t c . . . on all s Wit. TOLD BY A SOCIETY GIRL. . ' 6orncthtn About Alorpldno , Sulphur , ° Molasses and Other Things. From the Evening 1\cvisletvarlr , N. J. ' hmong the popularsociotylcader Easa Orange , N. J. , Emma L. Stoll , a c.-rming young maiden , stands in the foremost rank. She ! s of a lovable disposition and tire light of the social set in which she moves. For two year ; she has been a sick girl from Internal - ternal troubles peculiar to wornenand having - ing recently recovered , has given our reporter the following interesting account : 1 a "Instead of improving under the taro of my physician 1 became worse. For five weels 1 was unable to get out of bed and nbout six o'clock each morning I suffered horribly. illy lips were sore and lacerated from the marks of my teeth , fcrin my efforts to keep from screaming I sunk ray teeth deep into m li ) s. At such times I trolled and tossed a Itil the bed shook likC1 u aspen leaf and it finally got so serious that the doctor-I won't tell you his camevemo some morphine pals to take. The very thought of tlient now makes me shiver. These morphine pills simply put me to sleep for awhile and when I became conscious aprnin my agony was renewed. ( "The pain in my stomach and back was more than I could stand. 'Your brood is poor , ' said the doctor. 'takesulpliur and mo- lasses' and I did until it was a great wonder - der that I was not a molasses cake. It was time wasted in taking it because I was not benefited in the least ; my suffering continued - tinued , but by a mighty effort after being in bed so long. I got up. Oh , but l was a sad 1 sight then. From 112 pounds I had fallen , to ninety ; my checks were pale and sunken and I limped ; yes , actually hobbled from t the extreme pain in my silo. Then I read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People and the testimonials in the News inspired me with hope. I got the pills and took them. Before many days 1 began to improve prove and before I had flnislied one box I felt as if 1 could go out and waljc for mUcs. I soon stopped limping and through the I'ink Pills I soon bid goodbye to my headaches - aches while time pain in my stomach and back slowly but surely succumbed to time influence of these pills that seem to be able to persuade all pain to leave one's body. Now I am as I used to be ; well and strong , lighthearted and merry but never without the pills. See I have got some of them now , " and from a nearby desk she handed out one of the boxes. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain , in a eon- de.ised form , all the elements necessary to ) give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a slecific for troubles peculiar to females , such as suppressions , irregularities , and all i forms .of weakness. They build up the blood , and restore thoglowof healthto Palo and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry , over-work or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes ( never l In loose bulk ) at 50 cents a box or six boxes ! or $ i.50 , and may be hadof all druggists , or direct by mail front Dr. Williams Medi clue Comuanv. Schenectady. N. Y. FASHION'S FANCIES. A quaint little costume for a child of four years is made of white cashmere. The skirt is plain , save for three bands of satin ribbon. The waist is close- ( fittino ; and a yoke Is outlined by ribbon - bon bands matching the skirt. From shoulder to elbows the sleeves are trimmed with the ribbon. Over the sleeve tops and across the front and I back is set a very deep fall of openwork - work embroidery or Irish point lace. A bow of ribbon on either shoulder and a ribbons ash are worn with it. A child of five years has a dress with t skirt made of cambric elaborately em- broidered. The waist is gathered into I a yoke and belt , the sleeves are full puffs to the elbows with wide ruffles of embroidery below An Eton jacket of velvet and a very wide velvet sash tied with long loops and ends , make an appropriate and dressy finish. A dainty dress for a doll has a velvet - vet , petticoat and silk skirt with an embroic erect edge. The waist of silk is close-fitting , and an Eton jacket of t velvet is worn with it. The sleeves are large and have close bands at the wrists. A sailor hat with a wing is set on over the yellow curls. A bonnet for a little girl is made with the crown of solid embroidery. The brim is of openwork embroidery and lace , and Is slightly plaited over the top and falls almost straight down either side of the front. Ribbon strings i are tied in a bow under the chin. A hat for a tiny girl is made of plait- pugs of taffeta set one over another tti form a brim. The crown has an upright - right trimming of the plaiting and there are very large bows on either side. side.A A dress for a tiny girl Is made of crepon in accordion plaits from the yoke to the feet. The sleeves are very I large puffs from shoulders to elbows , / with fitted bands and a ruffle of embroidery - broidery below. A collar of embroidery I extends far out over the sleeves and is finished at the neck with a ruching of 1 plaited ribbon. A dress suit for a small boy is made of velvet. The knee trousers and coat are of this material. The vest is of white satin or silk , and there are em- broldered turned-over collar and cuffs of fine cambric. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Wear a clean apron while ironing or bed-making. To clean bamboo furniture use a brush dipped in salt water. Theeyesshouldbe bathed every night in coal water just before retiring , and they will do better work the following day. day.When When very tired lie on the back , allowing - lowing every muscle to relax , petting 1 t the hands go any way they will , and keep the eyes closed. I Oil stains may be removed from wall paper by applying for four hours pipe clay , powdered and mixed with water t to the thickness of cream. If you have to sew all day , change your seat occasionally , and so obtain rest. Bathing the face and hands will . also stimulate and refresh. For stains in matting from grease , wet the spot with alcohol , then rub on White castile soap. Let this dry in a take and then wash off with warm salt eater. t I Where It Is desirable to see the tongue of a very small child the object may be accomplished by touching the uppier lip with a bit of sweet oil , which . 'will cause the child to protrude its tongue. ' ' r - . . . . , . _ _ - . . Y- . . . . - - , , . .F- SHE NEVER KNEW , A San Francisco Girl Married to a Man She Did Not Love. A complaint filed with the county clerk In San Francisco furnishes evidence - dence that some men have peculia : notions - tions as to what constitutes a joke. In this case the funny man stands an excellent - cellent chance of being soundly castigated - gated by some male relative of his victim - tim , who Is a young lady whom the jokist tricked into a marriage. 31155 Inez Mercer , a young New York girl , I was traveling through Oregon in May I last with her parents. Tile journey was of the dawdling variety , the tour- fists having means and time at their dis- 1 posal , and a rather lengthy stay was made at Portland. There Miss Mercer's talent as an amateur actress became j known and some society people induced i the young New Yorker to take part in a play which was to be performed in aid of charity. The affair was placed In the hands of one it B. Westcott , who had experience in some matters , and during rehearsals which preceded the performance it was noticed by other members of the company that he paid a great deal of attention to Miss 3Ier- cer. The young lady neither encouraged - aged nor repelled , feeling no interest whver in the man. After the standard - ard play , which formed the greater part of the evening's entertainment , had been performed the performance concluded - cluded with a farce , which was especially - cially written and produced for the occasion - casion by Westcott. In that farce a marriage ceremony was to take place between the hero and heroine , played by Westcott and Miss Mercer , respec- tively. So , under the impression that the whcle affair was purely farcicalMiss Mercer went through the marriage ceremony - mony on the stage with Westcott. This occurred on May 24 last and on Sept. 15 Mtss Mercer learned for the first time that it was no farce , but a genuine - ine , binding ceremony that took place between herself and Westcott. The latter - ter had a > iarriage license in his inside pocket and the nuptial knot was tied by no amateur actor , but by a real live clergyman engaged for the purpose. On learning the facts in the case Miss Mer- cer's parents at once took steps to annul I the marriage , the first step being the filing of complaint with the county clerk at San Francisco , where Westcott I at present resides. The latter affects still to regard the whole affair as a joke and says he will interpose no objection to the annulment. Miss Mercer's brother - er , an athlete of some renown in his circle , says little about the affair beyond - yond expressing a deep conviction that should he ever meet Mr. Westcott the latter will be likely to hear and feel something to his disadvantage. A MINIATURE SEA. In Utah There Is an ArtiSciai Lake rvitlt Waves Like the Ocean. Out in southwestern Utah there is an irrigating reservoir covering so large an area in the open sandy desert that the wind has a sweep sufficient to raise waves five or six feet high. About eight miles of the border of this reservoir is an artificial bank , and unless a method of keeping the waves off this bank were adopted the owners of the property - erty would some day- find that most of the stored water had escaped through a crevasse. To provide the necessary protection an inexpensive breakwater was constructed - structed , which was recently described by W. P. Hardesty in an article on the Swan Lake works , of which the reservoir - voir is a part. The inside slope of the banks is one foot rise in a horizontal distance of five feet , and the face is protected by cobble-stone in some places and by willows in others , the latter giving - ing the best results. They were obtained - tained early in the spring and fall , when they will sprout. A square trench is made in the bank down to the high- water mark , and the butts of the willows - lows laid in it. Dirt is then thrown over the butts and rocks laid over the projecting ends. This has been found to make a fair temporary protection. and the cuttings begin to grow imme- thately , reaching a height of four or five feet during the first year. This protects the bank from ordinary waves , but to keep the unusually high ones from it , which are pretty sure to cause damage , a floating breakwater is em- ployed. This was constructed by first driving a line of piles into the reservoir about fifteen feet from the toe of the bank. They were driven from twenty to twenty-five feet apart , and a row of cedar logs about twelve inches in , diameter was strung along on top of the water between them. The ends of the logs are fastened together with chains , and the logs are fastened to the pules in such a way that they rise and fall with the waves. This boom has been found to break the force of the waves quite of- fectually. The fastenings to the piles are sometimes broken loose in storms , and to protect the bank in such cases a simple plan has been adopted. A I wire about the size of a telegraph wire is strung at intervals from the piles to the bank. A loop or rider of wire is then passed over the first line and fastened - ened firmly to one of the logs in the boom. In case the log breaks loose it Is guided by the wires straight to the shore and still offers some protectiop to the bank. Quality. I1ot Place. Said A , "Whene'er I stand between The letters B and D , I'm in the midst of all that's BaD , As you may plainly see. " "How strange ! " said merry , laughing E. "When I between them am , I'm tucked up comfortably in BeD , And happy as a clam. " "it's quality within ourselves , " Then mused the letter A , "And not the place we occupy , That makes us sad or gay. " Education is an acquired habit. 1 i t Highest of all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report ' . , v Powder ! iTELVE Dan „ er From Dust. The Italian physicians who have been making a study of the component parts of the street dust of Turin , one of the cleanest cities in Europe. by the way , report that the germs of almost every disease knotvg to science are dis covered. On the candles cposed for sale in the streets , and on the surface of food 501(1 in the open air , they found the germs of tuberculosis. anthrax and half a score of other maladies Nothing - ing can be really m afe to eat if there is danger in dirt. The wax fruit that is kept in glass cases is probably as unhealthy - healthy as anything that is offered for sale. how's This ! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. HENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe - lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transartlons , and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WALDING , KINNAN & MARVIN , Wholesale Druggists , Tola9o , Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally ly acting directly upon time blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- menials sent free. Price , 75c per bottle. I Sold by all druggists. I Hall's Family Pills , 5c. Farm values in England are much depreciated - preciated through the low price of pro- f duce , and many holders of estates are disposing of their property , not infrequently - quently at auction sales. An estate of 100 acres located near Winchester sold recently at a price equal to $7.7S per acre , 2,700 acres and mansion located on time River Rule have changed hands at $71.15 per acre. An auctioneer has just sold under time hammer 130 acres at Weston , Notts , in small parcels for I 3,79.4 , equal to $142 per acre , a prop. whichm cost 10- erty twenty years ago , 000. A Child Enjoys The pleasant flavor , gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs , when in need of a laxative , and if the father or mother be costive or bilious , the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that it is time best family remedy known , and every family should have a bottle on hand. By and by Marlborough will go to join Duuraven and we will t e at rest. ' hunting Double Capacity. I In the year 1S94 the De Kalb Fence Co. of De Kalb , Ill. , doubled the capacity - pacity for producing their lines over 1893 , which gave them an output of 20 miles per day. The demand for their goods has been se great the past season - son , that in order to be able to supply i their trade , they have been compelled this year to double the capacity of 1894 , 1 which now gives diem an output of 40 miles per day. This in itself speaks well for their product and merits the attention and inspection of our readers , and all that are in need of smooth wire fencing of any hind , and it will be to your interest - est to write tor their catalogue which describes in detail -their goods , comprising - prising the largest and most complete lines of smooth wire fencing now produced - duced by any one plant in the country. See their ad in another column of this paper. _ _ Same-I am saddest when 1 sing. lie-so are the neightors , 'The Funny Fan Luls Valley. FOR SALE-The' best improved Ranche ( farm ) in Southern Colorado. 320 acres. Address F. P. Baker , Topeka - peka , Kas. , or N. R. Eaker , Alamosa , Colorado. Dreams of wealth don't come true as often as % vOik for it does. AT Enfrnaticaa Bill of Fare For ti diTrner served on the dining cars of the ( , hieago , Mil'saukee & St. Paul Railway will be sent to any address on receipt of a two cent postage stamp. Apply 20 George II. Heaford , general passenger agent , Old Colony building , Chicago , ill. Australia has a population of less than S,000.0h0 , but economists declare it could support 100C0J,000 with ease. Coosa Cough Balsam Istmecldestandbes : ctaaaan3'thingelse. It is always reliable. Try it. Self-righteousness is as hard to cure as cancer. "aanson's aglc Corn Salve. " warranted to cute or Morey refunded. Ask yo.1r druggistluril. Frke ab cents. Whatever love undertakes to do it dues' ' well. Billiard tab ' e. -ond hnn.l , for sate cheap. Appiy to or address , H. C. Axr. : . : 11 S. 1 .th St. Omaha. Noy. Salaries of Bull lighters. Spanish bull fighters get salaries as large as those of 'exceptionally great actors. "First swords , " like Mazzan- tani or Guerrita , are among the richest men in Spain. Guerrita. who is notyet 3o , elu ns an inconie which is never less than 40,000 in one year , and owns near Cadiz , a villa and park , where in the winter he entertains his friends with lavish hospitality.Nazzantini has $400,000 invested , and it is a bad year when he does not earn 50,000. Reverte once , after a triumphant corrida in San Sebastien , lighted a cigarette with a spill rolled out of a French bank note for 1.000 francs , to show his contempt for money in general , and French money in particular. False Witnesses. There are knaves now and then met with who fepresentcertain local bitters and 1)01- SOnel1S stimuli as identical tr Ith or possess- int properties akfit to those of Ilo tetter's Stomach liltters. These scamps only sue- Ceet in fofstin ; their trashy compounds upon people unaceuumntcd with the genuine - ine article , whit'lm is as mush their opposite as clay is to aught. ask and take no sunstl- tute for the grand remedy for malaria , dyspepsia - pepsia , ennstination , rheumatism and kidney - ney trouble. Sooner or later pride p ; bound to step on dynamite. F1TS - = ill Fitsstopped frr 'byDr.Sllne's Great I.erve lestarer. loFitsaftcr the lttstdav's use 3lurvelouscurrs. Treatiscanti S2lnatbottl. frcrt ) incases. bend to t.Iiline,5SlArehbt.Ylila.,1 u. When we give Erudgingiy wo'do not give at all. I hehievo Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my boy's life last suntmer.-Mrs. E. C. MOCLTON , Needhmn , Mass , , Oct. , ' 114. All the t ets on a yacht race are not paced on the stake boat. If the Ilaby is Cutting Teotn. 3o sire and uo thatold and well-tried remedy , airs. w13SLOW'S Soonnsa SYrur for Children Teething. Many pcopi a fail by not making a good beginning. 3htny inanencea combine to red'tce health to tlu don cr limit 'Po rvlrin : I rapnies of I'.lrker's Gin.or Tonic best overcme these ills. Labor is drudgery only when we do not put heart in our work. Everyone know. how it is to tarter wltn corns , and they are not touducivc to graceful walking. Remove lhu1 with Li-dercurns. The important thing is not how long we are doing to live , but how. Do You Speculate ? Then send for our book , "How to Sreen- Inte Successlully on Limited Margins in Urain and Stock Markets. " 3lailed free. Comstock , Hu 'hes & Company , Ria.to Bui.ding , Chicago , ill. HumFerdink has written an orera. His name probably suggested the plot. w , > wmw . Full Business , Shorthand , i'cn Art and 'Pelegraph course. Oldest , Largest and Best is Nebraska. Students can work for board. Beautiful Catalog free. F. F. ROOSE , Pros , Omnhe. ma Works Stove ltcpaira for 40,000 ditrereut stoves suttrazi cs.12ODDou lnaSt.OmahaNeb o e + ' c ' cdRts 17HLHAll EISE FAILS , not Couch Syrup. Tastes Goat. Usa - inttme SoldbrdncglsU. a L a prize figir.cl' and champion is every contest with d , , r fd h 0 It Mocks cut in every round , and oa its belt is v.rrittzn C ' r " I CURE , " ro G , 10 ( ( U1. U1lJ'l GIv'tGi ' J t.C ; ( i ( @ 11 UU _ o,1 _ V L Gracc bcforca U 0 ) o ; ' , There's a clifforence between being full of thanksgiving - ' Cll o giving , and being f1i11 of Thanksgiving dainties. But the one thing generally leads to the other. How , ; ; can it be helped when the rt.rle3 is so good , and the C y pie so enticing ? Here's a helpful hint. For that J full feeling after Thanksgiving-take a pill. Not any pill , mind you. There are pills that won't help lL -ou. Take the pi II that will. It's known as A y er's , Pill-and its perfect. It is sugar-coated , pleasant J to the mate and its operation , like that of nature Ur ( C is effective and without violence. Keep this in your ) mind if you want to enjoy the holiday season : JJ ; Grace before meat , but a Pill after Pie. in c o. . , v 0 0) ) o JJ . (0 ( . G ( , c1 , 0 of 0 , o f c o o u U J q ' . ' 1 f TIRE AEItMOTOt : CO. dcci halt the eodd'e windmill btalne t , because it bar redntt'dtbe , can of / wind power to iowbaLitwa&a It b s mans branch ! hottsuw , an + i suppllcl Its gads and repairs > l Atpourdonr. Itcnnanddueafurutsha better article furie. tnoneltitan others. It makes l'unipflag anti Geared. Steel , Oilvnam ed naer. Cotapletlon Wbtdatlt Tilting sad Ilitd Steel TorerrSteel ltsSaw ; Frame ; Stccl l'eed Cutters and Feed t ( irluders. Oa applleatlou It wilt name one ut them articles that It , vlll furtn + h until a , Janumrr 1st at 1Z the usual price. It also mazes k Tints and Pumpsat all klnds. Sand fa.catalogtie t Fsctag : 12th , gockweq aa3 FUIa rc Strls , Chlcaa. PARKER'S mHAIR eAISAM m eanma end bt . tics the bar. i I rrotuate. a Iuxurtaut growth. Never Fails to neatoro Oray I ' Bair to its Youthful Cotar. a - Cure. scalp dLrarce k hair . Y . dk.ndglithO nru-Pitt 6 AV I'emule Fruit Pill. PI,4ttvely rt'utuvo all lnerularitles , fromrhatsver rtut. 1'rler , 51.00. 0avl Medical Cu. , El noarbart5trea : , Chlrago MPL . H I ( IW I .laYst , , . , d a 7 ; . 2 o ; . , n 111 I ' U' rcl II 1y n1 n rHAT PLATE t LI' J ' Ms S 0 i r ; . "rAHw YOU SEE THEM EVERYWHERE THE LEND 0 T u i , 1I3 The Lad Cnw1 Lail to be ! , .l in the "runs aet' : at L..wl'der. . ForISFOn31ATION r anng lay i In Barry Co. , 5. i9. MIJJOUIBI , write to ( 'A1'r. t.eo..t. i'enDY.l'iercu City , 31a. ; J G.xAnnrr , i'unly. 310. ; T S. Frosr , ( 'asville , lo. . or 1. . H. smDV.AY.eO. 802 3lunadnock Bldg. , Chicago , ill. ' ' ® 16Ea „ 1x rya , rya , r' : r tgr ® tt ® tar ttaW is ® am 1 ® ® sm e ores "The Corapaacn b s boas grovbg better , brighter every year for aoe than elty yeaL " TIIEOUT1113 C0NPANIoN a " 52 Times a Year. " Subscription , $1.75. 8 The Volume of The Companion for x896-the ; oth year of its publication-will give weekly entertainment and instruction in abundance for every member of time family. fib : HQ1ide. 7Q F'r all 1 8.h m1oer . Large Pagems. the " amiI " - ' . K Special Souvenir Numbers , double in The size of The Companion page is Both young and old find in each size and appropriate to each season , four times that of the leading Magaweek's issue amusement and education are published at Thanksgiving , Christzines. . In each Volume nearly 700 in the Serial and Short Stories , in its 1 mas , hew Year's , Washington's Birth- pages are given , profusely illustrated. Editorials , Anecdotes , Health and D day , Easter and Fourth of July. Only $ x.75 a year. Miscellaneous Articles. More than 203 Famous Men and Women have contributed to the next Volume of THE COMPANION. Send for Full Illustrated Prospectus and Sample Copies Free. d4AWf lIlNY7Y7VY YiVVt.Y tilV111 VIIV1la lylV LJ Y Wt a.RIV.rVlfaylYl/VVJi , > 1).7teFVlJrNlraVVcrtJNY ) i a' , . . . . i'a ! ; 5 0-c } - t . Plew Subscribers who will cut out this slip and send it AT ONCE + with name and address , and $1.75 , will receive : y i ( FREE-The Youth's Companion every week till January x , 156. . this slip with CAl NDAZ TREE-Thanksgiving , Christmas , New Year's Double Numbers. g I'P.EE - Our Handsome q- page Calendar (7 x 1o inches ) , lithod ' , r graphed in nine colors. Retail price , 50 cents. d7 ' t r r r AND THE C0MPANION 52 weeks , a full year , to January x , .4eitlln/1M1 ( t flAy lRYnilfSri,4y ( . [ AlR ( > tl . YllVlY4Yt.Ya > < YatYV4l.Y711/al AY l4f.AY4s1 flr.4AY A' lalf4/RtiL l ( .f > i1V1 1 THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , sot Columbus Avenue , Boston , Mass. Send Check , Post-Office or Express Order , or Registered Letter , at Our Risk. . ® c as 1v © gas tm ® as ® t ® tt ® m ® m Q ca r r , , I i i T : flDflX4 s : E I I , I r I r , STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. CABLED FIELD AND NOG FENCE , Also CABLED I'OULTItY. GAItDEN AND ItAJSIXLT Fx CE. We mannfacture a complete line of Smooth Wire Fencing and guarantee eery articl , to be n repro' rented. 1f you con iderquanty we can care ) vu money. Cnt.tiu ; ne free. 121 High Street , De Kaib Fence o.9 DE KALB , ILL. Timely Warnhig. The great success of the chocolate preparations of t' the house of Walter Baker & Co. ( established - in 1780) ) has led to the placing on the marker many mislea4ing and unscrupulous imitations of their name , labels , and wrappers. Walter mi Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manufacturers - t facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and 1 ; Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. FIi ; Consumers should ask for , and be sure that they get , the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. . WALTER BAKER & CO. , Limited , DORCHBSTIR , MASS. ti ,