' , ' 2 : : ' . : . . for Infants and Children. _ _ "Castorlalssowelladaptedtachildronthat I recommend ft as superior toliny prescription known to Inc. " IL 1L Ancusu , M D. , 111 So. Oxford St. Brooklyn , N. Y. ? ; , ' , "The use of 'Castorla' Is so universal and Itg merits so well known that lb seems a work of supererogation to endorse ft. Few are the ' intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach. " CAaws MAnrYS , D. D. , New York City. Castoria cures Colic , ConstlpatlGf , Sour Stomach , Diarrhma , Eructation , Kms Worms , gives sleep , and promotes dl. . gestlon , Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria , ' and shall always continuo to dose so , as It has invariably produced beneficial results. " EDWIN F PAIWEE , bi. D. , 12th Street and 7th Ave. , new York City. : a' TIIE CCNTALR Cotu' Y , 7 MlmnAY STREET , Nest Yom CITY. _ , a _ _ . _ - - - - - - - : : : . TI4E . ; - I F1kT NATIONAL -1 M pAM ( . Authorized Capita' ' $ OOOOO Capit& and SupIu 6OOOO OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. % - ' : . GEO. HOCINELC B. M. FREES W. F. LAWSON , F. A. PENNELL , ' . President. V. President. Cash rer. Ass 't . 't . + r , A. CAMPBELL. FRANK HARRIS. - - - - - - - r - ] NCORVOIATEU UNIER STATE LAWS. . f : , . . Paid Up CPa it al - - _ $5b,000. k Surplus , 10 000 , P : : , BUSINESS. Collections Made on all Accessible Points. Drafts Drawn on all 7 + Principal Cities of Europe. razes Paid Cv - for Non-Residents. ' Tickets for a e r a ro Ekroe > < 1 OFFICERS. ; V. TRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT Cashier. I ' CORBESPONDENTB : The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. P 1 A650LUTh 9 nOF o , Li. - 1GL E.LE ' t w < o ol l 1 } , r d r i - - E4cEti5 AnT o R s h1 n su P 15 E f TERIAI'THI : FINEST ; . S It ( fVE' ODELSt41dEIGMTS 18 TO 25 p011ND5 QRIE S5.T0 100 1LVERYrACHItiE FULLY GUARArtTEED C.ATAt99GOE 9ENi FOR T'JO ant STArU ? ' Ii / ; , . IIAIrI orrICE 'Ai1D FACTORY' LAIcE E . i1AL5TED 5T5 e * ; RETAIL .TALE. ROOM 260 'WA A H sA\/E = \ t. . FASTtRN WAaEnouSw 97-99 READS 5f : , IIEWiaYoi . ' . . 1 PORTL.AN 0 1 ' ' + l / ( { SAf lyf RAIYU5C0 1 l-11 ) di 1 J - ALi" IAKE'UTY e t f 1 L + . . i. s F. D. BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter. " IIIAIN AVENUE , Mc000K , NED. , D ' r Stock of Iron , Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Geode , Pumps and Boiler Trimm sings Agent for Halliday , Eclipse and Waupun Wind Mill. SubsibeforThe McCoo Trihn , It has no equal in this locall field. Thtr Famomlttetnea Y cures nicti y. Pe rmanena 7 alt e I Headache , Wakefulness ak , LositVittaality _ NlghtlyEmis dons , evil dreams , Impotency and wasting diseases caused by youV futerruraorexuarca. Contalnanooplates. Is a nerve tonic - ' ; 7 $ andbloodbnfder. MakestbepateandpanystroD andplnmp. S f Easily carrledlnvestpocket.Siperbox ; 6forG. Bymail. pre paid , wtthawrUten'uaranteeormoneyrejunded. WrReus.free taedteat book , scaled lain wrapper , with testimonials and " :4 . ) a . nrc. . . imita- flnnnetnlstnndig. si ltttons..Bewareof - ) .ou. uwoer. 3' D. 31M. trans.soidgouragcnboraddres E&vB8lEDC0.iWacTemdeCWraso. , Forsalo In MoCookNeb.byL. W. McDONNELL & CO. , Drnggiats. I55 , 5- 5 4 Y 1 e 1 4 f . BARTLEY BUDGET. . J , B Clover left fur Omaha , first of the week. Richard Bahb returned on Friday of last week front Decatur , Kansas , where he has been gathering corn. Mrs. Joint Hanted and Mrs. Eva Anderson - derson returned , first of the week , from a visit to the healer at Denver. A Utter and 0. Frost were among those who visited Francis Schlatter , the healer , at.Denver , this week. I. N. Clover returned , Saturday morning - ing of last week , from an extended trip through Oregon and other western states. W. W. Nichols and family from near Lebanon took the train at this place on last Saturday evening for Santa Ana , California. Miss Grace Strong is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Two other ntentbers of the family are afflicted with the malady in a milder form. Sam Bryan now enjoys the distinction of being express messenger and trail clerk on the "Overland Flyer" between Bartley and Stockville. lV. S. and J. M. Hamilton returned on last Saturday evening from Oxford , where they have been working at carpentering - pentering for a few weeks past. R. S. Baker has been notified of his removal as mail carrier at this place. Mr. Baker is now in a position to sympathize - pathize with office holders' out of a job. In this locality TIIE TRIBUNE is receiving - ceiving favorable mention for the stand taken during the political campaign. It was a noble effort deserving of the vic- tory. tory.Tile Tile Red Willow County Teachers' association - sociation will meet here , next Saturday , November 16th. A good program has been arranged and visiting teachers will be entertained. A number of Garry Dole's friends joined with Itiut on Thursday evening of last week in making that , the evening of his fifteenth birthday , a pleasant one 10 recall to memory. C. Cowles has received the contract for carrying the mail betweeu the post- office and the depot. Compensation , $47 50 per annum. As uu illustration of what hard times will do , it may be remarked - marked that this is lass than half of the lowest consideration in the past. In response to a telegram announcing the death of his wife's father , Mr. Ruby , of Danbury , F. G. Stilkebouer left for that place on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Stilgebouer and the children have been at Danbury for more than a week. The people of Bartley and vicinity were accorded a treat in the way of a sermon on Sunday evening and lecture on Monday evening by Rev. B. S. Hay. wood of Orleans. Large and appreciative audiences filled the hall on each occa- stonand while both efforts were listened to with interest , especially commendable was the lecture to the old soldiers and Epworth league on the Chattanooga con 1 ventton. We are reminded that after one of the county political conventions some of our citizens announced themselves out of politics , as theyy have many times in the past. As the election drew nigh , however - ever , they were in evidence as usual , and , now that it is over , it is probable that t they will retire again. It occurs to us r that this malady may become chronic t unless an efficacious remedy be adntinis I tered instanter. I- - BARGAIN COUNTER. I Fine Box Paper at McMillen's. Go to McMillen for Lamp supplies. Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25c. a roll. American Crepe Tissue loc. a roll , at 1 DIcCon nell's. t Some handsome new bex writing pat per just received at cur stationery det partment. Prices very- reasonable.i 5 International Stock Food makes poor stock fat. 3 feeds I cent. Sold by L.V MCCONNELL & Co. Remember that the McCook Commission - sion Co , sells flour and that they will not be undersold by anybody on earth. Special , low prices made parties on 500 to 1,000 pounds lots. WANTED-Farm lands in Red Willow and adjoining counties to trade for stocks of goods. No objection to small mortgage. Address , giving description and price , Lock Box ± 4 , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Iowa.Chamberlain's Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema , Tetter , SaIt- Iheum , Scald head , Sore Nipples , Chapped Hands , Itching Piles , Burns , Frost Bites , ChronicSore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. a TO HORSE OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition - dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders hey tone up the system , aid digestion , cure ss of appetite , relieve constipation , correct kidney disorders and destroy worms , giving new life to an old or over-worked horse , 25 ents per package. For sale by druggists. L. W. MCCONNELL & CO. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the partnership xisting between R. H. Taylor and Andrew Carson has this clay been dissolved by mutual onsent. The business of the Sunny Side airy will be continued by Andrew Carson , who will pay all debts add collect all outt Landing accounts of the firm. McCook. Neb. . Oct. _ ; ,1895. tt ANDREW CARSON. B Oct. 25 6ts. R. i-I. 1'AYLOR. o Good advice : Never leave home on a jour- a ey without a bottle of Chamberlains Colic , - Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy. For sale by icConnell & Co. 'IIIIHH HIIIIHI S. . . I : Notary Public , Reliable , insurance , Collection Agent. t ' , , .u - 1t + Sw - 4 R rM1 y v Finest li'aud picked Apples , S5c. to JOc. , at It ni1 Ple'se NOTICE 70 NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. In the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. Henry 1' . Church , plaintiff , vs. John Quan and Catherine Quan , defendants. John Quan and Catherine Quan , non-resident defendants , will take notice that on the 9th day of Ievember , IS95 , plaintiff herein filed his petition in the districtcourtof Red Willow county , Nebraska , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendantstoone L.H.Rooneyuponthesouth- east quarter of section No. two (2) ( ) , in township - ship number four (4) ( ) , north of range number thirty ( 0 , west of the 6th principal meridian , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , to secure the payment of one certain promissorynote dated the 24th day of September , 1894 , for the sum of $ too oo due and payable in one year from its date. That there is now due upon said 'note and mortgage the sum of $ tu 24 , and which said note and mortgage were on or about the Loth day of October.1895 , duly sold , assigned and transferred by the said L. H. Rooney to this plaintiff , for a valuable consideration - eration , by written endorsement on the back of said note , for which sum , with interest from this date , plaintiff 'prays for a decree that defendants - fendants may be required to pay the same and that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23d day of December , 1S95. Dated this title day of November , IS95. IIENRY I' . CHURCH , I'lainhff. By A. J. Rittenhouse , his attorney. Io-15.4ts. NOTICE FOR 1'URI.ICATION. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , Oct. 23 , 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has f led notice of his intention to make final proof to support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before register - ister or receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Friday , November 29th , .IS9J , viz : Eugene Flower , who made homestead entry number 8916 , for the northwest quarter of section .IS , township 5 , north of range 28 , west of the 6th principal meridian. fie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Cyrus Blake , Santford 'I' . Goddard , Charles Blake , Frank Boyd , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. Oct. 25 6ts. A. S. CAMI'IIELL , Register. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , 1I0W TO PREVENT CROUP.-SOME READINGS ruAT WILL PROVE INTERESTING TO YOUNG MOT11F RS.-IIO\V TO ' GUARD AGAINST I'fiE ' DISEASE. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning the cause , first synip- toms and treatment is the object of this item. Tile origin of croup is a common cold. Children - dren who are subject to it take cold very ens- ily and croup is almost sure to , follow : The first symptom is hoarseness ; thus is soon followed - lowed by a peculiar rough cough , which is easily recognized and will never be forgotten by one who has heard it. The time to act is when the child first becomeshoarse. IfCham- berlain's Cough Remedy is freely given all tendency to croup will soon disappear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains nothing in- unous. For sale by McConnell & Co. Children Cry for , Pitcher's Castoria. D ON'T 'TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY ? Is the truthful and startling title of a book about No-1'o-Bac , the harmless , guaranteed obacco habit cure that braces up the nicotin zed nerves , eliminates nicotine poison , makes weak men regain strength , vigor and man- mod. You run no physical or financial risk , as No-To-Bac is sold by druggists everywhere refunded. under a guarantee to cure or money . Book fre. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , New York or Chicago. 4.19.95-lyr , FSold by McConnell & Co. , McCook , Neb. i Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells , of East Brimfield , Mass. , had been suffering from neuralgia for two days , not being able to sleep " or hardly keep still , when Mr. Holden , the merchant there , sent her a bottle of Chamber- sin's Pain Balm , and asked that she give it i thorough trial. On meeting Mr. 1Vells the P next day he was told that she was all right , lie pain had left her within two hours , and hat the bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5 oo v F it could not he had for less. For sale for t o cents per bottle by McConnell & Co. 0 C iase Ce1 Land aid _ ive Stock Co. a + a Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder P. U. address Imperial Chase county , and Beat ris.e Nebraska. Range , titiakinir Water and the Frenchman creeks , in Chase county. Nebraska. Brand as cut on sideof Fomeanimalson hip and sides of some , or anywhere - where on the animal. COLE , LEADING r iIERCHANT TAILOR OF IIr c0004C , Has dust received a new stock of CLOTHS nd TRIMMINGS. If you want a good fit- I ng suit made at the very lowest prices for l oed work , call on him. Shop first door west f Barnett's Lumber Office , on Dennison treot : ( R I P A N S LLI _ 1J I The modern stands - s fu and Family Media - a I cine : Cures the J ) f common every-day 1 s G ills of humanity. lil TRaeC z MARK S 1 fri "t I , .5 -5 5 II. _ . JSiS. , I I y _ Ai , ( ' + i d S i \ \ \ i \ J I Msss2r t /7 tL i .1 S I , I ; ; Il l . . / t It. 11 \ i 11 i I ) \ \ & N .a 1 t 1 , o ' ! 1. I A + IIGFE rIEK , t 1 - , - 4 I I 1 - l . I / I l ! PkuI i9 + I 1 'i ' i Yl 1 l O'GOODTOBACCO k 1 EVE R S 0 LID FO R ' I iI I 10 CENTS I + - - - - MISSES MOORS , DRESS 8 MAKERS. rIRST CLASS WORK AND STYLISH GARMENTS GUARANTEED. Front rooms over Knipple's Grocery. MRS. E. E. UTTER , . . . . . . . . MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ. Guitar and Banjo VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALV. Studio-Corner of Dodge and Madison sts. ELMER ROWELL , Rea ] Estate , Collections , Insurance MCCooK , NEBRASKA. Notary Public. East Deunisoa street. ESTRAY SALE. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash on Monday , November Ibth , IS95 , at two o'clock , L m. , at the residence of J. M. Baldwin of Driftwood , to defray expenses and coststowit : One bay horse about fifteen hands high , white mark on forehead and white hind feet ; en years old ; weighs about r,2oo pounds. Said horse being taken up by J. M. Baldwin n June 2d , 1895 , and duly advertised. 11' . F. ESHER , J. I' . of Driftwood precinct. railton , Neb. , Oct. Iith , IS95. IO-IS St. Good writing paper ten cents a quire t this office. i W. V. GAGE , + ' I ) hIl I SitCIAN ANI ) SURGEON , I I 1 McCoox , NEBRASKA. I Cdr Office hours-9 to I I a. m. , 2 to 5 and : I 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms-Over the First National { r bank. Night calls answered at the office. t s ' . I J. A. GUNN , f IIIS / SIGl ANDSURGEN t , McCoox , NERrASKA. I I j t. rO6icc-OverC.A.Leaclt'sjewelrystore. k , Residence-7o1 Main street. Prompt atsn- i I tion given to all calls. I AUSTIN J. RITTENHOUSE , u 1 ' t I 1 I AIIUItvEI r A. LAW MCCooK , NERRASKA. j rOfiice-Over the Famous clothing store : 1 i + , J. E. KELLEY , i i AT'T'OIt NEY AT LAW ' MCCOoK , NEBRASKA. , Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Lear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , I 1 DENTIST. All dental work done at our office isguar- anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. t - - - - - - + PORTABLE CORN CRIB / ' 400 BUSHELS ; / I I 11 .r ' i h G + r a ) s t i 31 1 1 P ' , ° iI f i'1 ' - - I _ . - Just the thing for temporary crib. Eve.t > a'rmer needs one , some three or fo . ur. Can be , ) , ' et u p in 30 minutes , and when em p t y can be used for a t fence ) and' se t up for Corn I , again when needed. Call and examine. k r ' Neb.H i + A - . ' 1 s.