The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 15, 1895, Image 1

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Just a little adlet Is your business rnthcr sloir 1 <
Placed with careful hand , fltook1 And Y o u r sales a nfltlow2 i t
bfakesami h ht Y difference I1o you cart to swell their size. ? t ,
. In this pleasant land. , Read T1tE TRIBUNE and advertise. .i
cada 8ca lcaEct3F Ca _ , , ! " "y t
Grand Festival.
On Tuesday evening , November I9th ,
and continuing the following two evenings -
( ings , Nov. 20th and 21st , a Grand Pestt
; vat will be held at the A. 0 , U. W. Tern-
: a pie under the auspices of the Ladies of
St. Patrick's Church Parish. Supper
will be served each evening from 6 to 12.
Music each evening by the Pythian Or-
chestra. -
Dancing from 8:3o : to 12. A Prize
F ' . Table , and various other attractions
r each night.
The public is extended a cordial invitation -
tion to participate in the festivities each
evening , and enjoy a pleasant time.
. Tell the Truth.
There has been too much said about
the immense crops in Nebraska as a
whole , when there is not a word of truth
in it. It is misleading and detrimental
: to the general'i-rood of our people. It is
true there are some sections that have
extra good'crops , but it must be -
bered that a large section of the state
that usually raises the largest crops has
r - very little. Thus it can be easily seen
- the average is cut down. The two hot
weeks in September made not less than
15 or 20 per cent less on the average of
the corn crop. Prom the reports of the
. daily papers it would be supposed that
the railroad could not get cars enough to
haul the grain.-Nebraska Farmer.
An Unfortunate Woman.
' ' Keller Heist of Sheridan , Wyo. , writes
y >
t Chief Sigwart to be on the lookout for
his daughter , Mrs. Nettie Peterson of
Missouri Valley , to have come
' j to this city with suicidal intent. Accord-
Y ing to Heist , Mrs. Peterson has come
Here with a fifteen-months-old baby ,
i , : sayingshe would kill herself and baby
upon arrival here. She has made three
attempts to kill herself , ote at Aurora ,
once at Grand Island , and lastly at Mc-
Cook. The woman is about twenty-
: . three ears old five feet five inches in
t. height and of dark complexion , Mrs ,
Eliza Heist ; mother of the demented
woman , lives somewhere in Omaha-
r. Omaha cor. Lincoln Journal.
' - He s an American.
, u i ' _ y . , "FAIRBURY , Ill , , Nov. It , 1S9J.
F , 11 , KIDiMELL , McCook , Neb.
° _ , Dear Sir-I : think my subscription to
THE TRIBUNE expires Jan. I , ' 96 ; but it
seems that you have changed your views
since I first subscribed for your paper ,
and have espoused the cause of "The
Old Man on the Tiber" .
I am an American and have no use for
that kind of literature ; so you need not
send the paper any longer.
Yours truly ,
C. H. .
Death of Mrs. Thomas Lonergan.
. Tuesday afternoon , Sylvester Cordeal
received a telegram from Chicago , announcing -
nouncing the death at noon of that day
of Mrs. Thomas Lonergan. The deceased -
ceased will be remembered as the charming -
ing and refined old lady who at different
i times visited in our city , guest of her
daughter , Mrs. F. H. Spearman , now of
Omaha , who with her husband were at
r Chicago at the end. Many McCook'
friends will deeply sympathize with
them in this great sorrow.
Be More Careful-
, ' r ' An officer in the fire department re-
quests the publisher to urge upon the
people more care in the matter of turning -
ing in fire alarms. An alarm , especially
at night , means the disturbing of some
35 men , and if false , has the tendency
to impair the efficiency of the service by
disgusting the members of the department -
. : ment , who are every now and then unnecessarily -
necessarily called out.
The D. of H. Ball.
A nice company participated in the
dance held , Monday evening , in the
Temple hall , by the ladies of the Degree -
gree of Honor , A. 0. U.V. . , and every
- one present enjoyed the occasion.
The Pythian orchestra provided the
Though not numerously attended , it
. .
.r was a"successful and pleasing affair.
Teachers' Examination.
' County Teachers' Association
' meeting will be held in Bartley , Saturday -
day , Nov. i6th,189J , the regular examination -
- ' ination day , I will hold a teachers' examination -
amination , Saturday , Nov. 23d , at my
office in Indianola. . H , BAYSTON
County Supt.
MARRIED-On Friday , November Sth ,
1895 , at the residence of J. E. Tirrilljus-
' tice of the peace , Samuel J. Hughes and
' . . . Jennie Calkins , both of Valley Grange
. precinct , the justice officiating. Here's
long life and prosperity and happiness
for the young people.
- D. Guernsey is here from Salt Lake
' City on business.
. .
Last evening , Engineer Frank W ,
Hawksworth and Miss Grace A. Johnson
were united in marriage by Rev. R. L.
The affair was a very private one ,
only witnessed by the relatives of the
contracting parties. The groom's parents -
ents , Mr. and Mrs. D. Hawksworth of
Plattsmouth , were present. Both groom
and bride are well known and highly
regarded in this community , which joins
THE TRIBUNE in warmest congratula
tions , and well wishes. The newly married -
ried couple left for Plattsmouth on No.
2 , this morning , for a brief honeymoon ,
The District Judgeship.
The District Judgesbip is still in doubt
and a contest may yet result. The official -
cial vote gives Welty three plurality , but
the change made by an alleged unknown
person on the abstract hook in clerk's
office in Beaver City , gives Norris three
plurality. But the end'is not yet.
A telegram received here , last night ,
we are informed , claims the election of
Norris by one plurality.
Off the Slater
John Kelley had a boomlet ,
For the auditorship of state ;
But IastTuesday sealed his doomlet ,
And now he's off the slate.
Verlie Berry is still seriously ill with
an attack of typhoid fever.
They have a large order of sleds and
skates coming at the Postoflice Lobby.
The Junior Epworth League held a
successful social in the Methodist church
on last evening.
People that want the news subscribe
for THE TRIBUNE. And they do get it
-and in good form , too.
The replevin suit before Squire Berry ,
Wednesday morning , involving some
horses , was won by C. M. Noble.
Rev. R. L. Knox moved up from Arapahoe -
ahoe , Wednesday of this week , occupying -
ing the M V. Starbuck residence.
The Pythian band expect to matte a
large success of their masquerade ball ,
about December 12th. Wait for it.
First of the week , Mrs. Bager moved
her millinery store into the A. 0. U. W.
building , occupying the room formerly
used by C. M. Noble.
County teachers should observe the
change of the date of County Superintendent -
intendent Bayston's regular examination
day from the 16th to the 23d.
This week , W. G. Wilson retired from
R. A. Cole's employ , and embarked in
business for himself , sharing an office
on Main street with C. J. Ryan.
The remains of the late C. C. 11I ,
Rowell were disinterred on Thursday
and were shipped to Mt. Ayr , Iowa , on
the evening passenger , for re-interment.
Our local contemporaries were shorten
on county election news. .But they
made up on general news , which had a
more pleasing sound than the local
This week , Mr. Edgerton retired from
the management of the Union hotel and
Mrs. Adams , who has been running a restaurant -
taurant in the old Saylor building , assumed -
sumed charge of the house.
C. L. DeGroff & Co , report their special -
cial sale on Monday as being the best
day the Cash Bargain Store has enjoyed
since they have been the proprietors of
that popular place of merchaudizing.
There are a number of individuals in
this vicinity , who are yelling "America
for Americans" most lustily , whom it
would bother mightily to produce their
naturalization papers. And thus the
country is continuously saved.
The regular annual meeting for the
election of officers of the McCook Club
for the ensuing year will be held at the
club rooms , Saturday , November 16th ,
1895 , at 8 o'clock p. m.
C. F. BABCOCK , Secretary.
A false fire alarm was by mistake turned -
ed in from the depot at about io o'clock ,
Friday night. We understand that the
errort occurred while an operator was engaged -
gaged in switching on the key board in
the telegraph office , the fire alarm wire
being switched in by mistake.
Sometime before election- fact just
after the county convention- alluded -
luded to a quantity of oleo and a fine
mess of parsnips. We withdraw the al-
lusion-or illusion , if you please. There
is no oleo and the parsnips are ditto.
There are absolutely no goods to deliver-
The trough is empty
His friends are having not a little
amusemeut at the expense of Electrician
Ray Hall , who went gunning for geese ,
Sunday. Like Al..Bump and Chief
Knights , he did not know that they
were decoys , until he had plunked them
so full of lead that they could not fly if
they halt been real birds.
Wants to know.
OaAHA , Neb. Nov. 9 , 1895
I would like to use your columns to
ask a few pertinent questions , and make
a few remarks : First , how does it happen -
pen that yourself and C. T Brewer conic
to have so many votes ? Only last week
the Times-Democrat said that you two
were the only dissatisfied Republicans
in McCook ; but by THE TRIBUNE ( for
which I had to wait to get the returns ,
as it was not seen fit to make any report
to the Omaha papers , as is customary ) I
see that the would-be Republican party
was defeated It must be that you and
Brewer stuffed the ballot box. Second ,
early to the campaign I was informed
by Mr. Kelley that I would be a detriment -
ment to the best good of the would-be
Republican party ; that I could not make
a satisfactory run , consequently I was
left by the roadside. I would now like
to ask Mr. Kelley if he can run for
office successfully. Having the management -
ment of the would-be Republican party ,
and having the entire ticket defeated.
Accept my congratulations , Mr. Kelley ,
on your success. Next time don't tell
people that they cannot have any office
on account of theni supporting a petson
wliont you are afraid to have run. I
think that the Republican party as a
party is still better than any one-man
party , and I think that the would-be
party has been taught a lessen that
they will remember ; and remember that
in the future that because the party is
in the majority that they can not force
any one man , or men , onto the party
that you may see fit to place in nom-
ination. Now , Mr , Kelley , where is
your solid " 36" ? Respectfully yours , a
Republican from principle ,
Mud ( ? ) Slinging.
Our old time friend and subscriber
John Shepherd discontinued his paper ,
this week , on the alleged grounds that
he was opposed to mud slinging. ( We
might add right here that our old friend's
idea of mud slinging is , opposing such
A , P , A deals as defeated the Republican -
can county ticket , last week. ) Of such
mud slinging we plead guilty. We take
pride in opposing what we esteem erroneous -
roneous , as well as satisfaction in promoting -
meting what we hold true and honorable
and right.
As to mud slinging in its true and detestable -
testable sense , we emphatically and indignantly -
dignantly deny the imputation , and we
are fully prepared to substantiate any
statement made ( luring the campaign
just closed.
We have no objection to any one stopping -
ping THE TRIBUNE , if the course of
the publisher is unsatisfactory. But we
prefer to have such persons state the
true and genuine reasons for so doing ,
or none.
Inexcusable Delay.
The delay in ascertaining definite news
from the district judgeship seems to he
chargeable to the county clerk of Hitchcock -
cock county , who refused to canvass the
returns until late on Saturday evening ,
All the other .counties were in quite
promptly. .
The public is entitled to know election
news as promptly as the same is ascertainable -
tainable , and the county clerk who will
in any way retard or obstruct the earliest
securing of such official information is
not performing his duty to his constitu-
ency. And the public should hold all
such officers to a strict accountability.
It should be a pleasure to those in
authority to do all in their power to enable -
able the press to give the public the authentic -
thentic result of elections at the earliest
possible moment.
Quit Your Meanness , Boys.
The McCook Electric Light Co. have
been so annoyed and put to so much expense -
pense by the malicious destruction of incandescent -
candescent lamps on their city circuit ,
by gangs of young boys , that they have
been compelled to post notices all over
the city offering a reward for information
Leading to the conviction of any one
guilty of destroying their street lamps.
President Carruth informs us that as
many as fourteen incandescent street 7
lamps have been destroyed in one week ,
by gangs of boys , who use poles , nigger
shooters , etc. in their destruction.
THE TRIBUNE would advise those engaged -
gaged in such work to quit their meanness -
ness at once , and for good. A fine and
possible imprisonment may thus be
averted , as the company is determined
t0 put a stop to such malicious work. t
Special Notice.
E. & W. Collars and Cuffs will not be
subject to a Discount or sold at less than
Regular Prices during our Special Sale
nest week.
Dart has sold his Beaver City Times to
Kelley and "For Revenue Only" will be
merged into the Times.
> . ;
r zr1 r ,
s t d' ' lx c tic
A. J. RITTENHOUSE had business in
Stockvilfe , first of the week.
SUPT. BAYSTON was up front Indian-
ola , yesterday , on school business.
FRANK ODELL , a Lincoln lawyer , was
a city visitor , Thursday of this week.
Mess BELLE Bor.ToN of Akron was
the guest of Miss Doan , first of the
week. -
MRS. E. C. DOLLINGER of Wheaton ,
Illinois , is visiting in the city , the guest
of Mrs. H A. Easterday.
G. W. NORRIS of Beaver City and
Perry L. Hole of Arapahoe sojourned in
the nietropolis , Friday night.
GEORGE FIOCKNELL and family expect -
pect to leave for California. Saturday of
next week , to spend the winter.
MRS. E. E. LowMAN arrived home ,
Wednesday night , frouta two weeks visit -
it to her parents at Brownville , Nebras-
ED. BOHANAN of Lincoln , who was a
McCook business man early in the 'Sos ,
a partner of H , T Church , was here ,
E. E. WELLER came up from Syracuse -
cuse , Nebraska , Monday night , and spent
a few days here , the guest of his business -
ness partner , C. L. DeGroff.
REV , H S. MACAVEAr , of Omaha ,
'formerly of Cambridge , was in the city
over night , Tuesday , going down to
Cambridge on the freight of the following -
ing morning.
HENRY MEYERS , who on the 6th was
united in marriage with an Iowa lady ,
arrived home , first of the week , with his
bride , and is receiving the congratulations -
tions of his friends.
REV. D. L. MCBRIDE of Frontier
county will on next Thursday leave for
his old home in Illinois , Taylorville ,
where he expects to serve for a couple
months as "supply" .
JUDGE WELTY of Cambridge and Stenographer -
ographer Stevens of Arapahoe were city
visitors on Saturday evening , coming up
to get the latest returns on the district
judgeship election.
night , for Mt. Ayr , Iowa , near which
place she will make her home iu the
future. She and Miss Grace carry with
them the kindliest feelings of many
McCook friends , who will join THE
TRIBUNE in wishing them" all things
desirable in their old home.
C. M. NOBLE and family took their
departure , last night , for Bethany , Mo. ,
where they expect to make their future
home. The Nobles are old settlers of
our city , and their departure is most
keenly regretted by a host of friends , all
of whom join us in wishing them the
fat of the earth , wherever their lot may
be cast in future.
J. A. Badcon will preach at Box Elder ,
Sabbath evening and Monday morning ,
and on Tuesday , at Indianola , will preach
and hold quarterly conference for Rev.
C. A. Hale , P. E. , who is in Denver , Col.
METHODIST-Morning services at II.
Sunday school at 10. Class meeting at
12. Junior League at 3 ; Mrs. Mitchell ,
Supt. Epworth League at 7 ; subject-
Foundingof Church atAntioch" . Agnes -
nes Wentz , lead er. Song service at S.
Rev. E. C. Condtt of Denver , superintendent -
tendent of the American Bible society ,
occupied the Congregational pulpit , Sunday -
day morning , preaching a very instruc-
tiveBible sermon. A special collection
was lifted for the society he represents.
CoNGREGATIoNAL-Morning topic ,
'The Tower" .
Strong Evening topic ,
:4 Life Center" . Endeavor society at
o'clock ; Miss Grace Torbert , leader.
Sunday school at 1o o'clock. You will
be welcome to all services.
The Endeavor reception , Tuesday evening -
ening , at the residence of President T.
B. Campbell , in honor of Miss Norma
Noble , was a very happy affair and was
argely attended by the membership of
be society , who generally regret that
bliss Norma leaves out city , this week ,
o make her home in Missouri.
BAPTIST-Services in McConnell hall.
Preaching at II a. m. and S p. m. Bible
school at 10 a , m. Young Peoples' meet-
rig 7 p. m. ; leader , Miss Martha Batter-
hall ; subject , "Obedience" . A very
cordial invitation is extended to all to
attend any of these services.
G. P FUSON , Pastor.
. .
The Modern Weekly Newspaper.
There are still some people who do not
recognize the difference between county
newspapers now and twenty years ago.
A paper in the earlier days represented
an investment of $200 to $ .100 , and was
indifferently managed , usually as a tail
to some one's political kite. Receipts
were uncertain , and often the withdrawal
of the business of one patron brought
consternation to the establishment or
necessited reducing the sheet or its sus-
pension. The established papers of the
present represent investments , few less
than $4,000 , many $ Ioooo to $15,000 , and
sonic even more. The paper is in a
sense a public institution , like a bank ,
anyone may enjoy its advantages by becoming -
coming its patron. It bestows confidence -
dence and favors as a bank reposes trust
in those who by their conduct and reputation -
tation seem to deserve it. A paper is
naturally biased more than any other
enterprise in favor of the place of its
publication. Other concerns may move
away , the paper is part of the city. For
this reason it works harder and more
zealously than any other factor to at.
tract trade and to insure prosperity.
The power of a progressive and liberal
paper in this direction cannot be esti-
mated. No calling today is more deserving -
ing of encouragement. The work , which
is exacting if properly done , has its com-
pensations. Aside from the pleasure of
helping one's home , townsmen and
neighbors , the material returns will been
on the whole as large as those of any
other business representing the same in-
A Bible Depository.
Union services of the Protestant
churches of the city were held in the
111. E. church , Sunday evening , Rev.
E. C. Condit of Denver , superintendent
of the American Bible society , filling the
pulpit. His sermon was a continuation
of his excellent Bible sermon iii the Congregational -
gregational church on the same morning.
A collection for the society was raised.
At the conclusion of the evening services -
vices , an auxiliary of the American Bible
society was formed , to be known as the
McCook Depository of the American
Bible society , with T. B. Campbell as
president ; J. A. Wilcox , vice president ;
E. H. Rohlf , secretary ; Albert McMillen ,
treasurer. The drug store of the treasurer -
urer was made the Depository.
It is proposed to place a copy of the
Bible in every home in the city and
vicinity , either by sale or gift , in due
The union services packed the edifice.
In addition to the speaker Rev. J. A.
Badcon , Rev. J. P Fuson , and Rev.
H , L. Preston occupied the pulpit.
Drowned in Meeker Ditch.
The seven-year-old daughter of John
Wacker , a Russian tenant on C. H.
Meeker's farm south of the city , was
drowned in the Meeker irrigating ditch ,
early Wednesday evening.
It is thought that the little girl had
started to cross the ditch on a plank , to
go to her mother , who was at work in a
neighboring corn field , and that site
missed her footing , fell into the ditch
and was drowned.
Searching parties looked for the missing -
ing girl all night , but without success.
Early this morning the water was shut
off , and the remains were soon recovered.
This is the second sad fatality since
the construction of the Meeker ditch ,
the other being the drowning of the
young man in one of the small lakes up
near the head of the ditch.
The bereaved parents have much genuine -
uine sympathy.
Are Appreciative and Thankful.
The Lady Maccabees are very thankful -
ful to all persons connected with the
play presented in the opera house , last
week , with such gratifying success , under -
der the auspices of the lodge , and in accordance -
cordance with the action taken by the
lodge , they desire to express their appreciation -
ciation and gratitude to Mr. J , F. Forbes
and the members of the company that
so nobly assisted him in the product.on
of the comedy , and to the ladies of the
committee having the arrangements and
business in charge.
A Special and Genuine Sale.
In this issue The Famous Clothing Co.
announce a great special and genuine t
sale , embracing any and all goods in
their large establishment. The sale will
commence on next Monday and will
continue for ten days only. They quote i
somevery attractive figures , which will
doubtless draw them a large trade. You
will not this season have an opportunity
to purchase such first-class , genuine
bargains. Call and see what they have
to offer you.
A successful protracted meeting is in
progress at the Fitch school house.
The court house at Elwood , Gasper
county , with some records , was burned
Thursday ,
- - - - - - -
ocT - }
1 eWs. E
E. P. Bolton wns down ( rout Akron ,
A new time card will go into effect , t
Sunday. !
Saut Dulaney started , Tuesday , overland -
land for Jennings , Kansas , on a visit.
Arthur Douglass is in the company's
employ now in charge of the oil house.
The shop men are now working from
8 to 5 The change being just recently
Mesdames T , 11I , Mundy and J. W.
Line went up Denver , last night , on a
short visit.
Brakeman . S. Tomlinson has moved f
into the Lentiug residence on north Marshall -
shall street.
Auditor E. 0 , Brandt was out from
Omaha , over Sunday , on business of
his department.
Frank Harris arrived home , Monday
night , from attending a meeting of the
Advisory Board of the Burlington Voluntary -
untary Relief Association at Chicago.
The branch train going to St. Francis
lost a part of itself , \Vednesday. The
passenger coach and the caboose broke
loose from the main train about a mile
west of town , the train going nearly to
Stamford before the loss was noted.-
Orleans Progress.
The Burlington made a plicnominaI
runSundaybetween Galesburg and Men-
tlotawithapassenger train. The distance
is 8o niileswhich was covered in So minutes -
utes , including five stops and two slow-
ups , which caused a loss of 20 minutes.
This makes the actual running time 6o
minutes or at the rate of So miles an
hour. This same train made the distance -
tance last week in 95 minuter.
Ed. Kane of Fox Lake , Wis. , spent
part of the week here on his way home
from Denver , whither he went to seek
the help of the healer. He feels quite
encouraged over his prospects for regaining -
gaining his eyesight. And its that event
he wants to make his home here , as
there seems to be no place like McCook
for him. His ninny friends here hope
that his brightest expectations tray be
may be realized ,
Machinist W. C. Lambert of Sheridan ;
had the misfortune to let a branch pipe ,
fall on his foot , last Sunday , and is now
nursing several bruised toes. . . , Mr. Jas. ;
Doyle of McCook arrived in Alliance ,
yesterday morning , Mr. Doyle is looking - l
ing for work , and we hope lie will succeed -
ceed in getting a position as he is a brood
man and an old acquaintance of the
writer. Master Mechanic Jas.
Ritchie of Sheridan was taken sick with
typhoid fever , Monday , and he will not
be able to attend to his official duties for
several weeks. Mr. W. C. Lambert is
looking after the shops and Mr. Krae-
nier ai11 have general charge at Sheri-
Ian until Mr. Ritchie recovers.-Afli-
attce Grip.
School supplies at McMillen's.
McMillen has a full line of Lamps.
Lamp Shade Frames at McConneil's.
Consult Holmes Bros. , the carpenters.
Lamp Shade Frames at McConnell's.
McMiIIen has a very fine assortment of
Writing Tablets. 6I
Dennison's Crepe Tissue 25C. a roll.
American Crepe Tissue loc. a roll , at
The McCook Commission Co. guarantees -
tees you the best quality of flour acid the
Lowest price.
International Stock Food makes poor
stock fat. 3 feeds i cent. Sold by
Everything , in the flour , feel and
grain line for sale by the McCook Commission -
mission Co. The verylowestprices , too.
The McCook Commission Co. wiil
make you a specially low price if you
vant 500 pounds of flour , or more , and
of any brand in stock. We will posi-
ively not be undersold.
Dwelling for Rent.
A well located , new five-room dwell-
rig to rent , reasonable. Call on
P. \VELLS. .
To Exchange.
Denver lots , clear , for Red Willow
county farm. Address 1 D , care
For Sale.
Nearly new hard coal stove.
2ts. I. T. BENJAMIN.
Quarterly meeting at the Methodist '
church , Tuesday evening.