The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 15, 1895, Image 3

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New Yorlc Press : Edward Kcznpton ,
0 young man employed for the last year
year in this city , called at the home of
Miss Lau J ohonott to bid her good-
. byre before leaving to accept a position
in Brooklyn. While taking his leave
he pulled a revolver from his poclcct
and fired at the girl's heart , but the
bullet htrucic a corset steel , glanced and
did no harm. lie ilrmediatcly raised
the revolver and shot himself through
the temple , dying a half hour later
without regaining consciousness. It is
thought he was deranged.
A wrong desire overcome is a temptation -
tion resisted.
. ( cry n wii Infancy
Troubled my daughter. At times her
head wotild-be covered with scabs and
'running sores. We were afraid she would
become b l i n d.
We had to keep
a dark
room. .
Y 4
, .
- - .
'We began to give ,
her Hood's Sarsaparilla - "
and t MlssEdilhkeharl"
parilla soon
we saw that she was better in every re-
spect. The sores have now all healed.
I had a severe attack of the grip , was
left in bad condition with muscular
rheumatism and lumbago. Since taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I am all right and can walk around out
doors without the aid of crutches , " W.
1:1. AREIIART , Albion , Indiana.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25c.
® s ,
1 pragus
cureall Kidney Troubles ,
caused by overwork ,
worry , excesses , etc. ,
and all Blood Troubles
Rheumatism , Gout ,
Anaemia , Skin D is-
eases , etc. ) , caused by
sick Kidneys.
A few doses will re-
lieve. A few boxes
will cure.
Sold by all druggists -
gists , or by mail prepaid -
paid for Soc. a box.
Writcfor panmphlct.
' Chicago. San Francisco.
1 ind 1 p 1p. , 1
' f
, ° ml L ! ' i
+ _ a + „ 1 r t it Y . , rt
. yi
' Ii' I
r ' ,
® s a
' '
l' l 1
The Last Gacd Land to be bsd In the "Corn Belt"
at Low rrlees.
For INFORMATION rot arding land in Barry Co. ,
S. W. MJssoUIi3 , write to CAPT. Gm O. A.
l'i nDr. Pierce City , 3(0 , ; J. 0. MenroTT , Purdy , Mo. ;
r. S. Faosr , Cassvlllo , rho. , or L. A SmwAY 1. Co ,
892 Monadnock Bldg. , Chicago , In.
OtfirbT. LfiRitST
Mt1I:5T Ill me WfST.
cATALOOt Plitt .
kRGOJED + .1.Qil4ttlIf1r ? ii , , t , . H Y.
9 8
Examination and Advice as to Patentability of
Invention. Send for "Inventors' Guide. or now to Get
sratens. " PL ICE 0Tt38LL. WLSffi.tii , D. C.
; _ Cleanses and betutincs the hair.
-i ' Promoes a luxuriant growth.
- = Never Fails to Beatore Gray
Hair to ito Youthful Color.
Cures scalp dieeasea k hair falling.
r ( Oc.andl.eeat Dmgareta
_ _ : ZacharyT a Lindsey
. , Whole-RUERGOOS
Dealers send for Catalogues , Omaha , bob.
. , ' 7A.TED-Any ] ady rvlshing to make some
money quickly and needing steady employ-
e mentshoulorkformrsellingmedicated waters.
Address A. 3I. Da ! , 31. D. , ? l : Columbus ave. .
Omaha o rs
s Store Repairs for 40,0e0 dllreremet stoves
attdranes. 1209Doulasst.OmuhaNcb
W , N. U. , OMAHA , 46 , 1895.
When 'Writing to advertisers mention this
; yl paper.
Beat Long.I'rn . Good. IIse
[ a limo. Sold by drogglsts.
\ . _ - _
- - - - - - -
A TITLE FOR $2,000,000.
Lather Berger of tlto Catholic Church at
Leopold , Ind. , Makes a Proposition
to a New York Lawyer - Open
to Any Woman With the
Cash _ Not 1'artlcular
About her Looks.
Nrcw Yontc , Nov. 1.-Lawyer Albert
S. Warner of this city received yesterday -
day the subjoined letter written in
French , on the oilicial note paper of
the Roinan Catholic church of Leo-
pole , Perry county , Ind :
"Sir : Hearing thatyou have chartre
of affairs of all kinds , I would like
you to undertake to bring about a
marriage in regard to which I beg to
make the following proposition : A
young French prince , a friend of mine ,
desires to contract a marriage in
America with a young person who has
at least $2,000,000. Can you secure
such an individual for him ? If you
can you will be paid , after the marriage -
riage the sum of $10,000 as commission
which will be guaranteed. If you
carry the matter through on or before -
fore December 1 , you will receive an
extra compensation of $5,000. The
need is urgent.
"The young prince belongs to the
most illustrious family of the French
nobility. Ills title dates back Ito the
tune of the Crusades. IIe is 29 years
of age and a Catholic , a very extreme
Catholic. lie desires that the young
person should also be a Catholic , but
the religious question will not necessarily -
sarily be an obstacle to an otherwise
satisfactory marriage.
"If von will undertake the affair of
the heart please let me hear from you
at once. If , however , you cannot ,
will yon kindly give me the address
of some company which undertakes
this class of business ? Receive , I beg
of you , my respectful salutations.
J. BERGEB , Pastor. "
irr. Warner replied that he would
attend to time matter forthwith. He
now proposes to send application
blanks to all marriageable girls who
are possessed of the required number
of dollars. It is his opinion that the
prince will. not be particularabout the
age or physical attributes of eligible
South Carolina Onhcers to IIe Removed
for Not Defending Prisoners.
Cor.u3lncs , S. C.Nov.l1.-The principal -
cipal action taken by the constitutional -
tional convention to-day was the passage -
sage of an anti-lynching provision. It
provides that if any prisoner in charge
of a sheriff or other state and county
or municipal officer be seized and
taken from such olllcer through his
negligence. permission or connivance ,
null suffer bodily harm or death , such
officer shall be removed from office
and shall be ineligible to hold another
if upon trial lie be convicted.
A Book of Value to Merchants.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 11.-The statistical -
tical bureau of the State department
has just issued a work of great value
to merchants generally in the shape
of a volume on the 'highways of
Commerce. " This was compiled from
reports by United States consular officers -
ficers on the means of freight and
passenger transportation and telegraphic -
graphic communication in their respective -
spective districts.
Three Ohio River Boats Burned.
CINCINNATr , Ohio , Nov. IiThe
steamers B. S. Rhea , Sidney Dillon
and Scotia were burned at Riverside
this morning. The fire started in the
Rhea , but no one knows its origin.
The Rhea was valued at $15,000 , the
Dillon at $2,009 and the Scotia at
$18,000. The boats belonged to the
Barrettline and were insured for about
Venezuelans Bellicose. -
WASHINGTON , Nov. 11.-According to
the Caracas papers up to November 1 ,
the prevailing sentiment in Venezuela
is for immediate war preparations ,
although 'some of the conservative
journals urge moderation. The British
ultimatum had not been received , but
the publication of its substance
aroused an outburst of patriotism.
A Victim of Laudanum.
ALxA , Ok. , Nov. 11-Major P . U.
Allen , receiver of the United States
land office here , died from an overdose
of laudanum this morning. His family
lives in Iuka , Miss. He was a brother
of Congressman Allen of Mississippi
and left a brother in St. Louis and one
in Denver. His body will likely be
shipped home for interment.
Oklahoma Desperadoes Escape.
PERRY , Okla. , Nov. 11.-When the
jailer and assistant at Norman "un-
locked the jail door last night both
were kcocked down and almost killed
and six or seven desperadoes escaped ,
one taking both pistols of the guard
One of the escaped inen was held for
A Bimetallic Decorate Proposed.
LoxDox , Nov. tel.-The Berlin correspondent -
respondent of tile Times says the Bimetallic -
metallic League has adopted a resolution -
tion that before an international conference -
ference is held on the subject of bimetallism -
metallism the German government
ought to debate with America and
Strong for Morton or McKinley.
NEW Pens , Nov.11-Mayor Strong
publicly announces that he favors the
nomination of Governor Morton for
the presidency in 1S9ti. "If the governor -
ernor cannot get it , " said he , "then I
am in favor of my old friend , Major
McKinley. ' '
L ,
General Mlles' Flrat Aroaur 1 Repurt Devoted -
voted to the Need of Fortilleatfons.
WASIIIcGTON , Nov. l1.In his first
annual report to the Secretary of 1Var
General Niles in his capacity of "ma-
jor general commanding armmy , " devotes -
votes considerable space to the necessity -
essity of taking sonic steps to protect -
tect the sea coast. Ile says it has
been estimated that to fortify all of
the coasts it would cost in the neighborhood -
borhood of $125,000,000. To Put the
Pacific coast in defence would require
in the neighborhood of i modern
guns and mortars. with their proper
carriages and munitions. It has also
been estimated that their cost would
be somethh.g like $31,000,000. He has
recommended in the past that 250,000
be appropriated to perfect titles to
strategic points necessary to be occupied -
pied for the defense of the Pacific
cost ; that $1,000,004 be appropriated for
the establishment of a plant to be constructed -
structed under the direction of a board
of officers of 'he army and navy to
be ordered by the president for the
construction of effective guns , and
war materials for both army and navy
on the Western coastand that $23,000.-
000 , or such portions of it as could be
utilized in four years , be authorized
to be expended for the construction of
the most improved and effective guns
and war materials as will be required
on that coast. Ile also urge the appropriation -
propriation of a large sum for the
erection for fortifications for the protection -
tection of time Atlantic coast. Smigges-
tions are also made with reference to
the Great Lakes.
Rowe to Be Extradited.
MExIco CITY , Nov.ll.-Secretarv of :
State Mariscal has notified United :
States Minister Matt W. Ransom that
Richard C. Rowe , for whom claim Chas
been made for extradition , would be
delivered to the authorized officers
of the United States. Rowe is charged
as an accomplice to his brother Chester -
ter before and after the fact , far time
embezzlement of $33,000 from Powe-
shiek county , Iowa.
Texas Wool Growers Want Protection.
SAN ANGELO , Texas , Now. 11. The
Texas 1 T001 Growers' Association has
adopted the following resolution :
"Resolved. That we demand that
our Senators and Representatives in
Congress cast their votes in favor of
restoring wool to the dutiable list at
such rate of import duty as the farm-
er's of the United States declare to be
necessary in order to enable theta to
groww wool profitably. "
Quay and the Presidency.
WTASBINGTOY , Nov. 11. - Matthew
Stanley Quay of Pennsylvania is said
to be a full-fledged aspirant for the
Presidency. The Hon. James Kerr ,
clerk of the House of Representatives ,
who is n ell posted on Pennsylvania
politics , as a rule , declares that Quay
is out for the Republican nomination.
A Nevada , Mo. , Minister Suspended.
NEVADA , Mo.Nov.l 1.-As a result
of charges by City Marshal Alderson
and others , Presiding Elder Hunter
has suspended the Rev. W. J. Carpenter -
ter of Centenary Southern Methodist
church and called a church tribunal.
for next week. Mr. Carpenter's congregation -
gregation stands solidly by him.
Inks Will Be flanged.
OrEGox , Mo. , Nov. 11.-James B.
Inks was found guilty of murder in the
first degree by a IIolt county jury and
unless the Supreme court reverses the
case he will be banged for the murder
of James Patterson on the streets of
lfotmd City , in this county , May 15 ,
Mr. Tirurman Better.
Cot.v31Bus , Ohio , Nov. 11.-Allen W.
Thurman said to-day of ex-Senator
Thurman's illness : "Father is very
much better to-day. . His vigorous
constitution gives us all cause to feel
very hopeful. " Mr. Thurman will be
S'3 years old Wednesday.
A New Cordage Trust Formed.
NEW Yonic , Nov. 11.-Time 'Standard
Rope and Twine Company , practically
a reorganization of the National Cordage -
dage Company , has filed articles of incorporation -
corporation at Elizabeth , N. J. Its
capital is $12,000,000.
The Krueger Jury Out.
LEXINGTON , Mo. , Nov. 11.-The jury
in the 0. W. Krueger Kansas City
election fraud case has been out ever
since 5 o'clock last night , without
reaching a verdict.
Alaska's New Federal Judge.
WAshrINGTov , Nov. 11.-The President -
dent has appointed Arthur K . Delaney
of Alaska to be United States district
judge for Alaska.
The demand for naval war records
exceeds the number of volumes authorized -
thorized by Congress.
' The proclamation for the opening
of the fez Perces lands is expected to
be issued in a few days.
Lieu.tenant Young denies that the
President has ordered his book on
Hawaii to be suppressed.
Brazil has promised to pay Amen-
can exporters for charges made on
American goods in violation of time
late reciprocity treaty.
The remains of Mrs. J. B. Eustis arrived -
rived at Louisville and were interred
in Cave Hill Cemetery.
Will Streigle , a young lawyer of
Springfield , Mo. , antlhis wife were arrested -
rested on charge of robbery and arson.
The American Spirits , Western Distributors -
tributors and American Distributing
companies are said to have combined
at Peoria , Ill.
Time Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers rejected a motion to
memoralize Congress regarding the
Nicaraguan canal.
It is announced that the French gov.
ernment will reopen the affairs of the
Panama canal scandals.
It is now admitted that the Great
Northern strike will' amount to noth-
ing. The road is being operated without -
out difficulty.
Senator Brice has been asked to become -
come a party to the new trunk line
agreement. It is generally believed
that there is a good deal of truth in
the stories of his intention to establish -
lish a trunk line of his own.
What a Boy Can Do-Victory Through
Defent-The Christian way the Best
Way-Do Dogs Think-Cuban Court-
NJ'c , ,
! f Ir'1
HAT can a boy do ,
anyway ? "
You ask. "What
grand or
great ? "
Listen a moment ,
lad , I pray ,
And I three
things will
A boy can make
the world
more bright
By kindly word and deed ;
As blossoms call for nature's light ,
So hearts love's sunshine need.
A boy can make the world more pure
By lips kept ever clean ;
Silence can influence shed as sure
As speech-oft more doth mean.
A boy can make the world more true
By an exalted aim ;
Let one a given end pursue ,
Others will seek the same.
Full simple things , indeed , these three ,
Thus state(1 in my rhyme ;
Yet , what , dear lad , could greater be ?
What grander , mnore sublime ?
-Phillip B , Strong in Ram's Horn.
Victory Through Dcfeat.
There is a world of truth in the motto :
"Who conquers must suffer , " as an incident -
cident in the earlyy career of Jenny
Lind bears witness. The Australian
Weekly tells the story : In her twenty-
first year she came to Paris to take lessons -
sons from the great master , Signor Gar-
cia. She had already taken a high place
at Stockholm , having been made a
member of the Royal Swedish Academy -
emy of music in 1840 , and court singer
in the same year. When she waited on
Signer Garcia , that he might test her
voice before receiving her as a pupil ,
the trial was a complete failure. It
was indeed a crushing blow when the
master said : "It would be useless to
teach you , mademoiselle ; you have no
voice left. " She told Mendelssohn
years afterward that the anguish of
that moment exceeded all that she had
ever suffered in her whole life. Yet
with a stout heart she determined to
try again. Moved by her distress Garcia -
cia said she might come to him again
after six weeks , if , during that time ,
she gave her voice complete rest , not
singing a'single note and speaking as
little as possible. Hvvr did she spend
those weary weeks ? Knowing that if
she succeeded , she would have to sing
one day in Italian , and French , she devoted -
voted herself to the thorough study of
those languages. IIer next voice trial
was a success , and thenceforward she
rose rapidly into fame. That bitter disappointment -
appointment was perhaps one of the
most necessary parts of her training for
her subsequent career.
The Common I'coplo heard him Gladly
What a wonderful teacher was Jesus.
What power he had , to give life to life-
lesa things. He could point to a dead
branch and make it a living teacher
and preacher. He could take same conh-
morm event in a peasant's life and out of
it make a vessel which he would fill
with the precious oil of truth. He never
preached but what ire filled his sermons
with living pictures to make plain his
meaning. Deep truths were so clearly
presented that men who had never been
to school a day could understand them.
There wouldn't be any trouble about
reaching the masses , if our religious
teachers Woud : learn to teach as Jesus
: aught. Famishing sheep never go toward -
ward painted water , but show them the
living stream and theyy will open their
mouths and immediately seek it. There
is nothing the world so much needs as
the gospel , and people everywhere are
panting and dying for want of it.
Sheep will leave the best pasture in the
world to go in search of water. Just so
with people. The world is a pasture , but
without the water of life running
through it it will not satisfy. God made
the soul of man so mach bigger than
the rrord : he lives in that he must
have mere than the world before he
can get any real joy out of it. People
are panting for the gospel , but theyy
don't know just what it is they wart.
They are all after happiness , ease and
rest , but do not know that it is Christ
they need , and so by seeking in their
own way , they wander like sheep away
from God. Truth in the abstract is as
dry as dust to them. It is torture to
have to listen to some one talking
when you don't know what he is talk-
fag about. Read a few pages of Choctaw -
taw to children and they will run
thereafter every time you pick up a
book , but talk to them in word pictures
that they can understand and they will
not want you to stop. Deaf men are as
anxious to hear as anybody , but theyy
never go to church the second time to
hear men who preach in whispers. The
reason some men never have to task
to empty benches is. because they have
learned the principles of teaching from
the Great Teacher. Where other men
would have nothing but a valleyy of dryy l
bones to point out , they sunmmon the
winds of simple and clear speech to
breathe upon them , and thereby cause
an army of living men to spring up and
immediately go to forming lines of bat-
tle. Had Jesus spent his life in talking
about microbes and protoplasm , he
would never have had any multitudes
foloring : him They never had to wait
until he got to "ninthly" before theyy
could make out what he was talking
about. People will go again when the
preacher provides baskets in which his
.sermon may ho carried home from
Do Dogv Think ?
So many wonderful and intelligent
deeds have been and are constantly
being performed by dogs , that the question -
tion naturally arises , "Do dogs really
think Bice human persons , only in a
less degree ? "
Among the stories of this animal's
intelligence and affection which have 1
recently fallen into my hands one of
the most interesting is that of Hero
and Midget , which Is recorded by the
Christian Intelligencer : Mr. Lane and
his family lived in the country and
were time owners of the two dogs , Hero
and Midget. 1Iero was a fine , largo
dog , while Midget , as you might guess
from the name , was a little one. The
two dogs were very fond of each other ,
and had many gay games toge timer.
One summer the Lane family went to
make a visit to some friends who lived
in a village some seventeen miles away.
Midget they took with them , but Hero
they left behind. Near the house where
the Lane family were staying was a
hotel , where lived a very large dog
who was not always very friendly.
One day Midget went out for a walk.
As he was passing the hotel , the large
dog came out and commenced to fight
with poor little Midget. The little dog
was dreadfully beaten , and crept to the
house quite crestfallen. The next day
Midget was missing right after breakfast -
fast , and all search after him was in
vain. Later In the day who should be
seen coming along the dusty road but
Midget , and with ] line Hero. The little
dog had gone all the way home after his
friend. The two dogs went to the house
where their friends were , ate a hearty
meal , and tlmen trotted oft straight for
that hotel and found the hotel dog.
Then Hero gave that dog such a whipping -
ping that I do not think he bothered
small dogs for some time. Then he
turned about and went all the way
home again.
Ciib to Courtship.
One pities the Cuban young man
who is in love. He cannot come regularly -
ly to the house until a fair understanding -
ing of his intentions is arrived at. And
when at last lie has attained the felicity -
ity of being daily expected , he must do
all his courting in the presence of the
family , and utter his sweetnesses
across the critical ear of his future
Until they have been to church , they
are two , and never left alone. The
whole family take sly turns in watching
them. There is a regular detail made
from the older servants of the house to
keep an eye on them.
But there is human nature everywhere -
where , even in Cuba , and the two are
always getting off to a window seat era
a distant pair of chairs , though with
equal certainty somebody slides off in
that direction and mounts guard.
The smitten pair do not walk to-
gethcr in the evening. He does not accompany -
company her to the theater or to mass.
They enjoy all the bliss they can under -
der great difficulty , and with all mankind -
kind looking on. The indirect result of
all this espionage , of course , nobody in
this land of custom has ever observed.
There are a great many small intrigues
and innocent endeavors to circumvent
the detectives. There are eloquent
glances , signals , fan talk , and the sly
interchange of notes. Then the iron-
guarded window , instead of being a protection - t
tection , becomes a great convenience.
it is more than the front gate is with
us. She knows when he will pass by ,
and stands there with a fair llantl clasping -
ing the bars of her cage , and waits for
Itim. . They stand there , withh the iron
bar between them , and talk. Every day
it is so , and if mamma : wants to stop ,
it she must come and stand in a window
also.There are other respects in which the
young man has a hard time. lie must
conic every day. He must , and she
holds him to the strict letter of the
law. He is bound to show , by every
means is imfs power , he holds all other
women in contempt and detestation.
Ee must not dance with any other , and
had better not be caught holding on to
any other window bars , in any other
street. He tells all his friends about it ,
and she all hers and the matter is dill-
gently discussed. If he should fail to
come around regularly every day he
has to tell a satisfactory story. He
takes his revenge after marriage.
Caio's 'f'arm Liacuit.
A writer in Science says that dar-
l , g her mother's long and severe illness
their dog Carlo took great interest in
all that pertained to her , watching the
i doctor very closely , and sitting by the
hail hour with his chin on the bed by
her side. We bought our bread , and ,
knowing Carlo's fondness for warm biscuits -
cuits , the baker often gave him one ,
which he quickly dispatched. Once ,
( luring a severe attack of mother's
when we were doing our utmost to
tempt her appetite , Carlo came in early
one morning , bringing his warm biscuit -
cuit untouched , and laid it on the floor
by mother's side. She was too sick to
notice this act of his ; but not to be
disappointed in his own plan , he came
forward anti lifted the biscuit to her
pillow , and retired again to his corner
to wait some look of thanks from her.
It came , and such a happy dog ! He
had brought his choicest offering
warm biscuIt-and it had been recog-
nized. Was there not a loving plan
and careful observation in this act ?
IIis Body Rcpt Abet By a Wooden Leg
From the Chicago Daily Tribune :
With the aid of a wooden leg the body
of an unidentified man was found in
the lake yesterday. William Murray ,
an Illinois Central switchman , saw the
body floating near Thirty-sixth street.
The man had a wooden leg , which kept
the body a -L .
It is costing Spoil. c 3,004,000 a mottth
to fight Cuba , 1 i
Last year It cost Great Britain $24000 ;
to combat time locust plague of Cyprus. }
In Trlgg county , Ky. , J. J. Thomna f
grew an apple that weighed a pound
and ten ounces. " 1
Four generations of a-family are being
ing taken cure of at the poor farm i
at Biddeford , Me. :1 :
In 1S69 there were to London only
600 ml1 .cs et underground wires , wilt ( , , -
as there are now 13,000 miles.
Prepaiu gas mete. are grov'ing Ia
favor In New Yo. You drop rr quarter -
ter in a slot and get 2t0 feet of gas , ,
Bloomers are the rage Iii Paris. The
women are overdoing it , and the nu- ;
thoritles are puzzled how to stop the 4
nuisance. i
A team attached to a patrol wagon
In Pittsburg ran away the other day I
and stopped only when they had board-
cd a trolley car.
A man who had been an Inmate of
the Allegan county , Mich „ poorhouse
for forty'-seven years died there last
week at the age of 73 years.
' In Paris at the foot of all steep Inclines -
clines are found members of' the Wheel-
pushers' guild , who , for a small consideration -
sideration , push the rider's machine to
the summit.
Illinois has a poulation of 4.000d00 ,
Indiana of ,000,000. Iilinols has 14,234
miles of railroad , Indiana has 8,360.
Illinois assessed her railroads at $157 , x
743,026. '
. , u .tdventuro Kith Llhtning. ' ,
Captain Frank Wallace of Small
Point , lie. , had a thrilling experience
recently during a thunder shower. lie
was out in a dory after ducks when the
storm carte up and suddenly there
came a ilaslr of lightning that seemed
to surround his boat with its flame ,
and then sonmetlifng like a ball of fire
danced along the crest of the wave in ,
his direction. ' ! ' ] mere was a dreadful
roll of thunder that seemed to break
over his head and then he knew no
more for some time. 11'hcm he revived
he was at first unable to move , but at
last tipped over , his hands going into
the water. lie then discovered that
his oars were none : rd his rifle ] av in
the bottom of the boat completely shat-
tered. lie also found that he was bleeding - ,
ing freely , but , recovering somewhat ,
he paddled ashore with a piece of
board , reaching there after several
hours of bard work. 'i'hcn it took the
doctor a long while to stop the raising
of blood , but Captain Wallace has now
recovered seas to he around as usual.
aarmtll1 ) l ' a
The Great Strain on a Man's Ncrve7
Sutlicient In Ityeif to Wreck Iihn hs
a Short Time. Thu Experience
of a Well-Kiowa Moturnran.
From the Cincinnati , Ohio , Enquirer.
The life of a motorman is not a bed of
roses. lie is subjected to many hardships
especiallyy itt the winterwheuhe is exposed
to the cold amid snow. Even in time summer
he must bear the intense heat which beat i
down upon hin. Considerable nerve and
self-possession is necessary in a good motorman -
man , for the 1 ives and limbs of his pa seml-
gers are at stake. One of the best known
electric motormen in this city \rrilliam
Frazer , who is at preses t rmimimrin r a car emi
the Cammfnsville electric line. lie is not j
only veil known to his fellow employes butte
to the people who travel on his ear. Mr.
Frazer is a young man about twenty-six
years Of age and resides with his wife and ,
child at 14-1 Bcttstrcct , Cincinnati , 0.
lbout a year ago Mr. Frazer was taken 1
with serious stomach troubles. lie bought
several kinds of medicine which were rec-
ommende'l to him , but mlone of themseemed
to give hinl even temporary benefit. An
enthusmastic admirer of that famuoasremedy
known as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo
People told him to tryy them. 1" rnzer was
almost discouraged , but took the advice.
To : m reporter for the t3"qufrer he said :
'I can most heartily recommend Dr. 1Vil-
liams' Pink Pills. Trey are all that is
claimed for them , in fact they advertise
themselves better than any medicine I ever
saw. I was seized sonic timnengowith abed
attack of indigestion. My stomach hurt me
nearly all the time and I could not digest
my food. The pain was almost unbearable
and I found nothing that would give me
relief. I confess that when I bought the
first box of Pink Pills I hadn't much confidence -
dence in their efficacy because Ihad tried so
many things without success that I was ai-
most discouraged Before I had taken one
boc I was decidedly better. Two boxes
cured me entirely. While I have been tinder
the weather from other causes my indigestion -
tion has never returned. If it ever should
1 knov just what to do. I have so much
confidence in the efkaey of Pink Pills that
if I ever get real sick again with any disorder -
der I shall use some of them. It is a pleas-
the for me. I assure you , to testifyy to the
excellent qualities of these Pink Pills. They
not only tone the stomach but regulate the
bowels and act ast as a mild cathartic. "
Mr. Frazer s testimonial means some- I
thing. He speaks from personal expert-
once and any one who doubts that he received -
ceived the benefits stated can easily verify
the assertion by calling on Mr. Frazer or
seeing him some timewhiie heisonhis car.
Dr. cVilliams Pink Pills contain all the
elements necesea-y to give new life and
richness to the blood and restore shattered
nerves They are sold in boxes at 50
cents a box , or six boxes for 52.50. and may
be had of all druggists or directly by mail
from Dr. Williams Medicine Company ,
Schenectady , ; ' , Y
All the Lets on a yacht race are not paced
on the take 1 oat.
There is no better magazines for
wives and mothers than Good house-
keeping. Springfield , Mass. It has
made a big success in all of its departments -
ments , but its 50.000 readers are delighted -
lighted with the serves of anagrams
which it has been publishing. In its
September issue there was one on 20'9
popular advertisers and advertise-
meats , with a series of valuable prizes.
The publishers will send a sample copy
: ontainingparticulars for 20 cents.
The North American Review for November -
vember opens with a unique article by
Austin Corbin , entitled "Quick Transit
Between New York and London. " It
discusses the popular demand for the
shortest possible sea passage between
New York and London , and strives to
show how a line of steamers plying between -
tween Fort Pond Bay on Long Island ,
N. Y. , and Milford -Haven in Wales ,
would achieve the desired result
Well regulated love is six of one and half
a dozen of the other.
A fool and his money aresoonrarted , for
the generalgood of mankind.