. _ Not to catch your eye , but for solid business , . epenlable bargains we ai'e al ways at the from. We have just received . New Line of Outing Flannels , no trash Y - stuff , good , at very . . .Low Prices. . . . . .0. ' . ' Thanksgiving you may need some New rlitlle Cloths or Nap- .kins % Ire } tare placed on our counters au Elegant Va- riety t Ii'iC ( S that : . . Zvi ll mike r'i'asli y OOUS asiiaiiled of tileEuselves. It V 00. . our stock ( ) e l' fy < a l ) cs and Jacicets is alilOSt sold out' what there is \ left will. 1)e SO I(1 lc ) ou 't at CII , prices. 1 ' r . Come and see us for . V 4 e are i } ae Leaders. YYYYYYY ! I kow1ttli $00 , ' I Dry Goods , Carpets , Millinery. I I ® * 0111 1 + Fg CANSCHOW , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. o WOC + ppO o Oppp goo 00 o ° O o ; p0 o ° p o c 'o o' : : o o - „ -o ALL t-- t EADERS' ' ' -0 V DU , hRE As ONE voiCE VV of 1 ! 7HAY WEAR RESISTERS . p i z V ° " Fo Y./tAgl O : i . _ -D J IS YHEIRFigSTCHOICE.0- r , . .o a. ro c . : LE4li s _ Lo o . _ o B05ToN' t o' % . . . OQ ADO . , .rpm n 0 u " _ i , oo pO / ° \ ° OoooAO E E rI t l : l Good Suggestloll ! Is like a crying baby at a public meeting , it ' Ought to be Carried Out Those 3. B. Lewis Shoes are suggestive of all that pertains to Style , Fit , and Good Wearing Qualities at a Reasonable Price. . . . We Suggest That You Buy a Pair THEY ARE SOLD BY-OF COURSE YOU KNOW : R. F CANSCHOW , THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT AND SHOE DEALER. I : - . - , Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair , DR , * 3ICEJ CREAM MBAJIIN6 OST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant , 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. nTlN jca ews : = J Roy Dixon has been promoted ; lie is firing the 158 for Monks. Mrs. Sam Moore went down to Hastings - ings , Wednesday mornuig. A. L. Nolan moved into the Noble house , Tuesday of this week. Conductor and Mrs. C. E. Pope spent Sunday with Oxford friends. hiss Nellie Brown and aunt vent down to Lincoln , Tuesday , on a visit. Engineer Westland has been Iayed up for a few days with the rheumatism. The company is rebuilding the ice house at Oxford , recently destroyed by fire , Enginer Barney Lewis and faniily were Lincoln visitors for a few days , this week. Engines 221 on No. 5 and 244 on No. 63 broke down on west end , Satuaday night. Engine 276 broke down on the west end , Tuesday , and delayed 77 several hours. Conductor Brown was on the sick list the first of the week. Quigley had charge of his car. Brakeman Mose Coffer is taking a few days off and Will Webster has his run for a while. Two sections of 77 almost every clay this week ; freight business seems to be picking up. Mr. and Mrs. Slaby of Akron , Colorado - orado , arein the city , guests of their sister - ter Mrs. V. Soliday. Engineer Dulaney and Fireman Atkinson went down to Hastings , Tuesday - day , after engine 157 Oliver Landon , an ex Burlington em- ploye , was in the city , last week , visiting - ing his mother , Mrs. A- Dewey , Fireman Newkirk is running the switch engine m the Akron yards while Engineer Terry is laying oil. Engineer Bohnstedt from the west end is running the 326 out of here while his engine is in the house for repairs. Fireman Will Archibald has been hostling for the past week , and Harry Kingsbury has been firing the 53 Mrs. Mas Anton was a passenger east on 2 , Wednesday. She went to Michigan - gan for an extended visit with relatives. Herb Stone and Charles Heber went east on 2 , last Sunday , to spend the day with some of Red Cloud's fair daughters. Engieeer Dulaney and fireman williams - liams were down on the Beaver hunting , for several days. They returned , Monday - day , Time Table 53 went into effect last Saturday at 2 oclock a. m. Under the new arrangement No's 4 and 5 meet here. Wm. Mitchell has been promoted to firing stationary engine in place of John Goldtrap , who is firing switch engine for Brown. Section Foreman Engberg of Atlanta was struck by a fast train , Wednesday of last week , sustaining a broken leg and other painful injuries. ilrrs R. lli. Oshorn was in the city a few days , the past week , the guest of her sisters , Mesdames E. E. Lee and J A. Perkins.-Oxford Standard. Engine 308 has been transferred from freight to passanger service under Engineer - ineer O'Connell. 284 just out , after being overhauled , is on freight in her place. ' If some of the railroad men do not permit the tonsorial artist to meander his miniature mowing machine through their hirsute appendages they are liable to be arrested as Francis Schlatter in disguise. Engineer Johnson was down to Lincoln - coln , first of the week , in the interest of the Y. M. C. A. foot ball club of Hast- ings. Arrangements were made with the champions of the state for a game at Hastings on the 23rd. A slight wreck happened at Minden , Tuesday evening. No So broke in two and came together just at the west end of the yards and smashed and damaged four cars ofcoal. The work train went down to clear it up , Wednesday morn lug. , W Clarence Coulter of the night force at theroundhouse'deparled with his wile and child , Sunday morning , for Jerome , Iowa , where they will make their future home. Belshazzar's feast was not a circumstance - stance to the feast that the boys intend to have with Engineer Hardy at Denver , on Decemeber 14th. TIIE TRIDUNR Correspondent - respondent will accompany the gang. We remember our first trip to Denver with Charley Bronson as conductor. When lie called out the station at Hyde the passengers all crawled under the seats , we did likewise until we learned by experience that there was nothing there to hide from. C. W. Britt took No. 4 , Friday evening , forNebraska City , to see his futher , Rev. Britt , who while hunting , accidentally discharges the contents of his gun , badly - ly mangling the lower part of one foot. The doctors 'think amputation will not be necessary. Mr. Britt returned on Monday night. Ed. Kane of Fox Lake , Wisconsin , returns - turns to his home , tonight , after a two weeks visit among his old-time friends in McCook. Ed. , as he was familiarly called , commenced work for the B. & M , , July 1892 his sight failing resulted iu his "retirement " from railroading. The nobleness of his old-time friends in their attention to him , in their anticipation of his every wish while a visitor amongst us , was truly conimcnciable , and Ed.'s sightless eyes and expressive features show distinctly his appreciation of their attentions. No more popular roan ever worked for the B & M , than Ed , and it is the wish of all that sight may return and that lie become once niore a citizen of our town. Mrs. B. F. Doyle , who has been making - ing her home at McCook , has joined her husband at Sheridan. Mrs. Sarah Doyle , a sister of J. B. Doyle , accompanied her to Sheridan for a visit to leer brother. . . . Mr. A. ' P. Bonnotof McCook , Neb. , and a passenger conductor on the Western division , has taken a niontli's vacation He arrived in Alliance , Tuesday morn jug , on a visit to his sister , Mrs. J. R. Phelan , after which he will take a trip to Sheridan , Spearfish and Deadwood. , .The shop forces at Plattsmouth , Havelock , Lincoln , ZVyinore and Mc- Cook commenced working nine hours , Monday. On account of the heavy business - iness on the Wyouting division , time shop forces at Billings , Sheridan and Gillette - lette are working full time , while a nine hour day has bee.i inaugurated at Dead- wood. New Castle , Edgeniont , Seneca and Alliance , in effect November 15th.- Alliance Grip. THE RIVERSIDE OAK 'hr f II W- ' 1 " , pV , , We now have in stock a full line of the Riverside Oak , the Gem City Oak , and the Thos. White Oak Heaters-both soft and hard coal burners. In fact we have the finest thing in heating stoves to be bought in the market , or ever exhibited - ited in this city. Don't fail to see our Ventiduct Heaters. We also have the popular Square Oven Cook Stoves in stock. Everybody ought to have one of our Square Oven Cooks-they are the latest and the very best. COCHRAN & Co. I This isabsolutely rust proof , every piece is guaranteed , and will be replaced if not as rep- resented. COCHRAN & Co. BUGGIES.AND CARTS Remember , we are showing t the best line of Buggies. Carts and Wagons to be seen in this part of the Republican valley. COCHRAN & Co. t a V iI Our great Special Sale FL , ¶ y ON - ' r I 0 Iocds j 4r 0 thi s " ( ; ? 'I I Iii aGt } s ( , ta Qia h Winter GOOf1S , w1i1 d'Ofii1lalPt ( Ia 1 ( ) lla.rs lOfl9Ca'e must re(1uce stock' if ) i lces will lay ( sir ( al'ect we cer _ tainly 'ti-ild (1(1 ! ) , l A Fine Dress Overcoat j 1vOI'th $15 , i i > ' g .a for „ 1i.O. r ' . I ii\'ic'i-i s 1)la ( k UzHtan Beaver , as low as $4w'oi'1 1a $7. s tl : i . Oct ; ( lla li , ( ( 'M. Lodiles and Chil(1a'iia'S Line can not 1 e alaatcla-1 foe' ) i'lC ( ( Dl' ( l Ua 1 ity. , Tw Novelty Dress Goods i t Plaii ) .alit iailc l lail1S ' Te slill ; h a\ ' ( & a. . ( z ( > (1 ( St'kiall ( ) L1I' 1Dl'j'CS ; l'e vci' . r lo v. Values in Shoes I t ( ) ClOse OUt , very cheap. Tile Casli Baraiii Store t r T V 1 r v . t L . Here are Some Bargains 4 THH FAIH. l 17 lbs. granulated sugar.- . $ L 0o 30 Bars laundry soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.oo 25 oz. can K C. Baking powder. . . .19 I good Broom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6 cans Oil Sardines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3 lb. pail cotosuet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 I lb. Battle Ax tobacco I9 I lb. Best uncolored Japan tea ( cost you 6oc. any place else ) . . . . . . . . . . 45 I lb. Choice Jap. tea ( other stores sell at5oc. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 I can standard packed tomatoes. 09 3 cans sugar corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Eddy & Eddy's new process laundry - dry starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . io I pkg. Elastic starch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o S lbs. Rolled oats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 r Cranberries per qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Sauer Kraut pergal . . . . . . . . . . . -25 Yeast Foam , Corena & Spray yeast per package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 New Eng. Mince Meat per. pkg. . . , to I No. S Copper bottom wash boiler .7o I No. 1 Dowell wash tub , . . . . . . .65 I No. 2 Dowell wash . . . . . . . . . . . I No. 3 Dowell wash tub. . . . . . . . . . -55 I,17 qt. dish pan , double re-tinned .35 1,14 qt. dish pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 I , 6 qt. Stew kettle. . . . . . . . . . . . .17 I Pair ladies fine shoes ( former price 2.0o ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .49 I Pair children's shoes ( former pr ice 9oc. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 EVERY THING ELSE IPROPORTION. . J. w. McKENNA , Prop. ' I , Tile McCook ComizsiOll Co1 Isemaking SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to those buying Floor in 500 or 1,000 pounds lots , of these Matchless E ! Brands : MARSHALL'S BEST. ALL v1e000K FLOURS. .ALL PALISADE FLOURS. PILLSBURY'S BEST. Penna. Buckwheat ALSO A LARGE STOCK OP Ground Feed of X111 Finds. Baled Hay and Grain. i