The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 15, 1895, Image 6

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ARNAC and the
count , after attend-
lug Madame ( le
i Iontaut to her carriage -
riage with polite
inquiries and condolence -
dolence , went each
his own viny , and
the other three
drove back to Bedford -
ford Srluare.
'Dick was relieved
to see how qutcldy
the open air restored the color to Ca- :
milla's checks ; she was herself again
by the time they reached home , and
seemed to have recovered even the
gaiety which had been conspicuously
absent from her manner all the morn-
ing.He stayed an hour or two , an as
Induced to tell many stories of the sea.
The colonel listened for some urge , and
' then excused himself on the plea of haying -
' ing letters to write. "But I hope you
will dine with us , " he added.
"Thank you , " said Dick , ruefully ; "I
wish I could ; but my lawyer is coming
to see nie on business at 4 o'clock he is
an old family friend , and I asked him
to stayy to diimer. And , in fact , he
tore himself away soon afterward.
When he had seen him out of the hourc
the colonel came back to the drawing
room smiling and rubbing his hands together -
gether with an appearance of great
good humor.
"Well , Camilla , " he said , "and when
will it be convenient to you to pay me ? "
' : 'Pay you what ? "
"Have you forgotten ? You wagered
your fortune that Estcourt would not
help us. "
She started to her feet ; terror , in-
4 credulity , anger , and terror again ,
flasltetl in her glance and shook her
"Weil , " she cried , "what then ; what
then ? "
"Why , then , of course , you have lost. "
"You are lying , " she cried , fiercely.
"That would be useless here , " he
said "one can not deceive oneself. But
surely. " lie expostulated , "you can't
pretend to have misunderstood him all
this time ? " ,
"What time ? " she asked , in faint de-
"This morning , " he replied. "I
charged my mind again , and decided
In favor of writing. At 10:80 I sent him
that if he kept our appointment for 11
o'clock at Great Russell street I should
understand him to have accepted our
proposal. He kept the appointment , as
you know. ; you saw the friendliness
with which ? e met his new confederates -
ates , Carnac and Rabodanges ; and I
am surprised , " he continued , "that he
did not hint to you his acceptance of
your cause and your guidance. "
"You have ruined a man's honor , "
she cried , "and a woman's happiness ;
but you shall not have your way with
both of us ; if he goes with you , I stay
' , behind. " And she left the room before
l he could find an answer.
Dick. in the meantime , stepped with
a swinging pace along the streets , looking -
ing exultantly back upon .the brightest
day in his memory , and forward to a
yet brighter one tomorrow. He sprang
r up the stairs to his room , and burst
gaily in. His glance traveled to the
mantel-piece , where his letters were
usually placed ; today there were two ,
and he hummed a tune as he took them
in his hand. They were both from
known correspondents , and quite uninteresting -
interesting ; but a third , lying near
them , was directed in a handwriting
that he had never seen before.
He was surprised to find , on turning
it over , that this last one had been already -
ready opened , but he immediately forgot -
got this in his astonishment at the con-
, i The letter was not signed , but there
was no mistaking the source from
which it came ; the words "my sister-in-
law and I" brought a flush to his face.
He was amazed , bewildered , over-
Before he could collect his scattered
senses the door opened , and "Mr. Wick-
erby" was announced. On the threshold -
hold 'stood the lawyer he had been expecting -
pecting , a gray-haired , sharp-eyed , pre-
else-looking man of 55 or more , with
his hat in one hand and a bag in the
"Good day , sir , " he said. And then ,
with a quick glance from Dick's troubled -
bled face to the paper in his hand , he
added : "Anything wrong ? No bad
news. I hope ? "
Dick jumped to his feet , took the hat
bag from his visitor , and drew a chair
up to the fire far him.
"You must excuse me , Mr. Wicker-
by , " he said ; "I'm in a regular maze
over this extraordinary note. "
"Let me see , " said the lawyer.
Dick mechanically handed it over to
him , and tried to put his own ideas in
order while the other read in silence.
"Dear me ! " said Mr. Wickerby , looking -
ing up at last , "this is a cool fellow ,
ups ; ; my word ! He pretends to be a
friend of yours. Do you recognize the
writing ? "
'No , " replied Dick , "I never saw it in
my life ; but- "
"But ; ou can guess the author , eh ?
' Hm-m , so much the worse ! If you will
Captain Est-
excuse my freedom ,
' court- "
"Stop ! " cried Dick. "I must warn
you that these are intimate friends of
mine , " and he blushed crimson.
Mr. Wickerby him Curious-
" " he said "very intimate -
ly. "They must be , ,
timate , I should say , to venture upon
'euch a proposal as this. "
"Hang ! t ! " cried Dick , "you don't
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suppose he meant it seriously ? It's a
joke , of course. "
The lawyer shrugged his shoulders.
Not in very good taste as a joke , he
said ; "but after all it doesn't matter ;
the letter contains its own answer , and
there's an end of It. "
"What , do you mean ? " asked tick.
"How does it contain Its own answer ? "
Silence , In this case , was to give refusal -
fusal ; consent was only to be inferred
from a particular act. "
Dick was thunderstruck at this , and
lost his head.
"But I went , " lie stammered ,
" IVent where ? " asked the other ,
"To Great Russell street. "
"You went to Great Russell street ?
And what , in the name 'of goodness , did
you do that for ? Do you know , Captain
Estcourt , " he continued , severely ,
"what w'e lawyers call this kind of
thing ? 'Adhering to the sovereign's en-
emies' ; 'levying war against our lord
the king'-that's what we call it , sir.
An overt act of treason , and you and
your friends make a joke of it ! "
"But that was not why I went , " said
Dick , in confusion. "I hadn't had the
note then. The man himself had already -
ready asked me to go for quite a different -
ent purpose. "
Here the maid entered to lay the
cloth , and both were silent.
"I'll explain it all to you after dinner , "
said Dick. "In the meantime let us
settle the business you came about. "
This was done , and occupied them
for somewhat less than half an hour ,
at the end of which time they set down
to table.
Dick was preoccupied , and the conversation -
versation dragged. His guest eyed him
doubtfully from time to time , and he
was uneasily conscious of the fact.
Presently he got up and went to the
"I quite forgot , " he said , as he pulled
the cord , "I never asked about that
note being open. "
"I don't understand , " said Mr. Wick-
"The seal was broken when I found
it. '
The lawyer looker puzzled. "Sure ? "
he asked.
"Certain , " Dick replied. "The letter
had been opened , beyond a doubt. "
"That's awkward. I'm afraid any one
who may have . would think you
kept queer company. "
The maid appeared In answer to the
"Jane , " said Dick , holding up the letter -
ter , "who brought this ? "
"The gentleman wrote it here , sir. "
"Excuse me , " said Mr. Wickerby , interrupting -
terrupting , "but I should like to ask
her a question or two ; I'm used to this
kind of thing , you know. "
"All right , " said Dick ; "you'll do it
better than I should. " -
The lawyer turned to cross-examine
Jane , who was beginning to be
"What gentleman ? " he asked.
"I don't know his name , sir. "
"Did you know him by sight" "
"Yes , sir ; he came here once , a week
ago , with Captain Estcourt. " .
" Wlat time was it when he wrote the
letter ? "
"About 10:30 : in the morning , sir , as
near as I could say. "
"Did you see him fasten it up ? "
"Yes , sir ; I brought him the wax and
held the taper myself. "
"What did lie do with it then ? "
"He gate it to me , sir , and I put
it on the chimney-piece. "
"You are sure the seal was unbroken
then ? "
"Yes , sir ; quite sure. "
"And who has been in here during
the day ? "
"No one , sir , but me and Captain Est.
court. " .
"Then , " said the lawyer , with severity -
ity , "It was you who broke the seal ;
come now , tell the truth. "
"No , sir ; ilideed , it was not , " said the
girl , in great distress.
"Who was it , then ? "
"Captain Estcourt , I suppose , sir , "
she replied , almost In tears.
"But he was out. "
"I thought he must have come back ,
sir , and gone out again. I remember
noticing that the letter had been opened
when I came in to see to the fire , and
I said to myself , 'Then he must have
been home again. ' "
"What time was that ? "
"That would be about 11 , sir. "
"You're certain no one else came in ? "
"They couldn't have done , sir , without
ringing. Captain Estcourt , he has a
latchkey , but others must ring. "
Mr. Wickerby saw that she was not
likely to be shaken from this theorg.
1Vhather it was true or not , it was her
on : possible method of clearing herself -
self from the charge of having Dpened
the latter.
"k you , " he said ; "I daresay you
are i 'ght. Captain Estcourt must have
forgotten. That will do , Jane , and you
needt trouble yourself about it. "
Th girl fled with alacrity , and Mr.
Wick rby turned to Dick , who was
fuming with impatience.
"Well , " he asked , "what do you say
to that ? "
"What confounded nonsense all this
is ! " cried Dick ; "as if I didn't know that
I neverr set eyes on the thing till this
afternoon , just two minutes befor' you
came in ! l' shall think no more of it. "
That Is all very well replied his
companion , but the question is , will
all these other people think no more of
It , too ? "
"What other people ? "
"Well , there is first the gentleman
who sent the invitation , and no doubt
supposes you to have accepted it with
.your eyes open ; secondly , these Frenchmen -
men he mentions-did you meet them ,
too ? "
"Oh , hang them , yes ! " groaned Dick.
"Thirdly , the person or persons , unknown -
known , who opened and read this letter -
ter ; and fourthly-let Me see-oh , yes
-the ladyy spoken of as 'my sister-a- :
law : "
Dick turned crimson. and his companion -
ion fixed a penetrating glance upon trim.
. - .
"Do you know , " he said , "I think , my
dear Estcourt , it might be better for
you if you made a clean breast of it.
I'm an old confidential friend of your
people , and you know I will keep your
counsel. " i
"I give you my word , " cred Dick ,
"there's nothing more to tell than tha ! :
I know Colonel Yle liontaut-the man
. .who wrote this letter , you know-pretty
well ; and as for Madame de Montaut- =
"Yes ? " inquired Mr. Wickerby. "And
as for Madame- ? "
"Oh , you understand , " said Dick ,
with desperate embarrassment , she's
the only woman in the world ; but no
one could ever think me capable of disloyalty -
loyalty , and she least of all , "
"Hni-m , " said the lawyer , "I
couldn't , perhaps ; but women' have a
high estimate of their own power , and
some of them love to exercise it , too. "
"Some of them ! " Dick burst out , Indignantly -
dignantly ; "she's not 'some of them. '
She wouldn't accept the help of a traitor -
or , much less ask for it. "
He was becorihing irritated beyond his
self-control , and Mr. Wickerby hastened -
ened to leave this part of the subject.
"The question now is , " he remarked ,
"what you are to do. "
"Do ! " cried Dick. " I shall write to
Colonel de .liontaut at once , and call tomorrow -
morrow morning to explain the mis-
take. "
"Stop a moment , " said the lawyer.
"I'm not quite sure that that's your
wisest plan , though , of course , It is the
natural one to think of first. Let me
just put the case before you as it looks
to an outsider'-not to me , mind you ,
but to an Impartial stranger ; to a judge
or jury , for instance. "
Dick looked nervous and sulky , but
said nothing , and Mr. Wickerby went
on in a clear , precise tone , marking off
the points on the fingers of his left hand
as he proceeded :
"An English officer , " he began ,
"makes friends with a Frenchman-a
strong Bonapartist-and falls in love
with a relative of this gentleman , much
attached to the same cause. He roes
often to their house , and is frequently
seen in their society.
"On Saturday , March ? 4 , 1S"-1 , he
leaves home at 10:0 in the morning. Immediately -
mediately afterward a letter from his
Imperialist friend arrives , referring to
previous , conversations , and asking him
tjoin in a treasonable plot. A refusal
is to be easly implied by mere silence ,
but the consent , which is plainly expected -
pected , is to be evidenced by attendance
at 11 o'clock at a certain place forr the
purpose of meeting t vo fellow-conspira-
"By 11 o'clock this letter has been
opened aid read. N o one has entered
the house since our friend left it , unles ,
indeed , he returned himself. The malt
who received the note , with seal intact ,
is positive on this point ; and to save
herself would probably , under pressure -
sure , swear that she heard him come in
"At 11 o'clock he is at the place named
-for quite a different purpose , he says ,
but admittedly at the invitation of these
same Bonapartists. The other conspirators -
raters are there too , and a cordial introduction -
troduction takes place. His conduct
does not appear to have aroused any
doubt in their minds as to his acceptance -
ance of their overtures.
"Confronted with this array of facts ,
our friend proposes to put himself right
by explaining matters to the Bonapar t-
ists and even to commit the imprudence
of expressing his regrets on paper.
'Litera scripta menet. ' My dear Est-
court , , no prudent man ever writes a letter -
ter when he can avoid it. Your disappointed -
pointed friends would have you in a
trap here. You'd much better run away
quietly , anti take a holiday somewhere ,
without leaving your address. When
they've come to grief and got hanged
for their pains"
"What the devil do you mean ? "
shouted Dick , in exasperation.
"Then you can come back in safety' , "
continued Mr. Yickerby. "But if you
write , they'll have undeniable evidence
that you received their proposal , and '
you'll have to choose between keeping
the secret-which is a felony known by
the unpleasant name of misprison of
treason'-and giving them up to justice ,
which , I take it , you are even less likely -
ly to Prefer. "
His ironical tone and incontrovertible
logic infuriated Dick.
"Dannati r. ! " he roared ; "why can't
you let me go my own way ? I know I
my friends better than you do , I should
hope ! "
"I hope so ; too , " replied the lawyer ,
offended in his turn. "I will leave you
to your own way , as you desire , and
hope to hear no more of this business.
I beg you to notice that I do not know.
where your friends live ; I did not even
catch their names ; and I understand
that the whole affair is a practical joke.
I wish you may live long to laugh at it. "
He took up his hat and bag and left
the room. Dick heard the front dour
1xtpg heavily behind him , then made a
quick gesture of defiance , and sat down
at his desk to write to Colonel de Mon-
Bourget Praises Yankee Women.
What , then , has M. Bourget to say of
the American woman ? To begin with ,
he seems bewildered with her complexity -
plexity , for he calls her in turn an idol ,
an enigma , an orchid , an exotic , while
she typifies , in a country as yet without -
out an ideal , the yankee's devotion to
sheer force of will. She is not made to
be loved. She does not want to be
loved. It is neither voluptuousness norr
tenderness that she symbolizes ; she is
a palpitating objet d'art , at once sumptuous -
uous , alert , intelligent , and audacious ,
and as such the pride and luxury of a
new and somewhat defiant civilization.
In fine , M. Bourget's language on the
subject is so magnificent that we
should write him down a romanticist i
pure and simple were it not that , in the
the course of his analysis , lie shows us
another side of the picture. The purity -
ity of the American girl , the author of
"Le Disciple" tells us , is not to be ques-
tioned. She is coquettish as well as
calculating , and as frankly mercenary
on occasion as she is naively self-cen-
tered. Clearly , it is the individualism l
of the American woman that surprises
the critics of the Latin race , for northerners - '
erners have little difficulty in under-1 ,
standing a nature which seeks its interest -
est as much in globe trotting and self-
culture-or shall we call it self-ad-
vancement-as in mere ebullitions of ,
passion or sentiment. r
By actual experiment it has been ascertained -
certained that the explosive power of
a sphere of water only one inch in diameter -
ameter is sufficient to burst a brass
vessel having a resisting power of 27-
000 pounds ,
. ; " :
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It Need Not Be Done in Public-Second
Washington Sermon by Dr. Talmage
-Anotlor Largo Oudlcnce IIeara tie
Great Preacher.
C. , Nov. 3 , 189.-
Dr. Talmage to-day
preached his second
sermon since coming -
ing to the National
Capital. If possible
the audience was
even larger than
last Sunday. The
subject was "The
Disabled , " the text
selected being : 1. Sam , 30:34 : , "As his
, part is that goeth down to the battle ,
so shall his part be that tarrieth by the
stuff. "
If you have never seen an army
change quarters , you have no idea of
the amount of baggage-twenty loads ,
fifty loads , a hundred loads of baggage.
David and his army were about to start
on a , double-quick march for the recovery -
ery of their captured families from the
Amalekites , So they left by the brook
Besor their blankets , their knapsacks ,
their baggage , and their carriages. Who
shall be detailed to watch this stuff ?
There are sick soldiers , and wounded
soldiers , and abed soldiers who are not
able to go on swift military expeditions -
tions , but who are able to do some
work , and so they are detailed to watch
the baggage. There is many a soldier
who is not strong enough to march
thirty mics ! in a day and then plunge
into a ten hours' fight , who is able with
drawn sword lifted against his shoulder
to pace up and down as a sentinel to
keep off an enemy who might put the
torch to the baggage. There are two
hundred of those crippled and abed
and wounded soldiers detailed to watch
the baggage. Some of them , I suppose ,
had bandages across the brow , and
some of them had their arm in a sling ,
and some of them waiked on crutches.
They were not cowards shirking duty.
They had fought in many a fierce battle -
tle for their country and their God.
They are now part of the time in hospital -
pital , and part of the time on garrison
duty. They almost cry because they
cannot go with the other troops to the
front. While these sentinels watch the
baggage , the Lord watches the sentinels
There is quite a different scene being
enacted in the distance. The Amale-
kites , having ravaged and ransacked
and robbed whole countries , are celebrating -
brating their success in a roaring Ca-
rousal. Some of them are dancing on
the lawn with wonderful gyration of
heel and toe , and some of them are examining
amining the spoils of victory-the fin =
ger-rirlgs and earrings , the necllaces ,
the wristlets , the headbands , diamond
starred , and the coffers with coronets ,
and carnelians , and pearls , and sapphires -
phires , and emeralds , and all the wealth
of plate , and jewels , and decanters , and
the silver and the geld banked up on
the earth in princely profusion , and the
embroideries , and the robes , and the
turbans , and the cloaks of an imperial
wardrobe. The banquet has gone on
until the banqueters are maudlin and
weak and stupid and indecent and
loathsomely drunk. What a time it is
now for David and his men to sweep
on them. So the English lost the' battle -
tle of Bannockburn , because the night
before they were in wassail and bibulous -
lous celebration , wiiCe the Scotch were
In prayer. So the Syrians were overthrown -
thrown in their carousal by the Israel-
ites. So Cherdorlaomer and his army
Were overthrown in their carousal by
Abraham and his men. So , in our Civil
War , more than once the battle was lost
because one of the generals was drunk.
Now is the time for David and his men
to swoop upon these carousing Amale-
kites. Some of the Amalekites are
hacked to pieces on the spot , some of
them are just able to go staggering and
hiccoughing off the field , some of them
crawl on camels and speed off fn the
distance. David and his men gather together -
gether the wardrobes , the jewels , and
put them upon the back of camels , and
into wagons , and they gather together
the sheep and cattle that had been
stolen , and start back toward the gar-
rison. Yonder they come , yonder they
come. The limping men of the garrison -
son come out and greet them with wild
huzza. The Bible says. David saluted
them. That is , he asked them how they
all were. "How is your broken arm ? "
"How is your fractured jaw ? " "Has I
the stiffened limb been unlimbered ? " I
"Have you had another chill "Are
you getting better ? " He saluted them ,
But now came a very difficult thing , ' ,
the distribution of the spoils of vic-
. Drive up those laden camels now. i
Who shall have the spoils ? Weli , some ' !
ures ought all to belong to those who i
had been out in active service. ' "We did
all the fighting while these men stayed
at home in the garrison , and we ought
to have all the treasures. But David
looked into the worn faces of these vet- !
Brans who had stayed in the garrison ,
and he looked around and saw how
cleanly everything had been kept , and
he saw that the baggage was all safe ,
and he knew that th ao wounded and
crippled men would gladly enough have
been at the front if they had been able ,
and the little general looks up from tinder -
der his helmet and says : "No , no , let
is have fair play ; " and he rushes up to
one of these men and he says , "Hold
your hands together , " and the hands
are held together , and he fills them
with silver. And he rushes up to another -
other man who was sitting away back
and had no idea of getting any of the
spoils , and throws a Babytonish garment -
ment over him and fills his hand with
gold. And he rushes up to another man
who had lost all his property in serving
God and his country years before , and
' S5 ,
he drives up some of the cattle and
some of the sheep that they had brought
back from the Amnlekites , and he gives
two cr three of the cattle and three or
four of the sheep to this poor man , so
he shall always be fed and clothed. He
sees a man so emaciated and worn out
and sick he needs stimu.ants . , and he
gives him a little of the wine that he
brought from the Amalekites. Yonder
is a man who has no appetite for the
rough rations of the army , and he gives
him a rare morsel from the AmalekIt-
ish banquet , and the two hundred crippled -
pled and maimed and aged soldiers who
tarried on garrison duty get just as
much of the spoils of battle as any of
the two hundred men that went to the
front , "As his part is that goeth down
to the battle , so shall his part be that
tarrleth by the stuff , "
The impression is abroad that the
Christian rewards are for those who
do conspicuous service in distinguished
places-great patriots , great preachers ,
great philanthropists. But my text sets
forth the idea that there is just as much
reward for a man that stays at home
and minds his own business , and who ,
crippled and unable to go forth and lead
in great movements and in the high
places of the earth , does his whole duty
just where he is. Garrison duty is as
important and as remunerative as service -
ice at the front. "As his part is that
goeth down to the battle , so shall his
part be that tarrleth by the stuff. "
The Earl of Kintore said to me in an
English railway , "Mr. Talmage , when
you get back to America I want you to
preach a sermon on the discharge of
ordinary duty in ordinary places , and
then send me a copy of it" Afterward
an English clergyman coming to this
land brought from the Earl of Kintore
the same message ! Alas ! that before I
got ready to do what he asked me to do ,
the good Earl of Kintore had departed
this life. But that man , surrounded by
all palatial surroundings , and in a distinguished -
tinguished sphere , felt sympathetic
with those who had ordinary duties to
perform in ordinary places and in ordinary -
dinary ways. A great many people are
discouraged when they hear the story
of Hoses , = n1 of Joshua , and of David ,
and of Luther , and of John Knox , and
of Deborah , and of Florence Nightin-
gale. They say : "Oh , that was all good
and right for them , but I shall never be
called to receive the law on Mount Sinai -
nai , I shall never be calved to command
the sun and moon to stand still , I shall
never preach on Mars' Hill , I shall
never defy the Diet of Worms , I shall
never be called to make a queen tremble -
ble for her crimes , I shall never preside -
side over a hospital. " There are women -
en who say , "If I had as brilliant a
sphere as those people had , I should
be as brave and as grand ; but my business -
ness is to get children off to school , and
to hunt up things when they are lost ,
and to see that dinner is ready , and to
keep account of the household expenses ,
and to hinder the children from being
strangulated by the whooping cough ,
and to go through all the annoyances
and vexatious of housekeeping. Oh , my
sphere is so infinitesimal , and so insi ;
nificant , I am clear discouraged. Worn- '
an , God places you on garrison duty ,
and your reward will be just as great
as that of Florence Nigktingale , who
moving so often night by night with a
light in her hand through the hospitals ,
tits calved by the wounded the "lady
of the lamp. " Your reward will be just
as great as that of Mrs. Hertzog , who
built and endowed theological seminary
buildings. Your reward will be just
as great as that of Fianrrah More , who
by her excellent books won for her admirers -
mirers Garrick and Edmund Burke and '
Joshua Reynolds. Rewards are not to
be given according to the amount of
noise you make in tile world , nor even
according to the amount of good you
do , but according to whether or not you
do your full duty in the sphere where
God has placed you.
Suppose you give to two of your children -
dren errands , and they are to go off to
make purchases , and to one you give
one dollar and to the other you give
twenty dollars. Do you reward the boy
that you gave twenty dollars to for purchasing -
chasing more than that amount of
money' than the other boy purchased
with one dollar ? Of course not. It God
give wealth or social position or eloquence -
quence or twenty times the faculty tea
a man that he gives to the ordinary
man , is he going to give to the favored
man a reward because he has more
power and more influence ? Oh , no. In
other words , if you and I were to do
our whole duty , and you have twenty
times more talent than I have , you will I
get no more divine reward than I will.
Is God going to reward you because he
gave you more ? That would not be
fair , that would not be right. These
two hundred men of the teat who fainted -
ed by the Brook Besor did their whole
duty ; they watched the baggage , they
took care of the stuff ; and they got as
much of the spoils of victory as the
men who went to the front. " < 1s his
part is that goeth down to the battle , so
shall his part be that tarrieth by the
stu L"
There is high encouragement in this
for all who have great responsibility
and little credit for what they do. You
know the names of the great commercial -
cial houses of these cities. Do you
know the names of the confidential
clerks-the men who have the key to
the safe , the men who know the combination -
bination lock ? A distinguished merchant -
chant goes forth at the summer watering -
ing place , and he flashes past , and you
say : "Who is that ? " "Oh , " replies
some one , "don't you know ? That is
the great importer , that is the great
banker , that is the great manufactur-
er. " The confidential clerk has his
week off. Nobody knows him , and after
awhile his week is done , and he sits
down again at his desk. But God will
reward his fidelity just as much as he I
recognizes the work of the merchant
philanthropist whose investments thi3 i
unknown clerk so carefully guarded ,
Hudson River Railroad , Penns 1vania
! i
i , ;
' , I c '
--S S
' "fork w
Railroad , Eric Railroad , NOW'
ew Haven presidents of rte
know the names of the
directors -
these r Dads and of the prominent
rectors ; but they do not know the namen- r j
the ,
of the engineers , the names
of the flagmen , , i , ,
switchmen , the names
the names of the brakemed. These men
i d some- .hi .
have awful responsibilit , s an
. . of an .
times , through the reckles..sness
of a
engineer , or the unfaithfulness
switchman , it has brought to mind the . ; , I ; . i
faithfulness of nearly all the rest of a ,
them. Some men do not have recogni- rF e i
flea of their services. They have
small wages , and much complaint . 1
I very often ride upon locomotives , i
and I very often ask the que5- 1 '
tIon as we shoot around some I t
curve , or wader some ledge of rocks , !
"How much wages do you get. " And
I am always surprised to find how little
far such vast responsibility. Do yew
suppose God is not going to recognize .
that fidelity ? Thomas Scott , the presi- ; 1
dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad , s
Ding up at death to receive from God
his destiny , was no better known in
that hour than was known last night .
the brakeman who , on the Erie Railroad -
road , was jammed to death amid the
car couplings. "As his part is that
0goeth down to the battle , so ahall his I
part be that tarriethi by the stuff. "
Once for thirty-six hours we expected # t t
every moment to go to the bottom of i
the ocean. The waves struck through
the skylights , and rushed down into the
hold of the ship , and hissed against the
boilers. It was an awful time ; but by '
the blessing of God , and the faithfulness -
ness of the men in charge , we came out i
arrived at home. i i
of the cyclone , and we
Each one before leaving the ship
thanked Captain Andrews. I do not
think there was a man or woman that r
went off that ship without thanking
Captain' Andrews , and when , years
after , I heard of his death , I was corn- , . I
p elled to write a letter of condolence ito i
- i
to his family in Liverpool. Everybody 1 ° I
recognized the goodness , the courage , I ,
the kindness of Captain Andrews ; but f '
It occurs to me now that we never I , ,
thanked the engineer. He stood away
down in the darkness , amid the hissing '
furnaces , doing his whole duty. Nobody - i t
body thanked the engineer , but God ,
recognized his heroism and his con- i 1
tinuance and his fidelity , and there will 1
be just as high reward for the engineer tt i I
who worked out of sight as the Captain
who stood on the bridge of the ship in c
the midst of the howling tempest. "As
his part is that goeth down to the
bettle , so shall his part be that tarrleth r 1
by the stuff. " i
A Christian' woman was seen going
along the edge of a wood , every eventide - i
tide , and the neighbors in the country . , '
did not understand how a mother with Iso I
so many cares and anxieties should
waste so much time as to be idly saun- ip
term , o out evening by evening. It was ,
found out afterward that she went there
to pray for her household , and while t 1
there one evening , she wrote that beautiful - I t
tiful hymn , famous in all ages for t
hh ering Christian hearts : ' d !
eI love to steal awhile away I
From every cumbering care , r ti
And spend the hours of setting day ,
In humble , grateful prayer. t ,
Shall there be no reward for such un ,
pretending , yet everlasting service ?
Know , lust Irow Others Felt. .
"I think the flavor of pure cod liver
oil is very pleasant , " said a citizen
"but my wife can never see me take '
any without twisting up her face , and j I
exclaiming"Oh , the horrid stuff ! How r'
can you possibly like it ? " A few days ,
ago I was in a drug store when an old
school physician came in and asked for ,
a quart of caster oil. As the druggist I
poured the stuff into a measure , the
doctor thrust one of his n into the ' t ,
stream of oil and transferred aspoon- , i
ful at least to his mouth , 'That's good i
oil ; said he , smacking his lips. Then I
for a moment I knew just how my wife '
feels when I smack my lips over cod
liver oil. "
An Endeavor society has been organIzed - i
Ized in the Home of'Incurables at Bal-
timore. .
The Christain Endeavor Societies of
Australia have sent seventeen of their r '
members to foreign mission fields. '
Los Angeles has a Chinese Christian
Endeavor ' Society of fifteen boys and 'f
girl's' who support a native helper in ,
Christian Endeavor in Madagascar
not yet four years old. Nevertheless
it now numbers ninety-one societies , t
with 3a77 members.
The mosque whichh stands on Mount I
Horeb on the site of Aaron's grave is
being repaired by the Turkish govern. ff ,
ment at national cost.
The Literary World asks a place in 1
Westminster Abbey for a tablet to ii
firs. Browning , calling her "the great.
est woman poet of all ages. "
The government of Canada has prohibited - r
hibited the sale of intoxicants among ,
the Indians of Hudson Bay territory ,
and punishes severely any violation of
this law.
As an outcome of the late meeting of I '
the Calvinistic Methodists in London , a ' /
committee has been formed to mature a ' i
scheme for a missionary to labor among
the Welsh in the great city.
Lieutenant Greeley says of those who -
went with him to the North Pole , of the l i' '
seventeen of his men who died all were 1
smokers but one , and he died last OI ,
the seven survivors none were smokers
St. Paul's
American Institute at Tarsus -
sus , Asia Minor , a school founded by 1
the late Elliott F. Shepard , was attacked -
tacked by a Turkish mob which maltreated -
treated the students and threatened the '
The Duke of Marlborough is three ,
aches shorter than his prospective
bride. But he will not be so "short"
when lie gets her millions. , ; '
S t , ,
- i