i . r 7 - ' . r Rtk By F. M. KIMMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. BARTLEY BUDGET. D. A , Wood left for Nebraska City , on Thursday evening of last week. The typhoid fever patients are report- : cd to be improving , Rtv. Mayfield began a protracted meeting at Mt. Zion appointment , on " Monday evening , Mr' J. C. Moore of Tyrone is spend. ing the week with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. R. S Baker. Mrs. H. F. Tomblin returned , on Saturday - urday evening , from an extended visit with friends in New York and Iowa. For the past few days , Wm. Grissell has been in a precarious condition owing to irequeut henihorages of the lungs. Mrs. L , S. Thomas of Cambridge is I moving into rooms on the west side of Maia street , with a view to conducting a restaurant. Erwin Hopt , who is attending school in McCook , spent Saturday and Sunday at home and attended the meeting of the teachers' association. County commissioner Carmichael , assisted - sisted by C W Pcter s and A. J , Lohr , began , on Wednesday , to re-floor the river bridge south of town. After a brief visit here with his brother - er , Rev. Mayfield , II T. Mayfield and wife returned , on Saturday evening , to . their home at Aurora , Nebr. \Ve are threatened with bloomers at - ' the skating parties , this winter. The , saints preserve us ! What have we done tliat we should be visited by an affliction 'e such as this ? CV , Hodgkin and wife returned , T , last Saturday , from a two weeks visit i with friends at lamporia , Kansas. They made the trip by team and were on the road four weeks. : t Louis Ebbeke and son of McCool June- „ tion , Nebr. , were here , first of the week looking after their real estate interests. . = Through a Jeal with L , E , Southwick they have recently become possessors of the bank block at this place. After a pleasant though brief visit here with young friends , Paul. Carlisle , a former resident , left , last Saturday evening - ning , for his home in University Place , Nebr. Mr. Carlisle was among the dis- appoiiited ones who arrived at Denver after the "healer" had taken his mysterious - terious departure. On Thursday night of last week , persons - sons at present unknown , took a six hundred pound beef animal from J. W. Bush's corral , at his home southeast of town , and killed and partially dressed it within two hundred yards of his house. I Truly this matter of petty thieving is reaching alarming proportions. On Monday evening , while Miss Irene Flint with her little brother Willie , was . returning from her school south of town , her pony ran away as she was coming down the long hill west of E . . Smith's. The pony was frightened by one side of the shafts becoming unbelted and dropping - ping upon its heels. Williejumped out c and was uninj-uret ] but Miss Plin t pluckily - I ily held on to the reins until the buggy t careened and threw her out against the a 1 bank , badly bruising her face and spraining - - ing her right arm. The pony distributed - ted the buggy over a distance of about a t two miles and as thisisaboutitss'teenth 1 runaway Miss Flint has decided not to drive that particular piece of horseflesh h .any more. i n The county teachers' association met herelast Saturday , and the town was t surrendered to the schoolma'ams. Theree t was a fair attendance of country teachers and the McCook schools were represent- ed by five of the instructors. Papers s t were read suggesting many methods of teaching the young idea how to shoot , and Prof. Valentine's address on "Hob- bies" was carefully prepared and well t h received. At the urgent request ofsome of the teachers , Mr. Valentine consented t h to remain and talk a short time in the + , evening ; and , though but a few hours B notice was given , he was greeted by a h I : large audience. For about an hoar he i delighted his hearers by reading and commenting upon selections from Ten- nyson'spoems. Mr. Valentine has many f or warm admirers here and is always ac- fr corded a hearty welcome when he favors b e . us with a visit. I t INDIANOLA. 1 0. Frost of Bartley was in town , Weda t nesday. ti : Larry McEntee spent Sunday in the _ metropolis. f ull } a i * -V ' E. R. Banks and wife spent Moii- I l day in McCook. v i A Cambridge couple were married by Jude Beck , Tuesday. pup alt Sheriff-electJ. R. Neel and wife drove up to the metropolis , Monday. h ) } The dance at the hall , Prida y evenin g , did not attract a very large crowd.w I. M. Beardslee moved into the Cra- f mer house in the northwest part of town , Wednesday. th e The Masonic temple is near completion , M and Adam Grass went down the road , v c ' Wednesday evening , to sell tickets for fits dedication in December. . is b . . _ a-.Y-.r < - . . VV ? C < 1 = The Fa moL .s Clothing COsA Lg , ? A Great Special aile .ul .e Sale Q Not of Odds and Ends or of moods Specially Bought for this Purpose , p B UT 1 SALE OF NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS Bought for this season's trade in a First Class Clothing House * J .w PZ p J We will yGive Genuine Bargains That will Save You Dollars , j ' J. This sale is not for i few items onlyotlin ; is reserved. GOODS IN EMERY DEP o WILL BE SOLD AT . POPORTl NATELY LOW 'PRIDES ? SALES WILL COMf ENCE ON MOI QAY , NOVEMBER 18th , AND 1NlLL LAST FOR 10 JAYS ONLY - WE MENTION PRIDES ON A FEW ITEMS ONLY--YOU MUST SEE THE GOODS. { - V" V V V sir a w v vr' w r v w IN CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. MEN'S SUITS , worth 44.00 , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 7 < worth 46.00 , for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.lO ( : worth 47.00 to 48.00 , for . . . . . . - , . r . 5.00 CHILD'S and BOY'S SUITS , worth 41.50 to 41.75 , for. . . . . . 1.00 u i ; worth 42.00 to 4q .50 , for. . . . . . 1.50 " " worth 42.75 to 43.00 , for. . . . . . 2.00 CHILD'S and BOY'S OVERCOATS , worth 42.00 to 42.50 , for 1.50 worth 42.75 to 43.00 , for 2.00 OMEN'S OVERCOATS , worth 45.00 to 46,00 , for : . . . . . . . . . 3.75 " worth $7.50 to 49.00 , for. . . . . . . . . . 5.00 'BETTER GOODS AT SAME PRoPoRTIoN - - _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - i' I7RNISIING GOODS DEPARTMENT. we , . . . . - - - kM--- - 41a1s , FLEECE LINED , NATURAL T OOL AND 1 IECI\0. , Z 1ty - I I HEAVY SH R'I' S stud DRA\VERS worth 1 to 41.2J , suit. , $ 75 tt , ' LEI 1LR GOODS , worth 41.75 to $2 , suit for. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.a t OVER SHIRTS , worth 50c. to GOc. oath , per flair , . . . . . . . .75 f " worth 75c. to 41 each , per pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 1. WINTER CAPS FOR MEN AND BOYS. CAPS worth 40c. to SOc. for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 BE ' 1ER GRADES' worth GOc. to loc. for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 1 t . BLANKET LINED DUCK COATS , worth 41.50 , for. . . , . . 1.00 a , LE A [ 'EIEIL COATS , worth $6.00 , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 ; LIKED , GLOVES and MITTS , worth 50c. to 60c. for. . . . . . .37 I i BETTER GOODS IN THE SAitiE PIi0PO1.PI0N. 1I 1 ' I r ? , t ! : . .wyrw' .yd'WYVWiYr'/W'v' W'vvw"svv vv v v These Pricey Give You no Ioforrnalioo OF S esfaCtioD UDIOSS YOU See the Goody . ; . QUALITIES ARE GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. McCook , Neb. JON . ENGEL , Manager. g2 Mayor Wadsworth was in the county's ommercial center , Tuesday evening. Treasurer Meserve and wife went up o McCook on g , Dlondaynight , to spend bout a week. . County Supt. Bayston was in attend- nee at the teachers' meeting up at Bart- y , Saturday. Helen Byrne is slowly recovering and er friends hope that she will be well the course of a week. C. P. Underwood and Will Sanden of came over to the Woodmen eit- ertainment , Monday evening. Mr. Hammond has moved in with his on Jerry , vacating his house in order hat the new County Clerk , Dick Green , may occupy it. The Congregational church has bought e McAlpine place for a parsonage and hRev. Rev. Houston and family moved into eir new home , Tuesday. Wednesday evening , the friends of ernice Barton surprised her at her ome and spent the evening in the var- ouspleasures that are known to youth. The talk of giving J. Harrison trouble having said a few words to some tends about the election , seems not to resulting in anything more than talk. was not thought 'tit would. On Monday evening , the Woodmen edge gave a mock initiation ceremony their ball , to which a large number of eir friends were invited. Refreshments - ments were served , an excellent program of local hits was gone through with , d those present had , in general , a cry enjoyable time. VAI LTON. wv.niv A11 are glad that election is a thing of the altWillie Willie Esher is spending a few days at me. Dir. Brinton is assisting George Cooper nth his work. Miss Belle Bunnell called on Vailton riends , last week. M rs. Jones is visiting in the caster part of state'at present. r Randall , on the Walsh farm , has been ry sick for some time. Dir. Mudge , abrother-in-law of lI. M. Clute , assisting W. T. Everist on the home place. h Ed. Harris spent a few days in our midst , last week. Ed. has greatly changed since his appearance in this section during ' & . We were all greatly pleased to greet Uncle Johnnie Palmer in our midst , last week , as no doubt were his numerous McCook friends. hIattie Bunnell resumed her school work , Monday morning , having closed the school for one week , following the death of her father at Denver. We are pleased to welcome Mr. I-lawkins , formerly of Frontier county , into our neigh- borhood. Mr. 11. is greatly pleased with this section and will doubtless make this his permanent - , manent home. I By the way , George Frederick of this precinct - cinct made a pretty good Prohibition run for district court. When the reform parties unite on the "Staten Island basis of union , " two years hence , it will be well to keep an off eye on George. PROSPECT PARK. Henry Wade came home , this week. This is beautiful weather we are having. J. Crocker and wife were visiting his brother - er , a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pickrell have taken Mr. Un- derhill's little boy to keep for awhile. Mrs. Holbrook , who has been visiting in Iowa for the past two months , arrived home , last Friday night. Cliff Dunham had the misfortune to lose a horse , last Friday night. The horse choked itself to death in the stable. A goodmeeting is being held at the Fitch school house , and a number of people from here attend. It is hoped many may be con- verted. ' Bert Shaw and Robert IIill are in these parts visiting friends. They have lately come from Utah , whither they expect to return , in a week or so. Clark Boatman had a runaway , one day this week. The team ran into a cart in which Bert Shaw and Robert Hill were riding , up. S etting the boys and breaking the cart. The team was stopped at the Fitch school house Finest hand picked Apples , 85c , to 90c , at KnipPle's. Canyon City Lump Coal 7 a ton. W. C. Bullard & Co. See us about hard coal before your winter suppl . -j Finest hand picked Apples , 85e. to OOc. , at Kni ) l e's. Canyon City LUIIII ) Coal , 7 a. tOIl , W C. BULLiuw & Co. See us about hard cOa 4 Ie- fore ou buy. We are still selling Canon City Coal for 7,00 per ton delivp erect. . No deduction is taken from weight for JDr a abe. W e Guarantee Full Weight. ROONEY & MCAD 1Is Finest hand picked Apples , S5c. to 90c , at Kill ) le's. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child , she cried for Qastorfa. When she became Iris , she thing to Castor ia , When she had Children , she gave them Castorla. j. S. OF THE McCook Transfer Line. i BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Only furniture van in the city. Also have a first class house moving outfit. Leave orders for bus calls at Commercial hotel or at office opposite the depot. jS d - - - - -l _ - ? ' S. CORDFAG V' : Notary Public Reliable , Insurance , ' Collection Agent. ANDREW CARSON , Proprietor of the. . . . A SUNNY We respectfully solicit your business and guarantee pure milk , full measure and prompt , courteous service. J . l 1 BondeilAbstracter1 _ B. G. GOSSARD , Asst. INDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA. . 'ter I have removed from my old stand into the Ganscho w building , first door south of Lie Groff & Co. , where I am dis I playing a larger and finer stock of CIGARS , TOBACCOS and It I SMOKERS' GOODS than I have ever carried before. Your patronage is solicited. J. H. BENNETT. j ULIUS KUNERT Carpet Laying , 1 , , fI Carpet Cleaning. I l 1 , t"I am still doing carpet laying , carpet cleaning , lawn cutting and similarwork. Sce I or write me before giving such work. My , charges are very reasonahle. Leave orders at TRIBUNE office. JULIUS KUNERT. . I' .I I'.I .II R I P A N S I I u. I { m f The modern stand- J l w and Family Medi- ' - a f' N tine : Cures the . common eve -da Y ; i " ills of humanity. ' 1 ; i m > C 'lt ' I z 98U MAR * i 41 ' " s C ! I , iJffof4 II 1 [ it $4OO ( i $300 . , 1. V $250 I iL / it . / 'l a These shoes fit to perfection V I' i ! as only t a . best of leather can. and They're w ( t' ! shapely , pliant-the most i comfortable footwear. Th e air and k cep out water always , man to tat is q . Surely Your Dealer Sells Sold by J. F. GAN scl3or . Finest 1 1ZnI picked + Apples , 85c , t 0 90c , . . ' , at KnlAA1a's. . - . ' - , i 4 . f t