to 8c : per yard , we will sell 7 yards for 25c. , and only one pattern to a customer. . . . . flir ? lA Ny. LA ya a JYr alYAlaP.PyarNaft VyyYArN.AAAJ.AraAl 'iVV Jy\rY CLOTHING. vw ww 11'e will place on a table a lot of Children's two- piece suits , that have sold at r- loc. to 51.50 per suit , and make one price of GOc. a suit to close out. Big reductions in all our Children's and Boys' Snits and Overcoats , to close out. Men's Suits , the better grades , overstocked , and will make the following reductions. Suits worth $18.00 to $20.00 for. . . . . . . . . . . $14.05 " " 12.50 to 15.00 . . . . . . : . . . . 10.50 Y . Overcoats worth $12.00 to $15.00 for. . . . . . . 10.00 Good Storm Overcoats at $4.50 and. . . . . . . . . 7.50 Reductions made in other grades in the same pro- ? Fey One Week Only , at IJ ! 1 lSl 1 BARGAIN STOxtt , CI L1 DEGHOHCO. . _ RED WILLOW. The Misses Canaga spent Sunday at home. Walter Slye is again at home , returned on last Wednesday. A. C. Black's children are sick with the " " . prevailing "colds" Two of James Woodworth's children have been quite ill with colds and sore throats. There were many happy .little dinners in this neighborhood on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. E. G. Nettleton had very interesting Thanksgiving day exercises in her school. A few of the young people made a little surprise - prise for Misses Lizzie and Millie Baker on Thanksgiving night. Rev. E. J. Vivian preached a very interesting - ing sermon at Red Willow on last Sunday. He has promised this neighborhood revival services , and hopes are entertained of having a Sunday school in the near future. NORTH STAR GLEANINGS. I. S. Hadley hauled off his corn , last week. l Miss Rittenhouse spent Thanksgiving at home. Miss Mary Dudek spent last week in Mc- Cook. Dist , 13 had vacation , Thursday and Friday of last week. T. A. Endsleys spent Thanksgiving at Mr. Broomfield's. Lafe Hall of Coloradoformerlyof this place , is the guest pf Mr. Kellog. A pleasant surprise was given by the young people of this neighborhood to the Misses Burns , last Friday night. Those present were : The Misses Laura and Clara Pickering , Nellie - lie and Hattie Kellog , Bessie Endsley , Laura Newman , Edith Cook , May Neel , and Messrs. Ernest Carter , Frank Neel , Herman and Will Newman , Alvin and George Kellog and Lafe Hall. A pleasant time is reported. t DR. I-IARTMAN SAYS Now is THE TIME TO GOARD AGAINST COLDS-THE FIRST COLD WEATHER. In a recent lecture at the Surgical Hotel Dr. Hartman is reported as saying that no one need catch cold if he is willing to give the matterslightattention ; that a cold is the beginning of chronic catarrh. Consumption , disease of the liver , stomach , kidneys and pelvic organs. All this could be prevented by taking his advice. The doctor's professional - sional duties compelled him , for many years , to be much on the road night and day , by carriage - riage , railroad and steamboat. During all this time he never caught a cold. This could not have been done without Pe-rn na , he says. At the slightest evidence of a cold a few doses of Pe-ru-na invariably check it. This is especially seasonable advice , for the cold winter is herei with its storms , sudden changes , slop , rain and snow. Thousands of people will contract diseases from which they will never recover , by catching cold. Dr. Hartman's advice should be heeded. Pe-ru- na cures catarrh of any stage or location. It is the most popular remedy for Ia grippe , coughs , colds , etc. Send for a free copy of an illustrated book on catarrh. It contains sixty-four pages of valuable instruction. Address The Pe-ru na Drug Manufacturing Company , Columbus , 0. Ask your druggist for a copy of The Pe-ru-na Almanac for x896. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? is the truthful and startling title of a book about No-To-Bac , the harmless , guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up the nicotin- ized nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book fre. . Address Sterling Remedy Co. , New York or Chicago. a-r9.95-iyr. „ Sold by McConnell & Co. . McCook , Neb. 1) ll. . . ti. - . We have secured 50 lrtirs of 10 4 Blankets to Irut in this sale at SOc. Iter 1ntir. 'i'lre above will not 1)0 put on r ' sale until 10 a. 11t. , ' 1'aestllty , the 10th , then wild 0110 pith S2 , to a customer. r 1 Y - \1'e still have a good stuci ; of Cotton Blanlets at 75c. to $1.50 per pair , ants tt ill give 10 per cent discount 011 these prices this tveelc. , Wool Blankets worth $ G.00 to go at . . . . . . . . . $0.00 ' " ' ; 5.00 " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25 . c : . . ' ; -1.25 " " . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 " " is c . . . .n. . . VI. Y Y r a Y . . . Y V r .a.ArN J\ . rN . . . a . . . . . . . . a NN ( 'l.l ' a IS. Now is the tiite to b113 ; one. BYlaty CLOAIc , Otii or JACKET ih the store will ht ; IMatt1 on b ah , this week at ABSOLUTE COST. Do hot 111155 this sale if voa 111-.l ' -I tend to buy . a wrap p this winter. Our : tssortruent is large to select from. ' } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ a.YAA + y.ryA sr.v.r [ I r YS'a.Aly. JY N. JJ. A JN JNv OIL LLO h A\I ) LINOLEUM. L.vv.L.vw. Table Oil Cloth , best quality , 14c. per yd. this week. , Floor Oil Cloth and Liuoleunts , we have a good stock tnnl have always been the lowest in price , but during this week of special bargains we will make a 10 per cent reduction. z ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAAA Ja a .WL YO. JL N\Ay.AFJN. .PI CA ya. J.A \ y.r. J- SHOK1P l Every pttir of Shoes will be sold at a reduction of 1 0 per cent on regular marked prices. i . . . . . . yyyy7rAArV.ALry. JaraP. arJylJyyYaJya NytA JVV.A a.pp AAt w r Bring us your Grocery Orders and we will Guarantee - ' tee to sage you GOOD . T , foNEY on } 'olrr Inu chases. I Tlie McCook CoffirnissiOll Co. Isemaking SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to those buying Flour in 500 or 1,000 pounds lots , of these Matchless Brands : MARSHALL'S BEST. ALL McCOOK FLOURS. ALL PALISADE FLOURS. PILLSBURY'S BEST. Penna. Buckwheat ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Ground Feed of A11 Kinds. Baled Hac and Grain.